Rectifier Half Wave

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Chapter 2

Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier

2.1 Introduction
The only way to turn on the diode is when its anode voltage becomes
higher than cathode voltage as explained in the previous chapter. So,
there is no control on the conduction time of the diode which is the main
disadvantage of the diode circuits. Despite of this disadvantage, the diode
circuits still in use due to it’s the simplicity, low price, ruggedness,
Because of their ability to conduct current in one direction, diodes are
used in rectifier circuits. The definition of rectification process is “ the
process of converting the alternating voltages and currents to direct
currents and the device is known as rectifier” It is extensively used in
charging batteries; supply DC motors, electrochemical processes and
power supply sections of industrial components.
The most famous diode rectifiers have been analyzed in the following
sections. Circuits and waveforms drawn with the help of PSIM simulation
program [1].
There are two different types of uncontrolled rectifiers or diode
rectifiers, half wave and full wave rectifiers. Full-wave rectifiers has
better performance than half wave rectifiers. But the main advantage of
half wave rectifier is its need to less number of diodes than full wave
rectifiers. The main disadvantages of half wave rectifier are:
1- High ripple factor,
2- Low rectification efficiency,
3- Low transformer utilization factor, and,
4- DC saturation of transformer secondary winding.

2.2 Performance Parameters

In most rectifier applications, the power input is sine-wave voltage
provided by the electric utility that is converted to a DC voltage and AC
components. The AC components are undesirable and must be kept away
from the load. Filter circuits or any other harmonic reduction technique
should be installed between the electric utility and the rectifier and
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 23
between the rectifier output and the load that filters out the undesired
component and allows useful components to go through. So, careful
analysis has to be done before building the rectifier. The analysis requires
define the following terms:
The average value of the output voltage, Vdc ,
The average value of the output current, I dc ,
The rms value of the output voltage, Vrms ,
The rms value of the output current, I rms
The output DC power, Pdc = Vdc * I dc (2.1)
The output AC power, Pac = Vrms * I rms (2.2)
The effeciency or rectification ratio is defiend as η = dc (2.3)
The output voltage can be considered as being composed of two
components (1) the DC component and (2) the AC component or ripple.
The effective (rms) value of the AC component of output voltage is
defined as:-
Vac = Vrms2
− Vdc
The form factor, which is the measure of the shape of output voltage, is
defiend as shown in equation (2.5). Form factor should be greater than or
equal to one. The shape of output voltage waveform is neare to be DC as
the form factor tends to unity.
FF = rms (2.5)
The ripple factor which is a measure of the ripple content, is defiend as
shown in (2.6). Ripple factor should be greater than or equal to zero. The
shape of output voltage waveform is neare to be DC as the ripple factor
tends to zero.
Vrms − Vdc
2 2
RF = = = 2
− 1 = FF 2 − 1 (2.6)
Vdc Vdc Vdc
The Transformer Utilization Factor (TUF) is defiend as:-
TUF = dc (2.7)
24 Chapter Two
Where VS and I S are the rms voltage and rms current of the
transformer secondery respectively.
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measures the shape of supply
current or voltage. THD should be grearter than or equal to zero. The
shape of supply current or voltage waveform is near to be sinewave as
THD tends to be zero. THD of input current and voltage are defiend as
shown in (2.8.a) and (2.8.b) respectively.
I S2 − I S21 I S2
THDi = = −1 (2.8.a)
I S21 I S21
VS2 − VS21 VS2
THDv = = −1 (2.8.b)
VS21 VS21
where I S1 and VS1 are the fundamental component of the input current
and voltage, I S and VS respectively.
Creast Factor CF, which is a measure of the peak input current IS(peak)
as compared to its rms value IS, is defiend as:-
I S ( peak )
CF = (2.9)
In general, power factor in non-sinusoidal circuits can be obtained as
Real Power P
PF = = = cos φ (2.10)
Apparent Voltamperes VS I S
Where, φ is the angle between the current and voltage. Definition is
true irrespective for any sinusoidal waveform. But, in case of sinusoidal
voltage (at supply) but non-sinusoidal current, the power factor can be
calculated as the following:
Average power is obtained by combining in-phase voltage and current
components of the same frequency.
P V I1 cos φ1 I S1
PF = = = cos φ = Distortion Factor * Displaceme nt Faactor (2.11)
Where φ1 is the angle between the fundamental component of current
and supply voltage.
Distortion Factor = 1 for sinusoidal operation and displacement factor is a
measure of displacement between v(ωt ) and i (ωt ) .
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 25
2.3 Single-Phase Half-Wave Diode Rectifier
Most of the power electronic applications operate at a relative high
voltage and in such cases; the voltage drop across the power diode tends
to be small with respect to this high voltage. It is quite often justifiable to
use the ideal diode model. An ideal diode has zero conduction drops
when it is forward-biased ("ON") and has zero current when it is reverse-
biased ("OFF"). The explanation and the analysis presented below are
based on the ideal diode model.
2.3.1 Single-Phase Half Wave Diode Rectifier With Resistive Load
Fig.2.1 shows a single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with pure
resistive load. Assuming sinusoidal voltage source, VS the diode beings
to conduct when its anode voltage is greater than its cathode voltage as a
result, the load current flows. So, the diode will be in “ON” state in
positive voltage half cycle and in “OFF” state in negative voltage half
cycle. Fig.2.2 shows various current and voltage waveforms of half wave
diode rectifier with resistive load. These waveforms show that both the
load voltage and current have high ripples. For this reason, single-phase
half-wave diode rectifier has little practical significance.

The average or DC output voltage can be obtained by considering the

waveforms shown in Fig.2.2 as following:
1 V
Vdc =
2π∫Vm sin ωt dωt = m
Where, Vm is the maximum value of supply voltage.
Because the load is resistor, the average or DC component of load
current is:
I dc = dc = m (2.13)
R π R
The root mean square (rms) value of a load voltage is defined as:
1 V
Vrms =
2π ∫
Vm2 sin 2 ωt dωt = m
Similarly, the root mean square (rms) value of a load current is defined
I rms = rms = m (2.15)
R 2R
26 Chapter Two
It is clear that the rms value of the transformer secondary current, I S
is the same as that of the load and diode currents
Then I S = I D = m (2.15)
Where, I D is the rms value of diode current.

Fig.2.1 Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with resistive load.

Fig.2.2 Various waveforms for half wave diode rectifier with resistive load.
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 27
Example 1: The rectifier shown in Fig.2.1 has a pure resistive load of R
Determine (a) The efficiency, (b) Form factor (c) Ripple factor (d) TUF
(e) Peak inverse voltage (PIV) of diode D1 and (f) Crest factor.
Solution: From Fig.2.2, the average output voltage Vdc is defiend as:
1 V V
Vdc =
2π ∫
Vm sin(ωt ) dωt = m (− cos π − cos(0)) = m
2π π
Vdc Vm
Then, I dc = =
R πR
1 V Vm V
Vrms =
2π ∫
(Vm sin ωt ) 2 = m ,
I rms =
and, VS = m
The rms value of the transformer secondery current is the same as that of
the load: I S = m Then, the efficiency or rectification ratio is:
Vm Vm
Pdc Vdc * I dc π πR
η= = = = 40.53%
Pac Vrms * I rms Vm Vm
2 2R
V π
(b) FF = rms = 2 = = 1.57
Vdc Vm 2
(c) RF = = FF 2 − 1 = 1.57 2 − 1 = 1.211
Vm Vm
P π π R
(d) TUF = dc = = 0.286 = 28.6%
VS I S Vm Vm
2 2R
(e) It is clear from Fig2.2 that the PIV is Vm .
I S ( peak ) Vm / R
(f) Creast Factor CF, CF = = =2
IS Vm / 2 R
28 Chapter Two
2.3.2 Half Wave Diode Rectifier With R-L Load
In case of RL load as shown in Fig.2.3, The voltage source, VS is an
alternating sinusoidal voltage source. If vs = Vm sin (ωt ) , v s is positive
when 0 < ω t < π, and vs is negative when π < ω t <2π. When v s starts
becoming positive, the diode starts conducting and the source keeps the
diode in conduction till ω t reaches π radians. At that instant defined by
ω t =π radians, the current through the circuit is not zero and there is
some energy stored in the inductor. The voltage across an inductor is
positive when the current through it is increasing and it becomes negative
when the current through it tends to fall. When the voltage across the
inductor is negative, it is in such a direction as to forward-bias the diode.
The polarity of voltage across the inductor is as shown in the waveforms
shown in Fig.2.4.
When vs changes from a positive to a negative value, the voltage
across the diode changes its direction and there is current through the load
at the instant ω t = π radians and the diode continues to conduct till the
energy stored in the inductor becomes zero. After that, the current tends
to flow in the reverse direction and the diode blocks conduction. The
entire applied voltage now appears across the diode as reverse bias
An expression for the current through the diode can be obtained by
solving the deferential equation representing the circuit. It is assumed that
the current flows for 0 < ω t < β, where β > π ( β is called the conduction
angle). When the diode conducts, the driving function for the differential
equation is the sinusoidal function defining the source voltage. During the
period defined by β < ω t < 2π, the diode blocks current and acts as an
open switch. For this period, there is no equation defining the behavior of
the circuit.
For 0 < ω t < β, the following differential equation defines the circuit:
L + R * i = Vm sin (ωt ), 0 ≤ ωt ≤ β (2.17)
Divide the above equation by L we get:
di R V
+ * i = m sin (ωt ), 0 ≤ ωt ≤ β (2.18)
dt L L
The instantaneous value of the current through the load can be
obtained from the solution of the above equation as following:
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 29
R ⎡ R ⎤
−∫ dt ∫ dt Vm
i (t ) = e

L ⎢e ∫ L *
sin ωt dt + A⎥

⎣ ⎦
Where A is a constant.
− t⎡ ⎤
t V
Then; i (t ) = e L
⎢ ∫
⎢ e L * m sin ωt dt + A⎥
L ⎥
⎣ ⎦
By integrating (2.20) (see appendix) we get:
Vm − t
i (t ) = (R sin ωt − ωL cosωt ) + Ae L (2.21)
R 2 + w 2 L2

Fig.2.3 Half Wave Diode Rectifier With R-L Load

Fig.2.4 Various waveforms for Half wave diode rectifier with R-L load.
30 Chapter Two
Assume Z∠φ = R + j wL
Then Z 2 = R 2 + w2 L2 , Z
ωL wL
R = Z cos φ , ωL = Z sin φ and tan φ =
Substitute these values into (2.21) we get the following equation: Φ
V − t
i (t ) = m (cos φ sin ωt − sin φ cosωt ) + Ae L
V − t
Then, i (t ) = m sin (ωt − φ ) + Ae L (2.22)
The above equation can be written in the following form:
R ωt
− ωt −
i (t ) = m sin (ωt − φ ) + Ae ω L = m sin (ωt − φ ) + Ae tan φ (2.23)
The value of A can be obtained using the initial condition. Since the
diode starts conducting at ω t = 0 and the current starts building up from
zero, i (0 ) = 0 (discontinuous conduction). The value of A is expressed by
the following equation:
A = m sin (φ )
Once the value of A is known, the expression for current is known. After
evaluating A, current can be evaluated at different values of ωt .
⎛ ωt ⎞

Vm ⎜ ⎟
i (ωt ) = ⎜ sin (ωt − φ ) + sin (φ )e tan φ ⎟ (2.24)
Z ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Starting from ω t = π, as ωt increases, the current would keep
decreasing. For some value of ωt , say β, the current would be zero. If ω t
> β, the current would evaluate to a negative value. Since the diode
blocks current in the reverse direction, the diode stops conducting when
ωt reaches β. The value of β can be obtained by substituting that
i (ωt ) = 0 wt = β into (2.24) we get:
⎛ β ⎞

Vm ⎜ ⎟
i(β ) = ⎜ sin (β − φ ) + sin (φ )e tan φ ⎟=0 (2.25)
Z ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 31
The value of β can be obtained from the above equation by using the
methods of numerical analysis. Then, an expression for the average
output voltage can be obtained. Since the average voltage across the
inductor has to be zero, the average voltage across the resistor and the
average voltage at the cathode of the diode to ground are the same. This
average value can be obtained as shown in (2.26). The rms output voltage
in this case is shown in equation (2.27).
2π ∫
= m * sin ωt dωt = m * (1 − cos β )

1 Vm
Vrms = * ∫ (Vm sin ωt ) 2 dwt = * β + 0.5(1 − sin( 2 β ) (2.27)
2π 2 π

2.3.3 Single-Phase Half-Wave Diode Rectifier With Free Wheeling Diode

Single-phase half-wave diode rectifier with free wheeling diode is
shown in Fig.2.5. This circuit differs from the circuit described above,
which had only diode D1. This circuit shown in Fig.2.5 has another
diode, marked D2. This diode is called the free-wheeling diode.
Let the source voltage vs be defined as Vm sin (ωt ) which is positive
when 0 < ωt < π radians and it is negative when π < ω t < 2π radians.
When vs is positive, diode D1 conducts and the output voltage, vo
become positive. This in turn leads to diode D2 being reverse-biased
during this period. During π < wt < 2π, the voltage vo would be negative
if diode D1 tends to conduct. This means that D2 would be forward-
biased and would conduct. When diode D2 conducts, the voltage vo
would be zero volts, assuming that the diode drop is negligible.
Additionally when diode D2 conducts, diode D1 remains reverse-biased,
because the voltage across it is vs which is negative.

Fig.2.5 Half wave diode rectifier with free wheeling diode.

32 Chapter Two
When the current through the inductor tends to fall (when the supply
voltage become negative), the voltage across the inductor become
negative and its voltage tends to forward bias diode D2 even when the
source voltage vs is positive, the inductor current would tend to fall if the
source voltage is less than the voltage drop across the load resistor.
During the negative half-cycle of source voltage, diode D1 blocks
conduction and diode D2 is forced to conduct. Since diode D2 allows the
inductor current circulate through L, R and D2, diode D2 is called the
free-wheeling diode because the current free-wheels through D2.
Fig.2.6 shows various voltage waveforms of diode rectifier with free-
wheeling diode. Fig.2.7 shows various current waveforms of diode
rectifier with free-wheeling diode.
It can be assumed that the load current flows all the time. In other
words, the load current is continuous. When diode D1 conducts, the
driving function for the differential equation is the sinusoidal function
defining the source voltage. During the period defined by π < ω t < 2π,
diode D1 blocks current and acts as an open switch. On the other hand,
diode D2 conducts during this period, the driving function can be set to
be zero volts. For 0 < ω t < π, the differential equation (2.18) applies. The
solution of this equation will be as obtained before in (2.20) or (2.23).
⎛ ωt ⎞

Vm ⎜ tan φ ⎟
i (ωt ) = sin (ωt − φ ) + sin (φ ) e 0 < ωt < π (2.28)
Z ⎜⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠
For the negative half-cycle ( π < ωt < 2π ) of the source voltage D1 is
OFF and D2 is ON. Then the driving voltage is set to zero and the
following differential equation represents the circuit in this case.
L + R* i = 0 for π < ωt < 2π (2.29)
The solution of (2.29) is given by the following equation:
ωt − π

tan φ
i (ωt ) = B e (2.30)
The constant B can be obtained from the boundary condition where
i (π ) = B is the starting value of the current in π < ωt < 2π and can be
obtained from equation (2.23) by substituting ωt = π
V −
Then, i(π ) = m (sin(π − φ ) + sin (φ ) e tan φ ) = B
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 33
The above value of i (π ) can be used as initial condition of equation
(2.30). Then the load current during π < ωt < 2π is shown in the
following equation.
⎛ π ⎞ ωt −π
− −
Vm ⎜ tan φ ⎟
i (ωt ) = ⎜ sin (π − φ ) + sin (φ ) e ⎟ e tan φ
for π < ωt < 2π (2.31)
Z ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Fig.2.6 Various voltage waveforms of diode rectifier with free-wheeling diode.

Fig.2.7 Various current waveforms of diode rectifier with free-wheeling diode.

34 Chapter Two
For the period 2π < ωt < 3π the value of i (2π ) from (2.31) can be
used as initial condition for that period. The differential equation
representing this period is the same as equation (2.28) by replacing ω t by
ωt − 2π and the solution is given by equation (2.32). This period
( 2π < ωt < 3π ) differ than the period 0 < wt < π in the way to get the
constant A where in the 0 < ωt < π the initial value was i (0) = 0 but in
the case of 2π < ωt < 3π the initial condition will be i (2π ) that given
from (2.31) and is shown in (2.33).
ωt − 2π

i (ωt ) = m sin (ωt − 2π − φ ) + Ae tan φ for 2π < ωt < 3π (2.32)
The value of i (2π ) can be obtained from (2.31) and (2.32) as shown
in (2.33) and (2.34) respectively.
⎛ π ⎞ π
− −
Vm ⎜ tan φ ⎟
i (2π ) = sin (π − φ ) + sin (φ ) e ⎟e
tan φ
Z ⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
i (2π ) = m sin (− φ ) + A (2.34)
By equating (2.33) and (2.34) the constant A in 2π < ωt < 3π can be
obtained from the following equation:
A = i (2π ) + m sin (φ ) (2.35)
Then, the general solution for the period 2π < ωt < 3π is given by
equation (2.36):
ωt − 2π
Vm ⎛ V ⎞ − 2π < ωt < 3π (2.36)
i (ωt ) = sin (ωt − 2π − φ ) + ⎜ i(2π ) + m sin (φ )⎟e tan φ
Z ⎝ Z ⎠
Where i (2π ) can be obtained from equation (2.33).

Example 2 A diode circuit shown in Fig.2.3 with R=10 Ω, L=20mH, and

VS=220 2 sin314t.
(a) Determine the expression for the current though the load in the
period 0 < ωt < 2π and determine the conduction angle β .
(b) If we connect free wheeling diode through the load as shown in
Fig.2.5 Determine the expression for the current though the load
in the period of 0 < ωt < 3π .
Diode Circuits or Uncontrolled Rectifier 35
Solution: (a) For the period of 0 < ωt < π , the expression of the load
current can be obtained from (2.24) as following:
−1 ωL −1 314 * 20 *10
φ = tan = tan = 0.561 rad . and tan φ = 0.628343
R 10
Z = R 2 + (ωL) 2 = 10 2 + (314 * 20 *10 − 3 ) 2 = 11.8084Ω
⎛ ωt ⎞

Vm ⎜ ⎟
i (ωt ) = sin (ωt − φ ) + sin (φ ) e tan φ
Z ⎜⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠

220 2
[ ]
sin (ωt − 0.561) + 0.532 * e −1.5915 ωt

i (ωt ) = 26.3479 sin (ωt − 0.561) + 14.0171* e −1.5915 ωt

The value of β can be obtained from the above equation by substituting
for i ( β ) = 0 . Then, 0 = 26.3479 sin (β − 0.561) + 14.0171 * e −1.5915 β
By using the numerical analysis we can get the value of β. The
simplest method is by using the simple iteration technique by assuming
Δ = 26.3479 sin (β − 0.561) + 14.0171 * e −1.5915 β and substitute different
values for β in the region π < β < 2π till we get the minimum value of Δ
then the corresponding value of β is the required value. The narrow
intervals mean an accurate values of β . The following table shows the
relation between β and Δ:
β Δ
1.1 π 6.49518
1.12 π 4.87278
1.14 π 3.23186
1.16 π 1.57885
1.18 π -0.079808
1.2 π -1.73761
It is clear from the above table that β ≅ 1.18 π rad. The current in
β < wt < 2π will be zero due to the diode will block the negative current
to flow.
(b) In case of free-wheeling diode as shown in Fig.2.5, we have to divide
the operation of this circuit into three parts. The first one when
36 Chapter Two
0 < ωt < π (D1 “ON”, D2 “OFF”), the second case when π < ωt < 2π
(D1 “OFF” and D2 “ON”) and the last one when 2π < ωt < 3π (D1
“ON”, D2 “OFF”).
¾ In the first part ( 0 < ωt < π ) the expression for the load current
can be obtained as In case (a). Then:
i ( wt ) = 26.3479 sin (ωt − 0.561) + 14.0171 * e −1.5915 wt for 0 < ωt < π
the current at ωt = π is starting value for the current in the next part.
i (π ) = 26.3479 sin (π − 0.561) + 14.0171 * e −1.5915 π = 14.1124 A
¾ In the second part π < ωt < 2π , the expression for the load current
can be obtained from (2.30) as following:
ωt −π

tan φ
i (ωt ) = B e
where B = i (π ) = 14.1124 A
Then i (ωt ) = 14.1124 e −1.5915(ωt −π ) for ( π < ωt < 2π )
The current at ωt = 2π is starting value for the current in the next part.
i (2π ) = 0.095103 A
¾ In the last part ( 2π < ωt < 3π ) the expression for the load current
can be obtained from (2.36):
ωt − 2π

⎛ ⎞
i (ωt ) = m sin (ωt − 2π − φ ) + ⎜ i (2π ) + m sin (φ )⎟e
V V tan φ
Z ⎝ Z ⎠
∴ i (ωt ) = 26.3479 sin (ωt − 6.8442) + (0.095103 + 26.3479 * 0.532)e −1.5915(ωt − 2π )

∴ i (ωt ) = 26.3479 sin (ωt − 6.8442) + 14.1131e −1.5915(ωt − 2π ) for

( 2π < ωt < 3π )

2.4 Single-Phase Full-Wave Diode Rectifier

The full wave diode rectifier can be designed with a center-taped
transformer as shown in Fig.2.8, where each half of the transformer with
its associated diode acts as half wave rectifier or as a bridge diode
rectifier as shown in Fig. 2.12. The advantage and disadvantage of center-
tap diode rectifier is shown below:

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