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Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349

Experimental determination of the metastable zone width of

borax decahydrate by ultrasonic velocity measurement
. uz*,
H. Gurb . .
B. Ozdemir
Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak 80626, Istanbul, Turkey

Received 17 September 2002; accepted 17 December 2002

Communicated by T. Hibya


The metastable zone width of borax decahydrate (disodium tetraborate decahydrate), represented by the maximum
undercooling DTmax ; both in pure and impure aqueous solutions were determined according to polythermal method by
using the ultrasonic technique. It is found that the metastable zone width of borax decahydrate in pure solutions
determined by ultrasonic method fulfills well the linear relation between logDTmax and logð  dT=dtÞ: However, the
sensitivity of the method using the ultrasonic technique increases with increasing saturation temperature, probably due
to the increase of temperature dependence of solubility with increasing saturation temperature. A comparison of the
nucleation temperatures from ultrasonic measurements and from visual determination shows that both detection
techniques give almost the same results for borax decahydrate. The results obtained from ultrasonic measurements
show, that the presence of Ca2+ as impurity has only a small effect on the metastable zone width of borax decahydrate
as long as the impurity concentrations is in the range of 25200 ppm. Similar to the effect of Ca2+, Mg2+ also has a
small effect on the metastable zone width of borax up to the impurity concentration of 100 ppm. However, the presence
of 200 ppm Mg2+ results in a reasonable increase of the metastable zone width.
r 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 81.10.A

Keywords: A1. Metastable zone width; A1. Ultrasonic velocity measurement; A1. Impurities; B1. Borax decahydrate

1. Introduction at about 801C, then the resultant strong liquor is

fed to a vacuum crystallizer after clarification [1].
Borax, which is one of the most important Crystallization is an important step in the process
chemicals for the borate industry, is present as sequence. In order to produce crystals with a
tincal ore in large tonnages in the deposits of specified purity and crystal size distribution at
Kirka/Turkey. In the production of refined borax, minimum cost, it is necessary to operate the
the upgraded tincal ore is crushed to about crystallizer at the optimum supersaturation within
o2.5 cm, dissolved in hot recycled borax liquor the metastable zone.
The metastable zone width is an experimentally
*Corresponding author. measurable quantity and it depends mainly on the
. uz).
E-mail address: (H. Gurb . temperature, concentration, cooling rate, presence

0022-0248/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
344 . uz,
H. Gurb .
. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349

of impurities and mechanical effects. A knowledge (manufactured by Merck KgaA) in distilled water.
of the metastable zone width for any set of The metastable zone widths of these solutions were
conditions is very important for the tailoring of determined as a function of cooling rate in the
the crystallization process. range of 1025 K/h. The solutions were continu-
The experimental determination of the meta- ously stirred at a constant rate using a magnetic
stable zone width is mainly carried out by the stirrer. To ensure complete dissolution, solutions
polythermal method, in which the onset of were kept at a temperature of 10 K above the
nucleation can be detected visually or instrumen- saturation temperature for 30 min before each run.
tally [2–10]. Experimental values of the metastable In the case of impure solutions, the effects of Ca2+
zone width for a given system depend very strongly and Mg2+ ions on the metastable zone width of
on the method of determination [5,9]. Ultrasonic borax solutions saturated at 303 K were examined
velocity through a solution is one of the concen- by using the same procedure. Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
tration dependent properties and it can be used to were introduced to the solutions as analytically
detect the onset of nucleation. The techniques pure CaCl2 and MgCl2 compounds, respectively.
based on the measurement of ultrasonic velocity in The impurity concentration was changed in the
solutions have already been used to determine the range of 25–200 ppm.
metastable zone width [7,9,10], supersaturation [6],
and crystallization kinetics of various chemicals
[11,12]. 3. Experimental results and discussion
In the present work, metastable zone width of
borax decahydrate (disodium tetraborate decahy- 3.1. Metastable zone width of borax decahydrate in
drate) both in pure and impure aqueous solutions pure solutions
were determined according to the polythermal
method by using the ultrasonic technique. This According to the polythermal method using the
technique is explained in detail by Omar and ultrasonic technique, both the nucleation point
Ulrich [7,10,11]. It mainly consists of subjecting (onset of nucleation) and the saturation point can
the solution to consecutive cooling and heating be determined from the change of ultrasonic
with constant cooling/heating rate and measuring velocity during the consecutive cooling and heat-
the temperature and ultrasonic velocity in the ing steps [7,10].
solution. In Fig. 1 the course of the ultrasonic velocity
during the cooling/heating cycle is given for borax
solution saturated at 303 K as a representative
2. Experimental procedure example. As can be seen from Fig. 1, the ultrasonic
velocity of unsaturated borax solution (1) de-
All experiments were carried out with 0.5 l of creases linearly, while the solution is cooled at a
solution in a jacketed, well-sealed glass crystallizer. constant rate of 18 K/h. After the temperature
Temperature control of the crystallizer was ac- corresponding to the saturation temperature, Ts ;
complished by a programmable thermostatic bath the ultrasonic velocity of supersaturated solutions
with a cryostat facility. Measurements of ultra- continues to decrease linearly by further cooling.
sonic velocity and temperature were made using a The solid phase is not formed until the tempera-
LiquiSonics 30 immersion probe. The accuracy of ture of the onset of nucleation, Tp : When
this system for ultrasonic velocity and temperature nucleation takes place, the ultrasonic velocity
is 70.01 m/s and 0.01 K, respectively. Details decreases sharply and the slope of the line changes.
about the experimental set-up are given in Refs. During the heating step of the cycle, the crystals
[6,7,10]. formed dissolve and the ultrasonic velocity in-
Aqueous borax solutions saturated at 293, 303, creases due to both the increase of the temperature
and 313 K were prepared by dissolving analytically and the concentration of the liquid phase of
pure, commercially available borax decahydrate suspension. After all crystals are dissolved, the
. uz,
H. Gurb .
. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349 345

1580 Table 1
Experimental values of saturation and nucleation points of
borax decahydrate in pure solutions
Ultrasonic Velocity, m/s

TsðlitÞ dT=dt TsðusÞ TsðvisÞ TpðusÞ TpðvisÞ
1550 2
Cooling (K) (K/h) (K) (K) (K) (K)
3 293 14 295.34 295.69 285.02 285.59
1530 18 295.25 295.05 283.08 283.50
1520 22 294.97 295.98 283.21 284.20
25 294.86 296.10 281.63 282.50
4 TP:Nucleation Point TS:Saturation Point
1500 303 14 303.84 304.20 294.98 295.05
290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 18 304.15 304.08 294.47 294.56
Temperature, K 22 304.12 304.48 294.08 294.76
Fig. 1. The course of ultrasonic velocity in pure borax solution 25 303.92 304.40 293.76 294.05
during the cooling/heating cycle (TsðlitÞ ¼ 303 K,
dT=dt ¼ 18 K/h). 313 13 314.34 314.69 306.75 307.15
18 314.85 314.56 306.39 306.90
21 314.94 315.08 305.87 306.44
value of ultrasonic velocity reaches the value of the 25 314.60 314.80 305.38 305.96
saturated solution (2). Therefore, the temperature
corresponding to the intersection of cooling and
heating curves can be taken as the saturation
point. Since the ultrasonic velocity is a function of dC 
DCmax ¼ DTmax ; ð3Þ
the solution density and the adiabatic compressi- dT
bility, the shapes of the plots of ultrasonic velocity  
dC  dT m
against temperature depend on the solute-solvent  ¼ kN DCmax : ð4Þ
dT dt
system [11].
In order to compare the ultrasonic technique By assuming that the mass nucleation rate is
with the conventional visual detection, the tem- equal to the rate of supersaturation at least at the
peratures corresponding to the onset of nucleation beginning of nucleation (Eq. (4)), the relationship
(Tp ) and the saturation (Ts ) were detected both by between the cooling rate (dT=dt) and maximum
ultrasonic velocity measurement and by visual undercooling is given by
observation in pure borax solutions and the results  
1m dC log kN
are given in Table 1. log DTmax ¼ log 
m dT m
The metastable zone width is expressed as a  
maximum undercooling DTmax ; which is given by 1 dT
þ log  ; ð5Þ
m dt
DTmax ¼ Ts  Tp : ð1Þ
where m and kN are the order of nucleation and
The relation of maximum supersaturation to the rate constant of nucleation, respectively [2,5].
maximum undercooling can be expressed by According to Eq. (5) the dependency of
Z Ts    log DTmax on log(dT=dt) can be described by a
dC first-order equation. Since the slope of the straight
DCmax ¼ dT: ð2Þ
Tp dT line given by this equation is the inverse of the
apparent nucleation order of a given system, the
Since the maximum undercooling is generally lines have to be exactly parallel for various
not very large, the temperature dependence of saturation concentrations. However, some devia-
dC  =dT can be assumed constant over the tion from parallelism has been shown for a variety
temperature range examined. Thus, the maximum of inorganic aqueous solutions. Since the deviation
supersaturation can be given by the following from parallelism reflects the errors depending on
equation: the measurement method, a modified linear
346 . uz,
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. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349

regression method has been used to correct the 0.98 for borax solutions saturated at about 293,
straight line [2]. 303, and 313 K, respectively. For the solution
Fig. 2 shows the experimental results from the saturated at 293 K, the deviation of experimental
ultrasonic velocity measurements for borax solu- results from linearity is greater than those for
tions saturated at about 293, 303, and 313 K. In other solutions saturated at 303 and 313 K. A
Table 2, the equations for straight lines obtained possible explanation for the greater deviation from
by both linear regression and modified linear linearity in the case of saturated solutions at 293 K
regression of experimental data are given. As can may be found by comparing the changes of
be seen from Table 2, the metastable zone widths ultrasonic velocity during the onset of nucleation
evaluated by the ultrasonic method fulfill well the for solutions saturated at different temperatures.
linear relationship between log DTmax and logð  In Fig. 3 the change of ultrasonic velocity
dT=dtÞ: However, the straight lines obtained by during the cooling/heating steps as a function of
linear regression are not exactly parallel due to the temperature was compared for solutions saturated
measurement errors. Therefore, the equations were at 293, 303, and 313 K. As can be seen from the
corrected by using the modified linear regression plots in Fig. 3, the ultrasonic velocity changes
method and the corrected straight lines were more sharply during the onset of nucleation when
shown in Fig. 2. The apparent nucleation order the saturation temperature increases. The reason
of borax decahydrate calculated from the cor- for this is probably the increase of the temperature
rected straight lines is 3.37, which is in well dependence of the solubility of borax decahydrate
agreement with the result given in literature [2]. (dCs =dT) with increasing saturation temperature.
The correlation between the experimental and Its value is 1.2, 1.7, and 2/(100 g sol. K) for
corrected values of log DTmax are 0.90, 0.97, and solutions saturated at 293 K, 303 K, and 313 K,

Ultrasonic Velocity, m/s

log ∆Tmax

1.00 1540

0.95 1520
Exp. Val.(Ts:293 K)
0.90 Exp. Val.(Ts:303 K) 1500
Exp. Val.(Ts:313 K)
Cor. Val.(Ts:293 K)
0.85 Cor. Val.(Ts:303 K) 1480
Cor. Val.(Ts:313 K) Ts:293K Ts:303K Ts:313K
0.80 1460
1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 270 280 290 300 310 320 330
log (-dT/dt) Temperature, K
Fig. 2. Graphs of log DTmax versus log(dT=dt) from ultra- Fig. 3. Comparison of the course of ultrasonic velocity during
sonic velocity measurements. cooling and heating cycle for different saturation temperatures
(dT=dt ¼ 25 K/h).

Table 2
Equations of the straight lines obtained by both linear regression and modified linear regression of experimental results

TsðlitÞ (K) Equation of straight line (by linear regression of exp. Corrected equation of straight line (by modified linear
results) regression of exp. results)

293 log DTmaxð293 KÞ ¼ 0:3510 log ð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:6235 log DTmaxð293 KÞ ¼ 0:2299 logð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:6933
303 log DTmaxð303 KÞ ¼ 0:2299 log ð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:6914 log DTmaxð303 KÞ ¼ 0:2299 logð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:6054
313 log DTmaxð313 KÞ ¼ 0:3069 log ð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:5427 log DTmaxð313 KÞ ¼ 0:2299 logð  dT=dtÞ þ 0:5558
. uz,
H. Gurb .
. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349 347

respectively. The higher the saturation tempera- 310

Nucleation Temperature, K
ture, the greater the change of concentration is for 305
the equal temperature change during the nuclea-
tion. Thus, in borax solutions saturated at higher 300 Us-293 K
Vis-293 K
temperatures nucleation temperature can be de- 295 Us-303 K
termined more sensitively by using the ultrasonic 290
Vis-303 K
Us-313 K
velocity measurements. Vis-313 K
It is known that the experimental values of the 285
temperature corresponding to the onset of nuclea- 280
tion depend very strongly on the detection 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
method. Since the crystals have to grow to a Cooling Rate, K/h
certain detectable size, the minimum detectable Fig. 4. Comparison of the nucleation temperatures obtained by
nucleus size is very important especially in ultrasonic velocity measurements and by the visual method.
methods depending on the detection of nucleus
formation. While the crystals become visible in the
size range 5–10 mm, the minimum detection size by
Coulter Counter is 12 mm [5]. On the other hand and some borate minerals such as inderite
in using the detection techniques based on a (Mg2B5O11  15H2O), inderborite (CaMg-
concentration depending property of the solution, B5O11  11H2O), kurnakovite (Mg2B5O11  15H2O)
the sensitivity of the method changes with the [1]. During the dissolution of the upgraded ore,
concentration dependence of the measured prop- Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions from these minerals pass to
erty. For example, the concentration dependence the saturated borax liquor [13].
of density and ultrasonic velocity for fluoranthene Therefore, in the present study the effects of
in trichloroethylene is 6.05  102 kg/(m3 K) and Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the metastable zone width of
8.38  102 m/(s K), respectively. Thus the meta- borax decahydrate were also investigated by using
stable zone widths of fluoranthene in trichlor- ultrasonic velocity measurements. In all experi-
oethylene determined by ultrasonic velocity ments in the presence of impurities, the saturation
measurement are narrower than those determined temperature and the cooling/heating rate were
by density measurements [9]. kept constant as 303 K and 18 K/h, respectively. In
In Fig. 4 the nucleation temperatures obtained Fig. 5 the change of ultrasonic velocity during the
by the ultrasonic detection technique and by visual cooling/heating steps as a function of temperature
observation are compared. is given for borax solutions containing Mg2+ of 0,
It can be seen that almost the same results were 25, 50, 100 and 200 ppm. For borax solutions
obtained for borax decahydrate by the two containing Ca2+ of 0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 ppm, the
methods examined. Thus, the size of nuclei change in the course of the ultrasonic velocity as a
detected by ultrasonic technique could be the same function of impurity concentration is negligible
with the size of nuclei detected visually. However, (figure is not presented). In Table 3, the metastable
ultrasonic technique may give better results than zone width of borax decahydrate is given as
visual detection for compounds with a high maximum undercooling for varying impurity
temperature dependence of solubility. concentrations.
It is known that polyvalent metal cations with a
3.2. Metastable zone width of borax decahydrate in strong ability to form coordination complexes
the presence of impurities usually broaden the metastable zone. On the other
hand the effect of any impurity on the width of
The addition of impurities can increase or metastable zone depends on both the impurity/
decrease the width of metastable zone. Tincal ore compound combination and the concentration of
contains minor amounts of gypsum, calcite, impurity [2,5]. The results given in Table 3 show
dolomite and clay minerals as gangue minerals that Ca2+ has only a small effect on the metastable
348 . uz,
H. Gurb .
. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349

1570 solutions saturated at 293, 303, and 313 K. The

1560 determination of the metastable zone width by
means of the polythermal method was done using
Ultrasonic Velocity, m/s

1540 the ultrasonic velocity measurement as a detection
1530 technique for the onset of nucleation. The results
1520 pure
show that the dependencies of log DTmax ; on
25 ppm Mg logð  dT=dtÞ fulfill well the linear relation for
1510 50 ppm Mg the borax solutions saturated at 303 and 313 K.
1500 100 ppm Mg
200 ppm Mg
The plot of log DTmax ; versus log(dT=dt) shows a
1490 higher deviation from linearity for the borax
1480 solution saturated at 293 K, probably because of
282 286 290 294 298 302 306 310
the lower temperature dependence of solubility in
Temperature, K
comparison to the solutions saturated at 303 and
Fig. 5. The course of ultrasonic velocity in borax solution 313 K. It could be concluded that the sensitivity of
during the cooling/heating cycle in the presence of the impurity the method using ultrasonic velocity measure-
Mg2+ (TsðlitÞ ¼ 303 K, dT=dt ¼ 18 K/h).
ments increases with the temperature dependence
of solubility.
Table 3 The nucleation temperatures were compared
Effect of Ca2+and Mg2+ impurities on the metastable zone
with the results obtained from the visual determi-
width of borax decahydrate (TsðlitÞ ¼ 303 K; dT=dt ¼ 18 K=h)
nations. Since the method using ultrasonic techni-
Impurity Impurity concentration Maximum undercooling que is easy and gives almost the same results with
(ppm) (DTmax ; K) the method using visual detection of nuclei
— — 9.68 formation, it can be used to determine the
metastable zone width of borax decahydrate for
Ca2+ 25 9.78 every set of conditions. Moreover, especially for
50 9.99
the compounds with high temperature dependence
100 10.37
200 10.69 of solubility this method will probably give better
results than visual detection.
Mg2+ 25 9.32 The effects of Ca2+, Mg2+ impurities on the
50 9.77 metastable zone width of borax decahydrate were
100 9.95
examined by the ultrasonic method in borax
200 17.21
solutions saturated at 303 K. It is found that
Ca2+ has only a small effect up to a concentration
of 200 ppm, whereas Mg2+ retards the nucleation
and broadens the metastable zone of borax
zone width of borax for the examined impurity decahydrate strongly when its concentration ex-
concentrations. Very similar to the effect of Ca2+, ceeds 200 ppm.
Mg2+ also has a small effect on the metastable It is concluded that, the polythermal method
zone width of borax up to the impurity concentra- using ultrasonic velocity measurement for the
tion of 100 ppm. However, the presence of detection of nucleation point can be used
200 ppm Mg2+ results in a reasonable increase of successfully in the determination of the metastable
the metastable zone width. zone width of borax decahydrate both in pure
and impure solutions. The sensitivity of the
method for any compound having a high
4. Conclusions temperature dependence of solubility could be
higher than other methods using detection
The metastable zone width of borax decahy- techniques such as density measurement, visual
drate was determined experimentally in aqueous detection, etc.
. uz,
H. Gurb .
. B. Ozdemir / Journal of Crystal Growth 252 (2003) 343–349 349

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