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Operating Specifications


Data Acquisition
A-scan length Up to 16,384 points
Acquisition time 100 ns to 163 μs at 100 MHz (increments of 10 ns)
Max in remote only
Acquisition delay Free running, encoder position, external signal
Synchronization Pulser, surface echo, external trigger
Real-time averaging 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16
Compression 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16
Data throughput Up to 50 MB/s

Pulser width 25 ns to 500 ns +5ns at increments of 5 ns
Pulse amplitude (50 Ω load) Unipolar:
10 V to 75 V +10%, step 5 V (phased array channels)
20 Vpp to 150 Vpp +10%, step 5 V (phased array channel)
50 V to 200 V +10%, step 5V (conventional UT channels)
Maximum pulse repetition
Frequency 40 kHz

Output impedance < 20 Ω (PA); < 5 Ω (UT)

Fall time ≤ 10 ns @ 75 V in 50 Ω (10 % – 90 %)
Rise time ≤ 10 ns @ 75 V in 50 Ω (10 % – 90 %)
Pulse type Negative unipolar square wave
Bipolar square wave

Receiver - Phased Array

Full-scale input voltage 4 dBm (1 V pp in 50 Ω) on receiver connector
Input impedance 50 Ω +10%
Gain setting range -6 to 70 dB
Overall system bandwidth 500 kHz to 18 MHz (at –3 dB)
Input filters Analog / Digital (FIR)
2, 5, 10 MHz (low pass)
1, 2, 5 MHz (high pass)
1 MHz to 5 MHz (band pass)
1.75 MHz to 7 MHz (band pass)
3.75 MHz to 15 MHz (band pass)
10 MHz to 18 MHz (band pass)
See filters characteristics in the table below

Smoothing filters Digital

1.00 MHz
2.00 MHz
4.00 MHz
5.00 MHz
7.50 MHz
10.00 MHz
Noise level at input ≤ 80 nV/Hz
Crosstalk ≥50 dB at 10 MHz
Rectification Digital
Table Input Filter Characteristics

Filter Name High Pass Frequency Low Pass Frequency

(FH) (FL)
None 0.6 MHz 18.0 MHz
Low Pass: LP 2MHz 0.50 MHz 2.0 MHz
Low Pass: LP 5MHz 0.50 MHz 5.0 MHz
Low Pass: LP 10MHz 0.50 MHz 10.0 MHz
High Pass: HP 1MHz 1.0 MHz 18.0 MHz
High Pass: HP 2MHz 2.0 MHz 18.0 MHz
High Pass: HP 5MHz 5.0 MHz 18.0 MHz
Band Pass: BP 1MHz - 5MHz 1.0 MHz 5.0 MHz
Band Pass: BP 2MHz - 10MHz 2.0 MHz 10.0 MHz
Band Pass: BP 5MHz - 10MHz 5.0 MHz 10.0 MHz
Band Pass: BP 10MHz - 18MHz 10.0 MHz 18.0 MHz

Receiver UT
Full-scale input voltage 4 dBm (1 V pp in 50 Ω) on receiver connector
Input impedance 50 Ω +10%
Gain setting range -6 to 95 dB
Overall system bandwidth 500 kHz to 20 MHz (at –3 dB)
Input filters Analog/Digital (FIR)
0.5 MHz to 2 MHz
1 MHz to 4 MHz (band pass)
1.125 MHz to 4.5 MHz (band pass)
1.75 MHz to 7 MHz (band pass)
1.875 MHz to 7.5 MHz (band pass)
2 MHz to 8 MHz (band pass)
2.5 MHz to 10 MHz (band pass)
3.75 MHz to 15 MHz (band pass)
10 MHz to 20 MHz (band pass)
15 MHz to 20 MHz (band pass)
See filters characteristics in the table below
Smoothing filters Digital
1.00 MHz
2.00 MHz
4.00 MHz
5.00 MHz
7.50 MHz
10.00 MHz
Noise level at input ≤ 80 nV/Hz
Crosstalk ≥ 100 dB at 100 MHz
Rectification Digital

Phased Array
Full-scale input voltage 4 dBm (1 V pp in 50 Ω) on receiver connector
Input impedance 50 Ω +10%
Gain setting range -6 to 70 dB
Overall system bandwidth 500 kHz to 18 MHz (at –3 dB)
Input filters Analog / Digital (FIR)
2, 5, 10 MHz (low pass)
1, 2, 5 MHz (high pass)
1 MHz to 5 MHz (band pass)
1.75 MHz to 7 MHz (band pass)
3.75 MHz to 15 MHz (band pass)
10 MHz to 18 MHz (band pass)
See filters characteristics in the table below
Smoothing filters Digital
1.00 MHz
2.00 MHz
4.00 MHz
5.00 MHz
7.50 MHz
10.00 MHz
Noise level at input ≤ 80 nV/Hz
Crosstalk ≥50 dB at 10 MHz
Rectification Digital
Maximum number of active Up to 64
Total number of channels Up to 128
Pulser delay 0 to 20,000 ns +5 ns
Receiver delay 0 to 20,000 ns +5 ns (in increments of 5 ns)

Maximum dynamic range 40 dB
(assuming more than 4 elements in the active aperture)
Maximum slope 20 dB / μs
Resolution 0.1 dB
Trigger Pulser, echo
Number of points 16 Analog/32 Digital

Digitizing rate 25 MHz, 50 MHz or 100 MHz
Summed data amplitude 16-bit
Dead time after transmitting < 4 μs @ 40dB (max.) *Proper blanking must be applied
Temporal resolution 70 ns (same gain)

Data Type
A-scan RF, rectified
Gates Four gates (amplitude and time-of-flight for maximum and
crossing C-scan), and a synchronization gate (time of flight
of the echo)
Encoder 3 × 32-bits encoder,
Maximum frequency: 200 kHz Interface
mode: 3quadrature, clock dir, up, down
Display refresh rate > 20 Hz

Reconstruction channels Up to 64
Maximum number of points Up to 1,048,576
of reconstructed image
Maximum refresh rate Up to 110 Hz (for a 65,000 points frame)
Up to 20 Hz (for a 1,000,000 points frame)
Sound paths Direct (L or S), indirect and converted modes
Maximum data transfer rate Up to 300 MB/s (on external HD)

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