July2005 Vitamin Research News

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Dedicated to the Scientific Pursuit of Better Health

JULY 2005 Vol. 19, Number 6 $29.95/Year U.S. ($39.95/Year International)

Table of Contents Carnosine and N-Acetylcarnosine Eye Drops

Carnosine and N-Acetylcarnosine Eye Drops
New Hope for Cataracts . . . . . 1
Carnosine-containing eye drops have demon-
New Hope for Cataracts
strated efficacy in treating a variety of ophthalmic by Ward Dean, MD
conditions, including corneal diseases, cataracts,

glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure. ataracts are the leading cause of
blindness, accounting for about 42
Immune-Enhancing Palladium Compound percent of all cases of blindness
Poly-MVA®: Support for worldwide (affecting about 17 million
Mutagenic Concerns . . . . . . . . 1 people). Twenty-eight thousand new cases
Developed after more than 40 years of
research, Poly-MVA is a useful and safe cellu- are reported every day. About 20 percent
lar nutrient that may assist in boosting of all people over 60 have at least the
immune response and healing damaged cells. beginning of a cataract in one or both eyes,
President’s Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 and that figure rises to 80 percent for peo-
Dr. Mitch Fleisher joins VRP; plus product, ple over 75.
freedom updates. The most common type of cataract—a
nuclear cataract—is characterized by a
Welcome Dr. Mitchell Fleisher to
the VRP Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 cloudy haze inside the lens (Fig. 1). This
Dr. Dean welcomes Mitchell Fleisher, M.D., haze is the physical manifestation of a ran-
D.Ht. to VRP’s growing team of medical, sci- dom clumping together of the once beauti-
entific and nutritional experts. Fig. 1. Nuclear cataract clouds lens.
fully ordered arrangement of lens proteins
called crystallins. As the cataract develops
Customers’ Corner . . . . . . . . . . 8 forming a sharp, clear image of what we
• Fibrosis in size and density, it reduces the amount
• Differences Between Supplements of light that passes through the lens and are seeing, many of the rays are spread out
• Hemochromatosis scatters the light that does get through. across the retina, forming a fuzzy image.
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease & BPH Thus, instead of all the light rays being
• Psoriatic Arthritis Continued on page 2
• Which is Best: BioDIM or I3C? focused precisely to a point on the retina,
• DMSA and Ulcerative Colitis
• CarnoSee™ Works! Immune-Enhancing Palladium Compound
Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6)
Fiber-Derived Support for
Mutagenic, Cardiovascular
Poly-MVA®: Support for
and Immune Concerns . . . . . 10
IP6 has been shown to provide support for a
number of conditions, including various forms
of cancer, as well as kidney stones, platelet
Mutagenic Concerns
aggregation, heart attacks and HIV. by Albert Sanchez, Ed.S., Ph.D.
vitamins, minerals and amino acids. This

lectricity is usually associated with
Liver Disease in Dogs and Cats . . . 13 unique compound promotes energy pro-
A regimen of the right nutrition and supple- plugging a cord into an outlet.
mentation can help pets become healthier However, our body’s cells also oper- duction at the cellular level in both healthy
while addressing their liver disease. ate through an electrochemical process. individuals and those with cancer. Cancer
Research indicates that a compound cells operate in anaerobic conditions
Vinpocetine: Cognitive Enhancer’s known as Poly-MVA® can influence this (without oxygen) and Poly-MVA appears
Role Expands to Incontinence and to target and kill these anaerobic cells in
Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 electrochemical process occurring in the
Studies show vinpocetine may support cogni- body, consequently “electrocuting” cancer part through its ability to change cells’
tive health, alleviate some symptoms of uri- cells while leaving healthy cells vibrant electrochemical circuitry.1 In addition,
nary incontinence, and may well alleviate and alive. And while I use the term electro- rather than simply destroying free radicals,
some effects occurring in epilepsy. Poly-MVA converts them into energy,
cuting to describe this process, it is less
destructive to the human body than con- indicating its potential uses may expand
Featured Products . . . . . . . . . 15
ventional ways of destroying cancer cells. beyond that of an anti-mutagenic agent.
DHEA Under Fire: Act Now to In fact, it’s highly beneficial.1 In this article, I will discuss how a sci-
Protect Your Health Freedom. . . 16 Poly-MVA contains a patented type of entist created Poly-MVA. I will also dis-
The government is again waging war on a palladium lipoic complex composed of the cuss some of Poly-MVA’s ingredients, its
supplement that has shown itself to be safe mineral palladium bonded with the antiox- mechanism of action and how it may sup-
and effective in a number of studies.
idant lipoic acid. Poly-MVA also contains Continued on page 6
Carnosine Eye Drops eration. These nutrients include the tripep-
tide glutathione (the most abundant and
Carnosine eye drops have been
shown to delay vision senescence in
Continued from front page important antioxidant in the human body, humans, being effective in 100 percent of
critical for protecting the lens from free cases of primary senile cataract and 80
Colors may be dulled or distorted, and radical damage); vitamins A and C; vita- percent of cases of mature senile
there may be an annoying halo of light min E and some of the B vitamins; various cataract. Scientists concluded that
around bright objects, causing a glare bioflavonoids (especially quercetin and “carnosine seems to delay the impair-
effect. hesperidin) and carotenoids (especially ment of eyesight with aging, effectively
lutein and zeaxanthin); the amino acids preventing and treating senile cataract
Causes of Cataracts taurine, N-acetyl cysteine (a precursor of and other age-related diseases.”9 Carno-
Causes of cataracts include cumula- glutathione), and acetyl L-carnitine; the sine actually restores the proteins in the
tive ultraviolet radiation damage from sun hormone melatonin; the alkaloid vinpoce- lens by removing cross-linked carbonyl
exposure, heredity, poor nutrition, smok- tine; the herbs bilberry, ginkgo, and gar- groups, and is thought to function as a
ing, high blood pressure, kidney disease, lic; the minerals zinc and selenium; and, “molecular water pump,” thereby also
diabetes, and the long-term use of corti- last but certainly not least, the saturated helping to lower intraocular pressure.10 In
costeroids (the last two are major risk fac- fatty acid, lipoic acid (“the antioxidant’s earlier experiments it was demonstrated
tors for cataracts). Oxidative free radicals antioxidant”), which plays a central role that applying carnosine to the conjunctiva
produced by the above-listed causes are in maintaining the body’s antioxidant net- (the membrane covering the eye) caused
thought to damage vital biomolecules, work.1 a decrease in normal intraocular pressure
including lipids and proteins, resulting in and reduced prostaglandin-induced ocu-
the clumping together of these proteins. Carnosine for Vision lar hypertension (related to glaucoma) in
The antidote to free radicals, of course, is Carnosine—a dipeptide consisting of rabbits.11
antioxidants, such as glutathione, lipoic two amino acids (alanine and histidine) Some scientists believe that carnosine
acid, and vitamins C and E. Consequently, connected to each other by a chemical is ineffective if it is metabolized (broken
many scientists believe that abundant con- bond called the peptide bond — is one of down) by the enzyme carnosinase.
sumption of antioxidants may delay the the most exciting anti-aging nutrients that However, studies of corneal transplants in
onset of cataracts. has recently become widely available.2 rabbits that were treated with one of the
Based on research performed mainly by metabolites of carnosine, histidine, indi-
Nutrients for Vision Russian scientists, it is believed that cates that the metabolite itself may be
Good nutrition is a key element of carnosine is effective both in preventing bioactive. Five percent histidine ointment
effective prevention for most age-related and treating cataracts.3-6 was applied twice daily to six transplants
diseases, and cataracts are no exception. A The ability of carnosine to prevent for two months. All six transplants healed
number of nutrients can benefit our eyes, and treat cataracts is believed to be due to and were clear. On the other hand, trans-
and may help prevent diseases such as its antioxidant properties and its ability to plants which were treated with daily
cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degen- inhibit a chemical process called glyca- applications of one percent cortisone
tion. Glycation leads to deleterious sub- became opaque and necrotic, and failed to
Volume 19 • Number 6 JULY 2005 stances called AGEs (advanced glycation heal. Likewise, transplantation failed
end products). AGEs are chemical com- completely in six control eyes.12 This indi-
Vitamin Research News
Dedicated to the Scientific Pursuit of Better Health
plexes that result from common but unde- cates that histidine may be an active por-
sirable reactions between blood sugars, tion—if not the active factor—of the
Publisher such as glucose, and proteins in many carnosine molecule.
Robert Watson parts of our bodies, including the lenses of
Medical Editor our eyes. The sugar-protein complexes Cataract-Dissolving Analog:
Ward Dean, MD become chemically cross-linked and N-Acetylcarnosine (NAC)
Editor degrade cellular functions. The aptly N-acetylcarnosine (NAC), like its
David Stipech named AGEs are thought to be an impor- parent compound, carnosine, occurs natu-
Contributors tant factor in the aging process. rally throughout the human body. Both
Randy Aronson, VMD Carnosine-containing eye drops have compounds are found primarily in the
Albert Sanchez, Ed.S., Ph.D. demonstrated efficacy in treating a variety heart and skeletal muscles (the word
Kimberly Pryor of ophthalmic conditions, including carnosine is derived from the Latin word
How to reach us: Call 1-800-877-2447; e-mail to: corneal diseases, cataracts, glaucoma for flesh) and in the brain. Carnosine was
mail@vrp.com; visit our website at www.vrp.com; or write to: and increased intraocular pressure. In discovered in 1900 in Russia, and it is in
VRP, 4610 Arrowhead Drive, Carson City, NV 89706.
1997, clinical trials with carnosine-con- Russia that most of the recent research on
The information in this newsletter is not intended to pro- taining eye drops were conducted on 109 the N-acetylcarnosine derivative has been
vide personal medical advice, which should be obtained
from a medical professional, and has not been approved by ophthalmic patients. The results con- carried out.13-15 Research with N-acetyl-
the U.S. FDA. firmed accelerated healing of corneal carnosine, as with carnosine, demon-
© 2005 by Vitamin Research Products, erosions, trophic keratitis, post-herpetic strates that it is effective not only in pre-
Inc. (VRP) The use of information found epitheliopathy, primary and secondary venting cataracts but also in treating them.
in Vitamin Research News for commer-
cial purposes is prohibited without writ- corneal dystrophy, and bullous keratopa- NAC has been shown to improve vision
ten permission from VRP. Subscriptions thy.7 Most striking, however, was the by partially reversing the development of
are available for $29.95 per year (inter- ability of carnosine to eliminate existing the cataract, thus increasing the transmis-
national $39.95).
cataracts.8 sivity of the lens to light.

2 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

The structural difference between that the eye drops alleviated eye-tired- The President’s Desk
NAC and carnosine is that one hydrogen ness and continued to improve eyesight
atom in carnosine replaces an acetyl (i.e. there was more clear vision). The Dr. Mitch Fleisher Joins VRP;
group (CH3CO-), and this substitution subjects reported that the treatment
occurs at a nitrogen atom. An important “brightened” and “relaxed” their eyes. Plus Product, Freedom Updates
chemical difference between carnosine This is an important indicator that the

very month there is something excit-
and N-acetylcarnosine is that carnosine is eye drops have a value both for preven- ing to report in the President’s Desk
relatively insoluble in lipids (fats and tive purposes, as well as medical appli- column. This month there are several
fatty compounds), whereas N-acetyl- cations. newsworthy VRP items to share with you,
carnosine is relatively soluble in lipids plus an update on the Vitamin Wars.
(as well as in water). Conclusion First, I want to personally welcome Dr.
This means that N-acetylcarnosine Carnosine and N-acetylcarnosine Mitch Fleisher to Vitamin Research
may pass through the lipid membranes eye drops appear to be a safe, effective Products’ team of medical, research and
of the corneal and lens cells more easily means to prevent cataracts, and to possi- nutrition experts. Dr. Fleisher has been using
than carnosine, and may thereby gain bly even treat cataracts that are forming. VRP’s nutritional supplements for his
access more readily to the cells’ interior, Although cataract surgery is safe and patients and himself since the 1990s, when
which is primarily aqueous. There, the highly effective, the use of topical he first became aware of Vitamin Research
N-acetylcarnosine is gradually broken carnosine or NAC eye drops may give Products. We welcome his clinical expertise
down to carnosine (and, perhaps, to his- many people another option. and his depth of VRP product knowledge.
tidine), which then exerts its beneficial Please see Dr. Dean’s interview with Dr.
effects. References Fleisher on page 4 of this issue of Vitamin
1. Block, W. N-Acetylcarnosine may help with cataracts. NAC Research News.
N-Acetylcarnosine Also eye drops show benefits in both preventing and treating this
age-related condition. LE Magazine, Aug. 2003. Speaking of welcoming, VRP is
Reduces Cataracts 2. Bourassa, D., and Dean, W. M.D. Carnosine: A Remarkable pleased to welcome a new product to our
In one study, Russian scientists con- Multipurpose Anti-Aging Nutrient. Vitamin Research News, line: Poly-MVA®, which research has shown
ducted two randomized, double-blind, Vol. 14., Num. 11, Nov. 2000.
to be an effective support for those dealing
placebo-controlled trials of six months’ 3. Babizhayev MA, Deyev A. Free radical oxidation of lipid
with cancer. You can read more about this
and thiol groups in genesis of cataract. Biophysics (biofizika),
and 24 months’ duration, with eye drops 1986, 31, 119-125, Pergamon Journals Ltd. incredible nutritional product beginning on
consisting of a one percent aqueous solu- 4. Babizhayev MA, Deyev Al, Linberg LF. Lipid peroxidation the front page.
tion of NAC administered as two drops as a possible cause of cataract. Mech. Ageing Dev. 1988, 44,
We also are pleased to welcome back
twice daily.16 They treated a total of 49 Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6), which studies
5. Babizhayev MA, Antioxidant activity of L-carnosine, a nat-
elderly patients (average age 65) with ural histidine-containing di-peptide in crystalline lens. have shown offers a wide range of beneficial
cataracts ranging in severity from mini- Biochem. Biophys. Acta., 1989a, 1004, 363-371.
properties. Readers will find the article on
mal to advanced (but not to the point of 6. Babizhayev MA, Deyev A. Lens opacity induced by lipid page 10 of interest, especially those cus-
peroxidation products as a model of cataract associated with
requiring surgery); the total number of retinal disease. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1989b, 1004, 124-133. tomers who have been asking us to offer IP6
eyes affected was 76. Using a variety of 7. Maichuk, IUF, Formaziuk, VE, Sergienko, VI. Development once again. We were glad to be able to work
sophisticated optical techniques, they of carnosine eyedrops and assessing their efficacy in corneal out supply arrangements to make it available.
diseases. Vestn Oftalmol, 1997, 113(6): 27-31.
monitored the condition of the cataracts,
8. Yuneva, M.O., Bulygina, E.R., Gallant, S.C., et al. Effect of
visual acuity, and glare sensitivity. carnosine on age-induced changes in senescence-accelerated News from the Vitamin Freedom Front
The eyes treated with NAC were mice. J Anti-Aging Medicine, 2: 1999, 337-342. DHEA is now under full-scale attack,
substantially improved in six months: 9. Wang AM, Ma C, Xie H, and Shen, F. Use of carnosine as a and once again it is time to express your dis-
natural anti-senescence drug for human beings. Biochemistry,
the measured transmissivity of the lens- 2000, 65(7), 869-871. pleasure to your U.S. Senators and
es increased in 42 percent of the eyes, by 10. Baslow, MH. Function of the N-acetyl-L-histidine system Representatives in Washington. For more on
12 to 50 percent; in 90 percent of the in the vertebrate eye. Evidence in support of a role as a molec- the threat to DHEA, please see page 16.
ular water pump. J Mol Neurosci, 1998, 10(3), 193-208.
eyes, visual acuity improved by seven to Also on the subject, as reported in our
100 percent; and in 89 percent of the 11. Ermakova, V.N., Babizhaev, M.A., Bunin, A.Ya. Effect of
L-carnosine on intraocular pressure. Byull. Eksp. Biol. Med. May issue, the Advocate General, the senior
eyes, glare sensitivity improved by 27 to 1988, 105(4), 451-453. advisor to the European Courts of Justice
100 percent. These improvements were 12. Borioni, D., and Scassellati-Sforzolini, G. The action of p- (ECJ), issued a pronouncement agreeing
sustained for the duration of the 24- aminobenzoic acid, histidine, and cortisone on the success of
corneal transplants, Am J Ophthalmol, 1953, 36: 575-576. with Europe’s challenge to the Food
month trial. In no eyes was any worsen- Supplements Directive—a development seen
13. Babizhayev MA, Yermakova VN, Sakina NL, Evstigneeva
ing of the condition seen. By contrast, RP, Rozhkova EA, Zheltukhina GA. N-Acetylcarnosine is a as positive by supplement users worldwide.
the condition of the untreated eyes in the prodrug of L-carnosine in ophthalmic application as antioxi-
dant. Clin. Chim. Acta., 1996, 254, 1-21. The final judgment on this issue will be
control group worsened. Visual acuity handed down July 12 by the ECJ. The judg-
14. Babizhayev MA, Yermakova VN, Deyev Al, Seguin M-C.
dropped in 89 percent of the controls by Imidazole-containing peptiomimetic NAC as a potent drug for ment is expected to have a significant impact
17 to 80 percent after 24 months. the medicinal treatment of age-related cataract in humans. J.
Anti-Aging Medicine 2000a, 2, 43-62. on European supplement rules—and through
Another interesting study by the international agreements and organiza-
15. Babizhayev MA, Yermakova VN, Semiletov yu A, Deyev
same team evaluated patients between A. The natural histidine-containing di-peptide N-acetylcarno- tions—on U.S. supplement policy as well.
the ages of 48 and 60, who had various sine as an antioxidant for ophthalmic use. Biochemistry
(Moscow), 2000b, 65, 588-598. We will keep you posted. As always,
degrees of eyesight impairment, but who we’ll work together for your optimal health.
16. Babizhayev MA, Deyev AI, Yermakova VN, Semiletov
did not have the symptoms of cataract. YA, Davydova NG, Kurysheva NI, Zhokotskii AV, Goldman
IM. N-Acetylcarnosine, a natural histidine-containing dipep- Robert Watson
After a course of treatment ranging from tide, as a potent ophthalmic drug in treatment of human President/CEO
two to six months, the conclusion was cataracts. Peptides, 2001, 22: 979-94.

1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 3

Welcome Dr. Mitchell Fleisher to the
Vitamin Research Products Team
by Ward Dean, M.D.
are mechanical problems, to ascertain if they in them. Some other colleagues told me they

am pleased to have the opportunity to
welcome a great new addition to Vitamin need to be referred to an acupuncturist, were having success with them. I’m constant-
Research Product’s growing team of med- osteopath, chiropractor, physical therapist, ly in search of really high quality pharmaceu-
ical, scientific and nutritional experts. prolotherapist, etc. I explore all the integrat- tical-grade nutrients that are hypoallergenic
Given my increasing patient care work- ed therapies they may need as a whole per- and deliver precisely what they claim.
load, ongoing research and preparation for son, rather than just doing the typical, “cook- When VRP tells you there’s 150 mg of
upcoming clinical trials—in addition to my ie-cutter” allopathic [conventional medical] something in a capsule, that’s exactly what’s
role as VRP’s Medical Director—I am excit- approach, i.e., “one-size-fits-all,” where as in it. It’s very difficult to practice as a nutri-
ed about the chance to team up with an out- they say, if all you have is a hammer every- tional physician and prescribe things that
standing physician and colleague I have one looks like a nail. I don’t believe that you’re not sure of, and have them act willy-
known for many years—Mitchell A. Fleisher, approach is effective in the long run. nilly, not as desired. Before I discovered
M.D., D.Ht. Therapy must be designed to fit the unique VRP, I had problems for years when I’d pre-
Dr. Fleisher is a board-certified family needs of the individual, the whole person. scribe something for a patient and they’d go
physician whose focus is classical homeopa- to the health food store to buy it without
thy, nutritional and botanical medicine, WD: What ailments do you commonly knowing what they were really getting. They
chelation and bio-oxidative therapy with treat? wouldn’t get results, and we’d find out later
more than 20 years experience practicing MF: I’m a doctor who deals with more than that the product wasn’t any good.
“the gentler art and science of integrative the runny noses, colds and flus. My practice I much prefer—and my patients rely
medicine.” Below is an interview with Dr. has evolved into specializing in helping peo- upon—knowing that when I’m prescribing a
Fleisher to help introduce him to our readers. ple with really severe, chronic, degenerative product, what’s in it is what’s supposed to be
diseases and cancer. For the last two decades, in it. If I’m treating congestive heart failure
WARD DEAN, MD: Welcome, Mitch. It’s I’ve taken on the really tough cases—people and I need to give a patient 450 mg of CoQ10,
great to have you on the VRP team. who are on lots of different conventional I want to know that what I’m giving really has
Please tell us a little about your practice. medications that are making them a really that in it. That way, if the patient does or does-
MITCHELL FLEISHER, MD: Thanks sick mess. I gradually replace the toxic drugs n’t get better, I have a good idea what it is and
for the warm welcome, Ward. I have a with nutritional therapy and whatever else is is not due to. I have found over time I can trust
homeopathic family practice. I specialize in necessary to help stimulate their own systems VRP to have excellent products.
classical homeopathic medicine and nutri- to heal themselves.
tion therapy, and I integrate the best of what I’ve successfully treated a lot of chronic WD: What are some of the VRP products
conventional medicine and complementary allergies and autoimmune diseases—which you commonly use in your protocols?
alternative medicine have to offer. are allergies turned inside out—of all sorts, MF: I prescribe a lot of UniZyme™, an
along with all manner of chronic degenera- incredibly useful product for inflammation
WD: Is there anything unique about your tive diseases and cancer, in people of all ages, of all sorts. I’ve used it in musculoskeletal
specific approach to treating patients? infants, children and pregnant moms to teens diseases, in acute trauma, in neurological
MF: I do a very thorough evaluation as a and the elderly. I’ve also done house calls and problems, in infectious inflammations.
starting point. I spend quite a bit of time with hospice care when necessary. UniZyme is extremely useful. I prescribe a
the patient on the initial visit—typically two- lot of R-Lipoic Acid, ‘C’ Plus, CoQ10 and
and-a-half to three hours with a new patient WD: Explain what you mean by “aller- LipiControl®. That’s a really big one these
for the homeopathic and nutritional evalua- gies turned inside out.” days.
tion. For a typical nutritional visit, the mini- MF: Autoimmune diseases occur when you
mum amount of time I spend is a half-hour. I become allergic to yourself. Regular aller- WD: What kind of results are you seeing
really give a lot of time and attention to each gies, like hay fever, sinusitis and asthma, with LipiControl®?
patient, so that I truly understand them prior are your reactions to external substances; MF: Tremendous. We’ll likely be working
to initiating therapy. I find that that approach the inflammatory mediator chemicals your on a prospective clinical outcome study on
yields much better clinical results. immune system generates are meant to get the nutritional treatment of hyperlipidemia
The main thrust is to evaluate every- rid of these foreign agents. What happens using LipiControl® and CoQ10 together.
thing that is going on with the individual with autoimmune diseases is that your own I’ve designed a study and created patient-
patient—physically, emotionally, mentally body becomes a foreign agent, so it’s like and physician-assessed symptom scores and
and spiritually. The goal is to understand the allergies turned inward—rather than exter- I think we’re going to proceed with it. I’ve
whole person, the holistic dynamic, in order nalized, they’re internalized. It represents a seen tremendous results with LipiControl.
to comprehend what kind of metabolic deeper order of imbalance and illness. I follow the more sophisticated lipid
imbalances we need to correct, if there are profile called the VAP cholesterol test,
hormonal issues, etc., what botanical and WD: How and when did you become which is not just a calculated value of the
nutritional supplements they need, and also acquainted with Vitamin Research Products? portions of cholesterol particles, but a direct
what kind of bioenergetic stimulation they MF: In the early ’90s, someone showed me measure. So when it measures HDL or
require. And also, I need to find out if there some of VRP’s products and I was interested LDL, it’s actually seeing the particles them-

4 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

selves and is sub-fractioning it into the dif- there’s 150 mg of CoQ10 in it, that’s what’s in WD: And what about today’s diet?
ferent LDL particles, as well as HDL sub- it. I find my patients tolerate the products bet- MF: Yes, right, people are living on fast foods
fractions, alpha-lipoprotein, and so on. I ter because there’s not all those problematic which are completely depleted of nutrients
measure those lab results for my patients adjuvants in them. If you buy CoQ10 over the and are full of fried fats, so they’re getting a
and wean them off the Lipitor®, Pravachol®, counter, you may see these big capsules or diet high in lipoxides—fatty acid oxides—
Crestor® or similar drugs. tablets when the actual amount of CoQ10 at which are the most toxic, dangerous, free rad-
One, they feel better, and two, I find 150 mg is this tiny little amount. I like the fact icals, and most commercial, non-organic
LipiControl does exactly what I want it to VRP’s supplements are hypoallergenic and foods are virtually depleted of minerals, vita-
do. It lowers the LDL “bad” cholesterol, they’re in veggie caps so there’s no exposure mins, enzymes and antioxidants. So what do
raises the HDL “good” cholesterol, controls to potential toxins from commercially made you expect to happen? What it does is if
the alpha-lipoprotein and triglycerides, as gelatin capsules. I’ve gained my trust in VRP someone has inherited a tendency towards a
well as increasing vasodilation of the by having thousands of patients use the prod- disease process, it’s certainly going to come to
peripheral tissues due to the inositol hexan- ucts safely and effectively over many years. fruition, because we’re not respecting our
icotinate. LipiControl does exactly what I For example, I would typically give my bodies, the temples of our souls, and feeding
need it to do to correct the lipid profile of acute asthma patients my asthma protocol them with healthy food rich in nutrients.
my patients, without adverse side-effects, built upon several different VRP products. It was Hippocrates, the father of medi-
and very cost-effectively. But if they go out and take just any over-the- cine, who said, “May your food be your
R-Lipoic Acid I prescribe a lot because counter nutrients instead, I’m not sure medicine and your medicine your food.”
it’s great in neuropathy, especially in dia- they’re going to get better and they often Nowadays, because our foods are so deplet-
betics. Also, there’s some good research don’t do as well as expected. But if they fol- ed, high quality supplementation is essen-
showing that it is an important, anti-aging low my VRP protocol carefully, and I feel tial to maintain health. I rely upon VRP to
product for extending the lifespan. Taking certain that it’s the right regimen for them, provide just that for my patients, myself
about 500 to 1,000 mg of R-Lipoic a day is then I will see, time after time, good repro- and my family.
roughly equivalent to the oxidative stress ducible results, and they gradually improve.
reduction on mitochondria that the WD: What general nutritional guidance do
C.R.O.N. diet provides—the “calorie WD: You’ve had your practice for 20 years. you have for people today, even if they feel
restriction with optimal nutrition” diet—the What are today’s disease trends you’re healthy and are not experiencing any dis-
only diet that has had research showing that seeing that particularly concern you? ease or particular ailment?
it actually extends life in experimental MF: I’m seeing, in general, an increase in MF: It has been clearly shown that all people
animals. chronic degenerative diseases and cancers can benefit from a very good quality multiple
I also prescribe a lot of Nutri-Joint™, across the board. Rather than just having the vitamin and mineral complex. Even the
which is extremely helpful for all forms of simple colds and flus or simple infectious Journal of the American Medical Association
arthritis, Carnosine—which is bar-none the diseases, we’re witnessing a marked increase and the New England Journal of Medicine
best agent to repair the ravages of dietary in all manner of autoimmune disorders and have published articles in the last few years
excesses of sugars and refined carbohy- an epidemic of all sorts of cancers, and it’s stating the case, that everyone can benefit
drates—plus AGEBlock™ and C-Mend™, occurring in people younger and younger from vitamins, because our foods are unfor-
which I think is probably one of the best and more and more severely. I’m seeing peo- tunately so depleted of nutritional value.
anti-mutagenesis products on the market. ple not just with simple allergies anymore, but Other than taking a good multivitamin
I’ve found that many people with chronic with very complicated allergies, multiple and getting the basic essential nutrients, we
fatigue benefit greatly from the mitochondr- chemical and food sensitivities. all need Omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re not
ial resuscitation provided by MitoBoost I getting it from enough fatty, deep-sea fish,
and II™. I take several of these products WD: What do you attribute that to? you should be taking a good source of
myself. MF: Increasing toxicity in our environment, Omega-3 fatty acids, like EthylEPA™ or
which includes industrial toxins being Neptune Krill Oil.
WD: So when you discovered VRP, you spewed into the environment, the poor qual- If you’re living in an inner city or an
began using the products for yourself as ity of foods created by corporate agribusi- urban area where there’s greater pollution,
well? ness, the poisoning of our air and our water, you're going to need to take more of the
MF: Yes, I was taking other products and I the increasing electromagnetic stresses in antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
gradually switched over. My habit is to test our air, etc. Everyone has a cell phone glued Bioflavonoids, etc., and you may need
things on myself before I test things on my to their ears—we’re going to have an things like N-Acetyl Cysteine to help detox-
patients, unless of course, I don’t have the absolute plague of brain cancer in a decade ify all those toxic, xenobiotic (foreign)
disease, so I don’t need it. I’ve been using or two from now, according to the British agents that are out there in the environment.
the VRP products for myself at least since research literature. We’re all being exposed You have to take into account the envi-
the mid-1990s. I feel very good about prac- to every manner of toxicity that didn’t exist ronment in which you’re living and the
ticing what I preach and being an example 150 years ago. amount of stress you’re living under.
of good health to my patients. In addition, we’re seeing an absolute epi- There’s no living being in the United States
demic of autism, which is clearly an iatrogenic or North America today who is not exposed
WD: You obviously have a lot of confidence disease caused by toxicity from mercury and to a wide array of toxins. Just eating the
in VRP as a physician, just as I do. From aluminum in vaccines given to infants and typical American diet is not going to
your experience and insights, what is it children and also due to industrial pollution, protect you.
that makes VRP’s products work so well in particularly mercury, from coal-burning facto- Taking really high quality nutrients that
your protocols for the patents you treat? ries, as well as the superimposed, vaccine- are specific to your constitutional nature and
MF: I find that, one, I can trust the integrity of induced, chronic viral infections, that disrupt the environment in which you live is the
the products. As I mentioned, when VRP says normal intestinal and brain functioning. best health insurance policy you can buy.

1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 5

Mechanisms of Action
free phosphate molecule then fills the
Poly-MVA is a uniquely formulated body’s energy needs.
dietary supplement containing a propri- Dr. Garnett believed that electron
Continued from page 1
etary blend of palladium bonded to alpha- transfer somehow held the key to under-
lipoic acid (referred to as palladium lipoic standing the genetic signaling that would
port both individuals with mutagenic complexes). The supplement also con- transform cancer cells into healthy ones.
concerns and healthy individuals. tains vitamins A, B1 and B12, formyl- He sought to create a sort of “liquid tran-
However, first I will explain my personal methionine, acetyl cysteine, plus trace sistor” consisting of a metal and an
connection to the Poly-MVA story. My amounts of molybdenum, rhodium and organic compound (a metallo-organic
wife, Julia Sanchez, died of colon cancer ruthenium. This formulation is designed compound). This liquid transistor would
in 1972 at the age of 34. At the time of her to provide energy for compromised body act as an enzyme and affect the electron
death, I was a school principal in systems by changing the electrical poten- transfer to DNA. He found that a specific
Anaheim, Calif. I raised our four children tial of human cells and increasing combination of the metal palladium and
alone. I will always be inspired by her DNA’s charge density within the cell. the organic molecule alpha-lipoic acid
memory. Her death, however, was not in Consequently, Poly-MVA may assist in rapidly and efficiently transferred elec-
vain: I swore that I would never rest until boosting immune response and healing tron charges to DNA. In other words,
the disease that had taken her life was damaged cells. Poly-MVA works in cancer cells by trans-
vanquished. For this reason, I have Poly-MVA is non-toxic due to the ferring excess electrons from membrane
explored less invasive cancer treatment proprietary manufacturing process by fatty acids to DNA via the mitochondria.
modalities and am convinced that Poly- which palladium is sequestered within Therefore, it can both quench radicals
MVA can play a part in cancer therapy. lipoic acid. The formulation of palladium as well as provide energy to the mito-
Consequently, I purchased Poly-MVA for lipoic complexes with other vitamins, chondria.2,4-6
distribution to cancer patients. minerals and amino acids provides con- Transferring the charge in and out of
siderable nutritional support, helping to the DNA with the palladium lipoic com-
The Poly-MVA Story enable optimum functioning of essential plexes changes the DNA charge as well
Dr. Merrill Garnett, a dentist-turned body systems. as the charge in all the cell membranes.
biochemist and head of the Garnett The palladium lipoic complexes in This is what is already happening in the
McKeen Laboratory in Stony Brook, Poly-MVA work in novel ways that do normal cell, in the same specific range.
New York, created palladium lipoic com- not harm the body as a whole—only the Triggering this normal charge in tumors
plexes after decades of research. cancer cells specifically, partially by con- provides therapy by way of membrane
Dr. Garnett’s research is based on the verting free radicals into a usable form of modification.
theory that all normally-developed cells energy. (For this reason, large amounts of Cell culture and animal experiments
contain an inward directed energy flow. the antioxidant vitamin C shouldn’t be in mice with cancerous tumors indicated
He and his son, Wade, have looked for given at the same time as Poly-MVA. It is that the palladium-alpha-lipoic-acid-
those pathways that alter electron flow in recommended that there be at least a four- thiamine compound was toxic to cancer
the cell, from the point of view that nor- hour interval between consumption of cells. In one experiment, mice treated
mal cell development requires normal large quantities of antioxidants and Poly- with this compound did not die from a
energy flow. MVA since antioxidants scavenge and form of cancer that was lethal to mice not
In laboratory experiments, Dr. destroy free radicals, whereas Poly-MVA treated with the compound. Further
Garnett found that by introducing syn- turns them into energy.) analysis showed that the compound selec-
thetic mimics of electric pathways, dys- In cancer, gene damage is caused by tively eliminated cancerous cells in the
functional cells were destroyed selective- adducts, chemicals that attach to the gene animals while leaving healthy cells
ly—in other words, abnormal cells were and disturb its function. Palladium lipoic alone.2
targeted for destruction while healthy complexes are essentially enzymes Pharmakon Laboratories also per-
cells thrived. Based on this theory, Dr. known as nucleotide reductases that help formed animal studies to determine the
Garnett began the search to find a com- remove these carcinogenic adducts. Due safety and effectiveness of palladium
pound that would restore healthy path- to these and other properties, the palladi- lipoic complexes in the treatment of
ways for growth and normal development um lipoic complexes found in Poly-MVA glioblastoma, a fast-growing brain cancer.
within the cells—pathways missing or increase muscle strength, raise energy At the beginning of the study, glioblas-
deficient in dysfunctional cells. levels, protect against extracellular LDL, toma tumor cells were injected into mice.
Specifically, he searched for what’s chelate heavy metals, reduce need for When tumors had grown to 200 to 400
called a metallo-organic compound that pain medication, improve appetite and millimeters in volume, the mice were
would act as a molecular shunt to restore slow the aging process.3 divided into eight groups of ten. Four
the cells’ healthy energetics. Cellular metabolism is an electro- groups were given daily intravenous doses
After more than 40 years of research chemical process. When the body pro- of either the palladium lipoic complexes or
and testing some 20,000 compounds, Dr. duces energy, it is released along the elec- a placebo. Four groups were tube fed pal-
Garnett discovered that palladium, when tron transport chain in the form of voltage ladium lipoic complexes or a placebo. The
combined with lipoic acid, vitamin B12 and jumps. That electrochemical energy is animals administered the palladium lipoic
thiamine, created an extremely useful and captured in reactions that preserve it in complexes received daily doses of 2, 1.5
safe cellular nutrient. Subsequent toxicity the form of adenosine triphosphate, the or 1 milligrams per animal for four weeks.
tests have shown that palladium lipoic com- energy currency of the body. Splitting Mice that died were dissected and tumor
plexes are completely safe and nontoxic.2 ATP into adenosine diphosphate and a volume was compared between groups.

6 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

In mice that received the palladium Lipoic Acid psoriasis patients.10 Clinicians have also
lipoic complexes glioblastoma tumor cell Lipoic acid is one of the natural sub- successfully used Poly-MVA in patients
growth was significantly reduced. All of stances used to form palladium lipoic with multiple sclerosis and lupus.2 By
the intravenously treated mice showed complexes. The unusually powerful enhancing the liver’s function, Poly-
significant reduction in tumor size com- antioxidant effect found in palladium MVA helps move blood out of the pelvis
pared to the placebo. Of the mice given lipoic complexes can be partly attributed via the portal vein, a process beneficial in
the palladium lipoic complexes through to its lipoic acid fraction. Since this natu- endometriosis.2 Poly-MVA also can be
tube feeding, dosages of 1 to 20 mil- rally occurring acid is soluble in both fat used in pets.
ligrams per mouse—a dose comparable and water, palladium lipoic complexes
to that used in humans with cancer—sig- are able to pass across cell membranes Dosage
nificantly shrank tumor size.7 and work intracellularly. For health maintenance, take 1/4 to 1
Oncological surgeon Rudolf E. Falk When lipoic acid is connected to an teaspoon per day. For best absorption, it
presented the first report of clinical studies electrically charged metal substrate, and should be taken 30 minutes prior to eat-
of Poly-MVA at the Adjuvant Nutrition in joined with various B vitamins, the acti- ing or taking other supplements.
Cancer Treatment Symposium in March vated B12 increases the biological activ- Patients with early-stage cancer
1994. In his work at the University of ity of the molecule thereby performing should start with a dose of 8 teaspoons
Toronto, Dr. Falk administered Poly-MVA that difficult journey across the blood- per day, divided into 2 teaspoons four
intravenously to 95 patients suffering from brain barrier. The resulting complex, in times daily for at least two months. Then,
cancers of the breast, lung, colon, rectum, addition to crossing the blood brain bar- dosage can be reduced to 2 teaspoons
prostate, pancreas, ovary, skin (malignant rier, can easily and safely travel through- twice per day (for a total of 4 teaspoons
melanoma) and brain. Ninety percent of out the body and into every cell. This per day), gradually reducing further to 1
the subjects had failed to improve on quality indicates that palladium lipoic to 2 teaspoons per day.
virtually all available conventional thera- complexes may be an excellent protocol Individuals with advanced cancer
py. During Poly-MVA treatment, the to use in cases of brain cancer—along may need the initial dose of 8 teaspoons
with breast, prostate, colon, lung, and per day for a longer period. On average,
subjects also received moderate doses of
stomach cancer.2 it takes four weeks before results are seen
and felt.
Only 20 to 60 percent of the patients
Molybdenum When taking Poly-MVA, a cancer
would be expected to survive an average
Molybdenum is an essential trace cell “die-off” can cause temporary
of another six months. Nine months after increases in cancer marker tests, such as
being treated with the intravenous Poly- mineral crucial for the regulation of pH in
the body. Cancerous cells, depleted of the AMAS test. Poly-MVA also may act
MVA, however, 90 percent of the sub- as a paramagnetic contrast agent, mean-
jects were still alive.2 Current studies on oxygen, also tend to be excessively
acidic. Anaerobic metabolism produces ing it may cause changes in MRI scans
stage IV cancers performed by certified that can be mistaken for cancerous
board oncologists reveal an improvement acid and overly acidic cells are undergo-
of 77 percent in Poly-MVA-treated ing stress.2
Rhodium and Ruthenium References
The animal tube feeding experiment 1. Merrill Garnett. First Pulse: A Personal Journey in
mentioned above and the results achieved Rhodium, a rare earth metal noted Cancer Research. 2001, 2nd edition, First Pulse Projects,
for its low electrical resistance and high New York.
by clinicians administering Poly-MVA, 2. Milne RD, Block ML. Poly-MVA: A New Supplement in
indicate that oral supplementation with corrosion resistance, is used as a catalyst the Fight Against Cancer. Basic Health Publications, Inc.,
Poly-MVA would be expected to achieve for many chemical processes. Ruthenium New Jersey, 1-800-575-8890.
is another transition metal of the platinum 3. Sanchez A. Overcome Cancer, volume 3, series 2003.
the same results. Advanced Medicine Research Information and Education
group used to harden and increase Center, 866-426-7252.
Palladium the corrosion resistance of titanium. 4. Merrill Garnett. Developmental Electronic Circuits in
Cancer: Research and Treatment. Garnett McKeen Medical
Palladium is the binding force and Ruthenium/molybdenum alloys have Science Series, volume 1, number 2, 2002, Islip, New York.
center of all the palladium lipoic complex- been found to be superconductive.2 5. Garnett McKeen. Electrogenetics: Biological Liquid
Crystal Theory. Garnett McKeen Medical Science Series,
es. Dr. Garnett chose palladium for specif- No. 1., 2002, First Pulse Projects, New York.
ic reasons. He needed a catalyst to reestab- Other Uses for Poly-MVA 6. Garnett W, Garnett M. Charge relay from molybdate
lish the normal functions that had been lost A study published in September oxyradicals to palladium-lipoic complex to DNA. Paper
presented at the Conference on Oxygen Metabolites in
in the cancer cells. The amazing properties 2004 indicates that administration of Nonheme Metabollichemistry, June 23, 1996, University
of palladium, Garnett discovered, were Poly-MVA may be a potent neuroprotec- of Minnesota.
tive agent for victims of transient 7. Effect of a Test Article on the Growth of A
just right for the task. As an excellent cat- Glioblastoma Tumor Cell Line in Nude Mice. Pharmakon
alyst for oxygen and hydrogen, it could, ischemic attack (TIA), cardiac arrest, Study Number 708-GMK-001-95.
under the right circumstances, absorb anesthetic accidents or drowning. 9 8. James W. Forsythe, MD, HMD, AMARC Inc., and
Garnett-McKeen Laboratories, Inc., Unpublished, Nine
more than 900 times its volume of According to Frank Antonawich, one of month out-come based study with Poly-MVA, January
hydrogen. the researchers in this study, Poly-MVA’s 2004, Reno, Nevada.
neuroprotective properties make it 9. Antonawich FJ, Fiore SM, Welicky LM. Regulation of
Dr. Garnett used the palladium to ischemic cell death by the lipoic acid-palladium complex,
strengthen the power of the other mole- extremely effective for stroke. Poly MVA, in gerbils. Exp Neurol 2004, Sep;189(1):10-5.
cules, similarly to the way iron is used to In addition, clinical experience indi- 10. U.S. Patent 5,463,093. Palladium complexes and
methods for using same in the treatment of tumors or pso-
hold the active parts of hemoglobin.2 cates it may support the skin health of riasis. Filed November 26, 1993, issued October 31, 1995.

1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 7

by Ward Dean, MD
VRP Medical Director

Fibrosis Dear Ms. C., depending on your particular biochemical

It sounds as if you have done very individuality. If one product helps a little,
well in recommending things for your but you are still having problems, you can
Dear Dr. Dean, mother’s care. either bump the dose a bit, or add a second
I live in Vigo, Spain with my moth- Unfortunately, she is suffering from (or third) product.
er. She is 56 years old (menopause altered, fibrotic tissues due to the radia- With regard to I3C or BioDIM ®, I
since age 36, with mild osteoporosis). tion. Radiated tissues become cross- have no preference. Some people do bet-
In 1998, she had surgery to remove a linked, losing their normal flexibility and ter with one product, some with the other.
retroperitoneal tumor and underwent resiliency. As you suggested, surgery may As I’ve said previously, most of the
radiotherapy and chemotherapy. help, if the radiated portion can be specif- research has been done with I3C. On the
Radiation caused an injury in her ically isolated and excised. Unfortunately, other hand, BioDIM, being the proposed
intestine (her doctor says she has radiated tissue doesn’t heal well, either, so active ingredient in I3C, has some theoret-
fibrosis), so she can’t eat fiber. When that might make the problem worse. ical advantages.
she does, the extremities of her intes- Potential radio-protectant substances Either one should be beneficial for
tine “glue” and she has to go to the may help, like Resveratrol (which you are you—but you may find that one works
hospital, where she doesn’t eat for a already using) and Carnosine. Also, anti- better for you than the other due to bio-
day or two, until everything returns to cross-linking substances like PABA, Oral chemical individuality.
normal. ChelatoRx, Benfotiamine and AGEBlock™
Her physician says surgery is the may help in the long run, but any improve- Ward Dean, M.D.
only way to solve the problem, but it ment will probably take a long time.
can be a little hard to get to the spot, so
she has been avoiding it. Last year, my Ward Dean, M.D. Hemochromatosis
mother started suffering from pain in
her knee and her fingers started to Dear Dr. Dean,
swell. Differences Between Supplements
In past years I was on a program of
Reading VRP’s articles, life-extension DMSA and (D) Lipoic Acid to reduce my
books and Dr. Michael Colgan’s books, I Dear Dr. Dean, high levels of iron. Recently, my doctor
gave her: Nutri-Joint, Glucosamine, For inflammation, you’ve recom- has switched me to IP6, HepatoGen™
MSM, EthylEPA™, GLA, UniZyme™, mended UniZyme™, Turmeric Extract and SAMe, as it appears that the other
Extend Core, Calcium/ Magnesium, or Boswellia Serrata Extract. Should I treatment was not working. He has
Extension Antioxidant, Extension take them all, or just one? Can I take also suggested that I have 250 cc of
Phytonutrient, Resveratrol, BioDIM, them for as long as I want or just for a blood drawn every couple of months. I
CoQ10, Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine certain period of time? would appreciate your views on this
and Primary Greens. VRP has I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol) and change, and/or, any suggestions that
She stopped having pain in her BioDIM ®. I was thinking of adding that you may have. It seems that I have
joints and the latest x-ray and MRI supplement to my current regimen of been diagnosed with a “mild” case of
shows a perfect knee (nine months Optimum 6, Extension Phytonutrient, hemochromatosis. — Mr. M.
before, there was cartilage degenera- ProstaCol ® , EthylEPA™, GLA, Lipoic
tion). Besides that, she started sleeping Acid, CoQ10 and Carnosine to prevent Dear Mr. M.,
better and having more energy and she prostate cancer (it runs in my family). I think your physician is probably right
lost 7 kg. I’m confused about them. What’s the about the occasional blood draw. You may
Nevertheless, besides Culturelle® difference between them? Should I take require more blood to be removed than he
and L-Glutamine (and I’m not sure them both or which one would you rec- suggested. The amount should be deter-
these substances would help), I don’t ommend? — Mr. M. mined by trial and error and repeated testing.
know what to do to cure the fibrosis in This removal of your blood will probably be
her intestines, caused by radiation. Dear Mr. M., beneficial, and entails little, if any, risk.
I know fiber is very important to With regard to the three anti-inflam- Have you performed a Hair Analysis
colon health and I’m worried about the matory substances you mentioned, you (mineral) Test to determine whether there is
fact she can’t eat it and the fact she can take all three, as they all work by any need to continue/alter your oral chela-
gets very sick when she does. slightly different mechanisms. However, tion program? Let me know how you do.
Could you recommend something you may not need to.
to help her? — Ms. C. Try one or the other, to see if it will Ward Dean, M.D.
help. One may work better than the other, Continued on page 9
8 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com
Inflammatory Bowel Disease & BPH Psoriatic Arthritis talk with Dr. Zelig, the developer of
BioDIM, he would give a convincing
argument for DIM. Either one will most
Dear Dr. Dean, Dear Dr. Dean, likely be better than doing nothing.
I enjoy your articles and com- I just received your very in-depth
ments in the Vitamin Research News newsletter with my recent order of Ward Dean, M.D.
very much. I am an 82-year-old, very Lithium Orotate. A friend of mine,
active male, who was diagnosed some only in his 30s, is suffering from psori-
30-odd years ago with BPH (benign pro- atic arthritis. His wife has done a lot of DMSA and Ulcerative Colitis
static hypertrophy—enlarged prostate).
Internet research and it seems that
Several months ago, I was also
there is no answer to the problem. He
diagnosed with collagenous colitis fol- Dear Dr. Dean,
has been on regular painkillers, which I received my order of DMSA a few
lowing a colonoscopic exam. The doctor
prescribed prednisone, but I did not like are bad for his liver; and now that he is weeks ago and was very satisfied.
it as it made me very “high.” When I off of them he is in agony. Can you Recently, I was prescribed Imuran®
continued to have problems with diar- give me any clues as to some sort of (azathioprine) to stabilize my ulcera-
rhea, the doctor changed my prescrip- cure or assistance with the pain? tive colitis. Do you know of any poten-
tion to 3 mg of Entocort®. I have been Thanks so much. — Mr. B. tial conflicts between DMSA and
taking three capsules per day for about Imuran®? — Mr. W.
five weeks, then reduced to one capsule. Dear Mr. B.,
Following the prednisone experi- Of course, the problem is the psoria- Dear Mr. W.,
ence, I started taking Imodium® as sis. I suggest he try Fumaric Acid, which I don’t think there are any contraindi-
needed, along with five capsules of I’ve found to be highly effective against cations—known or imagined—between
AMP Molo-Cure® in the morning and most cases of psoriasis. In addition, Imuran® and DMSA.
four in the evening. I am not having Acetyl L-Carnitine (1,500 to 2,000 mg I also suggest Culturelle®, SeaCure
the diarrhea problem now, but in the per day) and evening primrose oil (GLA) and Larch AG™ for all my patients with
past six months, I have lost nearly 25 may also help. ulcerative colitis. I’ve also found that they
pounds. I seem not to be able to gain I’d suggest VRP’s Nutri-Joint generally have low levels of Pregnenolone
weight, which is fine, as long as I don’t and DHEA.
specifically to help restore joint carti-
continue to lose weight.
I also take VRP’s DHEA and (now
lage, and anti-inflammatory substances
Ward Dean, M.D.
discontinued) AndroCaps. Recently I like UniZyme™, Turmeric Extract and
ordered more of the DHEA, and Boswellia Serrata Extract to help relieve
Culturelle® (LGG), along with inflammation. Hope these suggestions CarnoSee™ Works!
AndroAMP, which I later learned is not help.
to be taken if one has BPH. Why? In
January 2004, salivary tests indicated Ward Dean, M.D. The following was received as an e-mail
that my testosterone was out of range for Dr. Bob Martin, host of Health Talk
at 30L, DHEAS <2.5 Low, and morning Radio.
cortisol at 11.3 High. Is there anything
else that you can recommend? I am Which is Best: BioDIM or I3C? I listen to your show every week. I’m in
about 5-foot-10 and now weigh about my 50s. Some weeks ago you recom-
158. Thank you for your help and please mended CarnoSee™ to help with
Dear Dr. Dean,
continue the good work. — Mr. H. intraocular pressure (IOP). It works! In
After a recent pap smear, I was
spades! IOP went from Left 18, Right
told I have mild cervical dysplasia. My
Dear Mr. H., 21, (after 36 months of using Xalatan®)
diet is 80 percent raw food; I drink
I think AndroAMP may be of benefit. to 13 bilaterally in just five weeks. I
organic carrot juice twice a day and
I’d disregard the relative contraindica- can't thank you enough. — Mr. F.
supplement with a green food prod-
tion. It is because orthodox MDs believe
testosterone contributes to prostate prob- uct. I exercise regularly and am in good
Dear Mr. F.,
lems. Frankly, I believe it is the excess health. I believe given the proper nutri-
Thank you for sharing your success story
estrogen that may arise due to conversion ents, and mindset, the body will heal
using CarnoSee™. You are among untold
of testosterone to estrogen. This may be itself.
customers who have benefitted from
prevented by taking extra Resveratrol, as I don’t know if I should take the
CarnoSee, which happens to be featured
well as helping to metabolize estrogen BioDIM® product, or the Indole-3-
on page 1 of this month’s newsletter.
with I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol) or Carbinol (I3C). Can you make any rec-
BioDIM®. I think boosting your testos- ommendations? Thank you. — Ms. P.
Ward Dean, M.D.
terone may help to heal your colon.
I suggest adding Larch AG™, and Dear Ms. P.,
perhaps 30 to 100 mg of Pregnenolone Unfortunately, in this case, I’m not For more customer questions and
each morning to your daily regimen. sure which is best. But I am sure that you answers, or to ask your own question, visit
Also, try SeaCure and continue with the should be on one or the other of these Vitamin Research Products’ website at
Culturelle®. Hope these suggestions help. substances. Most of the research has been www.vrp.com and go to “Dear Doctor.”
done with I3C. However, if you were to
Ward Dean, M.D.
1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 9
Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6)

Fiber-Derived Support for Mutagenic,

Cardiovascular and Immune Concerns
by Kimberly Pryor
of IP6 may be a more pragmatic approach tumor growth;24-25 and stimulating tumor

e live in a delicate state of bal-
ance. Ironically, we depend on than gorging enormous quantities of fiber suppressor gene p53.26
our cells’ ability to commit sui- for cancer prophylaxis.”10-11 New animal and cell culture experi-
cide in order for us to continue living. ments also have indicated that IP6 works
This process is called apoptosis and it’s Proposed Anticancer Mechanisms primarily by inhibiting metastases and
the body’s way of weeding out once IP6 exerts its effects on the body by blocking angiogenesis, the process of
healthy cells that have turned cancerous. controlling cell division. IP6 reduces the forming new blood vessels that feed
When our state of balance is disrupted, rate of cellular proliferation, both in vivo tumors.
the body loses its ability to block the and in vitro, and has exhibited an ability Angiogenesis depends on the interac-
malignant transformation of normal cells to reduce DNA synthesis.12-14 tion between endothelial cells (cells that
by sentencing them to die before they Scientists have suggested that one line the blood vessel walls) and tumor
become cancerous. way IP6 may exert this cellular control is cells. For angiogenesis to occur, endothe-
Once a cell has become cancerous, by interfering with mineral absorption, lial cells on the blood vessel walls must
it’s virtually unheard of for it to revisit its since iron and other minerals are impor- multiply or proliferate. Consequently,
previous state of normalcy. However, a tant in gene regulation.15 Studies have Shamsuddin and colleagues investigated
substance derived from dietary fiber shown a possible link between excess IP6’s effect on both endothelial and tumor
known as inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) or iron and an increased risk of cancer in cells.
phytic acid, forces malignant cells to animals and humans, particularly colon During the in vitro experiment, IP6
revert to a non-cancerous state, a phe- cancer.16 IP6 has been shown to interfere inhibited the proliferation and growth of
nomenon observed in human colon can- with iron absorption and reverse iron- endothelial cells. The combination of IP6
cer cells and other cell lines. dependent augmentation of colorectal and an agent with anti-angiogenic activi-
Scientists discovered IP6’s novel tumor initiation. IP6 also suppresses iron- ty was even more powerful in reducing
ability to turn back the clock on cancer caused oxygen generation, and almost cell growth. IP6 also inhibited the prolif-
cells through looking at a tumor marker totally inhibits iron-caused lipid peroxi- eration of endothelial cells derived from
expressed on malignant and premalignant dation, the process where lipids turn human umbilical veins. In addition, IP6
cells. This marker, however, is absent on rancid.17-18 significantly reduced the action of a
normal cells. Following IP6 treatment of A concern in this regard is the possi- growth factor involved in vessel forma-
cancer cells, the tumor marker was signif- bility that IP6 may deplete the body’s tion. In human liver cancer cells, expo-
icantly suppressed, and in most IP6-treat- mineral stores. Yet, in numerous studies, sure to IP6 for eight and 24 hours result-
ed cells the marker was completely researchers have noted no significant dif- ed in a dose-dependent inhibition of
absent. IP6 also caused a decreased rate ferences in the level of serum or bone another growth factor involved in vessel
of cell proliferation.1-2 minerals in rats, even after lengthy treat- growth (vascular endothelial growth fac-
It also has been suggested that IP6 can ment with IP6 and inositol.19 tor or VEGF).
regulate heart rate and blood pressure and AbulKalam Shamsuddin, MD, PhD, “Thus, IP(6) has an inhibitory effect
keep platelets from clumping together.3-6 a researcher who has extensively studied on induced angiogenesis,” the researchers
IP6 and the author of IP6: Nature’s wrote.27
Dietary IP6 Revolutionary Cancer Fighter, stated that In two other studies, Shamsuddin
IP6 occurs in fiber-rich foods—par- “Certainly, its [IP6’s] hypothetical harm and his fellow researchers also showed
ticularly cereals and wheat bran, along connected to chelation is far less than that that IP6 influences key events that stop
with corn, soy beans, nuts (especially of other compounds of similar usage (eg. the spread of cancer cells.28-29
peanuts), oats, seeds and rice. Scientists cancer chemotherapeutic and chemopre- These potential mechanisms of
have recently discovered that IP6 is a ventive agents) and are far outweighed by actions explain the outcome of a number
powerful antioxidant and cancer-modu- the plethora of benefits.”20 of studies showing IP6’s anti-mutagenic
lating agent,7-9 but when administered in The questions that arise in regard to potential in a number of different cancers.
the diet, IP6 binds with proteins, forming IP6’s ability to chelate minerals suggest
insoluble complexes less readily metabo- that other anticancer actions are at play. Colon Cancer
lized and absorbed compared to when it is These actions include boosting natural In 1988, Shamsuddin first reported
taken alone. defense mechanisms through the aug- in the journal Carcinogenesis the stun-
In fact, one group of researchers stat- mentation of natural killer (NK) cells that ning effect IP6 had on large intestinal
ed: “Thus, IP6, an active substance defend the body against tumor initia- cancer in rats. Researchers fed 1 percent
responsible for cereal’s beneficial anti- tion;21 blocking PI-3 Kinase, an enzyme sodium inositol hexaphosphate (Na-IP6)
cancer effect, is clearly more effective necessary for tumor promotion;22-23 alter- to one group of animals one week prior to
than 20 percent bran in the diet.... Intake ing cellular communication necessary for inducing cancer, and to another group

10 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

two weeks after the last dose of a carcino- of Colorado researchers investigated the human leukemia cell lines and leukemia
gen was administered. Rats who took the growth-inhibitory effect of IP6 in andro- cells originating in bone marrow. IP6
IP6-laced drinking water prior to carcino- gen-dependent human prostate carcinoma dose-dependently triggered cancer cell
gen treatment exhibited a 35 percent cells. IP6 treatment strongly inhibited death in all of the leukemia cell lines test-
decrease in large intestinal cancer com- cancer cell growth and triggered apoptosis ed. IP6 exposure caused an extensive
pared to the control carcinogen group. The in the cancer cells. down modulation of genes involved in
group fed IP6 after receiving the carcino- According to the researchers, whose leukemia development and an upregula-
gen showed a similar reduction.30 2003 study on IP6 and androgen-inde- tion of genes that inhibited leukemia’s cell
Phytic acid (IP6) was also effective at pendent prostate cancer also showed sim- cycle. IP6 treatment of fresh bone marrow
reducing the incidence of colon tumors in ilar results, this latest study using andro- samples where the leukemia cells origi-
conjunction with a high-risk, high-fat diet. gen-dependent prostate cancer cells indi- nated decreased proliferation of the can-
Colon tumor incidence in carcinogen- cates “IP6 has promise and potential to be cerous cells, but had no effect on the nor-
treated rats plummeted from up to 70 per- effective against prostate cancer.”36-37 mal bone marrow specimens.
cent in the control groups to 30 percent in “Taken together, our results confirm
the groups fed a high-risk diet (HRD) plus Breast Cancer the antiproliferative activity of IP6,”
phytic acid (IP6).31 IP6 has been shown to inhibit car- wrote the researchers, “and suggest that it
IP6 may also increase its ability to cinogenesis in all types of mammary can- may have a specific antitumour effect also
inhibit colon cancer when combined with cer cells—those that require estrogen for in chronic myeloid leukemias, via active
green tea.32 growth and those whose growth is inde- gene modulation.”42
pendent of the female sex hormone. It
Liver Cancer accomplishes this by inhibiting DNA syn- Skin Cancer
In the January-March 2005 issue of thesis and cell growth, and inducing dif- When we first reported on IP6 in
the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer ferentiation of the cancer cell lines.38-40 2000, a study of mouse skin cancer indi-
Prevention, researchers in Seoul, Korea IP6 also enhances the anti-cancer cated that IP6 prevented skin papillomas
investigated the effect of IP6 and/or inosi- effects of the drugs tamoxifen and adri- when given during cancer initiation. After
tol on liver cancer in mice. The researchers amycin. In a study published in 2003, initiation however, IP6 exerted little
gave the animals either inositol or IP6 or a Shamsuddin and colleagues investigated effect.43
combination of both, starting one week IP6’s ability to inhibit cancer growth in Since then, a study published in 2003
prior to administration of a chemical car- vitro in combination with adriamycin or showed that topical application of IP6 to
cinogen to induce liver cancer. tamoxifen. The researchers tested the the skin of mice with induced skin cancer
Supplementation with IP6, inositol or three substances against an estrogen had a dramatic effect. Topical IP6 inhibit-
both resulted in a significant decrease in dependent human breast cancer cell line, ed skin tumor development significantly
the size and the number of a precancerous an estrogen independent human breast in a dose-dependent manner.44
marker for liver cancer.33 cancer cell line, and an adriamycin-resist-
Patients suffering from Hepatocellular ant breast cancer cell line. Lung Cancer and Asbestos-Induced
carcinoma (HCC), a common liver cancer, After 96 hours of treatment, much Fibrosis
usually have an extremely poor prognosis. lower concentrations of IP6 were required Scientists have also received positive
In the first of two experiments, to inhibit the growth of adriamycin-resist- results with IP6 in regards to lung cancer
Shamsuddin and colleagues compared the ant breast cancer cells than to inhibit the and asbestos-induced fibrosis and carcino-
in vitro effects of IP6 on HepG2, a human estrogen-dependent human breast cancer ma. Studies have shown that fibrosarcoma
liver cancer cell line. Compared to other cells. The estrogen independent human cells in mice treated with IP6 resulted in a
cancer cell lines, HepG2 cells were breast cancer cells were also highly sensi- significant inhibition of tumor and size as
extremely sensitive to IP6, experiencing a tive to IP6. well as improvement of survival over the
dose-dependent, 50 percent inhibition of Cancer growth was markedly sup- untreated controls. In addition, IP6 treat-
cell growth. IP6 also weakened HepG2’s pressed when IP6 was administered prior ment of mice with experimental lung
ability to form colonies. to the addition of adriamycin. This inhibi- metastasis resulted in a significant reduc-
The sequel to the experiment demon- tion of cancer cell growth was especially tion in the number of metastatic lung
strated that IP6 regressed pre-existing notable in the estrogen-dependent breast colonies.45
human liver cancer cells transplanted in cancer cells. In all three cell lines studied, Due to its antioxidant properties and
mice back to their normal, non-cancerous IP6 acted synergistically with tamoxifen. its ability to chelate iron, in another study
state, when IP6 was injected into the According to the researchers, “Our IP6 diminished the asbestos-induced
transplanted tumor cells. In addition, the data not only confirm that IP6 alone oxidative damage that results in inflam-
tumor weight in IP6-treated mice was 86 inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells, mation and fibrosis in the lungs of
percent to 1180 percent less than that in but it also acts synergistically with adri- exposed animals, from six- to 30-fold less
control mice.34-35 amycin or tamoxifen” and is particularly than in control groups.46
effective against estrogen-independent
Prostate Cancer breast cancer cells and adriamycin-resist- Rhabdomyosarcoma
In the last several years, a number of ant cells.41 IP6 has suppressed the growth of
in vitro and animal studies have explored rhabdomyosarcoma, the most common
IP6’s potential role in supporting a healthy Leukemia soft tissue sarcoma in children. Cell line
prostate. In the September-October 2004 In a study published in 2002, growth was reduced by 50 percent in vitro
issue of the journal Neoplasia, University researchers analyzed IP6’s effects on Continued on page 12
1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 11
IP6 inositol in our strategies for cancer pre-
vention and treatment.”
29. Tantivejkul K, Vucenik I, Shamsuddin AM. Inositol
hexaphosphate (IP6) inhibits key events of cancer metasta-
sis: II. Effects on integrins and focal adhesions. Anticancer
Res 2003, Sep-Oct;23(5A):3681-9.
Continued from page 11 30. Shamsuddin AM, Elsayed AM, Ullah A. Suppression
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Other research points to IP6’s useful- erythroleukemia cell line. Cancer Lett 1992, 64:195-202. hexaphosphate inhibits growth and induces G1 arrest and apop-
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ness in preventing platelet aggregation 9. Shamsuddin AM, Yang GY. Inositol hexaphosphate
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attacks and strokes. In one in vitro study 1979. Inositol hexaphosphate inhibits constitutive activation of
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ting by 50 percent, or eliminated it alto- 39. Shamsuddin AM. IP6: Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer-
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IP6’s role may also extend to control- 13. Shamsuddin AM, Yang GY, Vucenik I. Novel anti-can- 40. Shamsuddin AM, Yang GY, Vucenik I. Novel anti-can-
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myocardium (heart muscle) during heart 41. Tantivejkul K, Vucenik I, Eiseman J, Shamsuddin AM.
14. Yang GY, Shamsuddin AM. Anticancer Res 1995,
attacks. After a heart attack, doctors reper- 15:2479-88. Inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) enhances the anti-prolifera-
fuse (fill) the heart area with oxygenated 15. O’Halloran TV. Science 1993, 261:715-25. tive effects of adriamycin and tamoxifen in breast cancer.
16. Weinberg ED. Association of iron with colorectal can- Breast Cancer Res Treat 2003, Jun;79(3):301-12.
blood. This poses its own set of risks, cer. Biometals 1994, 7(3):211-6. 42. Deliliers GL, Servida F, Fracchiolla NS, Ricci C, Borsotti
because the oxygen can churn out free rad- 17. Porres JM, Stahl CH, Cheng WH, et al. Dietary intrin- C, Colombo G, Soligo D. Effect of inositol hexaphosphate
sic phytate protects colon from lipid peroxidation in pigs (IP(6)) on human normal and leukaemic haematopoietic
icals, damaging the blood vessels and with a moderately high dietary iron intake. Proc Soc Exp cells. Br J Haematol 2002, Jun;117(3):577-87.
heart muscle. Researchers successfully Biol Med 1999, 221(1):80-6. 43. Zarkovic M, Nakatsuru Y, Ebina K, Ishikawa T,
18. Graf E, Eaton JW. Suppression of colonic cancer by Shamsuddin AM. Proc Sapporo Cancer Seminar: Current
used IP6 to protect the heart muscle from dietary phytic acid. Nutr Cancer 1993, 19(1):11-9. Strategies of Cancer Chemoprevention,1993.
superoxide damage during reperfusion.50-51 19. Vucenik I, Yang GY, Shamsuddin AM. Inositol hexa- 44. Gupta KP, Singh J, Bharathi R. Suppression of
phosphate and inositol inhibit DMBA-induced rat mamma- DMBA-induced mouse skin tumor development by inosi-
As more studies unfold, additional ry cancer. Carcinogenesis 1995, 16:1055-58. tol hexaphosphate and its mode of action. Nutr Cancer
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properties of IP6 have been revealed. 20. Shamsuddin AM, Vucenik I, Cole KE. IP6: a novel
45. Vucenik I, Tomazic VJ, Fabian D, Shamsuddin AM.
anti-cancer agent. Life Sci 1997, 61(4):343-54.
Otake and colleagues demonstrated that 21. Baten A, Ullah A, Tomazic VJ, Shamsuddin AM.
Antitumor activity of phytic acid in murine transplanted
and metastatic fibrosarcoma. Cancer Lett 1992, 65:9-13.
IP6 inhibited the cell destruction induced Inositol-phosphate-induced enhancement of natural killer
46. Shamsuddin AM. IP6: Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer-
cell activity correlates with tumor suppression.
by HIV as well as the HIV specific anti- Carcinogenesis 1989, 10:1595-98. Fighter. Kensington Books. New York, NY. 1998. Page 80.
gen expression.52 22. Huang C, Ma W, Hecht SS, Dong Z. Inositol hexa- 47. Vucenik I, Kalebic T, Tantivejkul K, Shamsuddin AM.
phosphate inhibits cell transformation and activator protein Novel Anticancer Function of Inositol Hexaphosphate:
1 activation by targeting phosphatidylinositol-3’ kinase. Inhibition of Human Rhabdomyosarcoma in Vitro and in
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48. Ohkawa T, Ebisuno S, Kitagawa M, Marimoto S,
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Miyazaki Y, Yasukawa S. Rice bran treatment for patients
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Revolutionary Cancer Fighter, Shamsuddin, W, Rudnicka-Nawrot M, Palczewski K. ies. J Urol 1984, 132:1140-45.
Inositolhexakisphosphate (InsP6): an antagonist of fibrob-
calls IP6 combined with inositol, “an anti- last growth factor receptor binding and activity. In Vitro 49. Shamsuddin AM. IP6: Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer-
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50. Rao PS, Liu X-K, Das DK, Weinstein GS, Tyras DH.
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tol exerts an even more powerful suppres- 26. Saied IT, Shamsuddin AM. Up-Regulation of the
Protection of ischemic heart from reperfusion injury by
myo-inositol hexaphosphate, a natural antioxidant. Ann
sion of cell proliferation and colorectal can- Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 and WAF1 gene expression Thorac Surg 1991, 52:908-12.
by IP6 in HT-29 human colon carcinoma cell line.
cer than with either agent alone. This potent Anticancer Res 1998, 18(3A):1479-84. 51. Shamsuddin AM. IP6: Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer-
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“cocktail” has also been used to suppress 27. Vucenik I, Passaniti A, Vitolo MI, Tantivejkul K,
52. Otake T, Shimonaka H, Kanai M, Miyano K, Ueba N,
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strongly argue for the use of IP6 plus

12 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

Liver Disease in Dogs and Cats
by Randy Aronson, VMD
Director of Veterinary Division

magine being the second largest organ to assess the liver’s functionality. A fol- Dandelion Root, Alpha Lipoic Acid and
in the body and being greatly underap- low-up to the x-rays can include an ultra- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), to name a few.
preciated. This is the plight of our sound of the liver and possibly a skinny I have added SAMe and RNA, along
pet’s liver, which is surpassed in size only needle biopsy. The biopsy is a phenome- with two Chinese herbal formulas that
by the organ known as the skin. If not nal tool to completely diagnose the disease you can purchase locally, Long Dan Xie
functioning properly the liver can call process present. This is of great impor- Gan Tang and Schisandra Formula to
great attention to its importance and lead tance, since the treatment and support is round out my liver support therapy.
to severe illness and death. directly correlated to the specific liver dys-
Dr. Aronson is Director of VRP’s Veterinary
The liver is crucial to the following function. I also utilize a procedure called
Division. By blending Eastern and Western
bodily functions: laparoscopy, which uses a small, rigid, philosophies, he has helped animals and
• Filtering and storing blood fiber-optic tool to directly visualize the animal-lovers for more than 20 years in his
• Detoxification liver and biopsy it, if necessary. veterinary practice, as well as through his
• Excretion of toxic byproducts of The types of liver disease that we see radio call-in show and published columns.
digestion in our pets may include: To submit a pet question to Dr. Aronson or to
• Metabolism of food to provide • Toxic hepatopathy, which may be due subscribe to VRP’s free electronic (e-mail)
essential vitamins and nutrients to medical therapies for example, pet newsletter, visit www.vrppet.com.

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Supplement Index
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seen animals with severely damaged liv- • Inflammation Acetyl-L-Carnitine . . . . . . . . . . .4911
ers make a full and complete recovery, • Cirrhosis AGEBlock™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1985
given an accurate diagnosis and provided • Fatty liver syndrome in cats AndroAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7200
with the building blocks for cellular • Granulomatous hepatitis from Benfotiamine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1011
recovery and regeneration. fungal disease, tumors and para- BioDIM® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8081
Liver problems in pets may go unde- Boswellia Serrata Extract . . . . .5041
sites Calcium/Magnesium . . . . . . . . .7451
tected, especially if owners aren’t aware of • Portosystemic shunts—a genetic CarnoSee™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9126
these signs of liver disease or dysfunction: defect Carnosine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4112
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tion Extend Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3203
Extension Antioxidant . . . . . . .2186
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mucous membranes and eyes) ties has its own treatment, suffice it to say GLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3250
• Dark urine there are many animals that will respond Glucosamine Complex . . . . . . .3601
• Excess salivation to specific therapies for the liver. Hair Analysis Test . . . . . . . . . . .9808
• Increase urination and drinking The take-home message is that, due HepatoGen™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1600
• Vomiting. to the liver’s incredible ability to replace I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol) . . . . . . .6041
IP6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1351
Veterinary Evaluation damaged cells, a regimen of the right L-Glutamine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4211
Even to the trained eye of your veteri- nutrition and supplementation can help Larch AG™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8101
narian, only 40 to 50 percent of cats and our pets become healthier while address- Lipoic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3451
dogs having liver problems will be appar- ing their liver disease. Lithium Orotate . . . . . . . . . . . . .7241
ent on physical examination—showing The liver is under assault daily from MSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5383
jaundice and having swollen livers. the toxins we are all exposed to and from Nutri-Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5241
the production of free radicals in the Optimum 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3310
If your veterinarian suspects a liver Oral ChelatoRx . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1820
problem, he or she will initially recommend a body. PABA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1281
blood panel and abdominal x-rays. The blood My recommendation for optimal Pregnenolone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5713
panel can reveal any liver enzyme abnormal- liver health for our pets is, first, to feed a Primary Greens . . . . . . . . . . . . .5226
ities, altered blood protein values or possible super premium dog or cat food, raw diets ProstaCol® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1620
anemia. The x-rays may yield information or home cooked foods. I add VRP’s Dog Resveratrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5512
about the liver’s size, either enlarged Vites or Cat Vites and Whole Food SAMe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4421
(hepatomegaly) or shrunken (cirrhosis). Concentrate daily. For specific liver sup- SeaCure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9119
port, Pet Liver Care is an incredible supple- Turmeric Extract . . . . . . . . . . . .5102
If there are any abnormalities, a blood
UniZyme™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1630
test called bile acids may be incorporated ment providing ingredients like Milk Thistle,
1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 13
Vinpocetine: Cognitive Enhancer’s Role
Expands to Incontinence and Epilepsy
by Kimberly Pryor

he periwinkle has long been an from mild to moderate organic psycho- Although the researchers called the
established part of summer gar- logical syndromes, including primary initial data preliminary, they pointed out
dens. But research has revealed dementia. In the placebo-controlled, ran- that this study represents the first evi-
that this flower is more than just a pretty domized, double-blind trial, 203 patients dence that a phosphodiesterase (PDE)-1
addition to landscaping. Studies have received daily for 16 weeks either 10 mgs enzyme inhibitor such as vinpocetine
indicated that vinpocetine, a natural sub- of vinpocetine three times per day, 20 “may be a novel approach to the treat-
stance derived from vincamine, an extract mgs of vinpocetine three times per day, or ment of lower urinary tract disorders.”
of the periwinkle, may support cognitive a placebo three times per day. Vinpocetine appears to be more
health, alleviate some of the symptoms of On both the lower and higher doses, effective in what’s known as urge incon-
urinary incontinence, and, when adminis- the patients treated with vinpocetine tinence because it relaxes or desensitizes
tered intravenously in animals, alleviate experienced statistically significant the bladder, whereas other agents that
some of the negative effects that occur in improvements in cognitive performance stimulate and strengthen the pelvic floor
epilepsy. compared to the placebo groups. are more effective for stress incontinence.
Early experiments with vinpocetine Vinpocetine was also superior to placebo Urge incontinence is when an individual
indicated it has five main mechanisms of in improving ratings of the “severity of experiences involuntary passage of urine
action. It can selectively enhance brain illness.” occurring soon after a strong sense of
circulation and the brain’s use of oxygen There were no clinically relevant urgency to void. Stress incontinence is
without significantly altering circulation side-effects reported and the frequencies the inability to prevent escape of small
throughout the body. Vinpocetine also of adverse events between patients treat- amounts of urine during laughing, cough-
increases the brain’s tolerance toward ed with vinpocetine and placebo were ing, sneezing or lifting.5
hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and comparable.3
ischemia (obstructed blood flow) and acts Epilepsy
as an anticonvulsant. In addition, it
Urinary Incontinence Vinpocetine also has been investigat-
Although vinpocetine is best known ed for its potential role in epilepsy. One
inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase
for the part it plays in cognitive support, group of researchers induced convulsions
(PDE)-1, which breaks down adenosine
researchers also have unearthed another in guinea pigs by using an agent called 4-
monophosphate, an important nucleotide
potential role for this substance—urinary aminopyridine (4-AP). The researchers
that the body makes from the cellular
incontinence. The standard drugs avail- injected the animals with vinpocetine and
energy molecule known as adenosine able for incontinence and low compliance then observed its effects.
triphosphate (ATP). Finally, vinpocetine bladder are limited by a low clinical effi- Vinpocetine inhibited the undesirable
stops blood cells from sticking together. cacy and significant side effects. electroencephalogram (EEG) changes
Later studies confirmed the above effects Previous in vitro studies indicated induced by 4-AP. In addition, it prevented
and pinpointed other mechanism of that the enzyme known as phosphodi- the hearing loss that usually accompanies
actions of vinpocetine (including its abil- esterase (PDE)-1 (which breaks down 4-AP administration.6
ity to act as a sodium channel blocker).1 adenosine monophosphate) may be The researchers concluded, “Vinpocetine
involved in the regulation of contractility could be a promising alternative for the
Cognitive Support in the bladder’s layer of muscle. Due to treatment of epilepsy.”
Many vinpocetine studies have this connection, researchers decided to
focused on its potential ability to enhance investigate the effect of vinpocetine, a References
brain function. Vinpocetine increases PDE-1 inhibitor, in people who did not 1. Kiss B, Karpati E. [Mechanism of action of vinpoce-
tine] [Article in Hungarian] Acta Pharm Hung 1996,
blood circulation and metabolism in the respond to standard drug therapy and who Sep;66(5):213-24.
brain, which may be why vinpocetine had been told that surgery is needed to 2. McDaniel MA, Maier SF, Einstein GO. “Brain-specific”
nutrients: a memory cure? Nutrition 2003, Nov-
reduced the loss of neurons due to correct the problem. Dec;19(11-12):957-75.
decreased blood flow in animal studies.2 The 19 subjects (10 women and nine 3. Hindmarch I, Fuchs HH, Erzigkeit H. Efficacy and tol-
erance of vinpocetine in ambulant patients suffering from
In three studies of older adults with men, average age 56) were given 5 mg per mild to moderate organic psychosyndromes. Int Clin
memory problems associated with poor Psychopharmacol 1991, Spring;6(1):31-43.
day of vinpocetine for two weeks, then 10 4. Truss MC, Stief CG, Uckert S, Becker AJ, Schultheiss
brain circulation or dementia-related dis- mg per day for another two weeks. In 11 D, Machtens S, Jonas U. Initial clinical experience with the
selective phosphodiesterase-I isoenzyme inhibitor vinpoce-
ease, vinpocetine-treated subjects experi- subjects (57.9 percent) clinical symptoms tine in the treatment of urge incontinence and low compli-
enced significantly more improvement and/or the holding and storage of urine ance bladder. World J Urol 2000, Dec;18(6):439-43.
5. Hampel C, Gillitzer R, Pahernik S, Melchior SW,
than placebo-treated subjects on global were improved. In eight subjects, there Thuroff JW. [Drug therapy of female urinary inconti-
cognitive tests reflecting attention, con- was a marked improvement after vinpoce- nence] [Article in German] Urologe A 2005,
centration, and memory.2 tine treatment. In three of the subjects, 6. Sitges M, Nekrassov V. Vinpocetine prevents 4-
In one study, the efficacy and toler- there was a slight improvement after treat- aminopyridine-induced changes in the EEG, the auditory
brainstem responses and hearing. Clin Neurophysiol 2004,
ance of orally administered vinpocetine ment. The other eight subjects did not Dec;115(12):2711-7.
was investigated in patients suffering respond to vinpocetine.4

14 JULY 2005 Since 1979 1-800-877-2447 • www.vrp.com

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1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com Since 1979 JULY 2005 15

DHEA Under Fire: Act Now to
Protect Your Health Freedom
VRP Staff
If we do not take action, Senate Bill

nce again the government is wag- If we do not take action,
ing war on a supplement that has 1137 will prohibit over-the-counter sales
shown itself to be safe and effec- Senate Bill 1137 will of DHEA. This means that those who
tive in a number of studies. have relied on this supplement to enhance
On May 26, 2005, Senators John prohibit over-the-counter their health will find they no longer have
McCain (R-Ariz.), George Allen (R-Va.) sales of DHEA and put an easy and affordable access. Instead,
and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) introduced DHEA will become a controlled sub-
a new Senate bill, S. 1137. This flawed end to easy-and-affordable stance, and will be classified as an ana-
piece of legislation will add DHEA to the bolic steroid. To stop this from happen-
list of federally controlled anabolic
access by classifying it as an ing, we must voice our opposition.
steroids, prohibiting easy, affordable anabolic steroid. Please write to your senators and
access to a hormone used safely by mil- ask them to oppose S. 1137. Or, to send
lions of people. DHEA supplementation has extended the an e-mail to your senators, go to
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is lifespan of animals. www.saveoursupplements.org. By plac-
secreted by the adrenal glands. Involved Furthermore, this hormone’s safety ing your ZIP code into the designated box
in the manufacture of testosterone, estro- has been demonstrated in a number of in the top left corner and clicking on go,
gen, progesterone, and corticosterone, studies. Scientific evidence does not sup- you will send an e-mail to your senators
DHEA declines with age. port claims that DHEA can cause adverse letting them know you oppose any legis-
DHEA is one of the most researched side effects such as liver damage, stroke, lation that would make DHEA illegal.
hormones in the medical literature. heart disease and cancer. In addition to the e-mail, sending a
Studies have shown that it safely In addition, millions of middle-aged fax or U.S. mail letter with a handwritten
improves menopausal symptoms, decreas- and older adults have consumed DHEA note can ensure your message doesn’t get
es insulin resistance and abdominal fat, daily and have experienced none of the lost in the shuffle.
stimulates the growth of human brain negative effects the S. 1137 authors pur- By working together to defeat S. 1137,
cells, supports cardiac health, improves port it causes. However, for reasons that we can ensure that everyone can obtain one
immune function and plays a role in the have nothing to do with protecting the of nature’s most important hormonal tools
health of lupus patients. In addition, public, DHEA has come under fire. for enhancing the quality of life.

16 JULY 2005 • w w w. v r p . c o m • 1-800-877-2447 • email: mail@vrp.com

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Since 1979

4610 Arrowhead Drive, Carson City, NV 89706

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