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Chakra & Jutsu Mechanics

Friday, March 30, 2018 4:37 PM

Chakura, Lit: Circle

Chakra is the power to connect, an energy derived from god that has
the ability to join tangible and esoteric energies. On the planet Earth, it
is utilized by Shinobi.

It originated from the Divine Tree, a colossal and
mysterious fern. It shadowed countless mountains across
its seed-bed. Within the center of its branches a special
heart-shaped berry would blossom. Those who would eat
from it would be gifted Chakra.
Said to sprout every millennium, the tree would blossom
during times of great strife. It's unknown if this was a
byproduct of the violence, or a response to it.

God Tree and

Chakra Fruit


Kaguya approaching the Divine Fruit

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, a princess from the stars, plucked and swallowed the
sacred crop. She became the first in history to wield Chakra and would
exploit it to become an idol. With her strength conflict, poverty, and
disease were eliminated. None within her sight would suffer discomfort
or envy.
After many centuries, she would take a husband and conceive
twins who would be named Hagoromo and Hamura. During
conception, she granted them her power, the first in record born
with Chakra. They would use it in the manor their mother had and
becoming champions and enforcers of her mandate. 

In adulthood, Hagoromo would discover a different interpretation of his

ability and name it Ninshū. With it, people could relate to one another
without words. Seeing it as a method to reinstate peace across the
world, he shared his power with the world and became a monk to
establish his creed. Kaguya, feeling betrayed by her son's actions,
prayed to the God Tree and grew into one being with it, transforming
together into the monster named Ten-Tails. 
Later, Hagoromo would also sire two offspring, Indra and Ashura.
Indra, the eldest child, would discover the techniques of his
grandmother and master them to enhance his own capability. He
would later wage war with his younger brother and their battles
would popularize his techniques throughout the lands. In the next
era, this power would be dubbed Ninjutsu.

In the next age, animals of advanced intelligence became acquainted

with the art of Ninjutsu. Once they grasped its knowledge, they
integrated their affinity for nature and would bring about Senjutsu.

Shinobi Creed Chakra

(Ninshū Chakura, Lit: Ninja Creed Circle)
The Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki,
taught his disciples how to link one’s minds
with others, to share thoughts and sentiments
between individuals. This fostered
understanding and mitigated the violence
brought in the wake of Kaguya's Death. It
utilizes Chakra, only empowered with Mental
Hagoromo distributes Energy.
Chakra to all

Ninso practice a form of Ninjutsu incorporating the concept of Ninshuu,

developing techniques that show the potential of cooperation. 

Ninja Art Chakra

(Ninjutsu Chakura, Lit: Ninja Art Technique Circle)
Ninja Art Chakra is the weaponized form of
Ninshu. Used by the Shinobi of the 5 Great
Nations and beyond, it was developed for
Formation of this energy creates the Chakra
Network, the Chakra Signature, the Chakra
Natures, and Chakra Radiation.

Shinobi infuse Stamina

Its all derived from the mixture of "Stamina" through Chakra. Physical
Energy, vitality generated from the body’s cells, and Mental Energy,
power curated from the conciousness, comprise it.
Shinobi train to expand them. With exercise and supplements
Physical Energy can be amplified; study and experience deepen
the wellspring of Mental Energy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
and meditation can preserve and hone these energies further.

This energy is ordinarily invisible to the naked eye, but visible when
held in high concentrations. When visible, it will appear like gas or

Types of Ninjutsu Chakra:

Ninjutsu Chakra comes in many forms determined on the energies
utilized in its composition.

Sage Jutsu Chakra

(Senjutsu Chakura, Lit. Sage Technique Circle)
Sage Art, or Senjutsu, Chakra was first used
by the animal Sages. It harnesses one's
personal power with the force of nature. 
Practitioners draw on the ambient
energy provided by the environment and
unify it with their internal energies,
increasing its volume and potency tenfold
once balanced.
Balance is Key
Practitioners gain the ability to manipulate the flow of 'Natural Energy'
as their body attune to it, their Chakra able to draw in and release it.

Tailed-Beast Jutsu Chakra

(Bijū Jutsu Chakura, Lit: Tailed-Beast Technique Circle)
Chakra of the Tailed Beasts!
They possess the diluted Chakra of
Ten-Tails, many times more potent
than average Ninjutsu Chakra.
Many of its unique attributes are
derived from its origin and potency.

Suffocating Potency
Unlike Chakra utilized by Shinobi, this has a standard appearance. Deep
orange and flickering like flames, it takes on a visible form in low

concentrations due to its potency, and gains the consistency of a dark

reddish-black liquid in high concentrations.
Its composition is highly malleable, allowing for easier manipulation. Its
also able to divide into 'Negative Red' and 'Positive Blue' components.
This allows a user to harness devestating Tailed-Beast techniques.
Beings made from Chakra, a Tailed Beast can manifest its form and
conciousness through seperated portions of their Chakra.

Six-Paths Sage Jutsu Chakra

(Rikudō Senjutsu Chakura, Lit: Six Paths Sage Technique Circle)
Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's power.
The primordial energy she
attained after joining with the
God Tree.
This infused her Ninjutsu
Chakra with a higher form of
Natural Energy; far superior to
Six-Paths Senjutsu's mark lies on the back that within Sage Chakra.
Only whom become Jinchuriki of Ten-Tails or its Chakra can utilize this
It's magnitudes more potent than Ninjutsu Chakra, to the point it
innately follows the will of the user, granting all-but perfect Nature
Transformation & Shape Transformation; and can execute Jutsu with a
thousandth of the cost.

Chakra Bonds
Chakura Enishi, Lit: Circle Link

Naruto bonds his (& Kurama's) Chakra with the Shinobi Alliance
The process of linking individual Ninjutsu Chakra.
As a connective energy Chakra is readily able to join with other
energies, especially itself.

However, as more energies intermingle within its composition, it loses

its potential to combine with or infuse other energies. This is due to
how Chakra becomes "shaped" by its internal energies. This makes
connection between two individual Chakra far more difficult. They will
instead reject the other and be repelled.

For infused Chakra to bond, qualifiers must be fulfilled related to the

energies that comprise the Chakra's composition.
• Ninshu Chakra
This only carries Mental Energy, and is the simplest of Chakra for
others to bond to. Only requiring the will to bond with another.

• Ninjutsu Chakra
Holds both Mental and Physical Energy, the process of linking
becomes more difficult. The two must either possess a powerful
emotional bond, a strong blood connection, or a component of
both for their Chakra to synergize.

• Senjutsu Chakra
This posses Natural Energy, an external power that is largely
homogenous. This allows Sages to better link their Chakra with
one another than if they only possessed Ninjutsu Chakra. With
others however, its much more difficult.

The effects of Chakra bonding is two-fold. First, the meld establishes a

mental connection the users for as long as their energy stays in contact.
Second, chakra derived from the link will develop attributes related to
its parents.
The second phenomeon is common within Jinchuriki, or those
who house the Chakra of others. The tendency of developing
physical characteristics related to the extra Chakra they hold is
caused by the connection of Chakra.

Chakra Network:
Chakura Keirakukei, Lit: Circle Meridian System

The Chakra Network, lit. Chakra Pathway System, is a microscopic

tertiary circulatory system that spreads throughout the body via two
components; the Center-Coil and Sub-Coil Networks.
This biological extension first manifested within Kaguya Otsutsuki
after she awoken her bodily Chakra. All who manifest Ninjutsu
acquire this construct.

The system is always in a state of activity, absorbing excess energies

from the user's Stamina to perpetuate a minimum volume of power
within the body, about 1/100th of the user's overall potential Chakra
volume. This grants shinobi their supernatural physical ability.

Center-Coil Network
(Ganmoku Keirakukei, Lit. Core Meridian System)
The Center-Coil Network,
or CCN, is a mass of
connecting tube-like
structures that laces
tissue and organs
throughout the body.
Pathways and Tenketsu
They spread through the body like roots, branching off and
reconnecting to other lines to build an interconnected web of

energy pathways.
The system circulates infused Chakra and will adjust that flow and direct
it for the user's intended purpose; responding to their focus and Hand

Chakra Points
(Tenketsu, Lit. Pressure Points)

Chakra Points are bulges along the CCN. They act as vents, able to
release and transform infused Chakra present within the system. There
are 361 points distributed along the pathway, spanning the entire
Tenketsu Initialy remain in a semi-open state where the flow of
Chakra is mitigated. This prevents the infusion rate from
perpetually increasing, thus eventually taking the life of the

At eight specific places along the CCN, many pathways connect at one
point, transforming these Tenketsu into nodes where Chakra flow is
mitigated most heavily. These are known as the 8 Inner Gates.

Eight Gates
(Hachimon, Lit. Eight Inner Gates)
8 nodes on the Central-Coil Network,
where multiple lines connect.
1. Gate of 5. Gate of Limit
Opening 6. Gate of View
2. Gate of 7. Gate of
Healing Wonder
3. Gate of Life 8. Gate of Death
4. Gate of Pain

Simplified Diagram of Gates locations

These are sections where a number of coils congeal and connect to a
single Chakra Point. They form about the energy producing centers of
the body and are consequentially far larger than the ordinary Tenketsu,
able to be seen with average eyesight when exposed.
Their larger volume is the source of their ability. The force
required to 'open' them being exponential in comparison to the
ordinary about the body.

Like flood gates, these gates mitigate the flow of Chakra. They ensure
that the body isn't overcome by its own energy, for if they didn't exist
the body would enter a loop where their body is continuously
empowered by Chakra and producing it, burning out in a flash.

Subsidiary-Coil Network
(Fuku Keirakukei, Lit. Submeridian System)
The Subsidiary-Coil
Network, or SCN, is a
sub-cellular wire-like
structure that branches
off the Center-Coil
Network into every cell of
the body.
(Cellular View)
The system's purpose is to collect and transfer physical energy from the
body's cells to the Center-Coil Network. There it will be bonded with the
user's Mental Energy to form Ninjutsu Chakra. This process is controlled
by the ERNs and the ETCs.
The ERNs, or Energy Receptor Nodes, are bulges along the SCN
that absorb physical energy from the cells for the production of
Ninjutsu Chakra.
The ETCs, or Energy Transfer Coils, are wire-like pathways that
branch off the CCN They interlace the body's tissue matrix; coils
entangle the nucleolus of cells. It's function is to carry the energy
absorbed from the ERNs to the CCN.

When a cell undergoes division the ETC within will divide to connect
that cell to the system. This creates a web of lines within tissue that
supports the Ninjutsu Chakra System.

The SCN is also the method the body is enriched by Chakra. As it

circulates through the CCN, the energy will flow about the system,
carried by the pathways outer layer. Via this process the energy enters
the cells and enhances their productivity.

Chakra Signature:
Chakura Zanzou, Lit: Circle Imprint

Clouds of Chakra from Ten-Tails Fission Clones

The umbrella term for the characteristics of Ninjutsu Chakra influenced
by a Shinobi's internal energies. From pigment, temperature, potency,
and affinity, one's Chakra signature relays its user's profile in a myriad
of ways.

Chakra Pigment
(Chakura Ganryou, Lit. Circle Colorant)
Its color is determined by the energies
utilized in infusion. Physical Energy controls
its hue and Mental Energy influences its tint
or shade.

Naruto's Yellow Chakra

Its hue is determined by one's physical energy.
An offspring's Chakra Color will be found within the gradient of
their parents'; derivative as their physical body is to their
A Chakra's color can be altered in unique situations, such as when
a portion of their physical composition is altered through some
process. In this case the color mutates and shifts.
In the case they acquire the physical material of another
within their body, their hue will become the resulting

Tint or shade is affected by mental energy.

Positive emotions such as happiness increase its tint. Negative
emotions like sadness or hatred lower its shade. The average
state of an individual holds more influence than what they
experience from moment to moment; however, dramatic shifts in
cognition can radically alter its apperance.

Chakra Temperature
(Chakura Netsudo, Circle Temperature)
Chakra's temperature is reflective
of a shinobi's mental state. Positive
emotions will warm one's energy
while negative feelings will cool it.
Like with it's Color, its state
can be altered with a shift in
cognition, but will remain in
the same on average.

Bright and Warm Chakra

Chakra Potency
(Chakura Seiryoku, Circle Power)
Potency is the result of both
Physical and Mental energy. Their
quality affecting the infused
Chakra. It's reflective of Chakra's
mass and indicative of its ability to
be transformed. A higher value
therefore translates to requiring
less energy and concentration for
the execution of Jutsu.

Jinchuriki require Chakra

of particular potency
Humans maintain a specific quality of energies and therefore do not
vary notably in potency.
The Senju and Uchiha Clan in particular possess a greater potency
in Chakra, being direct decedents of Asura and Indra Otsutsuki.
Those who develop extra-ordinary physical or mental attributes
may grow into an exception.

Animals, on average, possess weaker energies and therefore possess a

lower potency than humans.
Animals who possess sapience equivalent to humans are exempt
from this.

Otsutsuki possess energies far greater than humans, so their Chakra

share that difference in quality.

Chakra Nature Affinity

(Chakura Seishitsu Soin, Circle Property Predisposition)
Those with Ninjutsu possess a
Chakra Nature Affinity, a
nature their Chakra is most
predisposed to transforming
Lightning Chakra crinkles
Chaka paper
An affinity is derived from Physical Energy, an attribute of their biology
and phenotype. This nature can be any of the five derived from Yin and
Yang. It may be discovered by utilizing special Chakra reading
Heritage determines what nature a person will carry. An
individual will likely carry the affinity of the parrent they most
resemble. In clans, many of its members will carry the same

Learning one's affinity is less extensive than practicing any other

Nature. Where the average period of mastering a single nature is 36
consecutive months of training, learning one's affinity only takes half
that amount; 18 months.

Chakra Radiation
(Chakura Sappu, Circle Dissemination)
Ninjutsu Chakra as a substance
is highly energized matter. If
that energy isn't focused in a
concentration it will begin to
radiate from its source in the
form of waves, invisible to the
naked eye.

Sasuke's Aura
For Shinobi, this essentially translates into the emission of one's Chakra
Signature. This is how Chakra Sensing is possible. For this, this can be
attributed as a Shinobi's Aura.

This happens to techniques as well, if a substance is created from

Ninjutsu Chakra, it will eventually decay into the atmosphere.

Chakra Natures:
Chakura Seishitsu, lit. Circle Properties

Chakra Natures are elemental properties born with the infusion of

Ninjutsu Chakra. They are this Chakra at a fundamental level. They're
derived from the energies that empower it.

Two Fundamental Natures

(Niten Genshi Seishitsu, Lit: Two Heavenly Primitive Properties)

• Shadow (Yin)
Born from Mental Energy.
It governs form, the composition of all-things.
And, Imagination, the cognizance of the mind.
• Light (Yang)
Born from Physical Energy.
It rules Substance, the material of all-things.
And, Vitality, the energy possesed by life.
Their interaction creates the basis for all Ninjutsu, developing the Five-
Basic Natures.

Five Basic Natures

(Godai Kihon Seishitsu, Lit: Five Great Basic Properties)
• Fire (Hi)
Deals with combustion and flames.
• Wind (Kaze)
Utilizes air pressure and gasses.
• Lightning (Kaminari)
Harnesses ionization and plasmas.
• Earth (Tsuchi)
Grasps minerals and metals.
• Water (Mizu)
Handles moistures and liquids.

The Chakra Nature Cycle

(Chakura Seishitsu Junkan, Lit. Circle Property Cycle)
The 'Basic 5' rest in a cycle where one's
placement denotes the relationship with its
kin. The 'Fundamental Two' are outside the
cycle, neither weaker or stronger than the

A closed loop

• Fire is superior to Wind

• Wind is superior to Lightning
• Lightning is superior to Earth
• Earth is superior to Water
• Water is superior to Fire
When a Superior Nature interacts with its Inferior adjacent it will
mitigate that Chakra's effect, weakening it and destabilizing its
Thus, if Fire Chakra and Water Chakra collide at a volume of 1:1,
the later will always succeed, though mitigated.
If the two Chakra are compatible, able to form a Chakra Link, the
two Chakra's will merge to create a spectacular combination.

Advanced Natures
(Konseibutsu Seishitsu, Lit. Hybrid Natures)

Gale Style manipulates rays of light

Advanced Natures are powers derived from the simultaneous use, and
thus combination, of select Chakra Natures.
Similar to how Yin and Yang create the traditional five, these can
be utilized together to create additional natures, manifesting as
powers related to specific phenomeon in nature.

Their activation requires two, or more, simultaneous changes in Chakra

Nature, a task too strenuous for the average human, physically or
Those with unique Chakra, like holders of Tenkijutsu Kekkei
Genkai, have the potential to use this power, their body's
biological predisposition toward specific natures bypass the
This may also be executed through the use of Renkeijutsu, where
Shinobi expertly bond their Chakra at the correct ratios to
produce Advance Natures.

There are 10 Advance Nature combinations utilizing 2 natures, 5

harnessing 3.
Fire and Wind create Scorch, (Shaku)
Deals in heat
Fire and Lightning create Flare,
Deals in radioactive decay
Fire and Earth create Lava,
Deals in melting
Fire and Water create Boil,
Deals in evaporation
Wind and Lightning create Tune,
Deals in acoustic waves
Wind and Earth create Magnet,
Deals in magnetism
Wind and Water create Ice,
Deals in cold
Lightning and Earth create Burst,
Deals in explosive energy
Lightning and Water create Storm,
Deals in photons
Earth and Water create Wood,
Deals in chlorogenesis

Fire, Wind, & Earth create Dust,

Deals with Weak Force
Wind, Lightning, & Water create Spark,
Deals with Electromagnetism
Lightning, Earth, & Fire create Metal,
Deals with Strong Force
Earth, Water, & Wind create Tensor,
Deals with Pressure
Water, Fire, & Lightning create Dark,
Deals with Dark Matter

These Chakra Natures carry the strengths and weaknesses of their

parents. For example:
Ice is the synergy of Wind and Water. It is superior to
Scorch and Lightning and inferior to Boil and Earth.

Yin and Yang also share an advance nature counterpart dubbed Yin-
Yang. This is essentially the manipulation of Chakra on an fundamental
scale, granting any holder the power to preform godlike feats. This
Nature is only usable to those who possess Rikudo Sage Power.

On average, It takes 36 months of consecutive training to attain

mastery over releasing a particular element, 18 for one's affinity. At this
level one has the potential to harness S-Rank Change in Chakra Nature.
This proficiency allows a shinobi to execute Nature Transformation
without Hand Signs.
Those with Tenkijutsu Kekkei Jutsu have access to more than a
single affinity. This dramaticly decreases the practice time
required as the Shinobi has a selection of natures that would act
as their affinity. This also benefits their Tenkijutsu, mastery of the
base natures will directly translate into the ability to harness their
advanced product.

Kekkei Genkai:
Literally Meaning: Bloodline Limit

The source of Kekkeijutsu. They are powers derived from a Shinobi's

genome that allows them to generate specific powers without the
expert kneeding of Chakra.
Kekkei Genkai are the remnants of Kaguya's diluted Bloodline. In
modern times they have broken down into three general forms.

(World Jutsu, Lit. Weather Techniques)
The most common of
Kekkeijutsu. These bloodlines
strongly associate one's
Chakra to more than one

In practice this gives the

holder a second affinity and
thus the ability to utilize an
advanced nature.
Ice Style of Yuki

(Body Jutsu, Lit. Meat Techniques)
The less common of the
Kekkei Jutsu. It manifests
as a power related to
one's physiology.
Depending on the
attribute, they may gain
dominion of its
Blood Bone Pulse of Kaguya
prominent material.

(Visual Jutsu, Lit. Eye Techniques)
The rarest of the Kekkei
Jutsu and considered the
strongest. They augment
the user's visual prowess.

The Sharingan the Uchiha

Doujutsu are coveted as the strongest Kekkeijutsu due to their ability to
grant esoteric abilities in their highest stages.

While occular powers are intrinsically connected to the eyes, they are
distinct from bodily techniques due to the transformation of Chakra
within. As power is sent through them it transforms, showing
similarities between it and Tenkijutsu.

Kekkei Tōta:
Literally: Bloodline Selection

Ohnoki is the most prominent user Kekkei Tota

A term coined by the Hidden Stone Village.
When a person manifests two Kekkei Genkai that share a common
attribute they will manifest a new power out of its components. This is
a Kekkei Tota, a rare Kekkeijutsu that presents itself once in a
generation of 100,000 ninja.

This variant grants the user an affinity toward 3 natures simultaniously.
This releases a power that harnesses one of the fundamental forces of
the universe.
The individual must possess two Kekkei Genkai that share a
common nature, a Chakra Nature the two Tenkijutsu share,
without a conflicting nature, a nature that is either superior or
inferior to the common nature.

A unique manipulation of one's physicality spawned from the unison of
two seperated but related Nikujutsu Kekkei Genkai.
These powers are known to be highly chaotic, as their effects on
the human body can inspire myriads of folklore. Transforming
men into more like beasts.

The rarest of Kekkei Tota. This form of Doujutsu manifests in an
offspring who possess both a Doujutsu Kekkei Genkai and another
bloodline trait that is not Doujutsu.

Be it Tenkijutsu or Nikujutsu, if the offspring is born with the

capacity for both, it will transform the bloodline power into a new
Eye Power with its resulting power being an echo of the parents.
An offspring who posses two Doujutsu will simply hold each trait
in opposing eyes.

Kekkei Mōra:
(Literally meaning: Bloodline Encompassing)

The Origin of all bloodlines

The Primordial Bloodline, ones which

all other Bloodlines are derived from.
Kaguya Otsutsuki's power, she possess
the ability to execute all of nature's
phenomeon, manipulate all of its
creation and pull at it's very fabric.
Her bloodline power is god's power.

Lit: Techniques/Spells

Jutsu are powers utilized by those who can infuse and manipulate
Ninjutsu Chakra. Multiple components must work together for their
execution, and those become the basis for a Shinobi's practice. This
process is called Chakra Control.

Chakra Control:
(Chakura Kontorōru, Lit. Circle Control)

Mental Math!
Chakra Control is the general term for efficient Infusion, Measurement
and Transformation of Chakra. Learned to conserve Stamina while
executing the best affect with the energy infused.
This can be done physically through the use of hand gestures or
mentally through concentration.

Chakra Infusion
(Chakura Nigiru, Lit. Chakra Making)
When Shinobi ignite Infusion they convert
their "Stamina" into Ninjutsu Chakra,
activating their Chakra Pathway System.

They weave into a spiral!

This flow of energy is either clockwise or counter-clockwise
depending on the physical traits expressed by the user; which can
be determined by the direction one's hair goes as it grows.

One must be cautious when infusing Chakra as it does not draw from an
unlimited resource. It is tied to one's Life-Force and will be quickly
exhausted if Jutsu are used judiciously. This risks exhaustion and
possibly death; the vital energy within the cells drained.

When infused in high concentrations Chakra generates a special force

on the environment. This results in special phenomeon such as
displaced air and an upward force that decreases the effect of gravity.
The volume infused and the period it does so determines the
severity of these effects on the area.

Chakra Measurement
Measurement involves utilizing the necessary volume of Chakra to
execute Jutsu. If one uses too little the technique will fizzle and fail, too
much will cause it to overcharge and recoil.
Poor infusion and poor measurement drastically hampers a
Shinobi's ability to execute Jutsu and almost certainly showcases
a lack of drive and discipline.

Chakra Transformations
Transformation is the branch term that covers Shape Transformation
and Nature Transformation, two advanced skills that form the basis of
all Ninjutsu.

Change in Chakra Form

(Chakura Keitai Henka, Lit. Circle Shape Transformation)
'Change in Chakra Form' is an
advanced form of Chakra
Manipulation. It involves
altering Chakra's physical
properties (like shape, height,
width, length and density) and
state (like direction, flow and
The number of significant alterations to a Chakra's form, in
addition to their complexity, is what determines its level of
difficulty. The more processes Chakra undergoes the
further one's control is required to handle it adequately.

The Rasengan is a pinnacle in this category. Necessitating

multiple streams of Chakra to rapidly rotate in independent
directions while being concentrated in a small sphere. Each
step makes the following extraordinarily difficult.

Change Nature Transformation

(Chakura Seishitsu Henka, Lit. Wheel Property Transformation)
'Change in Chakra Nature' is an
advanced form of Chakra
Manipulation, based on
harnessing Chakra Natures in
the execution of Jutsu via
manipulation or generation.
Element Manipulation
Nature Transformation allows one's Chakra to take hold of
a present element, one related to the Nature used, and
harness it for Ninjutsu.
This method of Nature Transformation requires less
Chakra but yields a lesser destructive capability due
to the user being fixed to a limited source of
Element Generation
Nature Transformation allows one to change the properties
of their Chakra to mimic the attributes of their element.
This method holds a higher potential of harm that's only
limited to one's well of stamina.
While this method alters the properties of Chakra to
generate substances, that matter will not persist
indefinitely. Once Shinobi release the command of
their techniques, the substance will begin to revert
to energy and disperse into nature. Senjutsu is
however an exception to this rule.
Mixing Ratios
Chakra Natures can be modified by introducing another
nature at a lower volume than the primary. This will impart
the element with an additional effect, be it substance from
the element or a characteristic derived from it.
If Wind is added to a large volume of Fire two things
may occur. The Wind could increase the fire's
volume, feeding it oxygen. Or, the flames could
acquire wind's ability to expand rapidly, increasing its

Hand Signs:
(Mudra, Lit. Hand Seals)

Requires great flexibility in the hands

Hand Signs are manors of physically manipulating one's Chakra. By
moving one's hands in specific manors they can ignite their powers,

guiding its transformation for their desired technique.

There are twelve signs that are capable of casting all Shinobi
Spells. These mudra represent the 12 great constellations that
reside in the skies, each privy to subtle effects that reflect their
namesake. Researches may spend lifetimes only uncovering
dozens of the thousand mysteries they hold.

Unique Hand Signs

While the 12 Hand Signs can initiate any
Ninjutsu, the creation and use of specialized
seals can mitigate the number of gestures
required for the use of Jutsu.

Clone Seal

The Clone Sign loosens the structure of Chakra, allowing for its division
and the execution of clone ninjutsu. Clans that harness Hidden Jutsu
often use these to either safeguard from theft or utilize them as aids for
teaching their younger clansmen.

Reducing Signs
When one has become
accustomed to the use of jutsu
they are able to simplify the sign
sequence for techniques, able to
execute the same spell in a
shorter time-frame.
128 Seals reduced to 1
This is done by mentality molding one's Chakra in the stead of utilizing
signs. Masters of specific jutsu may utilize this despite not having the
necessary control to do so with other techniques. This expends Mental
Energy for speedy casting.

One-Handed Signs

One can master the use of

Hand Signs to a level where
the utilization of only a single
hand is satisfactory,
compensating the other hand
with their mental mastery
over Chakra.
Requires Intense Focus

Sign-less Techniques
One can utilize concentration
alone, consuming great Mental
Energy, to weave Chakra,
bypassing the need for signs.
Some techniques are built off
this foundation, such as the
Near-Perfect Control

Jutsu Formulas:

Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Jutsu

Utilizing characters that reflect the constellations in specific formations
to execute Jutsu. These are a method of casting techniques without the
use of the mind or hand jesters.
Jutsu formula are extensive in their raw forms, requiring
extensive knowledge on Chakra and how it transforms through
the use of characters.
Formulas require special materials for their formation, from
Chakra itself or substances with a high content of organic
material. For this, organic ink and blood are the most commonly
used materials.

Brush Style
(Shodōfū, Lit. Calligraphy Style)

Left: Minato, Right: Tobirama

Adept users of Formulas create their own styles, sigils or formulas that
simplify, minimize, and or hide their raw form. This allows users to be
inconspicuous with its use, as it becomes far too difficult for others to
take and replicate their technique via that formula. This has the
drawback of necessitating the user to compensate for where their
formula now lacks. This requires absolute understanding of the parent
seal's composition.
An example is Tobirama's and Minato's differing seal formula for
their shared technique, The Flying Raijin Jutsu. Minato further
simplified Tobirama's signature, and has expanded on its
applications, surpassing his predecessor.

Formula Projection

Summoning Matrix
Users are able to manifest their Chakra into Formulas themselves. This
method allows users to convert their Chakra into sigils for the user to
utilize other techniques, It's a roundabout method of technique
This can be done through the use of Hand Sings such as when an
individual utilizes the summoning Jutsu.

Jutsu Types:
There are many categories of Jutsu with numerous subcategories, but
they all fall under three kinds of Jutsu that populate over the world.

The Core Four

There are 4 primary skills shinobi of all fields are familiar with.
Each category has a host of sub categories, families of techniques under
another name.

(Weapon Arts, Lit. Weapon Technique)

The Weapon Arts, this is the utilization of weaponry in one's repertoire.

This branch is wide as the types of weapons utilized and crafted
increases by the era. The basics include the likes of Kunai, Shuriken,
Tanto, Caltrops, and Wire. Mastery of the basic tools offers a Shinobi a
wide verity of utility in the battlefield, and can change the side in any
battle of competent Shinobi.
Kenjutsu Ninbusōjutsu

(Martial Arts, Lit. Body Techniques)

Body Arts, Taijutsu is execution of martial arts, developing one's body

into a powerful weapon. Taijutsu traditionally utilizes stamina, though
Chakra can be used in augmentation of the body or as the foundation
for specific martial arts. What determines the rank of Taijutsu is the
complexity of movement, the strain it places on the body, and how
intricately Chakra is applied through the kata.
Gentaijutsu Nintaijutsu

(Shinobi Arts, Lit. Ninja Techniques)

Shinobi Arts, the utilization of Ninjutsu Chakra to execute spells that

effect the physical world. The use of either Change in Nature or Change
in Form qualifies a technique under Ninjutsu. This category is broad as
the applications of Ninjutsu is practically limitless. What determines the
rank of Ninjutsu is the volume of Chakra required, level of Change in
Form applied, level of Change in Nature applied, and the number of
Hand Seals required.
Bunshinjutsu Henkōjutsu Iryojutsu Jujutsu
Kaitajutsu Kekkaijutsu Kyūinjutsu Ningenjutsu
Nintaijutsu Renkeijutsu Tenseijutsu Tsunagajutsu

(Illusionary Arts, Lit. Illusion Techniques)

Illusionary Arts, Genjutsu is the manipulation of the senses, the power

to transform one's reality. This branch of Jutsu is heavily associated
heavily associated with Yin-Release. A user infects and overpowers the
target's senses with Chakra, forcing them to experience what the caster
Genjutsu are delicate. For a illusion to succeed, 3 conditions must be
1. Shadow Style Chakra is injected through the target's senses.
2. That Chakra enters the related cranial nerves.

3. That target's Chakra is manipulated the user's.

Once these steps are fulfilled the target is under the influence of
Genjutsu, where their sensations are at the whim of the illusion the
user has created. Despite this, the target isn't helpless. There are
numerous methods to dispel an illusion.
• If the target can retake the hold on their Chakra and counter its
flow they may dismiss the illusion.
• If the target is subjected to another Genjutsu caster, that caster
can alter the illusion's form to make its effects minimal.
• If the target causes a disturbance in their own perception, such as
pain, it could force the brain to orientate itself in reaction, this
alters their Mental energy and thus alters their Chakra. This will
break the control another has on that Chakra if that connection is
too bridle.
What determines the power and rank of Genjutsu is the number of
senses it captures, the level of acuity the user places in the experience,
and how much control it gives the caster over the other's Chakra.
Subtlety in casting is also an effective strategy, if the target isn't aware
they reside in a Genjutsu, than they would not counter it in the first
Gentaijutsu Ningenjutsu Iryo Genjutsu

Jutsu Sub Categories

Kenjutsu Bunshinjutsu
Sword Techniques, Clone Techniques,
Kenjutsu revolve arround the Bunshinjutsu is the use of forming
use of swords as a means of copies of an object from a
combat. This field is varied substance; such as ash, wood, or
and deserves its own Chakra alone.
distinction from Bukijutsu.
Ryūjutsu Gentaijutsu
Flow Techniques, Illusionary Body Techniques,
Ryūjutsu extends one's Gentaijutsu combines illusions and
Chakra through a medium to martial prowess to exhibit tricky
amplify that object's martial arts.
Henkōjutsu Iryo Genjutsu
Modification Techniques, Medical Illusion Techniques,
Henkōjutsu modifies the Iryo Genjutsu utilizes a beneficial
physical components of a form Genjutsu. For capturing the
subject to fulfill a desired senses to either enhance mental
effect. parameters or mitigate mental
Iryojutsu Jikūkanjutsu
Medical Techniques, Space-Time Techniques,
Iryojutsu uses one's Chakra to Jikūkanjutsu manipulates Space-
heal others of their injuries Time for a specific effect in a specific
and physical ailments. area.
Jujutsu Kaitajutsu
Curse Techniques, Inscription Techniques,
Jujutsu involve harming Kaitajutsu involves using formulas to
others through the use of execute Jutsu.

non-tactile means. Fūinjutsu

Sealing Techniques,
Fuinjutsu utilize a
medium to contain a
specified object of
Curse Mark Techniques,
Juinjutsu inflict marks on
the target with the
intended use to
manipulate the user via
written characters.
Kekkaijutsu Kyūinjutsu
Barrier Techniques, Absorption Arts,
Kekkaijutsu revolves around Kyūinjutsu absorb Chakra from a
the use of barriers. source to a specified location
Ninbusōjutsu Ningenjutsu
Ninja Armament Techniques, Ninja Illusion Arts,
Ninbusōjutsu employ Ningenjutsu combine Shinobi and
complicated Ninja-Tools Illusions techniques to unleash
attached to the body. devastating feats.
Nintaijutsu Renkeijutsu
Ninja Body Arts, Combination Arts,
Nintaijutsu combine shinobi Renkeijutsu use cooperation of more
and martial arts to unleash than a single individual. Many highly
powerful martial arts advanced and Chakra taxing
empowered by transformed techniques are classified as
Chakra. Renkeijutsu due to the time and lack
of stamina between the users.
Tenseijutsu Tensōjutsu
Reincarnation Techniques, Transfer Arts,
Tenseijutsu revolve returning Tensōjutsu transfers Chakra from an
the dead to the world of the object or person to another.
living, through their Chakra or

Jutsu Nomenclature:

Jutsu or Techniques majorly involve two components when it comes

their names. The first is the descriptor and then their title.
Example: Fire Style: Fire Ball
"Fire Style:" Is the descriptor and "Fire Ball" is the title.

Descriptors come in many forms and represent numerous aspects of

one's power or allegiance.
Ninja Style Utilize no Chakra Nature primarily
(Ninpo, Ninja Art)

Sage Style Utilizes Sage Jutsu Chakra

(Senpo, Sage Art)

Fire Style Primarily utilizes Fire Chakra

(Katon, Fire Release)

Wind Style Primarily utilizes Wind Chakra

(Fūton, Wind Release)

Lightning Style Primarily utilizes Lightning Chakra

(Raiton, Lightning Release)

Earth Style Primarily utilizes Earth Chakra

(Doton, Earth Release)

Water Style Primarily utilizes Water Chakra

(Suiton, Water Release)

Scorch Style Utilizes both Fire and Wind

(Shakuton, Scorch Release)

Flare Style Utilizes both Fire and Lightning

(Seiton, Star Release)

Lava Style Utilizes both Fire and Earth

(Yōton, Lava Release)

Vapor Style Utilizes both Fire and Water

(Futton, Boil Release)

Tune Style Utilizes both Wind and Lightning

(Futon, Music Release)

Magnet Style Utilizes both Wind and Earth

(Jiton, Magnet Release)

Ice Style Utilizes both Wind and Water

(Hyōton, Ice Release)

Burst Style Utilizes both Lightning and Earth

(Bakuton, Bomb Release)

Flash Style Utilizes both Lightning and Water

(Ranton, Storm Release)

Wood Style Utilizes both Earth and Water

(Mokuton, Wood Release)

Metal Style Utilizes Fire, Lightning and Earth

(Gōheiton, Adhesion

Far Style Utilizes Wind, Earth and Water

(Kōkonton, Dusk Release)

Particle Style Utilizes Earth, Fire and Wind

(Jinton, Dust Release)

Spark Style Utilizes Lightning, Water and Fire

(Kaketon, Spark Release)

Tensor Style Utilizes Water, Wind and Lightning

(Kakōton, Fall Release)

Light Style Primarily utilizes Light

(Yōton, Yang Release)

Shadow Style Primarily utilizes Shadow

(Inton, Yin Release)

Shadow-Light Style Utilizes Shadow-Light

(Onmyōton, Yin-Yang

Forbidden Art Categorized as forbidden

'Clan' Style Originate from a Clan
'Village' Style Originate from a Village
'Organization' Style Originate from an Organization
Some techniques have multilayered name if the creator deems
the components important enough.
Sage Art: Lava Style-Rasenshuriken
(Senpo: Yōton-Rasenshuriken)

Jutsu Ranks:

Jutsu Ranks are distributed to as a broad ranking system used to

categorize the range of difficulty to utilize said technique and the
average rank who has the potential to learn it.
Rank Sym Avg. Difficulty Avg. Seals
E Rank E Near Effortless 5
D Rank D Low 15
C Rank C Intermediate 45
B Rank B High 130
A Rank A Very High 400
S Rank S Nigh Impossible 1200

Kekkei Genkai
Tenkijutsu Nature 1 Nature 2 Phenomeon
Scorch Fire Wind Heat
Flare+ Fire Lightning Radioactivity
Lava Fire Earth Melting
Boil Fire Water Evaporation
Tune Wind Lightning Sound
Magnet Wind Earth Magnetism
Ice Wind Water Cold
Burst Lightning Earth Explosion

Storm Lightning Water Light

Wood Earth Water Chlorogenesis

Nikujutsu Attribute(+ element)

Dead Bone Pulse Bone (Calcium)
Crystal Blood Thorn Blood (Iron)
White Nerve Root Nerves (Salt)
Broken Castle Grid+ Extracellular Matrix
Sage Transformation Biomass

Doujutsu Ability
Sharingan Eye of Insight, Eye of Illusion
Byuakugan Eye of Clarity
Rinnegan Space

Kekkei Tota
Tenkijutsu Prime Add. Natures Phenomeon
Metal Fire Lightning, Earth Fusion
Fall Wind Earth, Water Dark Matter
Dust Earth Fire, Wind Fission
Spark Lightning Water, Fire Electromagnetism

Tensor Water Wind, Lightning Gravity

Nikujutsu Attribute
White Moon Terminal Phenotype
Core Carbon Crown Carbon

Doujutsu Perception
Jogan Pure Energies
Tomoe Rinnegan Space-Time

Kekkei Mora
Name Power
Doujutsu Rinne Sharingan Space-Time
Tenkijutsu All Things in Nature(?) All Natural Phenomenon
Nikujutsu Absolute Presence(?) All Bodily Attributes

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