Benjamin 2003

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The Physician and Sportsmedicine

ISSN: 0091-3847 (Print) 2326-3660 (Online) Journal homepage:

Choosing a Strength Training Program for Kids

Holly J. Benjamin MD, MPH, Kimberly M. Glow MD & Patricia D. Mees

To cite this article: Holly J. Benjamin MD, MPH, Kimberly M. Glow MD & Patricia D. Mees (2003)
Choosing a Strength Training Program for Kids, The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 31:9, 27-28,
DOI: 10.1080/00913847.2003.11439939

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Published online: 19 Jun 2015.

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strength training can increase athletic perfor-

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mance and help prevent some on-field injuries

in sports. You may notice your child gaining
more self confidence and better social skills
along with muscle strength. Good strength
training can improve bone health and also
help overweight kids lose unwanted pounds.
You want your child's exercise to be safe, but
what should you look for before your child be-
gins strength training?
1. Adult supervi-
sion is the most
Q. How good is the supervision? important safety
factor in strength
Choosing a Strength A. The most important safety factor is prop-
er adult supervision. Supervisors should have

Training Program experience working with children and be

trained in youth strength training and safety
2. Children will
gain strength, but
for Kids procedures. Each adult supervisor should be
responsible for no more than lO kids. Look
muscle size will
not increase until
for adults who encourage success by choos- after puberty.
Holly J. Benjamin, MD, MPH ing the appropriate exercises and workload
for each child. When necessary, adult spot- 3. Agood pro-
Kimberly M. Glow, MD ters should help each child to prevent injury gram emphasizes
with Patricia D. Mees

hether your child is involved in

sports, does recreational activities,
or just needs to be more active, a
if a lift fails. Unsupervised training will always
be prohibited.

Q. What should I look for in a gym or

proper form and
technique rather
than competition.

~ strength training program can be one part of a weight room?

well-balanced youth fitness program. Im-
~ proved muscle coordination gained from A. The training room should be clean and
.E free of hazards. The equipment should be de-
signed and sized for children, with weight For CME, see
"'0 stacks available in 1- to 5-pound increments. www.physsportsmed.
c For author disclosure of financial relationships and com/cme.htm
.9- mention of unlabeled use of drugs. see page 20. Participants are required to wear appropriate beginning in
(3 clothing and footwear. October 2003

THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 31 • No. 9 • September 2003 27

· ;~ ~~ ~ PATIENT

Q. How do I know if it's a good program? workout cards to record the number of sets they did at
each weight and how to monitor their progress. Instruc-
A. In a well-run program, exercises begin with simple tors are trained in safe ways to evaluate strength gains.
movements, such as leg extensions, that work one joint
at a time. More complex movements that require mus-
cle coordination, such as squats, are learned before Q. Will my child develop big muscles?
Downloaded by [Ams/Girona*barri Lib] at 19:13 15 March 2016

speed and power movements like jumping and throw-

ing. Usually, a variety of single- and multiple-joint exer- A. You may may see gains in strength and coordina-
cises are done at each session. tion, but it is unlikely you will see any increase in the size
Exercises to strengthen the shoulders, abdominals of your children's muscles until they go through puberty.
(stomach), upper back, and lower back are learned to Realistic goals are established based on each child's
prepare for work with free weights or weight machines. abilities, needs, and expectations. In a well-run pro-
Students are taught to use body weight, elastic tubing, gram, the focus is on mastering proper form and tech-
or medicine balls to prepare for using weights. Prepara- nique rather than competing to see who can lift the
tion and adequate warm -ups before each session are most weight.
designed to prevent injuries.
Weight resistance exercises start with a bar that has
no added weights. Proper form and technique must be Q. How can I help my child enjoy this experience?
mastered before weights can be added. The amount of
weight, number of repetitions per set, and the number A. Children must be old enough to understand and
of sets performed are gradually increased over time to follow instructions and able to attend three training ses-
maintain training intensity. Kids can easily become sions per week for at least 8 weeks. At least 1 day of rest is
bored doing the same exercises day after day, so work- recommended between sessions. You can help your
out routines should vary enough to remain interesting. children reach their full potential by encouraging good
Using different exercises will also strengthen various eating habits and adequate sleep. Celebrating the small
muscle groups to improve balance and coordination. accomplishments and giving loving support for small
Students begin with one set of 10 to 15 repetitions disappointments will encourage your child to meet
with light weights and do six to eight different exercises new challenges. AN
per session, then cool down. If a child can't do at least
10 repetitions per set with a given weight, the weight is Q
too heavy and should be reduced. Ql
When three sets of 15 repetitions become easy and Remember: This infonnation is not intended as a substi- ~
can be performed at three consecutive sessions, more tute for medical treatment. Before starting an exercise .g
weight can be attempted. Students learn how to use program, consult a physician. 0'
Dr Benjamin is a sports medicine physician in the departments of pediatrics For author disclosure of financial relationships, see page 20. ~
and orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation medicine at the University of Chica- ....

go Dr Glow is a fellow in adolescent and young adult medicine at Rush-Pres- ::r

byterian-St Luke's Medical Center in Chicago Ms Mees is an assistant editor © 2003, by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission to photocopy g.
With THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE. is granted for educational purposes. S.

28 Vol 31 • No. 9 • September 2003 e THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE

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