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Guide Specifications for PCT ELT Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges ome) ar) RAR Segue] Mur rumen Cor oe ee ae ers To recipients of the Guide Specifications for Design and Constuction of Segmental Conerete Bridges, Second Ecition (1999) Instructions. interim revisions have been made to the Guide Soecificafions for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges, Second Eatin (1998). This packet contains the revised pages. They have been designed to replace the corresponcing pages in the book and are numbered accordingly. AA vertical line in the margins indicates revisions that were approved in 2003 by the ‘AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures. All revised pages also display a box in the lower outside comer indicating the interim. year(s). Any non-technical changes in page appearance will be indicated by this, revision box alone to differentiate such changes from those which have been approved by the AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures. To keep your Specifications correct and up-to-date, please replace the appropriate pages in the book with the pages in this packet. 2003 Interim Revisions to the Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges Second Edition (1999) Published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Sulte 249 Washington, DC 20001 Copyright © 2002 by the Amercan Assecaton of State Hghwar end Transporation Ofils. Al Rights Reaarved. Protein the Unad States of Amare. This book, or pats Hera, ay ot be repreduced I By for witout wate parmision ofthe pusers GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ol F SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 1999 ‘American Associaton of State Highway and Trassporation Oficial ‘444 North Capitol Steet, N.W., Suite 249 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 © Copyright 1999 by the American Association of State Highway and ‘Transportation Officials, Inc, All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may nat be reproduced in any form without permission ofthe publishers. Printed in the United States of Amerie ISBN 1-56051-103-6 AASHTO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1999 President DAN FLOWERS, kanes ce Preset THOMAS R. WARNE, Ut Seertary-Teasirer CLYDE, PYERS, Mayland teed Relonal Representatives (OLENY GERSHANECK, Vermont, TANES SULLIVAN, Consett Region TLIZABETH S. MABRY, South Cocina TRAM K. MOVASSAGHI, Lolslan, ‘GORDON PROCTOR, Ohio JAMES C. CODELL I, Kentcky Region DWIGHT BOWER, sho ‘SID MORRISON, Washington civ Director x Oto l JOHN HORSLEY, Washing, D.C. HIGHWAY SUBCOMMITTEE ON BRIDGES AND STRUCTURES. 1999 DAVID POPE, WYOMING, Chairman JAMES I. ROBERTS, CALIFORNIA, Vee Chi DAVID DENSMORE, Federal Highway Adminsrson,feeretary ALABAMA, Wiliam FConsay ‘ALASKA, Sieve Bradford ‘ARIZONA, Fase Devi CCALIFORNT, Samer E Rober (COLORADO, Supe Hoe (CONNECTICUT, GovdonBaon DELAWARE, Mibarnad Chad, Cha Ht D.C, Lke DP FLORIDA Wil N. Nike (GEORGIA, Buddy Graton, a Lites HAWAIL, Donald C, Grae DANO, Matow M, Fara [LINOIS, Raph Arden INDIANA May Jo Harman IOWA, Witsme ALandgit KANSAS, Kent E Hunt KENTUCKY, Sen E:Ooodaser EEOUISIANA, Wye Amon, Nona! Knapp MAINE James E They MARYLAND, Earle § Freedman MASSACHUSETTS, Aerancer K.Rarow MICHIGAN, Sedat Keka MINNESOTA, Dona) ening MISSISSIPP, Hay Les Is, Wir F Massey MISSOURI Aller. Lftoon MONTANA. Jeg Karan NEBRASKA, Lyman . Frenen, Mos ai NEVADA, Wan C, Crawford Fly Marcos NEW HAMPSHIRE, tes A, Moor NEW JERSEY, Har A. Capers [NEW MEXICO, lin D. Camp [NEW YORK, George A. Cistn, Jones M. O'Conna [NORTH CAROLINA, Wiliam J Roger, Tinethy [NORTH DAKOTA, Sees J. iter (OHIO, Brad Ware (OKLAHOMA, Rober. Rusch oe) (OREGON, Tey 1. site PUERTO RICO, ator Cacho [RHODE ISLAND, Kaz Farhourand SOUTH CAROLINA, Randy R.Cenoo, Rote E SOUTH DAKOTA Joka Cote ‘TENNESSEE, Ea Waserman ‘TEXAS, Dvd W. McDonald Richard Wilkon, US, DoT, David Densmore, FHWA) UTA fm Golden VERMONT, Ware B. Tripp VIRGINIA Matai Kerey WASHINGTON, Ty Ale, hyiat Lin WEST VIRGINA, fares ether WISCONSIN, Say W. Woods ‘WYOMING, B. Pack Callie, Greg C. ek ALBERTA, Dilip K Dstotpatr, Dob Ramsey BRITISH COLUMEIA, Pur Brat MANITOBA, Yate: states, MARIANA ISLANDS, Edward M. Neon Goeraro NEW BRUNSWICK, Fed Blney NEWFOUNDLAND, Petr Lear NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, Ivo Jvkov NOVA SCOTIA, AIMcee SASKATCHEWAN, Hare Bacela MASS. METHO. DIST. COMM. David Lexhardt NJ. TURNPIKE ALTHORITY, Thomas Es Margo NX. STATE BRIDGE AUTHORITY, Willa Mores PORT AUTHORITY OF NY. AND NA, Joseph ally BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, Wade Casey MILITARY TRAPFC MANAGEMENT COMMAND, eben D. Fase US, DEPARTMEN? OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE, Neon Heroades US. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ‘DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, Pel C.7. aa ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION I—DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. SECTION A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIALS. 1.0 APPLICATION. 1 Gener 12 Nottns 13 Det 20° MATERIALS 21 Comer ‘SECTION B, ANALYSIS 30 METHODS OF ANALYSIS 31 Genet 32 Stwtand-Tie Mossi 33 Bective Flange With = 50 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS, 51 Geer 52 Breton Aly 53 Aly of Fal Sct System SECTION C. DESIGN 60 LOADS c 61 Gant : 62 Ded Loni 65. Crepand Srinage 66, Post-Tensioing Force 79 LOAD FACTORS 21 Gener 72. ‘Aiea Loud Conbinatioes 75, SuenginRedustion Facts, i “ CONTENTS 74 Coession Load Conbiaaions,Sueses ol SWB oo cossceesennn ee 2 ‘ko suusoic DESIGN coon ro 20 ALLOWABLE STRESSES... cesses 81 Preseting Stele sessesseneen cose 4 92. Preured Conte |) ssssoose : 4 100 PRESTRESS LOSSES aoe os 104 Gener. - aaa 1s 102 eet Prion nd Woe 103 Anconge Ssing. 104 Stat Relation IE 6 105 Stesing Brewer es COIN 11.0 FUEXURALSTRENGTH coe 16 14 Gesent. . 6 112 Ses in Unbooded Pressing Sol al Fated Lead : 16 3 Sula Conpatiiy. CNet a 13 Mu Referee : a 13 Conerof Geity Coren Sra Tendo. Ca 120 SHEAR AND TORSION 7 1A Scope. cose ” 122 Gere Repicents. w 123 Train Sharad Tron Design fr Pane Seaton Type Regans = 1 20 124 Strand Te rst Model Desig for Eider Beas Type or Dicom Renae 21 125 Speci Repremens fr Diptaps Dep Bens, Coen Bk 2 126 Shear Transfer at ere 2 17 To-Wy Pung Stee anne CNN 13.0 FATIGUE STRESS LIMITS . a 13.1. Sess Lis for Boned Noo reseed Renfrconent seven 132 pe Sess Limi for Pesuesed Reefremet, ae 2 140 POST-TENSIONED ANCHORAGE ZONES ........ cesceeenee 180 PROVISIONAL POST-TENSIONING DUCTS AND ANCHORAGES. coo 154 Gener - : eevee 152 Bids with rel Duet 2B 153 ronson for Future Dead Loa or Deletion Att ca SECTION D. DETAILING 160 pucr peraMs. 2s 161 Masri Tens . : 2s 162 Duc Are Sn : 28 163. Minima ais of Curae : cones CONTENTS 164 Dee Supers 165 Duet Sie Clewanie sad Dating 166 Dost Connenent Reinforcement 170 COUPLERS... 18 CONCRETE COVER AND REINFORCEMENT SPACING. 161 Cover snd Spacing 184 INSPECTION ACCESS 20 BOX GIRDER CROSS SECTION DIMENSIONS AND DETAIL. 20.1 Minimum Fangs Thickness 202 Minimum Web Tires 203 Length of Tp Farge Carver 204 Over Cet Sarton Denson. 210 BRIDGE BEARINGS. 211 Gener 212 Replacement Adjust 213 Bursting and Spaling 21M Sexings 22 Sates 223 Expansion it Laan. SECTION E. SUBSTRUCTURE DESIGN 2309 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR HOLLOW RECTANGULAR ‘SEGMENTAL BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURES, 231 Geter 232 Conaetion Load Combat. 233 all kadernts Ra 224 Limitations o he Use of the Rectang Stes Sock Metiod 235 Renfrseneat for Hoi Rectangular Compression Menbes SECTION & SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR BRIDGE TYPES 2140 PRECAST SEGMENTAL 21 Gener 243 Sear Keys 248 Joint 243: Extenal endo 0 3 a a 3 By vit conenTs ‘CASTIN-PLACE SEGMENTAL. oe 251 Ges 252 Jot Deal 253 Clee Pos 254 om Iver Weg» : : 255 Segment Lenghs. : 256 Disghragee [INCREMENTAL LAUNCHING . 263 Loss an Sexes Daring Launching 262 Brie Design : : 263 Daigo ConarsctionEgnpnest [PRECAST SEGMENTAL BEAM BRIDGE, 211 Gest 212 Semen Reinceest. 213 Jom 21a Pos esining SPECIFICATIONS, CONTRACT DRAWINGS, AND ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTION METHODS 281 Speco nd Cont Drvings 282 ahem Conan Mads Nt Reig Vie Ege 284 Shep Dig REFERENCES - commentary DIVISION 1—CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL ‘CONCRETE, 21 Gere 22 Corre Quity 23. Tee Overs 2A. Tess for Mol of East, and Crop and Seininge Cees 25 Wiraien of Cones 27, Cosson Sits, 28 Acatted Cig wi Low rears Soa oad st 29 Cie or Cust inne Septal Conencion [NON -PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT, 31 Geren 532 Deformed Reinet. 3 3S 3S ” 3 ST st 38 8 38 conrenrs 0 oy yy no n0 33. Plan Renfrement «oo... 34 Sbaitton of Gade or Type of Renfrcement «oss 535. Special Comesoa Potion POST-TENSIONING MATERIALS 41 Gent 442 Specht Ancorge Bovis 463 Ldeticaio and Testing of Tene tri 464 Protection of Pe Teosining Maris == 43 DoctMavris an Pacem! . INSTALLATION AND STRESSING OF TENDONS. 52 Comerioa Proton of Tendon riot Going 53 Camecoa Prtecion of Anchorage Devic 54 Jak Callan, : 53) Suesing Egupmcal ane 51 Modla of Elst of endo Maral 57 InPhce Picton Te. ‘53 Tendon Fore and HlongnonTlertcie, 59. Seening Seqpene 5.10 PoatTesonngSoperiion : ROUTING EPOXY (GHOMETRY CONTROL E1 Detetion an Caer Dats 82 Geometry Const ‘TOLERANCES, . SHOP DRAWINGS AND DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES...» 101 Genet - Pe 10.2 Design Catsiaton or Coniston rosie 103 Stop Drawings FoRMS. . 11.2 Farms for Precast Septal Consacton ‘PERMANENT BEARINGS SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CASTIG-PLACE SEGMENTAL CONSTRUCTION. 13. Gener 182 Foemig Sy * contents 183 Sepensrctar Consrstion SEGMENTAL CONSTRUCTION. 41 Gene 162 Fabian 13 Sepurin af Mah. Cat Segment. 144 Mending end Brecon of Sepment 180 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR INCREMENTAL LAUNCHING. 151 Gaal 153 GromieTulrmens 153 Prone. 160 DEFECTS AND BREAKAGE REFERENCES commentary 2 w3ese 8 seee 2 1s PREFACE, it Second Eon of te Gude Speciation for Design and ConsructionofSementl Conese Bre was ejred fer wei cojoetion withthe Sandon Speco: for Highnty Brg Siseeth Editon, 1996, I susequet inert revision to thse epecfcnons. The econ eon ofthe gle specions was ‘eloped by «boued commie oxarze by he American Sepmeral Bre lst Te commie eluded repens of Sate Deprients 0 Tarpon, te Federal Highory Admin, cadena, consling ‘iginers, contactors, sod sips. The second elon ofthe Guide secicaton was fobeyeey ed nd ‘pote by he HigheaySubeommite on ridge and Stress ato he 198 AASHTO bal process DIVISION I DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 10 DIVISION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION A 1 SECTION A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MATERIALS “LDAPPLICATION 1A General ‘These pecifctions ae intended for desig of fon dial andor tansy post tenionel dges zing toma weight er san-ighweight concrete onstcted with eter precast or atic bos sg iets of single or muliple calls, or cambinaons there as well a spl spun and oats Segme tal beamype tides. The specfictons lacie ‘Provisions fr dei of segnenal sbsrecures. The Fpesifions pera bigs oa ss nd ee not Rect to tse gen lengte of 300 font or le Unies eros sad speeded by tee ses ‘ations, the provisos ofthe Sbeath Elon of he [AASHTO Standard peccaon for Highney Bridges ‘einen to agp tothe dexgn of pment en. cee hace 12 Notations ‘ovnion. ae in scodane with AASHTO Sundar! Speco Jor Mgry Brie snd ‘Stowe: (see Commentary Seeton 82) Ste mepen weight (Scion 743) ste See 362) etofcanmuntacomenion herd Ag = ea of nef fat mde ean, ‘Ag = srsencosed by ouside print of eon crete se eon, ‘Ag = aru fcc compression tu, stars ofcocret ees etn, i AE = es of te base of al shear ey ne fate place, i Seton 2221) ‘Ae = tal a of adtoal logit rea- ferent resi torsion sin (Seton 1238) ‘hg = en ealosel Oy shear ow pa in (Seaion 12210) “A, = wes of nonpesresied wen rifoce- sven in ‘Aj = weaof empeson reinforcement 5 in ‘Ale © tra of preiasiedreinfroonent i en: slot hve 5.8. teste son einocnnent within tans eof tnnwvese sear sinorcement wid a deans s 1 portion of single spun, end span, o pan dicen lo cnilver sm sje Yo tea ap eft (Geet 31) 1D = web with In See Seedon 11.2) = teper Beto fangs wid eter side of se See Sexton 332) by = minimum efecine shear ow web or ‘ange widh to resist tional suesses, in (See Sentons 12210 a 12311) Te = efecve wih of fang (Se Figs. 1 saa) "= effective Nene wits or nea sie tin postesioning fre ee Fie 3-4) ‘web wha echorage of pot enon ings (0 Fig 34) by web wih (Se ie 241) Aco t supa ad forcantver arm (Sc is 3-1 tnd32) Ay mlainam wed with in. (See Secon a2) y= web wy (Se Secon 11.2) (seer 33) ‘y= wih of aif fino op Mange of box ier See ie 3-3) y= width of al of ir botom Nang of box geste Gee Fig. 33) ‘CE = weight of pciained consmction ei ‘CLE = ooputinsl contraction enppmere load (CLL = contrat ve Ton, somal tae a ‘nari Support sabe to shear lag eflcts (See Be) sumo dead londof truce (DL) spe. Ingo dead load (SDL), and manent effets of tteton lols EL) IFF= eifereaial enalnced) dead Jo fom cater DL = dea fad strocture only 2 ditance tom the exteme competion Aber © the ceed ef the legal tension ren [pea of de dune from he exten compression 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 12 Aber wo he cenoid of the presresed tein ren forcement oO ay be ea, a= sexkey inerion (Se Fig. 241.) = ists of cover rom tention fe to ‘er ofa, in (See Consent, Seetion 182), 7 ealepcein Se Pa 261) to ened of pesessing eelnfocement, i. (See ‘Seales 1.2), Tog = fea mois of ely, pe (See Cconientay, eeion 65) Tyg = ellecve mafuas of easly fo tong term fads cbsiderng rep lomatons, fi (Sat (Conmeniay, Secon 65) eaten fect of ertoe lade (nl © = eceacty af reaction (Se Fig. 262) & 2 tee of Napa fogs F, = al force 1a ten carats, kis perf (Se Sexton 163) = speifed compresive suengt of con crete 1 28 da, ps YE = sure root of specified compressive sng of cont, pi (See Seton 12.26 ft it) Eagar, conte Heh of cme wine fey = compressive suse a the concrete node regions, ps. (te Seton 1246), Teq_ cushy steagth of cigorlly craked conta pi (So Seton 124.4) ‘ge = comprenive ste in corte after loc or all pesbess less, pi Cia stat fo be dried 2) be ceo ofthe cos section esting exter lst 1) the eto ofthe web and compression Mange when the ents within he gee €)_incomposte member, tess t(@) or (foe sree ef bt pests od the omc ‘esse he precat meter aig sve = stem in noprestessed reinfrcement ond erection fonds (So Commentary exon 182), ‘hima srengh of prestesing ned pe ea seta bean of tne ines fy = average sess in soopestested ei forint hate ad ps y= averge seer i pretest seinfoce eat kim ns y= Shei yl seengh of empress =. specified minimum yield strength ofcom- reshon einfocren pl (See Seton 1.2) sek yoint sen of presresing seh ps HS ovina fore in bottom Mange and web (See Fie. 262) he evel hcknest of member, in (See section 122.18) Th Gepost. in. See Fg 241) Te = input ied Gore equipment K = Yop / (QU) (en secon 12210) = ab wobe cone, per fot ee Secon 102.) ¢ = span log (Se Fig. 3-1) 4 = tear Teg Hea fig nd pint (See Sexton 102) efor spa engi (Se Fig. 3:1) 4 engihrtenin een anchorages (Soe Setion 1.2), My, = fst momenta stn, int Nf 2 Nunc of oper hinge roid by te ‘endo raped tent on) Soe Sesion 11.2) y= fisted compressive ail fre nara ‘ous sean See Senn 12210), N= tet tensile ail fore sana 0 rot Econ (Se Sexton 12210), y= tube preter of the cote cos sec in (Se Sesion 12210) ‘aus closed ancene reinforce in B= tendon jecking fre fis (Se Sets 163 and 166.1) Re fe lan of web (Se Fig. 262) R= tendon mdios of carat, f. (See Seaton 163), R= ib sitning and resp effets (See Seebons 72 and 741), y= oi of press a 0 sel rxation sit ecved seh pt ‘S = sunkage eee (Se Sexton 74.1) S, fee ita mss meer de to fctored sou SOL = saprapored dead ond Fa pcg of ea ote rofrement ‘eared paral! othe login sof the om teria So = bar ssing, im (See Commentary, section 182) ‘To = tum of efecs of thermal se of fall (FRA sn ermal pat (10) ‘TG = thermal difenial fom top flange to twat flange, dees Fae TG. = tempeotre grit, dees Farentct ‘TRE = thera ite ral eps Fave 12 DIVISION I-DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION A 3 17, = trea ercking moment, n-th. (See Sethe a) "= toma torsion existance, ith (See sein 123) ‘Ty = tendon tes at acing end (Se Secon 1025, TT, = feted orion section, in (Geeeeion 102), T= Dicks of wall (Se Secon 28.3) (de at end of tine itera, boar (See Sesloa 104) = Une a anchorge of pretesing sta take as 124 dy or ny ne te beoieg oa ‘ie imera ous (ee Seton 104) se canilever ends Ye mister aengh ovitbye '¥, = nomial sheer force esse by member, Vy = nominal strength of Type B joint (See seca 12.221) Vp. = veest component of the eet pe sues, (See Sections 1215.1 a 12152) "= foil shear resced by the 45° ws mola measured bythe stip caps, Ia Vy = fitred shee fre act, I Myon Men fe Be er ene wath) X, = the clr length of the contin thickness pore ofa wal bawwen de walls ris bawess ‘asin Ge Seon 233) = cesta dimension fo ation of cn eof gay feb in fon See Seon 113) Z = quantity for deuiing of reinforcement to consol fexral aching during ection (See Secon 182 and Commenary Secon 182) = sag eluetoa fcr (See Section 73) by svengt eduction fcr fo being (See secdon7.3) ‘be = rep cosficentra of cep sain cle in ‘hy srengh ection factor for exe (Se secton7.3) = stengh reduction for for design of ‘Typ B (ig) jie (SeSeaons 73 and 12221) ‘= suengh redacton fico for shear and Saga tension (Se Seaton 73.) = fon cote (praia) By =. fice on concrete eng. shal be tak as 5 for concrete stents fp to 400 ps. For engi above 40 ps shall be reduced com woul ata ate of 05 for ach 100 pa of sagt In exces f 400 pe ba shal be taken a est 12 Detnitns Defnins are in accordance with AASHTO Stauard Spector for Highay Bridger ad ie fang “Anchore Bliser-Bulé-ot nthe web, Saag, ot weblange junction provide efor one or mae ‘enon anes, Clone Cain place cones segment or seg mena 9 compete 3 pan we lange neti to pode fr change of decion fn tern endo, ‘Exsrnal Tendon ~ Tendon lcsed outside the (ages on be of ie incl meer, peesaly ore (or 20) the sscurl member “Geerl Bursting Force Busting fee dt al ‘ne evel concete dincsons, ad th maga ‘con sat aetion ofthe tol grestessing ore thor Low Reet Ste -Prestresing rand in which the seal lean loser tare heen subtatly ‘edaceé by adios) manufactrng, procedures (Gueclg tc eevaed emperor) “ortly Bonded Tendon «Tendon nial eter nal ote cert crm ton whic ate ented in the rss sean ovr a porn ofthe eth by wx of " supplemenay cent pout and reinforcement es ‘Sind Ligielght Concrete = Conece mx ith lghweight couse aggegeande noma weight ed 110 MATERIALS. ‘Serra concrete used i spent conseton shal have a inimam 2-day seg of 400 por (eter pied by the opine, The regulon rete srength athe time’ of sessing shall be 2.2 Retsforement 4 _DESION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 221 22.1 Prestesng Stee, Prazesng sel al conform tothe eqienests of AASHTO Standard. Speieains for Highway Drdges Arle 93 2.2.2 Raaforcing Stee enforcing wee shall be in accordance with AASHTO. Stender Specifcotonr for Miahway Brlges, Arle 83, o at oherwie toed in Division I Sections 3.22.32 Tm aggresive entoaments, special design an cov stration meses shall be then for sorosion otection ofl bilge deck enforeement nleding {ny relnfocement rec tom the web into the ace 30 DIVISION DESIGN SPECIICATIONS—SECTION B 5 SECTION B ‘ANALYSIS ‘39 METHODS OF ANALYSIS by the comeing ie of the eecve soporte, 3, aadjing sopon pola. However, the ellie 3 Generat ‘th bal ot be geste tan lest miyis and tea theory may be wed 62 tuarioe design moment teary pd detection, Th ‘Af of ererp sage tad enpertie feretials ‘hal be conte, as well a he flex of sear ap ‘Shear lag sal be eoaierad in scordace with the ovo of Section 33 Analy for erthuake loads hal beta accortance wih Divison ek, Sle ‘sign, Senn # ofthe AASHTO Sandor Speedice- ‘ina for Hihy Bridger {32 Strand-Te Models Suutande models may be wid fr nays wes of oad ogee scotty 2. Bective Flange Width 2334 Gener rectve Mange width fo sarc oa ses esa Tons may be determined by elastic analysis procedures 52 by te provisions of Sesion 33.1 of {be 1991 Omura Hiphwsy Badge Design Coe! or by ‘he provisos of Sesion 332 ** 332 Rfective Flange Width Secon prope or aaa and for esealaton of ‘he eects efbening moments sea froes ay be tse onthe ange wis specie hi set, maybe taved on ange wits determined by athe: Procalues ited in Secon 3.31. The efects of “nsymmeria Todingsonefecve Mange width may be dpa, “The eectve flange wid, (me Fgue 33) may be asued equal othe ul ange wid, L011 4 (= effesive span length) 2.5034, (= web high) Foe flange widths b rete thas 0.4 or 01 6 the effective wich maybe determined in accordance it Figores 21 and 3:2 The vac of by the efetie flange wis nthe support re, shal be determines ‘ng the peter of he eleven Kenge ace {0th supp I gg te eeve Mange Wid a he ‘i'pan oe, see than b spn the pater ‘helene with wih span may be deteined be ostction procedures sch atthe con ‘ion of #apan wiki 2 unt change, the ‘aefigeraton maybe wed inthe determination ofthe ‘ec ange wi. The sation propery for normal forces my be ned on ptr scaring igre 34 c maybe deine by marerigoros amalyacal proces ‘Suess db vo ted, shat, and aan forces, ‘maybe dtemined by asing thi conesponding see tion groprtis. "The exec of scot ection may be determined by conser he al ange with eect, “AD TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS, ‘The tanger design of box seer segment for ‘exe shal consider te segment ghd ox fame. Pgs shall be analyzed as vsble dep scone eon the fillets between the flange and woke, ‘Whea! lots thal be positioned to provide main ‘moment and elas srl sbal be ued to Se tite he effective logins dtetation of whe leads fr each load cation, Corideraton shall be veto e nree in web shear and ther efector {te cos section ruling fom erensc Toning ot ‘neymmeriel sce pee Infor suraced DU che clastic ani procedres may be used to eval Hive load plas Faget ment eet i the top lange ofthe bon S=- sessing and svinage hall be considered in the tenet analy, The ft of wcoadary omen doe to pressing shal be sede in ee ealclaons under erie Toul. real Mesa aed sear apacy under {educed pretesting (oaths load factor of 0) shal ead dgeracaly oe momats and shears dat 10 fcioed dad an ve lode The wusvese deipn of beim ‘ype segmental wige dots may ben cordance wih the rovisns sf he AASHTO Standard Speciation: for Highway Drips, eon 3203.1 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 40 Ea aed Parr pore 7 [4 ao a1 02 a3 a4 as as OF 08 0D 10 tect ange We /Perge Wie, Ware bq = efecto tage ws aw misapan 2) Toate ange wich eer ppa iron With tect Son Lanc i, BB 4 Fip.32 DIVISION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION & Fig. 23. Cros Seton and Corresponding Hetve Flange Widths for Bending and Shear 8 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES so ig 3-4 etive Flange Widths b, for Normal eres ‘SD LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS 51. General Lonetacnal anal sl ein aeocdance wid he provision of Sion 3.0. Longitudinal of Segrenalconetebiges shall conser tecie fonction mah and cnsneton bel swe She ine elaed eet ence exp, Hrinage, {nd press oes “Tele of ecndary moments de petting stall be inode ere ata a evict sts. In calling Mlerurat and bear capacity requirements under fctered Toad, the condor Imomeat or shu induced by pressing (hd ftor of 1.0) shal be add algebra 10 the ‘memest a hes do ced dead ede one ‘52 Erection Anis ‘Analyt ofthe ectre dirng the consteton stages conser he consrton on ombnntons, ‘Hrsen and salty conedereons cane! in Sesion 74, 43 Anfsis ofthe Fina Structural System. “he fia suc sysem shll ke analyzed for redisiaos of een sage omens euing fom leeflecs of reepandsrinkag, and fm say change ‘ne stil sytem, feuding the lie of ft ‘hera efls one lsc yt sal be onsen acorn with he AASHTO Standard Specfeson for gay Bridger, Seton 3.16, a4 ‘Stcton 64 ofthese ude specifications. The ees of [pssst losses oeuring ar coer hall be vat {in exaance wit Secton 100. Mali presence ff he lod Sl be eatin i accordance its he Prove of AASHTO Standen! Speiications for Highway Bridges, Secon 3.12. The maxim moment esl fen the shove sole shal be i. Tad fr stes alles under sevice land, and Sia be alse in ennton wid he combinations (f oade specified inthe AASHTO. Standard ‘Sheifcation for Highnay Bridger, Seton 32, fot ‘teint of reise ex sng 60 DIVISION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS-SECTION € SECTION DESIGN 60L0ADs 632 At clement ofthe edge shall be designe for the acted comtrcon sytem sted by the 64 General "Engine ed shoo on the pls Any changes by the All Teedags shall be im accordance with the AASHTO StondardSpeceston for Hire Bridges crept provides belo ‘Usit woh of conrete (icoting rba)—155 pounds per ub fot or as determined fore rjc Wiis of dpteagma, anchor block, or any oer evans Grom the piel ros soon shall be Itc in th dead oad excl, 63 Erection Loads ‘rom the design's adepated sytem of tpn) ‘paring works undoes erecto equipment 1 te tue in accordance vith he seuned conaocon sequence tnd eeu. The assumed erection ls nd ‘ecepnle close fcr due to mallet cones ‘ona shal bested onthe dawns, Due aliwance hal be made for al es fey charges he st feel sowcrral scheme daring consonant Appleton, changes or anon fesse emp ‘yang of special eupnent ng into Sct Feld “bai Tres, moments, formations, = fnday pstensoning effec, cep, sok and ty eran ince fete CContetorin the contin meth i the Sin ‘al comply with Secon 28.2 or 28.3, (64 Therm Ect 641 Normal Mean Temperature ‘Uness more precise ea ata are avallabe, normal seen egzrae for the loan sal Be wen te ‘erage ofthe ancy snd July ales from Figures G1 and 622 respeatnely. 42 Stason Variation sige ind animen overall emperatres foe the Tocaon stl! be taken fom Fgues 61 and 62, respecte, unless mae precise Fel data are avai. thie 1. The lempertre sting variations fr earings ndexpandon ons lb sated on the bide plans. 643 Thermal Cotten ge epee eect sa be taken 5 6.01 10% pee eye arene for normal Weight cove td 5.0» 108 fr ert.igheweight concrete less more presce ha re arabe lg 61. Norma daly minimum temperatare("F) for Janwary 0 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDES 684 ig 62. Normal iy main 6.44 Temperature Gradient th purpose of hi arti te cowry shal be subi it omer a ined igre 69. Pott temperate din (TO) ve forthe rons Shall be ena speed fo vious deck ac com too in Table 61. Negev temperate ws shal betaine by musing te ale pein Table 161 by 090 fer plain comcciesues an -0.20 for sures with chap topping The vera engeie grade sal be ken a showin Fae 6-4 ‘Mhedmenson “Ain Figure 6-4 sal be kena +120 inches fr sperszvetres tht ar 16. aces cr moreindeph ‘for sections shallower tan 160 ncbes, “A” shall, be. ines es an he cal dot ‘Tengersne ye Tal eink 260.0, les ste specie tly i made deemine sn aprogrie "ale bt sal ot exon SF, ‘Where tempera grain is consdere, inal ses nd str efron dt both pls {nna omperte grasems my be etermined in ssednnce withthe rovisns of he AASHTO Gute Speitisne—‘Theral Bf in Conese Brig Spersrctres, Appendix emperatare CF) fr Jy “ible 61. Basie or Temperature Grades Pn Cone Sure An pig Zane Ea] Tar) Fig 63, Solar Ralation Zones for {he Unie States, br present Bremer le \ Figure 6-4, Potive Vertical Temperate Gradient 65 Creep and Shrinkage cts duet carp snd shrinkage sine shall be ‘alelted in ascordonce wi the provisons of Seton 53. Te rep onafent maybe eae a 207 ‘ance withthe provisions of te ACI Commie 208 Repo the CHE-FIP Model Code ar by 4 compre- eve te program. Crep stains and press losses Wie coer fer lou af he sett one re ‘Salon ofthe foee.Srner shall be clebted for Tis effect aed on sb assumed onsrcton chee ‘sued on he plans (66 Post-ensioning Force "Te start hl Be designed for both ini and Sina pot ensioing freer. For deeiing the fal porttenioning forces, press: fsses sal be ealeu- [ted forte conrcion schedule sled o he pas. “The fal posciesonng forest sed i saves ood See cali be based onthe ost Severe sndion a each eto slog he Stace 7OLOAD FACTORS 111 Gener In the Boal working conn, service or sens load’ combintions shall be io accordance wi AASHTO. Standard Specicaionr for” Mey Bruen, Seeton 3.22, wh coniaion of the ‘ttna loud combinations of Secon 72. Suengt ‘ection fcr hal be scorns wih Satin 73, ‘busing consretin, lad cambioaons, allowable straes sod sal shall be in accordance” wih Stutor 7A Prior lo fouing, he allowble concrete (ene sees ding Comiction shal be zw for ‘races ung eral outed enone. SION SPECIFICATIONS SECTION C u 12 Additonal Load Combinations “Tue peroanet effet of creep at svinkage shal be ned lal AASHTO lng combinations wh bad or of. 172.1 Eretion Lauds at nd of Construction ‘The ste ection ads (EL) ae cei 2s he final secured "batin” forces se oneal. ein rs the cnsucionproves 2221 For eiing sence lost combinations wih ind lve fps impact oad tor of Tio wall te glad for reretae groienl hen Teper (7 ic "Fi22" In addon io AASHTO service loud sombiniir, Be falbwng toad eomkinaion stall al DLSDLIELPREHDISFORSSHTG 100% Allowable Sues LOADING eod Lind Srtire Onl DL Supeiepsed Dead Lond SDL retin Lase(Gal tte EL ‘hare oF TH 6 R See AASHTO Stndon Speco for Higher Bridger, Seon 3.21. forather (fans. AASHTO -D= (DL9SDLAEL) AASHTO —T = CRETG) 72.25 forall ewe ld conbinaons, «tod fir of ee (0) sl be applied erential em rate ee (T0), 13 Strength Reduction Fate 734 The seg ebetion tr, 4nd 4 fF ex sd het. espetvly, sl conser beth the type of in beeen segment and the Gg of bod Ine of the postensning sytem povided, The {propre wte of yom Section 73a Be sed (BPs an sinless in Seton 1. 1312 Sase the poteosioning povided may be 2 rise of ily Bonded tendons aed unbonded or pe aly onde ends, te sng reduction fair at ‘ny sain sal be sed upon te bending ands {a oe enka providing ne majo ofthe preset Ing ec lie eto DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETERIDGES 233 3 = 7 Boal Pah ia r ema ea Bee as ms os iene a0 en Tyee oe to, ahs aie 7.33 In oer fo endo Lo be considered fly tbeoeded toe cross etn. muse boned beyond he erie seston fr ceveapment length noes than hat eg by AASHTO Stonard Speco for tigivy Buyer, Secon 9.281 Sore erbedmen lenis re permite f demons by fle et and approved by the Enos 7.4 Casi place concrete sins, we cone or epoxy joints teen peas ily stall be sie Type Al alloc Stress ave only Type A ols 134 Dry jolt between precast vit shal be cone Sereda Type 8 jon Refract io Type B feats & reine forthe purpose aoa ates eine briges| 173.6 Strength reduction ets, 4 sh be nken ess in Table 7-1, ad the fllovieg provision of “he stength cedoston for for dhect shee apc of dy joins. shal be wed in conection ith Seto 12221 ‘The strength redoion far fr bering, be ken 35070 fr al pes fconsiucin This aie shal not be pled to buring seer uner encore plats a psttenoning enone 1A Construction Load Combinations, Stresses Stay 1441 Erection Loads Durog Contraction Erection lus as defined by AASHTO onda ted om he las stale lowe 2 Dead Toad of sre (DL: Unt weigh of| oncr slang rebur) ~ 153 poo as eee Teeth paect Weel of apres, anchor sks ‘any other devon fm the ipl cross section Shall Be included in hed fad ieltons Deena ltd om oe ever (DIFF: Tie nly apps Ye baled canilevereoacion, he Tan ieee the dead bd appli ao cater © Superiposed dd loo (SDL) Ths ces ot normaly al dng eonsnton, ft da should De consider pt ofthe de iad (2). 44 Dsiuted conseton ive fond (CLL): Tl tn liowance fer miselaneos ene of pany machi (Sy. and ober eqipren tpt” fon the mor Speci” erecton eqpman,Diibted lod Sllowance i 10" pst Ia caileer"coninctan, ‘fstbuted oad shall be then af 10 pal on ore ‘Stiever dS pt on the er. Fer ges bel by Incremental lnenhing,cosrcin veld ay be liken a2, Specialized consmetionecaipnent (CE: Ta ‘he ioad fom any sper qupmeat wich ast lsuncing panty. eam ond witch, tus or ar jer ler Ti allo welues sees! delivery tacks {hd te taal foe applied othe ste bye ‘Stulpment ing etn of seamen ingeet isae fm equine (IE): Tobe Aetermined according 1a the hoe of ‘machine ‘tip. For very golfing of seamen whee the fad jvees smal aun elect, the inpast Tea ny be ken a pee 1 Longlialconsoeineqlpenent od (CLE: ‘Tae Tongdinl fooe font the costco suipment 1 Segment ntl: (U}: This pps primal to ned eaiever onanston bt ube extend ‘nha any "using sequence which may na bea pinay etre of he generis cosition tem DIVISION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS-SECTION C 7A 21 Amun 21 8 sno a EMD FR A 7d HYRIWWOD GVO NOLLONLLSNOD ‘WOU SASSUS ATISNAL SMVAMOTIN PLO, “ DDESION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 7a ‘Rene ror wut conden a pcb 1. Wind up on ealever (WUD 5 pf lene ‘miler consction pled to ones onl). 5; Aces eles r aplication ofa recat eg rent Jad oer sun pact fon ah terse Stil of A: Inet oe = 2A. eCeep In sccrdnce with Seton 6, Cee fect shall be ens part of sheng 1Shikape 3) 1. Thermal (TRF sl Thermal (FO) ‘The sm of he eet df hel ie and fall (TRF and eres tanger (10) fom Seton 742 Construstion Lond Combinations td Allowable Streses ‘Sesser hl beens onder the custo oad cumaacs gine in Table 1-2. Toe dsbson snd Slleaion ef te advection lots (Secon 1T) ppropiate ox ansetion pe shal be ih srt preses tho mot wtb eft Tale 722 Side: fore froble condans ny ona with ‘8 putida contruction see hse sal be ken Ino seeeant The maxima allowable coosction ead compressive sre sal bef Load fart dsgn nerd ote ed for constuction candies with the exception of Secon 743 below 743 Contrvctin Lasd Combinations {oad Petr Design Check Using egies factors (in aconnce wih eeon 73, rena prove hall be st hun regu the fling load ator combos For maximum fre nd moments LDL + DIF + 1308 +2 Fe mimi fore nd oments ‘80 SEISMIC DESIGN Segmental sopersactare design with moment reising esl fo spenivctre connection tal ‘sie hls gig fle ater shew fre) ‘om columns. The ta eee fre rm he clan shall be eteiped fom he nase Neal espacty fof te ealamn by mollyng the nol xual csoacgy by 130 Brigg tpersrctes In seme anes € ad D wih monet resting clu pet ett to rest beta a anon eal ‘ands prose’ by colon pass Haig. "pe A et al ewe see res Cand 1, Segnet jst al poise capac fo tater eet teers sll be proved to spor the seperti tr of 3 ‘Semi tnes C ma. The avage seas ne po oan tea be neal eon er a se Shlain accor th Sco 12, Net tre than 50 pen ofthe tl possesaieg et {ree dal be rod by extra dene 30 ALLOWABLE STRESSES 9. Pressing Set “ene svse fs peesing tendons shall ot exceed te allowing 9.14 De tte jing fre bat ot preter thn 090 5 9.12 At nchonges sn xr immeitely afer tendon anchorage 705, 9.13 Aerated lations immadaely ser resus wane any uct reer th 0.748 9.2 Prestressed Caneete 923 Temparty sess before lass et creep and sivinlage, a de ine applet ofthe pretest (ans forth normal weigh and snc ph weight 0606, 9.21.2 Longin sues inte precampesed “Type A joint wth minimim boede suey seiforcment trap Be ols sult ery he Clealtden fee at ses of 05 etl sd ‘300% maximum sion oa1a DIVISION 1--DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION C 15 1 Type A jain witout the minim booted ‘tinny reinforsmen thogh hein tral tendo no ension alowed. Typ Bo etal dons, ot ks tha: 10 ps minimircompresion 921.3 Trasvent tenia in the prsompresed ‘enon zone: 10/f maximum son, 921.4 Tention noir ass wihot bonded non reseed retafceen: 20 eon ‘Where the calelaed tena set encede his ‘value, Boned seinfreenen sll be provid at = these of 05 (0 rei the lll tense Tre i the cone computed a he assumption of an unracked ton tn sch se he mai lols shal ot exeed 9.22 Steass atthe service loa love! afer losses ave seu 9221 Compre: + seit as ombinions, exept a5 sated in (), shall not ‘esd, When he ange or web slendemess ro, ‘elated in accordance with Section 23.3, f grester then IS, compressive ses sl be vedued by © fetoreelated By he equations preset in Section Ba The compressive sess de oeecive reneat pls pemanen (dud fous sal ot exceed 045, 9.22.2 Logiusioal stresses inthe precompresed ‘Type A joint with minimum Bonded suilary reinforcement gh the js suet 1 cay the (Sleld fensle fore a? Aer ofS ira tendons: ff main teson Type A joins without minim bond miliary einfremen rho Sopentrctrc: 20 tein Scbsouctrs 200 psi tention plus overatess Drovion, ax spelled ia Table 32218 (Compute cathe ass oft roe ection) Type joints enteral endnotes thn: 100 ps minima compression 9223 Transverse tesan in the presompresed terion 204 maxims teson 0224 enion in other set witout bonded ssinfreemee| Supersracnre: 220 tension Subsrucures: 200 pul tersion plas overnite Proviso nr secfed in Table 32218 (eompaed ‘Sue bas fe pos resco) Whee the eakulied lease stess encode this value, Bonded reinforcement stall te povide al bres oft o ress the tla ens force othe ‘conereeconpated on te astumplion ofan uneacked Secon. tn sh ease, the mas ene sess Sal rovexcesdeoy Ina PRESTRESS LOSSES 104 Gener ‘Lumps sss sol oly be use fr preiminry sign rpms, Loses ufo erp, shinkags and ‘habe thorening ofthe concrete ell a to, ‘wotle, ancora elation the tendon sal be ‘lel fr the concn mtbod and sehedle Shoun oni plans in scence wits erated poe des Tor eleiation of prestes: losses and ta ‘eordace wih he lowing estos. 10.2 Doct Freon and Wabbte “The Tos of presvess free Ge 10 hcion and woe win oir ton dt sal beotained ‘ing the eit: Forteognsin webs of cured ridges, o in intnad webs of sigh badges, sal be eae Ws tbe ‘oat vector esumelaton of the azn a vera! ile change sod eal 9 the aa enon leg "The lf peste: cea at extra edn due \o ficton actse ssngle device pipe sball be ‘ined usig ie equation: te Friction and wobble coefficients may be estimsed sing the vues Io Table 102. However, hese vies do nt conser msl—ament of ntrsl det oi ‘The eadverent angle change of 104 radians per eve lor may vey depeding 0 ob specie oleranees on evil pipe placement std need aa be spbied ‘son here te devinion angle sty sonliec or Pressly foowny os the ese of copious dts Fessng tro separ longi! bel ahaped les devia Whete lage dscrepnces cour between tear ard calclata endoneonpeons, in pace ‘ton este are rout. le DDESION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL. CONCRETE BRIDGES 13 “Table 10-2 Estimated Value fr Friction and Wobble Caen te ca (reread pan a Tao Tur Tiere ry a rt ino = aa “mee A A Si cease re eI 7 et tne re edit ppc eye 0 ‘The nadvenent angie change need nal be ssoscere for easton of foes oo weg Seating movers. 103 Anchorage Seng For stand tendons ashed with two or hes pee vedas anchorage ating maybe epoxies Inch Angr setng for br ean be appro ‘ed iS 116 isc The wake of anehorge Seat ‘eed in the desig shall bested on the desir Swings wiht provision that i sll be veries ‘hg contin 14 Steet Reston Loss of prestese doef sel relation ver te enteral tory be exited in tecodene with the folowing scons. 10.41 Stren Soe eet 26mg) x05] where (if 0582008 8s, {1 tel ses lve at Dgining of tne interval 0) 10.42 Low Retaation Stet y= elberatmine) [16-085] whet: if 0852008 se ses ee bag fin ve o 1043 ar Sel relation le fr br gon coxfming ASTM A22 maybe ested 300 ps fon Toe oceurs ough he sesing tarvare an scrap evi. This oss shal be cone sidered in dese. SO FLEXURAL STRENGTH shall be calcein accordance ih te provi of fects 9:17, 9.1, and 8.19 of The AASHTO Sadar! Specjfcatins fr Highnay rigs, ancl a proved in hs Secon. “The feu! eapcty required by the Jnad Actor roves of Seton 71 al be le han or ea 0 {BPtimer te eral expe cxelted in secrdance Wilh AASHTO Sendo Speciation for Highway Bridge, Sesons 917 818 nd 9.1, eae thal the verge Suess unbniee peeing ee sal be (emeed in scorane with Seco 112 er T23, ‘hevaluesof Flas ker fem Seton 75. 12 Suess ie Unbanded Pretresing Stel at Pastored Land For alulsion of average sein unbonded resus te! a cared lay, egaion 9-18 the ‘BASHTO Stncond pecans for Highway Brace ‘abe replied by he owing ema me) 2 DIVISION 1DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION € ” 4 7 stance fom extemecompreion fer oan: toi of presesingrelforcemen = teive sus in esuesig ste afer loses oo 4 long of eadoe beeen actoages N= umber of spport hinges cromed bythe tendon (ape endo ons) = nea aus depth eealaed os olows: for Teen beavir: Eft Ay A 0838 0-4) TAS forrecungular sein ever AERA AS aE 113 Strain Campatity Speciation for Highway Bridges, Secions 9.7, 918, and 9.19, Dexa strength of bonded tendon ‘wides ny be cleat in aeerdance with he suie ompatbility provisions of Secon 102 of the ACI 51895 Bang Code Senin omptbiltysalse ‘as ao be wn fr cmpaton of flessralrestance ‘trae with antonded o paral bonded endear roviel ta te analy corey cori the i {eeoces i sen between the enon sd the corte ‘econ andthe ele of defection geomet changes fondhe eect ates a te tendons, {1A Minima Reinforcement {HAL The risinur amount ffx reinfre met sal conply wih Serpe 8182.1 of AASHTO ‘Standard Speciation for lighoay Bridges TLA2 ‘The repiement of Seton U4 may be vied if th aren of eafesement oa seton feat Tee oni peter than hat reid by aalis ‘bed on the losing combinaioes weed in Arce ‘322 0f AASHTO Stondard Spectcation for Hihnay ‘Bridge, {LS Center for Gravity Correction for Strand Tindine. Draped tan dons sal be asumed to be tthe botamaf ie det in eguve momeat res, and at the top of the duct in postive moment arse For bath steagih ant allowable sess calulions, te loon fhe nde eta of provi with eapet othe cet teint he doc hale ned orate blow (agave moment re howe), =r oe xorain Overs" ra 120 SHRAR AND TORSION 121 Scope "The provisions of Seton 12 shall apply tothe design of eset comet eget bis ei Jct to Hear or combined shear and toon, The ‘esi shal be Based on factored oud conus. The Proven of Sesion 122 shall apply to al pars of Secon 2 121.1 Rios with one-way beam or thin plate ype scton tsi condsons n which he plane ston assumption of eral theory can be applied sal be esigne fr shear or shear apd trion according (© Section 121, and iter the modified tactons proc of Seton 123 the stand te mode ro ‘Soa of Secon 124. Deng of all shes (orden refocenent mt est Be sented of ‘Sexton 123. or sen dein of tres ing ste lihowegh once, OSV salle subsite foe VE {in Sections 12. 12 and 123.21 12.12 Discoaiuly eons where the plane se sie asspton of fleaal teary is ro apie such grein adjacent bro changes in eres = ions, openings, eapped end regons where are oneal eds, acon, of psttnsorng forces tev oped or deviated, Gpiragns, deep beams, cor bee or joins sal be designed fo he applied forces sng sero sear and tata sceoeding o Secon 122 and eutand-te model sprosch of Secton 124. Inadaion, set cacentnaty elon ike deep teams, brats carbs soul be designed ford ppleabe prt of Seton 125. 6 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 213 12.13 nericesteveen laments such as wes sad faces, Severn isilar mater, between con- trees et at fees times, ort an exing oe Fete maorerack tal be dsignd fo shar = ferin secardance with Seon 128 12.14 Stab ype regions sbjeed to lea concer ued fees sh se concentra loads lm reese lb designed fr twosnay puting sear Inacconance with Secon 127, 12.18 The applied shar on cos seon sal ont of tess to fated ims dea Toad (yg) coding conta effect, cert lise Ts ad, nd ny ote factored int Tod ces specified. Tosions) moment (,) tall be Ince din fr fected tite fad when thee magaitude exceeds the vale specified in Sesion 122.10 1215.1 To pied shea oe tthe comgneat of ‘he etfecive logit greseese force whch sn ‘he recon af he secon bong examined (5) ell be considered defect 121.52°The ver conpenent of cine eon (pall only be cnsdcted to retace the aplod ifaron the mes fron whch ra th wb tod fe anchoed or ally develope by aochorage, dvi tos, or ie ets bee in the ster ond of 122 General Reulrements 1221 For members sbjeced to combiaed shes nd tain, theres se oes in he eet Clement ofthe stv fee te combined shear ows fom sara rom on sal be comieed ‘Theinvidal een al be ep for teres the foes, 12.22 The eft of axa tension doe to ep, stinkage and ema! eft in reetlned membete Sl beconseed whee apie, 12.23 The carnponent ofthe efoive mrestetng force inthe ean a te sent fre sal bcos fred in cert wth Seton 1215, 122.4 Components of intzed Neral comprion cor tnsoa i wtabecopth meme stl be can. a, 12.25 The ees of ny opening duct in ne ery sa be considered. In dating te elfen eb with, oy te daneter of engrosted dots oe afb antes of grote due al be ‘ned ow he web wi a eel of te dots 1226 The was of wedi any par of Section 12 al ect exceed 100 ps 122.7 The ig etd strength of non preset ‘end 6D he ter and tse resin eon bation of pesueniedtansvene shear orton ‘afrcmet sal he based on ssbtiten of the tect sess after allowance fr all press Iss Ps 0 bt ot exceed plan anh tere relfocenent expresso 122.8 In peteioned element edeod re ses inte rants length ofthe pets eons Stal be consieed when compet tnd VT pretiesfre don 9» given eon be eared 1 ary nearly ro mera the pt at whi bonding omnes 1 a mexinum a afr leg which ‘maybe asomed a 50 ances for V2 ach diameter 1229 Shear effets may be malted in aes of ‘members whee he acer shear fre V, ethan ‘Vg2 (Vis defied in Secon 12213). Nominal inom Sup cacy of ates than eee two Grae 0 tr ot] fo er sal be yo 12.210 Torsional fet may be negli ia et ter whee efoto ment lesa one T i of «noe detailed elelion, T may be T= 2K 0A) sal be computed st Vivi OD be k= 20 However, K shal got exceed 1.0 at any san vwner th seein etme eso le de as toed tnd an eet pres fae exces OV a tension. The lfc of tilt, Ny shall be ccna fe by renin fe by fe Nyy Th ine face of ail compassion, Rll 8 ond fo Dy repacng fy fe VN, JA At men enclosed by the shear How path defined bythe cenoids ofthe ‘emg chore af he space ts nde eng ‘he splind oon. na ome pai smal ‘A; my te kena 8 of he se cond by the ‘Shlain ofthe exter closed transversion 12210 DIVISION 1-DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION C 1» format, The tem, by the ete witha he ear flow path ofthe Shes mallng up te pce ‘rs mode! esistingWrsion. In box ede, yy ot cee he minimum fv With by fh nest web range comprising thecloed bx section. Tn feu ta moe rece nals Bay be taken Ay sg et eet ep evict of he concrete crs ee, The ef of Speingr and Gt st be coir eve in Stoion 1225, 12.2.1 Ins sselly detente race wre significant eden of trscal moment na member {osu due ordain of ner fre upon cocking, he fod torsion moment Ty maybe ‘etced to 7, (Ts dette in Seton 123.10 po ‘ied tat morse and foes ln the cbr ao a Mining member sre adj to scout fr he ‘edison Ine of smn exc mys the to Sonal leading from slab may be sed a sly ‘iste lag he member 122.12 Transveee reife sal be proved inl elements exop fr sib nd foaings, sa ele nu we Vi Tes hi 0.5 Vy I le fae eed eaten, V, maybe kes yea 2k Wye XK shal be compate in secortne wih Sesion 12210, 122.13 Where wanves ifrcement i required, the: minioom tensile capacity of the tevese ‘enforcement shill be 30 by, whet by ad ae ie [tener Orenter amounts mabe rege cary shee sd toon o meet th eure of Seton 12.3 ot is 122.14 Transverse elaforcement may cont of 2 Siupeperpndesa fo he as of be member aking am nes of or more with he engin tension reife, ieclned wo intecep pata crock, s Welded wite bic sees oF cages with wires loete perpendaa to beat of he meme, Longin ar bento prove an angle of 30" cr more wi te longi! etsoneivrcemen and nine oinecept potest isgonal cracks. a Wellanchored pressed tendons ich ae carefully ted and consti Lo minnie eting tin dependet see © Combinations of seeps tendons, net lo Spi, 12215 Tannen minforcment sill be dette so the sea orcas men he font lens f= amet of mene we efecivey tated “Tanner shea or tren reinforcement hall extnd scons Ge rom th extreme compression fiber (eis covey tothe ouzrmot enon reforcement. All trncverse tlafrcement tall be uly anchored tending to AASHTO. Stndand Specicton or Highway Brides, Sein 8.27 122.16 Teson reinforcement shall consist of oop aso tno sn "oe rue or led ts, pepe tthe sx of the ner a clad cage of welded wie fabric with tans- ‘vee wires pepetcalar he af the member pi ‘Trane tron reinforcement sal be mad aly coniaout aod shall be anchors according 10 AASHTO Standard. Specfewions for Highway Breet, Scions 821.21 or 82729, terete con cree siaoucing the anctorape inosine’ aginst ‘paling by Hage o lb sires, Anchorage Sha te by 135" standard books aruod longi Snchoage onrestined xine alin. Spacing of lowed stip o cones eall nt enend ne al fof he shoe dimension of the rose ection, nar 12 Inet. 122.17 Atay ple onthe cos secon war the ‘ial tensn de to tain tod bending exceeds the ‘ia compression die to pressing and bending. ‘iter sipermenay tendons to camer the enon mast te aed er Teal Tongan! enforcement ‘requied TP spplamenty tendens ae added, they shall be isubted wound the permet of te precompesed tention zoe nie te lee imap, Aes et on shal be plced near ech coe of the sms a the procmyresd tension tne lng infrceent aed the bare tall be dabees around the perimeter formed by the losed sips, Perinetr bar spacing shall ot exceed ince. eas one longleinalbar shale placed Inca coma ofthe strug. The minima dimer of the cormr ta tal be 124 ofthe imap spacing, bl 12218 Mima spacing of ransverse einfre- ‘met stall at oxen 0154 i oper lems » DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES, pais en ty des si 12219 Plena eifrcemt, isclning tendons, shal be extend teyend te aereteal eration evan poi fora stance of teat? Transere reinforcement fr sear nd torso sal be povided fora dstnce atleast Wend he oie holly ree 12.220 Shear Leys in web of precast segmental wider alexi oa acho ewe igh at Compatible wid ee dealing eqzenest, Det of the abear eye sal be sil to Figre 241 ‘Alien sear ky bal alo be provided in tp and eon ange 12.221 For severe wisng dey joint, the nm ‘capac the let sal be ela Vu HUI2 + 0017F) + 06% ufo Where Ay = Area the ase ofa eye inthe ale ne i =Compesive stag of one, fe = Congreve ses in concrete afer allowance for al peste less, pi eerie st the eaida th cose sero eising definition ‘Aca Ares of const wee rend suis one fae pane i 123 Teaditina Shear and Torsion Design for Plane Seton Type Regions 12.3.1 Te eg of beamaype member or eins Vy does ot teed raha AGT ima TAP strip changes noe set or openings 12 No concen od lose within 240 p= post cases ue than one-ird ofthe shee a ha Spar. Where req, her reefrcement cont of vendo and simugs perpen o be as of he member r weed wze bei sets or cages wih vires prendre axisf te mee, nde Forms to Scion 122 Where ei, son infreemen consi of longi, ind lone imps perpesiala f0 exis ef he mena, ant conlorn 0 Seton 122 12.2 The desi of cre eto mje to hear shal be based on, 5 4, where ee factred Shear fore ant V's nomad sitar suengh. V, Shall consider ny ttre fet of peste Vp may eonsidr favorable fet of pesos So ‘eeordance its Sain 121.5, Pre pores of he YnVer¥y were Ve may be tered fom Seton 122.12 and 1, oy be ceemied fom Secon 123. In eqn: (ibn fo Vand Vy shall e te Utne rn oe mene copes Abe to Deel ofthe pe Stressed relfrceneet inthe sion chord oc OK ‘whichever pest 12.33-Toe apples sea V, selon ea spore ‘may beredced toe ls come st dsance W2 ‘fom the suppor wien oth ofthe following eoeices mesa 1 The suppor seosive, the direction of the spied shea nvecves compression it the spo ‘BBon of t= meme and TS No concen lad osc win a dtoce ‘rom the fe ofthe upper. 1234 The somal shear cotton of te ts wmdel with coneree diagno 48" lation Stwrminedby the star enforemetpeendiesar ‘heir of be meer ie 123$ Wie uid by Seon 12210, soa ‘orem sal be proves nation ec freee requ tte ce hea fee fatal fest tf coe i 12.36 Te longa and ante mise ete ion sal be Goerine oa = t 1237 The nominal onl esance provide by apse worse apn 5 hmm {ode lndea arene efocenet fr rte Ty=2AAly ls te A, det nS 12.210 38 DIVISION 1 DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS—SECTION C a 1238 The ston! anginal inforceent or teson sal at be tn as eee soc rrtgmttabes tec a ee semua daemon ee er een csi i a ee 1239 The ares of aoa! longi tse ‘enforce in th feo omrenon zoe ay be tedued by an amount gel to My/tB4 fy) were My {he iced bending ones sting 2 tht econ ep tha the enforce provided ll a es ‘tan reguin by Seton 12217, 124 Strtand-Te Truss Model Design for Either eam Type or Discantinlty Regions 1241 Te design of ay region for hear ad torsion img be cared ot scoring 0 Seaton 12.4 sed on fs anasis of he eal land pts for al forest ing onthe mene region. The eles of he pretest force sal be inden secornce with Section 12.1.5. The inal ops shal be eating wing sppopie sw and spice wus models cna ingot 1 conratand compressive enfrcemest sompet- ‘ea chords inclined cnet compressiv strats longi eifrceen tase oro et 4 teaevererelfrerent terion embers oe node eins etalon of chars, sets andes. 12462 The proportions ofthe ements andthe ee- {overeat sal selected 0th enon esl [lore the compression shore or ste eve Chord ‘poses sale bred on underscored sts forex 1243 The sie ofthe members adjoint eons in ‘he sal be chosen ott he competed foes in the sats ey and tas members, Syd fo fred Tansy "2 Conpressioa chords (OBSEA.. + AD 25, here is te appropiate vale fr Nex natin compres ss thar, hr isthe apropriat valu for sear and ig ‘al tenion ad he Kang sou compressive tes from Section 12.44, ‘Reinforcement enon chore Ak + ATR) 25, hare sth propriate yale fr Henne anf, Ie te merge seer in presen sel at wma lbadeonsiding te anchorage and bonding conditions. BON, whe 4 the aproprnt vale fo sear nd dig ral easan When och members or tes are Preauesood, he efcive ess afer preset loses Sat busca peo ‘Nese pins Sahel, here dy ihe apogee vale fr bearing ad fu, 1 ein compesive teen» nde region fo 1244 Te composes in mit com riven at Foren wedeiconreine ‘Forconpat i ser whe we sie ia be consdincin se temewe tel nner temny csc oma en ip Died O45 For compress suet sues with sew eaking coratew uanvee renorement 035 {1 For compressive ue with very wie se crc when he sn oneaton fers oppreily from the hai oretaion of itera lond pth, 025 @ 12.45 Tetenion chord ad al ation tes sal be etecively chore vanter the equied teasion © the ts node repos in sczordane with the nay rsiremens of AASHTO for development of ein Fercment (AASHTO Stender Sperfatons for ‘Higlovy Brier, Sects 28 to £3) sd shall Be ‘dele 0 eat the ses ite of Secon 1248. 1206 Users spi confining wiforcemest ie prove, he conte compressive Suess in the Bode eos shal a excen 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES as ast ghd eget negate eer yen 6 am gn ry en es petunia dat 125 Spel Requirement for Diaphragms, Dep ‘Beams, Cords and Brackets 2S. All discon regions mast be popu Sioned ng the sttande model apposch oF Speci dion regions ike apap, deep beams, cartel, nd traces mst a say he se lel poisons of Secon 125 1252 Diaphragms we onary required in pie sad sburent perce repmen ode ie igh ster forest the tering. Verte snd a ‘ese ostesionag shall be aaa wig est ee mods! of Seon 12.4, and eevee es for of Sain 1215, The dah does ‘mast be effected ino he iphragm wih ood she comer of peng inte dapragms. 1253 Desp beans are members i which the i tance fm he pin of aero shear he ae of the Supp i lee tan 2a or members i wich load ‘sing move thn or of he shear supp is ‘eer than 2 fom the fc fe suppor 12531 Toe seaeantie made! of scion 124 shall be td i anlyas tn erg dsp Bee 125.32 The mine ene capa of nave teinfrceren sl be 120 byes el tensed (or 12 ces 125.3. Bonded logins at wel ds ‘The minim ene capes of hi bonded refoe seat par stall be 12D bys. The vera spacing ‘rawecn each par hall nl exceed di nor 12 inches. 125.34 Indep team vera lems i 3 Wits Section 125.33 may be epaced bya singe bar with ‘he reguied eles. 125.41 The siaeandie mol of Secon 124 12542 Te depth te ouside ag fe eating we shal beatles half be depth tthe ce af he sop po 123.43 Cotbel and bactts tall be designed to sett eel exelent fre Ny ating oo ‘he bering se, bt Ny sal ex bees an 2 Vy ‘es spec eovisone ae made 1 ald tense ores Thee, Ny sll be fear as ve lad fen whee tesice Teak fom creep, shokage or ‘epee cane 125.44-Te se sto Ao at te fe of te sap port shal beatles 004 f/f, whee dis measured st {be ie of he oro 125.4. Clue says oes paral 1 he pi ‘may tail de efrcemeat A wih al sean Teer thin O5 A stall be eioraly dated win 2D ofthe efecive depth acento A, Serene ee eran sat oe ce Aa nb Catscielp aati Soa soetl el ot omarone br af eet ne ina aA kfm cn sinus re tt ir men of at 125.47 Te becing aa ofthe ead on aback canbe shal nt pet Beyond the salt prion of ‘inerie fae of ny wansverse anchor bar 126 Shear Tranter a Intertaces ‘Sheer tater titers all be deinen (3, vue fom hit Speciation 122 Two-Way Peching Shear “Feo'nay petchng thea seb ype cemeat salle ‘Spetcation for Highney Bridger, Sesion E1668, ‘ng th values oe ispecies, 130 FATIGUE STRESS LIMITS 131 Fatigue Stress Limi for Bonded ‘Non-Pretresed Reinforcement Desig of onde om prestressed reinforcement for faigue all confer othe provisions of AASHTO Standard Specfcsons for Highuay Bridger, Seton 132 Fatigue tres Limits for Prestrased Relaforcement Plgue of psesed seinorcemet ned aot Be onserel fer bie esged in accoxdnes with ths Syeifesion 140 POST-TENSIONED ANCHORAGE ZONES AN anchorage zone design provisions sll be in secirance ith Secon 9:21 of he AASHTO Standard ‘Spector Highs Brides, 180 PROVISIONAL POST-TENSIONING DUCTS [AND ANCHORAGES. 151 General in accordance with Seton 152 te desin of dts nc anchorage oe ges wi ira ent hal [wove for ieee inthe pstensola facet Scie ocasons log the badge drag consncion to compenste fo excretion a wale ones hing svesing In aiden, for tice With eee lento eral tendo, he design shal prove or fue iastlision of extemal uatonded tendon secoance wih the provisns af Secon 153 at an Sllowane for adon of ure Sead lado 0 aust Iererckng or deflection of he des DIVISION I—DESIGN SPRCIFICATIONS-SECTION € a 15.2 Beye wits Interval Ducts Prvial rchorage an dt apc fo ogve ad ositve moment tendons Ineo symm ‘Sout the ide centered prove for an ncease Inte poctersenng force of st les than 5 percent of the teal postive and neptve pinay moment {oxen repevely Allenton emp dot pr wed thal be povided. Except fr on connuoae bids, td the inimun empty doe cacy noted shove, [povsond pasive moment duct an aechorape epee ly shall at be requred for 25 pce of the span lengthier sce of pes supports. Any Provisional cts noted frase of he pst tesonng {exe halle poe atthe sue ine tes ac 163 Proven fr Future Dead Land or Detection Adjustment Spee poison shal be ade fr sce nd for chore tachment, pas Cough opesies, and ‘eit hock tachment pe fae adton of Sibonded exer tendons (nse the bok sen) Syma aboot the bridge center for post Tensining face of not ls tne 10 percent of Oe postive moment and nesine moment primary pst teasing fre. 160) DIVISION DESIGN SPECIFICATIONSSECTION D 25 SECTION D DETAILING 160 DUCT DETANS inthe crete, Dost carve witha ls tha 10 fet maybe approved by the Engineer based on cv 161 Material Thickness af est data Toe minima rao for coed poly 16:1 Metal Duets Mott dacs sal be pavanzed comupted com ‘iglé cond. For sean ard wire tno, the dt ‘hikes shall be 2 gauge wp 25 ces demeter Diets lager aa 250 aches Ganeer stall be 24 gauge. For bar tendon, the ect kn hall ot be fess han 31 gauge Stl devadon pipe knee shall be equal oor gree Dan 0120 tees Stel evo ie stall be ibcted wi bend lances of cg and depen, 161.2 Polyethylene Duct CCorapatedpoyeiyene duct wed a internal duet shal be high deny polyetiyine and conf to he urements of ASTM 3350 with wl vit stabi Tiaus ned gd plyetiylene pipe wel fr exer ie shall conform tothe runes of ASTM D 2447, Grades P39 or P34; D 350 or F714 witha Call CGasieston of PESS403, Motel thickness and fer requirements for plyeblene dot shall be fotow Teal polyethylene det sal be coegned aad shal have a inimim meal thts of 0.050 IN >, Exel polytylene dct shall be ac, south HDPE pipe wah «minima wall thickest of U2 of ‘he ouuide ameter nds minima hota design ‘ni HDB) oF 125 KS 162 Duct Ares 16.21 For tendons mae wy of «mumber of wires, try or sed, dot we sal be aes tice fe et tue ofthe presessng steel. Placer of enon by the pllhongh method requires chet ea of 212 times he prestesing ste ea 1622 For tndoa mae uy of sige wie, bar oF sand the dc ameter lb tet nh than te nomial dame of te wie, br, esd 163 Minimom Ras of Curvature “enon docs stall peebly be este with 3 ran of carte of 20 fst 2 oc acts wilh Sharper corre down toa minimum of 10 fet ll have enfiement enforcement ened te te dct Exile cit shall be 30 fet unless curate With tans ls than 30 fe is approved by the Engineer ‘ated on vw of test data The coniaenent reo forcement Sl be popoioned to esi al force ihc the tendon foc in ip, and Ri te radios cori and ithe adil ce in ip pet foot. Confiacment reinforces sal be propartoned MOS, where eal nt exceed 6 KS, Spacing of once ence hal 9 exceed 12 ich, votre ee 15 ft. 164 Duct Supports letra dacs shal be egy supponed by ies to refine lows: ‘Taner sa tendons Un metal dict 2 fst Prplced rand in tl dt = feet TE Trnsvene aad tendon in polyetylene duct 2 feet Propaed standin polyethylene dct» fet. Lengua abo web tendon in etal oc feet “4: Loni or web dons in polyethylene ce 2 fee, 1642 External Dats xeral tesa ave + maximum wasopported length a 25 fet ulese a intion ayes made 165 Dact Sze Charance and Detaig Maximum sie af tera ace al ot excel 4 web cae. ‘Where no cried tendon un prlel sch that he cater ne is bearing inwards oar the inner oe, 2 minimum cemnceof one dct ameter sal pre. ‘Diy be manned between the duc. I his not posible relifrcemeat sal be provided baween the fics wo Paly sul te ou tendon It has to be feted bef th incr tedon ha ben sts and ‘rose. Ince where longi tendons ero ear 2 laces clear sce shal be provided. This esticton fees nt apply fo neve ds rosin longi ta aprons 90 (Cred tendon ool no be plced axon not comer od this i anaoiabe, he the tendon ast be provided with well chores fl ‘einfceent resta ropriceed as pe Secon 16. In no cae shal ae tance between the we ava comet or oi and he ee of he dt be est ‘tan 1 dot ameter, 166 Doct Confinement Reinforcement 16441 Btecs of Curved Tendon ‘When ered tenons ae Tose in din webs oso eel ois elafercemest kl be poided ‘to prevent the enon from basting teaph te com ‘et he id wheneve th nomial shes ses in ‘econ ever bride the eden de ttn jack ing oes excnts 2 "There ft eid maybe ema fom Ae of ste requ and all "he ate face xed on he once by he en oes may be ele by ving tenon ore by ‘tera of curren asodance wih Secon 16 1662 Ducts Flanges ons bom slabs sal be eed batween op tod batom Ines of vere td longa lsh ‘enferement For dots in the baste ges of Ys. thle depth segment sonia confinement rere Sha be pode cued he et ech segment fae ‘he reaforcenent sal a te les han worm of #8 Satin av bh ston af ech dct wa veal Simson eq th slab ike stops bt "When lomly spiced tanger of longa oct tet op tio Binge, ho ouom nor pestned renfrcemest mit tal Be {ed oper ith vera enforementcnseing of 24 hapa bars win pig ot enced TB nce oe 1p times he iso hicks fn each eto, ihe theese 170. couPLens Not more thn 30 pereat of he agit pot tensioning tans shall be coupled atone econ. The spacing betwee aiacent ol oetons tal noe DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEOMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 16s los han the spent kag or tie the segment {epi The vid seas wound copes sal be deduct fd fom te gross econ ses ued mamest of ei ‘when computing sees ate tne of eppeaon ot the pst esonng ace. 18 CONCRETE COVER AND. [REINFORCEMENT SPACING 18.1 Cover and Spin Reinforcement aver al be i acurdance with AASHTO Standard Speeaon for Highway Brides, Secon 9261 Reisocetent spit sal be in acer” ance with AASHTO ‘Stondrd Specfeations for Iighway Bridges, Sion 9262 Reifrcement dias for ceca lone eal be in aceranee with Sectan 1820 ew gecionions. 182 Reinforcement Det for Erection Lands ‘The tanevare siya f te bon pier eal laclade an ealaon ofthe guano quan #61 Bf he AASHTO Standard Speieatins or Hishesy ridges Seton 6.1684, for ny lots gpl pie staimeat fil den sregth. The vl of Za fulned fr fangs tnd wens ll exes 130, 1s INSPECTION ACCESS Iaspctiiy of he srucice sll be ated by |wovidng secured acest tsteber wit mimi ‘mensions of 2-6" #0 interior apap shale provided with openings gr than the cmeesions Spee fr acts hatches. The ox seton sal be Vented by dats osraned venis in web a ners ‘ote tan SO. Sach venting i fo prevent te San fons es ch pet 210 BOX GIRDER CROSS SECTION DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS. 2.1 Minimum Fang Thickness “Top ad boom fae hls shall not be Bess ‘hun any of he lowing 1.1/0 the dear spa bawecn wes or tasches 2 ester dimension wil oq vaste ib ts poe Inge to theca pan Dtweee webs a haces 2 Top Ming. 9 ies in anchorage tones whee anes postiemsnig Is wed an 8 Inches bum thichaess beyond anchorge ones oF for PHetensone slabs. Trrese pot tesering oe pe teaonng sal be vod where the lear spn between webs ortauncbes i et erage ma DIVISION I-DESION SPECIFICATION 22 Moir Web Thickness 1, Webs wth no longi or vera postien Sonn eden nee 2. Webs wi ly logit or eel postien- Sioning tendons 12 ces 3 Wes with bot ngitoia and vere poten Soning dons 15 oc, 23 Length of Top Flange Canter ‘Toe caiever Feng of We top ange measured ‘mead betwen the cent of he wes, 24 Oveal Cros Secon Dimensions Oren dinero ofthe bor pn cross macton should referent bls han sited to ite ood pts impact dees cle wing the gross ‘ato moment of erin and the scat mote of last 1/100 ofthe pan. Te ive lenin shall fens o al unGe oes fly oa i artnet ornare of aed ae speed in th AASHTO StondardSpefcations for High Bridges, Secdon 5.12, Te ve lting sll be contre t be ai Termly drt a font flexural members 210 BRIDGE BEARINGS ‘rigs Sarngs sal conform a Seton 16 19,0¢ 20" the AASHTO. Standard Speciation: Jor Highway Bridges 212 Replacement or Adjustment Provisions dll te mede in the design fr he ure sepacament figs bearings nd auton of sp 212 Bursting and Spang “Concrete fre conc wit bearings 2s well as |scking pockets js loetons proved for bean. rplecement or adjzment shall be enforced po= ‘eat brsing (pling) an paling 21. Settings "Expansion beings shal be ite and act tie of 4g.> 10 piu 1/8 120 where diner depth Le yan log been suppor, Tete of icra auiched peers the ger ep shal retry be becwee he alow ne i L=107, is aye> 120 pm UB center span 12> Af» 128 pia 126 (ces ptragm wil be eid the pin were The beuom lange changes derion) Vara Beth Gide wth Chaar or Pasbic Heunches ier U16> d/l > 120 at comer ofspin 130> dL > 150 ‘Dept fo With Rao ‘Aslaglecl box sod prefeaby be ured when 4e2 U6 Ato cl ox should preferably be wed when > <6 where b= wid fhe op ange Winasigecellbox the iit of depth o wid rio ven show is exeesed, + more iro alse 1 Fequed at ay require logit edge beams at They of te canter odo loads seg one hotles Anes for shen logsboul be ade fuck coer, Traverse oad isin i at tn Ul ince bythe re of tes or more al 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES na 233 Longitudinal Relnercement of Hollow, ‘Rectanaar Preea Segmental Pers Research condaced the University of Tena at ‘Ausinby A.W. RB. Rowel 3). Bren on the subject, Design and Bevin of Thin Wal a Hollow Conente Bridge Piers and Pylon, provi vince for dese ments This tt proma how fer, was Tinted to the case of Ioading ‘ner smalineon vl and vial bending shou he weak fs of the ston. The reste of he sy have not ‘en confined fer he care of i Bending, Ut och say completed, the designer shoal eves thetic of atl oie on flow sects, ‘ames River (1950) Simin Shay (1967) ‘Wang River (389) Neches River (190) [ta Cover Vind (1983) Seven Mie Bilge (1982) C&D Cena 1955) ‘Albemarle Sound (1983) estos River (1987) Ghocaatice Bay (193) Misr anginal enforcemet of hallow lungular eect sepmestal pier i based on the ‘AASHTO LRFD Bree Design Speciation, Seaton 5:10, for singe snd tempers raft. “his poison elec te stray perfomance of Segmectl pies comteuced Between [OED nd 1995 (it dis aouat of lnptcinn reinforcement (See ‘ible C1) Tnhisconten, ite sted at he dicen ‘inoos longatin br in pres sgt pets Jo ‘ot cary sgt lads. Tene relforement of recs spel ps rv! by eto 1:8 IER, weiner 9 WER BOoEr fee iz are IP ER Bre IEE 10 95ER, mat DIVISION t~COMMENTARYSECTION D le SECTION D—SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR BRIDGE TYPES 241 Generat ‘Bridges erected by balanced canes or progres: sive placement sormalyulze intra tendon Sideratas of egment wept span ngs fer pest Segmental box ger bdges rarely ceed 400 fet [age sess changes onepsy jl shuld be avideé ring te ina ering pid (One ageney Is ply sesed cose pours at colniersengts ts low ts 500 pl fa temp 0 old racking det thermal moves of he spe Soy. In such cases, this agency has led the ‘compressive sss on te green conte 100.15 fy 242.3 Temporary Stress on Epay Jlns Ctesre steed te as ufo a posible to void poy ices vartns, especially I is ‘Sul lead to 3 sysemadesocumaon of generic (cor Large ares changes on epoy jt should be ‘Polded drag he ial erog pes 2442 Type Joints pony serves aa trict drag placement of tment provides wateeproning of the joins fr abi, nd provides 2 el aol tess d ing grating of tera teens, and provides some ‘ene stengh aos he joint (Sx Figure CD, ‘ends esperienced substantial problems doe o car flan ofthe tndoes* Modern tides with exten tendoas have sccessly lied coment grout in Drlyeiyen bing o inet ating. Teds have So been rote by henry ges oF ober aco. on edu if fre recemeat envisioned! “Tendon amorge gis us be alably potted git cavity eration or ober elfecve ‘means Th i fcrcal importance in unbounded on uct sac ny flue ofthe anchorage can lease thee doe 254 For Tracer Weight ‘A formreler fora pial wo ane ridge with 15 116 fet segments may be esate a welgh 160 fo 160 ip. Weight of form waveers fr wider double celled oxsetons may range up to approximatly 290 ps. Comuladen with consasrs of subconvacns ‘perience in fe caneverconean wih expect tothe aperific dge geometry ender consideration reeoaenie obtain design vale for fora vel rei 255 Segment Lengths Segue cst on alaork ace lly 40 60 fest latent apnea for fe cantleve constuction su ally ange etween 10 and 16 et. 274 Gens "AASHTO Type I nd Type TV segment beam sins hae ben propose fr spans ap to 180 fi? ‘Lenge seme beam eige spans up 250) ae fone wth deoper Bal Tes soon. 273.1 Casein Place Joints asvinplce ols elimiae the need for mach casing of ome. DIVISION I CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 10 Lo GENERAL Cstinplae and preset segmental constuction shal anf o spplisble provisos of Dison Sunde Specieions ence an expres mode or tae ote “Standard Speciation the eference is to the cureat AASHTO Division Hl, Coastucton 20 CONCRETE 21 Genera ‘Cott stall conform wo applicaie provisions of tthe sional provistrs rested ow. 22 Conerte Quality ‘Cont proportioning. podton nd testing shall form ts the roqlremens of Caper 4 of he ACL Sie aig Cte Th wer cone of essary wodablly for concete plsceneat The ‘maximo watr-cmen ro sal ot xced OS, 23 Text Cylinders Allies cyiadesrpesaing tes fr removal of forms anor evar sn for Relese Strength shall ‘ecared under the sane conto, be subjected oe sme caring mates and Yo the sae este Sond tion a te concrete represented. Coupled maturity ‘mses ay beeen aetorance wit ASTM 1074, {0 deermize conatie surah for reel of foens talon falsewodk "Design Sueogh”cylndes for orpanceofcneee sale cured with he member ‘hich hele represent and anspor heb ratory ae soe as hain seen oti. These ‘Slingers ll he be cred for he reainder of he tet pro in accordnce with AASHTO T 23 (ASTM C31. Compesiestengh of es eying tall be ‘ent i aeordance with Capt $f he ACL 318 24 Tess fer Moduls of Elastic, and Crep and ‘Shrinkage Couidents In ont cases, valbes of modus of elastic and eep aed sige cofcens canbe xt with suet ezcmcyby refrenc tothe AC Comair 209 Repo! or the CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Sette! For age projets ion beige sen tive to rep and senage eet, and forbids ons of sand sightwrpt covert tet sal be fred i acorance with provisos fh DIVISION fl—CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS snd crap and shinkage counts forthe slot ‘St pombe ine daring the cont pre foros in js he ein values and the related eleitions fof ret deeso and goat eos ‘The Corus sal prepare concrete specinens in ‘he pesne othe Engine and sal arage fo sip Imei 10 #1 approved lbortary for testing When aicg sang obtained. A specimens ina lea ‘mpl hal been fom th same bach af ena ‘Therepotof te sels bein asordace wih the elo sectons 2.4.1 Mods of Elasticy Test Tests shall be performed in socrdance withthe requremens of ASTM C469. Ages of specimens (Ghd) tine of tet sal be 3, 28 end 90 dey. [Nomber of eimens priest shal edhe ines oe ‘lethal Betahen from ieee batch of conrte 42 Crep and Shrinkage Test Tess sale performed in cordance wih gue mons of ASTM S12 “Ags of permes (inde) at ine inal load ing sal be3, 8 and 90 dye "Nomerfmpecimens pres sal bein accordance wid he sand caring equiemeat of Seaton 61 of [ASTMC 512, erent tha the specimen abl emis ‘rel for pod of 16 daye or antl age of Te, Wichore comes Rt. Tesh, apecine sal BO Stored s 73 an SO percent ity 243 Tt Reale Cried resto he shove speed ests sal be ‘ois w te Engacer winin one week fom te {ie of he formance of ach st 2.5 Admintares “Axes stall conform to the provisions of Seton 3 ofthe ACK 31-95 Bulding Code. The w= of emit shall be igilycoavolled avid unde- Sale varias in sbength and modus of lat oe cones ‘All conc hl be computed and hough con- sett tothe surface of he fra by werkig with proved igh frequency mechani” vbr, Mechanica vation sal conf o Sexton 8.73 of the AASHTO Specicaon 27 Construction Joints Cosson joa ave oaphcs of 1 ach ample Sure tune thal removed with water ‘rsd bag 2BAcclernted Curing with Low Presue Stem ‘or Radiant et Accelerated caring of conse wid ow presre steam or vant en all be in accord with [AASHTO Specification, Division I Secon 811.33, ith the fowing mosifcion: The at sxance of the fou paragraph of Soin 6.11.5 sal be dete td inde lawn ie ‘Afr ennng he dese srg the temperate winin the curing enlere shall be decreed at erage rte not exe per hose stl the Insdeongeronre i within 277 of he oe at ent temperate. The caring encore shall of uch Sie aro ly encore bath the ct agin tment dhe seamen eng sod ay ih apendages 2.9 Curing for Casta Pace Segmental ‘Construction Cashin place spent concrete ce hl te ‘wed ath tmepea,slfepading cong co ound, by water caring: by. fame isanted i Syoeu and proved wth hes ese, ane if ‘ed be or soe ter mead ht as besa sbited {approved by he Eine. ‘AD NON-PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT 31 General Nonprestesed reinforcement shall be dered ‘snertmens except at pla enfecement ay be ‘efor apa Renfecing brs be weld shal be indicted onthe davings end welding pecs 1 be ted sal be speed ASTM raring ba speci ‘ations excep or ASTAIA 706, cal be splemented 10 ree a repr of material peperis aeesay anforn to welding pecties pciod In "Seta Waiting Cade Reafring Sel” (AWS DLA) ofthe Aeron Wediag Soca. 5.2 Deformed Relaorcement 321 Deformed rearing barr salt conf to 0s ofthe following specifications * Speciation fr Defomed sad Pin Bilt Stet Bars or Coperete Reinforcement inloing Sopplemeoury Reqremens SI (AASHTO M 31 ot ASTMA 61 ieling 8, Ey DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES an ba Speciation fo Low-Alloy Stel Defomed Bars for Corte Reinercement (ASTM A705). Br hall te fee of ose rat, oem al ito oho conta 122 Deformed reinforcing bus with » specified yield eng excenting 60,00 pl ay Be use, rove fsa eth trex conesponding a» sin 50.35 pela nthe bar otherwise cofon 10one fhe ASTM speifeaton ined In Sston 321 32:3 Wee defrmed wie fae for onrete ia foreamene shall confor to the “Specfenon for Welded Defoned Wire re for Conte Reiforer- ime" (AASHTO M 21 oc ASTM A 497), cet tint for wir witha spied yllé suengh 6 exeeing, 60,00 pi, shal be the rece sonepdig to ssn of 03 perce. Welded intention sal at be ‘Speed fare sar tha 1 aces i the eton of 24 I equa by the conte docu, ce forcing bass sal ls alized of epoxy costed fn seeoréane. with “Specification for Zine Cosel (Gatvaize) Stet Bar fr Conc Renorcemet™ (ASTM A 767) or “Specelon for pny Contd Reafring Stel Bu" (ASTM D 3063 oe AASHTO 1M 284). Zine er epnycnte reinforcing tre shall onferm to oot of speiSentons listed in Seon 33 Plain Reinforcement 3.1 Pan tas foe spa! reinforcement of post tensioning tendon ancage ane orien clus elafrcemeat tal conform othe spelen Hed fs Secon 3.2. 332 Smooth wie fer pil enforcement of post tering tendon secre Zones or owe aclu ‘enfroepet hl enfr 0"Sperfeaton fo Col Drawn Steal Wie for Coert Retforement” (ASTM RD, except tat fr wie with a pled yield regi fy exceeding 6,000 pif sal be testes cosponling ta saa of 035 pet ‘34 Substation of Grade or Type of Rlforement ‘Nooeeszesied sel rnfrenet shal sell ‘Gre seid by he deg. Cade 40 maybe ‘bated ca eppoal of he Engines Gate 40 Subsite, an ierese of 5D percent in ara af in. fecing sal be proved over itso on te ns fer Grade 6. appre by he Engine, weed wie ‘aie maybe mbit fo reinforcement bar the underside ofthe eaneverroagny lnge ned i the boom flange ofthe bax ger provi the sea of steel supped 1b egllet w or ger thn tht ‘eid nthe conc pls. Any substan made "be pad of wnprsteed sel eee sal be tlesly sown onthe shop devin £45 Special Coresion Protection Spec coven protection til te roid for the mepesvesed enforcement or badger in core sive entiennents a acodune th egement of te cone document. 40 POST-TENSIONING MATERIALS 41 General Posttesioning materia shall conform to the PosTeesoning Itt "Cuide Spceaton for Pst ‘easing Mati wi the eacepon of spect sncorng asenblies which sal comply wid oe po- Wroes ef Seton 42. Added einen or Dsttensonag maria stall bela accordance wit the peovions of Sections 43,44 and 45, Except or special anchorage device etn a= dance wih Secon 42, te Contraco shal ori or testing ot specimen of exch tif peting te on, Incing copings of the selected pe when Stings acd, fr stengh tts oly. Tee spec ‘men tal be 5 feetn cer length, measured betwece ids of Sings fe rer ofthe et nde the ccs of deck eta! spemens sal be fused witout os, For resessing systems rev ‘ly ted sndspproved on projets having the ame {eodon configuration, he Eager may oot rege ‘ample tenon saps rovied herein chang in the mateal, desig or dels peviusy approved ‘Shop dravngs or pretesnng deta sal ey he projector which ppromal war bane otbervise es Inga be conduct, 442 Speca Anchorage Devies Speil anchorage eves shal be west in sca dance wit AASHTO Standard Specifcaoas Seton 921232 43 Kdenficaton ond Tsting of Tendon Matra “All sand (om each macfatue eld al ars ofa rom ech let abe pa ote Shall be ssigned lt rber and shal be aged in ‘ch e mane teach tan be postvely dented heb st Enh rel of pressing rence! Stal be accompanied ty a manufcawe’s crete of mpllans il ceria od et po Te ll DIVISION I~-CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Ey erileate and test reprt sal inde the chemical ‘ompstn, the yeld und ulinate seen. cone: foe m pare, module of ely and the tess ‘sn cure fo he act peste relaforig inten ‘ff well aes serie sill be bad on tt “aloe and ntl tool areas ofthe mater being eid All unidentified presesing ston rceveda {bese wil be reacted and Tost of postive Icentca tie roto ual of tee ies a any tne wll ‘be case een ‘Samples rom each sz ard each heat of pressing tre and fom each mncfatred el of resting ‘clad sal be fase othe Engines fo ts Ing. Wid cath sample of pesresng strand or bat ‘hee sal be fnduded derewith« mafactae' cer ‘ition sing the mim aabeed ulate ‘enlle steagth ef the sample furnished. The est les shall be 7 fet oo, sesuts of stint the ery fees tet ana pectnen shall be Fanihed without cost Samples sl te isn by Samples ll be subnited in spl ime to allow fo: testing for boing seu ad necessary, ‘unfunny fit for and etn bel {tie simples. The Chnnctr sll hve no lim fr ‘ioral conpentation bse of ely whl ale {ing apron ofthe materials fated for testing The "Egiue hal be allowed prod wots than 21 ca. ear dys poet the beinnng of inition to fom he santo provide approval ofthe mater foisted Retsafor chrcerie of strand may be eas by 2 30 minute tes Lowcelantion sand ‘bjt fe 30 ttt al be eed oso {relat os of rot more han 1.20 pea of the Inia tendon with an gastnet fe st tempers er 72 Ie nil 30 mint te exes 1.20 pe Een, onal est el be rae of erand fom the time pack end thet shall be ea oo es than 120 peat for accepance. The 30 mitt tt sal be ed oly forte purpoe of ening low ‘Sperifeaton A416, tnd shal a be interpret in ef- fence tothe magnitde of the 1000 bow sts ‘elation 444 Proton of Pot Tenioning Materials All prearesing ste sal be potted gaat phys Sea damage and ist reer results of comeson stall ‘mes rom manufac o grog. See Table 51 for Demise inerae between tendo installiton std frosting withowt age of 4 covoron inhititor Preeti el ht ae satin phys! damage o DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 4a ny tine sal be ect The development of piting eer ress of oes ert it shal te came fer reeton, wen ered bythe Exp Peeing se ering rst sae ay be eas Ine to detrei ting exits, pie ve ‘Prsuessog sea hal be packed ia comin or shipping frm for the proton of the ead pint physical damage ad eoroson daring eipping fd serge. Acocotn inbtr wich pve st (be els ef omerion bal be placed in the pack 2B oF form, or sal be incorporated In coroon Ini ator te packaging teil oF when a ited bythe Eager my te spied iret fo be oan. Th caeson iirc have no eens ‘ecto the sen orconeretor bond snp of el to gow. Packaging forme dango fn any cute "Te shipping pucage or form shall be cl marked wit semen hal th pockage onan high seagihprescesing stan, td te pe of cocoa Inher ed cdi ie date packaged ‘Bar tendo sa be psd rom sorosion ot te jobs by sparing wih ast prevented by ee ‘fan approved rte covering oe he a, 445 Duct Materia and Placement 45:1 Meta Docs Met docs shal eth corgi gland se gl coat or sand tendo the dec thoes ‘hal ee llone 26 age ress toe 102.58 inches dae 24 ge or dst prenter than 2:5 ncbes ameter Frar tends, the de ik es shall te es an 31 pope Ductile ized tw esmly with he provisions of [AASHTO Secon 9264, Pacman of codons by the ullogh method ros duct sen of 212 tes 452 Potyetiyhene Dut Corrugated plyetyene duet wet a8 intra duct shal be high deny pljeiylene and conor io the ‘emrements of ASTM D350 wih ley vst stab {ners ade Rigi aleve pipe wad for exten it shall conform to te seioments of ASTM D 2447, Grades PIS er P24, D 3350 or F718 with Cel Casein of PESS#33C. heal thks sal ter fol Cormpats, intemal polyethylene dot = 0050 inches = 0010 Smooth exteral polyeyen dct shal havea teal amet wal kbs tof 21 oe. Iara dus sal be mortar tight, aad capable of witstandag concete pressures witout exesive (Geermation of prating the entane of cena pa Sing te placing eco The dot hal haves ‘cen igi to nan hc eed pole bteen ins of spar. 4.53 Stel Pipe Deviators Sel pie ct al be gavanied sel pipe eaa- Forming fo the egrements of ASTVS A 33 ype Grade B. The ronal wall chess of he pe shall ‘not less han I nT pipe eal be ett a securely conform the ligament of theta, ing into cnsieaion the maim bending tds sows athe shop earings. 454 Duet Plaoment act sl big) soppored she proper aation in the forms bytes renforlag see. Polystone ut ud met soon tasers pos teasing inte fges tale separ timers nota exceed 2 Yet Payeylee daca webs fro ‘tudinal pesttensning shall he ted to stirs nk Inervls otto exces fed mel dt or ona ‘dial poten in webs sal eed to rps ners ot ered 4 fe Dung concep. Inet for precast sens, andes Sal be aed sifenr in each dt and shal ented hong Teng fe spect eng ets a let 2 fet Into Ibe conesponding it of fhe peso at spe "The mands tal te of sft dy to mana thedot gomeny wits Unc eran within he {op ange 1 leh i wet, and wit a 1 a ler nce athe eget lst Hah pint proot ets hal te provided for coalmous lng! tendons over 00 fe long Low oi goat vents Sl te proved for does of coaunvus longi tenor or fr het of web tendo area where feng weber ‘en be anit Law pin et sal ex ope ‘nt going oie. ‘SDINSTALLATION AND STRESSING OF ‘TENDONS 51 Inallaton of done ‘Tet suber feta in a via endo iy be pul trough the uc as un, nv ‘Scand may be plledor poste hough the dat ‘Prsbesag set whic is isaled fa members oto placing and cng of he coscret, sale sor ‘auoaly pete aint st oor econ, a (gout, by mesa fs coaon nor paced nthe sco pid oth sel inthe ct st DIVISION CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS a ‘Wen seam eating is wot, pressing sel for Jong postenesng shal nx be ntl wnt the seam cling i completed, Presresing seal for ‘rane op Mage post esonlag, waasvese tom {ange postensoning, ror veel web post esion- Jing mae in place daring sem xing. Sch done shal be pote aguas cones by means of cor Foren inbior placed in the dts fo the sel oe Sha te sesied end grovel wihia seven aye ier steam cotng, ‘2 Caron Protection of Tendons Prot Pressing el installed in mente por ple lng and eng of the concrete, ce istalled inthe dct ‘ot ot rtd win te elit pein Table 5, shall be comimously protected apaat rast of ‘ur corason by means of corosion iia placed in he dacs er dre ape wo he sta. The p= Suessng el sll bes protested wnt grote or ‘esenet in coneree, Pressing sel illed and ‘etionedin embers afr pscng and caring of the cred grote whi etme lt sped in “ble 51 will sot que the we of = eosin Inbar dererbd ten 53 Corrasion Protection of Anchorage Devies ‘Winn 5 ay after the doe re comple ou ‘tl blckouts for ancorages tal be rote or Filed with oe sak rot = pei moar 0 po tect he anchorage, or proce by fer approved ‘moms, The minimum sng of peat or mora ed for iling anchorage recesses shal be the sme 2 he stent ofthe cons in he sjacatpoton a he ‘rset. bockotsae vison des or oth fie t grey he roto mora wed eal ach ‘he color and etre ofthe concrete ofthe bx ler Within 30 days pie 0 sresig, the Conmcir sha carat lick and pegs eyes tbe ved the wok nd sal fais th gine cid copies of kad calibration cares. ach jk an its ug shall, ‘be calratear ait or choked agsnst a master ‘ope withthe eng exeason i he aprosmte poston wil be na the ial ekg force, Stelng ‘hepent shal be reat tt owt eras ‘Stat ee ies when reid bythe gles ack {gang stl rte inerchanged witht reall ‘on prot lenin sing od el master anges or ler mths approved by the Eine. ‘Permiste Intervals between Tendon Istaaton ‘sod Grooting without Special Corresion "Protectan of Pot-Tensoning Steel pene Fermi rls Carino ery Dany Atospae amas) Tae (iy S50 a) 30s temdycm” soa “Ties $5 Stresiag Equipment ‘All sudo endons comprised of more tha four 12 ach oO ine meer rand sal be eesed sinultenecnly with ml stud jek The Convector Shall roves poste mea of marking ol elongr Ton othe vans. Joka sal equipped with peoper ports windows for aden vis examination an ‘casement tendon movement. They sal so be {publ of ow vlere of sees alo relation fom terry oveatese to the proper seating fore Allpresveing tefousshallbetwasooedby the use pipment loving ata longi o be meted tied st wing hycae am equipped with 2 Ime of dezrmining the tensioning force spied ing eer a gauge measuring de ital hydra Prete inthe ram or force certo by the an ot [eed el. Racing en fo ay on of hee pres these of edited vas fm clan chr All nigs eal be of eficlet sie and adogately ade {oll reaings tbe made to an accurcy of 100 ps [a prescure gange is used shall have an sour ly reading dal est 41/2 nes a diameter ond ellis ue isa be ealbeed und hl be povided ‘vim Indesor by means of which he presoesing Fors ia he enon may be determined. The age of load el stl each that he over 0 percent ofthe maf’ ated capac wil not esd inet ining te pchng sess, ‘36 Modul of Blast of Tendon Material “The mods of clastic of sandr bar tendons shal be bed on est reports on single stand or bar 2 lemens supplied bythe sand produce, andor on ‘es pefomed on Single stad or ar sement by 8 (lied Labor with exesince in tesing pos ‘Ensioning mun Te nods f eae tt sd ‘longa clusions sal ke bse oa the rin eeu be saad orb 5.7 Pace rition Test ‘When specified bythe Eagar the Coat stall ‘eseayine poectin ple, no repent dane ofeach sin and ype shown on he plat, he spor of acral eterining he iio ss na ‘tun snd ba to, “The test pose ll cont of sestng he en ona nance asembiy wit oad cells athe eed cal Jcking ead The tet specimen el be tn Slot oD percent of matin 1 increment Far ‘achinsement te gps ness clongaton oad Cello sll b ended, The ats sal be fiche ‘othe Enger. The eet angrons sd pos: ‘ening feces shown on the poet ening Shop ring stl be evel bythe Contactor wing the ert of the tos sd cones te neseouy Revisions oe thecal Contos shal be titel o the Eageer fr enlston and approval Aparais nd meds used wo peor the tsa be propose by the Contac ad be abject tbe serra of he gine, “Teng bythe Contractor sal ote pad er ep ‘aly tat sl be inet othe pie pa fore ‘oo presuesting tel tem {8 Tendon Force and Elengslin Tolerances longton hall be mere to an aces of, 2176 ne, longaion teres fo nv t= ows ised on fon confine detersined in tccundnce wih Sesion 37, and based on met PHojeries deers fom borate sll be ‘ida 27 pre of he hore vale ora dee neces by be Ova ‘Whes Teton must be redoesd on postesosag tendons, wre soluble ol er rite may be re oh |eeio the ppv of be Epis Tis lo poh ‘hal be eed from te dct by use of wae der reme or prof th rung proces, Wa se {0 fst duct may contin lc in els yon Site or ui ine (lium ox) in the aan of 0 pun pe allon, Aer shige water shall be flown out of ie duct with compressed alt aad he nc sta be goed imei to prevent th or "Te oe past uesenng force anchored ata sof mee fae sabe wiin'#5 pce of the design DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGIENT INCRETE BRIDGES 38 satu. Adjustment ofthe tendon fre sal be made st ax moe tien re egmen irae sing proviso] steering doc Sod anchorages tthe ft fore and eccentiesy povided mt each eeton slong ‘he pans a ess ante vale required by he eign fan, Two percent te fates a inlviil tendo hl be peoited wba replacement 59 Stresing Sequence “Tendon sal be srosed in sconce with the sequence shown on fe shop drwings fr post esion Inger Tessin sequence shall be sch that tare thin one undon sal be cent bot the ents of the spent at ary tne, ad hee tending seats imposed on te sce shall not crceed of $5.10 Pot-Tensoning Supervision "Te Contac tall provide qifed personal sled in pestessig systems sopra prove ‘propre sven the wack and ghee Engines seh pret informatie hee he say ‘eis for ipesing th wok Sich perce te fale altime nal aye ring which he se. ing ad grouting fender sin pote ‘A ecrdf gage pressures und edo elongation: foreach tendon sal be provide bythe Contatr for ‘sre nd uprovaly a ereseattie of te Engle ‘sf Resor. Sesting ta of terdoe shal et ec of ‘ol the suessing ats hve been pproved cocrourine ‘Growing shall tein accordance with the Post ‘esting Innutes "Recommended Pracce fe Growing of Pas Tesones Prete Cones IF ‘my growing I cone bear an sans compet en. Sons pet ces be exec to sare at poe Seer nero ovr ny dt. ‘Nis recommended ht grouting be layed nt he ‘ere sp e ea sessed. Dung hie pr, the {Coase sal ke al esse pecans xo lub any Trig nara fom emer the dts nd ‘to rove carson afte pressing sel. Coresion rection of enn peo rating al be in soar ane wih Seton 52. 70 EROKY Epoxy muti, pacman, inspection and testing shall be in acoidnee with AASHTO. Matera Spetcaion M 235 un with Division I, Conse: he, Sarton 9295 08 98. so DIVISION CONSTRUCTION SPECTICATIONS 6 ‘49 GEOMETRY CONTROL {41 Deneaton and Camber Data "The Contacte stall obit defection sr cam ter dn foreach suge of consrcion a reid 0 ees the rte ote ial rade Te prose ‘sad thal scout fer th elt of he ite dependent estes loses ard ereep wtih wl ocar ding te ‘rete pha, The dla fore ete bide, besed fon the Comracr’'s proposed ctecion sequence, ‘muthod and sched, sal be submited to the Engine for rovew poo conmeseag cotton ofthe per shat. ‘Thecamber ofthe rte wl ke str byte Carson a each sage td coectve ations approred bythe Engineer al be performed by the (Cec to ase proper econ ofthe emote to ‘el pad, 82 Geometry Contr “The Cotrciersall stmt tothe Enger for prota «geome control plan which shal inde In dal how the sey He be performed end te Cent's acon ropore to ere prope econ ‘ofthe sree tobe Ral grade sown om the design ‘Plans. The gore conv pan sl provide or ‘lr monitoring of the superstructure defections eponing with te aon ofthe fst anes se set nd contig wth he ast caiever segment. ‘The plan lnc testing pod te Hae shou the eater ered, evi rom the paced alignment by more tan Linch "The Contactos cer he lations an alg mel of he rc, evry sap of onstion, nd ‘must an a ese of all ese checks a all [epertrmed a tine tht wl ike the eience ‘of empeanre,Conecons by shining al e dane nly hen approved by te Eager For peat segmental conto wing shart ne fooming ectnger, esison surveying se sal ‘be provided otha vel an orion lignes Ing precaing are messed oan acsacy of 0012 Inch. For ll eter pes of segmental concn, and fer eeton of segmental bigs, sarveying sal be provided an asuacy of 0 fet For peat pment const tsing math at segments, carl checks of both source ed foumpuatins of geometry shall be made by te Constr before moving segment from thi ean Poston. Compu coointes of all secone cst Sl be completed tfore eating ane segment a ‘dion othe camped ax bolt casing curves for ‘eel nl rz defecont, a cima tt ure shal te computed sing the measured cross ‘Slope e india wnt a check oa the extaper Ind defeson. In computing st wp leans in re secs proces, ir sal be gives caring ‘ist ena by proper counter rtaon. The spent it ‘he match tet poston shall ate abject on est 0 TOLERANCES Unless obese specified enforcement sll be acted tn place win the flowing fleeces ‘for py and minimum lear once prt: tion in flexural members, walls and compression inember here dit a Min. Gover in. orle Fie. Zaria ‘Mors than sini Thain tute oleance on he ear sun to formed soits shal be fc, an nwo eae sl he tlre on oer eed ened of the mim cover splat fan the rset dawing orn he speicao, ‘a “Us speiedeesve depth 1S Rr legit! locaton of bende and ends of ‘nus 22 lates except st connor ende of me ‘ere where olerane sal be 2 aces AS ong as the total number af bars specifi is ‘und resonable lees In spac ini tl bar 1 inch, ncope where opel, ines, feed ems, a, mag rege rome noo shiing bar Entel ducts for all pes of segmental bide ‘omsnctir sal be potions tnleanes a spe. efor rsa sopmental tien Secon #3 “oleanes for completdsepnts hall be in ccordnce ith Table 91 andthe relate ewig. For eige widoat n veri the tes ofthe tp sab shal be inch a 10 fet inthe dietion of tat Dimensins ftom segmeat to segment shall be sejusedtocompente foray devon witha Be segment 20 tat the overall alignment of Ue ‘ompleod ste will coform to te dimensions shows on te plans ‘When etever owstrocton i usd the tolerances {ore lignan of he opposing calever ina an shal be stated on he design. Te force op and own hie en paced o he end of th ative shall "so tes on he design ding an hall os tr te alowble tse sueses for consrution ead ‘ombinstin ia Table 7-2 ofthe design specications, o DDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL. CONCRETE BRIDGES 90 After erection, fil petiensoniag, Sal come. ins and sdjtnents ae complete and the sete ‘ns been placed on is permanent earings, te super suuctie Stall cofoon to the rade and sipament Superimposed de ood defects win lence ‘speed onthe conse dain. 100 StiOP DRAWINGS AND DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR ‘CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ‘Sulit advice fhe start of syptrctare felt consrcion operon, s0 a8 0 allow the Engineer te hs candy eiow psa, ‘te Contactor stall sett scoring 8 edie complet dei and information concerning he meting, mati equiment and procedres the ener eas noe a Pn Sich Tee mil tall inode step bysep treton posse ‘Mor tha one mtn or tcriqu of xc my be pte i te overall scape of ware Any se leat deviton frm the approved rate ndor ‘ea wl note parted ee dase bi ‘ed by the Contac and approved bythe Egle In “The Contactors svbmitale for spproval shall lnclaecleulon, wings and inerioe clined ‘Sections 102and 103, Two sets al reqiteé row ings. and. calculaioss shall be submited and rested If nas meer onl approved bythe Engine The Speci umber of atin copes sta efi fer pon 102 Design Catetatons for (Contraction Procedures Design leis al be eb fr also, reson devices, formwork o oe tempor on Srvton which ay be rsd and wh ill be fut eats soe Desi of te fied or ereson dees fra) erste cont sl fe ne ane the ie ‘ion of, and sealed by. a registered. professions ‘ines Calculations shal alo be sti to sb- Staite the system and meh of sexing roped by be Comsat Sochclelstins shal ocd he eed aig force nd elongton of tendo ine tensioning, tendon ser vel a essing ends aie pls, stes-tain carves (pia of te presvessing feel to be farihe, seating loses, temporary veraeses, snd wnfrcement regula (9 resist, Tm aint the above computations sal be 1. Compiaions of Sefton ad resned camber oe to dead lads, post esianing oes, cep and Strings. A tbubon of defects até camber ‘mensions sal be node on he sop desing’. 2 Compucniosof jacking forces ered ins ring temporary pctensonng. 103 Shop Drawing: “Toe Conracorfal bmi desied sop drawings for eppovl in ecedance wid he consrcton sei prone, The hp revings shal nce bat ot cesar be imi he allowing inermaon. "lly apd scully denslane views showing the geometry of he eet ning al eos seeien hes, peng, Mack ad Oe pet 2 Dato oneself eal be ley soe asian apscig on aston inlaing {ny seca reife ng equi btn shown he ian 3 Sie an ype of ct for al ot esoring te sons and thet borineal md etal rte sh Be ‘ely deta. Dut rapport, grout te, vet snd tse shal be shows ntacing se, pea loses. “4 Deals and ealons of al ober tee fo obeddad iathe pment wueh mF inert, iting vies, and poston hrevare sal be shown, 5 Pests eal ce esa rope tes of tendons ashoaps, ne, semble, aod fsreingeqien aswel deal fhe sessing Moceire and sresing sequence, dts sd lesions {all coupes, and toa einorcement ecteny Toei anchor boc sees, {A ublestall provid ving jcking segues Jockingfnces sn el elongation fea on st ‘heap of erection fr al pest easing. 7A ble Stl te provided showing elevation and sromeny to be used in psining the foms for he exept to be ost Grp, chr tabs shoving the hei ‘miedo the Ene fo we a cesking eee ton of the sopertacire. Det procter king geomary erect eal be ees, 103 DIVISION IH-CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS (Completed segment tlrance for segmental box girder bridge construction. (Clo correlate akeranes, see sete teow) Fished segment lerce should na exceed he allowing Lenghof match cat segment (ot cma) = vet, (008 mmo in m5 mm) Leng enti ptce serment hin. at ot rete than 2 in. pers Web tiene hin 5 mm) Dept of boom sb. hin. 05 em) Depth oftp sa... hin. (5 mm) (Overall pb width “Sit (52 ami ei ae Sc) Diapragm hicks. in (12.5 am) Grate of for ele and soft in ia 10 (1.0 amy Tendon bole ean ‘shin. 02 me) Poston of tear hye : in. (63 mem) st | LONGITUDINAL SECTICN “6 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 103 9. Deis of te Gos tedons, and temporary and permanet bearing sels a eg 10. Deas of routing equpen, pot ix design, snd met of inns ad placing oat el be pro: "ide 119 FORMS 114 Genera Shop dravings shall be submited for forms and feem uae arid bythe conto spell provions Ta aden te requirements of the Standard ‘Speciation, fom used 6 es he conta seg ‘esta egal ot ch cng pen spa nt "Producing he sets within th toleranes pr mites. Acme blackouts, openings and pen Adjusting o charges in sepmect geometry as shown in the pins for conectng prvions mot Siping wit damage othe cone {The frm dein eet provide dh, akpoof Joning wot pelos seamen. The balled mae be ‘Spal of connec the dots in a maner to Bld ‘Where secon a ems are to be jie on the ero feof he remem fet in excess of 16 fs inch frit races snd U8 ofa nc or or ‘eb an bends wil ot be permed, Oct between ‘jae mating feof cst-pae segment shall Fors sll st be moved ani he corte ha stained be eles seat specified on the cont lb evideced by et ders nes cre In The same manera th soe Altea t \ywetrsoriearmented cov ylides maybe ted ‘Geral the engh of the ont inthe spent (Car shal heen In verovng the fon op ‘ent spalng nd chipiog ofthe covet, 11.2 Forms for Precast Segmental Construction ‘Al ie bor, side, nade frm for esa segmental cotton sail be conned f el ness use of ther tele is approved by the os shal be of sufcient kn, with adequate eral acing sd fees a hl be suey anche to with and te fre dt placement and ‘iteion of comet Inka bing wd bking erie afraid 0 tay bets in men ich ean be remaved fom the const rice pe it ptt fllevng foe eval. shall be ‘esiged and lnned for ora hes. "The de and allgament of fore al be eke cach ie they a et and sal be mutined rag the easing of cone, Sib fish grade ill be eck afer the ont ae, ‘Met fore sual be reseosby fee fom ro, gras or oer feign mater. Al forms al be ‘ened reap pro ech ening operat. Ed ‘ear tal be matin provides meth cating ‘rae, ‘Wot foxms my be ot onthe canis oh tudinal aad uae closure sp. All fom srs easing members tl econ: stted and snail provide tegen tlecaees Inscardce wi Secon 90 The fics of il frm, cher tan ed headers, hall be prope cand and vested with form oo te toed besa cting pro pain cones Bod tweaking mati teen sepiens ad between ‘met aneadrshl be provided i tecorance wih Steen 162. Tool or other materiale wd fo hit porpose stl be ef a coniteney and compton Fait fom renotl Mater which appreihy stn or react wid the coer stl tt Be ed fo Slit segment nora. 120 PERMANENT BEARINGS “This wore salen of the fring fall te si, te fino od Installation of he Pema raring ar shows plan, sn speed and 2 dace by he gine, The bearings Sul be bret in conformance ide plans reps oars pecially spore bythe Bape Preto appl of the Beaigs to be wed, he Contr sl sats cere by the mina fuer sig hat and th acessry tems meet the ‘eiements ot eth, This al at conte wah ro the prt of te Oner of any resent ih Fespest wo sampls nd sumplng ap the ight i ented Wo perfor sy of he es specie o ich ‘ests domed by th Engine a eesy gully he eri 0 DIVISION CONSTRUCTION SPECIECATIONS a “Te Costar sll bai installa isons ‘rm the supplier ofthe bering ase nd comply withthe pressures specified be Installation ofthe Tesng. Shop drawings sll be submited the Engine for approval nascar wih he Standard Spectcatcns Te adoqnry of he eg and incall ‘on dea stall meet with te approval of he Engi, whose dein sal be nl 11,0 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CASTIN- PLACE SEGMENTAL CONSTRUCTION 121 Generat "Te desion plane sal be prepared onthe astmp- og thatthe sepenire wil be omiucted by 2 selected mebod of exsiniace einforeed concrete Segre constuction. Amat conseveon metas try be permit In ccrdanse with te cont plane 2nd pil provisions. 132 Forming System Se submied fo reiew by te Engine or compliance ‘th contact docuets ‘Compl ells nd compettions forte forms and fom sip syste clung maximum loadings and sesies erate the compled segmneas de {om seo sytem stall iciade ae lowaness formpact hugs which may cre daring covert placement sd advancement of foxmig tem, ‘Compattios of detection of he forming sytem cing conte placement, Detils for terporary suppor and tie-downs as seeded abi the anilewer ding construction Detaled step by step proede fr covert plce- ent, sessing mn advancing the orm spp sem ‘ed ajating te system for eel betetion Detaled procedure fr ung the ener ends pins charges in poston orton fon canner ‘eave othe ether daring ant following placement of onerte fr te closure betwen the exter 133 Sepentractare Contraction “Tis work conte of song temporary easing applet, casing sepments place ed stig the ‘Spertrciee on mane bearings "The Cornctor sal sob complet dei ead Aesciion ofthe metods, rangement and eip> ‘ent othe Gnginer for approval before sperseucre ‘onsrscton sare, The sonsrton mio tal incad carting of he Sing eave een, abo of plication ofl tempuray faces tobe sed forajoting Rion ad vert lament and to place te sete on perms ‘en bering Thi blag nl contro methods "0 insure Ue accuay of alignment of he compeed Sperm, "Wore esipment shall incade all machinery, eves itor nd mater hich sre to be weed for treaton tt wil not tesome spermanest pat of he ‘onpleted sypersce Egupnent mst not be pe. ed roar plod upon any pst of the erred Spescare ac my sage of coastcton ete han wich spectely mets the require otra wor Ing lod per segment, a lowed byte plans, dor proved he Engineer. Thi iacludes the pox. Soin era, pintng jekng, grouting equipment ‘ner of any Kad, n adain fo sgmest unbalance loads which se eerie fr the constredon meth, 10 pound pet ae fot ad is pers Thi ad inde: (1) orks: (2) micelles exert nd (3) sored Sresing may te performed in scodance wih the feiowing aide: ity pest ofthe posttensonng force may be applied whe Bld cue compression eyliniers nd {Ste the compressive stengi ef the segment cont 2500p nd 18 urs Raveclapsed fer completion of concrete plcement "om jpn system may be eles and aban nen 50 pcant of postensoning sees has bean pls. "Tanavenesresng sal be staged a necessary to eid exeting te allowable sess in the tp sa. “Tendon hl be filly teased prior to placement of cone for he nent spent excep he fansvere ‘enon net he open to econ. Tat {on shl bess tn 50 perce, hen he ean Stressed when edons inthe new sogmen ated ‘The frm sppot sytem must be sgn (9 aeld coven the tp sb nthe aren of the paraly ‘Consrcioe joists will be limited wo lesions ‘sown on ts conunct plas o as approted la avance by the Enger. Al eosin jt ll be ho. ly ceed of atenee td foregn eral poe 0 placing comet forte abating eon. o DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCHETE BRIDGES 3 Sze of the segment jit hall be prepared in cordance wh he cana plans immedi pier to heme of ont forthe et sgt Fer plicement of lew conte beiveen ca titer te cv stall be edo pvt sion rmorement of oe cantevselative tothe oer, The ‘sem for losing the aleve and forming or he los andthe rose er placing the eon or ‘he lou be sch thatthe concer thea. th st sal oa be abject fo tension which could "The Contract sal brit a contin sede (er chess) showing cheno! ard of ery pie and suge of sesion and enencton of the "The Contcor sal pepe able ofelrtons and algae reed teach age etn per Pll he heck ps ite below, oan leat st Isr ber op, nd sb th ne toe Engineer One oe lament corer atthe top sac of ny teeprary beng pode tobe ede dtr Cin ‘ceton ado eb reference pot wth at STeloatons and aigament eq of he permunerty osoned pete, Al our corer center int segment fics) of top slab of per eegmens to esabah grade ad Two poison te longi eter Ine ech pie segment on each ep, eableh signer. ‘One poet on Be lorie ets les, one caer of ech regen along. eer jit erweencatiploe spent esis cleaons td aipamen every geo ton, "The temprry being pc apse tte ies all te ver afl pao The op sures of {hee pc shal ve the oct sean, ligaments ‘slopes ied bythe plans an tbe 17 (above Shire yb sed andere he pao ‘eanplih sera, The Contactor Sl lg dese {nd prvice eae tld ear teang pain sin whl the per sgt beng et "Toe Cantor shal heck the clean nd sig. stent of the str every sie f conten in ‘ecorance wih te geometry cote pla bred in teenrance wi te provison of Secon 8, hall inn a eord fa hae checks nd of a= 140 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR PRECAST CONCRETE ‘SEGMENTAL CONSTRUCI 14 Generat ‘The sapersicte stall be erected by te metid signed nd taeda the cotct drawing, ory an heme meted shed byte centr Aes treton methods may be pete when Specified in "he conc pci provisions ‘When gue bythe coninct special provisos, the suessng see ad al rnforcament ond ing ui sal esol menses on seme signa on he pans rw eating sy permanent ‘egrets. The sega! shall color to te sve snd onfiguaionreqore by the pn, nelaig pt Seaing antag posts, sing tel see {nd cond (certs pln) Th tendons de. guard on pla or tees eal be eae oie ‘ores shows No tice] payment wl be made for ‘rte Cesting ted elem sl be rca adequate (o uppot he segnents witht stems oe tar ion The ating be sha be designed fora method snd ‘heave aed drt and alan grade sd allgpmeat Det orharvar nd atment ros Sore shall be inoded Inthe above ple. tad ‘pesienon forte casting be Grain ft fi fom od te top onto ech scgrent stall ke i consideration he env post. ‘ion ofthe menterin he roctare ‘Afr the fat segment ofeach ait is cat ll ceding segmental be cat gant provouly ext ‘Sepnents insur compte bearing prope ali ‘Benton ll ming sre, ‘The ancorage om shall pri doa fo be Insc in the mer at erection of eps Tendon coupler sal be veed nly lotions specifically shown onthe plans o¢ approved by he gies, Not oe thn 30 pre ofthe endo el nal tendons ae regi by the lan the tendons ad anchors shal be ita proce enclose epee of ‘okt he endfor dag by eeton ip ‘Ren andeansing sn or ber tendo th eas terse leer eon rapidly rng ora loning and anetenge, Protective enclosure props ‘hal submited ake Exper for apron Care hl be leno ensre it oormatons of match east segment dette praiet cused by Ihe Beto nyt of he sew cst oatete do ot fez, at te tie of nl set of te ew conte, (005 fra ingle eget of 05° cara fran ae spa, Tate dfooatos shal be peste by Prope) protecting bth the math at and now eat Segnats in an fvhemalenlsiss, or wih ing Dane and pl sean, 42 Ma Fabrication enforcing test sll be fiicaed and. placat coring ioe plan nd spcistins. Any cae, (rinereence wth he proper lesion of cs sd ‘Sufi or lackous al be prepay elves and ‘ution made ar Get bythe Engine. No rein forcing tel hale eat nd removed permit proper atone t cer the psttensoning dct all be replaced by edoeal tre with eget np lng ed stall be submited tthe Engines or approval ‘All eegens shall e marta one aide with unig denen the ne of for renal Tis ‘efenion sal ed to ety each spent on ‘hop pln, post esioing etal ed enclosed ty he doesent peril to te Iaeton a elon of press concrete sper. Pale means of oling the contin cores, peskon tal be provided nal aes and shal be na {todo th working eovigssbetd for approval “Te condi sal be sppore at steals specie inSesion 4540s sewn en the pnt hall ‘cin ftned 19 preset movenent ding pace 143 Separation of Mateh-Cast Segments The Contactor sll roi equipment 0 Be used {or wif reparton of atc east Sepmeats Wide damage, The mead swells duals ofthe eupment to boted for separating math et sents tall be Ieloded in he hop plane A Bood baking mail ‘hal be wed ont eb ad anes of th pein (nt szment fo alse sepraten of segment: Te ‘ond ean tel sal be ured to ek the ond conte between the fice of previously ct Sp tents and neny ca epment at well he eo ede when requied The bond reser shal casi ff flac soap ad te or ther ati approved ty te Engicer A demontaton shal be pfomed os 82 feet fet specimen, poo easing of =, te prove the adeqency of the mail The mate ‘hal nt be ijn fo the eonrte sd shal permit femoral of esegiest wih pollo nad Wy ache 14 Handling and Erection of Segments “Te Conan (Feat) thal be sponsible oe ope nding. ng ering anspor ond ee ‘Son fal sspmnt 0a thy aye placed inthe Sucre witou damage. DIVISION 1l-CONSTRUCTION SPECFICATIONS e Segments sal be mansne nan era postion tal ins ad lb stored ted anor moved in ftamer preven fron sof bet undue sues. “Member sal be led sted or ted with iting fevoes apron th shop pans by eter mathe Spproved bythe Egieer in wen. “Sezme shall tbe moved frm He eating yard nut all cng aod tengih requirements have ees ‘ane, hall be apport a2 mane at wll ‘simie warping ‘A folse tet fhe Hing and emporary holding ‘rear alte pfomed to demons the ade eae of aisequipment srt beglaning my erection 150 SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR INCREMENTAL LAUNCHING 151 Geen, ‘Smuenret bit by the incremental launching rmethod sal comply ith he provisions of Secon 100, andthe sional provisions ef he folowing se 152 Casing of Segments ‘Ganacton of reremenalynsnche biges shall roel be ated on week el forte conte tlonofex segment. Wien be oto ange and webs (orporton of eb) of snot ct es he {ep lange aero the ine betwen ances pace ‘ments shal not exceed Ue ys. 153 Geomeirle Taerances region of sg surces: ‘Inde Fore: ‘erica devitions & lggiusinal and wansvese Seen -0.4 vz Sovison athe ouside of webs: 20.08 ‘a One Lancing Bewings Vers logivialy between piers 2008 in trae between exigs O04 i tanta evs ose guides 20.08 in 154 Launching Fore “helsing fre sale maitre cominsou- ty and chased gaat he ret va. A ition ‘beeen Oo pce shal emits’. The ison wor of sl be consdrd in exaaton of the fns nied old back a sructire ascot on ‘Sepa grin. 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 155 Pter Monitering Toe celecton ofthe opel be continously swortred. Monitoring devies oe recomended ‘hich astomatealy seh off he Ianeing ap ‘hem in ese he peminible per defects ate ‘ered. Consist betwen eth sding ben lngan the lung egspment shall be povided "the conect level o al sig tearing sal be ‘hese a elites. Shim sess kp in oct feral ing beings a rer cmp or Per sete sn. 160 DEFECTS AND BREAKAGE Fale of nivalis ia a even-wite tris ‘cco withthe approval of he Exner provided the tol ara of wie fire i ethan 2 percent sf the tal eassesonl seo th to, Minor oroasetral rac cect 0 he st fice of the menter which, ae etined by the iss forcement wil ke ssepabe ules heya mimeo tnd een. Diagonal ech whch indie damage from too, lng erake th follow setng tendons oa acs which tendo the plane fe felnfreing eet andor reese tendon wl bes Jet acta ew rot cpance. found ‘cepa, he rac sal be reps by “eng” ot Tif aninch dp ad wide nd weling with sponsor shall be repied by can injection, Minor beakage, linger ooeycembing (ot over an inch de) lb reopen rors wit ah ‘Stabbed repair pce into wn pared by the Engineer reo the stato segment freon “Major brealape or aneycont in excess ofthat spec fed erin wl be sujet o suse evi If ound tobe saitctory hv ens wl be rep ws et bythe Exper Breage pling or hosycomb (nay mating cere found tobe szeplble shall te ‘pied and the eoeret cre, pir fo caing the ‘ig seme segment has el ben eat 160, DIVISION 1I—CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS n [REFERENCES LACI Commitee 318, “Building Code Requemens fr Reafred Concrete” (ACI 318-86), ‘American Coocet nti, Devo, 187 Conte” Amerieas Corsini Det, 1985. Ovid Spesifienion foe Pox Terioning Mote snd "Recommended Practice for Grong of PtTesoned Pressed Conc” Post Tensioning este, Phoenix, 1965. Application of Pos Temiosng Syms” Federston Tntrdorate de Peon, 198, 5S. Psu, H. Ken, “Testing 7-Wie Sand for PrnrestedConrtoThe Sine ofthe A” Journal of the Preesed Concrete Init sl. 29, No May ae 198 6.°Mamal_of Standard. Prato:” Coneete Reinforcing Ste! Ise, Ching, ios, 1980. T-ACI Commits, 209, “Prediction of Creep, Sctres’ ACI 2098-2, Amereta Conte nate, 192, 'CEB-AP Motel Code for Concrete Stricture, Comite Fizo-interaional de Beton (CEB), 1578, ‘atl fom: Lewis Brook 2 Elgon Road, Now COMMENTARY DIVISION I—CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS in 2 DIVISION 1_COMMENTARYSECTION 2 8 ‘SECTION 2—CONCRETE, 22.Conerete Quality ‘The AC 318-95 Pulling Coe provides sisi wocedres fr production snd wing of cane eta te minimum 2eday conte suena (htbed i the are. Some agencies peiy tt cores for ick conte sneoers in an alent oda impropey compacted tr weak ners ef oor 214 Test or Moduls of Esty and Creep and Shrinkage Coefficients ‘These ets may be wae a the diction of the Engineer when ret dae avaible on cnet wih the sme er simar aggregates end mi dein Same ue odie ei roe 1242 Creep and Shrinkage Tet ‘Specfcaons may equ the we of selected aggre pesto roe ceep and hikage vals. 25 Admistres ‘The tof waterceucing and alsentsning ain eerie esamimended. 29 Carag for Castn-Pace Segmental (Coneruction ‘The enaetion cycle nomally doesnot permit. water cr. xcept er the top sarc the eck ‘SECTION 3—NON-PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT Welding of inform i rconmmended aly ner condons whee igi coabal of welding prose aes and proper of reinforcement ie pole. Relafreement tall nt be weed in he iy of a210) [ASTMCA 706 cover lows et deformed bare ined for special applet whee welling ‘ending, o oth ar of importance. ASTM A 70 {ates bos ecepons which ASTM A 615 cove 8 Seppementary Reqsvemen (5. 34 Substation of Grad o Type of Relnorcement ‘Research ir esrmended on more gener ute weed wie aren segmental bow ger bridge com ‘Speiel creterton of cometon protection is on sidered pmessry for ll ridge deck weinforcament tes where eer bene ae wtd, Coin oo {eto nesrare shoalé be. provided for ‘enfrcneat of bps oeted incon ares or over ex water oa heavy tous wes. ‘See th ACI Commitee 222 Rept “Coretion Of Mats in Cone fors compre discon of ined ef eoeson proton, 6 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF SEGMENTAL CONCRETE BRIDGES 42 SECTION 4—POST TENSIONING MATERIALS 42. Specal Anchorage Devices ‘Spel anchorage deve tly depend onus of some fp of eoainemet enercement fhe anchor ee zone, wo say do aot mex the ening aren ‘Boerement ofthe Ps Tenining lst's Gilde Speciation for Pot Tensoning Meter, Te es ‘egueent fr spc pe anchorage devices ste {ake fom the AASHTO LRED fridge Costraction Speciation. 43 Tentcaton and Testing of Tendon Mate ‘Very east tating pocedaes ae nee) ect t-niwe tst for sod relation poprie, lncaing ii coal af he epee ithe Tom, wher te eeu ioe See Reference fot scion of tet preceduer. Mos ow reanton ‘srand wil holes han 10 pect losin he 39- Iminte test However, evaton of fst reals Inds that trl meen he 120 percent ei ‘men wil set ASTM 416 etalon ues in {he 1000 hour, 45.1 Mea Does ‘Thickness of met det materi eet oduct ameter and be mead of inating he tendon. Sand edons ae wma insted in ke dot fer the coo pnos, eguling asi dc Brew fans ae normaly passed inside yl ameter ‘acts and paced ar mit ace, he bail mst ‘lth vod and epi prevent dct damage, Use 28 ‘Bugs dust recommended when a tees ot ‘repiced wih he dt, 452 Potyetyene Duct Specfcaons tie been sent relive to reguie- sweats fr ital ps for dt meal Reser, ‘eon of siting of pojeylae dus ha a ‘he conclusion tat be Cel Clacton sald be ‘pecied to ase de daet materia wil pen for Shon ad logs ites seers, Spin the Cat Classineaton vides reqirement for des, rl atone dala, esl enh en real sess cack eines, Perot desi tsi {nd colorané UV sale. 4454 Duct Phcement ‘When pletion ducts expoed to ge temper se changes, white dot hau bed The dit suport spicing may be Inreasd when ‘mandrels or presenbled don ar et,

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