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Chapter 5 

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation 

This chapter presents the summary of

findings, conclusions, and major recommendations yielded

thorough study and analysis of data.


This study determined and describe the perceived

effects of unhealthy habits of tricycle drivers. The

phenomenological method of research was employed in this

study to help the researchers understand deeply how

unhealthy habits may affect the both passengers and drivers.

Different instruments were used such as structured interview

and audio recordings to gather data in this study. These

instruments were used to explore the narrative of the

respondent’s experiences with an accurate information from

the respondents.

The respondents in this study were the selected

tricycle drivers here in Poblacion, San Isidro.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the


1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in

terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Education Attainment ;

1.3 Civil status;

1.4 Number of months/ years as tricycle drivers; and

1.5 License

2. How many the unhealthy habits of tricycle drivers be

described in terms of:

2.1 Overcharging of fares;

2.2 Speeding;

2.3 Smoking while driving;

2.4 Driving without license;

2.5 Driving without enough sleep;

2.6 Unhealthy Habits

3. What are the percieved effects of the unhealthy habits


3.1 Tricycle driver respondents; and

3.2 Commuters/ passengers

Major Findings

The findings of the study are summarized as follows:

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

The distribution of the respondents according to the

age are disproportionately distributed within

different. The ages of 25-30, 36-40, and 41-45 were

has the same frequency which is three (3) or 20%. The

ages 31-35, 46-50 and 50-55 has also the same number

which is two (2) or 13.33%

1.2 Education Attainment

The distribution of the respondents according to the

education attainment are disproportionately

distributed within different. There were three (3) or

20% of respondents who are elementary graduate while

there are eight (8) or 53.33% of the respondents are

high school graduate and lastly there are four (4) or

26.67% of the respondents are college undergraduate.

1.3 Civil status

The distribution of the respondents according to the

civil status are disproportionately distributed within

different. There were two (2) or 13.33% of the

respondents were single while the twelve (12) or 80% of

them are married and only one (1) of them is widower.

1.4 Numbers of months/ years as tricycle drivers

The distribution of the respondents according to the

number of months/ years as a tricycle driver are

disproportionately distributed within different. The

year 1-10, 11-15, and 21-30 years has the same

frequency which is three (3) or 20% of the respondents,

while the 16-20 years has four (4) or 26.67% of the

respondents. And lastly the two (2) or 13.33% of the

respondents answered 31-35 years.

1.5 License

The distribution of the respondents according to the

license are disproportionately distributed within

different. The three (3) or 20% of the respondents has

non-professional license while there were twelve (12)

or 80% of the tricycle drivers has a professional

license. It can also be observed that the majority of

the respondents has professional license and only few

has not.

2. Unhealthy Habits of Tricycle Drivers be described in

terms of:

2.1 Overcharging of Fares

The distribution of the respondents according to the

overcharging of fare are disproportionately

distributed within different. Fourteen (14) or 93.33%

from the respondents answered that it is depend on the

distance while only one (1) or 6.67% of the respondents

answered “sometimes”. It can also be observed that

majority of their answer is “it depends” and only few

of the respondents answered “sometimes”. Tricycle

drivers also stated that they only increased the fares

when the distance was far.

2.2 Speeding

The distribution of the respondents according to the

speeding are disproportionately distributed within

different. The responses of tricycle drivers about

observing proper speed limit. Nine (9) or 60% of the

respondents answered “Yes” and their main reason were

because they want their passenger to be safe. And two

(2) or 13.33% of the respondents answered “Sometimes

no” and lastly only one (1) or 6.67% from the

respondents answered “No” because of emergency.

2.3 Smoking while driving

The distribution of the respondents according to the

smoking while driving are disproportionately

distributed within different. Based on the data

gathered, Nine (9) from the respondents answered “Yes”

majority of the tricycle drivers answered yes because

they are used to smoke while they are driving while

some of them answered no because it is prohibited.

2.4 Driving without license

The distribution of the respondents according to the

speeding are disproportionately distributed within

different. Based on the data gathered, fourteen (14) or

93.33% of the respondents answered yes they always

bring their license with them to avoid trouble. And

only one (1) or 6.67% from them answered “no” because

it is forgotten. It can also be seen that majority from

them answered yes and only few answered no.

2.5 Driving without enough sleep

The distribution of the respondents according to the

driving without enough sleep are disproportionately

distributed within different. Eight (8) or 53.33% from

the respondents answered no, they are not driving when

they don’t have enough sleep because according to them

it is dangerous for their passenger and also for them.

Five (5) or 33.33% of them answered yes and their main

reason was they need to wake up early to fetch more

passengers. And only two (2) or 13.33% of the

respondents answered sometimes. It can be seen from

this table that majority of them answered “no”, only

few answered “yes” and there are some who said


2.6 Unhealthy Habits

The distribution of the respondents according to the

unhealthy habits of drivers are disproportionately

distributed within different. Most of the tricycle drivers

said that unhealthy habits has many bad effect to their

health and to the passenger’s health and they also stated

that they spend much money in cigarettes. Moreover, tricycle

drivers then verified that their most dominant unhealthy

habit is smoking. Majority of the respondents encountered

many problems in terms of health and in money because of

doing their unhealthy habits.

Appendix A


MARCH 10 2020

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

We are presently conducting a research study entitled “The

Percieved Effects of Unhealthy Habits of Tricycle Drivers ”.

This is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research 1. The study primarily aims to know the
effects of unhealthy habits of tricycle drivers.

In line with this, we would like to ask you if you could be

one of our respondents to this study. We shall appreciate
very much any assistance that you could extend to us as we
endeavor to complete this research undertaking.

Your kind consideration and approval regarding this matter

will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much! May God
bless you!

Very truly yours,

Kyla Razon Charles David Bognot

Joshua Lasam Raniel Domingo

Andrie Nikolai Usi

Noted by:

Mrs. Julieta Galang

Research Adviser

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