Deontological Theory: Natural Law

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Deontological Theory: Natural Law

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Review Questions

1. What is the best approach to deontological theories?

a) An action is considered bad because of the product of the action.
b) It focuses on whether it has a good or bad result.
c) An action is considered morally good because of some characteristics of the action itself.
d) Actions are good and bad.

2. Christianity supports the divine command theory?

a) True.
b) False.

3. Divine command theory depends on God’s voluntary choices?

e) True.
e) False.

4. How many types of the natural law theory exist?

a) 3
b) 2
c) Just 1.
d) 4

5. Which Philosopher agrees about the Theory having a God’s role in nature?
a) Aquinas.
b) Aristoteles.
c) Confucio.
d) Platón.

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