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Group 8 amc 14 Some Draportaut Chemical Stuchires _ Nawe ard Chewicat Pournuta 1) Btborane (8.4) 2) Borax Na, 8607 1OHe® Eedtias ta, [Paes (oy ]- 8Ho y be L Ae a +84, 0 oH [H beds com __Re Formes 4) — Orthoberic add i av “en > 4) Boralein ‘water oH 7 L on— 8 04) bn oy Une & Metaberate “Ties cow, ] ©) Boren Haliden (Mashalbides) Ma hcl, er, am Bxa 4) Born dihallites Be, 8) At, Atiwivium Chlourde a oH = ss 0 Pine ee 4 4 0 g Ne 0 07 7 ¥ si auto 2 Reasnance, Sx Plawor en) Sorhuvre Lquia 2 Vapeulr oy ke cee a oe . ca Sey) Cm Eclipses] » Lorag ole Le rien) Boragine : Bante Born Nihide p) (en), aie W Mellie Aeid 12) Monomer fr SilLioen e 12) Qwabte add a 3 Grovgansic Graplote re formed ca Cer P ptlen Greplte oN eet | Chawges to eel Coon Mebine acid by Comes HAD, Ry STO (any Ge Ve7 3) Ynag — silicates ane formed) { ov Congleton es Lorne d) Cooy | og ty 20g coo Tanreilyl awe DY Sosactge tise (Plowman 6 wore) nN (Si ey 1) Jane tw\ Quine N (Ha) I) Madouic acid i) Conbon Seboride 8) Corlon Menoride w) (Corben diowde ( Qireos) 26. 2 Covaleuk- 7 uple [Cordinate bond J Rend (What bond) : BD). Silbeones bnew. ; oo UG 20 R & : . poe NS 7} rae ea ge F CG ai eo i + oH en Ri Coudousahio Jt the Polymer es “i i \ fe oy Si -o- Ht poy é k : Yarcon, aoe Gaal | a ee io aay Pbpwase — “om oy 8 5 x { \ yo“ im the a © Rate woy | aes a —o te arm | ¢ eo ee © Gils lira e & - aL on a Ss ext ak Gy 2) Butter d Mn Sat, . SH e 2 A ein Diamerd oli ) (usm 4 vahe 2S aT 34) Siiea (1104) bo 4 ow : ea a One flim Connect ot Gometed do Cneete ollicen Coban en &

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