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F3-ICT Unit Activity Exam

1. What’s the difference between buffer and bandwidth?

 Bandwidth is the number of bits that can be carried by a
connection in one second.
 Buffer is an area of memory used to temporarily store data,
especially when streaming video.
Conclusion- Bandwidth is Similar to The size/width of the connection, which determines the
amount of bits it can carry by one connection in one second.
And Buffer is the memory space where data is stored temporarily. (Mostly when streaming
videos online.)

2. What is impact on latency in Srilankan isp?

Sri Lankan ISP’s provide users with various latency times. There
are 2 main Internet Service Providers in Sri Lanka. Dialog Axiata
and Sri Lanka Telecom.
According to

 Dialog provides their Home broadband users with a Latency of

80ms-150ms. This could be a disadvantage for online gaming
communities and for users who watch online live streams.

 SLT Provides their Home broadband users with a Latency of 20ms-

80ms. This speed is very acceptable and good for all uses, in
which users won’t experience any issues.

The reason why high latencies can be a Disadvantage is because, high connection time
(ping) causes Lags and delays in online games and streaming. This is the impact in Sri
lankan ISPs.
3. What are the factors that affect internet speed? Explain each.
There are four main factors that effect the internet speed.

 Transfer method
Wireless methods can only transfer a limited amount for frequencies
at a time. But wired methods such as a copper cable can carry more
frequencies than wireless methods. This means cable/wired methods
can have more bandwidth rather than wireless method

 Interference
Other electromagnetic signals can also interfere with wired and
wireless signals. Signal collisions can occur when Signals from
wireless devices, routers and appliances emitting electromagnetic
fields like fridges and microwave ovens meet and interfere.

 Blockages
Walls and furniture reduce the strength of wireless signals. This
reduces the available bandwidth

 Distance
The strength of a wired or wireless signal is reduces as the
distance that it has to travel increases.

4. What are the daily use of tethering in your day today life?
 Mobile Hotspot
We share our mobile’s internet with other devices, so they can access the internet through
your network
 USB Connection
Allows you to connect 2 devices via a USB cable and share information and data between
 Bluetooth
Allow 2 or more devices to wirelessly connect between a Short-ranged area and Share
information between.
5. What are the differences between DAB and DVB-T?
 DAB vs. DVB-T
DAB is used in Europe and the Asia Pacific region.
DAB provides more radio stations Than DVB-T.
DAB can also carry text data that DAB receivers can display.
DVB-T’s transmitter are on earth and not in Orbit like DAB.

6. What is the best wireless commutation type for tv remote?

Explain your answer?
Wi-Fi. Because wifi uses radio waves to communicate so in this case, even if the receiver is
blocked by a object the Signals can penetrate through it. And in rare cases if anyone wants to
use their television outdoors then a WiFi communication is the most suitable one because IR
signals are affected by sunlight.

7. What are the uses of MAC address?

 Restricting or allowing access to a network.
 Identifying a device on a network.
 Tracking a Device.
 Assigning ‘static’ or ‘fixed’ IP addresses

8. What is the use of DHCP on large network?

A DHCP server will automatically assign an IP address to other computers when they join
the network.
9. Name 3 servers with their uses?
 Authentication Server
An authentication server checks usernames and passwords. When a user successfully logs
in, the client receives and electronic certificate that it can the use to access various
resource, including applications and storage.
 File server
File Servers allow users to access shared and private storage.

 Application Sever
Application servers provide clients with access to applications that can be run directly
from the sever.

10.Name the best wifi communication encryption protocol?

Explain your reasons?


The reason why WPA is more secure is because:
>WPA generates a new key for each device on the wireless network.
>WPA also provides new keys for each packet of data that is sent.


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