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Chemical quick-fix for dying dam

- Tender floated for evaporation retardant supply to prevent Hatia reservoir

level from plunging
A.S.R.P. Mukesh

TROUBLED WATERS: The level at Hatia dam has dropped to around 16ft from 37ft

Jharkhand's reservoir guardians may have found a formula to beat short-term water worries.

Concerned over the rapidly plunging level in Hatia Dam, which supplies now-rationed water to one-fifth of
Ranchi's population, the state drinking water and sanitation department is mulling special chemical treatment
that can minimise the rate of evaporation and, thereby, buffer any impending crisis.

As the blazing summer sun and uneven monsoon rain distribution have taken a heavy toll on the reservoir's
storage capacity, department mandarins believe use of water evaporation retardants or WERs could improve
conservation statistics by up to 40 per cent even though it is not a long-term solution.

K.K. Verma, executive engineer of drinking water and sanitation department's Hatia project division, said they
were looking at national-level agencies for supply of the evaporation retardants. He maintained that they had
floated tenders before the Durga Puja holidays and the last date for applying with quotations is November 3.

Till Monday, no party had evinced interest.

According to the Central Water Commission's definition, water evaporation retardants are chemicals developed
using different fatty alcohols, which when sprayed on any solid or liquid surface forms a thin, mono-molecular
film that acts as a barrier between the said surface and the atmosphere. These retardants are available in
powder, solution or emulsion form.

Verma conceded that WERs had never been used in Jharkhand. "This method of controlling evaporation is
widely prevalent in Hyderabad and other parts of southern India. Results have been good. The rate of
evaporation is seen to drop by 20 per cent to 40 per cent," he said.

Hatia dam normally supplies 8.5 million gallons a day. The current depth of water in Hatia dam is only 16.5 feet,
which is less than half of its normal level of 37 feet. To contain the crisis, water supply to 200,000 residents of
Hatia, Doranda, Hinoo, Birsa Chowk and other areas has been rationed from Monday.

Instead of three-hour daily supply, consumers will get water for the same duration only thrice a week - on
Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays - till the situation normalises.

"Around this time of the year, the water level should be anywhere between 36-37 feet, but inadequate rainfall in
this part of the state has caused the plunge. So, at our last departmental meeting, we decided to use
evaporation retardants. Depending on the result, we will chemically treat other water bodies," Verma said,
adding that the retardants had no harmful effects on human health.

Another engineer of the department pointed out why Hatia dam was under duress and needed special care.

"Construction of the outer ring road in close proximity has reduced natural flow of water. Also, at many points
there are pipeline leaks. Last, but not the least, the government needs to take a call on reactivating aquifers by
de-silting the dam," he said.

About the Department

Industries Department 'is responsible for promotion of all-round industrial development of the State and by that
generates employment, attracts investment and become instrumental in the economic development of the State.
Manufacturing continue to be an important facet of industries and plays a critical role in the economic
development in Orissa through value addition to the natural resources. In due course this also fosters technology
upgradation, acquisition of strategy capabilities and provides gainful employment to the underemployed and
unemployed human resources. In order to achieve this objective, there is a need to have a robust policy
framework for leveraging value addition to the abundant mineral, agricultural and marine wealth of the State.

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Chemical testing might have a variety of purposes, such as:

 Determine if, or verify that, the requirements of a specification, regulation, or contract are

 Decide if a new product development program is on track: Demonstrate proof of concept
 Demonstrate the utility of a proposed patent
 Determine the interactions of a sample with other known substances
 Determine the composition of a sample
 Provide standard data for other scientific, medical, and Quality assurance functions
 Validate suitability for end-use
 Provide a basis for Technical communication
 Provide a technical means of comparison of several options
 Provide evidence in legal proceedings

Non–Performing Asset

Biochemical tests[edit]

 Clinistrips quantitatively test for sugar in urine

 The Kastle-Meyer test tests for the presence of blood
 Salicylate testing is a category of drug testing that is focused on detecting salicylates
such as acetysalicylic acid for either biochemical or medical purposes.
 The Phadebas test tests for the presence of saliva for forensic purposes
 Iodine solution tests for starch
 The Van Slyke determination tests for specific amino acids
 The Zimmermann test for Ketosteroids
 Seliwanoff's test for differentiating between aldose and ketose sugars
 Test for lipids: add ethanol to sample, then shake; add water to the solution, and shake
again. If fat is present, the product turns milky white.
 Sakaguchi test for the presence of arginine in protein
 Hopkins Cole reaction for the presence of tryptophan in proteins
 Nitroprusside reaction for the presence of free thiol groups of cysteine in proteins
 Sullivan reaction for the presence of cysteine and cystine in proteins
 Acree-Rosenheim reaction for the presence of tryptophan in proteins
 Pauly reaction for presence of tyrosine or histidine in proteins
 Heller's test for presence of albumin in urine
 Gmelin's test for the presence of bile pigments in urine
 Hay's test for the presence of bile pigments in urine
Reducing sugars[edit]

 Barfoed's test tests for reducing polysaccharides or disaccharides

 Benedict's reagent tests for reducing sugars or aldehydes
 Fehling's solution tests for reducing sugars or aldehydes, similar to Benedict's reagent
 Molisch's test for carbohydrates
 Nylander's test for reducing sugars
 Rapid furfural test to distinguish between glucose and fructose
Proteins and polypeptides[edit]

 The Bicinchoninic acid assay tests for proteins

 Biuret reagent tests for proteins and polypeptides
 Bradford protein assay measures protein quantitative
 The Phadebas Amylase Test determines alpha-amylase activity

Organic tests[edit]

 The Carbylamine reaction tests for primary amines

 The Griess test tests for organic nitrite compounds
 The Iodoform reaction tests for the presence of methyl ketones, or compounds which can
be oxidized to methyl ketones
 The Schiff test detects aldehydes
 Tollens' reagent (Silver Mirror) tests for aldehydes
 The Zeisel determination tests for the presence of esters or ethers
 Lucas' reagent is used to determine mainly
between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
 The Bromine Test is used to test for the presence of unsaturation and phenols.

Inorganic tests[edit]

 Barium chloride tests for sulfates

 The Beilstein test tests for halides qualitatively
 Borax bead test tests for certain metals
 The Carius halogen method measures halides quantitatively
 Chemical test for cyanide tests for the presence of cyanide, CN−
 Copper sulfate tests for presence of water
 Flame tests test for metals
 The Gilman test tests for the presence of a Grignard reagent
 The Kjeldahl method quantitatively determines the presence of nitrogen
 Nessler's reagent tests for the presence of ammonia
 Ninhydrin tests for ammonia or primary amines
 Phosphate test for phosphate
 The sodium fusion test tests for the presence of nitrogen, sulfur, and halides in a sample
 The Zerewitinoff determination tests for any acidic hydrogen
 The Oddy test for acid, aldehydes, and sulfides
 Gunzberg's test tests for the presence of hydrochloric acid
 Kelling's test tests for the presence of lactic acid
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