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Contract law encompasses any laws or regulations directed toward enforcing certain promises.

Australia contract law is primarily regulated by the 'common law', but increasingly statutes are
supplementing the common law of contract - particularly in relation to consumer protection.


The criminal law of Australia is generally administered by individual jurisdictions in the
Commonwealth of Australia. These jurisdictions include the six states, the Commonwealth, and the
self-governing territories. It is in large part a matter for the states, with only a small subset of criminal
activities reserved for Commonwealth government to prosecute.

 Australian Institute of Criminology  

The Australian Institute of Criminology is Australia's national research and knowledge centre
on crime and justice

 Crime and Misconduct Commission (Qld)  

The CMC came into existence on 1 January 2002 when the Criminal Justice Commission
(CJC) and the Queensland Crime Commission (QCC) merged to form the new organisation

 Institute of Criminology  

A centre of the University of Sydney dedicated to public education on criminal justice issues


What is a tort?
"A civil right of action arising independently of contract, restitution, crime or equity. Torts serve to
protect a person’s interest in his or her bodily security, tangible property, financial resources, or
reputation. Unlawful interference with one of these interests is redressable by an action for damages
and potential interference may be prevented by injunction. The law of torts aims to restore the
injured person to the position he or she was in before the tort was committed."
Tort. (n.d.). In Encyclopaedic Australian Legal Dictionary. Retrieved from Lexis Nexis Australia.

 WorldLII - Torts


"Administrative law is an area of law that you will need to rely on if you wish to challenge a decision
or action of a government official, department or authority. Administrative law may also apply when
the person whose decision you wish to challenge is not a government officer but is exercising "public
power" (e.g. a power granted to a person by a statute). Decisions or actions governed by
administrative law are called (in this chapter) "administrative decisions"."

Administrative Law. (2017). The Law Handbook 2018.  Retrieved

 Administrative Review Council  

The role of the Administrative Review Council ‘is to ensure that our system of administrative
review is as effective and significant in its protection of the citizen as it can be’

 Australian Institute of Administrative Law  

The AIAL was established in 1989. The principal objects of the Institute are to promote
knowledge of and interest in Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory administrative
law and to provide a forum for exchange of information and opinions on all aspects of
administrative law and administrative practices

 Adminstrative Appeals Tribunal  

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of a wide range of
administrative decisions made by the Australian government and some non-government

 Federal Court of Australia  

 WorldLII Catalog - Administrative Law  


Labour law (also called labor law or employment law) is the body of laws, administrative rulings,
and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their
organizations. As such, it mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions,
employers and employees.

 Fair Work Australia

Australia's independent national workplace relations tribunal.

 Australian Industrial Relations Commission  

 Industrial Relations Commission of Australia  

Decisions from 2000+ as selected by the Commission

 International Labour Organization  

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the tripartite UN agency that brings together
governments, employers and workers of its member states in common action to promote
decent work throughout the world

 WorkCover Queensland  
 Workplace Relations Law Library  
Workplace Relations Law Library From AustLII


Constitutional law is the body of law which defines the relationship of different entities within a
state, namely, the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

 Australia Act 1986 (Cth) 

 Documenting a Democracy: Australia's Story  

This website tells the story of Australia through the documents which give our national, state
and territory governments the right to govern.' Includes Commonwealth Of Australia
Constitution Act 1900 (UK), Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 (Cth), Judiciary Act
1903 (Cth) Australia Act 1986 (Cth),Constitution Act 1867 (Qld), Constitution Act Amendment
Act 1922 (Qld) and Australian Courts Act 1828 (UK). 

 WorldLII - Constitutional Law

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