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JIS JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Translaled end Pubkshed by Japenese Standards Association JIS B 1256 OFRI/JSA) Plain washers TOs 21.090.20, Reference number JIS B 1256 2008 (E) PROTECTS B 1256 2008 Date of Hstablishient? 1950-12-01 Date of Revision? 200545-20 Dave of Public Notice in Oficial Gazette! 2008-082 Anvectiguted by? Japunese Industrial Standavds Committoo Standards Board Technica] Committe on Machine Elements ISB 1256 2608, Fes Gglish ction published in 2008-11 ‘rone(stad anc publishes by: Japanese Slandacds Association “F124, Akasake, Minetirky, Tokyo, 107-8440. JAPAN {nthe even’ of any doubts arising as othe cane, the oeiginal JS io be the final authority. Epa penance pe Js zs specs o prs puatoa ay repre er zed pRoTkCT20 BY COPYRIGHT. FB iao6 2008 Contents Page 1 1 Seope 1 2 Normative references 2 3 Classifieation 2 4 Shape and dimensions, oduct specification and designation of produet “=~4 5 Marking 5 5.1 Making on product 5 52 Marking on paclaawe 5 Annex JA (informative) Square washers 20 Anmox JP informative) Comparison table hetwoon JIS and conesponding Injerustions] Standards aL @ eee PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT P1256: 2008 Foreword ‘This translation has been made based on che original Japanese Indus dal Standard reviowd by the Minister of Keonomy, ‘nade and Industey through éeliberations at the Japanes dards Commisice fe the result of proposal for revision of Japanaso Industrial Standarc submitted by The Japan Research Lastisuie for Seren Threads and Fas tomers (IPRD lispanose Standards Assoriation USA) with the draft bo ing altsched, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 7 of the Indus ‘vial Standardization Law applicable to the ease of revision by the p20" vision of Article U4 industrial 5 "This Standard is proparod by dividing tho text part and Amnex 1 (nom mative) of JIS B 1256:1998 and revising the Lext part 0 as Lo confor to ‘the technical contonte of corzosponding International Standards. For square washers shown in Annex 2 (informative) of 41S B 12561998. ic is selained as Annex JA (informolive). Fox Annex 1, il ie newly established ns JIS B 1250 Conaoquontly JIS B 1956°1008 ia zeplacod with thia Standard ‘This JIS document is prow sed by the Copyright Law. Attention is deawn to the possibility thas some parts of this Standard may coniiet with a patent right, application for a patent after opening te the publie, usiity model vight or application for vegintration of utility 1oGel after opening W the public which have technieal properties, The zelevast Minister and the Jepanese Industrial Standards Committee fare nat vesponsitie for identifying the patent wight. application for 9 patent after opening to the public, tility model right ae application for ‘registration of utility mudel after opening to the public which have the said teebnical propertics. «i PRoTECrED BY COLYRICKT JAPANESE INDUS RIAL STANDARD JIS B 1256: 2008, Plain washers Introduction This Japanese Tndustrial Standard has been prepared by unifying the seoond tions of ISO 7089, ISO 7090, ISO 7091. 180 7092 and 180 7094 published in 2009 and the first editions of I80 7093°1 and ISO 7033-2 published in 2000 without modifving the technical contents with respect to the corresponding items (classification, shape and dimensions, product specification and designation of product 5 however, the item (marising) not included in the corresponding International Standards is adced to tis, Standavd, ‘The portions given sidelines or dosed underlines in the text and whule Annex JA are the matters not stated in the original International Standards. 4 list of modifications wich the explanations is given in Annex JB. 1 Scope ‘This Standard specifies the circular plain washers (hereafter voforred to as “plain washers”? made of steel and stainless ateel used for bolts, eerewe and nuts of general When requining the dimensians of washers ether than thase specified in the toet of this Siondard, the reference dimensions should be selected from those in JIS B 1250 snd the talarances should be selactad from those in JIS B 1022. The saape and dimensions of square washer is shown in Annex JA as references NOTE: — The International Stondards corresponding to this Standard ave as fal lowe. 180 7088 : 2000 Plain washers 180 7090 2000 Plain washers, chamfered — Normal series — Product goaded 180 7091-2000 Plain washers — Normal senins — Produce grade G 180 7092: 2000 Plain washors — Smal? aoring — Praduct grado A ISO TOOL | 2000 Plain wasiers — Lange senios — Part 1 : Preduct grades 180 7002-2 * 2000 Plain washors Lange sore Part 2° Produce grado C Normal series — Product grade A 180 7094 : 2000 Plain wastiers — Exim large series — Product grade C (Overall evaluation MOD) In addition, symbols which denote the desree of correspondence in che contents between the relovant Internationsl Standards and JIS are ia PROPHCTED BY COPYRIGHT 2 B 1256: 2008 IT Gdontioal), MOD (meeisiod), and NEQ (not egprivalent) aceersinge to ISOMEC Guide 21 2 Normative refereaces "The following standards eontsin provisions whioh, through vofevence in this tax, constitute provisions of this Standard, The most recent editions of the standards (i cluding amendments) indiented below shall he applied, 18 B10; Tolerances for fasteners — Part 3 Plain washers for bolis,serows and ute — Product grades A and C NOTE: Corresponding International Standard : ISO 4769-3 : 2000 Tolerances for fasteners — Pare 9 Plain washers for bolts, serews and auts Product grades A and CANT) JISB 1044 Fasleners— Bcoteoplated coatings NOTE: — Comespondiag International Standard : 180 4042 * 1999 Fasceers — Biecesopiatenl coatings (DV) TIS B1048 Fasteners — Nom-eloctrolvtically applied zine flako coatings NOTE: — Corresponding International Siendard | ISO 10683 : 2000 Fasteners — Nosrefectrolvticallv applied xine fake enstins TDD JIS B 1054-1 Mechunieal properties of corrasion-resistant stainless steel fasteners Part 1 Bolts, seroms and studs NOTH: Comesponsling Internations! Standaed | ISO 8506-1 } 1897 Moshanieed properties of corrosion resistant stainlese'steel fasteners — Part 1 Boits, serews and studs UDY) JIS B 1091 Fasteners — Accoptanoa mspootion NOTE: Corresponding International Standard : 180 3269 * 2000 Fasteners Acceptance inspection DT) JIS B 1280 Plein washers sar metric bolts, serews and nuts for general purpases Genera! plan NOTR: Corresponding International Standard : 180 887 = 200 Pain washers for moteie belts, serews snd puts far genera! purposes — General plan abn TIS 7.2248 Vinkers hardness cost — Tost mecha NOTH! — Comesponsting Iwiemational Standard ISO 6507-1 : 1997 ‘Mptoitic Jaatoriale — Viekors hardaase lost — Part I Teel method OD) 8 Classification ‘The elessilication of plain washers shall be in accordance with lable & oreo PROTECTyD BY coryRIGHT ‘Tabla 1 Classifiontion of plain washers Classi [Hardness | Examples of fasteners deciable @ apply | Rangeot | Gone ration — [ears rominal | sponding iarmer | Tntorna tur tote | tional applied | Standard Baal | S00HV | — Cheasheal saw ofpropeny das 8S | LOmm [180 7092 series — orwnder or madecf stainless sec] | vee | 2000 prodiact Hioragon socket head exp serow ef prop | mm pede 2 srty clase 88 or onder ot mace of Mtuinione steel — Hoxalbbular socket nexd exp serew of property elas 8.8 ur under or made of fatness steel Cave hardened and temporod cheoas heed thresd reling serew BODTIV |= THesayon mocket read exp serew of prop srty lowe 1.9 or under — Hoalabulae aeckot hend eap serow of property elas 10 or under Nonsal | S00 HV | Hosagon heal bolt ond wevew af product | 16m | 150 708 wevice grade Asnd Bof property case RS or |vo6s | 2000) prodiact vnder mm rade a Hexagon nutof procuct grades 8 and B of property class 8 or under —Texngon bolt sensi nnd nut made of sainlonsstocl — Case hasdoned and tempered tread rolling serow OOTY sagan head bolt and sarew of product fuades A and Bof proposty class 10.0 0: nindes —Hexsgon mite pracet grades & and B of pmpery clase 19 ov under Samal | HDT] — Boland seron sfproduet grades Rand 3mm te | 150 7000 series of propartyelaae #897 sinder item | 2000 «| chun — Nut bf product grsier A'and Bb prog tered — brty clave Br under prod — Bol, sere aund nut mode of stainless grads staal Cave hardened and temperad thread selling sere TOUHY | Bok aad snow af yaoines made aad . Bot preporty class 10.9 or under = Nat of product geste & and B of prop frty class 10 9° anler Nomnal | 100 HW” |— Hexagon head foit and sarew of product | LB mms | 180 708 series — ada C of pimnerty chiss bor ender | rob | 2000 product — Hexagon nutut proce grade € pf prop | mm ead C sty claws Be under Case hasdoned and tempered thread selling serow eereeme PROTECTED BY COPrRIGHET 4 7B 1256! 2008 ‘Table 1 (eoneludod) Classi Hardest] Txampios of frtoners desitanietoanniy [Tange ot | Come cation | class ominal | sponding tame: | Intern torte be | sional applied | Standard Taras BOO HV | — Hesogon head bell aad serew of product [5 aun wv [ISO 70997 sorise grades Aond Befpropaty cloes ao [86mm | 2000 product sneer grade A — Hexagon nut of product grade A and B of pruperty lies 8 or under Hosegon bolt, sere and nut made of stainless sto Cae herclaned asd tempered thread rolling sera SOOTY |—Hessxon fend Walt wad aevew of produce prades A sid Bol property elsws 1038 or tinder Hesagon nut of product grades A and B cf property class 10 or under Ti TIRTIW [= Hexion head hols and wevewe oF prearr [mento [ISO TOOHD sores anal Cof prapsriyelass Bor under | 36mm | z0HW0 product — Hexagon nut of product grade € of prom sradeC™ envy class Scr uncer — Cave Hardened aad tempeced thread rolling sere Tatra] 00 HV | —Henagon head bal wadlacrew of predict | © aun co [1507001 lage oe aaa C of proporty class 6.8 ce uncer | 86mm | 2000 neo — Hexcgon nut of pzoduet grad € of prey- product ony thes Ber uncer grade Ce ‘Notes © Whon the damped pas? ie soft oz the doazence hele in the clamped pant fe lange, He ser thosle oherk the technica! auital Js tended thatthe washor in aed in the soft clamped part or the clesrance hole inthe lumped partie Farge Inthe Initor cunt, fhe: nulab lity of thw washer tisk aces should bo chosked. ©. Ror timber structures 4. Shape and dimensions, produet specification and designation of product ‘The shape and dimensions, product specification and designation of product of plain, washers shall ho im acenrdanen with table vaovkcian By CoPymrenr 1256 2008 ‘Teble 2 Shape and dimensions, product specification and designation of product ‘Chastfiation Shaye wd Gimension [Product [Desig Figure [Tirst [Second [eveciti | nation of ervics [eres [cation [product Siallsorioe product rade Tame 1 | wahtes | eabiod | wiles | tahiew Normal sorias-provtaer gradi & figure ® | table? | table ® | table 0 | thle 10 Nonmel series, chamfered product 5 17 | table 12 | cable 19 | table 14 son figures | table 11 | table 12 | able 1a | tle Nona arlerpodual wade © Figured | wable 18 | able 16 | wable 17 | wale 18 Tage series product gra A figuea | tableiy | vasiez | able 21 | table 22 Tange seniecpreduct rade © figure 6 [table 28 | tanle 24 | table 26 | tale 26 Batra laygp soviasrpseduet grade | figuae' | table 97 | table 28 | table 20° | table 80 5 Marking 5. Markingon product) Generally, marking on the produet of plain washer is not performed. 5.2 Marking on package ‘The following items shall be marked on the eutside surface of package. 1) Number or title of this Standard 1) Classifiestion © Nominal dimension ¥ outside diameter "of plain washer 4) Hardaess class ©) Material For the marking of matorisl, the steel grade shall he shown for plain ashors made of stainless sicel and omitted for Unose mede of atcel, in general. 1D Specitied item * 2) Quantity 1h) Name of manufacturer or its abbreviation Notes ‘The rofurenco dimencion (mus) of outside diameter shall be shown for the outside diaimater, % Fox tho spoeified itoma, type of susface troatmont and the lik ehall be sheven an required. eROTECTEN 3¥ COMYRIGHT 6 B 1256: 2008, Dimension nit: mm / Surface roughness unit yum ou = AN psa /Role ba nos (ose Higure 1 Shape of emall series product grade A ‘Table 2 Dimensions of small saries — product grade A (first choice) Unit: mm Noainald> —] Taso dnmnctar | Quaid dnmatar Thins fancier ef plain a es A washertoomi [Refer | Max [Refer] Min, [Ree] Max, [Min nal dianeter of | ence di ence di fence di trend ‘rension faension mension (nx) 2 vas | 4s. uz | o3s | aus 25. ast | 50 os | o3s | oas 7 ae Ta aR ose | 4 as | 8.00 os | 056 | ue i sas | 900 1 a1 | os ‘ wz | 11.00 us {as | 4a 8 802 | 1500 um | ae | ra 16 wre | 1809 ws | as | v4 2 127) 2009 2 22 1s 16 ar | as00 zs | ar | as Beas | aoa 7 a] at 36 3199 | joan 4 ay [oat 36 anon | area | éo0 5 se | 44 ‘Table 4 Dimensions of small series — product grade A (second choice) Uritmm Noatal dr | Taste iaacer | Oae Uer Tie Soetoro pls a ‘ f wae (noni for ie for in Ter ne iin mlimsrce [theea | fetiea | ™™ [eeu | ™ 7 ™ Bred | ron ‘enc Sensor Gn Toa) as | aad-|—aan[ 00 | ame] as} a af oawod | amar | aim ane | oe | te | inn | fas | fess | ay Pasay] see} 2 a | soo | es ww | if wean | iene sx | 8 PROTECTED RY CoPYRICAT. B 1256: 2008 Table 5 Product specification of small sorios — product grado A Material ‘Seal Stialees uel Shea grade N2FICL MCh ‘Applicable standard HS B01 Hlsrdnese aes DoH HOVE 200 Hardness range ® [00H ta 0 HW] S0DHY te #70 RY [ONY ta SOA Tolerances | Product grade A “Applicable standavd ISR 1027 Safa isa Pian washers shall be supplied in] Pian wacher= ruturel fins. When epplying ie | shall be supplied Dricant eatmentor ocher coating | in natural fish, ‘roatimen, it shall 3e mpon the tigmoement tetween the prchaser ted the supplier Requizemente for cleewoplating ao covered in JIS B 1044, — Requirements for nor eleesrolyeally ‘applied zine lake coatings aro cov red in 413 B 1048. = Pr hed tempt pe sorsbers, apprupriate plating or coating process should be empleyed To sveid hydrogen embrittertent Whom plain washors are eloetvor plated or phosphisted, ney shall be Evitaly teate! immestiarely afer Dlaviag ve quating Uo obviate densi mental hydrogen embrittlement — Alltolersaces shall apply prior to the application at plating or coating Wakassip “The suifece af plain washers shall be = free from irregularities or detrimental dateets Also, ers shall apes on baring surface, reap Acreprsnce procellire are covered 1p JIS B 1081 ‘SOME: For mosmaramant aldhanoe-aad dimensions, Nanos JN of USB 1022 shoul De He ferred. Notas) Othur matslRe matarigle shall he pan she sypeaimant betwoan the purchaser and Use supplies Relate te omen) emnposition ouly. HHandeaing and tempering shail apply 48) The bardzo toxt hal bo in wecurdare with JIS Z 2244 Relerence dimension of tickness 10.6 mun test force HV 2 Reference dimension of thickness 0.8.< 4219 mm ‘test force HV teat fren TV 90 Referens dimwnsion of thickens _Ih>1.2 ‘Table Designation of emall sarioe-product grade A [Bkanple 1 [Wrodier | Nominal Giamnrter 7S, Rartnere dase 200 HV, plam wacker ] Suna series produel grade A made sto Designa’ Plain washer of small series — JIS B 1258 — 180 702 — 8 — 900 tone | HV product wade A CBkample D [Trodiet | Nominal Giameter d= Simm, Kasdnoss dace 200 TW, tel rade AD, plait waver of staall yes oduct vo A race of susie toe) Designa’ | Plain washer of small series JISB 1956 180 702 8 200 tune [HV AZ product genta A, NOTE! — Figure 7 and table @ to table 6 are identical with ISO 7092 1000. coeetopee en PRoveCrED BY CoPyRIGHT 8 B 1958: 2008 Dimension unit: man Srface riughinecs weit pm nes (fats Z| WEA Jol seca V boy = v Figure 2. Shape of normal series-product grade A Tai" 7 Dimensions of normal serios-product grade A (rst choice) Unit iam Tonite Taide diameter [Owais dinmactor Thitknew Drseter of pin a bs i Washer tnoml-. [Refer — Max, [Refs] Min, [Refer] Wax.) Min ral diameter of | enve di ence di crea threat 2 mensien, rosie mmonsion (Guin (Gass) 7 7 +9 a7 a3} as] 035 m0 so | an ma | oss | aay 4 270, o | 33 03 oss Pat er 30 soo | xsi | os | as a0 wow | ats | 1 wa TE] WRT] Te TF 5.40 ten | sat | Ls Ls 10.50 gone | iss 22 TEA Pa | ae 37 Ln00 sooo | geas | 3 aa 230 aro | dete | 33 Zao Th] aie | 1 no seoo | cee | 4 43 ano fen | ee |S. En ip 750] es) 8 = Saino oxo | coe | 8 © no aso | ase ap n 70.00 uso | nas | in a Table 8 Dimensions of normal seviesproduct grade A (second choice) Unit! mm Nawinala Taide Gamat | Ovteide diameter THe ameter of plsin é h i ‘shahor taben= [Rata —) Max Rat — | Miia) Rater ax Ti Paldiamerer of | ence di ene di fae a head a thensien ences thoneion ‘Guin Cine) Tt ere] os roo | x21 | anon | ais | 2a isno | ioe [ton | age |! zn | 25.18] a0] a8. | ax | gee | soon | as | 2 ito_| ies | on a 5 roa = e i800 | ane 6 5 sono | aza x 6 5 temo_| eat | ain e | ow PROTECTED RY COPYRIGHT 9 B 1256: 2008 ‘Table 9 Product specification of normal sories-product grade A Nate Bleed Srsinlers el Beet grade 9 AZEICL MCh Tniiaie saver TIS 10507 eckanieal| Hanbness class oT Boo 200 TV beoportics [Hloniness range [ SOOTIV to ADO TV] TOD HV te STOTIW] B00 TV to 300 TT Talermees [Profic: grit i Applicat sta HSB 102, Surface Fie Plain washers aha! be rupphied ie | Plein washers natued! finish. When applying la" | shall be supplied Drisant toatmiont oxcther coating | in netuval finizh treatment shall he apon the geome bates thar prea aud the supplier — Requirements for electroplating se covered in JIS B 1044. -Recuitemnts for nonalectroytioally ssppliel zine Make evatings are cov Shad in JTS 1046, Forbardened aud eayered glain ‘washors, appropriate plating or ‘eating praens shoul he empleyed la avoid hydengen embrtiloment When plain washers are electro, plated or phospasted, they shall he Sully ented immediately alee Dlating or coating to abst dese meatal hydrogen embrittlemen, —Alltelorances shall appiy prior to the eppliation of plating or coating [Watmannp The su¥ace of pain Washers shall he = free from invegtlasitien or detrimental doers. Also no burrs shall appent on beorng srfaces ‘Reena Anvetanse provers are covered ip aTS TORT NOTE, For TpIsuFemeM of shades and dumeusions, Almex JA oF IS B 1072 shoud De Fe fered. ows Other metallic muerials shall be upon the syreeeent between she purchaser smd the supplies Relatet to chemical composition oly 8) Hardening and tempering shall pay » The hasduces seat shall be ut aosordance with JIS % 2244 Reference dimension of thickness 7=D.6 mm. test force HV 2 Reference dimension of thickness 0,0 Je 1.2 mm! teat force HV 19 Koverenen dimension af thickness > 1 2.mm test faree HV SG ‘Table 10 Designation of normal series~product grade A Trample? | Progr] Nominal damater d= 8am, haniness sas D0 1TV, pinin washer oF onal sexien product grado A made of stot] Dasigha= | Plain washer of normal series — JTS B 1258 —TSO 7089 — ¥— S00 tion | HV— product grade A Teample2 | Produet | Nominal dinietsr a= © vam, bardacer cais 200 HV, seal geade AZ, plun washer of pormal series product grade A made of tains sie] Doagaar | Plain washor af remal vercn JIS B 12561807089 § 00 don AV Ag" product grado A NOTE: — Figure 2and tablo 7 to cable 10 are idontiesl with ISO TORS 2000) CRO Tere sr ComeGrE 10 B 1286: 2008 Diwonsion unit ana Surface roughness wnt um / - Vy t nea ZA. fs de at] t/a) sense “60s ie Figure 3 Shape of normal series, chamfered-product grade A ‘Table 11 Dimensions of normel sorioe, chamfered product grade A (frat choise) Unit mm Nominald> [Trade diameter) Outside diamater Thienese tumcter of plain e Ai ‘washer (nami- |Befae | Minx | Rafi] Min [Rater] lax [Min hal dismeter of [ence di nee a ‘enee ci || Sheed a rension tmoneien ponsion ain.) nas) z BD 100 7 5 eo 1200 1 2 S40 100 Le 1 ain 2 2 2400 a6 1s si.b0 3 i 20 27.00 3 a oss | son 4 30 atao_| 5.00 4 7 ¥F BaD 5 2 482 @ 48 sua s 3 aert 70 é wot uae | io. ‘Table 12 Dimensions of normal series, chamfered-product grade A (second choice) Unie: ae Nomiaal di Tide diameter) Cate tinal Thicke ameter of plain a. @ i ‘washer inami= [Tater | Mag] Bele] Min | Wete= —) Via] in baldiameter of | ence di ence di ace dk thread nersion mensien mension Gain Kore) 17 TET FRO a a z 18 iso | 19.35 | 3400 3 38 2. oe geno | pas | avon 3 33 2 a zag [28.38] 5000 a Te 3% 2 gene | ate | ang 5 56 4 30 zo | 1302 q 6 re 8 o Ts.00 [asa] — BD 5 e 7 Be seu | 3674 | 930 5 9 fi weno | ae | 00 10, 0 se PROTECTED BY COLYRIGHT ul B 1256: 2008 ‘Table 18 Product sporification of normal series, chamfored-produet grade A Matera Teal Biainloes eal] " Beecl grado Ag LCT Aa C4 “Appieatie canara = SW GsaT ostanieal [ Hariness cass OAV, EO on AY propertice [rardnos range | 200 HV 307 AY | 909 HY to STO HV OOH w 507 He Tolbramces [Product wrace, x ‘Appliat le stata ISB 1052 Beataoa Raa Plain washers hall be wapplica ia nnaruval finish, When applying ls. bricant westment ar other seating froatmont it chullbeupon the agreement betwoon the purchaser fad the suppicn, —Roquirsimants for electroplating are covered in 1S B 1044 Requisements for non electaoytically ssppled sine lake cossings s76 60" tore i JIS B 1036, or hascened and tempered plain washers, appropriate plating or coat I process nuould be eiployed ta avoid hyceegsa omibetilomont When plam washers are electro piste or phumpliated, Usey sill be fuilably treated ininediataly af plating or coating to obviste det mental hydreyer embrittlement —Alltelerancen shall apply prive te ‘he application of plating or evating Plain warbers stall be supplied Jn natural finish. Workmanship The surface of plain washers shall be free fam ivogulastion or docrimmental Gefects. Also, no bums shall appear on Ibsaving surfaces keaapay Acwaplanes procedure am coved a TE EIDE, NOTE Fortieasarementor shapes and dimensions. Annex 4A of JIS B 102d should bere fcr Solos Gther imotallie materials shall be upon the eyrecment between tho purwbacor and tite supper. Reiuted i cherical composition only 9 Hardening and tempering shall apy © ‘The harduess ves: shall be bn accundance with JIS Z 224. Reference dimension of thickness = 1-2 man test foree TV 10 Refsrenen dimension ofthickness_/> (2mm fest fares HW M0 Table 14 Designation of normal serice, chamfered product prada A Trample? | Product | Nominal diameter d= 8 aim, hardinese clean 200 sofrormal orios, chumlorod press grado A roads of seca! TV, pain washer 7090 "5.200 HV product grade. Designation | Plan washer af narmal senies, chamfered — oI8 B 1256 — 180 Buamplo2 | Product | Neminal diamelar AY, plain washer of normal series, chamnered made of sexiness steel rum, hardncee clase 800 HIV, steal grade pradinct grace A, 00) 2a) FIV AZ pres grade A Designation [Plan washer of normal sovics, chamlorod — JIS 1386 150 NOTE: Figure Sand table 11 w cable 14 gre identical with TSO 7080 : 2000, PROTECTED RY COPYRIGHT ir] 7B 1256: 2008 a =| oa. Figure 4 Shape of normal series-product grade C ‘Table 18 Dimensions of normal serias-product grade C (five: choice) Unie: an Nontaal dr Traida dinmatar | —Dataida iamatar ameter of plain ai ‘ ‘easher (noma [Talim —) Nase] Tatar Tin | Wate] Mine) Fal dinmeter of | ence di ene di ene uk thread a mnonsicn ‘measion mension ‘nin ‘imax TR 07] 35a 240 500 we | os 20, sion | 528 | os a 70} a1] an ue go] si | as a, soo _| 94 4 5.60 wo | oe | 16 sou aso | 1s 16 H.00, ono | gt 2 Ta. 20) 7 [3a 1790 oo | ust 2 22°00 mo | daa 3 2600 HO [#22 4 38.00 sso | Sal 4 aw eo | eet 5 % 70] a 5 an | asa | mo | soe | 8 seo | siz fase | wes | wo 12 oo | 712 | uso [use | to ie} ‘Table 16 Dimensions of normal series product grade C (aecond choice) Unie: aa Nominal di Tanide dinraeter | Outside diameter "Thisknens| fameter of plain a & h washer (omi [Refer | Mam Bin [Beker] Max] Nie zal diameter of | ence once i thread mension mension mension nin tina) a 20 ta} 80 oF ae ors uw 1350 | 139s | 280 25 28. 2 as zooo_| vos | so | ze 3 3 2 OP Dano] 2130] a0 | sr 2 36 BA 2 so. soo | ama 4 6 Ba an a6 oo | nat 5 6 H m @ 70] Tor € 7 3 2 8 wo | ozs | os Bs 5a 560 oso | eas | os 63. i nen_| a2 | noo [wis | io ss. enepsngnetmora ne PROTECTED BY COPYRIGAT. ie B12N6: 2008 Table 17 Product specification of normal series-produet grade C Nata Stee Mechanical | Hardness Too WV propertion | Hardnoss range TODAY to 200 HV Tolbranses | Product gle € ‘Applicable standard TSE 10 Sarface Finish, =Tlain washers shall be supplied iv natural finish When applying nbrieant trastment or other coating ‘treatment, it hall he upon the spreement between the purchaser and Uhe supplier. — Requirements for oloetreplating ure coversd in JIS B. 1044. Requirements for nox-eloctrolytically applied zine flake coatings are covered 1m IS B 1046, = All twierancen shall apply prior to the applicntion of platingree contin Workmanship The surfave of plnm Washors shall be Ireo am irrea lacitios ox dotziracutal defects. Also, wo buirs shall appear om honving snxfnees Aaceptabiite Acceptance procedure are ewvered wa JIS BIOBT NOE: Foe iaeamnenneon oben and dimensions, Anes A ofS B 1092 shoul ia ce forced Notes ® Other metalic materials shall be upon he agrecment between the purchaser an the supplier 1 The hve test shal hein accordance with JTS Z 2244 Reference dimension of thickness 0.6 mm test force HY 2 Rolerenee dimoneion af thicknest 08 <4 1.2 mm twat foree HV 10 Koferenes dimension af thickness > L2 mm ‘tes forew HV 30, Table 18 Designation of normal series—product grade C Fxanple | Pradust | Nominal dimmctor 7=® mim, haninom lass 100 AV, plata washer f of normal sevies product grace C made of steel Designation | Plain waster of rormal neries — #18 B 1256 — 150 7001 — 8 — 100 HW — prodvet grate C NOTE: — Figure 4 and tanle 16 %0 table 18 ave identical with ISO 7081 : 2000. PROTECTED BY COPERIGHT “4 B 1256 2008 Dimasnsion unit man Surfnee reuginess unit 3mm ps9 “ (ea Vr acnse 40, te 36 Figure 5 Shape of large sarioe-product grade A ‘Table 19 Dimensions of large series-product grade A (first choice) Unit mm Nonna dr Triide diameter] Outside diamever This sumelee af plain a es ‘ ‘sisher (nomnis| [Rafa —] Maz | Refs] — Min] Reto] Mess] tm aa diameter of | ence ai exee ti ence a thread d mension mension mension nin) (ra) 7 20) aes | 300 | Si] 08 oF 4 tao | 4s | azo0 | aust | a 09 4 sao_| sas | ison | vse | a og 6 6.82 18 1a 8 S62 2 1s w 107 2 2a 1 7 3 27 1s iat a 27 an vias | non | poe | a ai 2 zeaz | 720 | 13 3 4a MD aaa | oxo | one | 6 A 6 sacz | oo | ss | 5 7 Table 20 Dimensions of large series product grade A (second choice} Unie: Neminal d Inside diameter | Outside diameter Thicke aera of plain a & h suaher (nemsi= [Hat Max. [Ral] Min. Rafer [Max] iain sa diamnetor af | ence di: nee ti bee thread d mension tucusicn mension Cin) Gea) a 70 Tat} 98] 0S a9 [07 hae atno | azaa | 3. as | 27 e.0o | ivan | seoo | ss26 | 4 aa | az ysu0 | Zsaz | 660) 6hs [> 36] 4a suoo | 3esz | sso | sss | 6 oo | 3a seo | seco | so | ms | 6 es | 54 stein, beoreeTHD By corynicnT b 1256! 2008 ‘Table 21 Product specification of large savies product grade A Natesial™ Eteal Etainlese ste] Soot ara = ADFICI Aa C4 Xppleable seradaed = Tis BIORET Wevkanieal | Hardce class Sav | ao Ve 200 HV properties | Hrrdnass range 3OTHY ie SOTA [SAV to O70 AV [DOO HV to ROA Tolerances [Product sais x Applieable standard TIER 1023, Suartave Piel Tian washers shall he supplied iv] Plain washers ‘pavural finish. When applying lw" | shall be supplied bbnieant treatment or athey coating | in natural Hmish treatment tse be upon she sureenent hetwwen the pushonse fad the supplier — Reqsrements for electroplating are teers in dS B 1044, Requirements for non-electrolst cally applied zine Aghe coatings aze fverat nll 1086, Por hardeaed atd teaspered plain washers, appropriate plating 0° coating procese chotld be employed Twaveid hydrogen embnittioment When plain washers ate lectto plated oy phosphate, they shall he Fuilably brated irnaneats lle plating cr eating to obviate deter nental hydrogen enbrttloment = All toleranese shall apply prior to tho application of plating oy contheg [Workman The survace of ylain washers shall be = fee Irom irregularities or detrimental detoots, Also, na ture shall appear on Deaving surfacrs Recent Areopb nes promiira are covered iS TOST NOTE... For WeMURMenL Of SMapes sued Cimeusions, Annex JA of JIS B OTE show De Re ferret ows Other metalic material's shull be upun the agreement between the puachsser xed the supplier © Related to cremical composition only. 8) Hordening and tempertyeshall apply. Tho hardrive tos shall be ia accacdauco wich JIBZ 2244, Refavence chmension of thickness "(0.6 412mm :test farce HV 16 Reference dimension of thickness A 1 30 ‘Table 22 Designation of large series~product grade A Tiearapla | Pract | Nominal Taranto T= 8 mim, Rardaman ean 300 11V pada wash of lunge series product yraue A unade of ses] Dasignatioa | Plain washor of large sarios — JIS B 1158 — ISO 70981 — = 200 MV pratuet grade A Banpl2] Predust | Nominal Gametsy d= 8 mu, hardnoss dsos 200 HV, sical grade A, plain washer of large series product grade A made of stainless steel Dasigeatios [Plain wasbor of nego wories JIG E 1266 180 7095-15 200 HW Az product grade A. NOTE: — Figure 5 and table 19 to table 22 are identical with 180 7089-1 + 2000. PROTECTED BY COPFRIGHT 16 B 1256 2008 Figure 6 Shape of large series product grade © ‘Table 28 Dimensions of large series-product grado C (First choice) Unit: man Nominal Trade diameter | Outside Farmater Theme ameter of pia 4 eb A wwusher comi- [Refer | Max, [Refer] Min, [Refer] Max.) Min, nal diametsret | ence di conse di ence di thread d mension mension mension Gain.) Gass) 7 30 ca os Ta 1 4 wo | 109 1 12 Ds. i iso | ise 1 12 os. 6 Tso | ine 18 To Ts 5 gaa | ane 2 2 re a0 soo | 267 25, Bg 23 1 a 7 a 2a 16 500 a 3 a4 20 00 4 4s a cn 260 ma a0. 3 6 1 a0 aa soo | ana |G i Hi 26 39 uoo [aoe | 8 92. 5a. ‘Table 24 Dimensions of large series ‘product grade C (second choice) Unis! mm Neminal dé “inside diameter | Outaide diameter ‘Thiekmere ameter of plain a. a. h swteher (oarsi= [ater Max. | Teter a Max] Min paldiametorel | nee di ence di: ence di thread mension mension mension Gan) Gon.) ae Bo 110 oo [oe to [08 u 1550 uo | ae a an 2a 1s zono | 2ns2 | sao | 94 4 a 34 2 za | zasa | 500 B11 ° ° 4 sooo | asa | sso | ses | 6 1 5 3 vi | aso Laos | 6 z 5 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGH Table 25 Product specification of large series-produet grade C ae Steal ‘Mechanical | Hardness cans Too HV proportion | Hardness ringe™ TOO RV 10 200 AV ‘Tolerances [Prochat grade t Applicable siandan TSR OZ Surface fish Plain washers shall be supplied in natural finish Whoa applying lubricant trextmant ar ther casting trentment, it shall be upon the kgreeren: between the purchases and dhe supplies. Requirements far eleetraplating ars covsred ix JIS B. as. Roquiromonis for non-alecteolytically appliod zine flake coatings are covered in JIS B TMG, Alltolerances shall apply prior to the application of plating or coating Workmanship The surtace of plain washers shall bo irce Irom irene Intites or detrimental defects, Also, no busts shall ap pear en bearing surfaces Aevepeabiiy Acceptance prosedure are RaeT mn JIS BTL. ‘NOT: or maa comenl osha ase dimensions, Ante JD, of IS 1022, should baie fe Notes" Other metallic materials shall be upow the agreomont between the purchaser and the supplier. 1) The nardness test shall be in accondance with IIS % 2244 eferenes dimension of thickness 0.0 < J1= 1.2 mm test force HV 19 eferenes dimension of thickness > 1.2 mm’ test fre HV 30 Table 26 Designation of large series-produet grade C Example [Product | Nominal diameter d= 8 usu, hardness class 160 HV, plain washer el lange serion product grade C msde af stecl Designation | Plain washer of larze series — JIS B 1206 — 180 70952 — 10) TV product grade C NOPE: — Figure 6 and table 23 to txble 26 are identical with ISO 7093-2 : 2000. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 18 B 1286: 2008 oa, ae [Ei *| Figure 7 Shape of extra large soriosproduct grado C Table 27 Dimensions of extra large series: product grade C (Girat choice) nit am, Nominal d Taside Gameter | Ouiaide diameter Thickness smatar of plain fa de A washer Inari [Rar Max [Rates| iin | Ree vas] Min nal iamever of | cuce di cence di cence dt thew ob mension tonion rension ‘nin ‘anax.) 3 35 180 z 1 6 ano 220 2 vn 5 8.00 280 5 24 10 71.00 0 3 at 2 13.5% 40 4 aa 16 560 5 4 30 0 o 7 4 850 5 é a0. sa_| 50. 6 4 Ea oD 60 8 ow ‘Teble 28 Dimensions of extra largo serios product grade C (second choice) mit mm Nomina dF Taide diameter | Outside Glameter Trieenene melee of plain 4 a be ‘washer inomi-_ [Rafer] Max] Refes | Mim. [Rates] Wings] — Mi nal diamecer of | ened: ence i ence ai thaeed 3 tension mension mension {min (unix) cn 150 | ana | a9 | aa | a 7 Ta 18 soar | 6a | cal 5 6 ¢ 2 gaa | suo | ie 6 4 5 37 war [oso [ase [6 7 » Bn ” uso | ms | s 4 6s PROTSCTED BY COPYRIGHT Tablo 29 Product spocification of oxtva large sorios- product grado C istered Bieel ‘Mechanical | Harinow daa To AV, properties _[ Hardness range™ TROY to 200 BV “Tolerances [ Product grade c ‘Applicable standard ISB 10a Suefave Friel Plain wachers shel! bo suppliod ix naturel Finish. When anplving lnbrieant treatment or other coating rentiment, statall ie wpon Hie agreement betaveen te purchaer and the supplier — Requirements for elestroplatiny are cov Los. — Reeuiroments for nan-slactrlytically applied nine lake soatings are covered in JIS B 1048. — Mitelersncss shall appl prior to the appliontion of plating or on ting Worlemanship The surface of plain washers shall be reo from Inegulart tise or dataimeneal éofoste. leo, no bases ehall spose ca bearing safaces ‘Asceplanee procure are covered In JIS B 1091 cn. and Siewenions, Anas JA of TIS B A028, should be in ISB Aovepeabiiay NOTE. Furcmmaauats ferret. Notes Other iaelallic materials sball be ugoa che agi the supplier © The haxrlness test shall be in accordance with JTS Z 2244. Tefernee dimension of thicknosa 3 1.2 mm i tovt fore HV 90 nent botwoon the purchaser aud ‘Table 90 Designation of extra large serice—product grade C Taample | Product] Nominal diame d= Taam, hana cast 100 of extm lange sericn product grade C made of sloel Designation | Piain washer of extra Inrge series — IS B 125 = 100 HY = product grade C TV, pala waar 180 7088 — NOTE: Figure 7 and table 27 to tuble 30 ave identical with I8O 7094 : 2000, ia PROTECTED BY COMYRIGHT 20 7B 1256: 2008 Annex JA (informative) Square washers Introduction "This Annex is to show the shape and dimensions of square washers specified in JIS B 1256 1978, and nor to constivute the provisions of this Standard 4A. Shape and dimensions “The shape and dimensions of square washer shall be in accordance with table JA.L ‘Table JA1 Shape and dimensions of square washer az L Displacement of hole (a ~ 8) / 5 a] el / \ (te 100 Unit: nn Taya Tae ae hime) REP Tater RRP] Tater PM. TREY Ter [ter] Ter Nas | Tey TT sien ‘ine ‘tinea| dimen imnen we} a MeL | ts * sa 07 ae] =i 16 wp apie Ts -1s 52, rm Ea ee ae e | 0a [ote] ae TISr a} OF Tee ots so] 19 Te oof | 0 ta 43 Be | car oa [38 e a & ar a z a a ea ce aH] 22 =a at % ara ie © a] 1a oT a a iw] 5 TRUE: The pmsl lamoler i pac hes TOU po TOUS enops nner se PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2008 56 Bi pont § ‘on sen PUL es 409 5B semmomoaaony jeonmuncor naa | winery| swogronunis | odors: | eam ost| evpraumiteromg| atosi| 2 ry 5 orempante rm | AyeonmaNNerMT oe senna 2 = a apo AE g irons wonnep E DN) sie rf = 01 O81 006 = 6602 o8t vopmtd md 0h: LEBL OSL ‘7G OCR 92 OS speed inna s2grc mma sono ert OE 6904 OST sengen os SOO: 9B SIC SpLEpUBIS [EUOIIEUIIU] BuIpundse1ico pUE SIF HaBssTEG eIGE] LOSHIEMWOD @AHEULOWUD HP xOUUY Pg spar ameore oye pioue ‘He an cot resp sso aE TES oper pred Sonne renee sxoyees omer ols + 1600. 0st po sprann a@eat wey aus ‘somvn po pee se03 renuprey yo sure spina oe pagers scopes ge tio e0e ost ap svomrennssary oon aang nae Poop ang sts ue gp Hava Hees 2008 popes mene suru susan ¢ Bisse 2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 23 2008 Dies aires sreaw 93 es espe —ysie gorse pet 08 PUN A 008 Fev aH C pay ENP yepen pet Tauve e200 2 eno stoyoeon ota | ang os Pa PNP oiwos | $600 08 mp ae scl | Sy eonseeeL eoreia | gmc secteuy pomeoa amy [RED BRUPENS PRE prmporis pes sepnnaop pepo sncnanaineliany ‘ees Sansa emNO EOE (4) ob Bee nee srewsersemboarcm | 9") super susenaton PROTBCTED BY COFYRICHT 4 #2008 Bass spent gerd rjc wena et ‘AH oot steep ceospane ps wep ous roped sou sont ws 16 a oy esa: qe ae pose siesejo su prey spy ye opest saps memeenen syesa ad teat co 504 081 Ost oy fousiuy aes pue gipussitey orsgo seep pus wmonseee( say paspusagjruouewcerey ‘y soveaialent PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 2 Biz56: 2008 20 omy spovomeys eae y602 O81 enn. ost 260. ost 5008 081 Teo: 051 602 O81 5802 O81 onyes pepe uossamp puvadiys so woes any puv ae so qomepn omen 0h sir sm yoo ase pp son ere 000 O31 080 sr E50, ost 600 OSI 1600 O81 600 Ost 800 O81 popes ane spam 1m OST rane 9 dopuannana sates Te minors enmnnenny ¢ aro ane aE omsungn 6 o24F OST ‘pynnt ane somo gate se samo pes meiny Ror pr nrwnromene ooeane Spay med sage sony comp APA ree Penmos step Tue GoRToMNERET ip sao seer parpenis Ton 00 (11) sper moana PROTICHED BY COPYRIGHT GOH O00 2 OST one e802 OST o00%: T-e6CL OSI “2: K60u OR 0c: N60! Ot ‘9eNe KBD4.ORN eDeUHLAS ToLETOKIPMA puW SIP LaBHTeg SNEpCNEAL > 560% OSI OPEN (oormeenere) - — — = = = ange aamns | yrs bpp ano perganes sy aw Hapa 9a sry seed a seo oj Sxpesony | anges uo BarQoRy connor paw onronten Fore] Renn pages “ sequen | ows spovoueye aan aden 30 yu: payors qeuogeura | ssaa saprwat poe | nab weseagpeds | oat 2008 PROTECTED RY COPYRIGHT weonge nea vente) suse reer Ey Sra 5 pospoens pees pospuens pucauiwpos wacyior | euina) oes yuu spp eo wamyresoysy | poussee ee Wear ati sia 26 Bisse 2008 Bisse. {CED RY COPYRIGHT PRO “sprupuryg puoHEUND INT SOHPDOTY : CON — femoqyey &” t jod894409 Jo oa.t5ap panwussap quay 09 a4 WE SpA LON eon 1 SIE UaaMteg aot} PAUpUsg [BUBREWO}U] UE PogA|UT YOU OLE YPrYaL (S}]UDHUOD 40 (SOW UOAUSYDaEIs OU SPY: HOI wey — syu0}z00 PORE UE VOT | [OHUIPT stoquiss 1 SLLON sSmoyloy $8 01801 yg Wostsnetuiad aq a aen wo 4G oul GSI Na Eab0L OSI NT 1.260 O81 NS E60" O81 NA T6OL OSI NYE OO! 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