JIS B 1180-2004 Hexagon Head Bolts and Hexagon Head Screws

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JIS JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD Translated and Published by Japanese Standards Associaton JIS B 1180-2 (JFRI/JSA) Hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2s 1B 1180: 2004 ‘nas boca made based on the original Japanese Industrial Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry through deliberations atthe Japanese Indostril Standards Comnitoe, as the result ‘of propo! for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard submitted by The Japan [Research Insitute for Serew Thresds and Fasteners JFRD/Japancse Stazdards [Astociation (JSA) with the draft being attached, based on the provision of ‘Avice 12 Clause 1 the Industrial Standardiaation Law applicable tothe case “trovision by the provision of Artie 14. Cansequeatly JIS 3 1180-2001 Is replaced ith this Standard In order to conform to the International Standards, the revision has boon prepared based oa ISO 4014: 1990 Hevagon heed bolte-Product grades A and B-180 4016 1079 Hexagon heed bolts~-Product grade BReduced shank (hank diameter approsimately qual to pitch diameter), 180 4016 1909 Hagen ead bale-Product grade C, 180 4017 1009 Hesagor head sere Product grodes A and B, 180 4018: 1000 Hexagon head sorews—Product grade C°IS80 46 1999 Hexagon head ser with mati fine ptchthread—Product ‘grades A and B and 180 8765-1990 Hexagon oad belts ith metric fne pitch thread Product grades A and B. ‘Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts ofthe Standard may ‘Gonfit with a patent right, appeaton fra patent ater opening to the pub ‘tility model right r application for registration of uility model after opening tothe publie which have technical properties. The relevent Minister and the Japanese Industrial Standards Committe aro not responibe for identifying the patent right, application for patent ser opening to Ube publi uty Imodel right or application for registration of wulity model after opening to the publie which have the said techaleal properties. Date of Establishment: 1961.09.01 Date of Revision: 2004-09-20 Date of Public Notice in OMeial Gazette: 2004-08-22 Investigated by: Japancee Indvstrial Standarde Commitce Standard Bosrd ‘Technical Committee on Machine Elements JIS B 1180:2004, First English edition published in 2008.07 “Translated and published by: Japanese Standards Association "E428, Akasaka, Minato-ks Tokyo, 107 840 JAPAN, Inthe event of any doubts arising a othe contents, he original Ise tobe the final author. See reverend Unt other PROTECTED BY cOPTRIGHT B 1180: 2008 Contents Page Introduction = 1 1 Scope. ee 1 2 Normative references... fences 3 Types, 5 1 4 Shapes and dimensions, product specification and designation 5 5 Marking — 5.1 Marking on products. ee 52 Marking on packages so.s0ssn 5 Annex I (normative) Hexagon head bolts not based on 180 4014 vo 180 4018, 180 8676 and 180 8765. Gd ‘Annex 2 (informative) Comparison table botween JIS and corresponding Taternational Standard a O JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL STANDARD JIS B 1180; 2004 Hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws Introduction This Jepanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the third edition of 180 4014: 1989 Hezagon head bolts—Product grades A and Bt pb lished in 1999, the frst edition of I8O 4015 1979 Hexagon head bolts—Product grade B—Reduced shank (ehank diameter opproximataly equal to pitch diameter) published {m 1979, the third edition of 80 4016: 1999 Hexagon head bolts—Product grade C, 180 4017: 1999 Hexagon heed serews—Product grades A and B, ISO 4018 : 1999 ZHesa {gon head screws—Product grade C published in 1999, the second editions of ISO {8676 : 1999 Hesagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread-—Product grades A ‘and B, and ISO 8765: 1909 Hexagon head bolts with metre ine pitch thread Product grades A and B published in 1999, by integrally editing corresponding parts thereof Ghapes and dimensions, product specification and designations) without modifica ton in technical contents, ‘The hexagon head bolts notin accordance with ISO 4014 to ISO 4018, ISO 8676 and 180 8765 are specified in annex 1 with clarified torm of withdrawal. 1 Scope This Standard species the hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws made of steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals, If there are any requirements ‘other than the dimensions and product speificaton spocfied in this Standard, those requirements should be selected from, for example, JIS B 0205-4, JIS B 0209-1, JIS B 1008, JIS B 1009, JIS B 1021, JIS B 1051 and JIS B 1054-1, Remarks 1 Hexagon head bolts not in sccordance with the text of this Standard shall be in accordance with annex 1 (normative) 2 The International Standards corresponding to this Standard are as follows. {In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence {in the contente between the relevant International Standards and ‘JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISOMTEC Guide 21. 180 4014: 1998 Hexagon head boltsProduct grades A and B (MOD) 180 4015: 1979 Hexagon head bolts—Produet grade B—Reduced ‘shank (shonk diameter approximately equal to pitch diameter) OD) 180 4016: 1999 Heragon head bolts—Product grade C (MOD) 4180 4017: 1999 Hesagon head screws—Product grades A and B (top) TSO 4018: 1999 Hexagon head serews-Product grade C (MOD) 180 8676: 1999 Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread — Product grades A and B (MOD) 180 8765: 1999 Hezagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread— Product grades A and B (MOD) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2 1180 2004 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through ‘reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. ‘The most recent tiitions of the standards (including amendments) indicated below shall be applied JIS B 0143 Symbols and designations of dimensions for threaded fasteners Remarks ; 180 225 : 1983 Fosteners—Bolts, serews, studs and nuts—Symbols ‘ond designations of dimensions is equivalent to the seid standard 31S B 0205-2 ISO general purpose metric serew threads—Part 2 : General plan Remarks: 180 261 : 1998 JSO general-purpose metric serew threads —General plan i identical with the said standard, JIS B 0205-4 180 general purpose metric screw threads: Remarks: 180 724: 1995 150 general-purpose metric serew threads—Basie di ‘mensions is identical with the said standard. Part 4: Basie dimen 18 B 0209-1 180 general purpose metric serew threads—Tolerances—Part 1 Principles and basic data Remarks; 180 966-1 : 1998 [SO general-purpose metric serew threads—Tot frances Part I: Principles and basic data is identical with the said standard HIS B 0251 Limit geuges for metric serew threads Remerks ; ISO 1602: 1996 1SO general-purpose metric screw threads—Gauges ‘and gouging is equivalent to the said standard. 518 B 0601 Geometrical Product Specification (GPS)—Surface texture: Profile Imethod-—Terme, definitions and surface texture parameters Remarks: 180 4287: 1997 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)—Surface lexture Profile method —Terme, definitions and surface texture ‘parameters is identical with the said standard. JS B 0661 Geometrical Product Specification (GPS)—Surface texture: Profle method Nominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments Remarks ; 180 9274 1996 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)—Surface texture Profile method-—Nominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments is identical with the said standard. IS B 0650-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)—Surface texture: Profile mnethod ; Measurement standarde—Part 1: Material measures Remarks: 180 5496-1 2000 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)—Surface texture: Profile method ; Measurement standarde-Part 1: Material ‘measures is equivalent to the said standard, JS B 1008 Fasteners—Ends of parts with external ISO metric thread Remarks: 180 4753 : 1999 Fasteners—Endes of parts with external ISO met rie thread is identical with the said standard, [51S B 1006 Thread run-outs and thread undercuts for external threaded fasten: provecreD BY corYmiciT 3 1B 1180: 2004 Remarks: 180 3508: 1976 Thread run-outs for fasteners with thread in ac- cordance with 180 261 and ISO 262 is equivalent to the said stan- Sere. JIS B 1008 Bolte, serews and studs—Nominal lengths, and thread lengths for ‘general purpose bolts Remarks: 180 888: 1976 Bolts, serewe and studs—Nominal lengths, and thread lengths for general purpose bolts is equivalent tothe said standard JISB 1021 Tolerances for fastenere—Part 1: Bolts, screws, stude and nute— Product grades A, Band C Remerks: 180 4759-1 : 2000 Tolerances for fastenere-—Part 1 Bolt studs and nute—Product grades A, B and C is identi standard. MIS B 1041 Fasteners—Surface discontinuities —Part 1 : Bolts, screws and studs Jor general requirements Remarks: 180 6187-1: 1988 Fasteners—Surface discontinuities—Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs for general requirements is identical with the said standard. JIS'B 1044 Fasteners—Electroplated coatings Remarks: 180 4042: 1999 Fasteners—Blectroplated coatings is identical with the said standard, JIS B 1046" Fasteners—Non-electrolytically applied zine flake coatings Remarks: 180 10688: 2000 Fasteners—Non-electrolytically applied zine flake coatings is identical with the said standard. JIS B 1051 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon see! and alloy see Part 1 Bolts, screws and studs Remarks: ISO 898-1 ; 1999 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of car bn stel and alloy stel—Part 1: Bolts, screws and stud is ident. cal with the said standard JIS B 1054-1 Mechanical properties of corvosion-resistant stainless-steel fasten ers—Part 1 Bolts, serewe and studs Remarks : 180 8506-1 : 1997 Mechanical properties of corroion-resistant sain less-stee fasteners-—Part 1: Bolts, serews and studs is dential with the said standard, ‘with the JIS B 1057 Mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal fasteners Remarks: ISO 8889: 1986 Mechanical properties of fasteners—Bolt, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals is equivalent to the said ‘standard. JIS B 1071 Method of verification for size and geometry of threaded fasteners JIS B 1091 Fastenere—Acceptance inspection Remarks: 180 3269: 2000 Fasteners—Acceptance inspection is identical with the said standard. * Baitor’s notice: to be published, PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 4 B 1180-2004 a ‘Types ‘The types of the hexagon head bolts shall conform to table I Table 1 Types of hexagon head bolts Tye Rane tionnaire Gamegang ‘Bak | Sew | Product Stele Tominat [Ooane| A [d=16mm 024 mm fe nominal length Tod | 150 40161099 Giameer | treed {so mm) or der fewaeo Bead it DB | damm i624 mm Wie nominal apt! over {or 100 ma Fine E=B.mm 024 oil nether | 150 9761009 pith {so mm or wert ‘reed | Tam to 24mm he ol age ver dor 10 mm) Tewaron | Gomme] A | do18 mm 024 mim Ww mia ngth/ dor | 50 4017100 Bendacew | treed {oma or ander te B | dai to 24 me Whe amine meth ove {ear 10 ma Fine | A | das mm 24a tbo oad gt ir 3er | 1908876100 pce {So mm) ore teat | [dae me to 2 mm teaming ower Sader so amt 227 wm tm Fi |Gmm| B [eodmmsna0 mm 180 woisi079 Iowa ‘Nove () Whichever x shorter PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 5 B80: 2008 4. Shapes and dimensions, product specification and designations The shapes ‘and dimensions, product specification and designations of the hexagon head bolts shall be in accordance with table 2. ‘Table 2 Shapes and dimensions, produet specification and designations Tyee Shape and dinsosons | Pract [Designee poet | one aie Seowpitah | Protect | Fire [Fin [Second | fh ade sto | selon ‘Nominal dameer | Gore “2_| atc | atacn [ata] Antacid | ached emagon bead nit | trend Swe | ie | ae | ies | bes © | Avased [anand | Atacied| aac | Asoc Spare2 | abe’ | table? | tabe2 | taba Fine pest | A [ance | anacie | ached | Ataced | Ata Sree Spore’ | oho’ | abe 2 | eben | tabieae 2 “Hezagen head acrew | Cour ‘A | Avastin | taced | asactod | acid | acca voi om Fe’ | takes |e | eds | ties © | awash | aac [ace | ache | Atasiea Sewre®. [tates | eho? | table | tube Finepich | A | anashed| asacbe | avaciad | Athos | altace’ trea Sewet | tates | whic? | bie? | bie Bich diameter | Guar “htaced | Aten ate 72 [Attached | Anohe Ivagor heed ott | the | tee fiber | able 5 Marking 5.1 Marking on products ‘The marking on products shall bein accordance with the following: '8) The steel bolts shall be marked in accordance with 9.8 of JIS B 1051, D)_ The stainless steel bolts to which JIS B 1054-1 applies shall be in sesordance with 8.2 of JIS B 1054-1 © The non-ferrous metal bolts to which JIS B 1057 applies shall be in accordance with 9.1 of JIS B 1057, 5.2 Marking on packag following information. ) Type b) Product grade ©) Designation of screw threads x nominal length @) Tolerance zone class of screw thread PRoTkcrED BY corYRIGHT ‘The packages of the bolis shall be marked with the 6 2.1180: 2004 ©) Strength division (for steel bolts to which JIS B 1051 applies), steel property Givision and strength division (for stainless steel bolts to which JIS B 1054-1 ‘applis) or material division (for non-ferrous metal bolts to which JIS B 1057 applies) Materials) ) Quantity and designated items bh) Manufacturer's name or abbreviation Note () Materials shall be marked on the stainless steel bolts (except those to ‘which JIS B 1054-1 applies), the non-ferrous metal bolts (excopt those {fo which JIS B 1087 applies), and the steel belts of the nominal di- ameter of screw thread of 42 mim or over (except those to which JIS B 41051 applies, and markings on other bolts may be omitted. ‘The marking of materials may be by their general names. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 7 1B 1180: 2004 Unit; mm ow (© Point shall be chamfered. For threads of MA or under may be left unpointed (see IS B 1008), (© Incomplete thread ws 2P (©) Referee datum for de (© Maximum undesheed fet Remarks: Refer to JIS B 0148 for nominal dimensions and symbole, ‘Attached Figure 1 Nominl diameter hexagon head bolt, coars product grades A and PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT B 1180 : 2004 {4 pu ¥ sopesd yonposd ‘oere09 y10q peoy uoSexoy 191 (wo PROTECTED BY coPyRIGHT 9 1180: 2004 alex als a | PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT B 1180: 2004 10 a a a aH Sea od é 7 ca ow * 7 7 t cod = 8 1B 1380 :2004 Lt (panuW) Tr aIaRy, PayEY 2 B1180:2004 “ges 04°) puw jo eownqoo ayo poyeqpuysosounu oy} oxe SSNS] YoU PopwoMENy SOLA, pean maze 0 30 nd AT NOH g_(O HN (@epapuo) TT o1aeE. PoweNY, PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 13 B80: 2004 Attached Table 12 Dimension (of second selection) of nominal diameter hexagon hhead belt, coarse, product grades A and B Tat Ty 2Iz teeta Se nt eee tr “ ett t it 4 1B 1180 :2008 Attached Table 12. (consaded) aa AT = co es = a eT ae ee a = » [emee] =f = = = el perente oa em [cs ease | ee Tema Rese rnin tia ira atte eo nm ta pRovectED BY copymiGHT 15 1B 1180:2008 Attached Table 1.3. Product specification of nominal diameter hexagon end te conrn product pres A and — oe a TT Seu [Eeecan, = Applesbie “JIS B 0205-4, JIS B o2081 Woimicl|Semeh_| Foam wud Yate ry Mans'|Sat.|‘Geaee [Sane [asia Serer le] faa A fee aa pens aes ee | ous weet Cemitepines | “idem aoa Tie” | Sassen asa fenenee eee Slegecenae Or “Caen pet stance | Se, a am a i Aiigaat ces Soci Sanne Sirtiatera saat rote tm er dierent dectplatiog ie eqed of ter surface testnent are seeded hey shall as sped between the rice amare with daly Limits or sarin daft eae For scopes procdare, no TS 100 Note) Porter seat devon, oe JIS 151 fr sel bola sd ISB WO ‘hea bat erecta Attached Table 14. Designation of products ‘ret | Nominal iter bapa bad lk wiht WH, nominal asi F=30 my and stengt divin ‘Designation | Nominal diameter xan head BJS B 1180180 TOUTES HOES procul grade A Remarks; Attached figure 1 and attached tables 1.1 to 1.4 are conformed to ISO 4014: 1999, PROTECTED RY COPYRIGHT 16 B 1180: 2006 Unit: mm 2g ode Enlargement of part Notas (2) =18" to 90° (6) complete thread w= 2P (0) Referee datum for de (0 No epecial requirements fer end (09, Waster face permissible Remarks: Refer to JIS B 0148 for nominal dimensions and symbol. [Attached Figure 2. Nominal diameter hexagon head bolt, coarse, product grade C PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT i B 1190: 2004 (Blank) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 18 B 1180: 2006 Attached Table 2.1. Dimension (of first selection) of nominal diameter hexagon hhoad bolt, coarse, product grade C ase tet te =a | PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 19 81180: 2004 Attached Table 21 (concluded) Hes} as] ts | re] ae Te Goa ee el ea sewage eae “ata td pi au ar he Rumer inetd he Slo ad he a PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 20 B 1180: 2008 Attached Table 22. Dimension of second selection) of nominal dlameter heragon head belt, coarse, product grade C dates RT = a rt Ss z =e aE wer ea} | o =r Te ar Eins = ay =| Ta aI 7 a7 t =a En F a = y Taner TT + an ca con ae PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Attached Table 2:2 (concluded) Saran oo co TE = AY = a = = 7 2 = ~ — ante a T of = 7 Te Ts os TF = = ee aE ar = = at ra 32 = = Sa a ie IT = Te Ea 2a t = ar ar TE = TaeACHT a soon sem [ans | ss 5: Reconsvndbd point ae the sera Sted nthe on of ain te abe PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 2 B 1180 2004 Attached Table 28 Product specification of nominal diameter hexagon head bolt, coarse, product grade C erat Best See [eras 6 ‘Aprcable ‘SB 0205-4, FISH 02003 medord Mecansal| Seength | damm 96,4648 Properts | vnen(”)|_4530.mm: a agreod between the parte oncrned wit ery ‘appicabe | d=9 mm a6. 3081 Mindnrd” | 2530 mm: asagred Between the parte oncred with ery Toran | Prodect c ade ‘nplib 315 B 10a Fioh andl rare ewtmest Reguiremen fr eecroplatng gulrements fr nonleirolyscally applied xine Gale cating shal te dierent electroplating require orf ober src eames ae ‘eed tey shal ean agra tment pare cncrned ita ley “acpi Tor aceptancs proceare oot JIS B 1001 Naw) Fo aeriength divisions ee JIS B 1061, Attached Table 24 Designation of products ere Produ | Nominal diameter hexagon bend bol of product grade © with thread 32, minal ge su and strength son 8 ‘Designation | Nominal laser henagoe bed bole JIS B 1160—180 4016—Ni25W0—45— proto gree © Remarks: Attached figure 2 and attached tables 2.1 to 24 are conformed to ISO 4016: 1999. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Notes (© Incomplete thread u=2P (Referee datum for de (© Maximum undeshoad filet (0 Point shall be chamfered (se JIS B 1003) (09 applies it Remarks: Refor to JIS B 0148 for nominal! dines ue of an 78 ape, ons end epmbe Attached Figure 3. Nominal diameter hexagon head bolt fine pitch, product grades A and B. 1180: 2008 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 5 B 1180: 2004 Swen sage er} Yop ad — sem stat pert pam ao espero ev edu eon ep SHUEY Serene 9 Peano en gr seen SEE TE Pes eae ee eG 7 a ‘ana f@ pue y s9pea3 yonpoad ‘ouy yJ0q peoy woSex=q soyouKyp [wuywoU Jo (WoRDDTRS Y821 JO) wossUOMTCL Pears PowENY PROTECTED BY CopYRIGHT 26 B 1180: 2004 oa ee ep Pes eH os w {pus y sopex8 jonposd ‘out ‘310q pow wosiexay 1o}ouTETP TeuTON Jo (UoHD2|BS pods Jo} UoISUOMTE Fp OTE PSHOERY PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 27 B 1280: 2004 Attached Table 8.3 Product specification of no fine, product grades A and B nal dlameter hexagon head bolt, aa Sal [Bias see “Retiro met ‘Screw | Tolerance os rea [one lst Apple “SIS BOG, TS wae andar a tae: Tr acordance with ropes | vin) | 55,858,109 ‘at, a6-70 Sis 1087 4238ram mapead | 24nme239 ma ‘Some wt devon] 80m. as ogecd Rentable | 4239 mar TSB IGT | d590 me: ISB 10541 /Bindard | 4>20mm: asagrend | d> 29mm: ar agra! ‘tween the pares | hemena the par tonarnd wi delver|_conrand with der Taran | Prada Ford 16 mi 24 mm, (s1d er'150 am A pads |rord-16mmto 4 mm Yoder! 180 mm) and d-3% mm 664mm B urd nih scr ure a) Plain Pie ‘eeatnent Rogurement fr eto Requirements or aig sal (Secrpiting shal {ews toes Sepaccnamnce wih ‘Serta sped $e lake sang tall i cdo ae ‘aire eeteplatings rogue or other urns treatment re ‘ede hey sal alge rence the are onerbd wit ley ‘hab a neceranee ‘cei Tor cepane roars, se ISB 10H Attached Table 3.4 Designation of products ‘odes! | Nomiaal damier eran eed boll with thread M1225, nominal agth 80 mam, Sod rents dsne 62 ‘Design | Nomen inter horagan Bead bal JIS B 1180180 4765—NL201 5500-88 proctor A Remarks: Attached figure § and attached tables 3.1 to 3.4 are conformed to ISO ‘8765 1999, PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 28 Piao: 2104 robe, ee 2 : | \ iF NY 34 _ _ Notes) 35° ta 3° (©) Point shall be chamfered. For threads of Mi or underit may be let unpointed (see SIS B 1003), (Incomplete thread us 2P (©) Referee datum ford (©) dys approximately equal tothe pitch diameter. Remarks: Rafer to JIS B 0143 for nominal dimensions end symbols Attached Figure 4 Hexagon head serew bolt, coarse, product grades A and B PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT [Atiached Table 4.1. Dimension (of first Ke 2» B 1180 2004 ection) of hexagon head serew bolt, coarse, product grades A and B Ital lal fil PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 0 B 1180-2008 Attached Table 4.1, (continued) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT a B 1180: 2004 emai Remand nial eet america the ted Te PROTECTED aY COPYRIGHT 2 B 1180: 2008 Attached Table 4.2. Dimension (of second selection) of hexagon head screw bolt, coarse, product grades A and B aT ae eer a izeeslas 4s z sae a ae PRomecreD BY COPYRIGHT 38 B 1180: 2004 Attached Table 42 (concluded) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Py B 1180; 2004 Allached Table 4.8. Product specification of hexagon head serew bolt, product frades And B Mera Bist [iain sci [eras tal thread [some las Ee | | ‘ste TSB on0e, FISH ona [Weck Strength | ded am anagned [doo mae Teaser oh rovers |ivinan’” | botwen the partes | ADTO, ACAD sis.B 08? oceraed ith dlvers| 24 mic de38 mms 2590 mm: a agreed ‘oven te panies |" between he prticn covered with delivers | _cncerned with dative Tppliatis [Fes mar JIS B 1051 | de30 mae JTS B 10564 Mibdond | 231mm and adm: | 50 mm wh epeed Seagea btwn the | between he paton Terence Prada Ford-if mm ta Bw [aiOd orf mae A fone | Fordo16mmto24mmi> taser! > 160mm) abd dad mm 64mm: B aed ‘inh andlor uraoe | Pian Pia ‘wetment Requirmanta freee. Ragaremens or ning sal bea accord Seep hal She winals Boe eimerardano th Sis ios Requirements for ne ‘Saclay apa fee abe eating sll ‘iin asondance mth diferent sletopaing ie eguzed o if ther surface roatmens are ‘eae cy sal a agreed btron he paves tnceraed with ley. Limite fer ure ats | hall en sora espe For acepance prices, soe JIS B 10 Attached Table 44 Designation of products ‘roduc | Heap bend sro al wih end M2, nominal length F=60 wn, nd eth ‘ison ‘Deviation | Hexagon ben eres blk JIS B 1980160 4017 MiZ>a0 —6B—peoct ale A Remarks: Attached figure 4 and attached tables 4.1 to 44 are conformed to 180 4017: 1999. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT Bona oo C LD 4 iS ga Enlargement of part X Permimibleshape (hs = He a LY aA ote ee en ae so 0) post na (6) Incomplete thread u2P. (©). Referee datum fr dy (2) No special requirements frond, (09) Washer face permissible (©) die approximately qual tthe pitch diameter. Remarks: Refer to JIS B 0148 for nominal dimensions and symbols, Attached Figure 5 Hexagon head serew bolt, coarse, product grade C PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 36 B 1180: 2008 (Blank) PROTECTED BY CopYRIGHT 31 B 1180: 2004 a ae 7 see J 9 epead ronposd ‘ossvoo oq 0108 peoy WosuxoY Jo (WorOoI9s Huy) 30) HOHSMOMTEL Tg 8146, POUSEHY PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 38 B 1180: 2004 Attached Table 5.2 ‘coarse, product grade C a hie3s [ats Vain: we Ree ree Mae ea 7m oases etasesl meen erase erg ergeeeloees|ece : a SF ce : ee} og [ts as Pog as sees | auas [aise [sep ess [sone Das | ag a Bef sa 551 [esa [168s [as | ona aes a ec A 337 TS | mas aes | ao aa asin erp 199s 239s 3695 as a6 Sa [1a tats [ters | aner Las Pasre as —[o6 efron nee ato a0 aoa a9 ao ao ae Tae ts see ana sa ass ae spss bss Tas bs woes Pas ioo|-9e2s fia shia bgp tap 56 Het 200 [1984 [aoa Sno [aisa Pas bo [ee Dae 350 [ore Tots ao [orea [2s Boas pas Sofas [os ‘0437 Laer cr EE TS so0_[asi7 [soe Remar» Henne soil igh ti ev niedeia ee ped Te PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 1B 1180: 204 Attached Table 5.8. Product specification of hexagon head screw bolt, coarse, 39 104 product grade C Mata Sal se [ee % ‘pple “TS 06-4, JB 02001 Meshal | Sveneth | eal mmr 9646 08 Properter’|aikon)| _@S0:mm aragrend between the pare onerned wih aiery fanderd | 530 mm: avr hetween the parse concord with dlrs “Flerance | Predaet, © ese Faroese ais Beal Foi andr sorte epee Sennen Requiraments fr slatoplating lb axrdence with JIS B 1044 coatings ealbe in aie carping i ried or if other surastreatment are evi the sl te ard beeen te partir cence th Slr ‘cea For sxpanse prea o0e I6 100 54. Designation of products ‘Pradast | Hexagon bead sew bl with heed MiB, nominal ng /=80 mm, and seth ‘Designation | Hexagon od saw blt—@18 160180 wo18Mia‘a0—a8 pro pate © Remarks: Attached figure 5 and attached tables 6.1 to 5.4 are conformed to ISO 4018: 1999, PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 40 B1180: 2008 Notes ©) B= 18 t 0", (0) ncomplete thread uP. (0) Refers datum for (09 Point shall be chamfered (s2e JIS B 1008) (©) dsis approximately equal to the pitsh diameter ofthe thread Remarks Refer to JIS B 0143 for nominal dimensions and symbole [Attached Figure 6 Hexagon head serew bolt, fine, product grades A and B PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT a1 B 1180: 2004 a we = [= = = oe on wou | >| FE i | avon [osama | Tet [Desa | Deven | Sven [Fee aI Dan] haw TR EN TG mo ae pur y sopes8 jonpoud ‘saze09 4joq mouos peoy wosex04 Jo (uor}29I9s ys Jo) wo}sUOWECT V9 o1teL pouENY PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT B 1180: 2008 2 oy mae ew ow ee ae rT se z 7 = 7 me we = = et | nl i ne = yj ome] | z Sa reac * wea eee a aropoor oar cm | om [eve ea [ee rina aT {1 pus ¥ sopesd rompoad ‘ous Yom maxos peony HosexDY JO (Hoq}29I9s puod—s Jo) HOISHOMI Z'9 91GEY, POUDEY 45 B 1180: 2004 Autached Table 6.3. Product specification of hexagon head serew bolt, fine, product grades A and B Maral Sal [Bisa eal | Neer ta Seem | Tourmce te threet [mele Aplictie TIS 054, ISB came Snare eden |Strengte | a0 mms Zit mm Tracer wh properties |avsn9 |“ 86,638,109 “et, Avo sis B13 4258 mm: aproed | 241mm de 89 wm Crecente partes | “Abo, acg0 ‘Sheard with dlvery| d'>39-mn: a agreed eee the partis Applets [4298 mm JIS BIST | d=89 mm: JIS B 10541 ‘endore [50mm azagree | | 430mm at ape tetwooe te partes | “between he partes earned wih daivery| _coenred wh delivery Tima [Predaet For d=16 mm fo 24 mm, (210d or 5150 at A vate | Ford~L6:mm io mem > 10d oe! 150 ma and de men 4m: B Appt “HSB 1081 ‘inca Thad utes Te poe Pais Pie ‘reine Requirements fer electra agree fo ting hal be score Sleeping shall nce wih JIS lous ot Requirements fr nam ‘eteaiealy sped ‘Ene fake coating! sal | {Ff diferent electroplating is required or if ther surface teatments are ‘ded ey shale antgrend beac the pce smcred wih every. Lani or eee ect ‘alban cordon ‘ewoty For asepance proces, 0 TB 108 Attached Table 64 Designation of products “Hexagon hand ae bale wih trond MI2¥1.5 smile 7-80 mm ft strength dvison 88 Deena “rag bead srew tnt 91S B 1100180 Bere Wia<1Stid Jo WoNsUOUNG TZ IGN, POMPEY PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT “6 B 1180 2008 [Attached Table 71.2. Produet specification of pitch diameter hexagon head belt, coarse, product grade B nea Sel Snare [Nara eta See [oan e (fascia apt ISB om, JS BORO ‘cba | soma "a aecnlan wh pore | sven asp ieee seria TSB oe oda Rance [Pree ® ese esate Tis ion canerrice | _Aaproomed Fae Pie Rosner electuopatng sal ein accordance with JIS B 1044 1 aiirent tropa ia ogre rior fice ae needed hey ‘hall bar agreed etme the aris coneeoed with livery. Aces For apne prosdore see JIS 2001, Attached Table 7.8. Designation of products Eo ‘oda | Pic diac Bexagon bad bol with tzead MLZ, nominal length /=80 mm fod ctrengh cnc ‘Desgaann | Pichdlamstar hexagon Bead bat —JIS B 1180—180 4015 —A10"80—28— pretuct ade Remarks: Attached Ggure 7 and attached tables 7.1 to 7.9 are conformed to 150 ‘4018: 1979. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT a B10: 2008 Annex 1 (normative) Hexagon head bolts not based on ISO 4014 to 180 4018, 180 8676 and ISO 8765. 1 Scope This annex 1 specifies the hexagon hoad bolts made of steel (hereafter referred to as “stol bolts", hexagon head bolts made of stainless steel thereafter referred to a8 “stainless steel bolls") and hexagon head bolts made of nos-ferrous metals (heroafter referred to a8 "non-ferrous metal bolts") not based on 180 4014 19, 180 4018, ISO 8676 and 150 8765. Further, this snnex 1 shall be withdrawn on December 31, 2009, Remarks: When the steel bots, stainless steel bolts and non-ferrous metal bolts are called generically in this annex 1, these are simply referred to a5 aie 2 ‘Types The types ofthe bolts shall be classified according to the ratios of width feross fats (2) 10 the nominal diameter of screw thread (2), into 2 types as shown in fannex 1 table 1 Annex 1 Table 1 Types re wa Hexagon oud ita) Taber [Noter() When cr necesany to dacriminate from th small ones ‘these shall be called the regular hexagon head bolts (© "Thesmall hexagon head bolts of ME is sn exception, and ltald shall be LAG or over 2 Grades The grades of the bolts shall be classified according to the materials of products, and shall consist of the degree of finish, grade of serew thread and strength Aivision of mechanical properties as given in annex 1 table 2 48 B 1180-2004 Annex 1 Table 2 Grades Te | Dinton ascraing = Grate patrile ‘Dears of aah) Toerano moe | Suet vision read | pepertie THecagon | Steel or aomiaal diameter | FnhedSemiGnisnd | ah,05 6s | 46 45,568.58, Bead bt] otscrew thread 39 Renae aan ies ronda) ‘tel or nominal diametar = ‘Sea | Stee Fiaited, Senitnicbed| a6 fp | 48 (5 56.58, mare 5.85, 109 ead Sinan tel 5 [Notes (©) As tothe degrees of finish, reer to cause 8, (©) ‘The tolerance sone class of srew thread shal be based on JIS B 0208-4 end JIS Boxe ‘When not specially specitied, 6 shall be applicable (©) The strength division shall be besed on JIS B 1061, 4 Mechanical properties 4.1 Mechanical properties of steel bolts ‘The mechanical properties of the steel bolts shall be in accordance with the following: ) Mechanical properties for $9 mm or under in nominal diameter of screw thread The mechanical properties for the steel bolts of 39 mm or under in hominal diameter of serew thread shall be in accordance with the strength di isons of the mechanieal properties of JIS B 1051. However, the strength di Visions for the types of the bolts shall be in accordance with annex 1 table 3. Annex 1 Table 2 Mechanical properties of steel bolts ie ‘Mechanial rope Semopih divin | Nermatie roe THeragon Bead tlle W545 66 58 | sISBIa5 Saal hexagon head tte | 68, 67, 100 | b) Mechanical properties for 42 mm or over in nominal diameter of screw thread The mechanical propertics forthe steel bots of 42 mm or over in nominal jameter of screw thread shall be as agreed between the parties concerned with delivery, 49 1180: 2004, Further, even those alee! belts 42 mm or over in nominal diameter of serew ‘thread, if conforming to any one of the strength divisions of annex 1 table , ts strength division may be applied tothe bolts. 4.2, Mechanical properties of stainless steel bolts The mechanical properties of the stainless steel bolts shall be as agreed between the parties canccrned. In this case, unless particularly impedimental, the mechanical properties of JIS B 1054-1 should preferably be applied 43 Mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal bolts The mechanical prop- ‘erties of the non-ferrous motal bolts shal be as agreed between the parties concerned With delivery. Tn this ease, unless particularly impedimental, the mechanical prop- erties of JIS B 1057 should preferably be applied 5 Shapes and dimensions The shapes and dimensions of the bots shall be in ‘accordance with annex 1 table 6 Annex 1 Table 4 Shapes and dimensions Tym __| Deyo offinsh | Shapes and dinessons_| Range ofsominal dame “eaagos bead | — Finished | In ecrnse wih nner Ta ta ached the 1 ‘omifnibed | Un accrdane with anne toe ‘Suhel te Regular rors ‘Smal hexagon | Finisboa ‘Senin 6 Screw threads Tho serew threads ofthe bolts shall be fn accordance with an- nex I table 5.1, and the pitehes thereof shal bein accordance with annex 1 table 5.2 Further, the maximum permissible dimension of the electroplated serew thread shall be the maximum permissible dimension of external screw thread 4b, How- fever, the precision of the serow threads when processed with hot dip plating shall be las agreed between the parties concerned with delivery Annex I Table 5.1 Screw threads ‘Type of baie ‘Seer are Hexagon head bole ‘802054 | ah Grand gat sTS 0200 50 B 1180: 2006 Annex 1 Table 5.2 Pitches Remarks 1 ‘Thor of which the nominal diameters of serew thread are parenthesized shall boured to 4 misimam 2 When the pitehe of fin screw thread other than given in annex 1 table 52 are ‘equied, the pitches speciied in JTS B 0206-2 may be ure. 7 Surface defects The permissible limits of the surface defects of the bolts, un- less particulary specified, shall be in accordance with JIS B 1041, 8 Surface treatment Tho bolts shall generally be not processed with surface treatment, When plating or other surface treatment is particularly required, it shall bbe in accordance with JIS B 1044. 9 Degree of finish The degree of finish of the bolts shall be in accordance with annex | table 6, Annex 1 Table 6 Degree of finish Dre Degree of Gish Pind “The saree oughnee() of he bearing fee, ee ck and tp at athe shal be Reh ‘he scace ughness the sde face of ead ‘hae Reo, andthe shapes and dimension Gnas stachd ee 2 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 5 1B 1180: 2004 Annex 1 Table 6 (concluded) Deon Degree of nh ‘Semtobed | ara “The sures roughness (of he bearing ace ibe so and the urn eugene ‘he bank shal be 6, an he shaper and Cyne blot Borsoner attached able? | agar = “hs saris roughness shall ot partial ~ ‘paciiad However, the shapes and donna } Rater to annentatached ble 13 ‘Note () The surface roughness shall be i accordance with JIS B 0601, 10 Materials The materials of the bolts shall be in accordance with the following 8) The material for the steel bolts of 39 mm or under in nominal diameter of serew thread shall be that of which products are conforming to the strength division of mechanical properties of clause 4 of JIS B 1051, 1b) The materials for the stainloss steal bolts, non-ferrous metal bolts and the steel bolts 42 mm or over in nominal diameter of serew thread shall be as agreed between the parties concerned with delivery. Further, the material shall be that in accordance with clause 4 of JIS B 1054-1, ‘when JIS B 1054-1 is applied to the mechanieal properti of stainless steel bolts, tnd the material shall be that in accordance with clause 6 of JIS B 1057 when ‘JIS B 1057 is applied to the mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal bolts 11 Inspections 11.1 Inspection on mechanical properties of steel bolts 11.1.1 Inspection on mechanical properties of steel bolts The inspection on mechanieal properties of the steel bolts shall be in accordance with the following: 8) Inspection on mechanical properties of 39 mm or under in nominal di- ameter of serew thread. The inspection on mechanical properties ofthe sel Bolte 89 mm or under in nominal diamoter of serew thread shall be carried out Jn accordance with JIS B 1051 according to the strength divisions thereof, and ‘he results shall satisfy the strength divisions of mechanical properties of 4.1 al PRovReTED BY COPYRIGHT eal properties of 42 mm or over in nominal ai- ‘ameter of screw thread The inspection on mechanial properties of the steel bolts 42.mm or over in nominal diameter of terew thread shell be es agreed between the parties concerned with delivery. Farther, when the strength divisions of annex I table $ have been applied to the steel bolts 42 mm or over in nominal diameter of serew thre shall be carried out in accordance with a). 11.12 Inspection on mechanical properties of stainless steel bolts The inspection on the mechanical properties of the stainless steel bolts shall be as agreed between the parties concerned with delivery Further, when JIS B 1054-1 has been applied to the inspection onthe mechani cal properties of the stainless steel bolts, the inspection shall be earried out in ac- cordance with the said standard. 11.1.8 Inspection on mechanical properties of non-ferrous metal bolts The inspection on the mechanical properties of the non-ferrous metal bolts shall be as ‘agreed between the parties concerned with delivery. Further, when JIS B 1057 has been applied tothe inspection on the mechanical properties of the nion-ferrous metal bolts, the inspection shall be carried out in ae Cordance with the said standard 11.2 Inspection on shapes and dimensions The inspection on the shapes and 4imensions shall be carried out in accordance with the measuring method of JIS B 4071 or an alternative method thereto, and the results shall conform to clause 6. 11.8 Inspection on serew threads The inspection on the screw threads shall ‘be earried out by the limit gauge for screw thread of JIS B 0251 or an alternative inspection tool for serew thread thereto, and the recults shall conform to clause 6. Further, the go screw thread ring gauge wsed for the serew threads procested ‘with plating shall be that of 4h. 114 Inspection on surface conditions The inspection onthe surface conditions shall be carried out by the visual inspection, and the results shall conform to clauses ‘Vand 8, ‘The surface roughness shall be inspected by using the surface roughness ‘comparison specimens (eee JIS B 0659-1) or surface roughness measuring instru- ‘ments (see JIS B 0652) 12 Designations The bolts shall be designated by the type, degree of finish, des ignation of ecrew thread x nominal length, tolerance grade of serew thread, strength division?) of mechanical properties, material and designated items(®, For those to ‘whieh JIS B 1081, JIS B 1054-1 and JIS B 1057 have been applied, the designa- ton of material shall be omitted, and for those other than these, the designation of Strength division of mechanical properties shall be omitted [Notes (?) When the steel division and strength division of JIS B 1054-1 have been applied to the stainless steel bolts, and when tho material divi- sion of JIS B 1057 has been applied to the non-ferrous metal bolts, these shall be treated with the same as the strength division, 53 B 1180: 2004 ©) Asta the designated items, washer head (head), serew thread length, Shape of end, width across Mats (e) one step larger, type of surtace treatment, ete. shall be indicated, as required. Hamp tad ot Fated MN va engmn diok——Sennd MeDHI80 te 00 em Smad nega it Faited RELA) oy sO TTT ~ EES 18 Markings 18.1 Markings on products The markings on the products shall be in accordance ‘with the followings 42) The marking on the products of the steel bolts shall be in accordance with 9.3 of JIS B 1051. b) The marking on the products of stainless steel bolts, to which JIS B 1054-1 has applied, shall be in accordance with 3.2 of JIS B 1054-1 ©) The marking on the products of non-ferrous metal bolts, to which JIS B 1057 has applied, shall be in accordance with 9.1 of JIS B 1087. 132 Marking on packages The packages shall be marked with the following in formation on the exterior faces, ) Tyre b) Degree of finish ©) Designation of serow thread x nominal length 42) Tolerance zone class of screw thread ©) Strength division (forthe steel bolts, to which JIS B 1061 hes applied, ste! grade division and strength division (for the stainless steel bolts, to which JIS B 1054-1 has applied), or material property division (for the non-ferrous metal bolts to which JIS H 1057 has applied) 54 B 1180 ; 200 » » » Material) ‘Quantity and designated items Manufacturer's name or abbreviation Note (1) ‘The markings of the materials shell be carried out for the stainless steel bolts (except thote to which JIS B 1084-1 has applied), non- ferrous metal bolts (except those to which JIS B 1057 has applied) find the stes! bolts 42 mm or over in nominal diameter of serew thread (except those to which JIS B 1051 has applied), end for other bolts than these, markings may be omitted. Further, the marking ofthe material may be by the common name. PROTECTED By cOPMRGHT 55, B 1180: 2008 [Annex 1 Attached Table 1.1 Hexagon head bolt finished) Warher head dha) = cant 7] [ay [a] [ak oh a esfarfer pares pas oan}, Ps Parr Peas a as Gigante] Co] fe), feel toe pert er sion ta] So] [afew [ss] Sep o6 eats] be] te] —pebetebebete seroma ps] pr] fe] [oar tf Boras Letest| festa to tet geste] fae] eS fmf fia tae asa pepe fp fa] foe eae en] for —*9 8 Pao) tashoe te ts pe Pas PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 56 1B 1180: 2004 ‘Annex I Attached Table 1 (concluded) [Remarks 1 Those of which the designations of serew threed ere given in parentheses shall bed minima “The nominal length (length of threaded part (6) and length of incomplete Varad part (aba be ia accordance with annex | attached table 3 ‘The ead aball be bender point, at point o round point, and, when any one ofthese ln requve, i sall be designated bythe purchaser. However, unless particularly signated, the end hall be unpolated for MB or under in designation. 4 Is the cate af the rolled thes, for that of M6 or under, unless particularly des ligated da shall be approximately the effective diameter of sorew thread. In 2 Alton, for tht of exceeding M6, may be spprosimetcly the effective diameter of serew thread by the designaticn. 5. When parculry lage bearing surfs i required, «and e dimensions that are one alep larger may also be use 6 When the washer faced head i required, i shal be as designate by the purchaser. Hever, the thsknee (cand dhameter (da) ofthe washer shall be in ceordance withthe flowing Din [23 [2 foo [rasa ine [ota [323 [ase [aes oa [342 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 37 1B 1180:2004 ‘Annes 1 Attached Table 1.2. Hexagon head bolt (semi-finished) - SST 424 ae +4\ oad Lal Taser ut pom = Washer head head) — A iad and 58 B 1180 : 2008 [Annex 1 Attached Table 1.2_(conladed) Voi: sm ae © > J-[=[-[@[-feqele ay fouiexisy fe) o [oo |, fafa fos fists [or afte [i ra 2 a2 [as foe [oa] 25 09 ar foarxisr fa | , [4 f0ss [32 arf for [ea as enn [oar [2 © a]-9 fete hfe] | “a_foesay—[3s 3a En 7a [peal sie oa | 3 = ‘aa [oie [sea] s [26 60) = foo} [8 0 |-° foe Ter fa Ter Psst ‘Remarks 1 Those of whi dhe designations of srew thread are sven parentheses all be sed 12 The nominal length, length of threeded part (and length of incomes trend part (n'a be i asordance with anges I tached table 4 The end shall be chamfered to header point, ft point or round point, nd, when any tne of these i raquird, shall be designed by te pureharer™awere, elas ar ‘Stony deviated, tho end hal be unpainted foro andr in desiation. 4 In the caus of he tolled thread or that of Mor under, unless parsculry designate, 12 Sal be apprnimetsty the efsetive diameter ef ace tized. In aio, for that af ‘tenading Me, de may be approximately the effective slametr of crew teed Dy the esgnation 15 When particelarty large bearing wurface se rogired and ¢ dimensions tat ae one ep Jargut may ele be woe. 6 When the wather faced head le roquro it shall be as designated by the purchaser. Uowever, the tices (e) and dinmater (dof he wacber shall bein ardanee With Unt: me Le [of a0 Pats) safe] ea) as] acs] aes] sa 59 B 1180: 2004 Annex 1 Attached Table 1.3. Hexagon head bolt regular) scncty_Indinationntnation {i aa 4 Z ee] [e]= poleme aie fone ie] tog [| ** Pe] | fasafr foe fiorf bo infty i 2 sia] [as [ata fas a os | - ps Pls [as [o val [is fasts as Remarks 1 Those of which the designations of screw chread are given in parentheses all 2 2 bused to minima ‘Tho nominal length () length of threaded par (6) and length of insomplte thread pare @ shall ben accordance with annex I stachod tle 3 ‘The end shall be chamfer to header point, At pointe ound point and, when any one ofthese is required, i shall be designated by the purchaser. However “less particularly designated, che end shall be unpaid for Mor under in dee: ‘When particulary large bearing srfae is required, sande dimensions that ‘one step larger may al be asd. PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 60, B 1180: 2004 ‘Annex 1 Attached Table 2.1 Small hexagon head bolt (finished) conti Intination Inclination OiteS 4 als crdarene F = ‘Remarks 1 Thoae of whih the designation screw thread are given in parentheses shall be ‘ied toa miu. 2 The nomial Isat), lnath of threaded part (8) and length of incomplete thread ‘are (shal be i acordance wilh annex 1 stated table. 3 The end shall be chamfered to header point, Mat end or round end, and when any te of these required, tall be designated by the parchaser 4 tn the cae ofthe roll thread dy may be apprusimatoly tho effective diameter of seeow threo by the designation [5 When the washer fed hend i required, t shall be es designated by the purchaer. However the thickoes (el and diametar (dy) ofthe washer shall be In accordance swith the flowing Unie: mm PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT ot 1180 2004 See neem eee! ofed Se ee sen “eo Be oS SSeS Se eee ‘Remarks 1 Thoso of whieh the designations of screw thread are given in parentheses shall be 2 The nominal length), eagth of threaded part (8) and length of incomplete thread part) shall bein atcordanco with sanex 1 attached table 3 8 Tho ond chall be chamfered to header point, fat end or round end, and when aay fone ofthese is required It shall be designated by the purchaser 4 In tho cate ofthe role tread, ds may be approximately asthe effective diameter of screw thread by the designation {When the water faced head is require, it shall be as designated by the purchase. Hoover, tho thikness() end diameter (d) ofthe washer shal be in accordance rik the flowing PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT o 1B 1180: 2004 (Blank) PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 63 1B 1180: 2006 Annex 1 Attached Table 9 Land & of hexagon head bolts PROTECTED BY COPYRICHT ot B 1180: 2004 Remarks 1 Annex 1 Attached Table 3 (concluded) Inside the frame of bold lines shell be the recommended nominal length () for ach designation of serew thread, andthe numerical values lathe frame indicate the recommended threaded part lengths (8), ‘Those of dimensions given in parentheses shall be used toa minimnum. ‘The length of incomplete threaded part) shall be approximately 2 pitches, «shall be approximately 8 pitches, Inthe case of +22, it shall be of continuous thread stud. ‘As to/ and, if particularly required, those of other than anaes 1 attached table ‘may be used by the designation. 5 The tolerances for! and 8, unless particularly designated, shall be in accordance with table A and table Table A Unit: mm Division off Tolerances on Fina and vei Gnished Regular ‘Nomical ameter | Nominal damster | Nominal diameter due Bobo Bios Soerunder 0 zo H ‘Over 50 opt and ine 180 =ar a aa Over 120 up wandinel 250) 200 aa Ha Over 80 ry Ha =a ‘Table B Unit: mn Disison of “oteranee 5° Piabed ad vested | + 8 Regular +8 (Over 80 up wand incl 50 | Finisbed ad emitinited | 4 4 Regular Te ‘Orer 50 up toand ine 80 | Fnihed and seminished | + 5 gular 78 ‘Over 80 up wo and inc 120 | Finichod and somiinited | 7 Regular Ho) ‘Over 10 ised and smi-inibed | 0 Regular ae Nolo” ‘The lower tolerance shall be 0 ‘PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 11a: 2004 nor ost or ste ysmnntr aps ops owen el‘Mor OB |_SEASE PO eben pee PE Hue eaL SE spzupuvyg euopyeus9}u] Zuypuodsosao9 puv SIP woomr04 91qR UostsNdHOD (oapeuozup z xouny sane a spsmpens emcee on Por 66 B 1180 : 2008 PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 1B 1180: 2004 ed mate po doe 5.y pu opm et surmune ste] 00K | 1 puto S Peoreuioqsne estan) mle, | nae apr oqsme| ssa yore neat ges ost] scone aun om conoaps oman | eae soos eee site gon SORA CAD asney of eae PROTECTED AY COPYRIGHT 1B 1180: 2004 ‘goatee pant soxaamyed por een] Seen | “ea pap yoste sun sone eqn pope sir ersvnsnnont 89 1B 11802008 Foupedr a mass] = =| =| eeeretben retras| se snater a - — | Mayen pied on] esng 8 - =| = | wermsirersipiosy| soins asic 1135 90039 Mp S =| = [eter pet actron | spun 6 sons | eas ste or mums a PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT 70. B 1180: 2008 co ) LP ep pw wneaneH CAD pompun une usu ogame sir ewan) Ena fr JS (English din) a printed in Standardisation Journal, published monty ‘bythe Jpanse Standards Asoo, ad le provided te saben of IS (eglck lin} la Moni aformason Ertl be provided upon regu, plete contact: Standaraiatin Promotion lapanese Standards Asrociaton ‘S124 Abeta, Maat, Tokyo, 1078400 TAPAS TEL OB ast oun FAL 053585.0062 ROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ayo9.1240 Printed by JSA

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