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ERD for Hotel Reservation System

Business Rules:

Each customer can make one or more reservations.

Each reservation can only be made by one and only one customer.

Each employee can input zero or more reservations.

Each reservation can only be inputted by one and only one employee.

Each customer can make one or more payments.

Each payment can only be made by one and only one customer.

Each room reservation can belong to one and only one payment.

Each payment can belong to one or more room reservations.

Each room reservation has one and only one room associated with it.

Each room can only belong to zero or more room reservations.

Rooms cannot be assigned to more than one room reservation in the same time frame.

Only certain employees are allowed to input room reservations into the system.


Customer: The Customer table provides personal information for every customer that reserves a room
with the hotel. Attributes include Customer ID (Primary Key), First Name, Last Name, Phone Number,
and Address.

Employee: The Employee table provides personal information for every employee at the hotel including
their position. Attributes include Employee ID (Primary Key), First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone
Number, and Position.

Room Reservation: The Room_Reservation table provides reservation details for every reservation made
by a customer. Attributes include: Reservation ID (Primary Key), Customer ID (Foreign Key links to
Customer Record), Payment ID (Foreign Key Links to Payment Record), Room ID (Foreign Key links to
Room Record), Employee ID (Foreign Key Links to Employee Record), Number of Guests, Check-in Date,
Check-out Date, and Total Amount of Reservation.

Payment: The Payment table contains information about the credit card of a customer that was used to
pay for room reservations. Attributes include: Payment ID (Primary Key), Customer ID (Foreign Key links
to Customer record), Credit Card Number, Cards Expiration Date, and Cards Security Code.
Room: The Room table contains information about every room offered by the hotel and the room
current availability status. Attributes include: Room ID (Primary Key), Room Number, Floor Number,
Room Price, Number of Beds, Smoking (or Non-Smoking) and Availability

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