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What ’ s Your Attractor Factor IQ ?

“ If you would like the world to be happier, healthier, and

wealthier, begin by contributing one happy, healthy, and wealthy
person to it: You. ”

Albert Einstein once famously said that the most important

question anyone could ask himself was: “ Is this a friendly universe?
” How would you answer that question?
a. Yes.
b. Don ’ t know.
c. No.

“ We are largely what we have thought ourselves into being, the

balance being represented by the character of the suggestions
and thought of others, which have reached us either directly by
verbal suggestions or telepathically by means of such thought
waves. Our general mental attitude, however, determines the
character of the thought waves received from others as well as
the thoughts emanating from ourselves. We receive only such
thoughts as are in harmony with the general mental attitude
held by ourselves; the thoughts not in harmony affecting us
very little, as they awaken no response in us. ”

B efore I walk you through the fi ve

steps in the formula, let me tell you a story about how these steps
work. This will give you a reference point for understanding how
to use these steps in your own life for anything you want. While
the following story is about attracting a new car, remember that the
principles will work for anything you want.
A car is only a symbol. I tell people that the spiritual and the
material are one. They are two sides of the same coin. Anyone who
says a material anything isn ’ t spiritual is being self - righteous. The
Divine created it all, including you, me, and really nice cars.
Sometime in early 2006, I picked up a copy of Robb Report
magazine. It ’ s a high - end magazine focusing on luxury items, from
expensive watches to cars to wines to — well, anything that costs a lot.
In this one issue there was an article that listed the fi ve best
exotic sports cars of all time. I knew four of the cars, but not the
fi fth: a Panoz Esperante GTLM.
A what? I had never heard of a Panoz car before. I become curious.
It ’ s important to realize right here that I had a curiosity about
the car, not a need. You can attract things faster if you aren ’ t desperate
for them. Now back to the story.
I studied the photo of the Panoz Esperante and felt the car was
incredible. Spectacular. It ’ s a barely street - legal race car. It ’ s made by
hand by a family outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The Panoz family. They
only make a few cars a year. They are expensive and collectible.
I wanted one.
Note that I didn ’ t need one. I didn ’ t even begin my search for the
car yet. I just fi gured I would attract it. Having been through this
process before, I know that you don ’ t have to worry about how you
will attract something. What ’ s far more important is that you know
what you want. In my case, I wanted a Panoz Esperante of my own.
I let the intention go. I didn ’ t worry about it, think about it, or
in any way concern myself with it. From time to time I would poke
around online and see if any Panoz cars were for sale. I also researched
the company and learned what I could. Again, I wasn ’ t desperate. I was
simply curious.
Of course, I was taking some action. Not a lot. But some. My
searching online was an action. My searching places like eBay was
an action. I fi rmly believe that while most of your goals can come
to you without a huge amount of action, you almost always have to
do something. The car of your dreams doesn ’ t usually just appear in
your driveway. Somebody has to drive it there. And pay for it.
An Attractor Factor Case Study 19
Almost a year went by before I actually saw a Panoz. One morning
I got up, went to my computer, did my normal surfi ng and e - mail, and
was surprised to see a Panoz listed for sale in San Antonio, Texas, not far
from me. I called the dealership on the phone. (Note: I ’ m taking action
again.) I asked about the car. The dealer was surprised I knew what a
Panoz was, as most people don ’ t. I was seriously mispronouncing the
car ’ s name at the time (it ’ s pronounced pay - nose ) but the salesman was
polite in correcting me.
That same day — the same day — I went over to San Antonio to see
the car. You might call it love at fi rst sight. The chilipepper red convertible
was a true head turner. The salesman opened the hood and
let me see the Panoz company had named the car: Francine. She ’ s a
2005 Panoz Esperante GTLM and she ’ s a fi ery redhead.
I drove her and loved the experience so much I was almost giddy.
I had to go to lunch to settle down and then return to the dealership
and drive Francine again. Some self - doubts crept in. I wondered, “ Is
this car right for me? ” and “ What about insurance? ” and even “ What
would Nerissa think? ” But I looked at each question and stayed with
it until I answered it. To attract anything you need to fi rst rid yourself
of any stumbling blocks or negative beliefs.
When it came time to negotiate buying the car, I held my breath.
I had been a used car salesman 30 years ago and hated it. I knew
they could lie or at least mislead me. I was afraid. But I also knew that
facing my fears is a key to my success. Fear is a block. It prevents
manifestations. So I went in and faced my fear, which appeared in
the form of the dealership owner, Rich Hovey.

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