Suspended Manual English Volume 2 Feasibility Topographic Survey

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Educate. Innovate. Inspire.

Bridges to Prosperity
Volume 2: Feasibility and Topographic Survey

2nd Edition

Bridges to Prosperity (B2P) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) aimed

at assisting communities with the design and implementation of pedestrian
footbridge projects. The primary objective of the footbridge program is to
create institutional memory of the technology such that the greatest number
of communities may benefit from future bridge projects. As such, Bridges to
Prosperity works with local organizations and governmental agencies, but relies
on community participation for each bridge. If the community in which you live
or work is interested in a pedestrian bridge, community participation will be
required. Volume 1 will describe the roles, responsibilities, and commitment
required for a successful bridge project. Volume 2 should be used to evaluate the
social and technical feasibility of a project and provide guidance in identifying
key design componets for your project. Volume 3 is a design and construction
guide for cable-suspended bridges and Volume 4 is a design and construction
guide for cable-suspension bridges.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey

Feasibility Study and Technical Survey
Table of Contents

Section 1: Bridge Site Selection Section 3: Selection of Bridge Design

1.1 Overview 3.1 Introduction to Bridge Technologies
1.2 Stakeholder Participation 3.2 Suspended-Cable Pedestrian Bridge
1.3 Bridge Committee 3.3 Raised-Cable Pedestrian Bridge
1.4 Preliminary Site Survey 3.4 Suspension-Cable Pedestrian Bridge
1.5 Preliminary Technical Assessment 3.5 Short Span Traditional Pedestrian Bridge

Sections 2 through 6 only if site socially and technically feasible Section 4: Other Structures
4.1 Wind Guys
Section 2a: Technical Survey 4.2 Drainage
2.1 Survey Material List 4.3 Retaining Structures
2.2 Site Map 4.4 River Bank Protection
2.3 Topographic Survey With Abney Level
2.4 Soil and Rock Identification Section 5: Draft Community Agreement

Section 2b: Data Collection
2.5 Local Material Availability
2.6 Transportation Logistics
2.7 Local Skilled Labor
2.8 Temporary Crossing

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey

Section 1: Bridge Site Selection
1.1 Overview
Bridges to Prosperity uses the following chart when considering a suspended bridge request.
Community Bridge Request

Social Feasibility
Community is Unwilling Assessment Community is Willing

Site Rejected Site Technical Assessment

• Topography/Terrain and Span
• Evaluate Potential for Erosion
• Bridge Placement above High Flood Level
Erosion issues: • Ensure Sand, Gravel, and Stone Available
Try to locate another site nearby or work towards preventing Unfavorable Favorable
erosion so that the bridge site may be considered in the future.
Terrain type issues:
If the bridge location is in a flood plain area or a very short span, Are partners financial support available?
the Suspended bridge is not suitable and therefore the bridge No Yes Bridge request
request should seek contractors or other service providers will be under
who have the experience in bridge construction suitable to consideration
the site. Secure partners funding for the following
from local administration bridge building
Social requirements not met or donors, and (dry) season.
If the community is not happy with a suspended pedestrian re-apply
bridge, or requires a bridge for vehicles, then the bridge
request should seek contractors or other service providers
Futher Site Selection Process:
who have the experience in bridge construction suitable to
Sites will be selected, surveyed and designed based
the site.
on the preceding criteria. Should several bridges
be suitable, projects will be approved based upon
Site Rejected  opprotunities to leverage traiing.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 4
Steps to Project Implementation

Steps to approval for the construction of a Suspended Pedestrian bridge

1. Complete the “Pedestrian Trail Bridge Request Form”.

2. Submit to B2P or other donor or implementing agency.

3. Upon positive response, complete a site survey and assessment with B2P or trained engineers.

Site assessment will determine feasibility of bridge site. If the site is deemed feasible...
4. Ensure community participation in the project.

Without community participation B2P will not consider a bridge site.

5. Quantity and cost estimates will be prepared by B2P or other trained professionals.

6. Quantity estimates can then be utilized to secure and budget the appropriate amount of funds for bridge construction.

Once funding has been secured...

7. Consult B2P to schedule bridge construction. This will be variable according to

demand on B2P capacity at the time.

8. A construction schedule will be prepared and the steps to bridge completion

outlined. Bridge construction usually takes no more than 4 months from start to finish.

Note: B2P is not a funding organization, however, B2P can often donate cable should the community display willingness and motivation to
participate in the construction of the bridge.

Our bridge sites also provide an ideal instructional opportunity to train engineers in the public and private sector on how to conduct suspended
pedestrian trail bridge construction. If this is unacceptable please let us know before project initiation.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 5
1.2 Stakeholder Participation

As discussed in Volume 1, the commitment and participation of the local community is a strong indicator for need of the bridge. B2p only works
in areas where the community demonstrate a willingness to contribute to the project.

When visiting a potential beneficiary community, a meeting should be held, identifying the stakeholders, their respective role and expected
contribution. The product of this meeting, or series of meetings, should be a clearly defined plan for the project and a signed tri-party agreement

Define Roles and Contributions


Roles Contribution
Community Organization of community work groups • Collection of local materials
• Site preperation
• Material storage
• Unskilled labor
Local Government Assist community • Skilled labor
• Cement
• Transportation of materials from nearest town
Partners Technical and construction oversight • Technical support
• Bridge materials
• Construction supervision
• Logistical support

Chart Responsibilities *See feasibility study form at end of section.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 6
1.2 Community Needs Assesment

Identifying need in a community requires both data collection and a somewhat subjective judgement, considering the relative improvement to
the community members’ livelihoods given a bridge. An evaluation of the relative isolation, the total traffic counts and the relative traffic count
versus the total population. A bridge serving 100 families who are completely isolated year-round may have a greater impact than a bridge
serving 1000 families only a few days per year.

Extent of Isolation
Examine the present crossing to determine the need and the priority of the requested bridge.

• Assess the period of time that the river cannot be crossed in a typical year:
A) Year-round (this should be given first priority, although all crossing needs should be considered)
B) Several months per year
C) Limited number of days, due to flash flooding

• Study the type of crossing facility available at present, and identify the next closest crossing point.

Traffic Volume
Traffic volume at the crossing is one of the key indicators in the assessment of bridge need. Traffic data should be collected by two methods.
First, a daily traffic count at the traditional crossing point. Secondly, interview the local people to form a broader impression of the traffic volume
and patterns throughout the year. Include likely uses of a bridge; access to markets, schools and medical facilities are of particular interest.
Correlating traffic to improved livlihoods requires considerable more effort, but is highly recommended. See Section 3 in Volume 1 for before and
after socioeconomic data collection recommendations.

Total Population
• Estimate the total population that will benefit from the bridge. Include estimations for both residents within the immediate vicinity of
the bridge site and those who will use the bridge on a less frequent basis. For example, when walking to a distant market.
• Determine the purpose of the traffic by interviewing the persons crossing and the local people, and document in the survey sheet.

Evauluating the relative impact the bridge is an important step before considering a community for a project. Typically, the most important
crossing are those which provide access to schools, hospital or health clinics and markets.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 7
Pedestrian Bridge Request Form

Bridge Name:

Region / District / Country:

Beneficiary Village(s):
Contact Person:
River Name:

Please describe the problems that the river gives the community and how a pedestrian bridge would help:

Request put forward by

(Community Leaders):
Assessment completed by:


Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 8
Bridge Request Form: Social Aspects
• Beneficiary population (families/houses/how many of each?):
Crossing purpose (circle): School Medical clinic Markets Roads Work
• Most common method of travel: By foot Bicycle Donkey/Horse Vehicle (bus or truck)
• Most common mode of transporting goods: By foot Donkey Cart Vehicle (bus or truck) Bicycle
• Daily traffic: Humans: Animals with cargo: Bicycle/Cart with cargo:
• Months per year the river cannot be crossed safely: months
• Is there alternative way across the river in the rainy season?: Yes No
If yes, how many hours to walk for the alternative crossing? hours
Current means of crossing: Old bridge Boat Wading Swimming None
Accidents or Injuries that have occured as a result of the river? Please describe:
Community Activities
Main agricultural product:
Other industries in community:
Recent community building activities:

Community and Community Participation

Is the community willing to work for the bridge?
Is there an established community work program?
How many people could work on the bridge at one time?
Are stone masons available locally?

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 9
Bridge Request Form: Technical Aspects
Is the topography of the bridge site (please circle): Hilly/mountainous Flat flood plain
Could someone dig a 2 meter deep hole with a shovel at the bridge site?
If yes, describe the soil type: Sandy (gritty) Clay/Silt Organic (topsoil)
If no, please provide further details about the rock:
Fractured and broken into layered sheets?
Does the rock make a metallic ring when struck with a hammer?
Other comments about soil or rock conditions:
Can you drive to the river? If only by walking, how long of a walk?
How many hours walk from the proposed bridge to the nearest vehicular road?
River width: meter
River profile: Straight Curvy One bend S-bends
Has the river ever changed course?
Has the river become wider over the past 50 years?
When was the last time the river flooded more than usual?
Is there a way to describe the highest water level remembered to date? Please describe:

Please try to draw the river and if possible include photographs:

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 10
1.3 Bridge Commitee

Per Volume I, a Bridge Committee (BC) should be formed as an entity to ensure the community’s interests and needs are addressed and that the
commitments are followed through on.

The BC is responsible for bridge related decisions, including the collection and account-keeping of necessary monies for workforce or maintenance;
mobilizing the workforce; and ensuring a reasonable schedule is kept.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 11
1.4 Preliminary Site Survey

Traditional Crossing Point

The bridge site should be selected at or near to the traditional
crossing point. For minor rivers bridge site should not detour
from traditional crossing point. For major rivers a detour of up to
500 m may be acceptable.

Estimate Bridge Span (L) .

The bridge span for the types of bridges described in this manual is limited to 120 m. Measure the tentative span and compare this
with the limit of 120 m.

High Water Level (HWL)

Where is the absolute highest point noted by the community including such cases as a hurricane or other flood phenomenon.?

Approximate height differential (∆H)

It is important to gain a relative understanding of the elevation difference between the two embankments. The final design dictates
that the height difference not be more than four (4) percent of the span, but up to 3 meters of additional tiers may be added to
equalize differential. For the preliminary survey, note if the height differential is significant.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 12
Verify excavation available area
Sufficient area should be available in front of and behind
tower locations to allow for the towers to be positioned. This
includes 3 meters in front of the tower and approximately
10 meters in back depending on soil conditions. Rock
conditions may require significantly less excavation
area but may present further excavation challenges

Verify land ownership requirements

Land ownership is an extremely important aspect of site
selection. The land owner must understand clearly the land
that will be used either for the bridge or for the access to the
bridge. The owner must be willing to donate the land or be paid
a fair price by the local government or the community. The land
ownership title must be in writing approving the construction
of the bridge on the land before proceeding. In many area, land
owners will greatly benefit from a bridge being located on or
near their property, relative to market and access opportunities.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 13
1.5 Preliminary Technical Assessment

Hydrologic Considerations

To identify potential bridge crossings points, avoid placing

the bridge close to river bends or inlets .

Furthermore, avoid crossings in which the river meanders. Often gravel-filled

valleys are the residual of rivers meandering back and forth. Depending on
the size of the boulders, one may determine the relative velocity of the
water and make judgement if spanning the entire riverway is necessary.
Using river navigation techniques such as gabion walls, rivers may be
narrowed to reduce spans particularly in cases where river velocities are
deemed to be relatively low.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 14
Geotechnical Conditions to Consider and Avoid: ROCK and SOIL

Conditions to Avoid at SOIL Slopes

Landslides Erosion and Seepage Inclined Trees

Conditions to Avoid at ROCK Slopes

Rockfalls Parallel or Verical Bending Planes Landslides

Avoid Avoid Okay

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 15
Pedestrian Bridge Feasibility Study

Bridge Name:

Beneficiary Village(s):
Contact Person:
Completed By:

Name Responsibilty Village / Address

Feasibility Study Pg 1
Chart Roles, Reponsibilities and Contributions of Key Stakeholders:

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Contributions

Local Community

Bridge Committee

Local Government

NGO / Agency


Others (specify)

Feasibility Study Pg 2
Community Needs Data:

Average Number of River Crossings Per Day

Goods Traffic
Pack Animals
Non-Goods Traffic
Pack Animals

Access Needed To? Yes No Describe

Hospital / Health Posts
Road Head
Post Office / Telephone
Potable Water

Feasibility Study Pg 3
Tri-Party Agreement

• Need and Commitment • Local material collection • Expectations • Time line

The bridge built under this agreement will be owned by the entire community whose efforts were so invested. Ownership shall not rest with the
property owner who owns the underlying property. To ensure understanding, he property owner must sign a property release declaration prior
to the commencement of construction. This is the sole responsibility of the community to evaluate and resolve.
Persons chosen for (unpaid) labor will be chosen fairly and shall not be required to provide more labor than others. Value shall be given to each
and every person who contributes: their time shall be noted and recorded, by the BC
The community will collect all local materials as available in the quantities specified in a materials estimate provided after the technical site
survey; provide a workforce to construct the bridge conforming to construction quality standards as designated by construction manager and
provided throughout bridge construction.
Upon completion of the bridge the BC will be responsible for insuring the continued upkeep and safety of the bridge according to instructions
provided at the time of the bridge completion. The bridge is a community asset and shall be treated as such, with the entire community
contributing to bridge maintenance. The following tasks are agreed upon by the Bridge Committee on behalf of the community:
• The community acknowledges the requirement of participation in order for this project to be completed.
• Unskilled laborers for all activities required for material collection, transportation, and bridge construction will be donated.
• Material collection and construction require two (2) months full time labor requiring no less than 10 workers at the bridge site 5-6 days per
week. Given any fewer number of workers, the time required for construction will increase proportionaly.
• Collect locally available materials (sand, gravel, and stone) according to a materials estimate and thereafter should
additional materials be required throughout construction.
• Care for materials provided by the partner so as they are not damaged or stolen.
• Bridge Maintenance.

Estimated Start Date for Construction is:

Estimated Completion Date for Construction is:

Bridge Committee Leader: _________________ Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ____________

Feasibility Study Pg 4
Section 2A: Technical Survey

2.1 Survey Material List

Materials Required for Survey (using either an Abney OR Automatic level)

w Maps with tentative location of the bridge and any available background information.

w The following items will be necessary when performing either an Abney Level OR Automatic Level Survey:

• Abney Level OR • Plum Bob • Hammer • Camera

• Automatic Level • Shovel • Notebook and pencil • Pick
• Measuring tape 100 m • Fluorescent spray paint • Calculator with sine & cosine functions
• Measuring tape 5m • Hammer • Survey sticks

w If performing survey with an Automatic Level, you will also need a tripod and graduated level rod

2.2 Location of the Bridge Site

w Describe the location of the bridge site.

w Draw a bridge site location map covering the proposed bridge’s area of influence as shown in the example below.
The map should contain the following information:

• River system with names and river flow direction

• Location of proposed bridge and traditional crossing point
• Location of the nearest bridge
• Existing trail system and, if required, specify length of new trail for access to the proposed bridge
• Location of the villages, health clinics, schools and other important places with approximate distances to the bridge site

Chart Bridge Location *See technical survey form at end of section.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 20
Map Example:

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 21
2.3 Topographic Survey

The following section outlines the steps required to complete an Abney Level or Automatic Level survey including in-depth descriptions of each
step and an opportunity to complete your own survey. Review this section before heading into the field.

Survey Area
A profile along the proposed bridge centerline is required to a distance of 15 meters behind the proposed tower locations. This section includes
instructions on how to survey and draw a topographical representation of the river, the river side-slopes, and abutment/foundation/anchor
placement(s). If the proposed bridge span is greater than 120 meters and there is an engineer working on the design, further survey information
may be needed to include both up and down stream topography as well. Consult the design engineer before completing the field survey to
ensure proper information is gathered.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 22
2.3.1 Abney Level Survey - Overview

Setting of Bridge Center line

Fix the bridge center line with two permanent axis points: A on the left bank
and B on the right bank. Permanent axis points A and B should be fixed on
rock out crop along the bridge center line, if available. If rock outcrop is not
available, these points should be marked on a boulder sufficiently embedded
into the ground so as not to shift or move.

Sketch the Profile

Draw a sketch of the profile or cross section of the bridge axis with axis points A
and B, with all the survey points and topographic features, including tentative
position of the bridge foundations, low water level and highest recalled flood

Select Station Points

Estimate the most feasible locations for the towers on each side of the river (L
and R). One of these points shall be the primary survey station. Note: Left and
Right are in reference to when facing downstream.

Mark Survey Points

Additional survey points along the center line should be fixed to survey the bridge
axis profile as shown in the sketch on page 20. These survey points should be
fixed at breaking points of slope and terraces, which will accurately indicate
the topography of the bridge axis. The profile should cover up to 25m behind
the main anchorage block up to the edge of the river flow.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 23
Reading an Abney Level Short Span Trail Bridge Standard Suspended Type

The purpose of the Abney Level is to find the angle between the point of the viewer and 2.5.3 SURVEY METHODS
the point of interest. The Abney will also be used for setting the cable sag. StepThere
by Step:
are twoReading
options forthe AbneytheLevel
conducting topographic survey.
Look ainto
thealong the bridge
viewfinder axisend
(the or athat
non- survey includi
In general Windguy Arrangement is not required for bridges with span
extendable), adjust the end of the viewer until
• point of interest
A detailed is in
profile focus.
along the selected bridge axis is suff
• Unlock the angleAprotractor
arrangement. topographicknob
be made by the Abney l
a Level Instrument is necessary.
• On the left side of the viewer, a level bubble is
• For Adjust
visible. bridges knob
untila windguy
bubble isarrangement
centered in a more detailed
viewfinder. a detailed contour plan can be plotted. This type of survey
Tighten the knob
• Record the number of degrees and minutes for
The main function of the Abney Level is to measure the vert
the point (see example).
distance d between the survey points with a measuring tape, the h
Note if angle is positive
of elevation ΔH can orbenegative.
the Abney level downhill causes the knob to
right of the centerline and is thus negative
of Vertical Angle:
The principal
(see example). of measuring the vertical angle by the Abney
Topographic Survey
Chapter 2: Survey withSite
and Bridge Abney Level
Selection procedure described below:
The measured distance between two points and the angle found with the Abney level gives
all of the necessary information to calculate the vertical and horizontal differences between
the two points. Using the law of sines, a theoretical triangle may be created between the
shooting point, A, and the point of interest, C.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 24
Survey Set-up
• Two sticks of equal height are required. Approximatly 1.0 meter in height is convenient.
• One person with the Abney level set on top of one stick is fixed at the survey station.
• A second person will move from point to point with the second stick.
NB.A bright colored tape or string helps for viewing the point of interest.

Step by Step Abney Level Survey

1. Set centerline. Mark points on rock or ground on either 4. Select 2 points for tentative survey tower locations L and R.
side with spraypaint. 5. Measure the distance between survey station and survey
2. Sketch a profile of the crossing, draw at the centerline point with measuring tape and document each point.
3. Mark survey points along the contour of the land: points 6. Measure the angle between survey station and survey point
of elevation increase or decrease of more than 1.0 meter with abney level and document.
should be included. Name these points a, b, c etc. include the 7. Continue until all survey points have been documented.
existing water level and the high flood level representative of 8. Note any additional information including trees or large
flash flood or hurricane conditions.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 25
2.3.2 Automatic Level Survey - Overview

The following steps/procedure that must be followed when surveying bridge sites.

Survey Procedure
• Sketch the Profile
• Establish Horizontal Control and Bridge Center Line
• Establish Vertical Control
• How to..?
• Perform Two Peg Test
• Correct Level Setup
• Read a Level Rod
• Run a Level Circuit and Establish Elevations
• Move the Level
• Create Benchmarks

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 26
Sketch the Profile
Draw a sketch of the profile or cross section of the bridge axis with axis points R (right tower location) and L (left tower location), with all the survey
points and topographic features, including tentative position of the bridge anchors, low water level and highest recalled flood level.

Establish Horizontal Control and Bridge Center Line

Set the level on your assumed centerline Tower side A. Have a person with a plum bob setting points on Tower side L. Sight through Tower L’s
desired location and set points along the alignment. At least three points should be set beyond the tower, preferably at the tower, between the
tower and anchor, and beyond the anchor (the last point located approx. 25 m beyond the edge of river flow) Set additional points as necessary
to accuractly show the topography of the bridge axis. Turn the level 180o to establish similar points on Tower R side along the bridge axis. Finally,
use a tape measure or digital distance finder to measure between the points and mark all points and distances on the bridge profile.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 27
Establish Vertical Control
Find a secure location on each side of the bridge and set points or bench marks (BM#1 & BM#2) to use as your vertical control.
These points DO NOT have to be on your bridge centerline. Assume a generic elevation for BM#1 of “100.00”. Finally, run a level
circuit (shown on page 24) through the two points to establish the elevation of BM#2.

Determine Bridge Profile Elevations

Finally, run a level circuit (shown on page 32) through all of your points to determine elevations and the overall profile of the

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 28
How to Perform a Two Peg Test
The two peg test is performed to determine the amount of error and eleminate
it from the survey.

The following steps should be followed when performing the test:

S2 S1

1- Set two points inline 40 m apart.

2- Set the level centered between the two points.
3- Take a reading of both points A and B.
4- Have the rodman stay at point B and pick up the level and A
move within 5 m of the pointwhile remaining inline. L/2 L/2
5- Take a reading at point B then A.
6- After doing the math you should arrive back at your original elevation
S4 S3
with a tolerance of +/- 3 cm. If first you don’t check you should redo
the exercise. If you still dont check, you’ll need to take the level to
someone who can recalibrate it.

Error: e = (S1 - S2) - (S3 - S4)

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 29
How to set Up the Level

1. Take a look around and determine where you want to be able to shoot grades-the goal is to set up as few times as possible

2. Find a realitively solid, level ground to set up your tripod

3. Set the foot screws at the half way points. This should happen before you remove the level from its case.

4. Set up the tripod in the chosen location. Secure the feet as well as possible and try to get the top of the tripod as level as

5. Place and level the instrument on the tripod.

A. Screw the instrument on the tripod

B. Level the instrument by using the foot screws until the bubble is in the center of the level shown above

C. Double check that the instrument is level by turning it 180 degrees and checking that the bubble is still centered.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 30
How to Read a Level Rod
The following is an example of one type of level rod and example elevations given in meters.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 31
How to Run a Level Circuit and Establish Elavations

The following are steps to run a level circuit is the term used when surveying elevations that are all referenced off of a known
bench mark. We will use our known bench mark as BM#1 and base evrything off of the elevation “100.00” we assigned to this
point. The process requires a minimum of two people; one person at the automatic level to sight points, and one person to move
from point to point with the level rod.

1. Set up your tripod and level at a location where you will be able to see as many of the points you set when determining the
Horizontal Control.

2. Backsight (BS) the benchmark that you assigned an elevation “100.00” and record this in your survey log.

3. Add the BS to the known elevation of BM#1 (100.00) to get the hight of instrument (HI).

3. Foresight (FS) elevations where known elevations are required.

4. Subtract FS elevations from the HI elevations to determine required elvations.

5. Always end your circuit by FS one of your BM’s. Finally subtract the last FS from your HI, your elevations should check into the
know elevation of the point.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 32
How to Run a Level Circuit - Moving the Level

You will not always be able to record or see all of the points you need from one set up. In those cases, do the following;

1. After step 5 from the previous page, you can pick up your level and move it to your next location.

2. Have the Rodman stay at the last point you measured.

3. Once the level is set again, BS your last point.

4. Add that recording to the last points elevation to create a new HI

5. You can then proceed and FS points where elevations are required.

6. Always end your circuit by FS one of your BM’s. Finally, subtract your last FS figure from your HI, your elevation should check into
the known elevation of the BM.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 33

Below are sample field calculations for how to run a level circuit with one instrument move.

STA BS HI FS Elev Notes

(+) (-)

BM#1 3.24 103.24 100.00

Point A 3.05 100.19
Point B 2.98 100.26
Tower R 2.95 100.29
Point C 2.55 102.27 3.52 99.72 Turn Point
Point D 2.01 100.26
Tower L 2.15 100.12
Point E 2.42 99.85
Point F 2.63 99.64
BM#2 2.76 99.51 BM#2 = 99.51
*BM#2 Checks

Directions for how to set BM’s are shown on the next page.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 34
How to Set and Level Benchmarks (BM’s)

The following are steps on how to establish Benchmark (BM) elevations. This should be done prior to determining elevations of
any of the intermediate points.

1. When setting BM’s choose locations that will not be easily destroyed;

A. Chisled “X” in rock
B. PK nail in rock
C. Nail in tree root, etc.

2. Set at least one BM per tower side

3. Set up the level between the points

4. Backsight BM#1 (the BM you set as elevation 100.00)

5. Add the recording to the BM’s known elevation getting Height of Instrument

6. Foresight BM#2, Subtract the recording from the HI getting BM#2’s elevation

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 35
How to Set and Level Benchmarks (BM’s), continued

8. Pick up and move the level

9. Start from BM#2 and level your way back to BM#1, Your arithmatic should check back to BM#1’s known elevation (=100.00)

Below are sample field calculations for setting your benchmarks.

STA BS HI FS Elev Notes

(+) (-)
BM#1 2.34 102.34 100.00
BM#2 2.83 99.51

BM#2 1.55 101.06 99.51 Turn Point

BM#1 1.06 100.00 *BM#1 = 100.00 Checks

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 36
2.4 Soil and Rock Identification

For either side of the bridge one must determine the type of anchorage best suited for the geologic settings. As such, the first step of classificaton
is to differentiate between soil and rock. An easy way to make this determination is to assess whether or a not 2 meter deep hole can be dug with
a shovel in the area of your anchors and / or foundations. If it is possible to dig a 2 meter hole, you have soils. If it is not possible to dig a 2 meter
hole, it is likely you have rock. Use the following information in association with the “Soil and Rock Identification Worksheet” to determine what
type of soil or rock is located at your site.

Soil Classification
Standard soil identification begins by separating the soil into either coarse-grained or fine-grained, depending on if greater than 50 percent of
the material is larger or smaller than a 200# sieve respectively (roughly the size of a standard 0.074 mm window screen). If more than half of
the soil can pass through a 200# sieve the soil is fine grained, if less than half can pass, the soil is coarse grained.

If the soil is coarse grained, estimate the amount of soil that is larger than 6 mm diameter (about the size of a pencil eraser). If more than half
is 6mm or larger, it is a gravely soil. If less than half is 6 mm, it is a sandy soil. Also see the chart on the next page for coarse grain ratios.

If the soil is fine grained, prepare a moist ball of soil about the size of large coin. Cut the ball with with a knife, if the ball cuts smooth and is
shinny the soil is a clay. If the ball cuts rough and looks scratched or dull, the soil is a silt.

Use the following table (shown on page 38)to help determine what type of soil is present and what percentage is coarse grained at your bridge
location and fill the information on the “Soil and Rock Identification Worksheet”.

Rock Classification
If the bank is rock or highly consolidated soil, investigate by taking a hammer or other metal object and striking the surface. If the the result is
a high-pitched, metalic, noise, the rock is considered a hard solid rock. If the rock produces a thudding noise, or fractures into layered sheets,
the rock is a soft and or fractured rock.

Use the soil classification table to help determine what type of rock is present at your bridge location and fill the information on the “Soil and
Rock Identification Worksheet” found in the “Technical Survey.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 37
Soil Classification

The following table should be used to determine type of soil and corresponding anchor type.

Soil Type How to Identify Anchor Type

More than half of the soil particals
Coarse Grained Soils: Less than Gravely Soils are larger than 6 mm, or a pencil Gravity Anchor
half of the soil can pass thorugh eraser
200# seive, or thorough a typical More than half of the soil particals
0.074 mm window screen Sandy Soils are smaller than 6 mm, or a pencil Gravity Anchor
When a moist soil ball is cut with
Fine Grained Soils: More than half Silty Soils a knife, cut surface is rough, Gravity Anchor
of the soil can pass thorugh 200# scratched and dull
seive, or thorough a typical 0.074   
 a moist soil ball is cut with
mm window screen Clay Soils a knife, cut surface is smooth and Gravity Anchor
shinny 

The table to the right is useful when determining

the percentage of coarse grains in a soil. The
bottom right shows a good example of a soil with 
50% coarse grains. Anything more than this is a
coarse soil, anything less than this (shown in the

table) is a fine soil.
 

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 38
Rock Classification

The following table should be used to determine type of soil and corresponding anchor type.

Rock Type Examples How to Identify Anchor Type

Quartzite Gives metalic, high pitched,

Limestone sound when struck by hammer.
Hard Rock Granite *Drum Anchor
Dolomite Does not fracture or break into
Etc layered sheets

Gives dull, low pitched, thudding,
sound when struck by hammer.
Soft Rock Gravity Anchor
Does fracture or break into
layered sheets

*If excavation through rock is at all possible (by means of pick axe, jackhammer, or other) a gravity anchor should be used.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 39
Pedestrian Bridge Technical Survey

Bridge Name:
Location (GPS): ___________________________________________

Community Name: ___________________________________________

Community Location: ___________________________________________

Region: ___________________________________________

Country: ___________________________________________

Technical Support Contact: ___________________________________________

Institution: ___________________________________________

Field Surveyor: ___________________________________________

Signature of Surveyor: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Technical Survey Pg 1
Sketch profilE:

Technical Survey Pg 3
Abney Level Survey Information
Form Used to Record Survey Data:
Horizontal Vertical
Distance Distance Change in Elevation
Angle theta [Cos(theta) x [Sin(theta) x from
Survey Station Topo Point Distance (m) ( +/- degrees) Remarks distance] distance] Survey Station
100 (start point)

Technical Survey Pg 4
Automatic Level Survey Information
Form Used to Record Survey Data:

Station (STA) Backsight (BS) Height of Instrument (HI) Foresight (FS) Elevation Notes
(+) (-)
BM#1 100.00 Assumed BM#1 Elevation

Technical Survey Pg 4
Rock and Rock Identification Worksheet

Identify as Rock or Soil

Is it possible to dig a 2 meter deep hole with a shovel at the top approximate location of the anchor?
Yes, this will be considered a Soil
No, this will be considered a Rock
Soil Classification
Can more than half of soil passes through a 200# sieve, or a 0.074 mm standard screen?
If yes, soil is Fine Grained
If no, soil is Coarse Grained
If Fine Grained, when a moist soil ball (about the size of a large coin) is cut, is the cut surface;
Rough, scrathed and dull? If yes, soil is SIlty
Smooth ans shinny? If yes, soil is Clay
If Coarse Grained, are more than half of the soil particals bigger than 6 mm, or a pencil eraser?
If yes, soil is a Gravel
If no, soil is a Sand
Rock Classification
When the rock is struck with a hammer does it make a;
High pitched, metalic sound? If yes, rock is Hard
Low pitched, dull or thudding sound? If yes, rock is Soft
Rock and Rock Identification Worksheet, continued

Rock Classification
When the rock is struck with a hammer or a pick axe does it break into layered sheets?
If no, rock is Hard
If yes, rock is Soft

Soil or Rock Determination

Based on the previous worksheet, what type of soil or rock is located at each abutment?
Left Abutment: Type of soil or rock? (Gravel or Sandy soil, Silty or Clay soil, Soft or Hard rock)
Right Abutment: Type of soil or rock? (Gravel or Sandy soil, Silty or Clay soil, Soft or Hard rock)

Anchor Type Determination

Based on the type of soil or rock, what ype of anchor will be used at each abutment?
Left Abutment: Type of Anchor? (If Hard Rock use Drum Anchor, all else use Gravity Anchor)
Right Abutment: Type of Anchor? (If Hard Rock use Drum Anchor, all else use Gravity Anchor)
Data Collection

Local Material Availability

Description Haulage Distance, meters Remarks

Large Masonry Stones
Mixed Stones (used for fill)
Natural Gravel
Wood (for deck)

Transportation Logistics

Distance (km) From Distance (hours walking)

Type of Transport Name Bridge Site From Bridge Site
Truck road
Tractor or Motorcyle road
Airstrip or Helipad

Technical Survey Pg 5
Local Skilled Labor

In the villages nearby there may be local bridge builders who have already built some short span bridges or skilled masons who can easily pick up
the necessary bridge building skills. If such people are available, record their names.

Name Skill (Mason) Village / Address

Temporary Crossing

Is a temporary crossing necessary during the construction of the bridge? Yes No

If yes, what kind of temporary crossing is proposed?

• Ferry/Boat
• Temporary Bridge (Span_______)
• Cable Trolley
• Other: ___________

Sketch temporary crossing plan

Technical Survey Pg 6
Section 3: Selection of Bridge Design

3.1 Introduction to Bridge Technologies

A footbridge is for the sole purpose of pedestrian traffic including pack
animals, bicycles, motorcycles and for certain bridge designs, also for carts.
There are several designs for a pedestrian bridge, each applicable for different
terrain types and usage needs. To the right is a summary of pedestrian bridge
technology types.

Bridges to Prosperity (B2P) primarily works with cable bridges, of which

there are the suspended, the raised suspended and the suspension design
types. The cable suspended bridge is the most economical of the cable bridge
designs, but has limited application in flat terrain.

3.2 Suspended-Cable Pedestrian Bridge

The suspended-cable pedestrian bridge is based on traditional designs found

in Nepal and Peru. The cables hang from short masonry towers. The bridge
is suitable for short to mid spans in flood plains and short to long spans in
sloped river bends. The suspended pedestrian bridge is relatively easy to
design and build, requiring minimum engineering supervision and maximum
community participation.

Technical Aspects
• Width: 1.00 to 1.50 meter
• Span (length): up to 90 meters in flood plains, up to 120 meters
in sloped gorges
• Live load: 3.11kN/m2
• Wind allowance: 160 km/hour B2P Suspended Bridge Design
• Average cost (with wood decking): $200/meter (add $100/meter
for Africa)

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 48
3.3 Raised Suspended-Cable Pedestrian Bridge

The raised-cable suspended bridge is a cable bridge which utilizes the hung
cable suspended design. The primary difference between the suspended
bridge and the raised-cable bridge is that the walkway decking extends
back to the ground as opposed to a solid filled approach required with
the suspended bridge design. Hence, this design may be appropriate in
heavily forrested areas where there is a lack of stone. This technology is in
the development stages and would require a design engineer to oversee
the entire project. This bridge type has been reported to have greater
movement under pedestrian loadings and thus may not be suitable for
bikes or animal-driven carts. This bridge is recommended for river spans
up to 80 meters, with a total span of approximatly 110 meters. For further
information on this design, refer to B2P’s website and the Alpin Technik

Technical Aspects Raised Suspended Cable Design Developed by Alpin Technik

• Width: Up to 1.00 meter
• Span (length): up to 80 meter
• Live load:3.11 kN/m2
• Average cost (with wood decking): $450/m (add $100/
meter for Africa)

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 49
3.4 Suspension-Cable Pedestrian Bridge

The suspension bridge is a cable bridge which utilizes 2 to 4 upper cables

strung across high towers with a camber deck. This design is suitable for use in
flat river terrain or in flood plains. Timber or steel towers may be constructed,
but due to the complexity of design, an engineer must lead the project from
design to implementation. For further information on this design, please refer
to B2P’s website and the B2P Suspension Cable design.

Technical Aspects
• Width: Up to 1.50 meter
• Span (length): up to 80 meter
• Live load:3.11 kN/m2
• Average cost (with wood decking): $450/m (add $100/meter
for Africa)

B2P Suspension Design

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 50
3.5 Short Span Traditional Pedestrian Bridge

A simple span bridge is appropriate for crossings up to 12m. Several variations are
available including stone gabion abutments, timber and or steel beams and varying
deck widths. This technology is extremely simple and requires relatively little effort
to construct if structural members the length of the span are readily available (either
steel or timber).

Riverway navigation methods including gabion boxes are often necessary to ensure
the simple span project is able to span the river regardless of the rivers natural
tendancy to change paths.

For further information and option on traditional design, please refer to B2P’s
website and the IT Transport Design manual. B2P does not focus on short span
design because local communties are, for the most part, already proficient in their
designs and construction. B2P Short Span Design

Technical Aspects
• Width: Up to 2.00 meter
• Span: up to 12 meter
• Live load:3.11 kN/m2
• Average cost (with wood decking): $400/m
• (add $100/meter for Africa)

Gabion Box Used in Short Span Design

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 51
Section 4: Other Structures

4.1 Wind Guys

Wind guys are required for any span exceeding 120 meters and at bridge sites Typical windguy arrangement
with extreme wind conditions as deemed necessary by the design engineer.
The suspended bridge herein is designed to withstand a 160 kilometer per
hour wind load without any additional lateral support. Thus it is not normal
that the added rigidity gained from windguys would be deemed necessary.
Wind guys significantly increase the cost of the bridge as two (2) additional cables,
considerable additional cable clamps and four (4) additional anchorages are required.

Modified, one-sided wind guys may also be required for wood deck designs that lask
longitudinal rigididy. See drawings W21 and W41 located in Volume 3 for details.

Additional topographic information is needed 25 meters up and downstream from the

bridge center axis. Additional geotechnical site-investigation is also required for each
anchor location. For design material on wind guy structures, see “Helvetas Trail Bridge
Design Manual”, located on B2P’s website, and other engineering references. Drainage System

4.2 Drainage

Slope protection and drainage systems are required at sites when excess run-off may influence the
slope stability. It is recommended to avoid sites where any instability is prevalent. If unavoidable,
it is necessary to drain out the runoff and seepage to ensure the stability of the slope and to
avoid under-scour of structures. Water should be collected as closely as possible to its origin and
navigated away from the bridge structures. A surface catch drain on a slope may be required,
drainage around the structure or both.

The diagram to the right details subsurface and surface drainage systems.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 52
4.2 Drainage Cont’d

In the areas directly affected by the seepage, sub-surface drainage may be required
surrounding the anchorage and/or foundation areas. A recommended sub-surface
drain system is shown below. If excavation finds sitting water (picture bottom right),
subsurface drainage is a must.
Subsurface drains

filter cloth

Additional surface drainage channels assist in redirecting unwanted surface water. The
geometry of such structures should be similar to either of the figures below. To avoid scouring
to the drainage channel, additional protection may be considered in the form of protection
walls and or sheeting.

Surface drains

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 53
4.3 Retaining Structures

Retaining walls are necessary when soil or highly weathered rock rise above the
anchorage at slopes exceeding 1:1. There are many types of retaining structures
including rip-rap (see photo to right), gabion walls, dry stone and traditional
masonry walls. When the slope is too steep for rip-rap, dry stone retaining walls
typically are preferable as they require only local materials and are constructed
with the least amount of additional cost. Timber wall designs are also readily
available, but require subsurface drainage. Below right is one example design
using rebar to stake together timber and bracing into the hill slope.

Recommended dry stone design parameters are listed below in the table.
Depending on the topography of the site, the slope of the walls may vary greatly.
A maximum height of dry stone wall is suggested to be no greater than 6 meters
and used when hill slopes are no greater than 35 degrees. Sites with greater
slope angles should not be considered as stability issues are likely.
Rip-rap wall on 1:1 slope

drainage behind
retaining wall

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 54
5.4 River Bank Protection

River training structures should be avoided as they are a temporary solution and require
frequent maintenance. Normal bridge abutment placement should be well back from
river channels thereby obviating the need for same. River bank protection should be used
when a river meanders and at locations where the bridge foundation would be susceptible
to river scour. One such scenario would be if the bridge was placed at a river bend. As
river bends are not recommended for crossing sites, significant river training structures
should not be considered.

Gabion walls are the most common type of river bank protection and are commonly used
with simple span bridges to create a flush abutment surface. Filling the gabion walls
requires considerable time and effort by the community and must be accounted for during
planning stages of bridge construction.

Gabion walls are generally designed as gravity structures which use their own weight to
resist earth and water pressures. Horizontal layers of wire mesh cages may be stepped
either on the front or backside depending on the required application. An engineer is
required to design the structure and specify the fill material. The fill material must have
both strength and durability to resist the effects of water and weathering. Typically 8 cm
to 25 cm diameter stone is specified and if well-graded stone-fill is specified, the volume
of stone required to fill the casing is nearly the volume of the empty containers.

Volume 2: Feasibility Study and Technical Survey 55

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