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SY 2020-2021

Student’s Name: _______________________________________

Subject Teacher: ______________________________________


Number of Days Number of Minutes Page
I. Trends and Patterns
A. Differentiating a trend from a fad 1 60
B. The process of identifying a trend 2 120
C. Elements of a trend 3 180
D. Different characteristics of a trend 3 180
E. Causes and consequences of a trend 2 120
II. Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
A. Strategic analysis and intuitive thinking 2 120
B. Key components in strategic analysis and
2 120
intuitive thinking
C. Intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the
3 180
community using a map of social networks
III. Components, operations, effects, and networks of
A. Concrete effects of globalization and to
2 120
one’s daily life
B. Need for collaboration and cooperation to
achieve interconnectedness of people and 3 180
C. Different contributions of the parts to a
whole and the important role of creative
3 180
imagination in putting together the various
parts of a whole
D. Origin of the different components of a
gadget, business enterprise,
industrial/technological/agricultural product, 3 180
etc. through a mind map and reflection
III. Global and Planetary Climate Change.
A. Effects of consumption and production
2 120
patterns on climate change
B. Personal contributions that can actually
2 120
solve the problem of climate change
C. Consequences of one’s action affect the
2 120
lives of others and the environment
IV. Culminating Activity/Exam 5 300


Trends and Patterns

This chapter will present the vast context of the 21st century world and the learner's survival. Our
society is modern and fast-paced, globally networked, technologically oriented, and overwhelming with
varied changes and development. It requires learners who think critically, make judicious decisions, and act
with prudence.

Lesson 1 Differentiate a trend from a fad


 Identify the 21st century world.

 Discover the demands of the 21st century world.
 Explain why and how an individual needs to prepare and cope in the 21st century world.

Lesson Proper


Trends have a much longer lifespan than fads. In fact, they can continue to be fashionable for
years and even decades. The primary difference between a trend and a fad is that trends have the potential
to be long-term influencers on the market. In addition, trends often involve altered classics. For example,
specific colors can be declared “trendy.” For 2014, the colors orange and blue garnered a lot of attention.
However, orange and blue are classic colors; in other words, a classic piece has been declared a “trend.”
Trends can be much more difficult to track, but the best rule of thumb when considering whether a piece is a
classic or a trend, is to ask yourself: “Will I still love this in five years?” If the answer is a resounding “Yes,”
then chances are that the piece is either a classic or an updated classic, both of which will age beautifully.


The easiest way to categorize a fad is one word: short-lived. Typically, fads last for a total of one
season, but they can also last less than a month. Fads are novelty driven fashion choices. A fad is often
referred to as “catching on” with the larger population, but will often fade as quickly as it appeared. The
easiest way to remember a fad is through a simple alliteration: fads fade. Although engaging in fads can be
fun, they are often not worth investing a large amount of money or time.

Fads and Trends in the Philippine setting inclusive for the following years

19th Century / 20th Century / 21st Century

21st Century
Fads and Trends in Education

Trends - Due to new innovations students now were technology
inclined and made their study a much better one.

20th Century
Fads and Trends in Education

The rubix cube, comic and the
The technical colleges help the
book Follies and Foibles just
students some vocational skills
last quickly. It has been part on that improve the quality of
every student’s every day education of the century.

Fads and Trends in Communication Technology


The antenna mobiles help the people communicate to others but you got to find signal in order to
communicate well that’s why there is antenna.


Radio gave the people happiness in their leisure time and made them well-informed. It disseminates news
and has drama shows.

19th Century
Fads and Trends in Education


The book Talks to Teachers on Psychology really help the teacher’s way of teaching the children. It contains
great advices and ways in nurturing children with knowledge about the world.


The steam engine and the factory system trends influenced the progress of education.

Fads and Trends in Communication Technology


The steam and electricity had a big role in this century. It was one of the means in making a technology for


In this century telecommunication was put in a trend and make people communicate easily to others.

Lesson 2: The Process of Identifying a Trend

 Discover the difference between a trend and a fad.
 Speculate the trends that will emerge in the future.
 Apply critical thinking in spotting a fad and a trend.

Trendspotting is attempting to see the future in the present.

Trend Analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or
trend, in the information.

Trend is significant, have broad implications in all aspects of society, identifiable and explainable while Fad
is transitory or quick, affect only particular group of people without impact and driven by emotions.


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