MKT 337 Final Assignment-1632395030

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MKT 337 Final Assessment

Name: Anzuman Ara Shimu Course: MKT-337

ID: 1632395030 Section: 02

Serial no: 06 SET: B

Section A:

1. Imagine that a local fashion brand approaches your marketing agency

during the pandemic. Outline the agency-client process that takes place
when the client first approached your agency till your agency gets back to
the client with the final proposal.

Aarong company approaches my marketing agency in this corona pandemic. Their sales are
decreasing in this hard time as well as the brand value. For this they want to apply new
advertising and my marketing agency will help them in making that. For this, there was an
agency-client process between my marketing agency and the Aarong company and that
process is outlined below from 1st approach to my agency to the final proposal from my
agency to Aarong company.

At the 1st step of the process, the Aarong company comes to my agency and tells about their
problems and needs. Their main problems were that for the reason of corona pandemic, their
selling was decreasing.

In the 2nd step, my agency considers their problems. My agency is tried to decide whether
they will try to help Aarong company, they have the capability of doing so or not. How much
importance it is to advert for that company? All this decision is taken in this step. Doing an
advertisement for Aarong company will be a good contract for my agency and this, the
decision was taken in favour of the Aarong company.

Now the most important step where all the planning and strategies are made for the adverting.
A detailed analysis of the Aarong company is taken to make an advert which helps them to be
relevant in this corona pandemic time. The research has conducted the market to know the
essentials of advertising for the Aarong company and what type of advertising that may be
the best suit them. After all the evaluations planning and strategy are prepared and a budget is
also prepared for that advertising which is offered to the Aarong company.

This is the last step in this process. Here, my agency will give the final proposal to the
Aarong company for the advertising and everything is thoroughly described here. Then the
Aarong company will decide whether they will go for it or not.

This was the agency-client process of my marketing agency.

2. Compare and contrast the different appeals and execution styles
available to an advertiser? Which creative strategy and tactics are you
going to use to help your client? And Why?

There are different appeal and execution-style is available to an advertiser to choose form.
These appeals and styles help an advertiser to directly attract the emotions of a customer
which will ensure that the customers will consider the product to buy (Wright, 2014). Those
appeals and execution styles elucidated below including a contrast by a comparison of the
appeals and execution styles.

Personal appeal and style: This type of appeal and style focus on the emotions of a
particular group of persons. Here the need for love, affection, belongingness, happiness is
emphasised. This is a better way to get to the mind of the customers as it directly crated to
have an impact on the customer's mind .

Social appeal and style: Here, customers social needs are focused on like respect in the
society, recognition and status to conduct an appeal and style. This is a very strong way for
an advertiser as everyone wants to have some value in the society and this makes its
execution a crucial job .

Fear appeal and style: In this type of appeal and style, a sense of fear is emphasised which
is related to the customer’s needs. For example, the fear of an accident, fear of health issues
and fear of fire. This type of style and appeal is much-given importance to the customers
when they watch it and consider to do something about the issue. But the advertisers need to
be very relevant as the poor cannot afford an insurance policy.

Humour appeal and style: Here, a humorous advert is conducted for seeking the attention of
the customers and it is a proven way of getting the attention and best memory recall from the
customers. Here a message is prepared which will make the customers happy for a moment.
This is a funny message which can be recalled for a long time. This type of style and appeal
will be very difficult to make as customers are very different and to execute this, a deep
understanding of the customer's nature is very crucial.

Endorsement appeal and style: This type of appeal and style is very popular in this modern
world as customers like to watch their favourite celebrities. When customers favourite
celebrities explain a product of a company then customers tend to believe that and create faith
in the brand. This is very popular in modern-day advertising but the difficult part is to find
the best celebrity for advertising as all the customers don’t have the same as for a celebrity.

My client is Aarong company and in this corona pandemic time they are not consistent in the
market as customers prefer to stay at home and they don’t want to buy luxury products in this
tough time, for example, they don’t want to buy fashion products. In this situation, I am going
to use the endorsement appeal and style. This appeal and style will be very efficient and what
the celebrities explain may be believed by the customers and for this, customers will have
faith in the company like they are maintaining safety for not spreading the coronavirus and
all. For these reasons, endorsement appeal and style would be the best choice for my client.
This assignment is based on the marketing agency process and the adverting appeal and
execution-style. Both of these are very important to the organizations to be able to attract
customers from the market to buy their product. Moreover, a careful application of the
advertising appeal and style of exhumation is very essential as there are different types of
appeals and styles to choose from and their characteristics also differ. All these also don’t
attract all the customers. For this reason, the careful and wise application is a must of
advertising appeals and styles.
Jefkins, F., 2016. Advertising. Boston: Elsevier Science.

Roetzer, P., 2012. The Marketing Agency Blueprint. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Wright, R., 2014. Advertising. Harlow, England: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Section B:

3. After you have come up with your creative strategy, it is time for you to
choose the media which will be responsible for spreading your client's
message. What are the different media that you can choose from and which
ones would you pick for your client and why?

There are different types of media out there to choose from which can convey the message
for Aarong company and those are elucidated below-

Online media: This media is the best-used in this modern time and it is emphasized by
everyone in this pandemic time. With this media, Aarong company can promote their
products and brands on online platforms like social media and different websites. This offers
the great benefits of customization and monitor of every aspect of the message and at a low

Direct mail media: This is used for close interactions with the Aarong companies’ regular
customers. Here, new product information and promotions are communicated and feedbacks
are asked through mail to the Aarong companies’ regular customers.

Newspaper and magazine media: It were one of the popular from of advertising media in
the past but with the continuous increase of the online media its usage is lessened. Here,
Aarong companies’ message will be published in the newspapers and covers a wide range of
geographical area and like this, the magazine media similarly work.

Television media: This media is still popular in this modern time. Here a message and
information about the products can be delivered to a wide range of areas and at the same
time. The main advantages of this media are that the message can spread to the whole world
in less time and cost.

Radio media: This media is less costly than television media. Here the message and
description of the products can be delivered to the desire audience for Aarong company. It
gives the special benefit of selecting a certain territory and audience.
Transportation media: This media is very popular as peoples tend to use transports for
going one place to another every day. In this media, in the different types of transports,
advertising messages are presented like trains, busses, and taxis. It best suited the big cities as
people the transport most there .

Among these different media for spreading Aarong companies’ message who is my client,
online media will be the best media in this pandemic time and the reasons are mentioned

In this corona pandemic, everyone is staying at their home to stay safe and for this, they are
passing the maximum of their time online by watching different contents. Here, Aarong
companies’ message can be easily communicated. On the other hand, as customers are not
going out of their houses and this makes other media is kind of obsolete in this pandemic
which offers only the online media to choose. It also offers a high level of customization like
choosing the audience and area for spreading the message. Moreover, it is very efficient than
any other media in this pandemic and the cost is also less than the overall result and for this,
online media should be the appropriate one for Aarong company.
4. Advertising is just one of the IMC tools at a marketer's disposal. What
tools other than advertising would you suggest to your client?

IMC is known as integrated marketing communication which refers to the integration of

various marketing tools or communication channels to spread a clear and specific message to
a wide range of people. There are many tools or channels like advertising, direct marketing,
personal selling, public relations, and sales promotions. Some evolving marketing tools are
included in the IMC like online marketing, mobile marketing, and sponsorships. So,
advertising is just an IMC tool that is used by a marketer and other many tools can be used
effectively and some of them are elucidated below which can be suggested to Aarong
company for spreading a message.

Direct marketing: This tool is widely used by many organizations and can be also used by
Aarong company in this pandemic time. Here, a direct communitarian with the end customers
can be easily established and messages and information can be conveyed easily through
mails, messages, and letters. In this pandemic time, people consider more buying online and
that buying process can be eased by this tool by delivering catalogues and materials for
buying from online to the end-users.

Social media marketing: In this corona pandemic, people have more free times than before
as they are staying at their houses all the time and for that, they are using social media
platforms more than ever. And for this reason, it will be very effective to use this tool by
Aarong company to spread the organizational message. It’s a very powerful media of
communication where messages can be communicated with lots of customizations like age,
sex, area, country, and many others. This makes it one of the efficient and cost-saving ways
of communicating a message.

Sales promotion: This will be very effective for my clients to increase communication and
also increase the sales of the products and services. With this tool, a short-term incentive is
offered to the customers for increasing the sales. Normally the offers are decreasing in price,
increasing in amount, premium services, coupons, and many other things. These attractive
offers are given to the customers to motivate them to buy products and services from the
company and it will be very efficient for Aarong company.
5. Marketing activities are investments and like every investment,
companies want to see returns from their marketing expenditure. How are
you going to measure the success or failures of your marketing strategy
after this pandemic is over?

Measurements are very useful to optimize the different organizational processes and
decisions and marketing activities are no exception. As it is one kind of investment,
measurement is necessary for the investment to know whether it was successful or not . There
are many ways to measure my marketing strategies success or failure after the corona
pandemic is over because the strategy will be same in this corona pandemic for not changing
the business environment and those ways of measuring success or failure are elucidated

Return on investment: This helps to measure the performance of any investments in any
program in an organization. Here, how much come in Aarong companies will be measured
measures and it’s the best KPI out there. For example, if in my marketing strategy $1,000 are
invested and $7,000 are earned in the sales then there will have ROI of $6,000 which is 600%
and with this, it will be evident that my marketing strategy was successful in the pandemic

Incremental sales: This measures the increase of the sales numbers for the implementation
of the marketing strategies. This will present ow much effective was the macheting strategies
for increasing Aarong company sales. For example, if the sales of Aarong company are
increased by 5% or remain stable in the corona pandemic for adverse business conditions for
all, then it can be said that my market strategy was good in the corona pandemic.

Brand value: Brand value is a food factor to analyze as this will tell about the company’s
position and effectiveness of the marketing strategies. For example, if after the corona
pandemic, it is seen that Aarong company value is good and customers are favouring to buy
Aarong company products and services and talking about Aarong company then it is sure that
there is a good brand image of my company over there and this is only possible for my
marketing strategies and with this, it will ensure the success of my marketing strategy.
These are the ways of measuring the success or failure of my marketing strategies after the
corona pandemic.
6. What roles and responsibilities can marketers play in a time of

In this time of the corona pandemic, the marketers need to play very crucial roles and
responsibilities to help the organizations like Aarong company to survive in the market, and
those are elucidated below and those will be completely varied on an organizational basis.

1. To adapt to the new business conditions and prepare for this along with everyone.
2. To make relevant marketing strategies for this corona pandemic time.
3. To research the changing behaviour of the consumer in this pandemic.
4. To maintain the online sites very carefully as customers, tend to buy essential
products more from online now like doing search engine optimization for the
company websites.
5. To introduce several marketing campaigns and appropriately managing campaigns on
social platforms like Facebook and Instagram which will ease the company to be
relevant in the market.
6. To undertake creative promotional activities that can attract the customers towards the
company in this pandemic.
7. To monitor the performance of the organization and also monitor the brand value in
this corona pandemic .
Marketing activities are very important for every organization to thrive in the markets and
this is also proven in this report and without marketing activities, it would be tough for the
organizations to survive in this dangerous corona pandemic. Different marketing media helps
to convey appropriate messages to the customers in this tough time and appropriate IMC
tools are suggested in this report. The ways of measuring marketing strategies' effectiveness
are also elucidated properly along with the roles and responsibilities of the marketers in this
corona pandemic.
Dolan, R. and Mick, D., 2008. Marketing Strategy. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School
Elton, E., 2017. Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis. Hoboken: Wiley Custom.
Keillor, B. and Owens, D., 2013. Integrated Marketing Communication. Westport, Conn:
Palmer, R., Cockton, J. and Cooper, G., 2015. Managing Marketing. Amsterdam:
Butterworth- Heinemann.
Singh, S., 2014. Advertising Media. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Centrum Press.

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