TP Assessment

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Jeieljy I.

Albino August 4, 2020

Ptr. Mark Ephraim Ayano Teaching Profession


For Teaching Profession:

I have learned from this subject that in teaching as profession, though professionalism
requires importance, it still led up to the education that comes to the students with quality and
effectivity. Just like the OBE principle, students are the main part of teaching but before coming
to that, one still should be recognized credible and capable to teach. The preamble for the
provisions of paragraph (e), Article 11 of R.A. no. 7836, otherwise known as the Philippine
Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 and paragraph (a), section 6, P.D. no. 223, says it all
that, “Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity and reputation with high
moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble
profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.”

Principles I have learned from our lessons are: teachers should always come with respect,
no matter his/her position, to all students and parents and co-teachers for them to respect
him/her. Teachers are facilitators of learning, not the absolute source of all information. Teachers
are never at the peak of knowledge but they themselves are still learning even until attaining
higher education does not make them all-knowledgeable but even in retiring and decline, one
would still learn new things as change and new experiences is inevitable. In discipline, the
teacher should always come as a professional yet a parent-like minister unto the students. Being
a teacher does not make them immune to disciplinary action but there are actions that can be
executed accordingly. Relationships between teacher and student can always go beyond
professional as long as not within school boundaries. The greatest of the principles is that being a
teacher is an opportunity for me to learn with all experiences, could make me effective in other
areas, most importantly in the field of spiritual ministry.

For Field Study:

A teacher assumes a significant job in training of each student. From the interviews,
views on which a teacher is a noble profession comes as the best prescription to prove when it
comes to every part of education from the students to parents until with every person on earth. In
my view, individual characteristics of the teacher is significant than training. In the first place,
teachers must realize how he/she is as a facilitator to the learning of each student with their own
backgrounds and own environments. Likewise, great instructor ought to have the best methods
for effective teaching and not being legalized to one systematic teaching pattern. One character I
can be proud is that when I teach, I teach with variations. Presently, educators isn't just a source
of information but also an individual who is liable for the eventual fate of their students. That
comes as a responsibility for the teacher to their students.
While the main focus for the FS is the teacher being in the school as episode 3 stated, I
believe a quality education comes with a competent facilitator at the back with a classroom that
promotes effective learning environment. While the community plays a huge role in supporting a
teacher in goodwill identify them as competent, a teacher has this responsibility to as a role
model not just to the students but to every person in ethics and moral values. Legalities and
credentials just gives the identity “capable to teach” but a student who internalizes and shows in
life the principles, credits the teacher a competent one. I am so blessed with this activity as this
made me realize that teaching as a profession isn’t simple as it is. Lives are at stake and lives
matter for a teacher now with the OBE principle. I want to quote a saying that “without teachers,
there are no engineers, no police, no architects, nor other professions.”

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