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CIA (2nd Written Test)

Time: 1hr Full Marks: 7.5
Answer all the three questions

1. Multiple Choice Questions: select the correct answer: [½×6 = 3]

i. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea root is due to presence and activity of

a) Nostoc sp. b) Azotobactor sp. c) Rhizobium sp. d) Azospirillum sp.

ii. Trough method is used for mass cultivation of

a) Bacteria b) Fungi c) BGA d) None

iii. Chu-10 media is suitable for the isolation of some of the

a) Chlorophytes b) Xanthophytes c) Phaeophytes d) Cyanophytes

iv. Biofertilizers are made up of

a) Live microbial inoculums b) Dead microbial inoculums c) Leaf litters d) None

v. Azolla - Anabaena is an association between

a) BGA & Bacterium b) Hydrophyte & BGA c) Pteridophyte & BGA d) Gymnosperm & BGA

vi. Which is not a category of mycorrhiza?

a) Exomycorrhiza b) Endomycorrihiza c) Ectomycorrhiza d) Ericoid mycorrhiza

2. Write short notes on any two of the following: [1×2 ₌ 2]

i. Expand – VAM, FYM, OMD, BNF

ii. Phosphate solubilizers
iii. Pit method for cultivation of BGA.
iv.Cyanobacteria and their utility as nitrogen fixers

3. Answer any one of the following: [2 ½]

i. Mass production of AM fungi.

ii.Carrier based inoculums preparation of Rhizobium.
iii. Quality control in biofertilizers.

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