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Stats- Multiple Regression

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1. Example of ANCOVA In a study, the covariate of 8. What is The sig. of the overall R and amount of
age would probably measured in variance accounted fro R2 and also the sig. of
confound any study looking Multiple each of the independent variables are
at recovery. The ANCOVA regression? contributing to the explained variance.
holds the covariate age up
while you run your The multiple correlation is tested for sig. and
hypothesis. each of the beta weights is tested for sig.
Testing the beta weights offers info regarding
2. Example of MANOVA Usually you have 1
each independent variable contribution to the
independent variable such as
dependent variable.
skin refridgerant on a number
of outcomes such as pain 9. What is the The ability to reduce error variance in the
responses (facial exp., cry, advantage outcome measure and the ability to measure
bodily movements). of using group differences after allowing or other
ANCOVA? differences between subjects.
Rather than conduct separate
10. What is the R²
analyses for each outcomes
symbol for
measure, the researcher uses
MANOVA to consider all at
the same time.
11. When is When we are interested in more than 1 outcome
3. Multiple regression is true
MANOVA or dependent variable.
possible when there is a
measurable multiple
correlation between a group 12. When is When you have a number of independent
of predictor variables and multiple predictor variables and one dependent
one dependent variable. T or regression variable.
F? used?

4. What are regression statistics They allow us to make

used for? predictions from some known
evidence about some
unknown future events.

Essentially it is a prediction
5. What does ANCOVA stand Analysis of Covariance
6. What does MANOVA stand Multivariate Analysis of
for? Variance
7. What is ANCOVA used for? It is another ANOVA
technique which combines
the ANOVA with a regression
to measure the differences
amoung groups.

Often used when you are

worried about a covariate
(known confounding variable)

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