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Job Analysis is the process of determining & reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the
determination of tasks, which comprise the job, together with skills, knowledge, responsibilities etc. required for successful
performance & which differentiate the job from all others.

The JAQ takes into account all the duties you are required to carry out. Think what you do in a typical week, start from the
beginning & work through each day. If your job varies from week to week or has a monthly cycle, look at your diary to help to
list your activities. No, Job Evaluation is concerned with how well you do; rather it is concerned about what you do & why you
do. It takes no account of performance. The Job Analyst are trained staff & when you have finished completing the JAQ,
Management will go through the JAQ with you to ensure that you have not left anything out, the examples provided (if any)
are clear to people who do not know your work & that the JAQ accurately reflects the job duties & responsibilities you

1. Answer the questions in your own words and consultation about the answer with anyone is not allowed.
2. Wherever there is a question that you have ticked or answered 'Yes', there should be a clear, factual answer. It should
be detailed enough to enable someone who does not know the job to understand what you do.
3. Please avoid including unnecessary information as this can be confusing.
4. After completing, you have to rename the file to “Your ID, name & Designation” and send to HR
( through email.

Highest Education Level  MBA(Running) At EASTWEST

Name  Md. Selim Reza
with institution name UNIVERSITY
 Mr. Harun Ar Rashid-Managing
Direct Reporting to Director
Designation  Production Planner

  Mr. Harun Ar Rashid-Managing

 Production Planning & Direct Reporting to Director
Control (Designation)

Functional area Indirect Reporting to

 Planning & Co-ordination  N/A
of work (Name)- if any
Indirect Reporting to
Date of Joining  06/12/14   N/A
(designation) - if any
Total Year of
 4Years & 5 months Mobile  01678-076818
Date of Birth  21-02-1989 Email Address

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.


1. Principal Purpose of Your Job –In not more than one sentence
Production plan & Co-ordination

2. Daily Duties / Routine task

● please mention what duties & tasks (what & why) you perform in one man day of 8 hours.
● consider 8 hours as 100% & break up the tasks in term of percentage (%) accordingly.

Duties % of Daily
Working Time
1 Morning Meeting with Production & Quality team 1 Hour

2 Alarming to hit the SOP 1 Hour

3 Profit & Loss Account maintain 10 Minutes

4 Dues activity solve 1 Hour

5 Check & discuss with Merchandisers about running & upcoming orders. 30 Minutes

6 Meeting with IE about PPS 20 Minutes

7 Updating the plan onwards 1 Hour

8 Meeting with MD sir & update accordingly 30 Min-50 Min

9 Shipment Alarming & Follow-up 30 Minutes

10 Daily working schedule checking & Approve 20 Minutes

3. Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly

 Indicate any tasks which are carried our weekly, quarterly, monthly & occasionally (what & why) you perform
 Please put an approximate time requirement (In hours) for each of the duties & tasks in a one man day

Duties Working Time

(In Hours)
1 CPS 1 Hour

2 ECM 1.5 Hours

3 Monthly Plan published

3 Hours

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

4 Monthly Shipment plan published 2 Hours


4. Special & Other Duties

 Please mention what Special & Other duties & tasks (what & why) you perform
 Please put an approximate time requirement (In hours) for each of the duties & tasks in a one man day.

Duties Working Time

(In Hours)
Assist Production, IE & others team & Special assign job by Management 1 Hours

5. Human Relations
 Describe the personal contacts you have to make in performing the job inside & outside the organization,
mentioned the Mode of your communication. (E.g. letter, report, memo, telephone, fax/e-mail, personal visit,
verbal instruction)

Sr. With whom Mode (How) Reason (Why)

1 HRD & Admin Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Administrative & ICT help
2 Merchandisers & Buyer Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Planning & Co-ordination
3 Production & Quality-GPQA Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Production & Shipment
4 Store Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Supply issue
5 Maintenance Personal visit & Phone Machine issue
6 IE Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Planning & Production
7 Commercial Mail, Verbal, Phone Shipment & Import
8 Technical Mail, Verbal , personal visit & Phone Pattern & Technical issue

6. Evaluation of Your Work (Please Tick)

 Your work is inspected, checked or verified by your Immediate Superior officer/Manager/ other (Please specify
Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

 It is done by formal instruction / ad hoc checking rechecking/other (please specify below)

Formal Instruction

 It is done on a regular basis/once or twice a week/ Monthly/Quarterly/ Occasionally /other (Please specify below)
Regular Basis


7. How many employees work directly in your supervision? (If applicable)

8. You Have the Authority to recommend or approve

Employment Promote
Dismissal/Termination Salary Increase
Evaluate Answer Grievance
Transfers Correct Discipline
Monitory approval authority and amount if any:

Others (Please specify):

9. Authority of Decision Making

 What decisions you are making without consulting your supervisor?
Sr. Decisions
1 Production line plan published
2 Informal meetings with others dept.
3 Assist Production, IE & others team

 What decisions you are making in consultation of your supervisor?

Sr. Decisions
1 Capacity planning
2 Planning Changes
3 Scheduling
4 Special program & others planning related activities
5 Line planning

 What decisions your supervisor is taking in your area of work without your consultation?
Sr. Decisions

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

 What are the most difficult decisions you're to make?
Sr. Decisions

 What is the source of your data? Note: Collection of information from different sources (Internal/External) to accomplish your job.
Sr. Data Name Data type (internal / Mode of information (email / oral / Google
external) doc / Official memo etc.)
1 MIS Report Internal E-mail
2 Daily Dash Board Internal E-mail
3 Defective report Internal E-mail
4 T&A, Pre-plan, Order Internal E-mail
5 PO, Sketch ETC Internal E-mail

 What are the systems / software / Program you are using

Sr. Systems / software / Inputs (key issues) Output (Key issues)
Program Name
1 ERP Not yet start

10. Records & Report: What records & reports do you personally prepare?
Sr. Records and / Report Name How is the custodian (you / your
1 Monthly plan & Yearly Plan Me
2 AQL Plan Me
3 SOP Calendar Me
4 Capacity report Me
5 Profit & Loss report Me & MD Sir

11. Academic Qualification and technical knowledge: Please indicate the minimum level of academic / technical
qualification needed to perform responsibilities of your position?

12. Professional Training: Please indicate the minimum level of training needed to perform the job you are doing?
Sr Types of Training Why need When / how frequent
1 Planning & IE Planning Before or After joining this dept.
2 Planning & Production Planning Before or After joining this dept.

13. Experience: Please indicate the type & minimum years of work experience required performing the job you are
Sr Types of Experience Number of Years

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

1 IE & Planning 4 years

14. Working Atmosphere: Describe the working atmosphere, which may cause a feeling of pressure or discomforts.
Consider working environment, distractions & interference, which might make the completion of tasks difficult.
Sr. Issues Why
1 Company Rules & policy issues It should be clear
2 Self-knowledge about job They are confusing about their responsibly
3 Not functioning properly as per procedure Negligence & lack of communication

15. Meeting: Describe the meeting pattern.

Sr. Meeting Meeting type (Announced like Lead By Participants
Purpose / Name monthly, weekly etc. / ad hoc
like sudden meeting)
1 CPS Weekly ME Merchandiser, IE, CAD,
Production, Store
2 Emergency Ad Hoc MD ALL respective person
3 ECM Monthly MD Sir ECM Members
4 IE Review Monthly IE HOD IE Team, MD, ED & ME
5 Plan Review Monthly ME MD, Merchandiser, IE , LFO,
6 Buyer Meeting Ad Hoc Merchandiser Buyer, Merchandiser, Me

16. What are your most important jobs / tasks (as per your opinion)- Maximum 5
Sr. Tasks
1 Preparing Production Planning
2 Factory Capacity Plan
3 Production Co-ordination
4 Line Planning
5 Planning development & Assist others team

17. State the output based on the job responsibilities:

 Mention the criteria for measuring outputs: Amount/volume/quantity/number as appropriate.
 Mention in daily/ weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly/ quarterly /half yearly/ yearly basis as appropriate.
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
Output 5

18. Mention five positive and improvements areas specific to your job
Sr. Positive areas Improvement areas
1 Work procedure

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

Employee Name: HR: Kazi Saiful Islam

______________ ______________
Signature Signature
Date: Date:

Thank U!!!
“For contributing in future development”

Job Analysis – TEMAKAW Fashion Ltd.

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