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The BLUE VERVAIN has always been one of my

favourite plants in addressing PROSTATITIS and the Central

Nerve System. DR. SEBI
Yes here we have out of the bowels of mother nature another gift for us, one of
the most beautifulest plant in the world. I mean it has these beautiful flowers,
purple flowers and green leaves.

If I was an artist I would never have integrated both but look at what mother
nature is doing.

This plant is responsible for many, many, many things.

First just go to the Central nerve system and the prostrate gland. This plant is
effective not only in the prostrate glands of men but in the reproductive organs
of women.

This plant to me is one of the most valuable plant. But it has a secret, if there is
such a thing, which I don’t like to use the word, but it’s something that should
be known that the Blue Vervain as it is called and rightfully so, the Blue
Vervain. .

The ROOTS could last a long time, about six months. And this is one of the things
we find in the United States that because our brothers and sisters do not get the
fresh herbs, it prevents them from reaching that goal that they are seeking.

And I really do believe that our brothers and sisters in the United States are
really trying to do their best and see how they could help because it is
impossible for me to think that a black man, that belongs to the black race is a
member of the black race then would deliberately take upon themselves the
position to destroy us by recommending things that does not work.

No, that is not their position, we know that, we know they mean well.

But because they do not have the privilege of using plants like this one, fresh, so
it would become effective.
So this plant contain again iron, magnesium, phosphorus, but one of the thing I
like of it, it contains zinc and potassium phosphate.

So it appeals to the central nerves system because of the potassium phosphate

which fights inflammation and treats the nerves system and iron fluorine which
again address the blood.

The Blue Vervain, this is among many of the plants we use in various compounds
but this is one that I like very very much because it makes me feel so good and
its so pretty, this is the Blue Vervain.

Parts Used Medicinally

Root, leaves, stems.

The medicinal parts are the dried aerial parts collected during the flowering
season, the fresh, flowering herb, the flowers and the whole fresh plant.

The older physicians used the root primarily, which they considered stronger.
However, the primary parts used used medicinally by modern herbalists are the
aerial parts of the plant.

Clinical Indications

Nervous system support

Mood improvement


Topical analgesia

Promotion of estrogen and progesterone receptor binding

Traditional uses

Traditionally, Blue Vervain has been used for depression, over enthusiasm,
melancholia, hysteria, generalised seizures, cholecystalgia, jaundice, early
stages of fever, and specifically for depression and debility of convalescence
after fevers, especially influenza. It is used for sore throat, and for diseases of
the respiratory tract, such as coughs, asthma and whooping cough, menopausal
complaints and irregular menstruation, gout, metabolic disorders, chlorosis and
edema. It is also used externally as a gargle for cold symptoms and for diseases
of the oral and pharyngeal cavity.

Chinese Medicine Uses: The herb is used for edema, chronic malaria,
dysmenorrhea and carbuncles.

Homeopathic Uses: The herb is used for bruising and cerebral convulsions.


Flowering herb: Standard Infusion, 2-5 ounces, to 3 times a day. Tincture [1:5,
60% alcohol] 30-90 drops, to 4 times a day. (Moore)

Liquid extract: Take 2 to 4 ml daily. (PDR)

Tincture: Take 5 to 10 ml up to 3 times per day. (PDR)

Infusion: Take 2 to 4 gm up to 3 times per day. (PDR)

Blessed Thistle has an ability to cure numerous ailments. It is also known as
‘Holy Thistle’ or ‘St. Benedict’s Thistle’. This thistle-like plant is from the family of
Asteraceae, which is native to Mediterranean region. However, it is quite
famous in other parts of the world too, including France, Iran, and North

In case you are thinking why it has the title of ‘Blessed’, it is because, in the first
century, the army of king of the Franks was dying of the plague, while they were
on their way to control Europe. This plant saved their lives from the plague and
allowed them to continue war. From that moment, it became known as blessed
& earned the attention of researchers.
Herbalists indeed call it a gift from God, particularly for women, as it facilitates
in resolving many female related problems. It increases milk supply and also
treats hormone imbalance. Furthermore, it also contains astringent compounds
that shrink inflamed tissues and dilate peripheral blood vessels.

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