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Partial Discharge Measurement

and Interpretation
David A. Nattrass, Technical Consultant

he breakdown of insulation while in service can

T cause considerable damage to equipment and to

the system to which it is connected. It has been
recognized that failures of this type often may be related
Unfortunately, in addition to the classic
partial discharges observed. . . , there
to the occurrence and severity of partial dischargeswithin may be present a generated interference
voids and/or on the surface of the insulation.
The technique of measuring and analyzing partial that must be found and suppressed or
discharges occurring in insulation structures or assem- removed.
blies can be used to detect weaknesses before they
lead to catastrophic failure.
Such diagnostic procedures normally should include
display of the partial discharges on an oscilloscope,
preferably in the form of an elliptical display representing terms of pico-coulombs, and this is now becoming
a sine wave. Once the position of the voltage peaks and established in various IEC, IEEE, and CSA documents. At
zeros are located, it is then possible to analyze the relative the same time, there has been great progress in the
magnitude and location of the partial discharges on each development of equipment in such areas as bandwidth
half-cycle of the display. selection, calibration, and pulse discrimination so as to
Since the early 1940s,a considerablevolume of data has allow the use of equipment in electrically noisy environ-
been accumulated on the subject of partial discharge tests ments. There are many manufacturersof such equipment
as performed on equipment such as transformers,capaci- who provide excellent literature on the subject, and many
tors, cables, etc., under direct and alternating voltage papers have been published comparing types of equip-
stresses as well as impulse conditions. The changes that ment. The reader is directed to the references accom-
have taken place since then in terms of test equipment panying this article for further information [ 1 ] - [ 611.
development and testing techniques have been tremen- Some brief comparisons of test equipment considered
dous, but the interpretation of results, as well as the Of general interest will be made here.
development of remedial actions, are two subjectsin need
of further development.
Type I : NEMA and CSA standards refer to radio noise
The following overview of partial discharge patterns,
measuring equipment in the frequency range of 150
their evaluation and determination of origin, should help
kHz-400 MHz. Type 1 equipment is typically available
today’s practitioners in the interpretation of results, as
with a response from 150 kHz to 30 MHz, which covers
well as the accurate discimination between true partial
the 1 MHz referred to in some specifications. This
discharges within an insulating structure and other
equipment usually has an analog meter and manual
unwanted conduction or radiation-induced interference
signals. adjustment of frequency.

Type 2: Bandwidth of 40-200kHz and CRO display in

the form of an ellipse, an output for an x-y autoplotter,
It is not the intention, neither is it possible within the and a bridge circuit option for interference suppression.
scope of this article, to discuss the many partial discharge
detectors that are commercially available. Type 3: Selectable bandwidth of 50-500 kHz with
The early techniques measured RIV-commonly re- CRO display in the form of an ellipse, an output for x-y
ferred to as “radio interference voltage” or “radio autoplotter, and a bridge circuit option for interference
influence voltage”- and values, were typically recorded suppression.
from an analog voltmeter in microvolts.
As more advanced equipment was developed, oscil- Band 1-Range: 50-80kHz
loscopes, x-yautoplotters, location capabilities,and bridge Band 2-Range: 135-165 kHz
circuits were utilized to express partial discharges in Band 3-Range: 40-400kHz

10 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

Type 4: The same equipment design as type 3 with the
same features plus discharge location features as follows:
Band 1-50-80 ~ H Z
Band 2-50-80 kHz with location feature
Band 3-135-165 ~ H Z
Band 4- 135- 165 kHz with location feature
Band 5- 140-400 ICHZ

Type 5: Bandwidth of 50-250 kHz with a selection of 12

coupling or matching boxes covering a total sample range Fig. 2.
of 6-250 p.F. Equipped with a CRO and elliptical display.

Type 6: Broadband equipment capable of measuring level of background noise, the test can commence. The
partial discharges in pic0 coulombs and RIV in microvolts. following examples were all obtained during a series of
applied ac tests using a wideband instrument [ 31. Because
In selecting equipment, it is assumed that consideration of errors involved due to the persistance of the visual
is given to image, the photographs produced were adjusted to one
cycle of the waveform.
0 The application (tests on bushings, cables, capacitors,
transformers). Interpretation
0 The sensitivity level required.
0 The available options (CRO display, discharge loca- The wideband discharge detector produces a display on
tion, etc.) a sine-wave base, as shown in Fig. 1. The same display
0 The associated calibration required for measurement when observed on an elliptical trace appears as shown in
correction. Fig. 2.
It is very convenient to use an elliptical display, as will
Partial Discharge Interpretation be explained later; however, it is necessary to locate the
voltage peaks or zero positions on this trace. This can be
It is, of course, essential that the background level of achieved electronically in some detectors by the use of
interference is as low as possible prior to the com- zero markers, as shown in Fig. 3 [61].
mencement of a test. If interference is from the main Alternatively, a sharp spike may be deliberately con-
power supply, filters can be used to attenuate this nected to the HV termination, positioned so that it
interference. If corona is present on the H.V. supply line, discharges into the surrounding air. When corona incep-
the hardware must be improved to eliminate this source tion voltage is reached, the corona display will be dis-
(remove sharp edges, fit contoured terminations, etc.). If tributed close to the voltage -ve peak, as shown in Fig. 4.
there are interference signals on the HV supply line Once this is established, the voltage may be lowered and
coming from within the HV source, such as a transformer, the spike removed. The +ve peak will be 180 opposite
HV filters can be fitted into the line. Finally, there may be the -ve, as shown in Fig. 4. [ 11.
airborne RFI or electromagnetic interference from weld-
ing equipment, cranes, rectifiers, etc.; if this is of a serious Diagnosis of Origin of Discharge
level, two choices are often available. One is to test during
a “quiet time” when such equipment is not operating;the Recognition of the source of the partial discharges
other could be to produce a screened room, if justifiable. is often not possible from observation of the CRO alone.
Once appropriate action has been taken to obtain a low

,Zero Marker

Typical Discharges From a Sharp

Point Into Air at 5% Above Inception Voltage
(Corona Discharge).
Fig. 1. Fig. 3.

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 11

.Metal or carbon


‘Metal or carbon
Fig. 4. Fig. 6.

The diagnosis must be made at the time of the test, not at

a later date. In performing the diagnosis, the discharge
pattern should be recorded first, attention should then be
directed toward the effects of time and voltage, after
which other action could be considered as appropriate,
such as replacing the sample under test with another
sample, etc. [ 11.

Case A: Internal discharges in a solid dielectric-bounded

cavity are illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6. This is typical of voids I I
found in solid sheet material and some cast components. The Fig. 7 .
discharges occur in advance of the voltage peaks on both the
positive and negative halves of the waveform. Discharges are
of the same amplitude and same number on both sides of the
ellipse, although differences of 3:l in magnitude from one
Metal or carbon
side of the display to the other are normal. It is normal to
notice a degree of random variation in amplitude or location
with time. The inception voltage is well defined and clearly
above the minimum detectable discharge (MDD). There is Dielectric
little or no variation in magnitude with increases in voltage,
and the discharge extinction voltage (DEV) is equal to or
slightly below the discharge inception voltage (DIV). The
time of voltage application usually has little effect on the
discharge pattern displayed during a single test (up to 1O-min
\Metal or carbon
If a somewhat similar second discharge display occurs at a Fig. 8.
higher voltage, this can indicate the DIV of a second cavity.

Case B: Internal discharges occur at fissures in elastomeric encountered. Discharges occur in advance of the voltage
insulation in the direction of the electric field. It also occurs peaks and are often similar in number and magnitude,
within a rounded cavity in thermoplastic insulation containing although differences of 3:l are normal.
inhibitors and/or placticizers in certain elastomers. This There is little or no variation in magnitude with a fairly
phenomenon is typical of some cable problems that may be rapid increase and decrease in voltage, and the phenomenon
appears similar to case A. The affect of time of voltage
application is, however, quite different.
Ifa maximum voltage level is held for 30 min, the discharge
magnitude gradually decreases, and the extinction voltage
will be higher than the original inception voltage. If the
voltage is again raised to a maximum level and held for an
additional 20-24 hr, the discharge magnitude may fall even
lower and the extinction voltage may be higher than before.
(See Figs. 7 and 8.)

Case C: This case can be indicative of any one of three typical

cases as shown. First, internal discharges in a number of
cavities of different shapes and sizes within a dielectric as
Fig. 5. shown. Second, discharges on external dielectric surfaces

12 IEEE Electrical insulation Magazine M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3


~ ~~

Fig. 9. Fig. 11.

between two touching conductors as shown. Third, dis- normally clearly above the minimum detectable. Extinction
charges on an external dielectric surface at areas of high voltage is equal to or slightly below the inception level.
tangential stress. This is typical of a badly designed bushing The time of voltage application (at least up to about 10
resulting in an overstressed metal foil or a faulty foil. The min) has little effect on the discharge display. (See Figs. 9 and
discharges are normally of the same magnitude on both f v e 10.)
and -ve voltage peaks and are located in advance of both
peaks; differences of 3:1 may be seen in magnitude on the two Case D: Faulty processing frequently produces voids in cast
half-cycles. The response is resolved at inception, but the resin insulation systems. The formation of electrically con-
number of discharges increases, with increases in test voltage ducting products can result from the action of discharge upon
eventually becoming unresolved as shown. The discharges the resin at these sites. The discharges occur in advance of the
have a distinct inception, having a magnitude at inception voltage peaks and are often equal on both halves of the
waveform. The pattern is resolved at inception but can
quickly become unresolved as voltage is increased. The
Metal or Carbon inception voltage is normally clear and well defined, if the
voltage is held at a maximum level, the discharge magnitude
gradually decreases, the extinction and reinception voltages
will be much higher than the original. Upon resting for a
Dielectric substantial period of time, the initial characteristics will be
restored. (See Figs. 11 and 12.)
Case E: This observation can typically be due to discharges in
laminar cavities as found in machine insulation containing
mica and other sheet material. Discharges occur in advance of
\Metal or Carbon voltage peaks. Magnitudes often are similar on both half-
cycles, resolved at inception, becoming rapidly unresolved
with increase in voltage. There is a clear inception above
Metal or Carbon minimum detectable, with the magnitude increasing steadily
with increase in voltage. With inadequate sensitivity, the
discharges will appear to grow out of the noise. If voltage is
held at a maximum level, the magnitude gradually increases
and becomes stable after about 10 min. Extinction voltage is
then much lower than the original inception voltage. (See

U Figs. 13 and 14.)

,Metal or carbon
Metal or
- Dielectric Dielectric


\ Metal or Carbon 'Metal or carbon

Fig. 10. Fig. 12.

IEEE Electrical insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 13



l -

Fig. 13. Fig. 15.

Case F: Partial discharge may take place in gas bubbles in an

insulating liquid in contact with moist cellulose (e.g., oil-
impregnated paper) often in capacitor structures. The bubbles
are generated by the action of electric stress on the moist Dielectric
cellulose. The bubbles increase in size and number under the
action of discharges, but dissolve in the liquid and disappear
upon removing the stress for a period of time. The discharges
are of the same magnitude on each half-cycle,and, in advance
of the voltage peaks, there can be some random variation in
amplitude and location on the test waveform. The response is
resolved at inception, but if the discharges are allowed to
grow, the response rapidly becomes unresolved. There is a ' Metal or Carbon
well-defined inception voltage with a steep rise in magnitude
with increase in voltage. Extinction will be slightly below Moist
inception. If the voltage is held above inception, the magni- Cellulose
tude of the partial discharge display increases in a few minutes
by a hundred times or more, with extinction and reinception Dielectric
about three times less than the original values. Allowing the Liquid
insulation to rest for a day or so will restore the high initial
inception voltage. (See Figs. 15 and 16.)
Case G: This display is observed when a cavity exists between Metal
metal or carbon or one side and dielectric material on the or Carbon
other side. The discharge phenomenon is in advance of the Fig. 16.
voltage peaks and is asymmetrical, i.e., unequal magnitude and
number on the two half-cycles usually in the ratio of 3:1, but
approximately 1O:l is needed to clearly distinguish it from
case A previously described. If the display is as shown in Fig.
17, with a small number of large discharges at the negative
peak and a large number of small discharges at the positive +
peak, the void is usually located in a position where the metal
face is at ground potential and the other face is dielectric, as
shown in Fig. 18.
If this pattern is reversed, the indication is that the metal is
at high potential and the other face is dielectric. The DW is

,Metal or carbon h
Fig. 17.

well defined, and the magnitude remains unaltered as the test

Dielectric voltage is increased. The time of application (up to 10 min)
has little effect on the display.
Cavity Case H: The display discussed here is a good illustration of
partial discharges occurring in cavities of various sizes
bonded by metal on one side and dielectric on the other. The
\Metal or carbon display often will appear as a resolved display but will become
Fig. 14. unresolved as voltage is increased. An alternative source of

14 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

Metal or carbon

Cavity Cavities

\Metal or carbon 2 Metal or Carbon

Fig. 18.
/ Metal or Carbon
such discharges could be surface discharges taking place
between external metal and dielectric surfaces.
The description of the effect of voltage and time is similar Dielectric
to case G. The inception is well defined, with magnitude
differences on each half-cycle of 1O:l. Magnitude increases
slowly as the voltage is raised; extinction voltage is usually a
little lower than inception. The time of voltage application
(10 min) has little effect. (*e Figs. 19 and 20.)
Metal or Carbon
Case I: This is a rather unusual case, as it can be most
Fig. 20.
frustrating until the source is diagnosed, as will be described.
There are two common causes, the first could be due to an
airgap between a metallic conductor such as a loose
connection to a shield or a screen, as shown in Fig. 21 (a).
Alternatively,it may be due to a gap between two independent
metal objects across which a voltage is produced by electro-
static induction from the test circuit, such as ungrounded H
metallic objects lying on the ground in the test area. For test
voltages above about 30 kV, it is essential that the test area is
well cleaned and that objects that cannot be moved are well
grounded. This is a practice that should become a habit prior
to testing. Discharges of the same magnitude and number
occur on both half-cycles and in advance of the voltage Fig. 21(a).
peaks. As the voltage is raised, the discharge pulses cover an p r a y Capacitance
increasingly greater portion of the waveform. The discharge
inception is well defined above the noise level with no change
in magnitude as the voltage is increased, the extinction
voltage coincideswith the inceptionvoltage, and the response
is unaffected by the time of application of the test voltage.
(See Figs. 21 and 22.) H

Case J: Active growth of a carbon track by localized

overheatingof organic material in a manner shown in Fig. 23.
The discharges are located symmetrically about both voltage
Fig. 21(b).

+ +

Fig. 19. Fig. 22.

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 15

Fig. 30.
Fig. 28.

reduced the level to the general background of a few

pic0 coulombs.
7. This final example is of mechanic movement of an
electrode under the influence of an electric field such as
metallic foil in defective capacitors. The display ob-
served is as shown in Figs. 36 and 37.

Fig. 31.

Fig. 29. Fig. 32.

16 IEEE Electrical Insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

shown in Fig. 30. The magnitude was 10,000 pC with
high oscillation.
A/ Metal Or 3. The asymmetrical display shown in Fig. 31 led to the
final discovery of blisters from overheated organic
insulation, as shown in Fig. 32. The magnitude was 500
pC and the pattern was resolved and stable.
4. Sparking from ungrounded core steel into surrounding
3on Track
oil in a transformer resulted in the display shown in Fig.
33. The magnitude was present in two levels: 8,200 pC
Dielectric and 500 pC.
5. Ungrounded metal in a high electric field discharged
into the surrounding oil, resulting in the pattern shown
in Fig. 34. The magnitude was 4,800 pC.
6. This example (Fig. 3 5 ) is of an ungrounded metal drive
Metal or Carbon shaft of a tap-changer mechanism into oil. The magni-
Fig. 23. tude measured was 7 , 2 0 0 pC, and proper grounding

+ +
J. J.

Fig. 24. Fig. 25.

peaks, as shown in Fig. 24, or could resemble Fig. 25. The

location can be somewhat erratic as can the magnitude. The
pattern can be resolved at lower test voltages, rapidly +
becoming unresolved as the test voltage is increased. The
inception voltage is variable with extinction below inception.
Observed magnitude increases rapidly with voltage, large and
unrepeatable changes in magnitude may occur particularly at
the higher voltages. If the display is similar to that presented
in Fig. 24, the magnitude is likely to remain stable for minutes
or longer.
If the display is similar to that shown in Fig. 25, then the
pattern is likely to be erratic, with rapid and substantial
changes in magnitude in the course of a few minutes. Fig. 26.

Case K: The tracking of contaminated organic insulation

resulting from discharges that originated within a cavity that Metal or Carbon
degenerated into a track no longer actively growing as shown
in Fig. 27 would result in a display as shown in Fig. 26.
Discharges are of the same magnitude on both half-cycles of
the test waveform. As the voltage is raised, the pattern spreads
over more of the waveform but with little change in
magnitude. The response is unaffected by the time of voltage Track
Examples !lectriC
1. Fig 28 shows a practical example of case D and was
traced to tracking on a bushing surface as shown. The
magnitude was 5 0 0 pC. The pattern was stable and
2 . The display shown in Fig. 29 resulted in the discovery of Metal or Carbon
an open-circuit bushing tap that had started to erode as Fig. 27.

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 17

/ Metal or Carbon

Metal or Carbon
Fig. 37.
Fig. 33.

Interference Patterns
Unfortunately, in addition to the classic partial dis-
charges observed, which can be indicative of structural
weaknesses,a generated interference may be present that
must be found and suppressed or removed. The following
examples may help in this diagnosis.
Example 1: Contact noise due to imperfect metal to
metal contacts or semiconducting screens in cables.
Other common causes can be within capacitors where
metallic inserts are used to make contact with the foil. In
some cases, such noise can be eliminated by charging the
Fig. 34. system and then short-circuiting it, which will weld the
contact. The resultant display is most frequently centered
near the voltage zeros (or maximum current) of the
waveform, as shown in Fig. 38, which is very typical of a
display from a contact problem. As the voltage is raised,
the display may cover an increasing proportion of the
display. The display will be coarse and response may
disappear completely at a particular voltage level and
would then be absent for aU voltages above that level.This
may be due to contacts suddenly fusing together at that
particular voltage level.
Example 2: This example is indicative of interference
resulting from harmonics. The source could be from
magnetic saturation of the steel core of a transformer or
reactor running at too high a flux density in the test
circuit, i.e., the test transformer, isolating transformer,
regulating transformer, shunt or series reactor, filter
Fig. 35. reactor, coupling transformer to the discharge detector,

+ I +

Fig. 36. Fig. 38.

18 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

Fig. 39.

etc. This condition should not occur in a properly

designed unit. It could also be due to an accentuation of
harmonics caused by resonance with the capacitive load,
or even from inadequate attenuation provided by the
discharge detector toward the frequencies below the
lower limit of the passband. The response is as shown in
Fig. 39, with low-frequency oscillations located at the
voltage peaks. The response grows with voltage and is
absent when the voltage is removed. The display is steady
and reproducible, and is not affected by the time of
voltage application.
E x u q l e 3: This is an example of the classic “corona”
or discharge into air or other gas from a sharp point or
edge at high potential. As shown in Fig. 40, the pattern is
well defined and uniformly distributed around the nega- Fig.
tive voltage peak, an extreme example is shown in Fig. 4 1.
If the pattern is reversed with the display around the
positive voltage peak, this indicates an overstressed metal
edge or point at ground potential. As the voltage is
increased, the number of discharges increase and, if the +
voltage is raised high enough, it is possible to find initially J.
the discharges around the negative peak followed by an
inception of discharges around the positive peak.
Exumple 4: This case is similar to example 3 above, but
the edge or point is in an enclosed insulating liquid rather
than a medium of air or other gas. In this case, the
phenomenon is exhibited as displayed in Fig. 42. In this
case, the larger discharges appear first, as the voltage is
lowered the extinction coincides with inception. The Fig. 42.
inception may take a short time to stabilize from the time
the voltage is established (a few seconds). After this, it is


Fig. 40. Fig. 43.

IEEE Electrical Insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 19

I 1

Fig. 44. Fig. 46.

unaffected by the time of voltage application. There may

be a change in magnitude in time caused by erosion due
to the discharges.
Exumple 5: Unfortunately, these interference patterns
can be quite varied, but some examples are presented
here in order that they may be representative of some of
the problems frequently encountered.
a. Mercury-arcor thyristor rectifier or control circuit
will have “firingpulses” that produce a high level of
interference. A typical pattern of a “six-valve mer-
cury-arcrectifier” is shown in a formalized pattern in Fig. 47.
Fig. 43 and an actual observed pattern from thyristors
is shown in Fig. 44.
b. Fluorescent lamps can be a severe source of inter-
ference (see Fig. 4 5 ) .
c. Asynchronous machines can cause considerable in-
terference (see Fig. 4 6 ) .
Example 6: Unfortunately, some industries or labora-
tories are located near high-frequencygenerators of some
type or other, and without always realizing it, this can
create a high level of interference.
a. Reception of radio transmission or radiation from a
high-frequencypower amplifier or oscillator and the Fig. 48.
display would be typically as shown in Fig. 47.
b. Radio or broadcast transmitters produce a different
display and typically can be of the type shown in Fig.
c. The third of this type can be from industrial high-
I .------
frequency equipment, such as induction heaters and

ultrasonic generators, and can produce an inter-
ference band as shown in Fig. 49.
These responses have no relation to the applied test
Fig. 45. voltage and are present with the voltage reduced to

20 IEEE Electrical Insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

zero. It is possible to eliminate them by using a referred to in the industry as “noise hash”
sharply tuned filter to the input circuit of the without being aware of what the problem was.
discharge detector, or, if practical, by providing a After reading the section on interference, they
high-quality shielded room. may wish to isolate welders, rotating machines,
rectifiers, etc., and substantially lower the back-
A summary is presented in Table I, which follows. ground level before a test is commenced.


Problem Source of Disturbance Suggested Corrective Action

Filter in supply leads and/or HV line. Use a balanced
Main interference
detector circuit.
Pickup from HV supply HV filter or check HV terminations for any sharp edges.
External Sources
Radio signals and
Screened room or other shielding.
electromagnetic waves
Use a discharge-free supply, filter in HV line, toroid, or
HV source shielding. Balanced circuit.
Discharges in
Test Circuit Capacitor must be discharge free, use two at a time
Coupling capacitor and check circuit if possible.

Noise in test circuit.

Between foils and Good connections and grounding. Apply current pulse
Contact Noise terminals in capacitors. by charging with dc and short-circuit. Check all
Noise in bushings, tap contacts well before testing.
changers, trancore.

Concluding Comments 4. Last and most certainly not least, the reader is
encouraged to use the techniques of PD mea-
This is an extensive overview of the interpretation surements as an in-house means of reviewing
and significance of partial discharge measurements.It and improving designs and PD inception levels
is realized that this appears complex (and, indeed, in
to improve the quality of the product for the
many cases, it may be), but it is hoped that this
benefit of oneself and the industry.
presentation will help the reader in the following.

1. Interpretation of measurement of partial dis- David A. Nattrass was educated in electrical engineering at
charge should not be a question of determining Darlington College of Technology, County Durham, England,
with course emphasis on power engineering. After spending five
that, “yes,we have met a specificationof (x) pC
years at the Electrical Research Association in Surrey,England,
at ( y )kilovolts,”but also a question of whether performing electrical tests such as partial discharge measure-
this was the true limit of the insulation structure ments on installed apparatus in field and structures in the
under test. laboratory, he was with ASEA, United Kingdom, for five years as a
2. Assistance in removing and eliminating extra- product development engineer.
neous and undesirable external interference so In 1970, he emigrated to Canada, where he worked on NRC-
that the “true insulation discharges” may be sponsored projects such as the HVDC insulation studies, which
observed. are associated with the k5OO-kV Nelson River System. He moved
3. It is hoped that the reader will locate sections to the United States in 1978, and, in 1981, was elected Senior
for his or her particular use and adapt the Member of the IEEE.
presentation accordingly. For example, the ca- The authors wishes to acknowledge the most helpful and
interesting discussions with Dr. G. Mole of the Electrical
pacitor manufacturer may wish to review the
Research Association, United Kingdom (now retired), and
section on “loose foil connections,”etc., review
Dr. John Mason. Prof. J. McMath of the University of Manitoba,
his design, and possibly change the extended Winnipeg, Man., Canada (now retired), must also be thanked for
foil arrangement. If bushing manufacturers note his willingness always to be available for a second opinion.
inception voltages and patterns similar to those
illustrated, they may wish to review their bush- References
ing design and stress calculations and retest
[ 11 D. A. Nattrass, “Partial Discharges in Power Transformers,”
modified designs. Finally, readers may have Equ@ment Lksagn, 1978. Elect. Review 2, June 78 Vol.
observed on the oscilloscope what is commonly 202, No. 21.

IEEE Electrical Insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 21

[2] D. A. Nattrass and I. P. Beck, “Converter Transformers [ 2 5] “H.V. Power Transformer Insulation,” Discussions, IEE
Their Design and Testing,” Manitoba International EHV- Proceedings, Vols. 110/112, Oct. 1963/Jan. 1965.
DC Power Conference, 1971. Winnipeg, Man., Canada. [26] V. T. Renne, “Ageing of Impregnated Paper Insulation
Paper 16, p. 395-421. Under A/C and D/C Voltages,”Elektricbestuo,No. 4, 1952.
[ 31 “Recognition of Discharges,” CIGRE Study Committee No. [27] Hawley and Jiniswale, “Circuits for Measuring Partial
2, 1968. Cables-W. G. on Discharge Detection. Discharges,” Electrical Times, Jan. 1965.
[4] “Trial Use Guide for Partial Discharge Measurement in [ 281 Krasuki and Church, “The Detection of Ionic Impurities in
Power Transformers and Shunt Reactors,” IEEE Trans- Insulation,” IEE Conference, 1961.
former Committee Ref. P545/D6, Dec. 1985. 1291 “Processes Leading to Discharges in Oil Impregnated
[ 5 ] “Proposed Recommended Practice for the Detection of Paper,” Proceedings IEE, Vol. 109B, 1962.
Partial Discharge in Dry Type Transformers,” IEEE [ 301 Haraldsen and Windberg, “Investigation of Different Partial
PC57.124/D3, Apr. 1987. Discharge Location Methods on Power Transformers,”
[6] Dembinski and Douglas, “Calibration and Comparison of CIGRE Report 12.09, 1968.
Partial Discharge and R.I.V. Measuring Circuits,” Pro- [31I Kresge, Carpenter, and Musick, “Ultrasonic Corona Detec-
ceedings I=, Vol. 115, No. 9, 1968. tion for Transformers,” Proceedings I W , 1965. CP
[7] G . Mole and T. Constandinou, “New Technique for 63-481.
Location of Defects in Insulation,” Electricul Reuim, May [ 321 “Partial Discharge Measurements During Dielectric Tests
1968. on High Voltage Equipment,” Study Committee 12, CIGRE
[8] J. Mason, “Discharge Detection and Measurements,” Ru- Report 12.01, Appendix I, 1968.
therford College of Technology, U Y 1964. Lecture notes. 1331 Bertula, Pavla, and Talvio, “Partial Discharge Measurements
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[ 101 J. Schmidt, “Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in [34] Gailhofer, Kury, and Rabus, “Partial Discharge Measure-
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[ 1 1] Praehauser, “Calibration of Partial Discharge Measuring [35] Starr and Agrios, “Relationship of Corona to Life and
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[ 131 Kreuger, DischargeDetection in High Voltage Equtjnnent, IB2182.
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[ 181 Fryxell-Agerman et al., “Performance of Partial Discharge 142) Dakin, Philosky, and Divens, “Effectof Electric Discharges
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[ 2 1] G. Mole, “Location of Discharging Cavity in 33kv Metalclad 1451 Wood, Ryder, and Hogg, “Discharge Studies of Epoxy/Mica
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[ 2 3 ] P. Narbut, “Transformer Corona Measurement Using Con- 1481 “Effects of Internal Discharges on Prospective Life and
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Report 105, 1954. ber, 1968.

22 IEEE Electrical Insulation M a g a z i n e M a y l J u n e 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3

[50] Nonius, “The Diffential Discharge Detector,” Delft, Hol- Electronic Equipment,” NATO Conference, 1963.
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[ 5 11 G. Mole, “Battery Operated Stepwave Generator for Circuit 1969. 7OCP120-PWR.
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[ 521 A. Wilson, “Discharge Detection Under Noisy Conditions,” gland, 1967. Report ID386.
Proceedings IEE, Vol. 121, No. 9, 1974.
[ 591 Knosp, “Practice and Trends in Measurement of Intensity
[ 531 “Methods on Measuring Radio Noise,” NEMA Standard No.
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[ 541 “Radio Noise Measuring Instruments and General Methods [60] Oghara, “Detection and Location of Corona in Oil
of Measurement,” CSA Standard C22.4, 1953. 101. Immersed Transformers,” Tokyo/Shibaura Electric Co.,
[ 551 “Radio Interference and Corona Loss Measurements on the 1966.
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1971. R. M. Morris and A. R. Morse, Manitoba PWR Conf. ing,” F. C. Robinson & Partners Ltd., 1970. (Industrial
[56] G. Mole, “Discharge Tests on Transformers Used for Brochure.)


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IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine MaylJune 1988-Vol. 4, No. 3 23

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