What Are Apache?: Bytecode: The Intermediate Code Produced by Certain Semi-Compiled Programming

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Java Programming

Bytecode: The intermediate code produced by certain semi-compiled programming

languages, in particular SMALLTALK and JAVA, So called because each instruction is
one byte long. Source programs are com piled into bytecode, which is then executed by a
bytecode INTERPRETER or VIRTUAL MACHINE that forms part of the language RUN-
TIME SYSTEM. In such languages, programs may be distributed either in SOURCE
CODE or in bytecode form.

What are Apache?

A very popular WEB SERVER developed and distributed free of charge as OPEN
SOURCE software by an Internet-based community of unpaid volunteers. Apache's
great strengths lie in the availability of its source code and its well-defined interface for
writing add-on modules: many large and profitable e-commerce sites run on modified
versions of Apache. The name is a wince-making pun on the phrase 'a patchy server',
bestowed because of the numerous software PATCHES released for it in its early days.

Java Program Structure

Java Program Structure: A Java program consists of different sections. Some of them
are mandatory but some are optional. The optional section can be excluded from the
program depending upon the requirements of the programmer.

Types of Java Programs

Java is a robust, general-purpose, high-level programming language and a powerful
software platform. It is also object-oriented, distributed, portable and multi-
threaded. Java follows the 'Write - once - run - anywhere' approach. All Java
programs must run on the Java platform that has two components, the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and the Java Application Programming Interface (API).

Java Literals - What is literal in Java? Type of literal

Java Literals: A literal in java refers to a fixed value that appears directly in a
program. Java define five primary types of literals. By literal we mean any number,
text, or other information that represents a value. This means what you type is what
you get. They are commonly known as constants. We will use literals in addition to
variables in Java statement.

Java Tokens - What is Java Tokens?
Java Tokens:- A java Program is made up of Classes and Methods and in the Methods
are the Container of the various Statements And a Statement is made up of Variables,
Constants, operators etc . 

What is an identifiers in Java? - Definition

Identifiers in Java. A Java identifier is the symbolic name that is used for
identification purpose. In Java, an identifier can be a variable name, constant name,
method name, class name, array name, packages name or an interface. Few authors
term variables as an identifier. For example : int score = 100;

Final Keyword in java

There are times when you want to prevent inheritance. Perhaps there is no need the
extensibility for various reasons. If you know this for sure, there are advantages to
declaring the final keyword precisely that.
Java has a special keyword called final that can use for creating final methods, final
classes, and final variables. The final modifier is void, which simply means that no
value is returned.The final modifier indicates that the value of this member cannot
change. We get a compile-time error if our program tries to change its contents. Each
of these is explained in more detail next.

What is Key words?Explain Type of Keyword

Keywords are the words. Those have specifics meaning in the compiler.

Type Casting in Java

Type Casting: The process of converting one data type to another is called casting.
Casting is often necessary when a function returns a data of type in different form
then we need to perform an operation. Under certain circumstances Type conversion
can be carried out automatically, in other cases it must be "forced" manually
(explicitly). For example, the read() member function of the standard input stream
(System.in) returns an int. If we want to store data of type int returned by read() into
a variable of char type, we need to cast it :

New Keyword - What is New Keyword?
New is a Keyword Which is used when we are Creating an object of class For Storing all
the data like variables and member functions  of class  there is some memory Space that
is to be needed So that With the help of new Keyword and Object is Instantiated or
Simply an object Reserves

Serialization and Deserialization in Java with Example

The objects in our programs exist only while the program is executing. When the
program closed, these objects cease to exist. How can we save an object in our
program and restore it when the program rerun? For example, suppose that we are
playing a computer chess game. We close the game before it finished. When we
restart the game, it should resume from where we had left it, instead of from the
beginning. One way to accomplish this would be to save information about the game
(such as the locations of various game pieces, scores, and so forth) to a file, and then
read this information back from the file to restore the game to the state where we
had left it when it runs next. This is the idea behind serialization. Serialization is
saving an object's state as a binary stream (that is, as a sequence of bytes). When an
object is serialized, it is said to be flattened or deflated. The reverse process of
constructing an object from the binary data is known as deserialization. Thus, a
deserialised (or inflated) object is one whose state has restored.

Scanner Class in Java With Example

In Java 1.5, a new class known as Scanner class was introduced to simplify the task of
getting input from the user. The Scanner class is in java.util package which allows
the user to read the data dynamically from the keyboard. It can be used to read a File
on the disk. The Java Scanner class extends Object class is present in java.lang
package and implements Iterator and Closeable interfaces.

What is an Immutable Class in Java? How to create it.

Immutable class means unmodifiable or unchangeable, i.e., once the object has been
created, they are immutable objects, there is no way to modify the text it
represents. In Java, all primitive java.lang package wrapper classes (like String,
Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, etc.) and String classes are

How to Implementing linked lists in java
In this section, we will see the implementation of a simplified version of linked list
class provided by the Java library. This shows how the lists of operations manipulate
the links when the list is modified.

What is programming?
You've probably used a computer for work or leisure. Many people use computers for
everyday tasks such as check the bank balance or write a school report. Computers
are good for these tasks. They can treat repetitive tasks, such as adding numbers or
insert words on a page without getting bored or exhausted. Computers are also good
for games because they can play sequences of sounds and images, involving the
human user in the process.

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