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Cont'n. Contro! measures for Gummosis: + Fungus is sal inhabiting, stetize the pettng meda by pouring. poling. water to reduce Infection Before bagging the seedings. + Field planting is recommended in well drained sol. ‘+ Avoid waterlogged areas ‘+ Tree spacing of less than 10 x 10 m apart should be distourages. ‘+ Avoid root and trunk injures during cutivation ‘SEEDLING WILT (Fythium sp.) lh ‘Seeding infected with wil cisease Controfprevertion measures for seedling wit: + Use stone sol mea, ‘Avoid arranging of grate too closely in the ‘nursery ‘+ Water only when necessary + Infected plants should be removed trom healthy ‘nes to prevent further spread ofthe disease. ‘During ‘early infection, spray the seedings thoreughly wth Bthane MS or Beniste, FRUIT ABNORMALITIES "Bioko! Preventive measures for Bioko and Kasoy- asoy: ‘+ Avoid spraying of insecticides during. ful bloom as this wil destroy the polinator. Unpolinated flowers In some instances may develop seedless fruts which wil not grow to omal size ‘Application of falar fertlizers containing Imioroelements Ike zine, boron, magnesium land copper are recommended (spray at 420 45 days after Induction and 3 to 4 weeks late, ‘Protect insect polinators (fies, wasp, bees ants, tc) by not spraying insecticides during ful Bloom. Maintain flowering plans in te ‘orchard as source of fod for plinators. For more informet DAVBureau of Plant industry ‘Guimaras National Crop Research, Development {Production Support Center ‘San Miguel, ord, 5045 Guimaras, Philippines “Telefax No: 033) 581-2084 Ema bp guimarae® gmail com MAJOR DISEASES OF MANGO % [GUIMARAS NATIONAL CROP RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION SUPPORT CENTER DEVELOPMENT CENTER ‘San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras Phibppines ANTHRACNOSE (Coltetovrichum gloeosporioides, Pers.) Damage on leaves Damage on flowers ME Damage on rats ‘SCAB (Elsinoe mangiferae, Brit & Jenkins) Damage on leaves Damage on flowers Damage on fruits DIPLODIA STEM-END ROT (Lasiodipledia theobrome) OMd ‘Camage on fruits Contras ‘measures for Anthracnose, Diplodia stem-end rot and Soab: ‘+ Sources of inocula are present in dead leaves, branches and other debris'on the tree and on the ground. These should be collected and bumed ‘Pruning of crowded branches allow fight Penetration “and good air circulation Creaiing an envinmert unfavorable for Aisease development * Young leaves are susceptible to infection land could be a source of meculum. These should be sprayed with protectant fungicides, ‘Flowers and fruits shoul also be protected from anthracnose and other diseases specially during the rany months ‘+ Bagging of futs have shown to minimize anthracnose infection nthe fl ‘Hot water treatment (52 to $5 9% for 10 minutes) vill” prevent the fungus from ‘rowing + Avoid the use of organie materials (banana leaves, roe straws) durng packing, ‘SOOTY MOLD (Capnodium mangiferae) Damage on leaves Damage on fats Control measures for Sooty molds * Control sucking insects tke scales, meaty bugs and hoppers. These ineecte excrete honey dew’ which serves as medium fr the growth of socty maid + Pruning to allow light penetration inthe canopy ‘important + Sanitation and clean cuture + Avoid close density plantings GUMMOSIS (Phytophthora paimivora) Close-up of symptom Contra! measures for Gummosi: ‘Damage on trunk ‘+ Scrape infected bark and disinfect, Exposed wood “by spraying 1%. potassium Demanganate solutan or use standard trunk ant consisting of 2.8% Caplan © 2.5% Cuprav. ‘Soll can also be drenched with Ridomil to ontral the disease.

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