Huawei 5G 2019 Report WEB

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Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Executive summary4

1. The 5G opportunity6
1.1 The current state of 5G rollout 7
1.2 The economic benefits of 5G 8

2. How the 5G infrastructure market works10

2.1 Who are the key players in this global market? 10
2.2 The 5G infrastructure tender process 11

3. How we assess the impact of restricting 5G competition13

3.1 What happens if Huawei is restricted from competing? 14
3.2 Our three-stage modelling approach 15
3.3 Transmission mechanism of competition results 16
3.4 Accounting for uncertainty 17

4. Individual country results19

United Kingdom 32
United States 34

5. Summary and conclusions36

Appendix 1: Glossary of terms38

Appendix 2: Modelling approach and methodology40

Appendix 3: The Global Economic Model53

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Canada United Kingdom
$100 mn–$400 mn $200 mn–$700 mn
(8%–24%) (9%–29%)
2.2 mn–5.7 mn 3.9 mn–10.4 mn
(6%–15%) (6%–15%)

$1.0 bn–$6.7 bn $1.8 bn–$11.8 bn

United States France

$500 mn–$1,500 mn $200 mn–600 mn
(8%–24%) (9%–29%)
0 mn–27.1 mn 2.1 mn–5.7 mn
(0%–8%) (3%–8%)

$8.6 bn–$63.0 bn $2.6 bn–$15.6 bn

*Results for each country show the range between our low cost and high cost 5G impact scenarios

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Increase in average annual investment costs for 5G infrastructure

over the next decade; US$ millions (%)

Absolute number of people that will have delayed access to 5G

by 2023; millions of people (% of population)

Estimated permanent loss in Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

due to delay in 5G rollout in 2035; US$ billion

Germany Japan
$200 mn–$600 mn $700 mn–$2,100 mn
(9%–29%) (9%–27%)
3.8 mn–10.0 mn 7.2 mn–19.1 mn
(5%–12%) (6%–15%)

$2.4 bn–$13.8 bn $5.3 bn–$34.3 bn

$100 mn–$300 mn
0 mn–3.1 mn

$0.8 bn–$8.2 bn
$200 mn–$700 mn
15.9 mn–45.3 mn

$4.7 bn–$27.8 bn

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

The next generation of mobile technology, 5G, offers enormous

$160 billion
opportunities for countries who facilitate its widespread
provision. 5G has the potential to both reduce costs and unlock
new income streams across all sectors of industry, improving
productivity levels throughout the global economy.
Annual investment in
the construction of Globally, the telecommunications network infrastructure market
new 5G networks is dominated by three players—Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia.
around the world, These companies were largely responsible for the rollout of 4G
according to the GSMA. networks via the deployment of mobile base stations which
facilitate connections to mobile user devices.

However, the participation of one of these organisations—

Huawei—in the rollout of 5G is likely to be constrained by a
series of political decisions. In the US and Australia, Huawei
has been blocked from competing for further 5G infrastructure
contracts in the wake of concerns expressed by the
US government about the security of its equipment. In several
other markets including Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan
and the UK, respective governments have announced they are
either considering exclusion or have imposed partial restrictions.

It is broadly agreed that restricting such a significant player

from bidding for contracts will lead to higher prices, rollout
delays and hence a slower diffusion of associated technological
innovation. However, to date, there has been no systematic
attempt to quantify the potential scale of these effects. In
this context, Huawei has commissioned Oxford Economics to
assess the economic cost of restricting competition in the eight
aforementioned markets.

$1 billion

To reflect the uncertainty inherent in such a process, we

modelled three alternative scenarios. These are termed “low
cost”, “central cost”, and “high cost” respectively. All give
Additional annual results relative to our baseline scenario in which no competition
costs of building 5G restrictions are imposed on the 5G infrastructure market.
infrastructure in the US under
restricted competition, in our Restricting a key supplier of 5G infrastructure from helping
central cost scenario. to build a country’s network would increase that country’s
5G investment costs by a total of between 8% and 29% over the
next decade (see Fig. 1). In the US, this translates to an average
increase in investment costs of almost $1 billion per year over
the next decade in our central cost scenario.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Linked to these investment cost increases, the restriction in

competition for 5G infrastructure would lead to delays in the
network rollout that mean millions fewer people would be
covered by the 5G network in 2023.

A delay in the rollout of 5G would also result in slower

technological innovation and reduced economic growth. In our
central cost scenario, this would result in reductions to national
GDP in 2035 ranging from $2.8 billion in Australia to $21.9 billion
in the US. Across all eight countries in our study, this means
GDP per capita would be lower by an average of $100 per
person in 2035, compared with a world where there is no such
restriction in 5G infrastructure provision.

The uncertainty of the economic impact of restrictions on

competition is reflected in Fig. 1, which shows the range of
estimates between our low cost and high cost scenarios. The full
results for each country are detailed in Chapter 4.

Fig. 1: Economic impacts of restricting a player of Huawei’s size from competing in the
5G infrastructure market

Market Price impact Reduction in number of Reduction in GDP in 2035

(% increase in people with access to (US$ billions, 2019 prices)
investment costs) 5G by 2023 (millions)
Australia 8% to 27% 0 to 3.1 0.8 to 8.2
Canada 8% to 24% 2.2 to 5.7 1.0 to 6.7
France 9% to 29% 2.1 to 5.7 2.6 to 15.6
Germany 9% to 29% 3.8 to 10.0 2.4 to 13.8
Japan 9% to 27% 7.2 to 19.1 5.3 to 34.3
India 8% to 27% 15.9 to 45.3 4.7 to 27.8
United Kingdom 9% to 29% 3.9 to 10.4 1.8 to 11.8
United States 8% to 24% 0 to 27.1 8.6 to 63.0
Note: In Australia and the US, 5G rollout is expected to cover a vast majority of the population over the next 2-3 years with almost no
increase in coverage in the following years. In our low cost scenario, the increase in investment costs leads to delays in rollout of a few
months, despite which a vast majority of the population receives access by 2023.

Source: Oxford Economics

Note: for a glossary of the terms used in this report, see Appendix 1. 5
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

As the next generation of 5G will also unlock new Things (IoT), will not use a lot
mobile wireless network income streams for businesses of data (a sensor built into a
technology, 5G will provide in all sectors of the economy, highway, for example, will need
a better consumer experience and increase their productivity to send only small amounts
and improve business levels, through enhanced of digital information across
performance through faster capabilities including higher the network every couple of
data transmission and more data speeds, lower latency,1 hours). But when combined,
reliable connectivity. 5G will and network slicing.2 these hundreds of millions—
reduce the cost of mobile potentially billions—of new
internet use, with prices Businesses are preparing sensors will require almost
expected to drop 10-fold per for millions of new wireless universal connectivity, forcing
gigabyte of data, compared devices—from smartwatches operators to extend their
with current 4G mobile and other wearable items to networks to practically every
networks. sensors embedded in industrial corner of a country. Fig. 3
products—to be connected gives an indication of how 5G
to the next generation of and the IoT will affect people
5G mobile networks. These and businesses throughout
devices, which together every sector of the economy.
constitute the Internet of

Fig. 2: Summary of 5G’s key benefits to businesses and consumers

5G, characterised as Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), is expected to

improve mobile internet use with higher speeds and seamless user experience
in dense or high-mobility environments. It will support high-bandwidth
services such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) apps.

Greater 5G will enable Massive Machine-type Communications (mMTC). Put simply,

bandwidth for it will enable the connection of a very large number of connected devices,
more devices which together comprise the Internet of Things.

5G will also provide Ultra-reliable and Low Latency Communications (URLLC).

Low latency means the response times for 5G will be much quicker than
Quicker for previous generations of mobile technology, and that access to 5G will
response times be far more reliable. This will allow the development of “mission critical”
applications—for example, in transport (vehicle-to-vehicle communications),
healthcare (remote monitoring), and logistics (drone delivery).

Source: Ofcom, Oxford Economics

Latency is the amount of time between a command and its corresponding action over the internet.
Network slicing allows the physical infrastructure to be split into several virtual networks that can be tailored to different end-users,
6 thereby facilitating dedicated disruption-free networks for critical users such as health and transport services that are free from
disruption from other consumer and business uses.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 3: Examples of 5G and IoT applications by sector

Sector Examples of applications

Health and IoT enables remote health monitoring, creating timely alerts for patients,
social care nurses, or carers.
Smart cities Optimisation of street lighting, monitoring of parking, rubbish collection
timing, and environmental monitoring.
Utilities Smart meters and smart thermostats allowing for more accurate billing and
better control of energy consumption.
Automotive Connected smart cars for tracking mechanical diagnostics, autonomous
vehicles (e.g., driverless cars), locations, and media streaming.
Manufacturing Digitisation and automation of production lines , and remote control of
industrial processes.
Logistics Connected containers to record and share the item’s location and
temperature to streamline production and reduce the risk of damage to
temperature-sensitive produce.
Source: Ofcom, Oxford Economics


Amidst hype and high Fig. 4 offers a snapshot of United Kingdom, and the
expectation, the 5G rollout 5G networks as of October United States. The first
has begun. By 2025, GSMA 2019. Multiple operators have operators have also switched
forecasts that there will be launched services in Austria, on their 5G networks in
1.2 billion 5G mobile users Australia, Bahrain, Germany, Finland, Ireland, the Maldives,
globally, with network coverage Italy, Kuwait, Qatar, South Monaco, the Philippines, Saudi
extending to roughly a third of Korea, Romania, Switzerland, Arabia, Spain, and South Africa.
the planet’s population.3 United Arab Emirates, the

Fig. 4: Global 5G rollout as of October 2019

No launches
Single launch
Multiple launches

Source: GSMA

GSMA. 2018. The Mobile Economy 2018. 7
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Commercial 5G networks Fig. 5: Projected 5G rollout as proportion of population

began going live in 2019, covered, 2019-2025
and the rate of new launches Australia Canada France Germany
is expected to pick up in
20204, with an estimated Japan India UK USA
$160 billion being invested Percentage
each year in the construction 100
of 5G networks.5 Numerous
national governments are 90
working to facilitate the rapid 80
rollout of 5G by making the
5G spectrum available in a 70
timely manner, and by creating 60
a policy and regulatory
environment that supports a 50
competitive and innovative 40
communications market.
Fig. 5 shows the expected rate 20
of 5G network rollout in the
eight countries in our study, 10
from 2019 to 2025. In the short 0
term, Australia and the US have 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
the highest proportions of 5G Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics
network coverage, with these
countries’ network operators 1.2 THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF 5G
having invested most to date
in nationwide coverage and To date, only a small A 2018 study commissioned
initial commercial deployments. number of studies have by GSMA put the total
Canada, Germany, the UK, and attempted to estimate the contribution of 5G over the
Japan are forecast to catch up macroeconomic impact of 2020–2034 period at $2.2
over the next six years, with 5G around the world. The trillion—5.3% per cent of total
all four achieving 5G network magnitude of the findings GDP growth during this period.
coverage for more than 80% varies greatly across different In a 2017 report, IHS Markit
of their populations by 2025. studies, reflecting different predicted that the global 5G
France and India are also underlying assumptions and value chain would generate a
expected to see rapid growth in methodological approaches US$3.5 trillion contribution to
their 5G network coverage over taken (see Fig. 6). GDP, and support 22 million
the first half of the next decade. jobs, by the year 2035. While
Summarising these findings, this study found that some of
5G’s contribution to global the largest gains would occur
GDP is estimated at between in information technology
US$1.4 trillion and US$3.5 and communications, it also
trillion over the next predicted large gains for the
10-to-15 years. manufacturing and wholesale
& retail trade sectors.

Arthur D. Little. 2019. “The Race to 5G.” . March. Accessed October 15, 2019.
8 5
GSMA. 2019. New GSMA Study: 5G to Account for 15% of Global Mobile Industry by 2025 as 5G Network Launches Accelerate. Accessed 10
25, 2019.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

At the regional level, studies have put 5G’s contribution to GDP at €113 billion (US$125.4 bn) in
the European Union by 2025, US$500 billion in the US, and 6.3 trillion yuan (US$925 bn) in China
over the same time period.

Fig. 6: Estimates of 5G’s contribution to GDP growth

Geographic Technological Time

Economic contribution Study
scope scope period
Entire 5G value US$3.5 trillion in GDP,
Global 2035 IHS Markit (2017)
chain 22 million jobs
Global 2020-2034 US$565 billion in GDP GSMA (2018)
5G technology

US$2.2 trillion in GDP

Global 5G technology 2020-2034 GSMA (2018)
(5.3% of total GDP growth)

STL Consulting (2019)

Global 5G technology 2030 US$1.4 trillion in GDP
for Huawei
Tech4i2 et al (2016)
€113 billion in GDP
EU 5G technology 2025 for the European
(US$125.4 billion)
Accenture (2017) for the
US$500 billion in GDP,
US 5G technology 2018-2025 US CTIA and The Lost
three million jobs
Economy (2017)
6.3 trillion yuan in GDP
China 5G technology 2019-2030 (US$925 billion), China Daily (2017)
eight million jobs

Source: Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

2. H
To understand the impact of 2.1 WHO ARE THE KEY PLAYERS IN THIS GLOBAL MARKET?
restrictions on 5G equipment
providers, it is important to Ericsson (29% market share), America, where Ericsson
understand the current market Huawei (31%), and Nokia (23%) and Nokia dominate with a
structure, and the nature of are the largest players in the combined market share of
competition in this market. global RAN market, across close to 90%. On the other
The telecoms infrastructure all generations of mobile hand, ZTE has a small but
underlying the 5G network technology. These three significant presence in the Asia
consists predominantly of companies have the broadest Pacific region, at the expense
the Radio Access Network product portfolios and widest of Nokia and Ericsson.
(RAN), which in turn consists global reach (see Fig. 7), as
mainly of mobile base well as the strongest service Despite these differences,
stations that connect telecom support, and are expected to responses to a 2015 European
networks wirelessly to mobile remain key global players as Commission review suggested
user devices. 5G becomes more prominent. that there are no obvious
geographical barriers to the
While network providers reach of the largest network
are global players with a providers6.
worldwide footprint, there
are some differences in their
regional market shares (see
Fig. 8). Currently, Huawei has
a small presence in North

Fig. 7: Key players’ global shares of RAN market and relative

market positions, 2018
Niche Challengers Leaders

Breadth of portfolio and services




Global reach
Source: Ovum, Oxford Economics

Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent Merger. 2015. Case No COMP/M.7632 - REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004 Merger Proceure
10 (European Commission, 24 July).
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 8: Regional market shares in the RAN market, 2018

1% 2%
8% 6%
48% Europe
America 4%
12% 17%

35% 9% Asia
2% 15%
2% 1% 1%
20% 30%
Caribbean 41%
Middle East
& Latin
& Africa


Ericsson Huawei Nokia Samsung ZTE Others

Source: Dell Oro


Having declined over the last Mobile network operators, In South Korea, SK Telecom
few years, the RAN market such as EE and Vodafone announced Ericsson, Nokia,
is expected to start growing in the UK, issue tenders to and Samsung as its initial 5G
again—driven by the rollout the network providers for network partners. Vodacom
of 5G networks. In 2019, building 5G networks. These launched its commercial
worldwide RAN sales are tender processes are already service in South Africa in
forecast at around US$31 under way in many countries, 2018 using Huawei. China’s
billion, to which 5G equipment with the duration of such operators have also started to
is expected to contribute contract awards being around tender commercial 5G offers.
roughly US$3.6 billion. The three years, on average.
contribution of 5G is then Economic theory implies
expected to grow rapidly that a competitive tender
over the next decade as the will typically yield benefits
contribution of 4G declines, for consumers, in terms of
resulting in total RAN sales prices, quality of service, and
exceeding US$35 billion by technological innovation.
2023 (see Fig. 9).

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 9: RAN revenues and forecast, 2016-2023 However, the situation in

the US and Australia has
2G/3G 4G 5G
been complicated by their
US $ million governments’ decisions, as
40,000 of October 2019, to restrict
Huawei from competing
in tenders for 5G network
infrastructure provision in
these countries.
In the next chapter, we discuss
25,000 the theoretical impact of
restricting competition on
20,000 the 5G network provision
market, before going on
15,000 to explain our three-stage
modelling approach. Then in
10,000 Chapter 4, we quantify the
economic consequences of
5,000 such a restriction across the
eight countries in our study, in
0 terms of increased investment
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 costs, delayed 5G rollout, and
Source: Ovum, Oxford Economics. lost productivity.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

3. H
The technological benefits imposing restrictions on Economic theory suggests
of 5G are expected to Chinese network providers from imposing restrictions on a
be transformational, and selling 5G network equipment major global provider such as
potentially revolutionary. As to telecoms companies. In Huawei would be expected to
the world prepares to roll out particular, as of October increase prices, which might
5G, a healthy and competitive 2019, Huawei is blocked from in turn slow down 5G rollout.
market will help to ensure that competing in any 5G provision Furthermore, the quality of
the network infrastructure is tenders in the United States the infrastructure may be
installed as efficiently, quickly, and Australia, despite the diminished, and productivity
and cheaply as possible. company confirming it has growth delayed lost (see Box 1).
never engaged in industrial
However, concerns expressed espionage, nor allowed its
about cyber security have led technology to be knowingly
several countries to consider hacked by the Chinese state.7


According to economic theory, competition facilities or large production facilities) before

between firms is good for consumers as well as realising profits, having a large number of firms
other businesses which operate in other sectors implies duplication of these set-up costs, which
of the economy. Competitive markets mean represents a loss in productive efficiency. In
consumers get better products at lower prices, this case, the presence of a few large operators
and typically ensure that firms which offer the who have already invested substantially in R&D
highest quality and best value products are the and acquiring technological know-how may be
ones that succeed. efficient and welfare-enhancing.

Applying this to 5G infrastructure provision, In contrast, restricting a large player from

competitive tenders should help to maximise competing in the 5G network will lead to
the gains from this technological innovation. reduced competitive pressures on the other
However, this does not mean that simply large providers. This will lead to increased
increasing the number of competitors in investment costs, delaying the speed of rollout
the 5G network infrastructure market would which, in turn, will result in slower technological
necessarily lead to reduced prices or faster growth and innovation, and lower incomes for
innovation. In markets where firms must incur households across the economy.
sizeable fixed costs (e.g., investment in R&D

The Guardian. 2019. “Huawei boss: UK ‘won’t say no to us’ over 5G rollout.” The Guardian, 16 August. 13
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


For this study, we assume that remain close to 4G market markets: Australia, Canada,
if Huawei is restricted in each shares in 2018. In that year, France, Germany, India, Japan,
country’s 5G infrastructure Huawei had 29% of the global the United Kingdom, and
market, network operators 4G market, while Ericsson the United States. To tailor
in that market would switch and Nokia had 27% and 25% our analysis to different
to one of the two other large respectively of the global 4G markets, we use regional
providers, Ericsson and Nokia, market. market shares to account for
in proportion to their existing differences in the network
market shares. We believe With Huawei blocked from the providers’ geographic reach.8
that the other providers do market, our assumption means In particular, we use North
not have the same global that Ericsson and Nokia’s American market shares for
reach or breadth of products market shares would increase Canada and the United States;
and services that would allow to 42% and 39% respectively, European market shares for
them to successfully compete while Samsung, ZTE, and the France, Germany and the UK;
for Huawei’s customers, and other operators would not and worldwide market shares
therefore their market shares see a change in their market for Australia, India and Japan. 9
would remain unchanged. shares (Fig. 10).

We also assume that 5G This results in an increase

network equipment market in concentration in markets
shares over the next decade across the globe. In our
in the baseline scenario (no study, we focus on eight
restrictions on Huawei) will developed technology

Fig. 10: Worldwide market shares without and without restrictions on Huawei
(based on 2018 4G revenues)

3% 3%
8% 8%

8% 27% 8%

Market shares Market shares
without with restriction


Ericsson Huawei Nokia Samsung ZTE Others

Source: Oxford Economics

Ideally, we would have used national market share data to tailor our analysis to the individual markets, but we had to use regional
market shares as the corresponding national data was not available.
14 9
We used the worldwide LTE market shares for Australia, India and Japan instead of the regional, i.e., APAC, measures. The APAC
measure is likely to be heavily dominated by China. Vendor market shares in China are not representative of vendor market shares in
Australia, India and Japan.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 11 shows the market shares Fig 11: Expected regional 5G RAN market shares with no
of the three major players in restrictions on Huawei (based on regional 4G LTE market
North America, Europe, and shares in 2018)
worldwide. Huawei has a small
presence in North America Country in
due to existing restrictions. Region Huawei Nokia Ericsson
our study
Further restrictions will
therefore lead to a very small North America Canada, USA 2% 42% 47%
increase in concentration. In
contrast, in other countries Europe 36% 26% 28%
Germany, UK
in our study, Huawei has the
largest market share, and Australia, India
restrictions on Huawei would Worldwide 29% 25% 27%
and Japan
therefore lead to a significant
increase in concentration. Source: Dell Oro

Note: In this study, we only consider the economic impact due to increases in concentration
and do not account for the loss of the technological know-how, experience and capabilities
that are unique to Huawei. Huawei is among the leading spenders on R&D and is considered
to have an advantage over its competitors due to its technological prowess.10 Therefore,
the rest of the modelling, described further in the following chapter, is more appropriately
described as being based on the exclusion of a competitor of Huawei’s size.


Lower competition due Stage 1: Impact on investment costs

to restrictions on Huawei
is expected to increase
To calculate the economic • merger simulation
impact of restricting techniques that are used
investment costs, slow down
competition, we started by by competition authorities
rollout and delay productivity
estimating the increase in to estimate the price
improvements. Using Oxford
mobile network operators’ impact following changes
Economics’ world-leading
investment costs when a to the market structure e.g.
Global Economic Model
major infrastructure provider following the completion of
(GEM) and a host of other
is restricted from the market. a merger; and
sophisticated industry and
We did this using a range
market structure models,
of techniques developed in • empirical evidence from
we analysed the impact of a a range of studies across
collaboration with Dr Martin
supplier of Huawei’s size being industries that estimated
Pesendorfer from the London
restricted from each market’s the change in price
School of Economics.
5G network infrastructure11, in following a merger.
terms of the projected increase
The techniques used were:
in investment costs, delays Given the worldwide nature
in 5G rollout, and reduced • a theoretical model of of the network infrastructure
national GDP levels. We used oligopoly characterising the market, we made some
a three-stage modelling 5G network infrastructure adjustments to standardise the
framework to assess the market that simulates the price impacts across our eight
economic impact of restricting change in price of network countries of interest.
competition in the provision of infrastructure associated with
5G network equipment. restrictions on competition;

Strategy Analytics. 2019. “Comparison and 2023 5G Global Market Potential for leading 5G RAN vendors - Ericsson, Huawei and Nokia.”
In our study, we focus on eight developed technology markets: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, the United

Kingdom, and the United States. 15

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Stage 2: Impact on rollout this, we calculated the average estimates of the productivity
investment expenditure benefits of 5G from various
We translated the increase in
required to extend 5G coverage academic and industry studies.
investment costs to delays in
on a per person basis. The The lower productivity growth
rollout using a network rollout
increase in investment costs is partly due to the increase
model built in collaboration
due to restricted competition, in the costs of building the
with Dr Edward Oughton
as estimated in Stage 1, was 5G network and partly due to
(Cambridge Judge Business
used as an input into the the reduced investment in 5G
School). This model translates
rollout model. Assuming that and related services due to
an increase in investment
nominal investment remains delays in rollout.
costs to a reduction in the
unchanged, the higher cost
share of the population
of rollout results in lower These were then fed into the
covered for each country and
coverage. Oxford Economics Global
scenario by assuming that
Economic Model to estimate
the overall operators’ capex
Stage 3: Impact on the impact on a range of
remains the same.
productivity and macroeconomic indicators
macroeconomic growth such as GDP and household
Our baseline—i.e. with no
consumer spending.
competition restrictions— The increase in investment
forecasts for 5G rollout and costs and delays in rollout
capital expenditure were were translated into lower
sourced from GSMA. Based on productivity growth using


There are a large number Our modelling approach does The higher network equipment
of ways through which not account for a number prices translate into higher
restrictions on competition of other potential costs of investment costs, which
in the network infrastructure restricting competition. For translates into delays in rollout.
market results in loss in example, in addition to the We assume that network
productivity and GDP. Fig. 12 increase in prices, there may operators do not suffer from
summarises the transmission also be a reduction in quality any capital constraints or
mechanism, highlighting the and technological innovation increased costs of capital as
channels that have not been in the 5G network equipment they increase their investment
included in our modelling. as the unrestricted firms do expenditure.
not face the same pressures to
In general, restricting invest in R&D and innovation. The increase in investment
competition in the 5G network Further, network operators costs and the consequent
infrastructure market leads to and providers may face delays in rollout lead to
lower competitive pressures some transition costs as they productivity losses across the
on the unrestricted network adapt their plans and existing economy.
providers, who will be able to infrastructure to adequately
charge higher contract prices fill in the gap left by a large
for 5G equipment. competitor such as Huawei.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 12: Transmission mechanism of restrictions in competition

Restrictions on network providers leads to reduced competition as unrestricted

providers fill the gap in the market

Increased network providers Reduced Loss in restricted
investment costs face transition costs investment in R&D providers’ R&D
for network (e.g. increasing by unrestricted and technological
operators capacity) to match network providers know­how
increased demand

Capital constraints and higher cost of capital

Reduced returns from investing in networks
due to increased investment costs lead to
lead to delays in rollout
delays in rollout

Reduction in productivity in the Spillover productivity impact across the

telecoms sector wider economy
Note: The grey boxes indicate channels that are not considered in our modelling approach.
Only the channels described in the blue boxes are modelled.


The precise extent of this year, which is based on the In the central cost scenario,
negative impact will depend lower end of estimates from we assumed that 5G leads to
on the potential future various studies. To account productivity benefits of 0.15% in
benefits of 5G, and the market for limited increases in prices GDP growth per year in the first
reactions to competition in the low cost scenario, we year of 5G rollout, increasing
restrictions. To capture the assumed that investment costs to 0.30% in five years. The
uncertainty around the increase by the lower end of increase in investment costs
future benefits of 5G and the the range of estimates from was based on the median of
different market responses our three price models. estimates from the three price
to competition restrictions, models in Stage 1.
we modelled three scenarios For the high cost scenario,
which are summarised in we assumed that 5G leads to
Fig. 13. productivity benefits of 0.30%
in GDP growth per year, which
The modelling assumptions is based on the higher end of
corresponding to these the estimates from the various
scenarios are shown in studies. Similarly, the increase
Fig. 14. To model the low cost in investment costs was based
scenario, we assumed that 5G on the higher end of the range
leads to productivity benefits of estimates from our three
of 0.15% in GDP growth per price models in Stage 1.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 13: Definitions of scenarios modelled to reflect uncertainty

Source of
LOW COST scenario CENTRAL COST scenario HIGH COST scenario

Potential 5G, characterised 5G enables Massive Machine- 5G is revolutionary, providing

future as Enhanced Mobile type Communications Ultra-reliable and Low
benefits Broadband (eMBB), (mMTC): i.e. the connection Latency Communications
of 5G provides higher broadband of a very large number (URLLC) that enables
speeds and supports high- of connected devices applications which are heavily
bandwidth services such (one million per sq. km), dependent on low latency
as Augmented Reality supporting low-power, low- and high reliability, and
(AR) and Virtual Reality energy devices which enables supports critical applications
(VR) apps. large-scale IoT deployments in transport, healthcare
across sectors. and energy.

Market We assume that the scope Other vendors are able to Given the revolutionary
reaction to for other 5G infrastructure increase their prices to some impact of 5G, infrastructure
competition vendors to exercise their extent but are not fully able to vendors can fully exercise
restrictions market power and increase exercise their market power. their market power and
prices is limited. increase prices to the
maximum extent.

Fig. 14: Modelling assumptions to reflect uncertainty

Source of uncertainty LOW COST scenario CENTRAL COST scenario HIGH COST scenario

Potential future benefits of 5G 0.15% per year from 0.15% in 2020; increasing 0.30% per year from
modelled using GDP growth per 2020-2035 to 0.30% in 2025 and 2020-2035
year in the baseline constant at 0.30% per
(no restrictions) scenario year after.

Market reaction to competition 8%-9% increase 16%-19% increase 24%-29% increase

restrictions modelled using per year per year per year
increase in investment costs
(varies by country)

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

In our central cost scenario, increases of US$400 million In the remainder of this
restricting a key supplier of each in France, Germany, chapter, we detail the full
5G infrastructure from helping and the UK over the same results for the eight countries
to build a country’s network time period, in our central in our study, according to
was found to increase overall cost scenario. In Japan, the all three scenarios: low cost,
5G investment costs by equivalent average annual central cost, and high cost.
between 16% and 19%, among increase would be US$1.4 In each case, the results
the eight countries covered in billion, in India US$500 million, are given relative to our
this study. and in Australia US$200 million. baseline scenario in which
no competition restrictions
In the US and Canada, this Linked to these investment are imposed on the
equates to an average annual cost increases, the 5G infrastructure market.
increase in 5G network restriction in competition for
investment costs of US$1.0 5G infrastructure would lead to
billion and US$300 million, delays in the network rollout
respectively, over the next that mean millions fewer
decade. In the three European people would be covered by
countries in our study, we the 5G network in 2023. It
estimate restrictions on would also significantly reduce
competition could lead to economic growth over the
average annual investment cost next decade and beyond.

Fig. 15: Increase in average annual 5G network investment costs due to competition
restrictions, 2019-2030
Increase in average annual investment costs (US$ billions)
Central cost scenario High-low cost scenario range





0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4
Japan USA India UK France Germany Canada Australia
Source: Oxford Economics.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$100 mn US$200 million US$300 mn
over the next decade (8%) (17%) (27%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 0 1.5 million 3.1 mn
5G by 2023 (11.4%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$0.8 bn US$2.8 billion US$8.2 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered




Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Australia is among the top Restricting competition in the Across our scenarios, we
three countries in terms of network infrastructure market expect the increase in average
5G preparedness along with may significantly reduce annual investment costs
South Korea and the US12. A economic growth in Australia over the next 10 years due
competitive market for 5G over the next 15 years. We to competition restrictions
infrastructure would help estimate this could reduce to vary between US$100
maximise the gains from GDP in 2035 by US$2.8 billion. million (8%) and US$300
technological innovation and million (27%). The wide range
growth in Australia. A study The potential future benefits in these estimates is due to
for the Australian government of 5G are hard to predict. the uncertainty around the
estimates that 5G technology While most industry players reaction of other vendors of
could add an additional $1,300 expect 5G to transform the network infrastructure.
to $2,000 in GDP per person economy, 5G may end up
in 2030 after the first decade being merely an enhancement This increase in prices would
of the rollout13. to the existing 4G technology. translate into delays in rollout.
Or it could be revolutionary in We estimate that these delays
On the other hand, restricting the way the steam engine or would leave up to 3.1 million
competition can have electricity was. The uncertainty more people (11.4% of the
significant adverse economic about the nature of benefits population) without access to
impacts. Our modelling will also be reflected in the 5G by 2023.
suggests restricting a major economic consequences of
participant could increase restricting competition in the The resulting loss in
the cost of building the 5G network infrastructure market. productivity has significant
network by US$200 million economic consequences.
per year over the next decade To account for this, we have Lower economic growth
(17% of baseline costs) in modelled two additional due to delays in 5G
our central cost scenario. scenarios that capture the rollout and the associated
Due to these price increases, lower and higher end of the slower technological growth
1.5 million people (5.6% of range of potential future reduces GDP by between $0.8
the population) who would outcomes from competition billion and $8.2 billion in 2035.
have otherwise had access restrictions in the 5G network
to the 5G network could be market.
left without access to a 5G
network in 2023.

Arthur D. Little. 2019. The Race to 5G.


Department of Communications and the Arts (Australian Government). 2018. Impacts of 5G on productivity and economic growth.

Working Paper. 21
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$100 mn US$300 million US$400 mn
over the next decade (8%) (16%) (24%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 2.2 mn 4.1 million 5.7 mn
5G by 2023 (5.7%) (14.7%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$1.0 bn US$3.5 billion US$6.7 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered





Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


A comprehensive study The potential future benefits This increase in prices would
conducted by Accenture of 5G are hard to predict. translate into delays in rollout.
found that the adoption of While most industry players We estimate that these delays
5G technology in Canada expect 5G to transform the would leave between 2.2
will propel innovation across economy, 5G may end up million and 5.7 million more
industries and significantly being merely an enhancement people (5.7% to 14.7% of the
improve Canadians’ quality of to the existing 4G technology. population) without access to
life and the economy to the Or it could be revolutionary in 5G by 2023.
tune of a nearly $40 billion the way the steam engine or
annual GDP uplift by 2026. electricity was. The uncertainty The resulting loss in
The benefits will be felt not about the nature of benefits productivity has significant
only in national GDP, but also will also be reflected in the economic consequences.
in terms of Canadian jobs. economic consequences of Lower economic growth
It is estimated that by this restricting competition in the due to delays in 5G
same time close to 250,000 network infrastructure market. rollout and the associated
permanent jobs will be added slower technological growth
to the Canadian economy.14 To account for this, we have reduces GDP by between $1.0
modelled two additional billion and $6.7 billion in 2035.
On the other hand, restricting scenarios that capture the
competition can have lower and higher end of the
significant adverse economic range of potential future
impacts. Our modelling outcomes from competition
suggests restricting a major restrictions in the 5G network
participant could increase market.
the cost of building the 5G
network by US$300 million Across our scenarios, we
per year over the next decade expect the increase in average
(16% of baseline costs) in annual investment costs
our central cost scenario. over the next 10 years due
Due to these price increases, to competition restrictions
4.1 million people (10.5% of to vary between US$100
the population) who would million (8%) and US$400
have otherwise had access million (24%). The wide range
to the 5G network could be in these estimates is due to
left without access to a 5G the uncertainty around the
network in 2023. reaction of other vendors of
network infrastructure.
Restricting competition in the
network infrastructure market
may significantly reduce
economic growth in Canada
over the next 15 years. We
estimate this could reduce
GDP in 2035 by US$3.5 billion.

Accenture. 2018. Fuel for innovation: Canada’s Path in the Race to 5G. Accenture Strategy Report. 23
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$200 mn US$400 million US$600 mn
over the next decade (9%) (19%) (29%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 2.1 mn 4.0 million 5.7 mn
5G by 2023 (3.2%) (8.4%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$2.6 bn US$8.3 billion US$15.6 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered


Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario





2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


France is among the countries The potential future benefits of This increase in prices would
expected to be at the 5G are hard to predict. While translate into delays in rollout.
forefront of 5G development. most industry players expect We estimate that these delays
A competitive market for 5G to transform the economy, would leave between 2.1
5G infrastructure would help 5G may end up being merely million and 5.7 million more
maximise the gains from an enhancement to the existing people (3.2% to 8.4% of the
technological innovation and 4G technology. Or it could be population) without access to
growth in France. 5G services revolutionary in the way the 5G by 2023.
will stimulate economic steam engine or electricity
activity worth $85bn in GDP was. The uncertainty about The resulting loss in
and support around 396,000 the nature of benefits will also productivity has significant
jobs in France in 2035.15 be reflected in the economic economic consequences.
consequences of restricting Lower economic growth
On the other hand, restricting competition in the network due to delays in 5G
competition can have infrastructure market. rollout and the associated
significant adverse economic slower technological growth
impacts. Our modelling To account for this, we have reduces GDP by between $2.6
suggests restricting a major modelled two additional billion and $15.6 billion in 2035.
participant could increase scenarios that capture the lower
the cost of building the 5G and higher end of the range of
network by US$400 million potential future outcomes from
per year over the next decade competition restrictions in the
(19% of baseline costs) in 5G network market.
our central cost scenario.
Due to these price increases, Across our scenarios, we
4.0 million people (6% of expect the increase in average
the population) who would annual investment costs
have otherwise had access over the next 10 years due
to the 5G network could be to competition restrictions
left without access to a 5G to vary between US$200
network in 2023. million and US$600 million
(9% and 29%). The wide range
Restricting competition in the in these estimates is due to
network infrastructure market the uncertainty around the
may significantly reduce reaction of other vendors of
economic growth in France network infrastructure.
over the next 15 years. We
estimate this could reduce
GDP in 2035 by US$8.3 billion.

IHS. 2017. The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. Economic Impact Analysis, IHS Economics &
IHS Technology. 25
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$200 mn US$400 million US$600 mn
over the next decade (9%) (19%) (29%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 3.8 mn 7.1 million 10.0 mn
5G by 2023 (4.5%) (12.0%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$2.4 bn US$6.9 billion US$13.8 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered





Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


The German government The potential future benefits This increase in prices would
has set out a plan to create of 5G are hard to predict. translate into delays in rollout.
the necessary infrastructure While most industry players We estimate that these delays
prerequisites to have near- expect 5G to transform the would leave between 3.8
universal 5G connectivity by economy, 5G may end up million and 10 million more
2025. A competitive market being merely an enhancement people (4.5% to 12.0% of the
for network infrastructure to the existing 4G technology. population) without access to
is critical to meet this Or it could be revolutionary in 5G by 2023.
ambitious target for 5G the way the steam engine or
rollout16. The benefits from 5G electricity was. The uncertainty The resulting loss in
are substantial: 5G services about the nature of benefits productivity has significant
are expected to stimulate will also be reflected in the economic consequences.
economic activity worth economic consequences of Lower economic growth due
$202bn in GDP and support restricting competition in the to delays in 5G rollout and the
around 1.2 million jobs in network infrastructure market. associated slower technological
Germany in 2035.17 growth reduces GDP by
To account for this, we have between $2.4 billion and
On the other hand, restricting modelled two additional $13.8 billion in 2035.
competition can have scenarios that capture the
significant adverse economic lower and higher end of the
impacts. Our modelling range of potential future
suggests restricting a major outcomes from competition
participant could increase restrictions in the 5G network
the cost of building the 5G market.
network by US$400 million
per year over the next decade Across our scenarios, we
(19% of baseline costs) in expect the increase in average
our central cost scenario. annual investment costs
Due to these price increases, over the next 10 years due
7.1 million people (8.5% of to competition restrictions
the population) who would to vary between US$200
have otherwise had access million and US$600 million
to the 5G network could be (9% and 29%). The wide range
left without access to a 5G in these estimates is due to
network in 2023. the uncertainty around the
reaction of other vendors of
Restricting competition in the network infrastructure.
network infrastructure market
may significantly reduce
economic growth in Germany
over the next 15 years. We
estimate this could reduce
GDP in 2035 by US$6.9 billion.

The German Federal Government . 2017. 5G Strategy for Germany. Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
IHS. 2017. The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. Economic Impact Analysis, IHS Economics &
IHS Technology. 27
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$200 mn US$500 million US$700 mn
over the next decade (8%) (17%) (27%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 15.9 mn 31.8 million 45.3 mn
5G by 2023 (1.1%) (3.2%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$4.7 bn US$15.5 billion US$27.8 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered


Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario





2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


India is one of the largest Restricting competition in the Across our scenarios, we
and fastest growing telecoms network infrastructure market expect the increase in average
markets in the world. By 2025, may significantly reduce annual investment costs due
208 million new subscribers economic growth in India over to competition restrictions
are expected get connected in the next 15 years. We estimate to vary between US$200
India, accounting for a quarter this could reduce GDP in 2035 million and US$700 million
of global new subscribers over by US$15.5 billion. (8% and 27%). The wide range
2017-2025 period. By this time, in these estimates is due to
smartphone connections in the The potential future benefits of the uncertainty around the
country will account for three 5G are hard to predict. While reaction of other vendors of
quarters of total connections. most industry players expect network infrastructure.
A competitive market for 5G to transform the economy,
5G infrastructure would help 5G may end up being merely This increase in prices would
maximise the gains from an enhancement to the existing translate into delays in rollout.
technological innovation and 4G technology. Or it could be We estimate that these
growth in India. 5G is expected revolutionary in the way the delays would leave between
to be launched in India by steam engine or electricity 15.9 million and 45.3 million
2020 and is predicted to was. The uncertainty about more people (1.1% to 3.2% of
create a cumulative economic the nature of benefits will also the population) without access
impact of US$ one trillion in reflected in the economic to 5G by 2023.
India by 2035.18 consequences of restricting
competition in the network The resulting loss in
On the other hand, restricting infrastructure market. productivity has significant
competition can have economic consequences.
significant adverse economic To account for this, we have Lower economic growth
impacts. Our modelling modelled two additional due to delays in 5G
suggests restricting a major scenarios that capture the rollout and the associated
participant could increase lower and higher end of the slower technological growth
the cost of building the 5G range of potential future reduces GDP by between $4.7
network by US$500 million outcomes from competition billion and $27.8 billion in 2035.
per year over the next decade restrictions in the 5G network
(17% of baseline costs) in market.
our central cost scenario.
Due to these price increases,
31.8 million people (2.2% of
the population) who would
have otherwise had access
to the 5G network could be
left without access to a 5G
network in 2023.

Telecoms Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). 2019. Enabling 5G in India. White Paper. 29
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$700 mn US$1,400 million US$2,100 mn
over the next decade (9%) (19%) (29%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 7.2 mn 13.6 million 19.1 mn
5G by 2023 (5.8%) (15.3%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$5.3 bn US$15.6 billion US$34.3 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered





Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Japan has been a The potential future benefits of This increase in prices would
global leader in mobile 5G are hard to predict. While translate into delays in rollout.
communications for the most industry players expect We estimate that these delays
past four decades. By 2020, 5G to transform the economy, would leave between 7.2
Japanese operators will roll 5G may end up being merely million and 19.1 million more
out 5G, the next-generation an enhancement to the existing people (5.8% to 15.3% of the
mobile network, in time to host 4G technology. Or it could be population) without access to
the Olympic and Paralympic revolutionary in the way the 5G by 2023.
Games. Japan will, once again, steam engine or electricity
be one of the first movers was. The uncertainty about The resulting loss in
to deploy a next-generation the nature of benefits will also productivity has significant
network. 5G services will reflected in the economic economic consequences.
stimulate economic activity consequences of restricting Lower economic growth due
worth $492bn in GDP and competition in the network to delays in 5G rollout and the
support around 2.1 million jobs infrastructure market. associated slower technological
in Japan in 2035.19 growth reduces GDP by
To account for this, we have between $5.3 billion and
On the other hand, restricting modelled two additional $34.3 billion in 2035.
competition can have scenarios that capture the lower
significant adverse economic and higher end of the range of
impacts. Our modelling potential future outcomes from
suggests restricting a major competition restrictions in the
participant could increase 5G network market.
the cost of building the 5G
network by US$1.4 billion per Across our scenarios, we
year over the next decade expect the increase in average
(18% of baseline costs) in annual investment costs due
our central cost scenario. to competition restrictions
Due to these price increases, to vary between US$ 700
13.6 million people (10.9% of million and US$2.1 billion (9%
the population) who would and 27%). The wide range
have otherwise had access in these estimates is due to
to the 5G network could be the uncertainty around the
left without access to a 5G reaction of other vendors of
network in 2023. network infrastructure.

Restricting competition in the

network infrastructure market
may significantly reduce
economic growth in Japan over
the next 15 years. We estimate
this could reduce GDP in 2035
by US$15.6 billion.

IHS. 2017. The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. Economic Impact Analysis, IHS Economics &
IHS Technology. 31
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$200 mn US$400 million US$700 mn
over the next decade (9%) (19%) (29%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 3.9 mn 7.4 million 10.4 mn
5G by 2023 (5.8%) (15.3%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$1.8 bn US$6.2 billion US$11.8 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered






Low scenario
Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


The UK Government is keen The potential future benefits of This increase in prices would
for the UK to become a world 5G are hard to predict. While translate into delays in rollout.
leader in 5G, and the UK most industry players expect We estimate that these delays
telecom regulator, Ofcom, is 5G to transform the economy, would leave between 3.9
working with the Government 5G may end up being merely million and 10.4 million more
and industry to make this an enhancement to the existing people (5.8% to 15.3% of the
happen. 5G services will 4G technology. Or it could be population) without access to
stimulate economic activity revolutionary in the way the 5G by 2023.
worth $76bn in GDP and steam engine or electricity
support around 650,000 was. The uncertainty about The resulting loss in
jobs in the UK in 203520. A the nature of benefits will also productivity has significant
competitive market for 5G reflected in the economic economic consequences.
infrastructure would help consequences of restricting Lower economic growth
maximise the gains from competition in the network due to delays in 5G
technological innovation and infrastructure market. rollout and the associated
growth in the UK. slower technological growth
To account for this, we have reduces GDP by between $1.8
On the other hand, restricting modelled two additional billion and $11.8 billion in 2035.
competition can have scenarios that capture the lower
significant adverse economic and higher end of the range of
impacts. Our modelling potential future outcomes from
suggests restricting a major competition restrictions in the
participant could increase 5G network market.
the cost of building the 5G
network by US$400 million Across our scenarios, we
per year over the next decade expect the increase in average
(19% of baseline costs) in annual investment costs due
our central cost scenario. to competition restrictions
Due to these price increases, to vary between US$200
7.4 million people (10.9% of million and US$700 million
the population) who would (9% and 29%). The wide range
have otherwise had access in these estimates is due to
to the 5G network could be the uncertainty around the
left without access to a 5G reaction of other vendors of
network in 2023. network infrastructure.

Restricting competition in the

network infrastructure market
may significantly reduce
economic growth in the UK
over the next 15 years. We
estimate this could reduce
GDP in 2035 by US$6.2 billion.

IHS. 2017. The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. Economic Impact Analysis, IHS Economics &
IHS Technology. 33
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Low cost Central cost High cost
scenario scenario scenario

Increase in average
annual investment costs
for 5G infrastructure US$500 mn US$1,000 million US$1,500 mn
over the next decade (8%) (16%) (24%)

Absolute number of
people who will have
delayed access to 0 11.6 million 27.1 mn
5G by 2023 (8.0%)

Estimated permanent
loss in Gross Domestic US$8.6 bn US$21.9 billion US$63.0 bn
Product (GDP) due to
delay in 5G rollout in 2035


Percentage of population covered




Low scenario

Central scenario
High scenario


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Source: GSMA, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


The US is among the top The potential future benefits of This increase in prices would
three countries in terms of 5G are hard to predict. While translate into delays in rollout.
5G preparedness along with most industry players expect We estimate that these delays
South Korea and Australia.21 5G to transform the economy, would leave up to 27.1 million
A competitive market for 5G may end up being merely more people (8.0% of the
5G infrastructure would help an enhancement to the existing population) without access to
maximise the gains from 4G technology. Or it could be 5G by 2020.
technological innovation revolutionary in the way the
and growth in Australia. steam engine or electricity The resulting loss in
5G services will stimulate was. The uncertainty about productivity has significant
economic activity worth the nature of benefits will also economic consequences.
$719bn in GDP and support reflected in the economic Lower economic growth due
around 10 million jobs in the consequences of restricting to delays in 5G rollout and the
US in 203522. competition in the network associated slower technological
infrastructure market. growth reduces GDP by
On the other hand, restricting between $8.6 billion and
competition can have To account for this, we have $63.0 billion in 2035.
significant adverse economic modelled two additional
impacts. Our modelling scenarios that capture the lower
suggests restricting a major and higher end of the range of
participant could increase potential future outcomes from
the cost of building the 5G competition restrictions in the
network by US$1.0 billion per 5G network market.
year over the next decade
(16% of baseline costs) in Across our scenarios, we
our central cost scenario. expect the increase in average
Due to these price increases, annual investment costs due
11.6 million people (3.4% of to competition restrictions
the population) who would to vary between US$500
have otherwise had access million and US$1.5 billion (8%
to the 5G network could be and 24%). The wide range
left without access to a 5G in these estimates is due to
network in 2023. the uncertainty around the
reaction of other vendors of
Restricting competition in the network infrastructure.
network infrastructure market
may significantly reduce
economic growth in Australia
over the next 15 years. We
estimate this could reduce
GDP in 2035 by US$21.9 billion.

Arthur D. Little. 2019. The Race to 5G.
IHS. 2017. The 5G economy: How 5G technology will contribute to the global economy. Economic Impact Analysis, IHS Economics &
IHS Technology. 35
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


In this study, we have adoption of the Internet of Mobile network operators
estimated the potential Things (IoT). Estimates of 5G’s across the world will be
economic costs of restricting total contribution to global commissioning 5G equipment
a 5G network infrastructure GDP over the next 10-to-15 from the network equipment
vendor of Huawei’s size. Our years range from US$1.4 trillion vendors. Huawei, Nokia, and
study focuses on the impact to US$3.5 trillion. Ericsson are the three largest
with regard to price, time, vendors in the network
and productivity across eight To take advantage of the next equipment market globally,
leading 5G markets. wave of technological progress, with a combined market
the plans to roll out 5G are share of more than 80%.
The next generation of 5G being prepared with a sense Samsung and ZTE have small
technology is expected to of urgency. Despite requiring but significant market shares
significantly increase the larger investments in network of 8% each, with a few other
speed of communication infrastructure, the rollout of 5G smaller players making up the
and lower response times is expected to be completed remaining 4% of the market.
(latency), which will create more quickly than 4G in
opportunities for new use most markets, due to higher
cases and the widespread perceived economic returns.


In light of expressed security We considered only the

concerns about Huawei’s economic impacts occurring
5G equipment, the US and as a result of the increase in
Australia have currently network vendor concentration
blocked Huawei from caused by such a restriction
participating in the rollout in competition. Our results are
of 5G equipment, with based on assumptions relating
other countries considering to both the potential future
restrictions. benefits of 5G, and the market
reactions to competition
Oxford Economics was restrictions, captured in three
commissioned by Huawei scenarios: low cost, central
to estimate the potential cost, and high cost scenarios.
economic impacts of such a
restriction on competition in
the 5G network infrastructure
market. We have analysed the
impacts of restricting a player
of Huawei’s size from eight
markets: Australia, Canada,
France, Germany, India, Japan,
the United Kingdom, and the
United States.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Our modelling suggests that access to 5G in India, while

restricting a key supplier of in Europe, the UK, Germany,
5G infrastructure from helping and France would respectively
to build a country’s network have 7.4 million, 7.1 million, and
would increase that country’s 4.0 million fewer people with
overall 5G investment costs access to 5G by 2023, under
by between 16% and 19%, in our central cost scenario.
our central cost scenario.
A delay in the rollout of 5G
The increase in investment would also result in slower
costs linked to the restriction technological innovation and
of 5G competition would also reduced economic growth. In
delay 5G access to millions our central cost scenario, this
of people over the next would result in reductions to
decade. In the US alone, 11.6 national GDP in 2035 ranging
million fewer people (some from $22 billion for the US to
3.4% of the population) are $3 billion for Australia. Across
projected to have access all eight countries in our study,
to 5G by 2023 than if there this means GDP per capita
was no such restriction to would be lower by an average
competition, under our central of $100 per person in 2035,
cost scenario. Over the same compared with a world where
period, 31.8 million fewer there is no such restriction in
people are projected to have 5G infrastructure provision.

Fig. 16: Headline economic impacts under the central cost scenario

Price impact Reduction in number of Reduction in GDP

Market (% increase in people with access to in 2035 (US$ billions,
investment costs) 5G by 2023 (millions) 2019 prices)
Australia 8% to 27% 0 to 3.1 0.8 to 8.2
Canada 8% to 24% 2.2 to 5.7 1.0 to 6.7
France 9% to 29% 2.1 to 5.7 2.6 to 15.6
Germany 9% to 29% 3.8 to 10.0 2.4 to 13.8
Japan 9% to 27% 7.2 to 9.1 5.3 to 34.3
India 8% to 27% 15.9 to 45.3 4.7 to 27.8
United Kingdom 9% to 29% 3.9 to 10.4 1.8 to 11.8
United States 8% to 24%` 0 to 27.1 8.6 to 63.0
Source: Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

1G The first generation of mobile networks used analogue radio systems that
allowed users to make phone calls but not send text messages.
2G The second generation of mobile networks relied on digital signals, not
analogue, which improved its capacity and allowed users to send text and
multimedia messages.
3G The third generation of mobile networks could transmit greater amounts
of data that allowed users to video call, share files and surf the internet.
4G 4G, or the fourth generation of mobile networks, allowed for five-times
faster data transmission compared to 3G networks, which allowed users to
experience less buffering, higher voice quality, easy access to messaging
services and social media, higher quality streaming and faster downloads.
5G The fifth generation of mobile networks is expected to significantly
improve speeds and capacity of mobile networks, which could lead to
new trends such as connected cars, smart cities and smart homes and
Augmented Reality Augmented Reality combines virtual pictures or sounds with the real, or
physical, world to enhance the environment. AR is being used in gaming,
medicine, education, archaeology and architecture. For example, AR is
used to support surgeries by providing virtual overlays to guide medical
Average Revenue ARPU is the total revenue divided by the number of subscribers.
Per User (ARPU) a commonly used measure in communications, digital media and
subscription services.
Compound Annual CAGR is the annual rate of return required for a variable, say investment,
Growth Rate to grow from its beginning value to its ending value assuming that the
(CAGR) variable has been compounding over the time period.
Enhanced Mobile Enhanced mobile broadband is one of the three possible use scenarios
Broadband (eMBB) defined by the ITU (see below) for 5G. Under the eMBB use case, 5G will
enable data-driven services that will require high speeds across a wide
coverage area such as 360-degree video streaming, immersive virtual
reality and augmented reality.
Global Economic We simulated the macroeconomic implications of restrictions in
Model (GEM) competition across the eight economies using our Global Economic Model
(GEM). See Appendix 3 for further details.
Internet of Things Internet of Things is a system of connected computing, mechanical and
(IoT) digital devices that can transfer data over a network without the need
for human interaction. This will enable services such as remote health
monitoring and automatic emergency notification systems.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

International The ITU facilitates international cooperation to enable standardisation
Telecommunications of global communications networks so that networks and technologies
Union (ITU) seamlessly interconnect.
Latency Latency is the amount of time between a command and its
corresponding action over the internet
Long Term Evolution Long Term Evolution, a 4G mobile communications standard
mMTC Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC) is one of the three
possible use scenarios defined by the ITU (see above) for 5G. Under the
mMTC use case, 5G will enable fully automatic generation, exchange and
processing by devices, which would enable widespread adoption of the
Internet of Things (IoT).
Mobile network Mobile Network Operators are providers of wireless communications
operators (MNO) services that own or control all the infrastructure necessary to deliver
mobile network services to consumers (end users).
Network slicing Network slicing allows the physical infrastructure to be split into several
virtual networks that can be tailored to different end-users, thereby
facilitating dedicated disruption-free networks for critical users such as
health and transport services that are free from disruption from other
consumer and business uses
Radio Access Radio Access Network (RAN) is a component of 5G network
Network (RAN) infrastructure. RAN consists mainly of mobile base stations that connect
telecom networks wirelessly to mobile devices.
Ultra-Reliable Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) is one of the three
Low-Latency possible use scenarios defined by the ITU (see above) for 5G. Under this
Communication use scenario, 5G will cater to multiple advanced services that rely on
(URLLC) quick response times such as autonomous driving, factory automation,
smart grids and robotic surgeries.
Virtual Reality (VR) Virtual Reality creates a simulated environment that is completely
different from the real, or physical world. A person using VR equipment
can look around the artificial world, move around in it and interact with
features or items.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Economic theory dictates Fig. 17: Three-stage modelling framework for assessing the
that restricting competition economic costs of excluding Huawei from the telecoms
in any market will lead to network equipment market
upward prices pressures as
well as negative implications Stage 1. Impact on price
for innovation. We have
Estimate the upward price pressures on telecoms network
assessed the economic impact
equipment in each market.
of banning Huawei from
competing in the market for
telecommunications network
equipment, through a three- Stage 2. Impact on rollout
stage modelling framework
as illustrated in Fig. 17. We Estimate the delays in rollout of telecoms infrastructure.
describe each step in more
detail below.

Stage 3. Impact on productivity and macroeconomic growth

Simulate the macroeconomic implications of simultaneous
productivity losses across core markets, using integrated
global macroeconomic model.


In the first stage of our The techniques used are:

assessment, we start by
exploring the implications • a theoretical model of
oligopoly characterising the
for the price of network
5G network infrastructure
equipment in each of our eight
market that simulates the
target markets. We applied
change in price of network
three alternate approaches,
infrastructure associated with
developed in collaboration
restrictions on competition;
with Dr Martin Pesendorfer
(LSE), to establish an • merger simulation
estimated range of impacts, to techniques that are used by
add credibility and depth to competition authorities to
the findings: estimate the price impact
following changes to the
market such as a merger; and
• empirical evidence from
a range of studies across
industries that estimated the
change in price following a

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 18: Expected change in HHI due to restrictions on Huawei

HHI (no restrictions HHI (restrictions Change in

Region Country in our study
on Huawei) on Huawei) HHI
North America Canada, USA 4,049 4,197 148
Europe France, Germany, UK 2,781 4,072 1,291
Australia, India
Worldwide 2,348 3,454 1,106
and Japan23
Source: Oxford Economics

For this study, we assume that Theoretical models of We have built two variations
if Huawei is restricted in each oligopoly of the Cournot model: with
country’s 5G infrastructure linear demand curves (Motta
There are two standard
market, network operators 2007) and with constant
models of oligopoly used in
in that market would switch elasticity of substitution
economic theory:
to one of the two other large (CES)24 demand curves
providers, Ericsson and Nokia, • Cournot: where firms (Pindyck and Rubinfeld 2017).
in proportion to their existing compete by choosing
market shares. We believe quantity supplied and let The price impact in the linear
that the other providers do market forces set prices; demand curve model relies
not have the same global • Bertrand: where firms on the number of existing
reach or breadth of products compete by choosing prices credible competitors (which
and services that would allow and let market forces set we define as the number of
them to successfully compete quantities. competitors with more than
for Huawei’s potential 5% market share in the 4G
customers, and therefore However, we do not believe LTE network market). Fig. 19
their market shares would that either of these standard shows the change in credible
remain unchanged. models characterises the 5G competitors due to restrictions
network infrastructure market. and the impact on price in
We assume that 5G network Vendors, when participating the RAN market based on
equipment market shares in a tender, make decisions 4G LTE network equipment
over the next decade in the on prices, and therefore the market shares in 2018.
baseline (no restrictions on Bertrand model may appear the We used the worldwide LTE
Huawei) will be closest to 4G most appropriate for our study. market shares for Australia,
(LTE) market shares in 2018. However, we understand that India and Japan instead of the
All our methods rely on the firms compete in prices as well regional, (i.e., APAC) measures,
change in the Herfindahl- as capacities and the decision which are likely to be heavily
Hirschman Index (HHI) due to participate in tenders by dominated by China. Vendor
to restrictions on Huawei. The network operators. Kreps and market shares in China are
HHI, which is a measure of Scheinkman (1983) show that not representative of vendor
concentration, increases by outcomes in the Bertrand market shares in Australia,
1106 based on worldwide 4G market where firms make India and Japan.
market shares. Fig. 18 shows additional decisions on tender
the estimated change in HHI participation and capacities is
due to restrictions on Huawei. similar to the outcomes from a
Cournot setting.

We used the worldwide LTE market shares for Australia, India and Japan instead of the regional Asia-Pacific (APAC) measures. The
APAC market shares are likely to be heavily dominated by China and is not representative of vendor market shares in Australia, India
and Japan. 41
Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) implies that the percentage change in demand for a 1% change in price remains constant
at all levels of RAN equipment. We use estimates of the elasticity of digital infrastructure estimates from the literature (UK National
Infrastructure Commission 2017) – between -0.4 to -0.8 – as proxies for RAN elasticities.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 19: Price impact based on the theoretical model (linear demand curves)

Change in the number of

Country Market shares used Change in price
“credible” competitors
Australia 5 to 4 Worldwide LTE 12%
Canada 3 to 2 North America LTE 23%
France 4 to 3 Europe LTE 16%
Germany 4 to 3 Europe LTE 16%
India 5 to 4 Worldwide LTE 12%
Japan 5 to 4 Worldwide LTE 12%
United Kingdom 4 to 3 Europe LTE 16%
United States 3 to 2 North America LTE 23%
Worldwide 5 to 4 Worldwide LTE 12%
Source: Oxford Economics

The price impact in the

CES model depends on the
change in HHI25. Fig. 20 shows
the change in HHI due to
restrictions and the impact on
price in the RAN market based
on 4G LTE network equipment
market shares in 2018.

Fig. 20: Price impact based on the theoretical model (CES demand curves)

Median change in price

Country Change in HHI Market shares used
(various assumptions)
Australia 0.11% Worldwide LTE 23%
Canada 0.01% North America LTE 14%
France 0.13% Europe LTE 24%
Germany 0.13% Europe LTE 24%
India 0.11% Worldwide LTE 23%
Japan 0.11% Worldwide LTE 23%
0.13% Europe LTE 24%
United States 0.01% North America LTE 14%
Worldwide 0.11% Worldwide LTE 23%
Source: Oxford Economics

HHI is an indicator of market concentration, calculated as the sum of squared market shares. We assume that when Huawei
is restricted, Huawei’s market share is distributed between Nokia and Ericsson proportionate to their market shares in the
42 counterfactual (with Huawei). We use market shares in the 4G network equipment market as the basis for our calculations.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Merger simulation techniques

We have also adapted the Margins based on Gross Margins
merger simulation tool (used for the Telecom Equipment
by economists to quantify the sector from the NYU Stern
impact of mergers) to estimate dataset (Damodaran, 2019).
the price impact of restrictions Country-level margins were only
on Huawei. The price impact available for the US and Japan.
depends on the diversion We have used the regional
ratio26 and the profit margin. averages for the other countries:
Fig. 21 shows the diversion Europe (for France, UK and
ratios, industry margins and Germany), APAC (Australia and
the change in price based on India). We have used the US
merger simulation techniques figures as a proxy for margins
due to restrictions on Huawei. in Canada.

Fig. 21: Price impact based on merger simulation techniques

Diversion of market Diversion of market Industry Change

Country Market shares used
share to Ericsson share to Nokia margins in price
Australia 52.0% 48.0% 27% Worldwide LTE 6%
Canada 53.3% 46.7% 53% North America LTE 27%
France 52.4% 47.6% 34% Europe LTE 9%
Germany 52.4% 47.6% 34% Europe LTE 9%
India 52.0% 48.0% 27% Worldwide LTE 6%
Japan 52.0% 48.0% 33% Worldwide LTE 9%
UK 52.4% 47.6% 34% Europe LTE 9%
USA 53.3% 46.7% 53% North America LTE 27%
Worldwide 52.0% 48.0% 38% Worldwide LTE 10%
Source: Oxford Economics

A diversion ratio measures “where product goes” from Firm A (Huawei, in this instance) when there is a price rise or other event
(restrictions on Huawei, in this instance). For example, if 20% of sales would go to Firm B when Firm A raises its price, then the
diversion ratio of A to B would be 20%. 43
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Empirical evidence
We have also estimated the Of these, 11 studies included We then combine the median
price increase by adapting information on HHI that allowed price increase per 100 unit
the findings from a European us to adapt the findings to our change in HHI along with our
Commission retrospective study. Fig. 22 shows the change estimated increase in HHI to
review of mergers. The in price corresponding to the 11 estimate the price impact. The
European Commission (2015) mergers. The change in price is results are shown in Fig. 23.
reviewed 27 papers that adjusted by the change in HHI
used different econometric to enable comparison across
techniques to estimate the price studies. The median price
effects following a merger. increase is 2.43% per 100 unit
change in HHI.

Fig. 22: Estimated change in price following a merger, percentage change per 100 unit
Change in
change inprice
HHI per 100 unit change in HHI

Bass/Carlsberg-Tetley, UK (Brewing) 8.7%

GSK/AstraZeneca, SV (Pharmaceuticals) 6.3%

Lukoil/Jet, EU (Petrol retail) 3.3%

Agip/Esso, EU (Petrol retail) 1.3%

Volvo/Scania, EU (Car making) 1.1%

Morrisons/Safeway, UK (Supermarkets) 1.0%

CVRD/Caemi, EU (Iron ore mining) 0.8%

Vinci/GTM, FR (Car parking) 0.2%

Cerealia/Schulstad, SV (Bread making) 0.2%

DISA/Shell, ES (Petrol retail) 0.0%

Waterstones/Ottokars, UK (Books) 0.0%

0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Source: Oxford Economics.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 23: Price impact based on merger simulation techniques

Country Change in HHI Market shares used Change in price

Australia 0.04% Worldwide LTE 27%
Canada 0.01% North America LTE 4%
France 0.13% Europe LTE 31%
Germany 0.13% Europe LTE 31%
India 0.04% Worldwide LTE 27%
Japan 0.04% Worldwide LTE 27%
United Kingdom 0.13% Europe LTE 31%
United States 0.01% North America LTE 4%
Worldwide 0.05% Worldwide LTE 27%
Source: Oxford Economics

Combining results from various price models

The results from the three The wide range of estimates
approaches above are for each country presented
combined to provide a range of on the previous slide reflect
estimates for the price impact the competitive nature of the
as shown in Fig. 24, below. regional markets.

Fig. 24: Price impacts due to restrictions on Huawei (range of estimates from price models)
Increase in prices (%)

Australia 6% 27%

Canada 4% 24%

France 9% 31%

India 6% 27%

Japan 9% 27%

United Kingdom 9% 31%

United States 4% 24%

Worldwide 10% 27%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Source: Oxford Economics.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

However, the market for RAN ranges. For example, if the To capture the range of
equipment is global – vendors minimum estimate for Australia potential reactions following
compete internationally. To is 4%, we set the lower end of the imposition of restrictions
reflect the global nature of the the range for Australia as 8% on Huawei, we define three
market, we adjust the range (i.e., the minimum worldwide scenarios—low, central and
for each country. We limit estimate of 10% less 2%). The high—based on the lower
the minimum and maximum central estimate is the median end, median and higher end
estimates for each country on of the adjusted ranges. The of the range of estimates for
either side by two percentage adjusted range is presented in each country.
points over the worldwide Fig. 25, below.

Fig. 25: Price impacts due to restrictions on Huawei, with adjustments for
international competition

Price impact: Price impact: Price impact:

low cost scenario central cost scenario high cost scenario
Australia and India 8% 17% 27%
Canada and USA 8% 16% 24%
France, Germany
9% 19% 29%
and the UK
Japan 9% 18% 27%


An increase in the price price impacts (i.e., investment Baseline rollout and required
of network equipment will costs for network operators) capex per person
reduce the commercial from Stage 1 to estimate the
To estimate the impact on
incentive to build the network, delay in rollout in each of the rollout due to restrictions on
thereby delaying the rollout eight countries. Huawei, we first estimate 5G
of 5G. This is more likely in rollout to 2030 and associated
areas with lower population We translated the increase in per capita capital expenditure
densities or more remote investment costs to delays in required.
areas. Further, if the costs of rollout using a network rollout
5G network are high, then model built in collaboration To define the baseline,
operators are likely to charge with Dr Edward Oughton we start with the GSMA
higher prices for 5G services. (Cambridge Judge Business network coverage forecasts,
This could affect the potential School). This model translates which provides the share
take up of the technology an increase in investment of population covered by
and focus 5G activity on the costs to a reduction in the 5G for each year until 2025.
most profitable business uses. share of the population We extend these forecasts
With slower adoption rates, covered for each country and for subsequent years until
businesses are less likely to scenario by assuming that 2030 using our judgement
invest in technologies that use the overall operators’ capex and relying on the 4G
5G such as IoT. We used the remains the same. forecasts in comparable

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

years. The share of population Translating the price impact The new rollout curve is
covered is translated into the into a capex impact derived by translating the
number of people covered absolute number of people
For each country and
using population forecasts into a share of the population
scenario, the increase in prices
from WDI. for each year.
translates into an increase in
the capex required per capita.
To estimate the associated
For example, if restrictions on
capex required per person
Huawei lead to a 10% increase
covered, we use:
in prices, then the per capita
• GSMA yearly capex capex required to extend 5G
forecasts (kept constant coverage increases by 10%.
at the 2025 level for years
beyond 2025); and Re-drawing rollout curves
with increased prices
• the number of people
covered (from the previous Assuming the operators
step). maintain their capex budgets,
they are now able to cover
The impact on rollout is fewer people due to the
estimated by re-drawing increase in required per capita
the rollout curves with the capex. For each country and
same level of capex as in the scenario, we calculate the
baseline but with increased number of people who would
required capex per capita. be covered by 5G using:
• the increased per capita
required capex; but
• with the same levels of
capex as in the baseline.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Next, we estimated the baseline productivity growth The low cost, central cost, and
productivity implications of scaled down to reflect the high cost scenarios are paired
such price changes across each slower rollout estimated in with the low cost, central cost,
economy. The associated loss of Stage 2. The productivity and high cost scenarios for
productivity will be derived from impact is the difference prices respectively, to limit the
two channels as follows: between the productivity number of scenarios in our
growth in the no-restrictions study to three.
• The higher cost of rolling out and restrictions scenarios.
the 5G network will represent
Finally, we simulated the
a direct loss of productivity
The impact on productivity macroeconomic implications
reflecting a reduced level of
due to slower rollout depends of this simultaneous slowdown
allocative efficiency.
on the baseline (i.e., no in productivity growth across
• The delays and reduced restrictions) productivity the eight economies using
scale of 5G rollout will growth assumptions. To our Global Economic Model
diminish the future capture the uncertainty in (GEM).27 The inputs from the
productivity gains that will the productivity growth previous stages are used
be yielded by 5G. assumptions, again, we use as inputs to the GEM which
three different scenarios: we can use to quantify the
The former is based on the macroeconomic implications
results of the price model and Low cost scenario to reflect of these changes. The
estimates of 5G expenditure only an increase in speed: slowdown in productivity
based on the GSMA capex 0.15% based on the estimates growth will reduce the
forecasts and our judgement. of productivity growth from respective economy’s capacity
We will then assess how this 2G to 3G; to supply goods and services.
increase in investment costs The equation structure of each
raises the costs to businesses Central cost scenario to reflect economy works to ensure
resulting in a loss of productivity a transformative change in that in the long-term such a
across the economy. technology: 0.15% per year in slowdown in trend growth is
the first year of rollout and matched by a commensurate
There are a wide range of increasing to 0.30% per year drop in the actual level of GDP
estimates of how 5G will over a five-year period; and so that demand equals supply,
improve productivity in the a state that economists refer
future. Fig. 26 shows the range High cost scenario to reflect to as ‘equilibrium’.
of estimates for a variety a revolutionary change in
of different technologies technology: 0.30% per year. For this type of scenario,
(both ICT and non-ICT) from it is appropriate to focus
various studies. We use the The 0.15% per year assumption on the long-term structural
estimates from these studies is based on the estimated implications of these changes
to define the baseline (i.e., productivity growth associated as opposed to any short-term
no restrictions on Huawei) with the transition from 2G cyclical effects. Therefore, we
productivity impact from to 3G, whereas the 0.30% per have used a reference year—
5G. Restrictions on Huawei year growth assumption is 2035—to report the results.
lead to slower rollout and based on the median values
therefore slower productivity from Fig. 26, excluding the
growth. The productivity gains top- and bottom-four outlying
from 5G with restrictions is estimates.
therefore calculated as the

48 27
See Appendix 3 for a detailed description of the GEM
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 26: Comparison of estimated productivity impacts of historical technological advances

Change in productivity due to technology (average annual growth rate)

MFP growth from greater household internet access 0.01%

LP growth from steam technology (1760-1800) 0.01%

LP growth from steam technology (1800-30) 0.02%

GDP per capita growth from 2G to 3G switch 0.15%

MFP growth from more ICT investment 0.20%

Higher MFP from ICT use by firms (mid-1990s) 0.20%

LP growth from steam technology (1830-50) 0.21%

LP growth from steam technology (1870-1910) 0.26%

MFP contribution of railways 0.28%

GDP per capita growth - mobile usage (1995-2010) 0.28%

MFP growth from mobile telecommunications 0.28%

GDP growth - mobile sector productivity (2003-17) 0.29%

Productivity growth due to ICT use (2004-06) 0.32%

Productivity arising from broadband cost savings 0.38%

MFP contribution of steam engine 0.38%

LP growth from steam technology (1850-70) 0.50%

GDP per capita growth - doubling mobile data use 0.50%

MFP contribution from electricity (1919-1929) 0.51%

Productivity growth attributable to IT 0.75%

0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8%

Source: BCAR (2018), Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Our modelling methodology Equipment vendors have has the second-highest R&D
only models the economic engaged in continuous intensity (share of revenues
impact of a reduction in innovation in new generations spent on R&D) 28.
competition when a vendor of radio access technology and
of Huawei’s size is excluded core system products. Telecom As shown in Fig. 29, Huawei
from the market. We do not network equipment vendors are is the largest spender on R&D
estimate the impact due to among the largest spenders on in the Technology, Hardware
the reduction innovation R&D globally. As shown in Fig. and Equipment industry—more
due to the loss in Huawei’s 27 and Fig. 28, the technology, than EUR$10 billion—more than
technological and operational hardware and equipment Intel and Cisco as well as other
capabilities. industry is the second-largest competitors in the RAN market
spender on R&D and also such as Ericsson and ZTE.

Fig. 27: R&D expenditure by the top 2,500 companies globally, categorised by their main
industrial sector of activity, 2017/18

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 139

Technology Hardware & Equipment 117
Automobiles & Parts 117
Software & Computer Services 94
Electronic & Electrical Equipment 57
Industrial Engineering 27
Chemicals 21
General Industrials 20
Aerospace & Defence 19
Health Care Equipment & Services 15
Leisure Goods 14
Construction & Materials 13
Banks 10
Fixed Line Telecommunications 8
Oil & Gas Producers 8
Household Goods & Home Construction 8
Food Producers 7
Industrial Metals & Mining 5
Personal Goods 5
Travel & Leisure 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Euro, billions
Source: The 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, European Commission, JRC/DG RTD, Oxford Economics

50 28
The 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, European Commission, JRC/DG RTD.
Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 28: R&D intensity by the top 2,500 companies globally, categorised by their main
industrial sector of activity, 2017/18

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 15.2%

Technology Hardware & Equipment 8.7%

Software & Computer Services 8.4%

Leisure Goods 5.6%

Nonequity Investment Instruments 5.5%

Financial Services 5.3%

Electronic & Electrical Equipment 4.9%

Automobiles & Parts 4.5%

Aerospace & Defence 4.0%

Health Care Equipment & Services 3.6%

Support Services 3.3%

Alternative Energy 3.3%

Industrial Engineering 3.2%

Mobile Telecommunications 3.0%

Media 3.0%

General Industrials 2.9%

Banks 2.7%

Chemicals 2.6%

Household Goods & Home Construction 2.5%

Real Estate Investment & Services 2.1%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%

Euro, billions
Source: The 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, European Commission, JRC/DG RTD, Oxford Economics

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Fig. 29: R&D by top 10 companies in the technology, hardware and equipment industry, 2017/18
Euro, billions


5.1 4.9
4 4.6

2 2.7
2.0 1.8 1.6
Huawei Intel Cisco Nokia Qualcomm Ericsson Broadcom Western ZTE Mediatek
Systems Digital
Source: The 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, European Commission, JRC/DG RTD, Oxford Economics

ACCOUNTING FOR of Huawei’s size. We do its global reach and range

UNCERTAINTY not account for the loss of of products to successfully
technological knowhow and take up Huawei’s place in the
While we have used a wide
capabilities that are unique market.
range of industry and academic
to Huawei—which is among
estimates to inform our
the world’s leading spenders When modelling the delays
modelling, it is not possible to
on R&D, and is considered in rollout due to increases in
predict the potential benefits
to have an advantage over investment costs, we assume
of 5G, or the market reaction to
its competitors due to its that the operators do not face
excluding a company the size
technological prowess. additional constraints in the
of Huawei, with any certainty.
capital markets. For example,
Hence our inclusion of
We assume that Huawei’s an increase in investment
scenarios to capture the higher
customers are serviced by costs would increase capital
and lower end of the range of
the two other competitors requirements which in turn
potential productivity benefits
which have the global reach could increase the cost of
from 5G, as well as the central
and breadth of services capital and therefore, would
cost scenario.
and products comparable further increase the adverse
to Huawei’s, i.e., Nokia and productivity impacts.
Ericsson. The price impacts
In addition, it should be noted would be higher if these While our scenarios aim
that this report focuses on network providers do not to capture a wide range of
the quantifiable economic have the capacity to take uncertainty, the factors listed
impacts of an increase in on Huawei’s customers. above, while unlikely in our
the concentration of the 5G Conversely, the price impacts opinion, could result in impacts
infrastructure market, due would be lower if another beyond the range suggested
to restrictions on a vendor competitor could scale up by our scenarios.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


The GEM is the most Below, the key theoretical INFLATION AND MONETARY
widely used commercial features of the model are POLICY
macroeconomic model in discussed in more detail.
the world. 46 of the largest Inflation is a monetary
economies (which together phenomenon in the long run.
account for over 90% of global SUPPLY SIDE All of the models assume
GDP) are covered in depth by a vertical Phillips curve, so
individual country models, with The structure of each of the expansionary demand policies
the remainder accounted for country models is based place upward pressure on
by regional blocs. Most of the on the income-expenditure inflation. Unchecked, these
core behavioural equations are accounting framework. pressures cause an unbounded
specified in an Error Correction However, the models have acceleration of the price level.
Mechanism (ECM) format. a coherent treatment of Given the negative economic
aggregate supply. In the long consequences of this (as seen
We simulated the run, each of the economies in the 1970s in developed
macroeconomic implications behaves like the classic one economies and more
of restrictions in competition sector economy under Cobb- recently in some emerging
across the eight economies Douglas technology. Countries markets), most countries
using our Global Economic have a natural growth rate, have adopted a monetary
Model (GEM). which is determined by its policy framework which keeps
capital stock, labour supply inflation in check. The model
adjusted for human capital, mirrors this, by incorporating
and TFP. Output cycles around endogenous monetary policy.
a deterministic trend, so the For the main advanced
level of potential output at any economies, monetary policy
point in time can be defined, is underpinned by the Taylor
along with a corresponding rule, captured using an
natural rate of unemployment. inflation target, such that
interest rates are assumed
Firms are assumed to set to rise when inflation is
prices given output and the above the target rate, and/
capital stock, but the labour or output is above potential.
market is characterised by The coefficients in the interest
imperfect competition. Firms rate reaction function, as
bargain with workers over well as the inflation target
wages but choose the optimal itself, reflect assumptions
level of employment. Under about the hawkishness of
this construct, countries different country’s monetary
with higher real wages policymakers.
demonstrate higher long-
run unemployment, while
countries with more rigid real
wages demonstrate higher
unemployment relative to the
natural rate.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Quantitative easing, whereby AGGREGATE DEMAND GDP AND EMPLOYMENT

the central bank prints money BY SECTOR
and uses it to purchase Private consumption is
assets in order to stimulate modelled as a function of In addition to the income-
the economy, has played an real incomes, real financial expenditure approach, the
important role as a policy wealth, real interest rates Global Economic Model
tool in the aftermath of the and inflation. Investment includes a break-down of value
Great Recession. The model equations are underpinned by added and employment by
introduces this policy using an Tobin’s Q Ratio, such that the sector. Consistency between
exogenous variable for the US, investment rate is determined the income-expenditure and
Japan, the Eurozone, and the by the return relative to the value added approaches to
UK. All else equal, QE lowers opportunity cost, adjusted output is ensured by scaling
government bond yields and for taxes and allowances. value added in each sector up
boosts share prices through Countries are assumed to be or down to obtain expenditure-
portfolio effects. “infinitely small”, in the sense based value added as the sum
that exports are determined of value added in the sectors.
In addition, a number of by aggregate demand and
central banks have begun a country cannot ultimately The sector breakdown reflects
using Forward Guidance determine its own terms of the input-output structure of
in an attempt to influence trade. Consequently, exports each economy. For each sector
the yield curve using are a function of world total demand is calculated as
verbal descriptions of their demand and the real exchange a weighted average of value
expectations about future rate, and the world trade added in other sectors and final
monetary policy. The GEM matrix ensures adding-up expenditure, with the weights
also introduces this policy as consistency across countries. taken from input-output tables.
an exogenous variable for the Imports are determined by We then use total demand to
US, Japan, and the UK. This real domestic demand and estimate the value added for
variable affects exchange competitiveness. that respective sector since
rates, long-term government in the long run (everything
bond yields, and share indices. else equal) value added and
US Forward Guidance also demand must grow in line with
affects confidence levels and each other. Value added is also
exchange rates in a number affected by competitiveness
of other countries, which (measured by relative unit
in turn alter consumption, labour costs) to a degree
investment, and impose that reflects the international
additional amplification on openness of each sector.
share price effects. The relative
effects of changes in Forward Employment by sector is
Guidance were calibrated after derived from value added
the Fed’s May 18 2009 policy in that sector and sector-
announcement. specific productivity trends.
As in the case of value added,
consistency between the total
employment forecast and
employment in all sectors is
achieved by scaling the sector
employment variables up
or down.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

The breakdown of value added communications, financial

and employment by sector services, business services,
depends on data availability public administration,
and varies by country. For education, health and other
instance, for the European services. Several additional
Union it consists of 14 sectors sectors such as entertainment,
– agriculture and forestry, arts and recreation and real
extraction, manufacturing, estate are also included for the
utilities, construction, United States. The breakdown
distribution services, hotels for Asia is less detailed.
and catering, transport and

Fig. 30: Map of economic interactions within the Global Economic Model (GEM)

Final demand

Household Government External

Investment Exports
consumption consumption demand

GVA sector 1 Sector 1

Employment Intermediate
Sector 2
sector 1 demand

GVA sector 2
sector 2

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment


Finally, the Oxford Global Instead, we adopt adaptive

Economic Model assumes expectations, which are
adaptive rather than forward- introduced using a framework
looking expectations because in which expectations are
we believe that introducing formed using the actual
expectations on the basis predicted values from the
of economic theory is model. Exogenous variables
more advantageous than are assumed to be known a
using the forward-looking priori. Where appropriate,
assumption ubiquitously. the model does introduce
There is disagreement among expectations implicitly and
economists about whether explicitly, therefore accounting
forward-looking expectations for how and the extent to
are consistent with observed which agents respond to
data, which has become even information about changes in
more acute in light of the fundamentals. An example of
difficulties with obtaining this includes our derivation
accurate data on expectations of exchange rate forecasts
for model-building purposes. which implicitly capture
expectations: in the short run,
the exchange rate is driven
by movements in domestic
interest rates relative to the
US, therefore accounting
for uncovered interest rate
parity. Another example is our
use of a variable for forward
guidance to capture expected
movements in interest rates.

Restricting competition in 5G network equipment

Oxford Economics was founded in 1981 as a December 2019
commercial venture with Oxford University’s
business college to provide economic In producing this report, commissioned by
forecasting and modelling to UK companies Huawei, Oxford Economics was supported
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Since then, we have become one of the Judge Business School) and Prof Martin
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