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Military and people fight floods together
JPY188 ᥪԦ̼Ձe‫ڍ‬ЮፑʶѮՁὙ$/(
02 Come Rain or High Water 32 A Lingering Epidemic
Nation on guard as new COVID-19
THIS WEEK cases emerge


38 Signs of Recovery
16 United as One
Foreign investment grows for third
0ilitary and civilians Ķght
straight month

deluge together
40 Twin-Track Trend
Double listing in Chinese mainland
GOVERNANCE COVER STORY and Hong Kong a win-win
18 Sharing China’s Plans 42 Market Watch
President Xi Jinping’s book centerpiece Rising to the Challenge
of online library
Comprehensive measures FORUM
46 Can All Rural Residents Get
WORLD reduce losses Express Courier Services?
20 Reality Check of U.S. Unilateral
Demand for China to Close
Houston Consulate General
48 Changing Old Habits
25 Win-Win Is Possible P.24 | Our Man in Washington How Beijing can improve its
China and U.S. can ßourish together
26 No to a New Cold War How Pompeo is undoing garbage recycling

China refuses to be provoked U.S. foreign policy

by U.S. bullying
28 Positive Outcome
EU summit outcome shot in arm
for bloc P.34 | Seeds of Change
New plan to upgrade agriculture

Cover Photo: Commando members of a
detachment of the armed police force evacuate BUSINESS
residents trapped by floodwater in Wuqiao
Town, Chongqing in southwest China, on July 16 P.36 | A Fair Shot
More companies attracted
©2020 Beijing Review, all rights reserved.
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Beijing Review (ISSN 1000-9140) is published weekly for US$61.00 per year by Cypress Books, 360 Swift Avenue, Suite 48, South San Francisco, CA 94080, Periodical Postage
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Come Rain or High Water

A News Weekly Magazine
Published Since 1958

President: Li Yafang
Associate Editors in Chief: Li Jianguo, Ding Zhitao
Associate President: Yan Ying The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) residents and reinforce dykes. Ministries
Assistant President: Li Zhenzhou had not yet been eradicated when the like Finance, Civil Affairs and Emergency
Executive Editor: Yan Wei
country had to grapple with floods, the Management mobilized prompt relief to
Associate Executive Editors: Zan Jifang, Liu Yunyun, Ding Ying most severe after the inundation in 1998. ßood-hit areas to mitigate the disruptions.
Production Director: Yao Bin But despite the double pressure, the loss Advanced technologies such as 5G, un-
Editorial Administrators: Zeng Wenhui, Hou Beibei
Assistant Executive Editor: Li Fangfang of lives and property has been substan- manned aerial vehicles and satellites were
Commentator: Lan Xinzhen tially lower, thanks to improved control used to monitor the flood situation and
Opinion/Culture Editor: Ding Ying measures. send the information to ßood-Ķghting and
Nation Editor: Wang Hairong
Business Editor: Deng Yaqing Overcoming natural disasters runs emergency personnel. Key water control
Web Editor: Li Nan through the history of the Chinese nation. projects in the ßooded areas, such as the
Editorial Consultants: Sudeshna Sarkar, Madhusudan Chaubey
Staff Reporters: Tang Yuankai, Wang Jun, Pan Xiaoqiao, Yuan Yuan,
In ancient China, according to legend, Three Gorges Dam and the Gezhouba
Wang Hairong, Ji Jing, Lu Yan, Wen Qing, Li Qing, Li Xiaoyang, King Yu introduced flood control, which Dam on the Yangtze River, readjusted
Ma Miaomiao, Zhang Shasha made him acclaimed as Yu the Great. their water discharge according to the
Visual Director: Pamela Tobey
Photo Editor: Wang Xiang
Tenaciously Ķghting against natural disas- rainfall analysis. Such hi-tech-based mea-
Photographer: Wei Yao ters has been part of the Chinese spirit for sures helped minimize the losses.
Art: Li Shigong thousands of years. Today, the resilience All of this stems from China’s gover-
Design Director: Wang Yajuan
Chief Designer: Cui Xiaodong has been enhanced by modern orga- nance system and capacity. In October
Designer: Zhao Boyu nizational capability, social governance 2019, a key meeting of the Communist
Proofreading: Ma Xin and extensive application of science and Party of China discussed how to uphold
Distribution Director: Hu Keqiang technology. and improve the system of socialism
Human Resources: Zhang Yajie
Legal Counsel: Yue Cheng
The organizational skill is evident with Chinese characteristics and advance
in the creation of special departments governance capacity. The decisions taken
North America Bureau
Chief: Yu Shujun and taskforces for flood control at the at the meeting have guided improving
Tel/Fax: 1-201-792-0334 central as well as local levels. As the rainy the social governance system and capac-
season approached, these departments ity building based on China’s national
Africa Bureau and local governments swung into action conditions.
Chief Correspondent: Ni Yanshuo
Tel: 27-71-6132053 immediately. The timely and rapid response shown
E-mail: The authorities made accurate predic- nationwide, both in COVID-19 prevention
General Editorial Ofßce tions about the Yangtze’s first flood of and control and subsequent ßood control,
Tel: 86-10-68996252 the year two days in advance, providing with meticulously planned coordination
Fax: 86-10-68326628
English Edition
important alerts for ßood control. among different departments and re-
Tel: 86-10-68996250 On July 12, President Xi Jinping urged gions, demonstrates the modernization of
Advertising Department related departments to step up ßood con- China’s national governance system and
Tel: 86-10-68996280
E-mail: trol measures, asking ofĶcials at all levels capacity.
Distribution Department to go to the frontline to guide the work. This has not only effectively combated
Tel: 86-10-68310644 Military personnel, including the disasters such as ßoods, earthquakes and
People’s Liberation Army, armed police epidemics but also led to China’s eco-
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BEIJING REVIEW, 24 Baiwanzhuang Lu,
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President Xi Jinping, also Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), presents a certiĶcate of
order at a ceremony to promote Xu Zhongbo, Political Commissar of the Rocket Force of the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army, to the rank of general, on July 29.
The ceremony was held by the CMC in Beijing. General is the highest rank for officers in active
service in China. AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 3


fraudulent phone calls and blocked
210,000 fraudulent websites, thus
averting economic losses of 66.6 bil-
lion yuan ($9.53 billion), according
to .iu <hongyi, an of³cial of the
The hotline prevented approxi-
mately 5.61 million people from
being defrauded, Liu added.

Ruins Found
An important ancient site was
discovered next to the Sanxingdui
Ruins in the city of Guanghan,
Sichuan Province in southwest
China, Chinese archeologists an-
nounced on July 28.
The new discovery is believed to
be a 5,000-year-old settlement. The
Sanxingdui Ruins are thought to be
remnants of the Shu Kingdom which
can be dated back 2,600 years to
4,800 years. In 1988, the ruins were
given state-level protection.
A large number of potteries,

Harvest Season porcelain and stoneware have been

unearthed from the site, about 8 km
south of the Sanxingdui Ruins.
Women in Fengyang, a town in Jiangxi Province, east China, pick water chestnuts on July 29. July to October is the “This is the ³rst time that a
harvest season for water chestnuts. complete sequence of the ancient
Shu civilization has been found
around Sanxingdui,” said Xin
Zhonghua, an associate researcher
with the Sichuan Provincial Cultural
Relics and Archeology Research
Hepatitis Record Executive Vice Chairman of CFHPC,
on World Hepatitis Day, July 28.
CFHPC initiated a new project
on July 25 to further study reducing Institute.
More than 1,400 hepatitis B patients the incidence of liver cancer. The majority of relics unearthed
Viral hepatitis remains the class
have been cured thanks to a project from the settlement ruins have the
B infectious disease with the most
features of Sanxingdui culture, ac-
on chronic hepatitis B treatment
launched two years ago.
reported cases in China, according
to the National Health Commission.
Telecom Fraud cording to Xin.
This makes the clinical project Police have cracked about 101,000 “The site re´ects an uninter-
About 70 million people are
cases related to telecom and Internet rupted regional development history
the most effective one in the world estimated to be living with hepatitis fraud in the ³rst half of this year, of nearly 5,000 years, which is of
in terms of the number of patients B, and another 7.9 million with and arrested 92,000 suspects, up great signi³cance to the study of the
cured, according to the Chinese hepatitis C. About 330,000 die 73.7 percent and 78.4 percent year origin, development and evolution
Foundation for Hepatitis Prevention each year from cirrhosis of the liver on year, respectively, the Ministry of of the ancient Shu civilization,” he
and Control (CFHPC). and primary liver cancer caused by Public Security said on July 28. said.
Nearly 10,000 patients and 312 hepatitis B or C infections in China. According to data released by Listed among China’s top 10
hospitals have participated in the “China still lags far behind the the ministry, 16,000 fraud cases archaeological ³ndings in the 20th
project since it was launched in April hepatitis B prevention and treat- related to the novel coronavirus century, the Sanxingdui Ruins were
2018. ment goals set by the World Health disease (COVID-19) epidemic were accidentally discovered by a farmer
Primary liver cancer is the fourth Organization (WHO),” Yang said. busted, and 7,506 were arrested. when he unearthed a bright piece of
most common malignant tumor and The WHO target is diagnosis of 90 Public security organs have jade while digging a ditch in 1929.
the second leading cause of tumor percent of cases and treatment of strengthened technical counter- Some gold masks with exagger-
deaths in China. About 85 percent 80 percent. But the numbers are 18 measures and intensi³ed funds ated designs are among the most
of liver cancer patients have percent and 11 percent respectively interception against dubious prac- impressive relics unearthed.
hepatitis B, said Yang Xizhong, in China. tices. They intercepted 120 million Two sacri³cial pits ³lled with



more than 1,000 treasures, including to conduct research on the diversity,
gold masks, bronzeware, jade tab- population levels and distribution
lets, and ivory and sacred trees, were patterns of whales in the Xisha
discovered in 1986 when workers Islands and the Zhongsha Islands in
were excavating clay for bricks. the South China Sea.
A similar expedition was orga-
Poverty Alleviation nized in 2019.
Researchers this year spotted
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has four whale species that were not seen
issued a circular on providing last year: the pygmy killer whale, the
³nancial support to social organiza- false killer whale, long-snouted spin-
tions to carry out poverty alleviation ner dolphin and the melon-headed
projects. whale.
Social organizations are encour- Historical records show that over
aged to bid for government-funded 30 whale species were recorded in
social service projects in impover- the South China Sea, indicating the
ished regions in west China, or in area boasts the country’s greatest
Hubei, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces. diversity in whale species.
In Hubei, previously hard-hit by
the coronavirus epidemic, projects
mainly target epidemic prevention Improving Farmland
and control. Over half of this year’s annual target
The projects to be funded for high-standard farmland con-
include those for improving social struction has been met in the ³rst six
service facilities in impoverished ar- months, according to the Ministry of
eas, care programs for children, the
elderly and people with disabilities,
Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA)
on July 28.
By the end of June, about 2.89
WasteSorting %ingo
and training for social workers. Villagers play a garbage-sorting game in Shengjiawu, a village in Huzhou,
Applicants should submit million hectares of high-standard
farmland had been developed, Zhejiang Province in east China, on July 28. The local government is exploring
relevant materials before August 10. rural-speci³c garbage-sorting mechanisms.
54.2 percent of the target for 2020,
Whale Research MARA said.
From the central budget, 86.7
Chinese researchers have spotted billion yuan ($12.4 billion) has been
11 whale species in the South China allocated for the construction, 780
Sea during a deep-sea scienti³c million yuan ($109 million) more supervision on construction proce- schedule.
expedition, the Chinese Academy of than the previous year. dure while improving a nationwide The aim is to develop 67 million
Sciences said on July 28. Local authorities are being en- monitoring system. hectares of such farmland by 2022
The 21-day expedition wrapped couraged to increase investment and More work will be done to with a grain output of 500 million
up on that day in Sanya, Hainan introduce social capital for farmland advance the construction and en- tons, according to a circular by the
Province in south China, having cov- construction with incentives. hance project quality management General Of³ce of the State Council,
ered over 3,000 km. It was launched The ministry also strengthened to complete this year’s target on China’s cabinet.

Vibrant Notes
Artists perform at Shanghai’s iconic music festival on July 29. It was held
on July 20-29 in two venues, the indoor Shanghai Symphony Hall and the
outdoor City Lawn Music Plaza. AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 5

HiTech Resilience growth than the national average,
Xu said.
deepening reform, and expanding
opening up in this sector. Cloud Migration
China’s national hi-tech zones have In the ³rst quarter of this year, Xu said after more than 30 China’s public cloud service market
maintained growth despite the im- the zones employed more than years’ development, national hi-tech will see rapid growth in the next
pact of the epidemic, a senior of³cial 26.56 million people, a rise of 2.1 zones have become an important three to four years, driven by ris-
said on July 23. percent year on year. A total of support base for the economy. ing demand for cost-effective IT
In May, the revenue of hi-tech 508,000 new jobs were created in In 2019, the 169 national hi-tech solutions and greater ´exibility,
zones reached 3.27 trillion yuan the zones during that period, up 6.7 zones created 12.2 trillion yuan ($1.74 scalability, reliability and security of
($467 billion), up 10.3 percent year percent year on year. trillion) in output and paid 1.9 trillion cloud services compared with tradi-
on year, and the export volume National hi-tech zones yuan ($270.9 billion) in taxes and tional IT infrastructure, Fitch Ratings
reached 319 billion yuan ($45.5 bil- play a vital role in promoting fees, accounting for 12.3 percent of said in its latest report released on
lion), an increase of 13.7 percent year innovation-driven development and the GDP and 11.8 percent of the tax July 16.
on year, Xu Nanping, Vice Minister establishing valuable experience revenue. Cloud migration will also be
of Science and Technology, said at a for China’s high-quality economic The zones have nurtured inno- helped by employees working
press conference. development, Xu added. vative companies with international remotely in the wake of the novel
With strong scienti³c and China unveiled a guideline in´uence, and developed a number coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and
technological innovation capacity, on high-quality development of of world-class industrial clusters in by China’s new infrastructure con-
the hi-tech zones have shown resil- national hi-tech zones in July, stress- photovoltaic electricity, wind power struction plan this year, the report
ience to risks and registered higher ing efforts in spurring innovation, and new-energy vehicles. said.
Competition in the public
cloud service market will remain
intense, but Chinese Internet giants,
including Baidu, Alibaba Group
and Tencent, will continue to

dominate the market due to their
³rst-mover advantage, substantial
³nancial resources, deep under-
standing and rich cloud experience
in a wide range of industries.
The ratings agency expects the
cloud business to be an increas-
ingly important driver of long-
term credit strength of the Chinese
Internet majors, as the rapid market
growth will boost their business
pro³les and increase revenue
However, cloud services are
unlikely to improve the companies’
³nancial pro³les in the short term
as stiffer competition and higher
capital expenditure for expansion
will restrain cash generation from
their cloud businesses until pricing
discipline returns.
“Nevertheless, long-term pro³t-
ability and cash generation should
be rewarding,” the report added.

Car Sales Recover

HighAltitude Vegetables
Sales of top 10 Chinese-branded
carmakers reached 4.36 million units
during the ³rst half of the year, data
Farmers harvest broccoli in the Yi, Hui and Miao Autonomous County in Weining, Guizhou Province in southwest China, showed on July 21.
on June 17. Weining, with an average altitude of 2,200 meters, is growing vegetables to increase job opportunities for The ³gure accounted for 84.53
local people. percent of the total sales of Chinese-



to become a strong support for The battery swap mode will
epidemic-battered production and be piloted in regions including
consumption. On Kuaishou alone, Beijing and Hainan, Xin Guobin,
over 100 million users are engaged Vice Minister of MIIT, told a press
in e-commerce each day, and more conference.
than half of them are from the third- Leading the world in NEV out-
and fourth-tier cities. put and sales in the past ³ve years,
Among all the new e-businesses China has built 38,000 battery
set up on Kuaishou in the ³rst half charging stations, 449 battery swap
of the year, those in automobiles, stations, and 1.3 million charging
smartphones, home supplies, poles, MIIT data shows.
beauty and cosmetics and education Despite its rapid expansion, the
were more likely to take up live- sector lacks strong core technolo-
streaming, the platform said. gies and charging convenience, he
%attery SZap Mode The battery swap mode,
conducive to extending the life of
China will step up efforts to advance
Rail Under Construction
batteries, will enhance safety and
the construction of battery swap lower costs for buyers, according
infrastructure in the latest move to to Xin.
Workers check the track at the site of the Golmud-Korla Railway in Xinjiang promote quality growth of the new- Enterprises are also encour-
Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China on July 18. The railway links energy vehicle (NEV) sector, the aged to develop new battery
Golmud in Qinghai Province, northwest China, and Korla in Xinjiang. The Ministry of Industry and Information charging and swapping technolo-
construction in Xinjiang is progressing in an orderly manner. Technology (MIIT) said on July 23. gies, according to MIIT.

branded cars, according to data from users in the ³rst half of this year

the China Association of Automobile on July 22, mainly driven by the
Manufacturers. COVID-19 epidemic that prompted
Shanghai-based SAIC Motor, wider use of the service.
Chongqing Changan Automobile, The Beijing-based company, a
and Geely Auto ranked the top three major domestic rival of Douyin, said
in terms of sales during the period. the number of daily active users of
China’s auto industry has seen its live-streaming function reached
a wide recovery in recent months 170 million as of June, a surge of 70
although the COVID-19 epidemic million since the end of 2019.
took its toll on the sector, said Fu The explosive expansion came
Bingfeng, Deputy Secretary General as the COVID-19 epidemic kept
of the association. people across the nation indoor
In the passenger car sub-sector, for months, while live-streaming
medium and high-end brands will services were increasingly adopted
likely fare well during the second in sectors as diverse as entertain-
half, while the demand for low- ment, e-commerce, tourism and
end cars will shrink, leaving some education.
manufacturers ³nancially troubled, By March, China had 560 mil-
lion users of live-streaming services,
Fixing Credit Records
Fu said.
a rise of 163 million from that in

/iveStream %oom December 2018, the China Internet

Network Information Center said in a A staff member receives a credit modi³cation application from an
Kuaishou, a leading short-video plat- report in April. enterprise representative at a tax bureau service center in Fuzhou, Fujian
form in China, reported a huge jump Online shopping has particu- Province in southeast China, on July 21. The provincial taxation authority
in the number of live-streaming larly bene³ted from live-streaming has introduced more dynamic credit management for taxpayers in 2020. AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 7



Museum staff polish a blue Zhale A taxi driver refuels his car at a gas station
skeleton at the Hintze Hall of the Natural in KuZait City on July 28, the day Zhen KuZait
History Museum in London on July 27. started the third phase of restoring normal life
The museum reopened on August 5 Zith taxis alloZed to operate Zith only
folloZing COVID closure one passenger

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak speaks to
the media in court in Kuala Lumpur on July 28,
after he Zas found guilty of abuse of poZer,
criminal breach of trust and money laundering



People memorize congressman and civil
rights figure John LeZis in the Capitol
Rotunda in Washington, D.C., on July 27.
LeZis died of pancreatic cancer at the age
of 8 on July 7


Warships take part in a military
parade marking Navy Day
in St. Petersburg on July 26.
The annual event is observed
on the last Sunday of July

People make their Zay through a flooded
road on the outskirts of capital city Dhaka
on July 27. Almost half of the country
remained in the grip of floods Zith
at least  deaths AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 9



Jin Liqun has been elected to a second term as president of the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB) by the bank’s board of governors during its Ķfth annual meeting on July
29. Jin was elected as the inaugural president for a term of Ķve years
when the bank started operation in 2016.
“It has been a tremendous privilege to lead the AIIB during its
foundational years,” Jin said. Under his leadership, the AIIB has grown
from 57 founding members to over 100 approved members from
around the world.
Headquartered in Beijing, the AIIB is a multilateral development
bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes
in Asia. It aims to expand investments from core infrastructure to
tomorrow-infrastructure that will tackle climate change, enhance
connectivity within Asia and the rest of the world, mobilize private
capital, and bridge digital divides.

The National Speed Skating Oval, one of the venues for the
Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022, under
construction in the capital on July 22

Further Ban on Plastic products, the latest policy calls for more force-
ful measures and aims to establish a long-term
Green Games on
Products mechanism for reducing plastic pollution. It

Nanfang Daily
bans the production and sale of disposable
plastic straws, tableware and other items. And Track in Beijing
July 21 it covers all aspects of plastic products, from
production and use to recycling and disposal.
China Daily
Starting January 1, 2021, provincial and mu- However, the circular makes certain ex- July 31
nicipal governments are required to phase out ceptions to meet special needs. For instance, Five years since winning its bid for the 2022
non-degradable plastic bags in places such as plastic products are allowed for packing fresh
Winter Olympics, Beijing has stepped up its ef-
shopping malls, supermarkets and restaurants, and cooked food in the market.
forts to host a green Games with sustainability
according to a document jointly issued by Besides the retail and catering industry, the
nine administrations, including the National ban also covers delivery services and exhibi- at the core of preparations.
Development and Reform Commission and tions. Today, e-commerce, delivery and other With China resuming normalcy in all
Ministry of Ecology and Environment. emerging businesses have grown into primary walks of life after the peak of the COVID-19
Compared to the guideline issued in 2008, sources of plastic pollution. Regulating plastic outbreak, Beijing has picked up its preparation
which focuses on charging for plastic bags product usage in the delivery industry is a good for the 2022 Olympics with construction and
and encouraging people to use eco-friendly starting point to promote sustainability.

“ChinaandtheU.S.atleastneedto “Giventhehugeeconomicproblemscausedby
managesome‘coldpeace’.Giventhe thepandemicandtheU.S.ChinatradeZar,
advancedtechnologiestheyarein itisimperativethattheEUandChinamake
possessionof,maintainingproper progresstoZardaninvestmentagreement.”
communicationandavoidingmilitary Fraser Cameron,DirectoroftheEUChinaCenter,
conflictsduetolackoftrustZillbe theEighthChinaEUHighLevelTradeandEconomicDialogue
crucialforpeaceinthefuture.” viavideolinkonJuly28
Shen Dingli,aprofessorZithFudanUniversity,talking
aboutSinoU.S.tiesinanarticleinChina DailyonJuly2



renovation of facilities, with

planning for Games-time man-
Rural Salespersons Township Government in Haikou, capital city of
the province, hires rural salespersons to collect
agement and designs for post- People’s Daily information about local farm produce and pro-
mote them online and to local supermarkets.
event operation well on track, July 27 Although some celebrities and local ofĶcials
according to organizers and
Accurate information about supply and demand in China have participated in live-streaming pro-
construction regulators.
is helpful for farmers to find a good market. motions for farm produce, problems persist. For
“We’ve resumed all pre-
However, most farmers in Hainan Province, instance, the hosts do not know all the features
paratory work and are on
south China, work and sell farm produce indi- of products, and the quality of products and af-
schedule. We are conĶdent that
all competition venues needed vidually. It’s difficult for them to get accurate ter-sales services cannot be ensured. Therefore,
for the Games will be done information about the market and sell high- they need to spend more time studying agri-
within this year,” Ding Jianming, quality products at reasonable prices without cultural products and select quality ones. In this
Deputy Director of the Beijing efĶcient promotion. regard, rural salespersons know much more
Major Projects Construction To bridge farmers and buyers, the Jiazi about farmers and their produce.
Headquarters OfĶce, said on July
as the world’s only city to host
the Winter Olympics after having staged the
Summer Games, the Chinese capital is sparing Zhang Guimei, Principal of Huaping Senior High School for Girls in Lijiang, Yunnan
no efforts to deliver on its promise to host sus- Province, southwest China, has been Ķghting the inequality and prejudice girls face in
tainable Games with lasting legacies in all three the mountains for a long time.
zones—the city’s downtown area, its northwest Born in northwest China, Zhang came to Yunnan at the age of 17 to study in
Yanqing District and co-host Zhangjiakou, Hebei Lijiang Teachers College and became a teacher in the province. In 1994, she volun-
Province. teered to teach in a remote school in Huaping County, where she got a lot of help and
As a highlight of the sustainable approach, care from local people.
Beijing has taken advantage of the 2008 Games’ In the county, she found many rural girls were not en-
legacy to re-purpose five venues used for the rolling for high school education as it is not part of the
Summer Olympics downtown, such as the nine-year compulsory education. Therefore, she decided
iconic National Aquatics Center, to host compe- to establish a senior high school for rural girls, providing
titions and ceremonies in 2022. free education.
The aquatics center, built for swimming in With the support of local governments, the school
2008 and known as the “Water Cube,” has been was built and put into operation in 2008. Zhang prefers
transformed into an “Ice Cube” for curling after to call the students “mountain girls” instead of girls from
a yearlong renovation project, which involves poor families, to protect their self-esteem.
Ķlling the main pool with removable steel struc-
tures and making ice sheets above.

“WehavenotfoundthatbatsinWuhan “Atsomepoint,theUKZillcomeback
ortheZiderHubeiProvincecarryany toChinaandbemoreopentoZard
coronavirusescloselyrelatedto arelationshipZiththelatterasfiveyears
SARSCoV2.U.S.PresidentTrump’sclaim agoforChinaisontherise.”
thatthevirusZasleakedfromour Martin Jacques,aformerseniorfelloZatCambridgeUniversity,
institutetotallycontradictsthefacts.” commentingonChinaUKrelationsinanintervieZ
ZithGlobal TimesonJuly22
Shi Zhengli,ascientistfromtheWuhanInstituteofVirology,
oftheepidemicinanintervieZZithScienceonJuly24 AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 11



Comprehensive measures minimize flood havoc By Ma Miaomiao


The Three Gorges Reservoir on July 27. It has mitigated the
impact of ßoods on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River

reduce the water level in the lower reaches.

The Mengwa basin, with an area of 180
square km, can hold nearly 750 million cubic
meters of water and is home to more than
190,000 people. They live on natural low
hills and artificially created mounds, which
provide safety during ßooding, so mass evac-
uations are no longer necessary. For most
people living in Mengwa, life continued nor-
mally in their small villages on top of these
“About 2,000 people in dangerous areas
have been evacuated to safe places,” Lu
Haitao, an official at the Anhui Department
of Water Resources, told Guangming Daily. In
Funan, residents in four towns were evacu-
ated before the ßoodwater release, while the
government took steps to ensure the supply
of daily necessities, he added.

Improved capability
More than 54.81 million people in China
had been affected since the rainy season
started on June 1, according to the Ministry
of Emergency Management (MEM) on July
28. The ministry’s statistics show that the
number of people who died or are missing
due to the floods since June was 158, 53.9
percent lower than the average for the same
period over the past Ķve years. The number
of collapsed houses dropped 68.4 percent
although direct economic losses rose 13.8
percent. Zheng Guoguang, the Vice Minister
of Emergency Management, said despite
the severity of the ßooding, the decrease in
the loss of life and houses can be attributed
to the improvement of China’s capability in
ßood control and disaster relief.
Meanwhile, the heaviest average rainfall
in decades brought floods to the Yangtze
River basin, with Jiangxi Province in east
China among the most affected. The Three
Gorges Dam in Hubei Province, central
China, the largest water control system along
the Yangtze, has been activated to ease the
pressure at the middle and lower reaches of
the river’s main course. The outbound flow

of water has been reduced by almost half to

19,000 cubic meters per second since July 7,
he rainy season arrived in China with to 29.66 meters on July 20, exceeding the holding back much of the ßoodwater in the
a roar. Continuous downpours have upper safety limit. reservoir, according to the Changjiang Water
lashed large parts of south China The highest level of emergency flood Resources Commission under MWR.
since June and many rivers have ex- control response along the Huaihe was acti- On July 28, 36.7 percent of the peak ßood-
ceeded alert levels. vated and to relieve pressure on downstream water of the Yangtze’s third flood of the year
In late July, the main rain belt began to areas, floodwater was diverted through the was retained by the Three Gorges Reservoir,
move north from the Yangtze River basin to Wangjiaba sluice gates into the Mengwa mitigating the impact on the river’s lower
the Huaihe River basin. The Huaihe, one of Flood Detention Area in Funan County, Anhui reaches. Li Na, head of the ßood control and as-
China’s major waterways, runs through the Province in east China, on the same day. sessment department with the China Institute
east between the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. The upper reaches of the Huaihe have a of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
According to the Huaihe River Commission large drop, while the middle and lower reach- under MWR, told Global Times that the
under the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), es are ßat. The Wangjiaba sluice gates at the Yangtze’s capacity to resist ßooding has greatly
the water level at the Wangjiaba hydrological junction of the upper and middle reaches are improved in the past two decades thanks in
station on the main course of the river rose significant for flood control since they help part to the Three Gorges Dam, which has ßood

control storage of 22 billion cubic meters. Harnessing technologies minutes to collect real-time information from
China has invested heavily in water resource over 120,000 stations, Liu Zhiyu, an ofĶcial with
Many provinces have given priority to embank-
projects to enhance its capability to withstand MWR, told Economic Daily.
ment patrolling, beeĶng up inspection in ßood-
both droughts and ßooding. In 2019, a record “Our forecasting system has played an
prone areas. Unmanned aerial vehicles have
726 billion yuan ($103.7 billion) was spent on important role in preventing floods along the
been introduced for embankment inspection,
ßood control projects, according to MWR. So far, especially for culverts along embankments that Yangtze and Taihu Lake,” he said. Authorities
121,000 hydrological stations have been set up, are too small for humans. Micro-robots can had made accurate predictions about the
about 312,000 km of river embankments have help examine whether there is any leakage or Yangtze’s first flood of the year on July 2 two
been built, and 98,800 reservoirs and 98 ßood blocking. days in advance, providing important alerts for
detention areas have been put into use to bet- More use of hi-tech equipment like au- ßood control.
ter resist ßoods. tomatic alarm devices, real-time virtual reality “In 1998, ßood control relied heavily on hu-
Hydrological stations keep timely records of observation and mobile ßood Ķghting walls has man efforts, but now, it is supported by modern
helped monitoring, forecasting and coordina- machines and advanced technologies,” Cheng
rainfall, its ßow, velocity and other data for ßood
tion of flood control and raised the efficiency Jianyi, a member of the expert group at the
control and disaster relief work. They cover
and accuracy of relief work in flood-prone ßood control and drought relief headquarters in
more than 5,000 small and medium-sized rivers
regions. Poyang County in Jiangxi, told Xinhua.
in China.
For example, dams, rivers and reservoirs ap- China Anneng Group Second Engineering
According to the National Development Bureau Co. Ltd., a construction company that
and Reform Commission, another 150 major pear on an electronic screen at the command
center of the Anhui provincial water resources participated in embankment repair in Poyang,
infrastructure projects will be launched in the said on July 8 that it used modern technology to
department in different colors, representing
next two years, with a total investment of 1.29 stem the dike breach, using a radar to test wa-
different water levels. The electronic map in-
trillion yuan ($184 billion) to enhance ßood and tegrates real-time data such as precipitation ter velocity and a GPS device to measure water
drought relief capabilities. These projects will and water levels from over 8,000 automatic levels.
increase reservoir storage capacity by 9 billion information-collecting stations in the province, Advanced satellites are also being used
cubic meters, Su Wei, Deputy Secretary General Hu Weiquan, a local official, told Xinhua News in flood monitoring and assisting, according
of the commission, said at a press conference Agency. to a report on July 16. Responding
on July 13. In addition, reinforcement work will During massive ßoods in 1998, it took two to a request from MEM, the China Center for
be carried out on 2,950 km of river embank- hours to collect information from the 3,300 Resources Satellite Data and Applications af-
ments, he said. hydrological stations. Now, it takes only 10-15 filiated with China Aerospace Science and


A volunteer interacts with a child at a temporary shelter for ßood-affected villagers in Hefei, Anhui Province in east China, on July 29


Technology Corporation has been carrying out

observations in ßood-stricken areas, especially
the hardest hit regions in south China.
As of July 13, the center had used Ķve satel-
lites, taking 73 sets of photos and sharing 248
valid data images. After being processed, the
data is sent to related departments and local
governments in affected areas. The center
takes emergency photos of these areas at least
twice a day.
Moreover, seven Fengyun meteorological
satellites are running 24 hours a day to monitor
weather conditions, Yang Jun, Director General
of the National Satellite Meteorological Center,
told The Beijing News. The satellites monitor all
major river basins and lakes in China four times
a day. If a ßood occurs, the monitoring results
will be forwarded to the government and the

Stronger responses
While infrastructure, technology and flood di-
version areas all play a crucial role in preventing
and controlling ßood, more intensive attention
has been paid to ßood prevention and control
this year.
On July 12, President Xi Jinping urged
related departments to take more effective OfĶcers of a detachment of the armed police force transport soil to an open space in Poyang County, Jiangxi Province
flood control measures and called for officials in east China, on July 17
at all levels to go to the frontline to guide ßood
control work. He said local authorities should

carefully plan reconstruction to restore produc-
tion and help people return to normal life as
soon as possible.
On that day, the government raised the
emergency response for flood control along
the Yangtze to Level II, the second highest level.
The level was maintained as of July 30.
The Central Government has supported
local efforts to harness the ßood. MEM, follow-
ing the principle of putting people’s life first,
dispatched firefighting and rescue teams to
carry out emergency rescue and relief along
with local cadres and military personnel in ßood-
stricken areas. A large number of people in
danger have been evacuated, effectively reduc-
ing the number of deaths and people missing,
MEM official Yang Xiaodong said. He pointed
out that the significant decline in the num-
ber of collapsed buildings shows that greater
importance has been given to infrastructure
construction, especially higher standard hous-
ing, and the enhancement of national disaster
prevention and resistance capacity.
Emergency supplies have been allocated Professor Deng Juzhi (rear) and researcher Zhou Feng of East China University of Technology in Jiangxi Province
to provinces such as Hunan in central China, in east China analyze data after scanning a dam with the equipment they developed, on July 21
Anhui and Jiangxi to support local ßood control
and disaster relief work, MEM said. Disaster relief duction facilities in ßood-hit areas, according to been earmarked for use in flood-prone areas
items, including blankets and folding beds, were the Ministry of Finance on July 20. The money across China. Q
sent to Anhui and Jiangxi on July 24. was allocated to 12 provincial regions, including
A sum of 830 million yuan ($119 million) Jiangxi and Hubei, for post-disaster recovery and
has been channeled from the central budget to Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo
restoration of normal production and daily life. Comments to
restore water conservancy and agricultural pro- Since May, 1.29 billion yuan ($184.3 million) has AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 15

Military and civilians join hands to combat deluge along the Yangtze River
By Wang Hairong


Soldiers of the 71st Group Army Ķght the ßood in Pengze County, Jiangxi Province in east China, on July 13

n a muddy field close to Poyang Lake, drenched by record rainfall in half a century. Ķxing the problem.
China’s largest freshwater lake in the east- On July 9, after receiving orders from the More than 4,000 people, including the
ern province of Jiangxi, a squad of armed detachment command, Luo’s unit dashed armed police officers, worked around the
police ofĶcers were digging a drainage ditch to Daifang Town, Lean County, to carry out clock for four days to remove the danger,
under the scorching sun on July 18. Among search and rescue mission. Pounded by using 2,200 cubic meters of pebbles to
them was Luo Jie, member of an armed po- heavy rain for days, the town was flooded. reinforce the dike and control seepage, ac-
lice detachment in Fuzhou, Jiangxi, wearing Using a speedboat, Luo and his fellow sol- cording to the local government. As a result,
an orange life jacket over a black T-shirt and diers searched door to door. After spotting the life and property of about 55,000 people
mud-covered trousers. three trapped persons, they immediately have been protected.
Since torrential rain battered the area on transported them to a safe place. “Floods are deep in my memory,” Luo
the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in Then they went to nearby Yugan County said, “In 1998, I saw my home in the central
early July, Luo has carried out various tasks to to reinforce a levee. On July 10, a ßood patrol province of Hunan basically washed away by
Ķght the ßoods. spotted a crack on the slope of the embank- ßoodwater.” At that time, Luo, 6, his brother,
The Yangtze River basin has been ment, and the stand-by rescue teams began 8, and his mother were trapped by flood.
Several soldiers in camouflage uniform

rushed to their rescue and sent them to
a resettlement site, Luo told Xinhua News
In 1998, severe flooding ravaged prov-
inces along the middle and lower reaches
of the Yangtze and some areas in northeast
China, killing more than 3,000 people and
inundating over 20 million hectares of Ķelds,
according to official statistics. The military
raced to save lives and protect embank-
ments. Filled with gratitude and admiration,
Luo joined the army in 2014.

Sweat and toil

While Luo’s unit participated in disaster relief
in Jiangxi, some soldiers of the 72nd Group
Army of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
were taming the ßoods in neighboring Anhui
On July 22, when a section of a dike in
Lujiang County breached, 28 members of
a commando team of the army tied ropes
around their waists to form a human wall to
help people evacuate. As the breach sud-
denly expanded, ferocious and turbid water
swept five soldiers away. Fortunately, all
of them were rescued. One of them, Mao
Xiaochi, went into coma and required treat- Luo Jie, an armed police ofĶcer in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, participates in digging a ditch in Yugan County,
ment in the intensive care unit. Jiangxi, on July 18
Military personnel also helped local resi-
dents to rebuild their life after the floods. Group Army scanned a levee with infrared money, and sent the letter to the unit’s
Shexian County in Anhui was ßooded on July surveillance equipment installed on an un- temporary camp. “Thank you for your hard
7. Hundreds of businesses in the county’s manned aerial vehicle and found a bubble work,” he wrote.
economic development zone were affected. spring hidden under reeds. The officers PLA troops in Anhui also received 50
In a tea company’s workshop, hundreds of calculated the earthwork required for a laundry driers donated by a research institute
bags of semi-Ķnished products were soaked cofferdam and plugging, and worked out a in the provincial capital of Hefei. On July 26,
in water and covered with sludge. It was es- treatment plan before the emergency team when the Red Cross Society of Hefei learned
timated the flooding affected about 3,000 arrived. The military rescuers used heavy that the soldiers’ clothes could not be dried
tons of tea worth 90 million yuan ($12.86 equipment and highly cohesive sandy soil in time, it solicited donors and the institute
million). A video clip posted online showed and other materials for efĶcient plugging. immediately responded. The next afternoon,
the owner crying at the factory gate due to In addition to life jackets, the officers all of the donated driers were delivered and
the loss. and soldiers on the rescue missions wore an put into service.
When the local armed police detach- inßatable life belt 5 centimeters wide. When On July 15, on a dike in Poyang County,
ment learned of this, it sent ofĶcers to help a person falling into water opens the infla- 64-year-old local resident Zhu Aixiang and
clean up the mess and sanitize the factory. tion valve, high-pressure gas is released to Ķll other women brought tremella soup and
They disposed of the ruined tea and dried the air bag and turn the belt into a lifebuoy other heatstroke-preventing food, mineral
the slightly moist tea, putting the factory around the waist. This equipment makes it water and watermelons to the military rescu-
back in order. safer for rescuers to carry out missions in ers who were reinforcing the embankment. “I
water. hope they eat more and gain more strength,
Equipment and expertise because the work is hard,” she told China
The military not only sent personnel but Sweet appreciation News Service.
also equipment and technology to Ķght the On July 14, a PLA unit dispatched to control “Most of them are as young as my grand-
ßoods. More than 40,000 military personnel, the floods in Wuwei, Anhui, received a spe- son. My heart aches to watch them sleep by
including PLA officers and soldiers, armed cial letter attached to a bag of candies. It the dike every day,” Zhu said. So she and her
police force and militias, participated in ßood was from 10-year-old Xu Junyi, who lives in friends decided to do something for the sol-
control in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi the city close to the Yangtze. More than 500 diers.
provinces along the middle and lower reach- PLA officers and soldiers were stationed in “The villagers are very warm-hearted.
es of the Yangtze, reported China Central the city to prevent and control ßood. When They give us more strength,” a soldier
Television on July 20. They brought 321 the boy saw images of their hands and feet named Pan Zhaoxi said. Q
boats, 78 construction machines and nearly wrinkled after being in water for a long time,
2,800 vehicles. he was touched and wanted to cheer them Copyedited by Madhusudan Chaubey
Comments to
A reconnaissance unit of the PLA 73rd up. He bought the candies with his pocket AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 17

Sharing China’s Plans

Third volume ofXi Jinping: The Governance of China out and accessible By Li Qing

A symposium on the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China is held in Beijing on July 29

mong the 160,000 titles on display at a national book fairs and problems in logistics. speeches, conversations, instructions and
recently launched e-library, Xi Jinping: The Responding to that, CIPG inaugurated the letters by President Xi Jinping between
Governance of China Volume III is one of virtual library on July 24, with a call for solidar- October 18, 2017 and January 13, 2020. In
the most searched for. ity in the industry to tide over difĶculties. 19 sections it discusses topics ranging from
The virtual library aims to provide a new The new online library has attracted national governance and China’s all-round
platform for international publishing busi- publishers from 25 countries and regions opening up to a global community of shared
nesses to display their books and continue exhibiting books in 33 languages. future.
cooperation, said Du Zhanyuan, President of After two earlier volumes that became Since taking ofĶce as general secretary of
China International Publishing Group (CIPG), bestsellers, the third volume of Xi Jinping: the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central
which initiated the program. “It also provides The Governance of China, which came out Committee in 2012, Xi has put forward many
a new channel for international readers to in June in Chinese and English, has pride of new ideas based on his experience in state
know about diverse cultures and enhance place at the e-library. governance, which form Xi Jinping Thought
mutual understanding,” he said. on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for
The novel coronavirus disease Window on China a New Era.
(COVID-19) has posed a severe challenge for Published by the Beijing-based Foreign His thoughts play a significant role in
the global publishing industry, shown by the Languages Press, a subsidiary of CIPG, the promoting the rejuvenation of the Chinese
cancellation or postponement of major inter- third volume is a collection of 92 articles, nation, as well as world peace and progress.

“I read the book with keen interest as it

expounds China’s development philosophy
and reveals the political aspirations, the
concept of governance and great plans of
Xi,” former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre
Raffarin said, pointing out that the most
common word in the volume is innovation.
A loyal reader of the series, Raffarin said
the book offers an opportunity for the inter-
national community to learn about China.
The Ķrst two volumes, published in 2014
and 2017 respectively, have been distributed
in more than 160 countries and regions, Du
said at a recent symposium in Beijing.
Over the past six years, CIPG has worked
with publishers in 39 countries to launch
foreign-language editions for local readers.
It has not only showcased the volumes at
major international book fairs but also held
events such as seminars to introduce them
to more readers overseas. The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China in Chinese and English at the virtual library launched by
When the third volume was about to be China International Publishing Group
sent to press, Beijing was hit by an upsurge
of new COVID-19 cases. CIPG adjusted its that all people will beneĶt from the fruits of global sustainable and inclusive develop-
printing and distribution plans to meet the development,” Wen Hong, a professor at the ment. Today, more than a decade after the
demand of readers, Du said. The third vol- School of Public Administration, South China 2008 Ķnancial crisis, the global economy has
ume is selling in more than 3,000 brick-and- University of Technology, told Guangzhou reached a crossroads again.
mortar bookstores across China as well as on Daily. “A decline in the poor population is At the Group of 20 Summit on June 28,
online platforms. It is also available in book- only part of the story. The success in poverty 2019, Xi advocated his solution.
stores abroad including in the United States, alleviation also hinges on social development “We need to vigorously advance structural
the UK, France and Japan. and improvements in people’s livelihood.” reform. We need to develop a future-oriented
High-quality development, frequently economic structure, policy framework and
Growth philosophy mentioned in the book, is another relevant management system through promoting
This year is the deadline for China to achieve topic. the digital economy, strengthening connec-
its target of eliminating absolute poverty and “As socialism with Chinese characteris- tivity and improving social security,” he said.
building a moderately prosperous society in tics has entered a new era, China’s economic He also called for opening up further
all respects. One section of the third volume development has also embarked on a new to embrace opportunities for development
focuses on this topic. phase, the basic feature of which is that our and seek win-win outcomes through closer
“It is a basic requirement and core indi- economy is now transitioning from rapid cooperation.
cator in our poverty eradication effort that by growth to high-quality development,” Xi “China is committed to fostering an
2020 we will succeed in delivering the Two said at the Central Conference on Economic international environment conducive to
Assurances and Three Guarantees for impov- Work on December 18, 2017. Therefore, openness and collaboration,” Chen Jianqi,
erished rural residents,” Xi said at a seminar China should transform its growth model a professor at the Party School of the CPC
on April 16, 2019. to cope with problems such as rising labor Central Committee, said.
Two Assurances and Three Guarantees costs, increasing constraints imposed by For instance, China has rolled out a
means ensuring that the rural poor have lack of resources and the environment, plan for developing its southernmost island
their food and clothing assured as well as ac- and unsustainable models of extensive province Hainan into a free trade port with
cess to compulsory education, basic medical development. a focus on tourism, modern services and
services and safe housing guaranteed. Economic development requires an hi-tech industries. Foreign investors will be
According to this year’s government upgraded model as well as adapting to new treated on par with domestic companies and
work report, decisive achievements have technologies, Liu Fengyi, head of the School a negative list will spell out the sectors off-
been made as 11.09 million poor people in of Marxism at Nankai University, said in an limits for foreign companies in a transparent
rural areas got rid of poverty in 2019 with article in Tianjin Daily. “Also, this new model manner. Q
the poverty headcount ratio down to 0.6 can meet people’s growing needs for prod-
percent, paving the way for China to reach ucts and services supported by a diverse and
its poverty eradication goal in 2020. efĶcient supply system.”
“To complete building a moderately As China gets further integrated into Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
Comments to
prosperous society in all respects means the world economy, it is contributing to AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 19

Reality Check of U.S.

Unilateral Demand for
China to Close Houston
Consulate General
n July 21, the U.S. made a unilateral IP rights (IPRs). China is now among the Chinese scientists and malicious slanders
provocation by making the outra- world’s leading players in terms of the scale against China’s COVID-19 response. They
geous demand that China close its and growth rate of innovation input. Its have seriously undermined international
consulate general in Houston. By doing R&D expenditure grew from 300.31 billion cooperation on vaccine research and dis-
so, the U.S. has grossly violated interna- yuan ($37.68 billion) in 2006 to 1.96779 rupted the global response against the
tional law, the basic norms of international trillion yuan ($281 billion) in 2018, an av- disease.
relations, and relevant provisions of the erage annual increase of 17 percent and X The Houston Chronicle, CNN, CBS,
China-U.S. Consular Convention, and grave- rising from sixth to second in the world. and BBC all called the reason “to protect
ly damaged China-U.S. relations. China has China has the world’s biggest number of American IP,” as cited by the U.S. State
made a legitimate and necessary response. researchers. Its IP ofĶces have received the Department in its order to close the
The U.S. has been making pretexts highest number of patent applications for Chinese Consulate General in Houston,
and spreading lies about its decision. In a nine years in a row. suspicious.
matter of just a few days, it has churned It also registered rapid increase in inter- The real aim of the U.S. decision was to
out different versions of the story. Lies, national patent applications and has risen deßect people’s attention from the U.S. ad-
however, will always be lies even if they are to the world’s second biggest filer via the ministration’s poor handling of COVID-19.
repeated a thousand times. The different World Intellectual Property Organization Closing the Chinese consulate general
versions concocted by the U.S. have no (WIPO)’s Patent Cooperation Treaty System. prior to the election was a measure by U.S.
factual base. It has failed to present even As pointed out in the WIPO annual report, President Donald Trump to get tough on
one single piece of solid evidence. It is im- China has become a main driving force for China, hold up his declining approval rating,
portant that we check U.S. false allegations the overall growth in the global demand for and turn China into a convenient target
vis-à-vis the facts. The purpose is to de- IPRs. to vilify and shore up votes. New moves
bunk the falsehoods and let people know XChina is one of the global leaders in acting on the absurd logic that “China is
the truth. the R&D of COVID-19 vaccines. Chinese ripping off America” pop up almost every
1. False: China has stolen intellectual scientists are working on multiple vac- single day in the U.S.
property (IP) from the U.S., including novel cine projects along five technical routes. In the midst of a presidential reelection
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine re- Vaccines with China’s independent IP have campaign and with the U.S. economy bat-
search achievements. Closing the Chinese entered clinical trial. The Beijing Institute tered by the disease, Trump is convinced
consulate general is “to protect American of Biological Products under the China that playing the “China card” gives him
IP and Americans’ private information.” National Biotec Group, a subsidiary of the political advantages. The actions taken by
Fact: The U.S. has failed to back its alle- China National Pharmaceutical Group, has the U.S., which are largely driven by internal
gation with any solid evidence. The reality is set up the world’s largest production plant politics, would only make China-U.S. rela-
that China is a big country in terms of inno- for COVID-19 vaccines. China’s National tions even more strained.
vation and IP. It has become a main source Medical Products Administration and other 2. False: China is using its talent re-
driving IP growth in the world. On COVID-19 competent authorities are working to facili- cruitment programs to steal scientific
vaccine research and development (R&D), tate the deployment of vaccines. China is research and IP from research institutions
China has been at the forefront and has no also working with other countries on vac- such as the MD Anderson Cancer Center
need to steal from the U.S. cine R&D, production and distribution. and from energy and hi-tech companies in
XChina is a big country in terms of in- The U.S. accuses China of stealing its the Houston area.
novation and IP. It has kept strengthening research outcomes. Such accusations Fact: These are trumped-up charges
the protection of scientiĶc innovation and are a total disrespect to the hard work of made by the U.S. under the presumption

A man rests at the Times Square in New York City on July 23

of guilt against the normal scientific and X What the U.S. Government is do- as claimed by the U.S. By fabricating such
people-to-people exchanges and coopera- ing conßicts with its self-claimed ideals of claims, the U.S. is simply “measuring oth-
tion between the two countries. China’s openness and freedom as well as the com- ers’ corn with its own bushel.”
efforts to attract talent from abroad are no mitments publicly made by its leaders. It XChina always pursues the principle of
different in essence from the practices of runs counter to the global trend of talent non-interference in other countries’ inter-
other countries. These efforts are above- exchanges worldwide, and has brought a nal affairs. InĶltration and interference are
board and beyond reproach. grave negative impact on the people-to- alien to China’s foreign policy. Dedicated
X The cross-border movement of people exchanges and personnel inter-ßow to advancing mutual understanding and
talents in the era of globalization has between the two countries. friendship between the two peoples,
facilitated technological and economic ad- 3. False: The Chinese Consulate Chinese diplomatic and consular missions
vances worldwide. All countries are actively General in Houston has a history of en- in the U.S. abide by the Vienna Convention
carrying out international exchanges and gaging in “subversive behavior.” It is the on Diplomatic Relations, the Vienna
cooperation on talents. What China is doing central node of the Communist Party of Convention on Consular Relations, bilateral
in this respect is not different from other China (CPC)’s vast network of spies and treaties and U.S. laws.
countries’ practices. inßuence operations, and the epicenter of X The Chinese Consulate General in
X Closer exchanges and cooperation efforts by the Chinese military to send stu- Houston was the first consular mission
between China and the U.S. on science dents to the U.S. to obtain information that opened in the U.S. following the establish-
and technology serve the interests of could advance its warfare capabilities. It has ment of China-U.S. diplomatic ties. In the
both sides. According to the Global AI engaged for years in massive illegal spying past four decades and more, it worked hard
Talent Tracker released in mid-June by and inßuence operations. to promote friendship and cooperation and
MacroPolo, the in-house think tank of Fact: Since its opening, the Chinese enhance mutual understanding and all-
Paulson Institute, 29 percent of top-tier AI Consulate General in Houston has always round cooperation in various sectors. When
researchers working in the U.S. received observed international law and U.S. laws, COVID-19 raged on in the southern states
undergraduate degrees in China. Thus, the and stayed committed to promoting friend- of the U.S., the consulate general donated
U.S. global lead on AI has much to do with ship between the two countries. There are masks to Houston and Harris County, facili-
the talent supply from China. no spying activities or inßuence operations tated anti-virus cooperation between China

and the states, and assisted donation of bolic bridge, facilitating travel, trade and Fact: China supports and provides
medical supplies to Houston from China. cultural ties between Houston and China. necessary facilitation for the performance
X The composition and number of For decades, China has been an important of all lawful, normal official acts in China
staff at the Chinese Consulate General in trading partner of Texas in key sectors such by foreign diplomatic and consular ofĶcers
Houston are open information to the U.S. It as energy, oil, chemicals, science and tech- including those from the U.S. It is the U.S.
runs counter to common sense to accuse nology, which will bear the brunt of the U.S. that has imposed unjustiĶed restrictions on
the consulate general of being the central move. The closure will also have a direct and created barriers for Chinese diplomats
node of the CPC’s vast network of spies and impact on passport and visa applications in and consular ofĶcers in the U.S.
inßuence operations, and the epicenter of the regions covered by the consulate gen- XThe U.S. outnumbers China when it
efforts by the Chinese military to send stu- eral, and will put a damper on the desire of comes to diplomatic and consular missions
dents to the U.S. to obtain information that Chinese citizens to study, travel and work and staff. China has five diplomatic and
could advance its warfare capabilities. Such in the U.S. consular missions in the U.S., while the U.S.
a claim is also very preposterous. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was has six in China. It is reported that there are
XSome staff of the U.S. Embassy and shocked by the U.S. decision. He expressed more than 1,000 staff in the U.S. Consulate
consulates general in China have been en- his hope that the friction between the U.S. General in Hong Kong alone.
gaged in activities incompatible with their and China can be resolved peacefully and XChina supports and provides neces-
capacities, interfering in the internal affairs that at some point in time the consulate sary facilitation for the performance of all
and undermining the security interests of general will reopen. normal ofĶcial activities in China by foreign
China. The U.S. Embassy often publishes X According to U.S. Congressman Al diplomatic personnel including those from
on its website articles attacking China Green, Asian-American communities in the U.S. A former U.S. ambassador to China
and its political system. It is reported that Houston have already been discriminated visited each of China’s provinces within his
the staff of the U.S. Consulate General in against because of President Trump’s com- three-year term.
Hong Kong met covertly with “Hong Kong ments against China and their work and X In October 2019 and June 2020,
independence” supporters during the tur- the safety of their families are under threat. the U.S. made unilateral provocations by
bulence surrounding proposed legislative The closure of the Chinese consulate gen- imposing restrictions on the activities of
amendments in Hong Kong to discuss U.S. eral will make the situation worse. Green Chinese diplomats and consular officers
sanctions on Hong Kong, interfering in called for not treating all Asian Americans in the U.S. Such restrictions are a serious
Hong Kong’s affairs. China has lodged rep- as spies and evaluating the potential dam- violation of international law and the basic
resentations on multiple occasions. age these words and actions may do to the norms governing international relations.
X In July 2018 and January 2020, the American people. For example, all Chinese members of
U.S. opened Chinese diplomatic bags 4. False: The Chinese consul general China’s foreign missions in the U.S. are
twice without permission. This was a fla- in Houston and two other diplomats were required to submit a written notification
grant breach of the Vienna Convention recently caught giving false birth informa- to the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM)
on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna tion at an airport security check in Houston of the State Department of all official en-
Convention on Consular Relations. It also to escort Chinese travelers to the gate of a gagements with any local government
grossly violated China’s diplomatic dignity charter ßight. representatives, as well as all official visits
and security interests. Fact: The U.S. allegation could not be to any educational or research institutions.
China’s diplomatic and consular mis- further from facts. The staff of the Chinese Such notiĶcations must be submitted Ķve
sions lodged strong representations. The Consulate General in Houston have always business days prior to the planned engage-
U.S. did not deny it, but kept exonerating followed international law and American ment date. All Chinese military personnel
its wrong behavior with technical excuses local laws when performing their duties in assigned to the Chinese Embassy or a
in an attempt to shirk responsibility. The the U.S. consular post, as well as those temporarily
U.S. behavior and response ran counter to XAll diplomats and consular staff must visiting, are required to provide OFM notiĶ-
international law and the norms of interna- obtain identiĶcation (ID) cards from the for- cation Ķve business days prior to any travel
tional relations, and should be condemned. eign affairs authorities of the host country, plan, for ofĶcial or private purposes, when
In addition to opening diplomatic pouches, thus their personal information including the destinations are in excess of a 25-mile
the U.S. has since 2018 forcibly unpacked date of birth is no secret. This is common radius of their places of work or the U.S.
the ofĶce supplies of Chinese missions on sense. ports of their entry.
at least 13 occasions. XThe Chinese consular officers used In the face of the unreasonable
XThe New York Times questions the consular IDs issued by the U.S. State provocations, China has no choice but to
assertion that “the Houston Consulate Department and entered the restricted respond with legitimate and reciprocal
General had a history of engaging in ‘sub- area of the airport upon approval from the countermeasures.
versive behavior’ and was the ‘epicenter’ of U.S. to look after Chinese nationals who 6. False: The U.S. demanded the clo-
research theft in the U.S.” It says there is were taking the temporary flight back to sure of the Chinese Consulate General
no evidence to support this allegation. China due to COVID-19. in Houston because China did not ac-
XAn editorial in The Houston Chronicle 5. False: There is a complete lack of cord facilities for the reopening of the
says that China is the Houston region’s sec- reciprocity between the U.S. and China in U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan, Hubei
ond largest trading partner and Houston the treatment of diplomatic and consular Province in central China, and exemption
has benefited from having the consulate staff. U.S. concerns over the treatment of of nucleic acid tests for returning U.S.
general in the city. For more than 40 years, its diplomats and consular ofĶcers in China diplomats.
the consulate general has served as a sym- have gone unresolved. Fact: China has never hindered the
return of diplomats and consular officers Fact: Chinese law-enforcement au- This is an open secret.
of other countries, including the U.S. To thorities engage in international law- XFrom Wikileaks to Edward Snowden,
the contrary, China has provided necessary enforcement cooperation in accordance from the arrest of former ALSTOM execu-
facilities for them to perform their duties in with international law and on the basis of tive Frederic Pierucci to the Crypto AG
accordance with law. respecting the sovereignty and laws of scandal, there are enough facts to show
X On January 25, the U.S. unilaterally other countries. The targets are fugitive who is the world’s largest spy factory and
announced the temporary closure of its suspects, not “dissidents and refugees” as troublemaker.
consulate general in Wuhan and the evacu- claimed by the U.S. X A Foreign Policy article noted that
ation of personnel there. China accorded X Combating transnational crimes is “Houston is an odd pick to target for intel-
facilities for the departure of the personnel, a broad consensus of the international ligence allegations” and that “the activities
for which the U.S. expressed appreciation community. China’s judicial and law- cited by the administration are vague.”
at different levels. Records are available for enforcement cooperation with other 10. False: The Chinese Consulate
verifying the fact. countries is aimed at repatriating fugitives, General in Houston openly criticized the
X In June, some U.S. diplomats re- and upholding the sanctity of law and Hong Kong “pro-democracy” camp and
turned to Wuhan. Since then, China has social justice. China will step up its efforts supported nationalist counter protests on
accorded facilities for the U.S. consulate in fugitive repatriation and return of the campus. The consulate general has planted
general to perform its functions in accor- criminal proceeds, and bring the suspects informants on campus, tried to influence
dance with law. to justice. Chinese students through propaganda and
XOn the basis of respecting their privi- XBy portraying fugitives as dissidents undermined freedom of speech.
leges and immunities, China has mandated and refugees, the U.S. is distorting basic Fact: The “China-supported counter
nucleic acid testing for all foreign diplomats facts and offering itself as a safe haven for protests,” as claimed by the U.S., were
and consular officers entering China. This criminals. Its deep-rooted Cold War men- spontaneous, rational patriotic actions by
arrangement has been accepted by the U.S. tality and ideological prejudice have been Chinese students exercising their freedom
7. False: The U.S. claims its demand fully exposed. of speech. It is the U.S. that has intentional-
to take over the premises of the Chinese 9. False: Diplomats working in the ly condoned anti-China actions on campus
Consulate General in Houston is consistent Chinese Consulate General in Houston are by certain rioters seeking to destabilize
with U.S. laws and regulations. Chinese spies. Chinese spies are stirring up Hong Kong.
Fact: The outrageous and unrea- trouble all over the world. X Certain anti-China elements seek-
sonable demand violates a number of Fact: Meddling in other countries’ in- ing to destabilize Hong Kong openly made
international laws. ternal affairs has never been in the DNA of radical remarks and inflamed violence
X Both the land and the prem- China’s diplomacy. Chinese diplomats, who on campus in total disregard of law. The
ises of the Chinese Consulate General in are working vigorously to advance China’s Chinese students came together only to
Houston are the properties of the Chinese friendly exchanges and practical coop- express their outrage in spontaneous, ra-
Government. eration with other countries, have never tional patriotic action. In doing so, they also
XAccording to Article 27 of the Vienna engaged in activities incompatible with exercised their freedom of speech.
Convention on Consular Relations, the their status. XChina Ķrmly opposes any separatist
sending state may entrust another consul- X China is committed to growing its rhetoric or action. We support Chinese stu-
ar post or diplomatic mission it has in the relations with other countries on the basis dents’ desire and aspiration to safeguard
territory of the receiving state with the cus- of principles such as mutual respect and the unity of the country and the prosperity
tody of the premises of the consular post non-interference in internal affairs. Chinese and stability of Hong Kong, and encourage
which has been closed, together with the diplomats have always followed the Vienna them to abide by local laws and regula-
property contained therein and the consul- Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the tions and express their patriotic sentiments
ar archives. China is entitled to entrust its Vienna Convention on Consular Relations rationally.
embassy or other consulates general in the and the laws of their host countries when XThe U.S. is using the pretext of “hu-
U.S. with the custody of the premises of its they promote China’s bilateral ties, and man rights” and “democracy” to whitewash
consulate general in Houston. The unrea- friendship and cooperation with their host the radical, violent criminal acts by anti-
sonable demand of the U.S. to take over countries. China forces seeking to destabilize Hong
the premises of the Chinese Consulate XThe U.S. allegation that Chinese dip- Kong, and condone their behavior on U.S.
General in Houston seriously violates the lomats at the consulate general in Houston campus. The U.S. has no interest whatso-
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, have carried out espionage in Australia ever in the safety and wellbeing of Hong
and infringes on China’s legitimate rights and on other U.S. allies is made up. It is Kong residents. It cares only about its
and interests. common for diplomats to be rotated in own selfish interests and hegemony, and
X Both the land and premises of the different postings. The U.S. has the world’s has been using “human rights” and “de-
Chinese Consulate General in Houston are largest diplomatic service. The Five Eyes mocracy” as a Ķg leaf to interfere in other
China’s state property. Even if the premises intelligence alliance headed by the U.S. countries’ domestic affairs. Q
were not covered by consular privileges has long been engaged in large-scale,
and immunities, the property is still pro- organized and indiscriminate cybertheft,
tected by international law. wire-tapping and surveillance of foreign
This is an edited version of a report published by
8. False: The Chinese Consulate governments, companies and individuals in Xinhua News Agency on July 28
General in Houston threatened dissidents violation of international law and the basic Comments to
and refugees with the Fox Hunt operation. norms governing international relations. AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 23

Our Man
In Washington
Mike Pompeo is the best secretary of state ever—for China By Liu Yunyun

ike Pompeo is the embodiment of a of state is ensuring American leadership worldwide? Is he on a secret mission to
Ķne U.S. diplomat. Eloquent speaker around the world. The concept of American undermine Trump’s reelection campaign?
and West Point graduate. Army veter- leadership is infallible to some, taken for Because the more loyalty he demonstrates
an and former top intelligence ofĶcer. Family granted and unchallenged by U.S. politicians to President Trump, the less popular his
man and devout church-goer. and American allies since World War II, with president becomes.
The way he skillfully and cheerfully en- tacit consent from China. Instead of making America great again,
gages his audiences at press briefings and But to this end, Mr. Pompeo’s actions Mr. Pompeo is making the United States un-
during speeches offers a case study for are counterproductive: coercing allies to popular again.
stern-faced politicians with their austere side with the U.S. against China on Huawei’s Withering U.S. leadership on the inter-
public personas. In a speech in April 2019, 5G technology, fabricating coronavirus national stage is not in the interests of the
Mr. Pompeo jokingly lauded the American conspiracy theories (which have since United States of course, but for countries
intelligence practices of lying, cheating and been denounced by the U.S.-led Five Eyes that have suffered at the hands of American
stealing, knowing that it would meet with intelligence alliance) and quitting ma- military intervention and bombing cam-
resounding approval from the audience. jor UN institutions like the World Health paigns, it might not be seen as an entirely
Politics aside, it takes a person of strong Organization. negative outcome.
resolve to resist his charm. These moves have left many Washington Mr. Pompeo is not so much a missionary
Yet the Western media has been overtly observers confused. How can the U.S. be a as a mercenary. He loves to quote from the
unfair to Mr. Pompeo of late. The New York world leader while simultaneously bullying Bible, positing himself as a devout follower of
Times claimed him to be “the worst secre- its allies, trashing multilateral institutions and God. But it is never God’s intent for his follow-
tary of state in American history, without a pushing for an economic decoupling from ers to lie. His claims about seeing evidence
single diplomatic achievement,” while CNN China that no one else supports? that the coronavirus came from a lab, or that
commented that “Mike Pompeo is botching Richard Hass, President of the Council on China is hiding virus samples, or that China
his job.” Across the Atlantic, The Guardian Foreign Relations, wrote in The Washington is stealing U.S. vaccines, are just that—un-
implored its readers to “Forget Putin, it’s Post, “Pompeo [has] sought to commit the truths fabricated and disseminated by the
meddling by America’s evangelical enforcer United States to a path that is bound to fail.” U.S. State Department.
that should scare us.” This assertion was substantiated by the Of course, attacking China is convenient.
But whether or not Mr. Pompeo can latest Gallup Rating World Leaders report It is a tactic employed by many U.S. politicians
be seen as having any achievements to his published on July 27. It shows that assess- looking to score political points. But when the
name depends entirely on the angle of view, ments of U.S. leadership around the world Chinese people, especially those long-time
and how we judge the actual effects of his are historically low for the third year in a row. admirers of the American way of doing things,
actions. Perhaps even more troubling for Washington read of his attacks on China—the groundless
Mr. Pompeo’s staunch defense of Donald is that the report was compiled before the accusations and outright lies—they begin to
Trump has earned him the dubious acco- travails of the coronavirus pandemic further question the integrity and ethics of U.S. politi-
lade of being among this administration’s exposed this government’s ßaws. cians and the American system as a whole.
longest-serving ofĶcials. And yet despite his Many of the people who grew up in a As Ezra F. Vogel, the Henry Ford II professor
unwavering loyalty to the president, the way world governed by rules and institutions cre- of the Social Sciences emeritus at Harvard
he manages the Trump administration’s for- ated in America’s image lament the fading University, pointed out in a recent article for The
eign affairs tells an altogether different story of U.S. leadership. So why is Mr. Pompeo do- Washington Post, “This strengthens their pa-
of who beneĶts from this political zeal. ing everything he can to estrange American triotism and willingness to support the Chinese
Part of the mission of any U.S. secretary allies and damage his country’s reputation Government against Washington.”
With the appeal of U.S. leadership waning
and the unity of the Chinese people galva-
“Pompeo [has] sought to commit the United nized by his attacks, it would appear that Mr.
Pompeo’s critics in America are wrong: For
States to a path that is bound to fail.” China, at least, he does have one achievement
to his name. Q
—Richard Hass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations
Comments to



WinWin Is Possible
Thucydides trap no explanation for current ChinaU.S. tensions
By Lan Xinzhen

he U.S. demanded on July 21 that coronavirus pandemic and interference Chinese Government continues to strive
China close its consulate general in in issues related to the South China Sea, for stable bilateral relations, with the aim
Houston, with its law enforcement Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. Now, the of promoting multilateralism and global
ofĶcers forcing entry into the premises of Trump administration has begun to target development. The current China-U.S. strain
the Chinese mission later. China expressed diplomacy. The string of events constitutes stems from the U.S. attempt to contain
firm opposition to the U.S. actions and a broad plan to contain China. China’s development. Thus, it has nothing
in response, ordered the closure of the Although the Thucydides trap is often to do with the Thucydides trap.
U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu in the discussed among international scholars The global financial crisis in 2008
southwestern province of Sichuan. studying China-U.S. relations, it does not exposed deep-rooted problems in U.S.
The abrupt U.S. decision has thrown exist between the countries despite grow- society. But the failure to tackle these prob-
China-U.S. relations into their direst straits ing bilateral tensions. lems is derailing U.S. social and economic
since the two countries established diplo- China’s national strength is growing development.
matic ties in 1979. It violates the Vienna rapidly and it is playing an increasingly im- In an attempt to shift blame and at the
Convention on Consular Relations and has portant role in international affairs, a fact same time limit China’s development, the
shocked the international community. U.S. the rest of the world is gradually accepting. Trump administration has spared no ef-
President Donald Trump also threatened to China’s development is meant to provide forts to suppress China. U.S. Secretary of
close more Chinese diplomatic missions. its people with a better life and safeguard State Mike Pompeo made a senseless and
The development has triggered suspi- its sovereignty, independence and territo- irrational speech on July 23, saying the U.S.
cion that China-U.S. relations are falling into rial integrity. It is not to pose challenges to should abandon its policy of engaging with
the so-called Thucydides trap, which would China.
other countries.
There is no lack of Americans holding a
negatively impact world peace and devel- Since the establishment of diplomatic ties,
friendly attitude toward China. Voices call-
opment. Coined by U.S. political scientist China and the U.S. have become increasingly
ing for a détente with China are still loud
Graham T. Allison, the term refers to the intertwined in economic and trade relations,
and strong in the U.S. However, populist
fear that when a rising power challenges an together with closer people-to-people and cul- propaganda by the Trump administration
established one, conßict may ensue. tural exchanges. Bilateral trade is now 250 times is trying to mute these voices. Its reckless
Since Trump took office in 2017, what it was four decades ago. China is one of blows on China will only tear U.S. society
China-U.S. relations have taken a sharp the United States’ most important export desti- apart and exacerbate its own domestic
downward spiral. First came a trade war nations, supporting 2.6 million jobs. More than conßicts.
provoked by the U.S., followed by U.S. 72,500 U.S. businesses are investing and oper- China is not poised to challenge the U.S.
crackdown on Chinese tech companies, re- ating in China. and does not seek to replace it. As Chinese
strictions on people-to-people exchanges, Despite an array of containment mea- President Xi Jinping has said, the Pacific
attempts to smear China over the novel sures by the Trump administration, the Ocean is vast enough to accommodate
both China and the U.S. China is com-
Despite an array of containment measures by the mitted to advancing its relationship with
the U.S. featuring non-conflict and non-
Trump administration, the Chinese Government confrontation, mutual respect and win-win
cooperation based on coordination, coop-
eration and stability.
continues to strive for stable bilateral relations, Both Chinese and American people are
wise and rational enough to find ways to
with the aim of promoting multilateralism and coexist in harmony and mutual beneĶt de-
spite their differences in social systems and
global development. The current ChinaU.S. cultures. Q

strain stems from the U.S. attempt to

contain China’s development
Copyedited by Garth Wilson
Comments to AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 25


No to a New Cold War

At a Zebinar on July 25, No to the NeZ Cold War, speakers from China,
the U.S., the UK, India, Russia, Canada, Venezuela and %razil discussed hoZ
to counter the neZ U.S. hostility toZard China. The folloZing is an edited
excerpt of Zhat Wang Wen, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for
Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, said on the issue:

he next few months before the U.S. Trump will keep on provoking China until sound and steady development.” He also
presidential election on November 3 the bilateral ties deteriorate and diplomatic made some detailed and pragmatic pro-
will be a high-risk period for Sino-U.S. relations can be broken off, and even a posals. First, the two sides should activate
relations as Donald Trump will do anything war is started. If it does happen, it will be a and open all channels of dialogue. Second,
to win his reelection. The possibility of the disaster for not only the two countries but they should review and agree on the lists of
Trump administration resorting to military also for the entire world. interactions. Third, they should focus and
conßict against China can’t be ruled out. To me, this smacks of an open political cooperate on the COVID-19 response.
Trump’s China policy has no bottom conspiracy. The Trump administration is Contrary to the speeches by U.S. Vice
line. He is likely to announce a diplomatic the source of any potential disaster. President Mike Pence and Secretary of
break-off with China because one of his State Mike Pompeo, the Chinese foreign
China has no intention to respond to
minister did not attack the U.S. Instead of
election strategies is to constantly provoke the U.S. with a new cold war. On July 9,
mouthing hardline phrases to coerce the
China. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign U.S., his speech was sagacious and urged
If he can make China strike back, it will Minister Wang Yi spoke about China-U.S. healthy development of China-U.S. rela-
deflect everyone’s attention in the U.S. relations at the China-U.S. Think Tanks and tions and resolution of problems.
from his failure to curb the novel coronavi- Media Online Forum, stressing that the re- While the U.S. is pressing on the ac-
rus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. He can lationship faces “the most severe challenge celerator to crash the bilateral relationship,
then pretend to be a strong political leader since the establishment of diplomatic ties China has been putting the brakes on with
who dares to take on China, which is a ploy in 1979.” the hope of preventing it from plummeting
to get more votes. Wang called for the relationship’s further.
China has refused to be provoked. So return “back on track toward long-term, The Trump administration’s strategy to
portray China as an enemy won’t succeed.
For example, in early July, the Chongyang
Institute for Financial Studies asked 100
Webinar Statement Chinese scholars about Sino-U.S. relations
and 82 percent said a new cold war like the
We note the increasingly aggressive state- We therefore call upon the U.S. to U.S.-Soviet Union Cold War is unlikely.
ments and actions being taken by the U.S. step back from this threat of a cold war Also, 90 percent said China is well pre-
Government in regard to China. These and also from other dangerous threats pared to handle the new cold war offensive
constitute a threat to world peace and to world peace it is engaged in including launched by the U.S.
are an obstacle to humanity successfully withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range The coronavirus is still raging on and
dealing with extremely serious common Nuclear Forces Treaty; withdrawal from the pandemic hasn’t peaked yet. The pes-
issues which confront it such as climate the Paris climate change accord; and simistic view is that as many as 70 million
change, control of pandemics, racist dis- its increasing disengagement from UN people might die. If humanity doesn’t unite
crimination and economic development. bodies. The U.S. should also stop pres- now, all of us, including the U.S., will likely
We therefore believe that any new suring other countries to adopt such enter a dark age.
Americans should know that China
cold war would run entirely counter to dangerous positions.
is not the enemy, the virus is. And all our
the interests of humanity. Instead we We support China and the U.S. basing
international friends should know that we
stand in favor of maximum global coop- their relations on mutual dialogue and don’t need another cold war. Q
eration in order to tackle the enormous centering on the common issues which
challenges we face as a species. unite humanity.
Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
Comments to



Positive Outcome
Recovery fund cements EU’s unity and offers hope beyond the bloc By Dong Yifan
The divergence continued to increase, Therefore, economic recovery is essen-
The author is an testing the unity and cooperation among tial for the EU.
assistant research EU members and leading to European
fellow with China Commission President Ursula von der Momentum gained
Institutes of Leyen apologizing for the EU’s slow action. The summit agreed that a fund of 750 bil-
Contemporary The pandemic has created the darkest lion euros ($882 billion) will be created for
International Relations moment for the European economy since post-pandemic recovery and resilience,
World War II. The European Commission pandemic response, research and innova-

has projected that the eurozone economy tion, as well as public investment and rural
n the EU’s long and complicated history, would fall by 8.7 percent in 2020. France, development. From this fund, 390 billion
a common Ķnancial policy is one of the Italy and Spain could see their economies euros ($457 billion) will be given to mem-
most sensitive issues as its member drop by 10.6 percent, 11.2 percent and ber states as grants and the rest in loans.
states have different agendas and interests 10.9 percent, respectively. Unemployment, The agreement signals progress in the
to defend. government debts and Ķnancial deĶcits are EU’s common financial policy. The grant
When the EU Special Summit started predicted to go up dramatically in many EU fund means there will be direct financial
in Brussels on July 17 to establish a recov- members. transfers between member states, meet-
ery fund to address the socio-economic
The economic problems will also spill ing the demand of Southern and Central
fallout from the novel coronavirus dis-
over into society and politics. For instance, Eastern European countries and bridg-
ease (COVID-19) pandemic as well as the
people affected by the pandemic may be- ing the economic divergence caused by
bloc’s long-term budget for 2021-27,
come dissatisfied with their government COVID-19. A similar economic divergence
the divide between the “frugal four”—
and EU institutions, thus promoting politi- triggered the eurozone sovereign debt cri-
the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and
Denmark—and the Southern European cal fragmentation and more divergences. sis a decade ago.
countries, was huge as usual. To narrow it

down, the meeting, instead of ending the
next day, had to be prolonged to July 21,
making it one of the longest summits in
the EU’s history.
However, efforts and concessions fi-
nally led to an agreement on the fund and
a 1.07-trillion-euro ($1.23-trillion) budget,
hailed as a landmark moment in European
integration, especially during the COVID-19

A critical moment
Since the pandemic emerged in Europe,
the EU faced differences among member
states on issues like border management,
fighting the pandemic and economic as-
sistance. The response measures proposed
didn’t meet some member states’ urgent
Southern European countries like Italy
and Spain felt frustrated and helpless as
they were the hardest hit by the epidemic.
They appealed for the issuance of a com-
mon COVID-19 bond for their economic
recovery but the proposal was rejected by A waiter sets tables at an outdoor restaurant in Brussels, Belgium, on July 7. The EU Summer 2020 Economic
the Netherlands and Germany. Forecast predicted a deeper recession with wider divergences due to the novel coronavirus pandemic



During the debt crisis, some European
organizations and politicians proposed
issuing eurobonds jointly by the 19 euro-
zone states to stabilize the economy. This
time, there were similar proposals such as
a COVID-19 bond but the proposals were
strongly opposed by the Netherlands,
Austria and Germany on the ground that
they would hurt their own sovereign credit
in financial markets and encourage the
southern countries to stimulate their econ-
omies through unlimited borrowing rather
than undertaking structural reforms.
The launch of the recovery fund means
the EU is undertaking a common debt to
prop up the economy for its collective in-
terest for the Ķrst time in history. Besides,
it will lead to more euro-denominated high
credit assets, expanding the euro’s interna-
tional role.
So some analysts have called the recov-
ery fund Europe’s “Hamiltonian moment,”
a reference to the 1970 move by then U.S. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel attend a special EU summit in Brussels,
Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton to Belgium, on July 20
persuade 13 American states to agree on
public borrowing, which enhanced their didn’t respond positively to France’s pro- a recovery fund, demonstrating Germany
posal on reform of the eurozone due to the had changed its position on a common
domestic reluctance toward a common EU EU Ķnancial policy due to the seriousness
Key players Ķnancial policy. of the pandemic. The France-Germany
However, the COVID-19 crisis taught proposal is the prototype of the European
The fund also reflects that the France-
Germany that it should contribute more to Commission’s recovery fund.
Germany axis has strengthened during
the EU for its own interests since its econ- Germany did more for the recovery
the pandemic. As the powerhouses of
omy is highly dependent on the EU single fund as the rotating presidency of the EU
European integration since the establish-
market, and the EU’s stability and prosper- for the second half of 2020. Merkel coordi-
ment of the European Coal and Steel nated between the northern and southern
Community in 1952, France and Germany ity are at the root of its development and
international role. Hence Germany has members of the EU before and during the
have strived to strengthen the EU’s power July summit and the meeting’s achieve-
and unity in order to address the bloc’s dy- begun to channel more political resources
ments mean France and Germany now
namics and the international environment. for the EU’s integration and economic
have closer cooperation and are the lead-
In January 2019, French President recovery.
ing powers in the EU.
Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor On May 18, France and Germany jointly However, the recovery fund is the result
Angela Merkel issued a joint statement on released an EU economic recovery initia- of concessions between member states.
cooperation and integration. But Merkel tive, the core of which was the creation of The EU had to accept special conditions on
structural reforms of member states and
decrease the money for the grant.
The launch of the recovery fund means the EU In the future, the EU is going to have
less concessional space between its mem-
is undertaking a common debt to prop up the ber states and it will be more difficult to
reach a big agreement. However, stability
economy for its collective interest for the first and unity of the bloc, which were improved
at the summit, have important positive im-
time in history. Besides, it will lead to more plications, both for the EU and the rest of
the world in the time of pandemic. Q
eurodenominated high credit assets, expanding
Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
the euro’s international role Comments to AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 29


A Lingering Epidemic
New locally transmitted CO9ID cases show need for continued alert
By Yuan Yuan

ith sporadic confirmed cases of the impact on people’s normal work and life. has launched a free mass nucleic acid test
novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) “The epidemic is sneakier than we ex- campaign across the city. Zhang Wei, head
popping up again, the possibility of pected,” Zeng said. “It didn’t show any signs of Urumqi’s health commission, said at a
another wave of the epidemic has risen in the of stopping or receding this summer as many virus control and prevention conference
country. experts predicted earlier this year. But I believe on July 27 that the spike in the number of
On July 29, the Chinese mainland reported more precise and effective anti-virus measures confirmed cases is due to the improved
102 locally transmitted cases, 96 in Xinjiang can bring these re-emergences under control.” efĶciency of this testing and medical consul-
Uygur Autonomous Region in the northwest, tation. “Current infections and asymptomatic
five in Liaoning Province in the northeast and Scattered cases cases were largely found through testing
one in Beijing. On July 10, a 24-year-old woman working among people under medical observation,”
After Beijing swiftly contained a cluster of at an electronics retail center in downtown Zhang explained.
335 locally transmitted cases reported from Urumqi, who had symptoms including a sore A week after Xinjiang’s new case, Dalian
June 10 to July 6, there were no new locally throat, was taken to a designated hospital. reported its new case of a 58-year-old man
transmitted cases. But the respite lasted only a She was confirmed with COVID-19 on July working at a seafood processing factory.
little over a week. 15. On July 16, he had a fever and fatigue
On July 15, Urumqi, capital city of Xinjiang, Three people who had contact with her and took some medicine, which didn’t help.
conĶrmed the Ķrst case of its cluster, followed were found to be asymptomatic cases, while On July 21, he went to the fever clinic in
by Dalian, a coastal city in Liaoning, which began a man who flew from Urumqi to Zhejiang Dalian Municipal Central Hospital and was
to report its cluster from July 22. Province in east China was also discovered to conĶrmed with COVID-19 the next day.
Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist for be asymptomatic. The man lives alone, had not left the
the Chinese Center for Disease Control and The number of confirmed cases in city in 14 days and had had no contact
Prevention (China CDC), said China has entered Xinjiang has continued to rise, reaching 414 with any confirmed COVID-19 cases. The
a “new normal” virus prevention mode dur- by July 29. Most of the new infections have next day, two more cases with symptoms
ing an interview on July 29. There needs to be been traced to a wedding party held in early emerged along with 12 asymptomatic cases,
vigilance against an outbreak, but at the same July, but the actual origin is still unknown. prompting the city to launch an epidemio-
time, attempts should be made to minimize the Since July 18, the local government logical investigation into the patients’ close
contacts. By July 29, there were 57 new con-
firmed cases in the city, 30 from the same

seafood factory.
Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at the
China CDC, told China Central Television on
July 29 that the damp and cold environment
at the factory may be favorable to the sur-
vival of the virus.
Li Lizhuo, a doctor from the Beijing-
based Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical
University, echoed Wu’s conclusion, adding
that since many seafood products are im-
ported from countries where the epidemic
situation is more severe, these products are
at high risk of being infected during process-
ing and transporting.
The virus in Dalian didn’t stay local. Within
a week, it spilled over into nine cities includ-
ing Beijing, which had just quelled its recent
cluster and had reported no conĶrmed cases
for 20 consecutive days.
On July 27, the capital confirmed a new
case, a person who had contact with an asymp-
tomatic person from Dalian. In the following two
days, the patient’s two close contacts became
People wear masks in the Central area of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on July 27 confirmed cases. They all live in Changping

Medical staff take throat swab samples from residents in Dalian, Liaoning Province in northeast China, on July 26

District in Beijing. As a result, the public health measures were relaxed and many people Infectious Disease Department at Huashan
emergency response in the residential commu- stopped wearing masks on trains, buses, Hospital in Shanghai, said there is a high
nity where they lived was raised from Level 3 to vans and taxis. probability of a new global wave of the epi-
Level 2. In response, Hong Kong Executive Chief demic in the fall and winter, warning that
The other eight cities infected by the new Carrie Lam announced stricter measures to people should remain vigilant.
infections in Dalian stretch from Heilongjiang deal with the worsening situation. Residents At a news conference on July 28,
Province in the northeast to Fujian Province in are required to wear masks in public and Ou Xiaoli, chief of social development at
the southeast. Fuzhou, capital city of Fujian, an- some civil servants are to work from home. the National Development and Reform
nounced it would enter a “wartime mode” after A seven-day ban on dining in restaurants Commission, announced that China will
the discovery of an asymptomatic COVID-19 between 6 p.m. and 5 a.m. issued on July 15 strengthen its public health system to better
case from Dalian. was extended to 14 days. In addition, starting cope with major public health emergencies.
In Hong Kong Special Administrative from July 20, the regional government is pro- “All secondary hospitals and above will
Region (HKSAR), the situation has grown viding only urgent and necessary services. optimize their layouts for fever clinics, in-
acute since July 19, when 108 new cases The HKSAR Government is offering free cluding increasing social distance between
were reported, including 83 domestic cases nucleic acid tests to people classified as patients waiting to see doctors, and be fully
and 25 imported ones, which set a record being of high risk, including taxi drivers, res- equipped for disease screening,” Ou said,
for daily new cases in the city. In the follow- taurant workers and property-management adding that the Central Government has
doubled the budget for investment in public
ing eight days, there were over 100 daily employees.
health emergency projects this year.
new cases each day. As of July 29, the total
number of confirmed cases in Hong Kong New normal Intensive care units in all hospitals must
be equipped with or be prepared to provide
surpassed 3,000, far exceeding the 1,755 In addition to dealing with locally transmitted
negative-pressure wards and operating
severe acute respiratory syndrome cases in cases, China has also been dealing with im- rooms. Hospitals and clinics nationwide will
2003. ported cases. Since the Ķrst imported case in be guided to build reserves of materials such
Microbiologists attributed the resurgence the mainland was reported on February 26, as surgical masks, protective suits and gog-
of the virus to negligent border testing these cases have never stopped. As of July gles to meet the initial needs of any possible
and quarantine measures in HKSAR. Yuen 29, a total of 2,059 imported cases had been outbreak. Q
Kwok-yung, a Hong Kong microbiologist, reported on the Chinese mainland. Of these,
told Global Times that from March to June, 1,981 people were discharged from hospital,
Copyedited by Rebeca Toledo
the virus didn’t spread widely due to strict and no deaths have been reported. Comments to
anti-epidemic measures. But in July, these Zhang Wenhong, Director of the AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 33

Seeds of Change
New plan lays down targets for modernizing agriculture and upgrading rural industries
By Lu Yan

s a child, Qin Jing used to watch his July, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural ed development that is farmer-centered,
father and other family elders grow Affairs (MARA) released the 2020-25 plan market-oriented, environment-friendly and
mushrooms to make a living in the on rural industry development. One of its innovation-driven,” the plan says.
1990s. Now 37 years old, he is the general main tasks is transforming the agricultural However, there are barriers to achieving
manager of a mushroom processing and processing industry, which is an important this. For example, with the epidemic affect-
sales company in Suixian, a county under part to accelerate the development of rural ing the global economic structure, China’s
the city of Suizhou in Hubei Province, cen- industries and lay a solid foundation for rural industrial chain has not been immune.
tral China. the modernization of agriculture and rural The mobility of resources like capital, tech-
Suizhou is one of the leading mush- areas as well as all-round rural vitalization. nology, talents and infrastructure is not yet
room-growing regions. Qin has witnessed China’s agricultural product process- smooth enough.
the development of the city’s mushroom ing industry is relatively large. In 2019, the However, Zeng said the plan marks
industry from traditional and small-scale number of processing enterprises above MARA’s first attempt to formulate a com-
to large-scale and technology-driven. Now the designated size was 81,000. Together prehensive plan for the development of
he’s part of it himself. they created more than 30 million jobs. rural industries. It also focuses on address-
“As the industry progresses, companies However, the innovation ability of ing the problems facing rural industries
are adopting environment-friendly, high- the industry is not strong, its quality and and will guide more resources to the coun-
yield and high-efĶciency methods,” he said. efficiency is not high, and there’s much tryside, thereby facilitating rural industry
Established in 2008, his company potential for further development, Zeng revitalization.
grows mushrooms on around 2 hectares Yande, head of MARA’s Department of
of land, hiring over 120 workers from local Rural Industries, said at a press conference Attracting talents
villages during the planting season. The an- in July. For Wu Jiayan, peaches are more than the
nual yield can reach 2 million kg. Besides “Technological innovation is the key to specialty of her hometown, Yangshan in
domestic sales, a considerable amount the transformation and upgrading of the Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, east China. The fruit
is exported to over 20 countries, such as industry,” Zeng said. The plan envisions us- led to the romance between her grandpar-
Thailand, Malaysia and the Republic of ing new technologies and equipment for ents, who were peach farmers for over 50
Korea. the development of the industry. years.
Last year, Qin began to have the facto- It encourages research institutions, After graduation six years ago, the
ries upgraded. He purchased several robots colleges and universities, and enterprises finance major decided to go back to
with an image recognition system. They to jointly work on technological break- Yangshan to take up her grandparents’
can distinguish different mushroom variet- throughs. The government will support legacy.
ies and sort them with fewer mistakes than institutions and companies that focus on In 2018, Wu, in her 20s, established a
humans. research and development of smart pro- brand with support from the local govern-
The robots cost Qin over 3 million yuan cessing equipment. ment. She called it Honey Peach Couple, a
($428,400). However, about 20 percent of that By 2025, the agricultural products pro- reference to her grandparents. Currently,
was subsidized by the government and in the cessing industry is planned to achieve a she has over 4 hectares of peach orchard,
long run, the robots will be cheaper with labor revenue of 32 trillion yuan ($4.57 trillion). with an annual output value of nearly 300
getting more and more expensive. Besides, In 2019, the figure exceeded 22 trillion million yuan ($43 million).
in the first half of the year, when there was a ($3.14 trillion). Hundreds of college graduates like
shortage of workers due to the coronavirus epi- In addition to upgrading the process- Wu have started their own businesses in
demic, the robots met the pressing need, doing ing industry, the plan sets other goals for Yangshan, galvanizing the underdeveloped
the work of people. rural industrial development. Clusters of local agricultural industries and helping
“My company will continue to upgrade, competitive rural specialty industries will the older generation of farmers to adopt
becoming more intelligent in the coming be built. SpeciĶc targets have been set for advanced farming technology and be more
years,” Qin said. agricultural tourism, crop production, for- competitive by selling on the Internet.
estry, livestock and Ķsheries. Online sales of “To develop rural industries we require
Tasks and targets agricultural products are another important a large number of innovative entrepre-
Qin’s company reflects the national plan goal. neurs who will be persistent and dauntless
to upgrade the agricultural industry. In “Rural industries should seek integrat- pioneers and create an entrepreneurial

Farmers feed silkworms at an industrial park in Shimen Village in Liuzhou, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China, on May 18

boom,” Zeng said.

The plan also envisions that the popu-
lation returning or moving to rural areas to
start businesses or pursue innovation will
cross 15 million by 2025.
The government will help construct
industrial, processing, hi-tech, e-commerce
and logistics parks in major farming regions
to provide infrastructure and services to
Mentoring teams will be formed com-
prising research talents, policy experts and
other hi-caliber personnel from universities
and research institutions. They will provide
project guidance and other information to
farmers and rural entrepreneurs, helping
them in areas like marketing and brand
Local service counters will be set up
for rural entrepreneurs to go through the
formalities and get business consultation.
Besides, there will be training courses with
field visits and successful entrepreneurs
will be invited to the courses to share their
stories and inspire. Q

Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar

Comments to
Qin Jing (second left), General Manager of Yaoxingdahai (Suizhou) Food Co. Ltd., introduces mushroom products to
visitors at a food exhibition in Milan, Italy, on May 6, 2019 AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 35


A Fair Shot
Third CIIE, on course for November, sees surge in exhibitor enthusiasm
as Chinese economy grows By Zhang Shasha

t the Second China International the Third CIIE will be held ofßine as scheduled French tire manufacturer Michelin was
Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai last year, as the situation in China is under control and one of the Ķrst to do so. Having missed the
a new sparkle was added by the launch preparations are in full swing. first two editions, the company is keen to
of the Extraordinary Italian Jewelry Pavilion When the 100-day countdown to the seize the opportunity this time. Praising
that brought 15 iconic jewelry brands from event started, Sun Chenghai, Deputy Director the wisdom of online contract signing, Wei
Italy. It was an initiative of the Italian national of the CIIE Bureau, said the pandemic has Shujie, Michelin’s China district CEO, said he
gold jewelry manufacturers’ association not dampened exhibitors’ enthusiasm. In the was confident of the Chinese market and
and Shanghai-based Chinese jewelry brand three exhibition areas for consumer goods, economy.
Vetiver, who also signed an agreement to in- medical equipment and healthcare products, “CIIE will become the most powerful
troduce more Italian jewelry manufacturers and trade in services, the stalls booked by growth driver for the global economy,” he
to the Chinese market. them have surpassed the originally sched- said.
This year too, Vetiver is gearing up for uled space. The automobile area is also close Cloud promotions are being held in
the Third CIIE, to be held from November 5 to being fully booked. response to the pandemic with several we-
to 10. It will be its third attendance at the binars organized for trade and commerce
fair. However, this time, the urgency is far Special year, special steps representatives from different countries. One
greater. “It seems the epidemic has had limited im- of the latest online events was promoting
“Italian jewelers’ traditional and main- pact on exhibitors,” Zhou Lingyan, Deputy the fair to Argentine companies on July 22.
stream markets used to be Europe and the General Manager of the CIIE Department Xia Diya, Counselor of the Economic and
U.S. But now, as they grapple with the novel of the National Exhibition and Convention Commercial OfĶce of the Chinese Embassy
coronavirus disease (COVID-19), China is Center (Shanghai), the venue of CIIE, in Argentina, said China became the largest
their new hope for 2020,” Chen Haiyan, co- told Xinhua News Agency in February. In trading partner of Argentina in May.
founder of Vetiver, told Guangming Daily. February, CIIE also held its first webinar To make things easy for exhibitors, the
Despite COVID-19 becoming a pandemic, where companies could sign up online. General Administration of Customs of China
(GACC) has announced several facilitation
measures. Instead of overseas exhibitors, the

fair organizer will provide the required tax

guarantee to lighten the former’s burden.
Also, exhibited products can subsequently
be transferred to specially supervised areas,
where they can be sold through e-commerce
platforms, which will also reduce costs.
Dang Xiaohong, deputy head of GACC’s
Port Control Department, said the measure
will help exhibits become commodities, ex-
panding the ways to import foreign goods.
With the pandemic still out of control
in many countries, CIIE has formed special
committees to deal with different aspects,
like public health and epidemic prevention.

Choosing long term

With foreign exhibitors discovering the po-
tential of the huge Chinese market, many
are establishing long-term cooperation
relations with CIIE. Recently, 35 member en-
terprises of the CIIE Exhibitors’ Association,
a 142-member body whose members
are from nearly two dozen countries and
A visitor checks out an exhibit at a matchmaking event for the Third China International Import Expo regions, signed a memorandum for partici-
in Shanghai on July 26 pating in CIIE for three years. They include

some of the world’s top 500 companies and

industry leaders. The move shows compa-
nies’ conĶdence in growing with CIIE and the The Third China International Import Expo
Chinese market.
Sun, who is also secretary general of the Total Planned Exhibition Area Six Exhibition Zones
association, said he hopes the cooperation
Over Food and agricultural products
will lead to these companies bringing in their
technological innovation capacities and
offering invaluable suggestions to build a
360,000 Automobile
square meters Intelligent industry and
bridge between China and the outside world.
French beauty company L’Oreal is the information technology
first rotating chairman of the association. Consumer goods
Its China district president and CEO Fabrice
Megarbane said the company will draw on Medical equipment and
its past experience to enlarge the ecosystem healthcare products
of exhibitors and make the Third CIIE more Trade in services
He said after the losses suffered by the
global economy and trade due to the pan- Four New Zones
demic, the news that CIIE would be held
as scheduled sends the signal that China is Public health and epidemic
committed to opening up, inclusiveness and This is 60,000 square meters larger than prevention:
win-win cooperation as well as sharing its the previous one, 20 percent more than A special zone
prosperity. the scheduled area. for public health
In May, Tapestry, the parent company of and epidemic control
U.S. luxury accessory maker Coach, signed a The average exhibition area for the with nearly
long-term cooperation memorandum with world’s top 500 companies
CIIE, becoming the Ķrst exhibitor to sign up and industry leaders 50
for its third to Ķfth editions. Jide Zeitlin, chair global
will increase by
and CEO of the group, said the pandemic will enterprises
not change China’s long-term positive trend
of economic development. 14%
y.o.y. their exhibition area reached more than
“We will attend CIIE every year and are
ready to sign a five-year contract,” Zhou 10,000
Wenbing, General Manager of Miji, China square meters.
district, said. Miji is a German kitchenware Energy conservation and
supplier. environmental protection
Zhou said with CIIE attracting a large
number of “new friends” every year, it is be- Smart transportation
coming difĶcult to “grab a seat” at the expo, Sports goods
one reason the company wants to sign the
memorandum. Logo Mascot
Miji also plans to purchase 1.33 hectares
of industrial land in the town of Pujiang in
Shanghai where it will set up its China head-
(Source: China International Import Expo Bureau; designed by Pamela Tobey)
quarters, brand research and development
(R&D) center and product exhibition center.
According to the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development, this In July, new investment continued to investors. It plans to put in an additional 451
year global foreign direct investment is likely come in with 54 foreign-funded projects million euro ($529 million) in Shanghai in the
to shrink by 40 percent. However, foreign signed up collectively in Shanghai, featuring next Ķve years to expand its production and
investment in Shanghai reached $10.28 $8 billion. R&D bases. Q
billion in the Ķrst half of the year, up 5.4 per- Boehringer Ingelheim, a German phar-
cent year on year, according to the Shanghai maceutical that will be attending CIIE for Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
Comments to
Municipal Commission of Commerce. the third consecutive year, is one of the AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 37

Signs of Recovery
Foreign investment rises in China for third consecutive month By Wang Jun

aravoot Yoovidhya has several attach- Against this backdrop, despite transnational investment and unleashing a great amount of
ments to China. The CEO of Thailand’s investment having been hit hard globally, ac- liquidity. Foreign investors will Ķnd that China is
TCP Group, a major player in the energy cording to figures released by the Ministry of one of the best destinations for investment.”
drink market, says Hainan in southernmost Commerce (MOFCOM), China’s foreign trade
China is his family’s ancestral home. Also, China and foreign direct investment (FDI) have stabi- Recovery factors
is the largest market for his company’s products lized. Paid-in foreign capital in June reached 117 He Manqing, Director of the Foreign Investment
and to nurture the potential, TCP is building a billion yuan ($16.72 billion), up 7.1 percent year Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of
manufacturing plant in Beijing that will become on year. It signified positive growth for three International Trade and Economic Cooperation,
operational next year. In the next three years, months in a row and much better performance said the rapid recovery of foreign investment
the group will invest over $150 million in China in the second quarter of the year than in the can be attributed to three reasons: the Chinese
to grow its market share and launch new prod- Ķrst. economy remains promising with its steady
ucts for its global portfolio, creating local jobs in From January to June, the utilized capital recovery; effective control of the novel coro-
the process. totaled 472.18 billion yuan ($67.55 billion). navirus attracted various resources into the
The TCP Group is among several foreign Though a year-on-year decrease of 1.3 percent, Chinese market, enhancing the conĶdence of
investors whose faith in the Chinese market has it was 9.5 percentage points lower than the de- foreign investors; and Ķnally, the policies issued
been buoyed by the resumption of production crease in the Ķrst quarter. In the second quarter, by the government to ensure stable foreign
FDI inßows surged 8.4 percent year on year. investment and trade, such as significantly
and normal life while other investment desti-
reducing the negative list and giving pilot free
nations in Europe and the United States still “China has continued to advance invest-
trade zones (FTZs) more power to reform and
remain uncertain due to unchecked spread of ment facilitation, issued a series of policies
opening up.
the novel coronavirus. and measures to ensure stable foreign invest-
According to figures from the National
The new Foreign Investment Law came ment, and enlarged market access for foreign
Bureau of Statistics, in the second quarter, the
into effect in China on January 1. In addition, investors, all of which have produced positive economy reversed the negative growth of 6.8
new reforms like scrapping the cap on the effects,” Sang Baichuan, Director of the Institute percent in the Ķrst quarter to register a positive
shares foreign investors can hold in certain joint of International Economy at the Beijing- growth of 3.2 percent.
ventures and a new negative list in July that has based University of International Business and Gao Feng, MOFCOM spokesperson, said
further reduced the sectors off-limits for foreign Economics, told China Business Journal. “China at an online press conference on July 16 that
investors from 40 to 33 have combined to leads the world in resumption of work and pro- in the first half this year, foreign investment
make China retain its luster for overseas capital. duction, underscoring the safety and stability of performed better than expected, and foreign
investors’ expectations and confidence have

been improving.
The 10-member ASEAN has become
China’s biggest trading partner, overtaking the
U.S. and the EU, as well as becoming the key
driver for FDI. In the Ķrst half, investment from
ASEAN expanded by 2.9 percent over the same
period a year ago. Singapore alone invested 7.8
percent more. Other countries participating in
the Belt and Road Initiative were another stimu-
lus, with their collective FDI in the same period
expanding by 5.9 percent.
Despite the tensions with the U.S.
Government, investment from the U.S. grew
by 6 percent in the Ķrst half. “The U.S. is push-
ing its overseas investment back home, but
the spread of the coronavirus in the country
has made its investors panic and look for new
investment opportunities,” Sang said.
He also said that while the U.S. decreased
32.9 percent year on year during the second
quarter, China has achieved the world’s high-
est growth in that period, which will make
The container wharf in the Qinzhou Port Area of the China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone in south China “foreign investors be more optimistic about the

The workshop of Draexlmaier (Anshan) Wire Harness System in Anshan, Liaoning Province in northeast China, on April 23

prospects of the Chinese economy.” enormous market, efĶcient industrial chain and dustry-supporting environment is key to attract
sound infrastructure. and retain both Chinese and foreign businesses
An attractive destination Wang listed three advantages China enjoys. and prevent or postpone transfer of industrial
“While global investment opportunities are As it continues to intensify opening up and op- chains.”
shrinking, China has furthered its opening up timize its investment environment, the policies An article posted on the Ministry of Foreign
and cut the negative lists, which will create to ensure stable foreign investment will prove Affairs’ website outlines some of the future
more opportunities for global investors,” Liu to be further effective. China, with the world’s measures and targets. The article by Chinese
Xuezhi, a senior researcher with the Financial most efficient and flexible supply chain, can Ambassador to Afghanistan Wang Yu says the
Research Center of Bank of Communications, realize mass production of new items rapidly. In base of foreign trade and foreign investment
told Financial News. “This will not only help addition, considering the increase in per-capita has to be stabilized. China, while further open-
China attract more high-quality foreign invest- income, the Chinese market is one of the mar- ing up the manufacturing sector, will also open
ment, but also contribute to global economic kets with the most potential in the world. the service sector wider, especially high-end
recovery.” However, the improved conditions do not services.
Besides the national negative list, a second mean that the situation in the second half will The export tax rebate mechanism will
one for FTZs has cut the restricted sectors from be a bed of roses. be improved and financial institutions will be
37 to 30. According to the World Investment steered to increase Ķnancing support through
Looking ahead to the second half, Liu fore- Report 2020 released by the United Nations credit, credit insurance and guaranty to ease the
cast that since China has been the Ķrst country Conference on Trade and Development, global liquidity difĶculties of foreign trade enterprises.
to realize economic recovery, it will attract more FDI ßows are forecast to decrease by up to 40 Also, reforms to facilitate customs clearance
foreign investors and foreign investment will percent in 2020 from their 2019 value of $1.54 will continue to optimize services for those en-
maintain its growth momentum. In addition, trillion. This would bring FDI below $1 trillion for terprises. The development of cross-border e-
the measures taken to further opening up this the Ķrst time since 2005. commerce, online transactions and other new
forms of foreign trade will gain speed and lead
year will promote sustained growth of foreign
investment. Pressure remains to new growth points. Q
Wang Jingwen, a senior researcher with the “Global cross-border investment will be seri-
Pangoal Institute, a Beijing-based think tank, ously hit,” He said. “Uncertainties and exchange
told Financial News that as China is both a core rate ßuctuations brought by the epidemic and
and hub on the global industrial chain, foreign- trade frictions will spread globally. Improvement Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
Comment to
invested businesses will still rely on China’s of China’s hard and soft environments and in- AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 39

TwinTrack Trend
Major fintech’s dual IPO listing plan underscores pull of Chinese boards By Li Xiaoyang

n July 20, Ant Group, the Ķntech arm According to media reports, it is likely billion) were trading on the board.
of Alibaba established in 2014, an- to raise $10-$20 billion on STAR Market, An increasing number of Chinese
nounced it would launch initial public which will make it the biggest IPO on the enterprises are seeking to list in both the
offerings (IPOs) both on Hong Kong Stock A-share market. Wang Pengbo, an analyst mainland and Hong Kong as the stock
Exchange and the Science and Technology at consultancy Analysys, told The Beijing markets lower their threshold and widen
Innovation Board of Shanghai Stock News that Alipay holds over 53 percent of access. Alibaba was the Ķrst to have a sec-
Exchange (SSE), popularly known as STAR the mobile payment market share in China. ond listing in Hong Kong last year, followed
Market, consolidating the trend of dual list- Given its business expansion based on mo- by other Internet giants including NetEase
ing among Chinese companies. bile payment and online Ķnancial services, and this year.
Four days earlier, chipmaker Semi- the high valuation is within expectations. Yin Zhentao, an associate researcher
conductor Manufacturing International The trend shows the attraction and with the Chinese Academy of Social
Corp. (SMIC) got listed on STAR Market, global competitiveness of STAR Market Sciences, told The Beijing News the rapid
following an earlier debut in Hong Kong. for tech companies in China, SSE said in a development of China’s capital market due
Electric vehicle maker Hozon Auto has also statement. to the introduction of a registration-based
announced its plan to list on STAR Market IPO system and the status of Hong Kong
in 2021. Triggering a trend as an international financial center have
Ant Group runs Alibaba’s digital pay- STAR Market started trading in July 2019 made both the markets equally appealing.
ment and lending service platforms such with relaxed rules to allow listing by tech For registration-based IPOs, the companies
as Alipay, Alipay Wallet, Yu’ebao and Ant Ķrms in different phases of growth and with have to simply register with the board, un-
Credit. The company, with an anticipated different equity structures. In March, SSE like the prevailing approval-based system
valuation of $200 billion, said it hopes to announced the board would be opened in which they need approval from China
further its technological innovation and further to Ķntech enterprises and techno- Securities Regulatory Commission, a pro-
promote digital upgrading of China’s ser- logical service providers. By July 22, 140 cess that may take several months.
vice industry through the listings. companies worth 2.8 trillion yuan ($400 Dual listing began to trend with the rise
of China Concept Stocks, Chinese compa-

nies which Ķrst listed outside the Chinese

mainland to facilitate foreign investment
and then returned home for a second listing
amid growing uncertainties in China-U.S.
relations, which have also created uncer-
tainties for Chinese investors in the United
States. More domestic Internet giants may
follow suit, Dong Yizhi, finance and com-
pliance lawyer of Shanghai Joint-Win Law
Firm, told China High-Tech Industry Herald.
STAR Market and Hong Kong Stock
Exchange have a complementary role.
Listing in Hong Kong can facilitate ac-
cess for international investors while the
Shanghai board gives them an easier entry
to the mainland market.
Dual listing “will allow more market
players, including individual stockhold-
ers, to share the beneĶts of the growth of
China’s digital economy,” Yin said.

Benefits for Ant

A traveler pays digitally for her purchases at the Hong Kong International Airport on April 1, 2019, using Derived from Alipay, the mobile payment
facial recognition technology-based Alipay payment platform based on the QR code system

was then valued at $150 billion. The dual

The Journey of Ant Group listing will see it transform from a Ķnancial
service provider into a Ķntech Ķrm.
Jing Xiandong, executive chairman of the
Alipay, the mobile It obtained Internet It introduced online company, said in a press release on July 20
payment platform finance license for money market fund that becoming a public listed company will
based on QR third-party payment Yu’ebao in 2013, enhance Ant Group’s transparency, includ-
code system, was services in 2011. attracting more users. ing to its customers, business partners,
launched in 2004. employees, shareholders and regulators.
The participation of Ant Group in
In 2014, Ant Group was STAR Market, in turn, will also enhance
established to run Alipay the market capitalization and inßuence of
and active users of the 190 the latter and attract more large invest-
Alipay wallet reached mln ment institutions, Dong Dengxin, Director
of the Finance and Securities Institute
at the Wuhan University of Science and
Ant Group has developed Technology, told Beijing Review.
businesses covering
online payment, wealth Capitalization concerns
management, loans While STAR Market has also seen rapid
and insurance. growth, its capacity to embrace large
During the fiscal year ending on March 31 this year:
companies has still not been fully tested.
It saw pre-tax profits of around Shanghai-based information provider
Wind Information’s analysis is that the
It has around market capitalization of Ant Group, with its
$200-billion valuation, will constitute more
900 mln than 51 percent of the total value of the
Its digital Ķnancial services Alipay users
board when it lists.
contributed more than in China.
Yan Kaiwen, an analyst with China
10.2 bln yuan Fortune Securities, said the listing may
50% ($1.4 bln). cause temporary fund shortage. However,
it will not lead to great shocks.
It launched a new brand AntChain for its As SMIC’s listing shows, STAR Market is
of its overall revenue. blockchain-based solutions on July 23. gearing up to include giant enterprises. Its
efforts will pay off in the long term when
Ant Group, as a blue-chip enterprise, be-
It upgraded the app for gins to attract more investors with steady
mobile payment into a more growth.
all-compassing service platform According to Yan, more people are
in March. Users can make online converting household savings into funds
consumption, enjoy delivery in the capital market and investment in
services and check information on wealth management and insurance funds
hotels and entertainment venues. is being encouraged.
Besides Ant Group, more fintech en-
terprises such as JD Digits, the fintech
subsidiary of China’s online marketplace
(Compiled by Beijing Review;, have also recently unveiled plans
designed by Pamela Tobey) to list on STAR Market.
“The growth of such companies shows
the high-quality development of China’s
launched in 2004, Ant Group has devel- Kong as well as eight countries including economy. The listing will be a trend that
oped businesses covering online payment, the Republic of Korea and Thailand. Alipay’s will benefit the sci-tech board, investors
wealth management, loans and insurance. online payment services cover over 200 and the capital market,” Wang said. Q
Alipay obtained its Internet Ķnance license countries.
for offering third-party payment services During its growth, Ant Group has com-
in 2011 and by March 31 this year, there pleted several rounds of financing. In its
were around 900 million Alipay users in last major fundraising in 2018, investors Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
Comments to
China. It also has collaborations in Hong put $14 billion into the company, which AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 41
Flourishing Market Entities Vital to
China’s Economic Recovery

The workshop of an export-oriented steel enterprise in Qian’an, Hebei Province in north China, on July 13

ince Wuhan in Hubei Province, central and the V camp is getting more endorse- the domestic market as the mainstay. To
China, enforced a lockdown earlier ment. According to an IMF projection, leverage the huge domestic market, the
this year to fight the novel corona- China is expected to achieve what could wellbeing of market entities that generate
virus disease (COVID-19) epidemic, the be the sole positive annual GDP reading wealth, spur innovation and sustain em-
shape of China’s economic recovery has among major economies. ployment, must be secured.
stoked much debate. Will the world’s sec- Millions of market entities deserve The wellbeing of market players is a
ond largest economy fall into an L-shaped kudos for the bottoming out. Their resil- gauge of the competitiveness of a coun-
stagnation, or present a trajectory in the ience served as the ballast in the economy try’s business environment and helps boost
shape of U, V or W? weathering the challenges, and their vitality the government’s troubleshooting capa-
China is now at the forefront of both will be decisive in enabling a quick V-shaped bilities. China has been striving to forge a
epidemic prevention and control and rebound. market-oriented, law-based and interna-
economic recovery. As it has brought the Contributions made by all market enti- tionalized business environment, while
disease under control, the economy is ties to epidemic prevention and control, market entities are beneĶting from tax and
healing better than expected, as indicated as well as to economic and social develop- fee cuts, reduction of rent and interest
by more and more macro-economic data, ment were hailed by President Xi Jinping, rates, and other targeted relief policies.
especially the positive gross domestic China is set to complete building
who pledged more efforts to stimulate the
a moderately prosperous society in all
product growth in the second quarter (Q2) vitality of market entities.
respects this year despite COVID-19 chal-
of the year. By the end of 2019, China had 123 mil-
lenges. On the new journey toward building
The economy expanded by 3.2 percent lion market entities including nearly 38.6
a modern socialist country, its market enti-
year on year in Q2, following a 6.8 percent million enterprises and 82.6 million indi- ties will grow stronger. Q
contraction in the Ķrst quarter. Contraction vidual business owners. Xi stressed taking
of the retail sector declined markedly, while every necessary measure to ensure their
foreign trade in the first half of this year survival and better development. This is an edited version of an article published by Xinhua
exceeded expectations. China seeks to forge a new develop- News Agency
A more robust growth is expected in ment pattern whereby domestic and Copyedited by Madhusudan Chaubey
Comments to
the second half of this year and beyond, foreign markets can boost each other, with
($1=7 yuan)

Industrial Enterprises’ Profit and Growth Industrial Enterprises’ Profit by Sector

By Business Type January-June (bln yuan)
Proßt (bln yuan)
2,000 1,824.71
A State-holding enterprises 164.7 2,122.3 224.5
B Shareholding corporations
Foreign-, Hong Kong-, Macao-
Mining Manufacturing Electricity, thermal, fuel gas
1,500 C and Taiwan-funded and water production and supply
D Privately owned
Profit Changes for Major Industrial Sectors
711.98 January-June (y.o.y.)
661.41 648.64
Agricultural byproducts and
500 byproducts processing 14.8%
General equipment
-1.1% manufacturing
A B C D -5.6% Textile
Non-metal mineral product
Growth (y.o.y.) -8.7% manufacturing
10 Electricity, heat production
-9.5% and supply

-20.7% Automobile
0 Nonferrous metal smelting
-29.4% and processing

-31.2% Coal mining and washing

-10 -8.4%
-8.8% Chemical raw material and
-32.2% product manufacturing
-13.7% Ferrous metal smelting
-40.3% and processing
Petroleum and natural gas
-72.6% exploration

-30 -75 -50 -25 0 25

(Source: National Bureau of Statistics)

Recovery of China’s software industry China’s telecommunications industry Outstanding loans extended by
picked up momentum in the Ķrst reported steady growth in H1. The China’s micro-credit companies
half (H1) of this year. The proĶt of the combined revenue of the sector stood at
industry rose reached

1.3 percent 692.7 billion 884.1 billion

year on year to 424.1 billion yuan
in H1, ending a Ķve-month declining yuan during the period, up
yuan by the end of June,
down 24.9 billion yuan from the
streak. 3.2 percent year on year. beginning of this year. In recent
years, China has tightened
regulations for the sector targeting
small companies and low-income
groups to rein in Ķnancial risks.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency) AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 43

Can All Rural Residents Get
Express Courier Services?
ith online shopping and live-streaming, plan. Not only will villagers be able to order The last-kilometer issue remains a
the expansion of China’s Internet cov- goods online at their leisure, but they will significant problem. Fees and charges do
erage is transforming the country’s be better positioned to open online stores, not always follow the same standards, with
vast rural heartlands into a promised land for e- making money from home. one collection point sometimes handling
commerce. Yet despite long shopping lists and Yet whether this project can achieve business for several delivery companies.
an abundance of farm products to sell online, success and longevity remains to be seen. Overcoming these hurdles remains a big
weak delivery services are making these aspira- Any plan must overcome the issues that challenge for the companies, the govern-
tions impossible for many in the countryside. have hindered the expansion of delivery ment and residents.
In most cases, the furthest that delivery services into rural areas in the last few
services are able, or willing, to reach are years. Act locally
towns, leaving people in remote villages Zhao Guojun (People’s Daily): Were ex-
without the convenience of sending and Stumbling blocks press delivery services to be available in
receiving express packages. As this problem Zhang Xiaona (China Logistics Times): villages, they would surely help farmers sell
becomes ever more striking, in some cases The express delivery sector still has a lot their agricultural products and expand rural
dragging down rural economic growth, the to do to tap into the vast rural market. consumption. In this sense, courier ser-
government has been committed to solv- Nowadays, consumers in rural areas have vices can play a big role in developing the
ing the issue of the last kilometer, namely higher expectations for the speed, quality rural economy. In fact, as early as 2014 SPB
the lack of delivery services in rural areas. and frequency of delivery services, but the launched a campaign offering delivery ser-
The State Post Bureau (SPB), China’s logistics in these areas lags far behind their vices in rural areas. However, more needs
postal service regulator, recently issued a demands. If the obstacles and restrictions to be done.
guideline for a pilot project for village de- are not removed, we cannot expect to see Every location must employ an operat-
livery services in six provinces across the express delivery services make rural life ing model tailored to local conditions. The
country. By the end of 2022, all villages in richer and more convenient. places we are talking about differ in their
China are expected to have access to these There are some tangible reasons why level of economic development, resources
delivery services if everything goes to this sector is so underdeveloped in rural and infrastructure. It is not possible to
areas. Express delivery companies operate impose a one-size-fits-all model for every
according to the rules of the market. Their village.
primary goal is to make money, an under- All available resources should be made
Dear Readers, standable motivation. But when it comes to
rural areas, villages often live far from each
use of. Not all infrastructure needs to be
built from scratch. Existing supermarkets
Forum is a other. This differs greatly from the high can be used as delivery outposts, while
concentration of homes and businesses some villages already have collection
column that in the city, and inevitably increases service points. Existing services should be stan-
provides a space costs. dardized as part of a larger network.
for varying Smaller populations mean smaller busi- Li Hong ( While for many
ness opportunities, and the demand for of us express delivery has become an es-
perspectives on delivery services in rural areas is currently sential part of daily life, the inconvenience,
contemporary not stable enough to persuade companies high costs and low profit margin of send-
to set up branches to cater for these areas. ing and receiving packages in rural areas
Chinese society. During the harvest, the demand for such have impeded the entry of modern courier
We invite you to services may increase, but for the rest services into villages. The problem of the
submit personal of the year there might be a significant last kilometer remains unsolved, and has
reduction in business. A lack of adequate prevented many rural consumers from
viewpoints on past transport infrastructure also poses a major shopping online, as well as farmers from
and current topics challenge to delivery companies in some selling their products on the Internet.
(in either English regions. The vast rural areas are home to a
Although China’s transportation net- large proportion of the population, and if
or Chinese). work has made great headway in recent courier services are unable to reach them, decades, some rural areas remain difĶcult the sector has a long way to go. Local gov-
to reach, particularly in the central and ernments should offer subsidies to help
Please provide your name western parts of the country. These access companies overcome the obstacles while
and address along with issues are compounded by the fact that the businesses must sacrifice short-term
your comments agricultural products often require speedier proĶt for long-term interests.
transportation than other commodities. Companies, in particular, should look

further into the future. Delivering parcels in deliver to rural addresses, they do so only and encourage farmers to start their own
rural areas takes longer than in the cities, every week or two at best. Rural residents businesses. This, in turn, may convince
which undoubtedly increases the costs for thus find it hard to order things and sell migrant workers, college graduates and
these businesses. We cannot expect them their agricultural products to cities online. military veterans to return to their home-
to give up profit for nothing in exchange. While many are good at marketing their towns.
However, in the long run, those willing to tap wares via live-streaming platforms, the lack For now, efforts to promote courier
into the vast rural market may make a lot of of logistics for e-commerce is dampening services and e-commerce in rural areas are
money once the network is fully developed. their ambition of becoming rich. hampered by a lack of professionals, under-
If villagers want to expedite the conve- The way out is for local governments developed infrastructure, a weak industrial
nience of 21st-century delivery services, to offer good policies and Ķnancial support. base and high costs.
they can also contribute to the develop- Hi-tech means should also be employed, Given this reality, it is important for lo-
ment of the industry. They can choose a including the use of drones. Since SPB is cal governments to offer more support to
local site to serve as a collection point, both encouraging courier services to enter rural online shops and delivery companies, so
for sending and receiving parcels. They can that they can more easily do business in vil-
areas, all parties should make an effort to
lages. Companies need to establish logistic
also Ķnd employment as local deliverymen. seize this opportunity for development.
models Ķt for rural areas, which might differ
For courier services to successfully Zhang Lianzhou (Economic Daily):
dramatically from the ones they currently
operate in villages, everyone needs to con- Rural dwellers are important online shop- use in cities.
tribute their ideas and effort. pers, contributing significantly to the Once an express delivery network is
Zou Xuxin (People’s Daily): Thanks to thriving e-commerce industry in China. established, the rural population will be
the rapid development of the Internet, e- However, the difĶculty couriers face reach- able to purchase and sell online more con-
commerce is now an effective way to lift ing these villages not only hinders the veniently. Express delivery services in rural
people out of poverty. But e-commerce and delivery business’ development, but makes areas can not only make people’s life more
express delivery are interdependent. The online shopping for villagers more inconve- convenient, but also become a force to
scattered distribution of houses, bad roads nient than their urban counterparts. boost regional economic growth. Q
and poor infrastructure in the countryside If express delivery services covered the
are preventing a successful synthesis of vast rural areas, this improvement in logis- Copyedited by Laurence Coulton
the two. Where these services are willing to tics would also boost rural consumption AUGUST 6, 2020 BEIJING REVIEW 47

Changing Old Habits

By Dickson David Agbaji

n May 1, Beijing started implementing
its mandatory domestic waste sorting
regulation passed at the end of 2019.
Affecting over 21 million residents, this rule is
part of the Central Government’s garbage classi-
Ķcation plan aiming to recycle 35 percent of the
waste generated in 46 cities, including Beijing
and Shanghai, by this year.
Every Beijing resident must separate
their household trash into four groups:
kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other
waste. The city administration can penalize
those who fail to follow the scheme. The
penalties include fines for individuals and
heavier ones for businesses, which could
go up to 50,000 yuan ($7,147) depending
on the frequency.
The municipal government has taken
several steps to implement and publicize
the garbage-sorting practices. Different
stakeholders like real estate and property
management firms are responsible for
their residential communities and public
building owners for their assets. Different
community activities are being organized A student shares garbage-sorting information with her peers at a primary school in Beijing on June 1
like enlisting volunteers to explain garbage-
municipal government’s work and ability to construct sanitation facilities and holding
sorting to residents and to monitor the
learn from the good examples of other cit- regular meetings to resolve any problem
differently colored waste bins placed stra-
ies like Shanghai. Shanghai, a city with over arising from promoting the facilities.
tegically around the city.
26 million and generating over 9 million It should also increase its collaboration
The green bins are intended for
tons of household waste every year, was with non-governmental organizations and
kitchen waste, blue for recyclables, red
the first to implement the regulation on other social groups to select and train vol-
for hazardous waste, and grey for other unteers who would educate residents and
waste. Children and youths have also been July 1, 2019.
Making the rules and setting a time- ensure proper waste disposal at the public
included in the awareness process. They waste bins. These volunteers can also relay
volunteer to make handicrafts and play fun line are only the first step. To reach the
established goals Beijing must improve its feedback to the government.
games to encourage garbage sorting in Beijing could also adopt an incentive
their communities. community engagement since the initia-
tive is more about changing residents’ structure like Shanghai’s Green Account to
These steps are required because the promote waste sorting. This is an automat-
city’s waste disposal facilities are operat- waste management habits. This should
ed credit-goods exchange system where
ing at maximum capacity as the waste be pursued on all fronts both online and
residents receive credits for correctly sort-
grows. The city produced 9.3 million tons ofßine.
ing their waste, which they can exchange
of household waste in 2018. Waste segre- A step in the right direction is the
for some goods.
gation, according to the China Association Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Waste classiĶcation is an essential part
of Urban Environmental Sanitation, will Management’s cooperation with a pri- of the Chinese Government’s Ķght against
reduce two thirds of waste, cut the disposal vate company to launch Beijing Garbage environmental degradation, and Beijing is
cost and reduce the amount of waste Sorting, a mini-program on WeChat. Users now on course to contribute to this. Q
buried in landĶlls. This, in turn, will reduce can determine how to categorize their
the production of leachate, which pollutes waste by inputting the items or uploading a
the air and contaminates underground photograph. The author is a Yenching Academy scholar at Peking
aquifers. The municipal government should en- University from Nigeria
Beijing’s success in implementing the gage in more neighborhood effect plans Copyedited by Sudeshna Sarkar
garbage classiĶcation rules depends on the by collaborating with communities to Comments to


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