Eccentrically-Loaded Short Columns Using Interaction Diagrams

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Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.

8 Columns

Eccentrically-Loaded Short Columns

Using Interaction Diagrams

The design of eccentrically loaded columns using compatibility method of analysis requires that
a trial column to be selected, for which combination of Pu and Mu pairs are determined to
construct an interaction diagram. With the aid of computers several interaction diagrams can be
introduced for different geometries and different reinforcement distributions. Such diagrams can
be used directly as design aids. The ACI Design Handbook (ACI SP-17) introduces interaction
diagrams for rectangular and circular columns with different material properties and different
reinforcement distributions. The design and analysis of columns with axial loads and moments
using interaction diagrams is discussed in this lecture. The interaction diagrams for the case of 4
ksi (28 MPa) concrete compressive strength and steel yield strength of 420 MPa are attached in
the end of the lecture.

How to Use the Interaction Diagrams:

Choose the adequate diagram according to the value of ( , fy, Ɣ and section shape)

Ɣh=h - 2cover - 2Øtie – Øb Ɣh=h - 2cover - 2Øspiral - Øb

where h is in the same direction of the eccentricity e.

Uniaxially Loaded Columns:

Analysis Procedure:

1. Calculate Ɣ. 2. Find 3. ρg = 4. From crossing and ρg find Kn

where Kn=

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns
Then find the load capacity Pn and the moment capacity Mn , where Mn = Pn×e

Design Procedure:

(A) Select trial cross section dimensions (b, h)

1. Calculate Ɣ.

2. Calculate Kn= and Rn=

3. From Kn and Rn crossing, find g

4. Calculate Ast=ρg Ag

2. Calculate Kn= and e= then

3. From Kn and crossing, find g

4. Calculate Ast=ρg Ag

(B) Select the reinforcement ratio ρg

1. Choose a trial value of (h) and calculate ( ⁄ ) and (Ɣ).

2. From crossing (ρg) with ( ⁄ ), find (Kn). Kn= then find Ag

3. From Ag find b = ⁄
4. Check the trial value of (h) if necessary 5. Ast= ρg Ag

Find the maximum load Pn the column shown below can carry if e = 400 mm, =28 MPa and
fy= 420 MPa.

Sol .)
Ɣh = 420 – 2×40 – 2×10 – 25 = 295 mm

Ɣ= = = 0.7

( )
( )

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns

From the interaction diagram shown above

Kn = 0.11

Pn = 776160 N = 776.2 kN
Mn = Pn.e = 776.2 ×0.4 = 310.5 kN.m

Ex.2) Design the reinforcement of a short braced column having a square cross-section with side
length of 400 mm to support a factored load of 2000 kN and a factored moment of 160 kN.m.
Use =28 MPa and fy= 420 MPa. Distribute the reinforcement on two sides only.
Sol .)
Assume using Φ20 mm bars and Φ10 mm ties.

Ɣh = 400-2×40-2×10-20 = 280 mm and Ɣ= = = 0.7

From the interaction diagram shown below and by the intersection of Kn with e/h:
> 0.01

Or calculate Rn= and intersect Kn with Rn as shown below in the interaction diagram to

have the same result.

Ast= ρg Ag =0.017(400×400) = 2720 mm2

N= = 8.66 Use 10Ø20

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns
Lateral Reinforcement (Ties): 400 mm
S =16×bar diameter = 16×20 = 320 mm (Controls)
S = 48×Tie diameter = 48×10 = 480 mm
S = Least dimension = 400 mm 400 mm Φ10@320

Ex.3) A short square column is a part of a braced frame and is subjected to a total factored load
of 2500 kN and a factored moment of 100 kN.m. Design the column so that the reinforcement is
distributed uniformly along the four sides of the section. Use =28 MPa and fy= 420 MPa.
Sol .)
For such case, either the section side length or the reinforcement ratio should be assumed first.
The compressive strength can be used as an initial indicator to assume the column cross-
sectional area. This can be conducted by assuming that the concrete is stressed in compression to
0.6 for example.
Assume that the column is stresses in compression to 0.6 = 0.6(28) = 16.8 MPa.
Thus, the required section area to withstand this stress is:

, hence b = h = 385.8
Thus, use 400 × 400 mm cross section.
Assume using Φ20 mm bars and Φ10 mm ties.
Ɣh = 400-2×40-2×10-20 = 280 mm and Ɣ= = = 0.7

From the interaction diagram shown below and by the intersection of Kn with e/h:
> 0.01

Or calculate Rn= and intersect Kn with Rn as shown below in the interaction diagram

to have the same result.

Ast= ρg Ag =0.019(400×400) = 3040 mm2

400 mm
N= = 9.68
Use 12Ø20 (4 at each side)
Lateral Reinforcement (Ties): 400 mm 12Φ20 Φ10@320
S =16×bar diameter = 16×20 = 320 mm (Controls) mm
S = 48×Tie diameter = 48×10 = 480 mm
S = Least dimension = 400 mm

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns

Biaxially Loaded Columns:

In the previous lectures, it was discussed that the existence of pure axial force is difficult.
Therefore, in most cases columns are subjected to load plus moment. In most cases, the moment
is about both of the cross-section’s axes. This type of column is considered under axial force
plus biaxial moment. The figure below illustrates this case, where figure (a) shows the loading
case, while figures (b), (c), and (d) show the cases of moments about x-axis, y-axis, and both
axes, respectively.
Mux=Pn . ey and Muy=Pn . ex

The following figure shows the

interaction diagram for compression
plus biaxial bending, (a) uniaxial
bending about y-axis, (b) uniaxial
bending about x-axis, (c) biaxial
bending about diagonal axis, and (d)
interaction surface.
Loads: axial load + moment in x-
direction + moment in y-direction

λ= tan-1

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 22

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns
The main difficulty of determining interaction diagrams for plane λ, is that N.A will not in
general be perpendicular to the resultant eccentricity drawn from the column centre to the load
P. Alternatively, there are many approximate design methods for columns subjected to biaxial
bending with axial loads:-
1. Bresler's method (Reciprocal load method).
2. Load Counter method.
3. Raw and Paulay method. (Only Bresler's method shall be considered)

Bresler's Method (Reciprocal Load Method):

Pn= Approximate value of nominal load in biaxial bending with ex and ey.
Pnx= Nominal load when only Mx (ex=0) is presented with P.
Pny=Nominal load when only My (ey=0) is presented with P.
Po= Nominal load of concentrically loaded column.

1. If Pn ≥ 0.1 Po OK.
2. Pn shall satisfy the following:
ØPn < 0.85ØPo (Spirally reinforced column)
ØPn < 0.8ØPo (Tied column)
3. ØPn shall be equal to or greater than applied load Pu (ØPn ≥ Pu)

Ex.4) Check the adequacy of the trial design shown below, where Pu = 2000 kN, Mux =340 kN.m
and Muy =200 kN.m . Use =28 MPa and fy= 420 MPa.

Sol .)
1) For moment about x-axis (ex=0)
Mux = 340 kN.m , b = 430 mm and h = 630 mm

⁄ = 170/630 = 0.27
Ast =10×616=6160 mm2

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns

( )

From interaction diagram,

Pnx = 0.61(28) 430(630) = 4626972 N Thus, Pnx = 4627 kN

2) For moment about y-axis (ey=0)
Muy= 200 kN.m, b = 630 mm and h=430 mm

( )
From interaction diagram, Kn=0.65
Pny = 0.65(28)630(430) 10-3 = 4930 kN
3) Concentrically loaded column (ex = ey = 0)
Po = [0.85fc' (Ag-Ast)+fyAst] = [0.85×28(430×630-6160)+420×6160] ×10-3 = 8888 kN

Pn=3261 kN

For tied column Ø=0.65 Thus,

ØPn=0.65×3261=2120 kN

0.8ØPo=0.8×0.65×8888=4621 kN Thus,

ØPn=2120 < 0.8ØPo = 4621 OK.

ØPn=2120 kN > applied load = Pu=2000 kN ̇ Column is adequate.

Design of biaxial column:

In the text books there are several approximations to design a column subjected to biaxial
bending moment. One of these approximation procedures, which is suitable for square columns
is presented in the following example. In this method, the values of both Mnx and Mny are
assumed to act about both the x-axis and the y-axis so that:
Mx = My = Mnx + Mny
The steel is selected about one of the axes and is spread around the column. Then after, the
Bresler’s formula is used to check the ultimate load capacity of the column.

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns

Ex.5) Find the required reinforcement for a square column with side length of 600 mm to carry
the following loads: Pu = 2000 kN, Mux =320 kN.m and Muy =280 kN.m. Use =28 MPa and fy=
420 MPa.
Sol .)
A- Design the Columns
If 20 mm diameter bars and 10 mm diameter stirrups are used, then:
( )

Mu = Mux + Muy = 320 + 280 = 600 kN.m

From the suitable interaction diagram and by the intersection of Kn with e/h.

Or calculate Rn= and intersect Kn with Rn as shown below in the interaction diagram

to have the same result.

> 0.01

Ast= ρg Ag =0.012(600×600) = 4320 mm2 Thus, N= = 13.75

Use 16Ø20 (5 at each side)

600 mm
Lateral Reinforcement (Ties):
S =16×bar diameter = 16×20 = 320 mm
600 mm 16Φ20 Φ10@320
S = 48×Tie diameter = 48×10 = 480 mm
S = Least dimension = 600 mm

B- Check the columns:

1) For moment about x-axis (ex=0)
Mux = 320 kN.m , b = 600 mm and h = 600 mm

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 26

Design of Reinforced Concrete II Lec.8 Columns
⁄ = 160/600 = 0.27
Ast =16×314=5024mm2 and

( )

From interaction diagram,

Pnx = 0.54(28) 600(600) 10-3 = 5443 kN

2) For moment about y-axis (ey=0)

Muy= 280 kN.m,

From the same interaction diagram, Kn=0.6
Pny = 0.6(28)600(600) 10-3 = 6048 kN

3) Concentrically loaded column (ex = ey = 0)

Po = [0.85×28(600×600-5024)+420×5024] ×10-3 = 10558 kN

Pn=3931 kN

ØPn=0.65×3931=2556 kN and 0.8ØPo=0.8×0.65×10558=5490 kN,

ØPn=2556 < 0.8ØPo = 5490 OK.

ØPn=2556 kN > applied load = Pu=2000 kN ̇ Column is adequate.

For rectangular sections, this method may overestimate the required reinforcement if the weak
axis is considered, which is not economical. Oppositely, it may underestimate the required
reinforcement if the strong axis is considered, which is not safe. Therefore, it is better to
consider the above design approximation about the weak axis, which will overestimate the
reinforcement for the moment about the strong axis. Then after, this moment is multiplied by b/h
to design the weak axis.

Prof. Dr. Sallal R. Abid Wasit University - Civil Engineering Department. 67

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