R.D.Rajpal School Academic Planner (2019-20) Class Vii April & May

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Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary Reader: Ch1, When Wishes Come True , Lady Clare
MCB: Unit 1 : The One who survived Ada Blackjack, Packing, Trains
Grammar-1.Sentence structure, 2.More about clause, 3. Determiners
Writing skills :Notice Writing, Message Writing, Letter writing (Informal & Formal)
Vocabulary: Find a few compound words
Activity 1: Compose a poem on ” The favourite Flower” and type it on A4 size paper with your own
Activity 2: Introduce Self, make speeches /reproduce speeches of great speakers.
Hindi पाठ-१हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के , पाठ-२ दादी मााँ, पाठ-३ हहमालय की बेटियााँ
व्याकरण-भाषा हिचार, हहंदी भाषा और व्याकरण, िणण हिचार और उच्चारण, संज्ञा, शब्द हिचार,
अपटठत गद्ांश| पाठ-१४ खान पान की बदलती तसिीर (के िल पढने के हलए)
क्रियाकौशल- क्रिया कौशल –अपनी दादी मााँ पर एक अनुच्छेद हलखो |
Maths Ch-1 Integers, Ch-2 Fractions & Decimals, Ch-3 Data Handling.
Activity 1: To represent the data in tabular form and represent it by a bar graph.
PROJECT: To prepare a board game on integers. (like snakes and ladders)
Science Ch-1Nutrition in plants,
Ch-3 Fibre to fabric,
Ch- 2Nutrition in Animals
Ch -16 Water-Precious natural resource
Activity 1: Collect information and paste any two types of fabrics obtained from different sources
(animals/plants). OR
Activity 2: To test the action of saliva on starch.
Social Science Ch 1- The Medieval World (History) Ch 2- The Sultanate Period (History)
Ch 1- Our Environment (Geography) Ch 3- The Changing Earth (Geography)
Ch 1- Democracy (Social and Political Life)
Activity:1 Engage with different key concepts using meaningful explanation and appropriate resources.
Activity2: Prepare projects on dynasties/kingdoms/administrative reforms and architecture specialities of
sultanate period.
Sanskrit साहित्य- पाठं - १अनु करणशीला: वानरा:, पाठं - २ कश्मीरप्रान्तं, पाठं - ३ एकतायांएवबलम्,
पाठ-४ बुद्धिमानकाक:
व्याकरण – पाठ-१ उच्चारणस्थानाहन , पाठ-५ वणण-हवन्यास:-संयोग: च |
सिणनाम शब्द: ककं (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु० )
गहतहिहि- कक्षामेंपछ
ू ेगएिणोंकाउच्चारणस्थानबतानातथापुस्तकमेंक्रदएगएश्लोककासस्िरिाचनकरना |
French Leçon-0 Découvrons la France, Leçon-1 Belles Images
Savoir-faire : Identifier quelques symboles de France. L’accord des adjectifs. Le
Activity Mettez les 15 phrases en pluriel et utilisez le pluriel des noms .

Computers Ch-1 Number System, Ch-2 Formula & functions

Lab Activity I Prepare a presentation on ”MS-Office”
Lab Activity 2 Prepare a presentation on “Formulas and Functions”

Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary Reader: The Happy Prince ,The Umbrella Man
MCB: Unit 2:The Diary of Anne, School Breaks Up, The Flower School
Grammar:,Ch-4 Quantifying Determiner, Ch-5 Pronouns. Ch-6 Adjectives and Adverbs
Writing skills: Message Writing, Hinted story, Letter (Formal)
Vocabulary: Write 5 adjectives each for your school and your home.
Activity 1: Prepare an itinerary on a city you would like to visit. Plan a two day itinerary for a trip to
that city.
Activity 2: Share experiences such as journeys, visits etc.
Hindi पाठ-४ कठपुतली, पाठ-५ हमठाईिाला ,रक्त और हमारा शरीरव्याकरण- उपसगण, प्रत्यय, अपटठत
पद्ांश, पत्र लेखन |
क्रियाकौशल- फे रीिालों की क्रदनचयाण क्या है? इस हिषय पर कक्षा में चचाण करें |
Maths Ch-4 Simple Equations, Ch-5 Lines & Angles

Activity 2: To classify pair of angles formed by two lines intersected by a transversal, then show that
each pair of vertically opposite angles are equal.
Activity 3: To provide situations from daily life that leads to setting up of equations and finding their

Science Chapter-5---Acids, Bases and Salts.

Chapter-6---Physical and Chemical changes.
Chapter-13--Time and Motion
Activity3: To show that, in a chemical change ,one or more substances with entirely new chemical
composition and properties are formed.
Activity:4 To plot a distance-time graph for different types of motions.(uniform, non-uniform and
Social Science Ch 1- Pillars of Democracy,
Ch 4- Major land forms
Ch 5- The Great Mughals

Activity1: Enact/dramatise key events of the Mughal period.

Activity2 Use diagrams / models / visuals /audio visual materials for understanding of different types
of landforms.
Sanskrit पाठ-५- भारतं पवाणणां दे श:, पाठ-९प्रत्यय |
व्याकरण –पाठ-७ समयलेखनम्पाठ-८ संख्या (१-३०), पत्र वणणनं |
शब्दरूप - मुहन, नदी |
िातुरूप –(पा, पत्, स्मृ, नृत,् अस् ) तीनोंलकारों (लि् , लृि्,लङ्ग में )

French Leçon-2 Voici Paul. Leçon-3 Les habits.

Savoir-faire :Décrirequelqu’un. Savoir conjuguer les trois groupes de verbes- (er,ir et re)
Le vocabulaire
Activity En utilisant la position des adjectifs mettez 5 phrases en singulier et 5 phrases en pluriel
Computers Ch- 3 Advance features of Excel, Ch -4 Log on to Animate CC
Lab Activity I: Create an animated Rainy Day Scene using Adobe Animate CC
Lab Activity II: Prepare a worksheet with chart showing annual purchase order of a company.
Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary Reader: In the Bazars of Hyderabad, Princess September
MCB: Unit 3: The Summit Within, Something Wonderful Happens When U Plant a Seed,
The Ballad of Mulan
Grammar: Ch-7 Present Form, Ch-8 Past Forms, Ch-9 Future Forms, Ch-11 Modals
Writing skills: Notice, Letter writing (formal letter ),Paragraph
Vocabulary: Write ten homonyms and use them in sentences.
Activity 1: Make a collage on various ways to prevent animal attack.
Activity 2: Summarise a story or an event (Newspaper activity)
Hindi पाठ-६ पाठ-७ पापा खो गए (के िल पढने के हलए) पाठ-८ शाम-एक क्रकसान , पाठ-९ हचहिया की बच्ची|
व्याकरण- सिणनाम, हलंग, िचन, मुहािरे(१-१५), समास(हिगु, िंद, अव्ययीभाि), औपचाटरक पत्र लेखन,
अनुच्छेद लेखन|
Maths Ch-6 Triangles & its Properties, Ch-7 Congruence of triangles
Activity 4: To verify the SAS criterion for congruence of triangles.

Activity 5: To verify that if a side of a triangle is produced, the exterior so formed is equal to the sum
of the two interior opposite angles.

Science Ch-7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate

Ch 4 Heat and its Effects
Ch- 9Soil
Activity5: To show that a black body absorbs and emits heat better than a white body. OR
Activity6: To measure the percolation rate of water in soil.
Social Science Ch41- Regional Kingdoms-2,
Ch 5- Composition and structure of Atmosphere
Ch 3- Democracy in action

Activity1: Participate in a discussion on the concepts of democracy and equality.

Activity2: Discuss and share observations and experiences on various aspects of the environment
Sanskrit पाठ-६ यक्ष-युहिहिर संवाद: , पाठ – ७हवद्याया: मािात्म्यम् |
व्याकरण- पाठ-२ संहि, पाठ- ९ उपपदहवभक्तयः, पाठ- १० प्रत्यया:, हचत्रवणणनं|
शब्दरुप- भानु सवण नाम शब्द: हकं (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु० )|
िातु रूप – अस्, हस् (लि्, लृि्, लङ्ग लकार में) |
गहतहिहि- हिद्ा से संबहं ित श्लोक याद करो |

French Leçon-4 Les animaux du zoo. Leçon-5 Quel temps- fait ?

Savoir-faire : Montrer sa possession. Apprendre les expressions avec faire et avoir.
Le vocabulaire
Activity Conjuguez 5 – IR verbs et 5- GER verbes

Computers Ch-5 Working with layers

Lab Activity I: Create a Flash animation to create a Tint tween effect and shape tween effect on a text.
Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Revision for Mid-term exams.
Maths Revision for Mid-term exams.
Hindi Revision for Mid-term exams
Science Revision for Mid-term exams.
S.St: Revision for Mid-term exams.
Computer Revision for Mid-term exams.
Sanskrit Revision for Mid-term exams.
French Revision for Mid-term exams.
Academic Planner (2019-20)

Subjects Syllabus to be covered

English Literary Reader: The Night we won the Buick, Two’s Company
MCB: Unit 4: The Slayer of Lives, Flames in the Forest,The Fog,
Grammar: Ch12- Comparisons, Ch-13 Passive Voice, Ch-15 Reported Speech
Writing skills: Paragraph, Notice, Letter Writing(formal)
Vocabulary: Write the full form of ten abbreviations.
Activity 1: Make a collage creating awareness about the particular natural
Activity 2: Learn vocabulary associated with various professions e.g. Mason, Cobbler, Blacksmith,
Baker, Chauffer etc.
Hindi पाठ-१३ एक हतनका,
व्याकरण- क्रिया, िाक्य, लोकोहक्तयााँ(१०-२०), अपटठत गद्ांश, अनुच्छेद लेखन |
क्रियाकौशल- हिहिि प्रान्तों से सम्बंहित व्यंजनों की एक सूची बनाओ |
Maths Ch-8 Comparing Quantities, Ch-9 Rational numbers

Activity 6: To provide daily life situations based on profit/loss that shows the use of percent.

Science Ch- 9 Soil (continue)

Ch-12Reproduction in Plants
Ch-17 Forests: Our lifeline.
Activity7: Case study about Chipko movement. OR
Activity8: To collect any two types of seed and identify its mode of dispersal on the basis of its
Social Science Ch 4 State Government Ch 2- Inside Our Earth
Ch 6 – Monumental architecture Ch-5 Role of Media

Activity1: Prepare newspaper collages about the work being done by the state government on some
Activity2 Collect samples and identify different types of rocks from the vicinity.

Sanskrit पाठ-८ त्यद्धभभक्षा वृ हतं , पाठं -१० सुभाहिताहन |

शब्दरूप- तत् (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु० )|
िातुरूप- रक्ष्, स्था, दृश् (लि्, लृि्, लङ्ग लकार में) |
गहतहिहि- क्रदए गये िाक्यों में अशुहि संशोिन करना |

French Leçon-6 Au travail Leçon-7 Chez Clara

Savoir-faire- Parler des professions, Répondre au negative. Faire des phrases avec les
Le vocabulaire.
Activity Mettez les phrases en utilisant les profession. Dixphrases

Computers Ch -6 Introducing Python

Lab Activity I Prepare a presentation on “Python”

Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary Reader: Experiments, The Daffodils
MCB Unit 5: The Wrong House, The Too many Professors ,The Muddle head,
Grammar: Ch,-16 Conjunctions, Ch-17 Prepositions,
Writing skills:, Notice , Letter writing (Formal)
Vocabulary: Add any one letter to the words and change the meaning, for
eg. ‘Ink’ can be made ‘pink’
Activity 1: Create a collage expressing ideas of the various situations that
amuse you and make your life.
Activity 2: Interpret tables, charts, diagrams and maps and incorporate the information in writing. (
Magazine activity)
Hindi पाठ-१५ नीलकं ठ, पाठ- १६ भोर और बरखा,
व्याकरण- संहि, अपटठत गद्ांश, अपटठत पद्ांश, औपचाटरक पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन |
क्रियाकौशल- महादेिी िमाण की क्रकन्ही दो कहिताओं का संकलन करो|

Maths Ch-10 Practical geometry, Ch-11 Perimeter & Area

Activity 7: To draw a line parallel to a given line from a point outside it.

To find the circumference of a circle and to suggest the relation between the diameter and
Activity 8:
circumference of a circle
Science Chapter-10----Respiration in Organisms.
Chapter- 14--- Electric Current and its Effect
Activity:9 To make an electromagnet OR
To write word equation for chemical reactions occurring in respiration.
Social Science Ch-9 Religious Beliefs CH-9 Human Environment
Ch-6 Advertising
Activity1: Do projects [ solo,pair or group] about types of advertisement about the need to save
Visit to nearby dargah/ gurudwara/ temple associated with bhakti and sufi saints and
Activity2: discuss the basic facts.

Sanskrit पाठ -११ चत्वार: प्रश्ना: |

व्याकरण- पाठ-६ पयाणय(१-२५), हवपयणयः (१-२०) पाठ-११ अशुद्धिशोिनम्|
िातुरूप- हवहिहलङ् लकार में |
शब्द रूप – हपतृ, मातृ |
गहतहिहि- संस्कृ त में अनुस्िार का अभ्यास करो|

French Leçon-8 La maison de Marie.

Savoir-faire :Décrire la maison. . Les phrases avec A.C. Verbes utilize avec les articles
contractés .Le vocabulaire
Activity –re ending verbs. –tir verbs

Computers Ch -7 More on Python

Lab Activity I: Create a program in Python to find if a year is a Leap year or not.
Lab Activity II: Write a program in Python to find the product of two numbers x and y , where x=200
and y=300
Academic Planner (2019-20)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary reader: I Never Forget A Face,
MCB: Unit6: Guilty, The Face on the Wall,
Grammar: Ch-19 Vocabulary
Writing skills: letter(formal and informal), notice, Diary entry
Vocabulary: Write 10 words which consist of one silent letter for e.g. know.
Activity 1: Write a story on the “ Old Monuments and works”
Activity 2: Dictate unedited draft text, revise and write with appropriate punctuation marks.
Hindi पाठ- पाठ-१७ िीर कुं िर हसंह,
व्याकरण- संहि, अपटठत गद्ांश, अपटठत पद्ांश, औपचाटरक पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन |
क्रियाकौशल- सन १८५७ की िांहत में भाग लेने िाले क्रकन्ही दो स्ितंत्रता सेनाहनयों का संहक्षप्त पटरचय दो|
Maths Ch-12 Algebraic expressions, Ch-14 Symmetry

Activity 9: To drive a formula for the area of a triangle, given its base and height.

Science Chapter-11---Transportation in Plants and Animals.

Chapter-19---Wastewater Story
Activity:10 To calculate the pulse rate. OR
To construct a model on stethoscope using material from surrounding.
Social Science Ch 11 Political Formations in the eighteen century
Ch 7 Markets around us
Ch-8 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Sanctuaries
Activity1: Explore map work on some national parks and wildlife Sanctuaries.

Activity2: Prepare a project on goods travel through various market places.

Sanskrit पाठ- १२ शठे शाठ्यंसमाचरे त् |

गतततिति- अस्माकम्दे श: तिषय पर दस िाक्य तिखो |

French Leçon-9 Bon appétit !
Savoir-faire : Les repas. Exprimer la quantité.
Le vocabulaire
Activity Mettez les cinq phrasesaffirmatifs et les cinq phrases négatifs en utilisant les articles
Computers Ch -8 More on CSS3
Ch -9 Using Lists and Tables in HTML5

Lab Activity I: Create a Web page to display the details of your classmates in a tabular format.
Academic Planner (2017-19)
Subjects Syllabus to be covered
English Literary Reader: Michael
MCB: The Listeners
Grammar: Ch- Idioms and phrases, Ch-20 Sentence Structure
Writing skills: letter, notice,
Vocabulary: Frame ten sentences using the opposite words simultaneously.
Activity 1: Write a conversation between the two ghost listeners and a dialogue so that the story
behind the travellers visit becomes clear.
Activity 2: Use English newspaper as a resource to develop listening and reading comprehension and
frame questions based on the passage given in the newspaper.
Hindi पाठ-१८ संघषण के कारण मैं तुनक ु हमजाज़ हो गया:िनराज, पाठ-१९ आश्रम का अनुमाहनत व्यय(के िल
पढने के हलए), पाठ-२० हिप्लि गायन (के िल पढने के हलए)
व्याकरण- अनेकाथणक(१०-२०), मुहािरे(१५-३०) समास(तत्पुरुष, कमणिारय, बहुव्रीहह), औपचाटरक पत्र
लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन |
क्रियाकौशल- गााँिी जी ने अहखल भारतीय कांग्रस े सहहत कई संस्थाओं ि आन्दोलनों का नेतत्ृ ि क्रकया, कु छ ऐसे
आंदोलनों की कक्षा में चचाण करें |
Maths Ch-13 Exponents & Power Ch- 15 Visualizing solid shapes

Activity 10: To draw isometric sketches of 3D objects.

Science Chapter-15---Light.

Activity:11 To conduct simple investigation to show that white light consists of seven colours. OR
To Construct a model of newton’s disc using material from surrounding and explain its working.
Social Science Ch-7 Towns, Traders And Craft men (History)

Activity1: Analyse the causes for the emergence of different types of towns.

Sanskrit पाठ-१३- मातृ भूहम: जयतु |

हचत्रवणणनम्, पत्र लेखनं , वाताणलाप |
िातुरूप : हिहिहलङ्लकार में |
गहतहवहि- हिहि हलङ्लकार में िाक्य रचना का अभ्यास कीहजये |

French Leçon-10 Ma Ville , mon quartier.

Savoir-faire : Apprendre à poser des questions en utilisant Est-ce-que ?
Le vocabulaire
Activity Décrivez votre Ville. Les verbs irréguliers.

Computers Ch -10 Cyber Safety

Lab Activity I: Prepare a power point presentation on the topic –“Cyber Safety “
Academic Planner (2017-19)
Class VII February

Revision for Final Examinations.

R.D. Rajpal School

Class VII: Academic Planner (2019-20)

Month Syllabus to be Covered

April & General Warming up exercise jogging, running &Simple Stretching exercise, Game:
May Basketball; latest General rules of the game, Fundamental Skill of Basketball
like:Handlingball,Passing,Pivoting,Dribbling,Shooting,Rebounding,Defensive Attack etc.
Participation in exercise schedules for improving different motor components namely
speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and coordinative abilities.
July General Warming up exercise jogging, running &Simple Stretching exercise, Game:
Badmintion.Fundamental skill Of Badminton like Grip of the racket, Stance Footwork
Pivot, Forehand return. Backhand return etc. .
August Warming –up Cooling down exercise,GameFootball:Fundamental Skill of Football:
Kicking, Ball Control.Dribbling,Tackling,Trapping,Passingetc,Marching:Positions of
Attention Stand at-ease, Right-turn, Left-turn, About-turn, Marching on the spot
(Kadamtal) .
September Warming –up &Cooling down exercise, wining of arms, body rotation, Cooling down
exercise, Game-Throw-ball: Fundamental Skill of Throw ball:Service. Passing,
Smashing,Blocking,etc; Game;Table-Tennis Fundamental Skill of T.T Grip,
Strokes,Service, Tactics etc.
October Game; Yoga Learning and Performing of following Aasana yoga Practices of following
of First-Aid bandaging, PRICE -Prevention,Rest,ice,Compressor,Elevation and
November Game-Athletics; practices for position of on your mark and GO,TrackEvents,100Mt
200Mt Long distance running: jumps(long jump, high jump)Throwing Events: Shot Put,
Discuss Throw etc. Minor Games. Leg Cricket, Doges ball,10 time ball passing, Game-
Taekwondo Fundamental Skill of Taekwondo,FrontKick.SideKick,Backkick,Round house
kick, Reverse round house kick. and Self defense for Student.
December General Warming up exercise jogging, running &Simple Stretching exercise, Cooling
down exercise Game-Cricket; Fundamental Skill of Cricket; Batting, Strokes, Bowling,
Fielding Wicket-keeping ,Pull,Cut,etc Game; Yoga Learning and Performing of following
Aasana yoga Practices of following SurayaNamasakar,Padamasana,Shalabhasna,
Sarvangasana,Chakrasana etc.
January Marching: Positions of Attention Stand- at-ease, Right-turn, Left-turn, About-turn,
Marching on the spot(Kadamtal) Minor Games. Leg Cricket, Doges ball, Relay race,etc
February Warming –up& Cooling down exercise, wining of arms, body rotation, Game.kho-kho ,
Fundamental skill Of Kho-Kho like give kho,Tapping,Trapping,Diving Fake Kho ,Late
Kho, Front dodging.etc.
Class VII Indian Vocal Music
APRIL-MAY-2019 1. Alankar with its variation practice.
2. Prayer song- Agyaankandheron say
3. Audition for zonal & its practice,
4. Basic theoretical knowledge of Indian vocal music.
JULY-AUG.2019 1.Compositions prepare for students according to the zonal
competitions & inter schoolCompetitions requirement.
2. A Patriotic song.
3.Orientation practice – theme based song.
SEPT.- OCT 2019 1.RagaYaman, its surgumgeet, tans.
3.Revision of theoretical knowledge.
NOV.-DEC.2019 1. According to require performance & assembly practice.
2.Completion & practice of Raga Yaman
3. A Christmas Carol
4. Sanskrit zonal competition.
JAN.- FEB.2019 1. Patriotic song
2. Revision.

Academic Planner (2019-20)

Art & Craft
Introduction about
April'19 art Lines , colours , Value & Shade
Art Elements Brushes , palettes , drawing paper , pencil etc
Drawing Terms Shape & Forms , proportion , prospective
May'19 Still Life Still life using real objects
Nature Study Trees , flowers , Leaves, landscape
Flower Vas, kettle and cup using HB pencil (2b,4b,
July'19 Still Life 8b)
Nature Peacock Drawing (Using pencil colours)
August'19 Nature Drawing Landscape (using transparent medium)
Human Body Ratio of Human Body Parts (Male & Female)
Independence Day Poster on Independence Day, friendship day
9 Face Study Construction of Eyes, Nose & Lips, face anatomy
Painting Thread impression , madhubani painting
Study of eyes , nose , ear in different angles, face
October'19 Angles anatomy
Hand and leg
Construction Life study of hands and Legs movements

November Landscape with charcoal pencil or Compositional

'19 Life Study Market scene
Activity Children day card, Diwali card
December'19 Facial Expression Different Facial Expression
Portrait Famous character, caricature (By line and colour)
Geometrical Different type of Geometrical Pattern using
January'19 Pattern geometrical instruments

Poster Republic Day, Digital India

Slogan writing Calligraphy, educational's slogan
February'19 Folk Art Warli and tanjore painting
Story Making Illustration.
March'19 Logo designing School Logo, product designing
Border designing different types of border's
Photo frame Photo frame making
Magzine Cover Student make their own cover

Class VII Instrumental Music

April May 2019 - National Anthem will be taught.

July August 2019 - Any patriotic song will be taught.
One prayer will be taught.
September October 2019- Rage Yaman will be taught.
November December 2019- Any community song will be taught.
January February 2019 - One Patriotic song will be taught.
One Dhun will be taught.
March 2019- Revision of all previous work will be done

Academic Planner (2019-20)

Class VII Dance

S.No Months Theory Practical

1. Apr to Defination of kavit in classical dance. Kavit used in teen taal. In kathak.
Jun Keharvataal and introduction. Palte used in Kathak dance.
2. Jul to Summary of Choliya folk dance. Basic steps used in Choliya dance.
Sep Summary of Bihu dance. Basic steps used in Bihu dance.
3. Oct to Summary of Kathakali dace. Hip-hop dance in western song.
Dec Summary of Oddisi dance. Jazz in western song.
4. Jan to Dance Projects and Revision of all Practice of all dance forms.
Mar dance forms.
Academic Planner (2019-20)
Class VII Moral Education
Month Syllabus to be covered
April & Staying healthy
Activity : Make a 3- D food pyramid of Balanced diet and its significance to keep body
July Social responsibilities
Activity : Group discussion on Social responsibilities of citizens.
August Appreciating cultural value
Activity : Make an album to show cultural values and its importance of different states.
September Managing time schedule
Activity : Prepare time schedule for a day and for a week to inculcate the value of time.
October Global Challenges
Activity : Prepare a poster on the topic ‘ Global Challenges’.
November Looking beyond failure
Activity : Share own experiences or stories regarding journey of getting success after
December Save Water
Activity : Prepare a slogan on ‘Conservation of water’.
January Understanding Disaster Management
Activity : Make a scrap on managing disaster and its consequences.
PERIODIC TEST- I Schedule (2019-20) Class VII
Subject Pen and Paper Test 50marks Subject Enrichment Notebook(05)
Social Science Ch-1 The medieval World Project will be based on Neatness
(23/04/2019) Ch-2 Democracy holiday homework. Punctuality
Ch-3 The Changing Earth Prepare a collage on Presentation
different land forms OR Map work
Model showing different Diagrams
land forms
Maths Ch- 1 Integers, Project will be based on Neatness
(30/04/2019) Ch-2 Fractions &Decimals holiday assessment Punctuality
Ch-3 Data Handling Presentation
Response towards
teachers remark
Computers Ch -1Number System Prepare a chart on various Neatness
(03-05-19) Ch-2 Formula and function types of Number System or Punctuality
create a chart on Inbuilt Presentation
functions on A3 size sheet. Response towards
teachers remark
Hindi पाठ -१िमपंछीउन्मुक्तगगनके , पठनकौशल : स्वच्छता
(07-05-19) पाठ-२दादीमााँ,पाठ- स्मािण बोर्ण परगद्यांशहदखायाजा समयकीहनिता
३हिमालयकीबेहियााँ , पाठ- येगाI समयानु सार
४कठपुतली , औरउसपरआिाररतप्रश्नपूछेजा भािाईक्षमता
व्याकरण- भािाहवचार, येंगेI (२५/०७/२०१९
हिं दीभािाऔरव्याकरण :
लोम(१-२०), पयाणयवाची(१-१०),
अपहठतगद्यांश,अपहठतपद्यांश |
English MCB: Unit 1 : The One Who Reading passage & Poem Handwriting, Neatness,
(09-07-19) Survived Ada Blackjack, (English Reading and Punctuality, Timely
Lesson 2 Trains Lesson 3 Listening) submission of home
Packing LISTENING SKILL: Audio assignments,
Literary Reader: Ch1 When will be played and based on Responsiveness towards
Wishes Come True , Lady audio clip questions will be correction work.
Clare asked from the students
Grammar:Ch-1 Sentence Project Assessment will be
Structure, Ch-2 More about based on holiday homework.
clause, Ch-3 Determiners
Writing skills: Notice
Writing, Message writing,
Letter Writing (informal)
Sanskrit साहित्य- पाठं - छु हियोंकेगृिकायण केआिारपरमू Neatness
(16-07-19) १अनु करणशीला: वानरा:, पाठं - ल्ांकनहकयाजाएगा | Punctuality
२कश्मीरप्रान्तं, पाठं -
Response towards teachers
३एकतायांएवबलम् ,पाठ- remark
५भारतं पवाणणांदेश:|
व्याकरण– पाठ -
१उच्चारणस्थानाहन , पाठ-
५वणण-हवन्यास:-संयोग: च, पाठ-
७समयलेखनम्, पाठ- ८संख्या
(१-३०तक), पाठ-
९उपपदहवभक्तय: (हितीय,
तृ तीय, चतु थी)
हिन्दीसेसंस्कृतअनु वाद |
शब्दरूप- दे व, राम,
बालक,लता, रमा, फल |हकम
िातु रूप –(पठ , गम् , भू, नम् ,
चल , खाद् , पा) तीनोंलकारों
(लि् , लृि्तथालङ् लकारमें )
छु हियोंकेगृिकायण केआिारपरमू
French Leçon-0 Découvrons la 1. DEVOIR DE VACANCES-
(16/7/19) France, 3 Marks 1. On time submission
Leçon-1 Belles Images Knowledge of concept, clarity, with complete work.
Presentation and originality of 2.Neatness and
work. Presentation
2.Vocabulary enrichment and 3.Handwriting
their pronunciation- 1 Mark 4.Response towards
3. Participation in Class teachers remark
Activity-1Mark 5. Originality of work
Science Ch-1 Nutrition in Plants To make a model on Rain Neatness
(23-07-19) Ch-2 Nutrition in animals. Water Harvesting Plant. (1-10) Punctuality
Ch-3 Fibre to fabric *To make interesting collage Presentation
Ch 16 Water-Precious natural with different type of fibres. Response towards
resource (11-20) teachers remark
*To make a model of an
insectivorous plant. (21-30)

MID TERM EXAM (2019-20) Class VII
Computers Ch-1 Number System
(30-08-19) Ch-2 Formulas and Functions
Ch -4 Log on to Animate CC
Ch-5 Working with layers
Practical: Ch- 3 Advance features of Excel
Sanskrit पाठ -१- अनु करणशीला: वानरा:, पाठ-२ कश्मीरप्रान्तं, पाठ-३ एकतायांबलम पाठ -४
(06-09-19) बुद्धिमान्काक:, पाठ-५ भारतं पवाणणांदेश:, पाठ- ६ यक्ष –युहिहिरसंवाद:,
पाठ-७ हवद्याया: मािात्म्यम्, पाठ-९ प्रत्यय | (२५अङ्क)
व्याकरण- अपहठतगद्यान्श- ( ५अङ्क), पत्रलेखन (५अङ्क ), हचत्रवणणन -(५अङ्क),
अनु प्रयुक्तव्या०- पाठ-१उच्चारणस्थानाहन, पाठ-२ संहि, पाठ- ५ वणण-हवन्यास:-संयोग: च ,
पाठ-७ समयलेखनम्, पाठ-८ संख्या (१-३०तक ) ,पाठ- ९ उपपदहवभक्तय हितीय, तृ तीय,
चतु थी, पञ्चमी) पाठ–१०प्रत्यया: (क्त्वा,तुमुन्, ल्प्) पाठ- ११ अशुद्धिशोिनम् |
शब्दरूप–दे व, राम, लता, रमा, फल, मुहन, नदी |
सवण नामशब्द : हकम् (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु०), तत् (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु०) |
िातु रुप - (गम् , भू, नम, चल्, खाद् , पा, नृ त्,अस्, िस्, रक्ष्, स्था, दृश् ) लि, लृि, लड़लकारों
में (४०अङ्क)
French Leçon-0 Découvrons la France, Leçon-1 Belles Images
0 6/09/19 Leçon-2 Voici Paul. Leçon-3 Les habits.
Leçon-4 Les animaux du zoo. Leçon-5 Quel temps- fait ?

Section-A (Compréhension Écrite) 12 marks Section-B (Production Écrite) 16 marks

Section- C (Grammaire) 40 marks -Leçon-1 , Leçon-2 , Leçon-3 , Leçon-4 , Leçon-5
Le pluriel des noms , L’accord des adjectifs, Les adjectifs , Les parties du corps et le
visage, (er, ir, re , ger) verbes, Les adjectifs possessifs , Les nombres ordinaux, Les saisons,
Les expressions avec Faire et Avoir . Le vocabulaire
Section-D (La culture et La civilisation) 12 marks ,Leçon-0 Découvrons La France

Social Science Ch 1- Pillars of Democracy Ch 2- Major land forms

11/09/2019 Ch 3 The Great Mughals Ch 4- Regional Kingdoms-2
Ch 5- Composition and structure of Atmosphere Ch 6- Democracy in action
Ch-7 The Sultanate Period Ch-8 Our Environment
Ch-9 The Changing Earth
English Section-A (15) Comprehension passage & Poem (15)
(13-09-19) Section-B(15) Formal Letter, Notice, Message Writing, Hinted Story
Section-C (20) Grammar: Ch- Determiners, Ch- Pronouns, Ch- Adjectives and Adverbs,
Ch-Tenses, Ch- Modals
Section D (25) Literary Reader: When Wishes Come True , Lady Clare
In the Baazars of Hyderabad, The Umbrella Man , Princess September : The Happy
Prince ,
MCB: Unit 3: The Summit Within, The Ballad of Mulan, Packing.
Science Chapter-1- Nutrition in plants
(17-09-19) Chapter -2 Nutrition in Animals
Chapter-3 Fibre to fabric
Chapter 4 Heat and its Effects
Chapter-5- Acids, bases and salts.
Chapter- 6 Chemical and Physical Changes.
Chapter-7- Weather, climate and adaptation of animals
Chapter-13- Time and Motion
Hindi पाठ-१ हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के , पाठ -२ दादी मााँ पाठ-३ हहमालय की बेटियााँ, पाठ-४ कठपुतली पाठ-
(19-09-19) ५ हमठाईिाला, पाठ-6 रक्त और हमारा शरीर, पाठ-८ शाम-एक क्रकसान , पाठ-९ हचहिया की बच्ची|
व्याकरण- शब्द हिचार, संज्ञा, पयाणयिाची(१-२०), हिलोम(१-२०), श्रुहतसमहभन्नाथणक (१-१०), अनेक
शब्दों के हलए एक शब्द(१-२०), मुहािरे(१-१५), उपसगण, प्रत्यय, समास(हिगु, िंद, अव्ययीभाि),
अपटठत गद्ांश, अपटठत पद्ांश, औपचाटरक पत्र लेखन, अनुच्छेद लेखन
Maths Ch- 1 Integer, Ch-2 Fractions &Decimals, Ch-3 Data Handling, Ch-4 Simple Equations,
(23/09/2019) Ch-5 Lines & Angles, Ch-6 Triangles & its Properties, Ch-7 Congruence of triangles
PERIODIC TEST- II Schedule (2019-20) Class VII
Subject Pen and Paper Test Subject Notebook(05)
40marks Enrichment(05marls)
Social 6) Monumental Architecture Prepare a chart showing Neatness
Science (History) different physical Punctuality
(19/11/2019) 4) State Government (civics) features of our country. Presentation
2) Inside our Earth (Geo) Prepare a Model showing Map work
9) Religious Beliefs (History) different layers Diagrams
5) Media and Democracy ( of the Earth.

Maths Ch-8 Comparing quantities, Activities based on Lab Neatness

(26/11/2019) Ch-9 Rational numbers, manuals Punctuality
Ch-10 Practical geometry, Presentation
Ch-11 Perimeter & Area, Response
teachers remark
Computer Ch-6 Introducing Python Make a collage on various Neatness
(29/11/2019) Ch-7 More on Python tools in CSS3 Punctuality
Hindi साहित्य : पाठ-१० अपूवण पठनकौशल : स्वच्छता
(03/12/2019) अनु भव, पाठ-११ रिीम के स्मार्ट बोर्ट परगद्ाां शदिखायाजाये समयकीहनिता
दोिे , पाठ-१२ कंचा पाठ-१३ गाI समयानु सार
एक हतनका, औरउसपरआधाररतप्रश्नपूछेजायें भािाईक्षमता
व्याकरण- पयाणयवाची(२०-४०), गेI (२५/०७/२०१९)
अने क शब्दों के हलए एक
शब्द(२०-३०), हवशेिण, काल,
लोकोद्धक्तयााँ(१-१०), अपहठत
गद्यांश, वाक्य,वाक्य के भेद
(अथण के आिार
पर)अनौपचाररक पत्र लेखन-
व्यद्धक्तगत पत्र
English Literature (10) : MCB: Unit Comprehension Passage and Handwriting,
(06/12/2019) 4: Flames in the Forest, The poem. SPEAKING SKILL: Neatness,
Muddle Head students will speak on given Punctuality,
Literary Reader(10)- The topic -Playing for health/ Timely
Night we won the Buick, Problem of littering / My submission of
Two’s Company, favourite festival home
Experiments LISTENING SKILL: Audio assignments,
Grammar(10) –Ch-16 will be played and based on Responsiveness
Conjunctions, Ch-17 audio clip questions will be towards
Prepositions asked from the students correction work.
Writing Skills (10)-Writing Project :Collect information
skills: Paragraph, Notice, on any one of the grammar
Letter writing(Formal) topics with pictures,
examples and written
presentation to be compiled
in the class.
Sanskrit साहित्य-पाठं - ८त्यद्धभभक्षावृ हतं, पाठ – १० सुभाहिताहन के Neatness
(10/12/19) पाठं -१०सुभाहिताहन, पाठ- सभी श्लोक कंठस्थ कीहजए Punctuality
११चत्वार: प्रश्ना:,|
व्या० – पाठ- ६पयाणय: (१-२५), towards
हवपयणय: (१-२०) , पाठ- teachers remark
११अशुद्धिशोिनम् |
शब्दरूप– मुहन, नदी, हपतृ |
िातु रूप- ( एस.ए. १ में वहणणत
सभी िातु एं केवल लंग व लोि
लकार में) |
French Leçon 6 – Au travail 1 Mark Each
(10/12/19) Leçon 7 – Chez Clara 1. Listening Skills- 2Marks 1. On time
Leçon 8- La maison de Marie Dictée submission
2.Speaking skills - 3 Marks 2.Neatness and
Speak about France – Presentation
Culture et civilization 3.Handwriting
teachers remark
5. Originality of
Science Ch-9- Soil. To make a model on soil Neatness
(17/12/19) Ch-12- Reproduction in profile. (1-10) Punctuality
plants. To write an information chart Presentation
Ch-17- Forests: Our lifeline. on vegetative propagation in Response
plants. (11-20) towards
To make a collection of teachers remark
variety of seeds, with
information on mode of
dispersal. (21-30)

Computers Ch -6 Introducing Python
(24-2-20) Ch -8 More on CSS3
Ch -9 Using Lists and Tables in HTML
Ch -10 Cyber Safety
Practical: Ch -7 More on Python/HTML5
Sanskrit पाठ-८ त्यहभभक्षािृहतं, पाठ-९ प्रत्यय, पाठ-१० सुभाहषताहन, पाठ-११ चत्िार: प्रश्ना:, पाठ-१२
(26-02-20) शठे शाठ्यंसमाचरेत्पाठ-१३ मातृभहू म: जयतु (२५अङ्क ) अपटठतगद्ान्श (५अङ्क), पत्रलेखन
(५अङ्क), हचत्रिणणन (५अङ्क), िाताणलाप (५अङ्क ) | अनुप्रयुक्तव्या० पाठ१-
१५(३५अंक) शब्दरूप–देि, राम, लता, रमा, मुहन, भानु | सिणनामशब्द : क्रकम् (पु०, स्त्री०, नपु०), तत्
(पु०, स्त्री०, नपु०) युष्मद् , अस्मद् | िातुरुप - (भू, नम, चल्, खाद्,पा, स्मृ, नृत्,अस्, हस्, रक्ष्, स्था, दृश्
) पांचोंलकारों में

French Leçon-0 Découvrons la France . Leçon-4 Les animaux du zoo,

(26/02/20) Leçon 6 : Au travail Leçon-7 :Chez Clara Leçon-8 : La maison de Marie
Leçon-9 Bon appétit ! Leçon-10 Ma Ville , mon quartier
Section-A (Compréhension Écrite) 12 marks
Section-B (Production Écrite) 12 marks
Section- C (Grammaire) 40 marks Leçon-4 , Leçon‐6 , Leçon‐7 Leçon-8 , Leçon‐9,
Leçon-10. Les nombres ordinaux, Les expressions avec faire et avoir, Les professions, La
négation ,Les prépositions, Le verbe- ger , re, tir , et les verbes irréguliers ,La maison, Les
saisons, Les jours de la semaine, Les mois de l’Année , Le repas, Les articles contractés et
partitifs , Les adjectifs possessifs,
Section-D (La culture et La civilisation) 12 marks Leçon-0
Maths Ch- 3 Data handling, Ch-6 Triangles and its properties, Ch-8 Comparing Quantities
(03-03-20) Ch-9 Rational numbers, Ch-10 Practical geometry, Ch-11 Perimeter & Area,
Ch-12 Algebraic expressions, Ch-13 Exponents & Power, Ch-14 Symmetry,
Ch-15 Visualizing Solid shapes.

English Section-A (15)-Unseen passage and poem ,

(05-03-20) Section-B (15 Formal letters, Notice Writing Message Writing, Paragraph Writing& Diary
entry .
Section-C (25) Grammar: - Ch-Voice, Ch- Narration, Ch- Prepositions, Ch- Conjunctions,
Ch- Modals, Ch- Adverbs, Ch- Phrases and Clauses, Ch- Sentence Structure
Section-D (25) Literary Reader:I Never Forget A Face, Daffodils, Michael, Experiments
The Night we won the Buick, Princess September , In the Bazaars of Hyderabad.
MCB: Flames in the Forest, Guilty, The Listeners.
Science Chapter-1- Nutrition in plants
(09-03-20) Chapter-5- Acids, bases and salts.
Chapter-4- Heat and its Effects
Chapter-9- Soil.
Chapter 10- Respiration in Organisms
Chapter-11- Transportation in plants and animals.
Chapter-12- Reproduction in plants
Chapter-14- Electric current and its effects
Chapter-15- Light.
Chapter-17- Forests: Our lifeline.
Chapter-19- Wastewater story.
Hindi पाठ-१०अपूिवअनु भि,११रहीमकेदोहे, पाठ-१२कंचा, पाठ-१३एकततनका, पाठ-१५नीिकंठ,
(12-03-20) पाठ-१६भोरऔरबरखा, पाठ-१७िीरकंु िरतसंह, पाठ-
१८संघषवकेकारणमैंतुनुकतमजाज़होगया:िनराज ,पाठ-८शाम-एकतकसान , पाठ-
व्याकरण: संति, पयावयिाची(२०-४०), तििोम(२०-४०), अने कशब्ोंकेतिएएकशब्(२०-४०),
अने कार्व क(१०-२०), िोकोक्तियााँ (१-१०) समास(तत्पुरुष, कमविारय, बहुव्रीतह),काि,तिशेषण,
अपतठतगद्ांश, अपतठतपद्ांश, औपचाररकपत्रिेखन, अनु च्छेदिेखन| िाक्य,िाक्यकेभेद
(अर्व केआिारपर)

Social Science Ch-1 Religious Beliefs Ch-2 Human Environment

16/03/2020 Ch-3 Advertising Ch- 4 Political Formations in the eighteen century
Ch-5 Markets Around us
Ch-6 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Sanctuaries
Ch-7 Towns, Traders And Craftmen
Ch-8 Inside our Earth
Ch-9The Medieval world
Ch10 Democracy
Ch-11 Role of media

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