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Anthony’s College
San Jose, Antique

Lesson Plan in Oral Communication in Context

Week No:16-20 Dates Covered:

Prepared by: Maria Zefra Angela F. Soriano Date Submitted:
and Marites S. Albuera
Checked by:

I. Learning Competencies:

Content Standard:
The learner realizes the rigors of crafting one’s speech.
3. Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on
a. Audience profile
b. Logical organization
c. Duration
d. Word choice
e. Grammatical correctness
f. Articulation
g. Modulation
h. Stage Presence
i. Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements
j. Rapport with the audience
Performance Standards
Proficiently delivers various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

7. Subject Matter:
Principles of Speech Writing
Principles of Speech Delivery


Integrated Institutional Student Outcome:

Academic Excellence
Students communicate ideas and opinions effectively.

III. Procedure:
What was our last topic all about?
What are the types of Speech according to Purpose and Delivery?

Take a look at the following pictures?
What do you think these men are doing?
How does speech in every context differ from each other?
If you were given a chance to deliver a speech in front of grade school pupils, what topic
would you like to discuss?

Statement of Learning Outcomes:

Writing a speech requires planning because what you say is as important as how
you say it. Knowing the principles of speech writing yields a good and organized speech. An
audience wants to listen to competent speaker who speaks with clarity and confidence.
1. Discussion of the Principles of Speech Writing and Principles of Speech Delivery

2. Individual Activity
The students will have a workshop on writing one’s speech.
First the students will study the following subjects and narrow it down by listing
possible subtopics and identifying points of argument.
1. Juvenile Delinquency
2. Age limit for drivers of public utility vehicles.
3. Organ donation
After which the students will craft an argumentative speech through outlining the

3. Pair Work
The crafted speeches later will be exchanged to the student’s chosen partner and will
check and review each other’s work while paying attention to spelling, grammar and
organization of the speech.
4. Compilation
After the crafted speech was checked and revised it will be encoded and printed in a
short-sized bond paper and will be compiled as a project.

5. Articulation Exercise
As for the speech delivery the students will undergo speech exercises to strengthen or
develop their ability to speak well. The exercise will include:
Stage Presence
Facial Expression, Gestures and Movements
Rapport with the audience

6. Speech activity
The students will be given time to practice and will deliver a speech with the following
performance rating:

Articulation- 30%
Modulation- 20%
Stage Presence- 20%
Facial Expression, gestures and movement -15%
Rapport with the audience- 15%
What are the Principles of Speech Writing?
What are the Principles of Speech Delivery?

Engagement Activity/Application
The students will be grouped by 10 members per group. The student will be given
enough time to prepare and practice for the culminating activity. The group should prepare for the
following speaking activities:
Oratorical Speech
Character Impersonation
Choral Interpretation Piece

The assessment fo these weeks will be the performances of the students.


The students review in preparation for the second quarter examinations.


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