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Chapter / page HUMAN AND CULTURAL EVOLUTION (pages 32 – 51)

V 32 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

A. Discuss the theories that explain evolution and describe the kinds of evidence cited to
support the theory of evolution
B. Distinguish micro- from macro-evolution in terms of their underlying causes and the
resulting effect that took place
C. Describe the members and sub-groups in the primate order and mention what
distinguishes or differentiates humans from them
D. Give the different stages or periods in human evolution in terms of the biological, cultural,
and socio-political developments or improvement that took place


*View and write a reaction paper on the documentary film “The Great Apes”
*List the physical characteristics that you share with apes
*Visit the zoo and observe how the animals there are treated by visitors and by people who work there
*Hold small-group discussions to share opinions on controversial statements such as these:
- Genetic engineering can improve the human race
- Mutation can restore variability among species
- Mass extinction is the ultimate end of the human species

Page/ paragraph/line
33 Don’t you think Figure 5.1 should be placed in The Human Evolution on page 38
with the following introduction to serve as opening paragraph for that section.

Figure 5.1 which follows shows the place

of the human species in the animal world
as condensed from three anthropological

34 1 5 ... show the improvement of traits inherited by the succeeding generation to make
(are for) the improvement of traits (which are) inherited by the succeeding
Note: Use show instead of are for and delete which are
34 3 3 in those parts of the world.. (not) in these parts of the world..
5 territory that was not affected (not) territory that were not affected
4 6 Weismann’s and other studies, however, debunked this (not the} theory
8-9 changes in the organism. Nevertheless the hypothesis that species could
transform, still influences the study of evolution
35 line 2 the fittest can have more offprings ... (not) more offspring
1 Note: You need not enumerate all the sources that say the same thing The
latest will do
36 last paragraph 12 ... in the right environment, it can have (not) ... in the right environment,
can have

38 2 NOTE: Put Figure 5.1 with its introductory para graph in the section The Human
Evolution (See page 33)
46 revised attachment
1 4 ... tools resulted in (not shifted in)the use of food producing technology in farming
5-6 ... Farming was the most significant factor that led to the Neolithic revolution
4 1 ... when humans built (not build) societies
3 craftsmanship, and which were used in long and short distance trade
craftsmanship, and long and short distance trade
4 agricultural villages which gave rise to life in urban areas
agricultural villages to life in urban areas
5 3 ...societies which are (not is)densely populated
47 line 1 ...smelting copper and (not) smelting , of copper and
NOTE: Delete the comma and of
Line 3 ... which facilitated the rapid spread
NOTE: Put the article the
Page/ paragraph/line
47 1 6 animal-driven dependence technology to fossil-run machine
NOTE Put a hyphen in animal-driven and fossil-run
2 7 ... and the development of markets (NOTE: Put the article the)
3 1 ... has to do with cultural needs (not) posits on the cultural needs
3 13 less adopted a democratic form of governance NOTE: Put the article a)
4 2 noted that it is this period (not)noted that it is during this
NOTE: Delete during
48 last paragraph 15 ... a global society which depends on
... a global society that depended on
17 ... and which is governed by an economic political ideology that subscribes to
... and governed by an economic political ideology that subscribed to
49 NOTE: Won’t you add items in the Mastery Test of Chapter V to cover the new texts you added bringing
the evolutionary period up to the present age?

Chapter / page CULTURE (pages 52 – 62)

VI 32 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Give the different ways of defining culture and cite the common characteristics and
features true to all definitions
B. Compare and contrast the three popular viewpoints in the study of culture: ethnocentrism,
xenocentrism, and cultural relativism
C. Enumerate the various functions of culture and indicate the institutions charged with
carrying out those functions
D. Distinguish and describe the following features of culture:
* Different levels: International/Super culture, World culture, National, Sub-culture
* Components: Material culture and Non-material culture
* Guidelines and practices: Ideal cultures and Real cultures
* Processes: Diffusion, Disorganization, Renewal
* Practices: Cultural Universals and Cultural Particularities
E. Describe the current Philippine Culture and account for its components


*View and write a reaction paper on any of these documentary films: “Valuing Our Heritage: The Elder
Filipino”, “Ako ay Filipino”, “Pinoy Abroad”, “Ang Huling Mambabatok”
*Write a list of reasons why we should value our national heritage
*Hold small-group discussions to share opinions on the following issues:
- Xenophobia strengthens nationalism.
- Cultures of indigenous people should be preserved.
Page/ paragraph/line
54 Line 1 a feeling of stress (not) the feeling of stress
NOTE: Put the article ”a” not “the”
Line 3 ... that a person experiences (not) that a person experienced
NOTE: Use the present tense (s form) not the past tense
Page/ paragraph/line
54 last paragraph Line 3 and gives meaning to the individual existence; it informs the people of ...
and meaning to the individual existence; it informs the people on ...
NOTE: Put the verb” gives” and use the preposition ”of” not “on”
Line 4 and in the universe (not) and universe
NOTE: Put “in the” universe to make iit a prepositional phrase
55 last two lines ... are examples of a set of convictions enshrined in the Declaration ...
... are examples of set of convictions enshrine in the Declaration ...
NOTE: Put the article “a” before ”set of convictions and use the
past tense form “enshrined

57 1 Line 5 provokes anger and is meted immediate imposition of severe ...

provokes anger and meted by immediate imposition of severe ...
2 Line 6 which humans as sign a name (not) assigned a name
NOTE: Use the present tense form not the past
58 last paragraph Line 14 painting exhibits requires a culture of (not) require culture of
NOTE: Use the “s” form of requires and put the article “a”
Line 18 ... evaluate the paintings as to whether they are worth appreciating or not
... evaluate the paintings, whether it is worth appreciating or not

Chapter / page BECOMING A MEMBER OF SOCIETY (pages 63 – 78)

VII 63 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Define socialization indicating its objectives, the kinds of socialization, the socializing
agents involved, and the stages one goes through in the process of socialization and
B. Describe the four types of children who were victims of inadequate and inappropriate
C. Indicate what personality consists of, its main components (cognitive, affective behavioral),
the three determinants of one’s personality (heredity, personal experiences , the kinds
of environment) and the results of studies concerning those three determinants
D. Distinguish between the contributions of the different theories of personality
E. React to the composite definition and the results of researches on the Filipino Personality
in the light of developments in the current 21 st Technological Age


*View and take note of the effects of socialization depicted in any of these films: “Children of Conflict”,
“Minsan Lang Silang Bata:Documentaryo “, Sa Mata ni Ikong”
*Hold small-group discussions to share opinions on the following issues:
- How might you become a competent member of society?
- The importance of socialization in inculcating values of human rights
-What set of values do you think socialization agents (parents, teachers, community) should teach to
maintain the stability and harmony of society/ the world?
-Evaluate the current rules of social interaction to maintain social stability
- What particular Filipino traits encourage respect for human dignity and rights?
Page/ paragraph/line
65 1 1 Delete the word INTRODUCTION but retain the entire paragraph. As it is, the
paragraph itself serves as the introduction and there is no need to mark it out as such
2 5 ... in conformity with the cultural values... (not) ... in conformity to the cultural values ...
6-7 ... to fit him for the various and roles... (not) ... to fit him to the various and roles...
5 1-2 NOTE: Delete the sources you indicated in parenthesis after Helen Keller in the opening
line of Paragraph 5 inasmuch as you indicate the source of the write-ups (per child) of
the four indicated children in the succeeding paragraphs
66 5-7 Note the recast of the last three lines so as to remove the parenthesis marks pertaining
solely to Amala and not to Kamala

Amala and Kamala learned to stand upright and developed language.

Amala learned to name food and drinks by imitating other children in
the orphanage. Both of them showed recognition of right and wrong
and developed self-concept.
68 1 8-9 ...who will provide inmates with serial numbers for identities, restrict their actions...
...who will provide them with serial numbers for identities, restricts their actions...

69 2 14-15 Note the recast of the last two lines of the second item marked *

When these feelings become intense, When these feelings become intense,
they develop intimacy resulting in self- (Not) they are transformed into intimacy and
disclosure with their peer group. self-disclosure to their peer group.

69 last paragraph line 7 Mass media has provided (Not) Mass media provided
Note: Use the present perfect tense not the past tense
70 opening line ... capable of making independent decisions (Not) decision
Note: Use the plural form not the singular
1 1-2 Mass media exerts a powerful influence on... affects how people think and act, and
contributes to role entrapment
NOTE: Delete the source after Mass media since you indicate it at the end of the
paragraph and Use the “-s” form of the verb
5 Mass media studies indicate that... (Not) Mass media studies reported that...
Page/ paragraph/line
70 1 9-15 Note the recast of lines 9-15
Schools develop and enhance social consciousness in students by using Schools socialize students by
Philippine symbols and myths (the flags, pledge and singing of the national invoking Philippine symbols
anthem); by encouraging obedient behavior to the rules and regulations of and myths...
the school, the laws of the government and the norms of society; and by
inculcating nationalistic ideals and values through a nationalistic curriculum. ...obedient behavior to rules
Page/ paragraph/line
regulations and conduct of
school, government and

70 2 3 It serves as the basis for the person’s political behavior

It provides as basis for the person’s political behavior
71 1 1-2 ... human beings serve as the primary agents of their cultural transformation
...human is becoming the primary agents of their cultural transformation
2-3 Cultural transformation results from the constant searching, interpreting, ....
Cultural transformation is the constant searching, interpreting, ....
5 Giddens (2006) maintained that ... (not) Giddens (2006) opined that ...
6 ... and these skills require expertise (not) ... and these skills requires expertise
NOTE: use the base form of the verb “require” not the s-form

72 1 3 ...and animals affect human personality

... and animals affect the human personality NOTE: Delete the article “the”
2 2 ...affect the human predisposition to... (not) ... affect human predisposition to...
NOTE: Put the article “the” before human disposition
73 1 9 ... social construct that determines whether one is male, female, or the third sex.
... social construct that determined whether one is a male, female, or the third sex.
NOTE: Use the “s” form of the verb “determine” not the past tense and delete the
article “a”
2 1 Karen Horney (1950) indicated that human personality is determined by
Karen Horney (1950/1937) postulated that the human personality is determined by
NOTE: Use “indicated” not “postulated” and delete the article “the”
3 9-10 ... and child-directed therapeutic counselling (Rogers, 1951)
NOTE: Hyphenate “child-directed” and retain only the latest source. Delete 1942
75 2 8-9 ... combined with an expression of anger or frustration concerning the child’s
... combined with expression of anger or frustration towards the child misbehavior
NOTE: Put the article “an” before “expression” and use “concerning” instead of “towards”
10 undesirable emotions in the child (not) undesirable emotions to the child
12 modelling, monitoring, letting the child learn from experience)...
modelling, monitoring, letting child learn from experience)... ... combined with
NOTE: Put the article “the” between “letting child”
3 2 ...adolescents’ identity involves three factors: connection, support and autonomy.
...adolescents’ identity involves connection, support and autonomy.
NOTE: Put “three factors: “ between “involves connection “
Page/ paragraph/line
75 3 3-5 ... and the supportive roles of the family but autonomy has to do with the persons’
right to choose their friends, clothing and personal appearance
... and supportive roles of the family but autonomy for persons to assert their right to
choose their friends, clothing and personal appearance
4 2 students’ achievement-related behavior
NOTE: Put a hyphen between “achievement related “
76 1 5 ... reflect on their behaviors, adolescents...
NOTE: Put the preposition “on” after “reflect” and a comma after “behaviors”
4 1 ...lesbians go through three stages... (not) ...lesbians follow three stages...
5 1 ... gay men with a high level of NOTE: Put the article “a” before “high level”
De Guzman-Capulong, A. (2004). The relationship of gender and maternal socialization to delay gratification
among selected public school first grader. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 37.
Ochoa, D. (2004). Paternal socialization of moral behaviors in the context of poverty. Philippine Journal of
Psychology, 47 (1)

Chapter / page DEVIANCE AND CRIMES (pages 79 - 90)

VIII 79 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Compare and contrast the different theories that account for deviant behavior
B. Define deviance and indicate its effect on society and social functioning
C. Mention how some deviants adapt to or defy the norms of society
D. Describe the five classifications of crimes and the different kinds of crimes citing examples
for each type of crime
E. Examine the Philippine Criminal Justice System and evaluate the current state and
condition of the agencies (police, court system and prison) charged with insuring the
rule of law and the maintenance of peace and order in the country
F. Discuss how social control deters deviant acts and in what ways political and religious
institutions insure the protection of human rights and the common good


*View and write a reaction paper on any of these documentary films: “Imbestigador: Just Tiis“, “I Witness:
*Visit the National penitentiary, observe the behavior of inmates and write a profile study of a city jail
* Make a list of rules often violated by people
Page/ paragraph/line

81 4 2 explain deviancy, among which are the biological, psychiatric,

explain deviancy, such as the biological, psychiatric,
82 1 1-2 ...biological traits underlying deviant acts
... biological traits that influence deviant acts
2 5 ... The theory posits that... (not) ... The theory theorizes that...
3 2 and 7 NOTE: Delete (Freud, 1961) from lines 2 and 7 and put it at the end of the
4 4 and 6 NOTE: Move the source to the end of the paragraph and limit it only to
(Humphrey & Schmalleger, 2012; Marx, 1961).
83 1 2-4 drug trafficking, and gang riot) not only due to lack/limited access to opportunities,
but also due to the availability of illegitimate opportunities which are easily
accessible illegal means to the youth
NOTE: drug trafficking (not) drug trafficker
not only due to lack/limited access to opportunities, but also due to the
NOTE: Put “not only” before “due to lack” and a comma after “opportunities”
availability of illegitimate opportunities which are easily accessible illegal means...
... which is easily accessible to illegal means NOTE: Use “are” not “is” and delete
2 6 to the group/society in order to discourage deviations and enhance...
to the group/society, to discourage deviations and enhance...

3 4 NOTE: Move the source to the end of the paragraph and limit it only to
(Hughes & Kroehler, 2008; Durkheim, 1961).
5 ... while a strong social control results in a low incidence of deviancy
NOTE: Put “results in” before “a low incidence...”
4 4 models of behaviors (not) model of behaviors
NOTE: Remove the source in lines 4 and 6. They are already indicated at the
end of the paragraph
9 ... that have and endorse criminal values... (not) ...that teach criminal

5 1 ... becomes deviant only when it is... (not) ... becomes deviant only once
it is...
84 1-2 The label makes the person commit acts (not) ... makes the person to commit
NOTE: Delete “to”

85 4 7 ... community-based rehabilitation NOTE: Put a hyphen In “community –

5 6-7 Note the recast of lines 6-7

... plan their criminal acts (what they ... plan their criminal acts so that they
will do) such that they can anticipate (not) can anticipate their actions, and the
the consequences of their crimes and consequences of their crimes and the
the reactions of their potential victims reactions of their potential victims

85-86 Note the recast of the last sentence with the opening word on page 85 and continued on page 86

There are two kinds of white (not) White collar crimes are of two
collar crimes: the corporate kinds:: the corporate and the
and the organized crimes. organized crimes.
86 1 3 ... selling faulty or dangerous products, inside stock trading, unfair labor practices.
... selling faulty or dangerous products, or inside stock trading, or unfair labor practices;
NOTE: Delete the second and the third “or”. End the sentence deleting “ ; and”
2 2 ... like a business enterprise that sells drugs, (not) to sell drugs
3 3 money laundering, the invasion of a NOTE: Put “the” before “invasion”
3 5-6 NOTE: Retain only the source indicated at the end of the paragraph. You may
delete those in lines 5and 6
7 ... the Internet user, and different kinds of fraud: non-delivery of merchandise, ...
... the Internet user, advance free fraud, identification theft, non-delivery of
NOTE: identity of the internet user was mentioned earlier so you may delete
identification theft
4 3 NOTE: Rearrange the sequencing of the enumerated crimes such that the related
crimes come one after another
marital rape, incest, sibling violence, child abuse, abuse of elderly and disabled...
5 ... neglect of their spouses (not) ... neglect against their spouses
5 11-12 ...weak social attachments ... (not) ...weak social attachment...
NOTE: Add “s” to “attachment” to make it plural
13 ...personality adaptable in a capitalistic society
...personality that is adaptable to a capitalistic society
87 1 6 And it is responsible for (not) And is responsible for Note: Put “it” before “is”
88 1 4-6 Note the recast of lines 4-6

According to the NSO 2007 Philippine Yearbook, in

2007, there was a total of ere 1,132 jails in the
Philippines. Of these, 417 (36.85%) manned by
the Jail Bureau was composed of 2 female
dormitories and 2 were youth centers; 152 were
district jails, 84 were city jails, and 177 were
municipal jails. The remaining 715 (63.2%) were
manned by the Philippine National Police

1 10 ... but was actually ... (not) but is actually Note: Use the past tense
3 7 implementation of the said program . Note: Add “of the said program”
In addition, the inmates hoped that
the government would take charge (not) the government should be responsible
of facilitating an inmate-centered in facilitating
rehabilitation program
Note: Put a hyphen in “inmate-centered”
89 1 8 informal social-control Note: Put a hyphen in “social-control”
10 community “formal social-control” Note: Enclose “formal social-control”
In quotation marks and
hyphenate social-control

Alampay, L.P. (2006). Risk factors and causal processes in juvenile delinquency: Research and implication for
prevention. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 39.

IX 91 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Enumerate the advantages of group life and describe the factors that influence group
selection and group functioning
B. Distinguish between the different kinds of groups: (primary vs. secondary; large vs. small;
in-group vs. out-group; membership vs. reference; instrumental vs. expressive)
C. Compare and contrast the different types of social processes (communal-sharing, authority-
ranking, equality-matching) and cite examples of conjunctive and disjunctive
interactions among groups
D. Describe and give examples of different social structures in groups – social institutions and
social organizations (formal as well as informal) and the norms that the groups follow
(counterculture or conservative)
E. Indicate the different classifications of human society based on spatial location (rural vs.
urban); social relationship (personal, intimate, kinship related vs. those who do not
share a common culture); social bonds (mechanical vs. organic solidarity); orientation
idealistic, ideational, sensate) and economic factors ( Pre-industrial, Industrial, Post-
industrial/Deindustrialized societies
F. Review and react to the findings of research on Filipino social groups


*View and write a reaction paper on any of these documentary films: “Bahay Lansangan (Street Children” or
“Coping With Peer Pressure”
*Form groups and express your opinion on the following issues:
- Which kind of group do you consider most important? Why?
- Would you consider joining a group your parents do not approve of? Justify.
- What benefits do you get from joining formal organizations?
- What is the importance of social network group in decision making?
* Observe and take note of class interactions between teacher and students and make a schematic diagram of
the class interaction pattern you observed
Page/ paragraph/line
93 1 1 Delete the word INTRODUCTION but retain the entire paragraph. As it is, the
paragraph itself serves as the introduction and there is no need to mark it out as such
2 Retain the source at the end of the paragraph and delete all of the source you
indicated in lines 3-4, 7 and 9
5 2 based needs, namely, the desire for... (not) based needs that are the desire
5-6 The group likewise gives Note: Put the word “likewise” before
95 2 3 ...and could therefore satisfy... (not) ...and therefore could satisfy..
3 8-9 ... and a sense of pride that emanates (not) ...and sense of pride that
NOTE: Put the article “a” before “sense” and add “s” to ‘emanate”
97 2 6 Communal-sharing, authority-ranking and equality-matching are ways of
NOTE: * Put a hyphen in those three ways of interaction to indicate those are
the terms given to the three social processes.

...are ways of interaction (not) ...are the ways of interaction

* Delete the article “the” before “ways”
98 first line ventures, the weak gets... Note: Put a comma after “ventures”
Last paragraph, line 7 ...types of conflict, namely, protest, (not) ...types of conflict; these are): protest,
NOTE: * Use ‘ ,namely, ” instead of “ ; these are): “

Page/ paragraph/line
99 1 13-14 Important is the ability of people
What is important in the group is the ability of people
100 5 4 lines that differentiate them... (not) lines differentiates them...
NOTE: Make it a “that” phrase and delete “s” from “differentiate”
101 3 5 ... a flat organizational form (not) ... a flat organizational forms
11 ...made possible by social media (not) ...made possible by the social media
NOTE: Delete “the”
102 3 9 ... or school and who are personally... (not) ... or school are personally...
NOTE: Add “who are” to make it a clause
104 1 3 ... importance of personal freedom (not) ...importance personal freedom
NOTE : Put the preposition “of” before “personal freedom”
105 1 2 the social bonds that prevail in those societies (not) ... prevailed in societies
NOTE: Use the base form “prevail” not the past tense “prevailed”
and add “those” before “societies”
NOTE ALSO: Please double-check . You might have interchanged the specifics of Mechanical solidarity and
Organic solidarity Shouldn’t the social bonds in Organic solidarity
result from “ common sentiments and shared moral values ... (Lines 4-7)”
Mechanical solidarity is based on based ”the differences, division of
labor and specialization... (Lines 8-12)

Garo-Santiago, M.A, Resurrection, R., & Tan-Mansukhani, R. (2009). Adolescent identity in the context of the
Filipino family. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 42 (2), 175-193.
Lajom, J.A., Canoy,N., Amarnani, R., Parcon, A.M., & Valera, P.M. (2009). Barkadahan: A study of peer group
norms and values among Filipino adolescents. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 44 (2)

Chapter / page THE MARRIAGE INSTITUTION (pages 109 - 121)
X 91 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Discuss and explain the general characteristics and group functions of marriage
B. Distinguish between monogamy and polygamy; polygyny vs polyandry; exogamy vs.
endogamy; sororate vs levirate secondary marriage
C. Compare and contrast legal separation and annulment of marriage
D. Describe the different types of marital exchanges
E. Enumerate the seven characteristics of a Philippine marriage and Indicate the legal
requirements of marriage in the Philippines
F. Evaluate the law on concubinage
*View and write a reaction paper on any of these films: “Dalawang Ama” and “The Womb”
*Form groups and express and justify your opinion on the following issues:
- Young marriages are bound to fail.
- Divorce and same sex marriages should be legalized.
- Querida involved with men of power enjoys some prestige.
*Produce a video clip of a marriage ceremony or a Power Point presentation showing how to marry in the
Page/ paragraph/line
111 1 1 Delete the word INTRODUCTION but retain the entire paragraph. As it is, the paragraph
itself serves as the introduction and there is no need to mark it out as such
112 2 1 ... society specifies as to the persons... (not) ... society specifies to the persons...
NOTE: Use “as to”
116 2 2 ...allowed to marry at 15 for males and ... (not) ...allowed to marry at
NOTE: Put a space between the words
7 NOTE: Hyphenate common-child in Number 1. Line 2 and Number 3 Line 1
118 3 6&8 common-law marriage (not) common law marriage
NOTE: Hyphenate common-law
120 2 2 ...and this pattern was different (not) ...and this pattern were different
5 sector employment. However, this finding was only partly supported by the Williams
sector employment however this finding was partly supported by the Williams
NOTE: *Make “However, this finding...” the start of another sentence
*Put “only” before “partly supported”
11 declined but is still greater than... (not) declined but still greater than...
NOTE: Put “is” before “still”
3 1 ... education, and who had less stable.... (not) ... education, had less stable....
NOTE: Put “and who” before “had less”
3 2-4 Note the recast of lines 2-4

They observed that men employed in They observed that men employed in the
the formal sector in many blue collar formal sector were most likely as the
jobs were most likely to remain single. many blue collar jobs to remain single.
Furthermore men working in any sector (not) Furthermore men working in any sector
of either blue or white collar jobs were of either blue or white collar jobs were
more prone to get married than those more prone to have been married than
men who were unemployed. those men who were unemployed.

Alano, M. (1994) Infidelity: The querida system in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 27 (2).
Kabalanan, M. (2004). New path to marriage: The significance of increasing cohabitation in the Philippines.
Philippine Population Review, 3 (1)
Williams, L.B. & Arguillas, M.J. (2012). Correlates of non-marriage in the Philippines. Philippine Population
Review, 11 (1)

Chapter / page THE FAMILY INSTITUTION (pages 122 - 136)

XI 122 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Enumerate the functions of the family
B. Describe the different classifications of the family according to size (nuclear v. extended);
rules of descent (unilateral either patrilineal or matrilineal vs. bilateral ); rules of authority
(patriarchal vs. matriarchal vs. equalitarian); rules of residence (patrilocal, matrilocal,
neolocal, or bilocal) and rules on conformity to social norms (traditional vs. non-
C. Discuss present-day factors that can affect the Filipino family (technological innovations
e.g. assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and computer and communication
technologies e
D. Cite some 21st century problems of the Filipino family
E. Examine and react to the findings of research on the Filipino family


*View and take notes of the following documentary films: “Domestic Violence”, “Tanging Yaman” , “Anak”
“Frpnt Row : Inang”
*Form groups and express your opinion on the following issues:
- Abortion should be legalized.
- Domestic violence is committed by parents in the guise of imposing discipline.
- Punitive discipline is more effective in controlling children’s misbehavior.
-The different social networks the family provides to its members
*Produce any of the following:
- Your family tree and mention the roles played by family members
-Results of group dynamics on “Coping with Family Crisis

Page/ paragraph/line
125 4 4-8 Note the recast of lines 4-8

The family of procreation which is The family of procreation is responsible

composed of husband, wife and their for insuring reproduction; it is composed
offspring is responsible for insuring of husband, wife and their offspring. The
reproduction. The family of orientation family of orientation is responsible for
which is composed of father, mother, socializing the newborn; it is composed of
brother and sister is responsible for father, mother, brother and sister
socializing the newborn.

129 3 6-7 provide their children with information they should know
socialize their children regarding information they are expected to know
5 3-5 The activities and location of family members can be monitored in places covered by
Family members can monitor the activities and movement of their members in any
place covered by GPS, which otherwise concern only a particular family member.

5 6 Facebook or twitters provides personal information

Facebook or twitters personal information
NOTE: Put the verb “provides” before personal information
130 2 3 ... extramarital relations morally wrong (not) ... extramarital relations as morally
NOTE: Delete “as”
131 line 4 ... that resulted in social isolation... (not) ... that had led to social isolation...
132 1 3 ... Police (PNP) reported an increase in cases of violence
... Police (PNP) an increase cases of violence
NOTE: Put the verb “reported” and the preposition “in”
2 5 ... family members and close friends ... (not) ... family members and close friend ...
NOTE: Use the plural form “friends”
133 4 2 and 4 ... the child’s externalized behavior (not) ... the child’s externalizing behavior
5 3 ...relations such that it also includes friends who care....
...relations as to include friends who care...
134 line 6 ... out-of-school youths (not) out of school youths
NOTE: Hyphenate out of- school
4 2 attributes and environmental factors (not) attributions and environmental factors
3-6 Note the recast of lines 3-6
They consider imposing discipline They are heavily oriented on
rather than teaching good behavior a imposing discipline rather than
more effective means of preventing (not) teaching good behavior to prevent
or punishing misbehavior. or punish misbehavior.
7-8 ...their misbehavior to temporary situations NOTE: Use the preposition “to” not “on”
(not) and use the plural form of “situation s”
...their misbehavior on temporary situation
10-12 Note the recast of lines 10-12

Their misbehavior results from Their misbehavior is caused by

disregarding their parents’ (not) conflict with parents’ orders
orders concerning activities and other activities they like to
they like to do be doing

5 last two lines

...maternal imposition of “delay behavior’... NOTE: The use of “socialization” in this
(not) context does not make sense. You
...maternal socialization of delay behavior... do not socialize a behavior.
135 2 4 ... his paternity role, nor does he perform it effectively
... his paternity role; his role effectively
7 ... or effort in being a father (not) ...or effort of being a father
NOTE: Use the preposition “in” not “of”

Carandang, M.L. & Lee-Chua, Q. (2008). The Filipino family: Surviving the world: Psychological essays on the
Filipino family. Pasig City: Anvil Publishing
Ochoa, D. (2014). Parental socialization of moral behavior in the context of poverty. Philippine Journal of
Psychology, 47 (1).
Ortega, R.A. & Hechanova, R.M. (2010) Work-family conflict stress and satisfaction among dual earning
couples Philippine Journal of Psychology, 43 (2).
Parcon, A.M. The prediction of adult attachment orientation from perceived from maternal and fraternal
parenting characteristics. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 44 (2).

Chapter / page THE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION (pages 137 - 151)

XII 151 After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
A. Discuss the why and wherefore of religion
B. Explain the functions of religion for the individual and for society
C. Describe the different types of religious believers; the types of religions depending on the
level of cultural development of the believers; and the different practitioners or
propagators of religion
D. Compare and contrast the five components of religion citing examples for each component
: {beliefs, myths, rituals and ceremonies, a set of norms, believers and practitioners);
the religions in modern societies (the electronic church and quasi-religious grouping) ;
the basic forms of religious organizations depending on size and degree of commitment
of its members (ecclesia, denomination, sect, cult)
E. Differentiate ethical religion from theistic religion
F. Examine the role of religion in Philippine politics
G. Describe the profile of the religious Filipinos
H. Explain why Filipinos develop split-level Christianity


* View and write a reaction paper on any of these films: “I witness: Kristo”, “Himala”, “Kulam”
*Form groups and express your opinion on the following issues:
- Religion should influence its followers in their choice of political candidates.
- Religious leaders should be free to take part in the affairs of the state.
- “Religion is the opium of the masses.”
*Produce any of the following:
- A case study of a cult
-A list of benefits you enjoy from your religion
Page/ paragraph/line
139 1 1-6 Note the recast of Introduction lines 1-6

From the beginning of time, humans have Humans, from the beginning of time of their
viewed the world as composed of reality and ascendency, humans have created a world
the unknown, of seen and unseen realities and composed of reality and the unknown, of seen
forces. They regarded the unknown as that and unseen realities and forces. Humans
which controls the events of the world of connect these two components by regarding
reality. Hence they practiced religious rituals the unknown as that which controls the events
based on those beliefs to invoke help from the of the world of reality and by practicing rituals
powers-that-be (the gods, forces and entities) based on their beliefs. Religion reconciles the
who control the destiny of man. (Hendry, powers of the gods, forces and entities with
1999) the destiny of humans. (Hendry, 1999)

139 2 2 ...and has two basic components: (not) ...and has two basic parts:
4 ... reality hence they instill awe,... (not) ... reality that instill awe,...
6 and sacrifices. The profane, on the other hand, consists of the common,...
and sacrifices; while the profane is the common, ...
4 4 ... to respect others who perform their own peoples’ roles
... to respect others and perform their peoples’ roles
141 line 7 NOTE: Start a new sentence after (Keesing & Strathern, (1998). They can...
2 4 ... but, unlike the creeds, religious doctrines are formally written in religious scriptures
... but, unlike the creeds, are formally written in religious scriptures
NOTE: Indicate religious doctrines after “creeds”
145 1 1 A theistic religion is mainly a belief in the (not) A theistic religion consists of a belief in the
2 4-6 Note the recast of Introduction lines 4-6
“televangelists,” who did not have “televangelists,” The televangelists are
formal religious training but who are charismatic and effective speakers who
legitimized by organized churches or (not) attract listeners and contributions, and
denominations because they are who do not have formal religious training
charismatic and effective speakers but are legitimized by organized churches
who can attract listeners and raise or denominations.
monetary contributions.

147 2 6 ...practices and doctrines that instill (not) ...practices and doctrines that in still
NOTE: “instill” is one word not “in still”
148 5 4 ... “provides cognitive material ... (not) ... “provides a cognitive material
NOTE: Delete the article “a”
149 line 1 the University of the Philippines because of secularization – a process of de-religionization in
University of the Philippines because of secularization-a process of de-religionization in
NOTE: Put “the” before University of the Philippines and put a dash not a hyphen after
149 2 7 state controls or restricts religion (not) state control or restrict religion
NOTE: Use the “s” form of “controls” and “restricts“
9 ... religious peace-making , but (not) ... religious peace making building, but
NOTE: Put a hyphen in “peace-making” and delete “building“
3 3 Muslim residing in a democratic state (not) 3 Muslim residing in democratic state
NOTE: Put the article “a” before “democratic state”
150 2 3 Muslims have aligned themselves to (not) Muslims have aligned to
The frequency of attending religious and one’s sexual attitudes...
3 2 -3 The frequency of attending religious and one’s sexual attitudes...
The frequency of attending religious and sexual attitudes...
NOTE: Put “one’s” before “sexxual attitudes”...
5-7 Note the recast of lines 5-7

Women with strong religious beliefs will Women with strong religious beliefs are
most likely disapprove of premarital and most likely to disapprove of premarital and
extramarital sex while married people (not) extramarital sex, and ever-married people
will most likely express disapproval of are most likely to express disapproval of
extramarital sex extramarital sex

Abad, R. Filipino religiosity: Some international comparison. Philippine Studies, 43, 195 - 221
Ocampo, A.C., Mansukhani, R., Mangrobang, B. & Juan, A.M. (2013). Influences and perceived impact of
spirituality on Filipino adolescents. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 46 (1).
Rivera, R. (2010) Philippine Catholicism as disruptive public religion: A sociological analysis of Philippine
Catholic bishops’ statements, 1946 to 2000 Philippine Sociological Review, 58.

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