BMS Requirement 3: Interface: Cooling System

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1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

BMS requirement 3: Interface

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Have now looked at requirements 1

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

and 2 of a BMS, sensing and

high-voltage control; protection Cooling system
In this topic, we consider
requirement 3, interface
Cell Battery Host-
Communications, charger control, Cell Management application
data recording, range estimation Cell System

Cell Contactor control,

pack measurement

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 1 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

3a. Communication via CAN bus

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

Control Area Network (CAN) bus is industry ISO standard for temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

on-board vehicle communications

Designed to provide robust communications in the very harsh automotive operating
environments with high levels of electrical noise
Two-wire serial bus designed to network intelligent sensors and actuators; can
operate at two rates:
High speed (e.g., 1M Baud): Used for critical operations such as engine
management, vehicle stability, motion control
Low speed (e.g., 100 kBaud): Simple switching and control of lighting, windows,
mirror adjustments, and instrument displays (etc.)

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 2 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

Format of CAN-bus packet

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

The protocol defines the following:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

Method of addressing the devices connected to the bus

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Data format (the “message”)

Transmission speed, priority
1−Bit SOF

1−Bit RTR

2−Bit ACK

settings, and sequence 29−Bit 6−Bit 16−Bit 7−Bit

Error detection and handling CAN Control
CRC End of
ID Field Field Frame
Control signals Field

Data frames are transmitted sequentially over the bus.

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 3 of 9
1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

3b. Charger control

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Battery packs are charged in two ways:

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

Random: Charge delivered in unpredictable

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

patterns; e.g., regenerative braking

Control by providing inverter power limits
Plug-in: For EV/PHEV/E-REV
Control charger current, voltage, balancing
Often CP/CV; more exotic methods
Heating systems may be required

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 4 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

What limits fast charging?

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

Passenger vehicles require approximately 200–300 Wh mile 1 temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

For 300 mile range, 60–90 kWh capacity, charge in 3 min.

requires a rate of up to 1.8 MW!
Domestic 15 A 110 V or 1 5 kW “level 1” service charges pack in 40–60 h
Domestic 30 A 220 V or 6 6 kW “level 2” service charges pack in 10–15 h
DC “level 3” (CHAdeMO) fast charging, 500 V, 125 A can provide up to 80 %
charge in 30 min
Tesla “level 3” fast charging for model S can provide 50 % charge in 20 min
So, limit is usually the electrical service, not the battery pack
However, battery can limit charge rates at high SOC and low temperature

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 5 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

3c. Log book function

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

For warrantee and diagnostic purposes, BMS must store a log

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

of atypical/abuse events
loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Abuse type: out of tolerance, voltage, current, temperature

Duration and magnitude of abuse
Can also store diagnostic information regarding
Number of charge/discharge cycles completed
SOH estimates at beginning of each driving cycle
And much more. . .
Data stored in nonvolatile (e.g., FLASH) memory and
downloaded when required

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 6 of 9
1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

3d. Range estimation

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

How far can I drive before available energy is depleted? temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Heavily influenced by environmental factors:

What are the vehicle characteristics?
How is the vehicle being driven (gently/aggressively)?
Are there a lot of hills, a lot of wind?
Is it warm or cold out?
At present, it appears that each OEM will have their own range algorithms
But, will look briefly at vehicle simulation in course 2
Sufficient for now to produce inputs to those algorithms; esp. available energy

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 7 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?


key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute
current state of state of power

BMS must communicate critical information to host application temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Often done via CAN-bus protocol

Communication needs are application-specific, but often include
How to control charger to avoid safety hazards
Entries from logbook of atypical/abuse events
Range estimates (distance- or time-to-empty)
And of course, estimates of available energy and power, etc.
We consider what estimates a BMS must make in the next topic

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 8 of 9

1.4.2: How must a BMS interface with other system components?

key on: initialize

meas. voltage estimate estimate balance compute

Credits for photos in this lesson

current state of state of power
temperature charge (SOC) health (SOH) cells limits

loop once each measurement interval while pack is active

Tesla with supercharger on slide 4: Pixabay CC) license,
Logbook on slide 6: Pixabay CC0 license,

Dr. Gregory L. Plett University of Colorado Colorado Springs Introduction to Battery Management Systems | BMS Design Requirements 2–5 9 of 9

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