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Scene 1

Wolf - I am feeling hungry.

umm..I fancy some pancakes.

Music -Dream

Mr.Wolf – Yum Yum!

Red Riding Hood – He said, Licking his lips at the thought of a big pile of
fresh, delicious pancakes. Mr. wolf had never made pancakes before, so he
took his big recipe book down off the shelf and looked inside.

Mime music

Mr. Wolf – Prop – book

(mumbles looking at upside down recipe book) EGG-egg, 1 2 3 4
but I can’t read very well.
Let me get some help from my neighbors.

Song – Chicken Licken

(Mr. Wolf knocks at the house – Knock Knock Knock)

Mr. Wolf – Please can you help me read this?

Chicken Licken- No you Monster. Go away and stop chasing me. I just want
to dance all day long!!

Mime – Mr. wolf sad

Mr. wolf (sat down) – oh… I’ll have to read the book all by myself!!

Scene 2

Mime- (He went to the shelf and looked for some ingredients)
Mr. Wolf –(prop – note pad and pen) I can’t find anything – let me make a
list of things I would need!

Pig - Now Mr. wolf wanted to make his shopping list. But wolves aren’t very
good at writing. So he went to Wee Willy Winki for help.

Enter – Wee willy winky on the song

Wolf knocks the door

Mr. Wolf – You’re very clever, Can you help me write my shopping list

Wee Willy Winki- You bad Wolf!! Its 8 o’clock and you should be in bed by
now!! Go away !!!!

Mr. Wolf – There’s no need to be like that!!

Mime -sad

Mr. Wolf – (trying hard to write )- In that case I’ll have to make my
shopping list all by myself !!

Scene 3

Prop – Money

Mime – counting money

Chicken Licken – Now he needed to count his money

But wolves aren’t very good at counting. So he went to Gingerbread man for

Enter Gingerbread man song

Mr. Wolf knocks at the door

Mr. Wolf – Can you help me count my money, Please?

Gingerbread man- No! I’m too busy to bother with you. Go away
and let me exercise in peace!

Mime –sad and tries to count money 3 times

Mr. wolf - 1 – 2 – 6…..3 -4 -5 ….1 2 3 4 .

And I did it all by myself !!!

Scene 4

Wee Willy Winki -Now he needed a basket to carry his shopping.

So he went to Little red riding hood for help.

Red Riding hood dance

Wolf knocks at the door

Mr. Wolf - Please may I borrow your basket?

Red Riding hood – I’m not lending my basket to you !! Now clear off !! or I’ll
have to call the wood cutter!!

Mr. Wolf 1 – I’ll manage !!

Scene 5

Gingerbread man – He looked at his list, remembered what he needed

He counted out his money and carried the eggs, Milk and flour home
All by himself!

Prop - Ingredients

Mime – carrying things

Mr. Wolf - Now it is time to make pancakes

But wolves aren’t very good at cooking,
Let me go to the little pig.

Pig singing – we will build a big strong house

Mr. Wolf knocks at the door

Mr. Wolf – Little pig! Little pig! Let me come in !

Pig – No not by the hair of my chinni chin chin I will not let you in.

Mr.wolf 2 – Please can you help me cook my pancakes? I’ll share

them with you.

Pigs – No chance!!I’ll huff I’ll puff and I’ll blow you out! Haha Haha

Mime -Mr. Wolf sad

Scene 6
Narrator 4 – Mr. Wolf felt sad because nobody wanted to help him.
Mr. wolf went home and started to make the pancakes- all by

Mr. Wolf singing with pan and spatula, Singing (Narrators also
smelling the pancakes)

Surbhi – Now, as Mr. wolf had been making his pancakes, a lovely
smell had drifted out of the kitchen. All his neighbors could smell it
and it made them feel very hungry.
They wanted some pancakes too. They decided to try their luck.

All together - Give us some of your pancakes.

Mr. wolf – Why should I give any to you? Not one of you helped

Wee Willy Winki – We’ll help you eat them

Red Riding Hood – Anyway, we’re not going away until you give us

Chicken Licken- You Better Give us some!

Gingerbread Man – Oh! I am so tired of running!! I am Hungry

Pig – Oh this smells good…. I want one too!

(Mr. wolf thinking)

Mr. Wolf – Oh very well, you had better come in

(Mr. wolf just shrugged his shoulders , everyone exits the screen)
Narrator 1 and 2 crawls out


Narrator 1 – That was the end of his unhelpful neighbors

Narrator 2 – and then with his bulging tummy, Mr. wolf sat down
to eat his pile of pancakes
Together – All by himself !!
Wolf– Well, there was nobody else around.

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