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Exercise J: Complete the sentences with the best Coordinating Conjunctions (and,

or, but, so).

1. Rachel’s parents promised their children a trip to Cameron Highlands
....................................................... Legoland during the school holidays.
2. My brother’s teeth were hurting, ........................................... he made an appointment
with the dentist.
3. Cynthia, Marina and I wanted to go to the K-pop concert ...................................... all the
tickets were sold out.
4. I am going to take a shower ......................................... do my homework when I get
home from school.
5. My brother wanted to watch a football match on television ................................. my
sister was watching her favourite sitcom.
6. Christine wanted to buy a novel, ................................. she headed for the bookshop
after school dismissed.
7. We have a lot in common ................................. we do not like the same music.
8. Justin did not have enough money for a drink .................................
chips, ................................. he just bought a drink.
9. I had a nice book with me while on holiday ................................. I didn’t have time to
read it.
10. Jordan ................................. his brother went for a basketball game with their
11. Mother says we can do our chores now ................................. after lunch.
12. Adrian is obese, ................................. the doctor advised him to take up physical
exercise regularly.
13. Mr. Rahim says that his son is calm ................................. easy going .................................
his daughter is rather moody.
14. Fast food is delicious ................................. unhealthy, ................................. people should
avoid them.
15. Parents ....................................................... children should have a good
relationship ................................. that they can go through the good .................................
bad times as a family.

Exercise K: Complete the sentences with the best Subordinating Conjunctions.

Note: some of these words may be used more than once.

Consequently Therefore While In addition

Although As a result Besides

1. The local bus has broken down. ............................................., everyone has to walk.
2. Their house has burnt down. ..................................., they have to build a new one.
3. These shoes are expensive. .............................................., they are too small.
4. He was sick on the day of the examination. ............................, he did not do well.
5. I’m not going out this evening. I don’t like this movie. ............................................., it is
raining heavily.
6. My father has misplaced his car keys. .........................., he cannot drive to work.
7. The food was not covered. ..............................................., houseflies settled on it.
8. It’s too late to go for a walk now. .........................................., it is starting to rain.
9. My brother has to paint the house. ........................................ , he has to clean the
10. I shan’t invite him because he won’t be here on that day. ................................., I don’t
even like him.
11. All her friends had gone away for the holidays. ........................................, she was
feeling rather lonely.
12. Rama has done something wrong. ................................................., he must be punished
for it.
13. ............................................ they lost the first match, they were not discouraged.
14. ................................................. Mr. Arun was teaching, a few of the students were
talking among themselves.
15. It rained all day. ......................................................... , the ice-cream seller did not have
many customers.

Exercise L: Complete the sentences with the best Conjunctive Adverbs. Note,
some of these words may be used more than once.

otherwise instead however therefore

although nevertheless furthermore

1. You need to work harder; .............................................. , you'll get fired.

2. We wanted to go to Italy; ............................................., we went to Croatia.
3. He is a very weak president; .........................................., most people support him.
4. We wanted to go to the beach; ....................................., it started to rain and
we stayed at home.
5. She is a very smart woman; ...................................., it is not at all surprising that
she got the job.
6. The food was delicious. .............................................., the service was excellent.
7. We looked everywhere. ............................, we could not find the keys to our car.
8. Sugumaran is very bad with directions; ................................................, he was the
one chosen to drive on the trip.
9. Jamal did not want to wait any longer for the bus; ................................., he left in a
10. We wanted to go to the hills; ......................................., the thick mist was making it
impossible to do so.
11. You need to concentrate on your studies; ................................, you will fail the
12. Amanda wanted to high-five the tall basketball player; ................................., she had to
jump to reach him.
13. Roland enjoyed getting a new tie; ........................................., a new mobile phone would
have been a better gift.
14. The due date for the paper had passed; ..............................................., I did not submit
mine on time.
15. Siti had better mend her ways; ..............................................., she will land in serious

Exercise M: Below are some instructions on how to make mayo tuna

sandwiches. Write them out using logical connectors.

1. Cut the wholemeal bread into slices.

2. Cut the slices of bread into small triangular pieces.
3. Open the tin of tuna and mash the contents with a fork.
4. Chop up half a green apple into tiny pieces.
5. Add them to the tuna.
6. Add one tablespoon of mayonnaise to the tuna and mix well.
7. Season with a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
8. Spread some tuna over a piece of bread.
9. Top it with a thin slice of avocado.
10. Put another piece of bread over the piece with tuna and avocado.


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