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Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR) of Palipi Port Majene Regency

I Rohani1*, R T Lopa2, I R A Tamabela3, and M Saleh4

Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sulawesi Barat,
Majene, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Gowa,


Abstract. Port is the access of sea transportation which has access to the delivery
baggage in large quantities, between regions or between countries by ship. Palipi Port
can load or unload baggage in large quantities, therefore a performance evaluation is
needed at the Palipi Port to know the capacity level of the use of the pier whether it is
still effective in service. This performance evaluation based on the value of BOR
(Berth Occupancy Ratio), port facilities and the productivity of loading and unloading
performance of baggage. The data is processed based on data from the Port of Palipi in
2016 to 2035 obtained from the Directorate General of Sea Transportation and
interviews with related parties. Operational performance evaluation studies are known
from the calculation of the BOR value, the depth of the channel, the width of the port
pond, the need for storage of baggage, and the need for baggage transportation aids. In
addition, the port condition prediction is based on the quantity of baggage and total
visits of ship using power regression based on existing data. The results, values of
BOR analysis in general based on 2016, 2020, 2025 and 2035 were 71%, 91%, 115%,
171%. Palipi Port has 4 moorings with a standard BOR value according to UNCTAD
(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) of 70%. From the prediction
results with current conditions, for the short term, the BOR value has reached 91% in
2020 which means that according to UNCTAD Palipi Port has been less effective and
classified as dense. Then the pier should be added to prevent the queue of ships for the
medium term.

1. Introduction
Indonesia as the largest archipelago in the world has enormous potential in its sea area, in line with
that, in his remarks at the high level (summit) of East Asia, President Jokowi emphasized that he was
determined to make Indonesia the world's maritime axis. One form of realizing the World maritime
axis is to build connectivity between islands in the country of Indonesia. The concrete form of
building inter-island connectivity is carried out by establishing a concept called the sea highway.
The economic development of a region is largely determined by the transportation system or satisfy
transportation services, both land, sea, and air transportation. The function of transportation is
basically to transport passengers or goods from one place to another. The movement of passengers and
baggage is the basis of economic and trade development.
Port is a place consisting of land and waters around it with certain limits as a place of government
activities and economic activities that are used as a place for ships to berth, anchor, up and down
passengers and/or loading and unloading of baggage equipped with shipping safety facilities and port
support activities as well as a place for intra and inter modes of transportation. In Government
Regulation No. 61/2009 concerning Port, the port has a role as:
 Nodes in the transportation network according to their hierarchy
 The gate of economic activity
 The place of activities transfer transportation mode.
 Supporting industrial and / or trade activities
 Place for distribution, production, and consolidation of cargo or baggage.
The Palipi port is a type of passenger/pioneer port. The Palipi port is located in the Sendana Village
Region, Sendana District, Majene Regency. Which aims to serve passenger transportation and loading
and unloading of goods. The Palipi Port operates every two weeks to transport passengers using the
Kota Baru, South Kalimantan and West Sulawesi Routes, or precisely in Sendana Village, in this case,
to find out the condition of the Palipi port and the projected ship call and the performance of the Palipi

2. Literature Review
2.1. Port
Ports are waters protected by waves, which are equipped with marine terminal facilities including
piers where ships can be moored to unload baggage, (cranes) for loading and unloading baggage, sea
warehouses (transit) and storage places where ships unload cargo, and warehouses where baggage can
be stored for longer periods of time while waiting for delivery to the destination or shipment. This
terminal is equipped with a railroad and/or highway.

2.2. Characteristic of Palipi Port

The Palipi port is a passenger port that is functioned as a sea transportation mode. The Palipi port uses
a Perintis boat to transport baggage and passengers, Port of Palipi is located in Sendana Village,
Sendana District, Majene Regency, this port was built as an inter-island link, Kota Baru, South
Kalimantan and Sendana West Sulawesi.

2.3. Various kinds of ports

The port can be divided into several types depending on the angle of the review.

2.4. Port performance

Port performance can be used to determine the level of port services to port users (passenger ships and
baggage), which depends on the service time of the ship while in the port. High port performance
shows that the port can provide good services. Ship service time can be divided into two parts, namely
when the ship is in the waters and when the ship is moored. ship service time consists of waiting time,
approach time, postpone time.
Port performance is shown by the Berth Occupancy Ratio (BOR), which is the ratio between the
amount of time used for each available pier and the amount of time available for one year. period
(month / year) stated in percentage. Port performance indicators are used to measure the extent to
which pier facilities and supporting facilities are used intensively. BOR is calculated for each pier, and
the value depends on the following parameters: type of bagages handled at the pier, ship size, work
productivity for loading / unloading, number of aisles that work, hours of work and number of work
shifts, berth length, days effective work per year, and spare time for not working while the ship rests
(Triatmodjo, 2010)
The BOR value is calculated using the following equation which depends on the type of mooring :
2.4.1. Single mooring. If the pier is only used for one mooring, the use of the pier is not affected by the
length of the ship, and the BOR value is given by the following form :
mooring time
BOR   100%
effective time (1)
with :
BOR : Bert Occupancy Ratio (%)
Mooring time : the time from the ship being moored perfectly at the pier until off the berth (days)
Effective Time : total port operating time in a period of one year (days)

2.4.2. Pier with several moorings

  Loa  freeboard   mooring time  100%
Effective time  Pier length (2)

with :
Loa : Length overall ship (m)
freeboard : Safe distance between ships at mooring, 10 m for small ships and 20 m for large
Pier length : pier surface length that can be used (m)

2.4.3. Moorings in general. In general the level of pier usage can also be calculated with the following
equation :
Vs St
BOR   100%
Effective time (3)

with :
BOR : Berth Occupancy Ratio (%)
Vs : amount of ships served (units / year)
St : service time (hour / day)
n : amount of berths
Effective Time : Total port operating time in a period of one year (days)

3. Research Methods
This study uses primary and secondary data obtained from accurate sources so that the objectives of
this study can be achieved. Primary data were obtained from a direct review on the field, while
secondary data were obtained from PT. Makassar Indonesia Port V branch. The data needed are data
systems of port namely port data, ship call data, population data, and GRDP data. Data collection is
carried out in the following ways:

3.1. Literature review

The literature method is collecting, identifying by managing written data obtained from books,
research results, and from the internet. In this method required sources/references of literature that
support port analysis.

3.2. Observation
The observation method is a method used to obtain data by a direct survey to the location to find
out more accurately the actual conditions, thus the analysis conducted is expected to be able to get
comprehensive results.
3.3. Interview method
The interview method is to get supporting information related to the data needed, through the
interview process with trusted informants that will affect the analysis process that will be carried out
next in accordance with the needs and future projections regarding the construction of the port and its

3.4. Calculation of the BOR value

The calculation of the BOR value is calculated using the following equation, which depends on the
type of pier. Using equation 1
The stages in this study can be described as follows: starting from the literature review then
collecting data including primary data and secondary data. Primary data consist of port service
interviews and secondary data including port data, ship calls, population data, and GRDP data.
Furthermore, population and GRDP projection is carried out during the projection year, based on the
data used in the ship call projection. After the ship call data is obtained, the BOR value is calculated
using the existing equation.

4. Results and Discussion

The Palipi port is one of the ports in West Sulawesi that uses Pioneer Transport, which has lower
ticket costs because it is a ship from the Ministry to facilitate people leaving the island. The length,
width and port facilities can be seen from the table 1.

Table 1. Description of Palipi Port.

No. Description Unit PxL
1 Pier M2 100 x 10
2 Warehouse M2 40 x 15
3 Stacking Field M2 75,4 x 57,65
4 Passenger Terminal M2 15 x 8
5 Container Terminal M2
Depth of water ways
6 - width M - 1000
- Depth m/L WS - 40
7 Depth of harbor Pond m/L WS 9
8 Patrol boat Unit
Source: PT. Makassar Indonesia Port V branch

BOR (Bert of Ratio) calculation which is used to calculate ship call every year, and know the level
of use of ships in the port. This method is often used for the flow of ship call in each port. The Palipi
Port has a very good ship visit, because the level of use of the pier is quite efficient, and the ships that
came there were no queues, the results of the study were still very good because the port BOR value is
still below 100%, and what if the BOR value has exceeded 100 %, the pier must be added, the port
will run smoothly.
From the research data, the number of KMN (Fishing Motor Boat) in 2016 there were 13, KMN is
a fishing boat, which beratted at the port of Palippi. The ship that was leaning on the port while the
KLM ship (motorized sailboat) was using cell and sail power. and KM (Motorized Boat) are those that
have internal combustion engines, usually diesel. This ship is more because of this type of ship that
performs passenger and goods loading. It can be seen in the table 2.

Table 2. Ship call Projection Palipi Port.

1 2016 13 27 75 33 11
2 2020 17 35 96 4 1
3 2025 21 44 122 5 2
4 2035 31 63 176 7 -

From the results of research at the port of Palipi have a very significant number of ship calls, the
data obtained in 2016 the number of ship calls is sufficient, because it does not make the ship queue in
the sense of the pier in good condition. so the process of loading and unloading of bagage is more
optimal. Ship calls projection can be seen in figure 2.
Ship call (units)

Figure 2. Ship calls

Years projection

From the results of a medium-term analysis calculated through the calculation of the Berth
Occupancy Ratio (BOR), ships that will enter the port of Palipi will be congested starting in 2025 with
value 115%, in the long term 2035 with value 176 %. Calculation of BOR Palipi port in Tabel 3 and
figure 3.

Table 3. Calculation of BOR Palipi Port.

No Description   Unit 2016 2020 2025 2035

1 Pier length A M 100 100 100 100

2 Increase Pier length B M
3 Ship call C 75 96 122 70
4 Average Ship Length D M 70 70 70 70
5 Safe Distance Ship (freeboard) E M 5 5 5 5
8 Tethering Time F Hari 4 4 4 4
9 Working days G Hari 317 317 317 317
10 BOR H % 71 91 115 176
Years Figure 3. Level of Pier Use

This shows that in the medium term (2025) and long term (2035) the Port of Palipi requires an
additional pier length. To reduce the queue of ships going in and out of the port.

5. Conclusion
From the results of the study projection of ship calls on calculations using short, medium and long
term, shown : In 2016, the number of ship calls, KMN 13, KLM 27, KM 75, TB 3 and TK 1 with the
number of ship calls 118. In 2020, data on ship calls namely, KMN 17, KLM 35, KM 96, TB 4 and
TK 1. With the number of ship calls 153. In 2025, data on ship calls, KMN 21, KLM 44, KM 122, TB
5, and TK 2 with the number of ship calls 192. In 2030, data on ship calls KMN 26, KLM 53, KM
148, TB 6 and TK 2 with the number of ship calls 235. In 2035, the data of ship calls, KMN 31, KLM
63, KM 176, TB 7 and TK Mine (-) with the number of ship calls 271. Based on the results of the
study, the performance of Palipi Port Pier in 2016 was 71%, in 2020 there was an increase, as much as
91% was still quite significant because the BOR value obtained by the trial reached 100%. Whereas in
2025 115% and 2035 ie 175% have passed the BOR performance value limit, it must be done by
adding a pier, to prevent ship queues.

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