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Ghi chú: Học sinh làm bài trên đề thi và không ghi gì vào phần trên.

Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.
-I. LISTENING (20 points)
The listening test has two sections. You will hear each section ONCE ONLY. At the
beginning of each section, you will have time to read the questions and at the end
of each section, you will have time to complete your answers.

SECTION I (10 points)

You will hear a conversation between an operator and a caller talking about a stolen
phone. First, you will have 20 seconds to look at questions 1 - 5.

Questions 1 - 5
Complete the details in the form below.
Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

z-Mobile Services
Incident Report Sheet
Example Answer
Postcode CN21EB
Mobile phone number 07890 (1) _______________ 570
Name (2) ____________________ Green
Crime reference number CZ - (3) _____________________- 5
(4) __________________Mobile Equipment Not known
Identity (IMEI) number
Time, date of theft 1-2 p.m., 16 (5) ________________

Questions 6 - 10
Choose the correct letter A, B or C. Circle your choice.
6. The caller's phone was stolen ______.
A. when he went to the toilet B. from the table C. from his pocket
7. The caller will have to pay a charge ______.
A. if his phone is stolen again B. for a new phone C. in 12 months' time
8. The delivery address is ______.
A. 34 Solent Grove B. 34 Solent House C. 34 Solent Gardens
9. The caller's IMEI number ______.
A. is made up of 15 digits
B. can be found on the side of the phone battery
C. cannot be found
10. The operator ______.
A. transfers the caller to a colleague
B. will ring the caller back the next day
C. asks the caller to ring back

SECTION II (10 points)

Questions 1 - 4
You will hear the first part of a talk on nutrition. Complete the notes. Write NO MORE
THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer.
Topic: Healthy eating
* definition
* reason why people don't (1) ___________________________
* ideas for (2) ________________________________________

Healthy eating is:

* balanced diet
* eating the (3) ________________________________________
Note: balanced diet incl. meat, veg, fruit, cereals & (4) ____________________________

Questions 5 - 7
Listen to the next part of the talk. Give three reasons why the speaker thinks so
many people have an unhealthy diet. Choose THREE among the following
sentences (a-h). Write the letters you choose (in any order) in the numbered blanks
a. It is cheaper to buy packet food.
b. People do not know how to eat healthily.
c. It is cheaper to buy fast food.
d. They prefer fast food.
e. They do not like packet food.
f. It is quicker to buy fast food.
g. They have to plan their meals.
h. Schools teach children about a balanced diet.
5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. _____________
Questions 8 - 10
Listen to the last part of the talk and complete the table. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD
for each answer.
Group responsible:
(8) (9) (10)
_____________________ ______________________ _____________________
Limit advertising for Stop selling unhealthy Make sure children eat a
unhealthy food snacks and drinks balanced diet
Educate the public about a Provide children with fresh
healthy diet and healthy options

Part 1: For each of the following questions, choose the word that has the underlined part
pronounced differently from that of the others. Circle your choice. (2 points)
1. A. moon B. school C. tool D. good
2. A. bright B. laugh C. neighbor D. fought
Part 2: For each of the following questions, choose the word that has the main stress
placed differently from that of the others. Circle your choice. (2 points)
1. A. preference B. colorful C. continue D. favorite
2. A. relax B. blanket C. handbag D. picnic
For each of the following questions, choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to
fill in the blank. Circle your choice.
1. Knowing several__________ helpful if you work for an international corporation.
A. languages are B. language is C. language are D. languages is
2. Groups of tissues, each with its own function, __________ in the human body.
A. make up the organs B. it makes up the organs
C. they make up the organs D. makes up the organs
3. What is your attitude to the __________ of performance-enhancing drugs for athletes?
A. legality B. legalising C. permission D. allowance
4. In Mr. Brown’s class we often discuss __________ interesting topics, you know –
politics, religion, the environment!
A. about many B. of many C. many D. to many
5. A few natural elements exist in __________ that they are rarely seen in their natural
A. such small quantities B. so small quantities
C. small quantity D. very small quantities
6. __________ all the applicants, the woman who is wearing the white dress has the most
A. From B. By C. Of D. To
7. Let’s do our best to help, __________ we?
A. will B. should C. shall D. ought
8. __________ to move to California was something that surprised all of us.
A. After her decision B. Having decided
C. Her deciding D. She decided
9. I was told you're going to leave for Japan tomorrow. Could you please __________ this
present to my friend who lives in Osaka?
A. fetch B. bear C. bring D. take
10. It is recommended that he __________ this course.
A. took B. takes C. take D. taking
11. There is a severe__________ in Somalia and thousands of people are dying from
A. epidemic B. famine C. lacking D. disease
12. The house was __________ building.
A. a stone nice old B. a nice old stone C. a nice stone old old nice stone
13.They always try __________ __________ the bridge as they promised before.
A. to postpone/ to build B. postpone/ build
C. to postpone/ building D. postponing/ built
14. The harder you try, __________.
A. the most success you achieve B. you achieve the more success
C. the more success you achieve D. the better you achieve success
15. Be patient! Don't__________ to learn a foreign language in a week.
A. believe B. consider C. think D. expect
16. You’d better get someone__________ your living room.
A. redecorate B. redecorated C. to redecorate D. redecorating
17. -Tom: "Oh, no! I left my book at home. Can I share yours?" - Peter: " _________."
A. Yes, sure B. No, thanks C. No, not at all D. Yes, I do too
18. Teacher: Can you keep quiet for a moment? You __________ noise in class!
A. have always made B. are always made C. always make D. are always making
19. - Peter: "What a lovely house you have!" - Mike: "__________."
A. Of course not, it is not costly B. I think so
C. Thank you. Hope you will drop in D. No problem
20. - Peter: “Have a nice weekend!” - Hoa: “__________”
A. Do you have any plans? B. I’m going to take it easy.
C. Thanks. You too! D. Are you going anywhere?
21. - Ann: “Do you need any help?” - Kate: “__________”
A. That’s fine by me. B. No,thanks. I can manage.
C. I haven’t got a clue. D. That’s all for now.

IV. READING (20 points)

Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
to each question. Circle your choice. (4 points)
Some 16,000 icebergs are born in the Arctic Ocean each year. Most of them are
calved by the age-old glaciers that cover the coast of Greenland.
Fortunately, in an average year only about 400 of them make it past the Grand
Banks of Newfoundland. Once past that point, they are in some of the world's busiest
shipping lanes. There, they are as dangerous as torpedoes. In the year 1912, when the
Titanic went down with 1,503 lives, about 1,000 icebergs made it past the Grand Banks.
A newborn iceberg, unlike most newborn things, is bigger to begin with and slowly
grows smaller. When it first breaks free from the mother glacier an Arctic baby may weigh
up to 3 million tons and as big as a block in New York City. But it takes two or three years
of travel before it reaches the Banks. By that time most icebergs are less than 100 feet in
height. Sometimes, however, a grant one, towering 400 feet above the sea is spotted.
The sight of these "blocks" is frightening enough, but the real danger lies in the fact
that 85 percent of the bulk lies hidden under the water, ready to cut the hull of any ship
that comes too close.
Icebergs usually die after they pass the Grand Banks and meet the warm waters of
the Gulf Stream. Yet, a melted-down iceberg was seen about 200 miles south of Bermuda.
It was only 15 by 30 feet in size. But remember almost nine times that size was hiding
under the water. It was still big enough to sink a ship.
Time, sun and the Gulf Stream slowly change the icebergs to water, but, while they
live, they are a hazard to the strongest ship and a terror to the bravest captain.

1. This article tells mostly about __________.

A. ships sunk by icebergs B. how icebergs are spotted
C. dangerous icebergs D. ships built for destroying icebergs
2. The third paragraph suggests that icebergs __________.
A. grow bigger with age B. travel very slowly
C. move quite rapidly D. are not too dangerous
3. The writer of this passage feels icebergs are as dangerous as __________.
A. explosives B. hidden submarines
C. a bomb D. a submarine weapon
4. As used in this passage, icebergs are calved by the age-old glaciers means ________.
A. they break away from the age-old glaciers
B. they are attracted to the age-old glaciers
C. they push off the age-old glaciers
D. they are a part of the age-old glaciers
Part 2: Read the following passage, choose and circle the best answer ( A, B, C or D)
to fill each of the blanks. (8 points)
Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? Animal Watch is
the book which will (1) _______ you in the fight for survival that (2) _______ many of our
endangered animals and show how they struggle on the edge of extinction. As you enjoy
the book’s 250 pages and over 150 colour photographs, you will have the (3) _______ of
knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to help animals (4) _______ from
the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the world’s animals close-up and
explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of human (5) _______ for
land, flesh and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover
their black noses with their paws so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being
seen, for example? Or that for each orang-utan which is captured, one has to die?
This superb (6) _______ has so (7) _______ Britain's leading wildlife charity that it has
been chosen as Book of the Year, a title awarded to books which are considered to have
made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special
low introductory price at all good bookshops, but hurry while (8) _______ last.
1. A. combine B. involve C. bring D. lead
2. A. meets B. opposes C. forces D. faces
3. A. satisfaction B. enjoyment C. virtue D. value
4. A. preserve B. conserve C. revive D. survive
5. A. greed B. interest C. care D. concern
6. A. publicity B. periodical C. publication D. reference
7. A. imposed B. impressed C. persuaded D. admired
8. A. stores B. stocks C. goods D. funds
Part 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word in each space. (8 points)
Agriculture is the world's most important industry. It provides us with (1)
__________ all of our food. It also supplies materials for two other basic human needs -
clothing and shelter. In (2) __________, agriculture provides materials (3) __________ in
making many industrial products such as paints and medicines. About half the world's
workers are employed in agriculture - far more than in any (4) __________ industry.
Agriculture is one of the world's oldest industries. It began about 10,000 years ago
in the Middle East. (5) __________ that time, certain Middle Eastern tribes had discovered
how to grow plants from seeds and how to raise (6) __________ in captivity. Having
mastered these skills, they could begin to practise agriculture.
Before the development of agriculture, people got all their food by gathering wild
plants, hunting, and fishing. They had to search for food continually, (7) __________ left
them little time for other activities. But as agriculture developed farm output increased,
fewer people were (8) __________ to produce food. The non-farmers could then develop
the arts, crafts, trades, and other activities of civilized life. Agriculture, therefore, not only
greatly affected food supply but also made civilization possible.

V. WRITING (25 points)

Part 1: For each question, complete the second sentence in such a way that it is as
similar in meaning as possible to the one printed before it. (5 points)

1. I'm excited that the new theatre will be completed soon.

I'm looking................................................................................................................ .

2. I wish I'd paid more attention to his warnings.

I regret...................................................................................................................... .

3. The travel agent is going to send us the tickets when they arrive.

I've arranged............................................................................................................. .

4. She took extra night classes, so as not to have to repeat the course.

She avoided.............................................................................................................. .

5. He said that nobody gave him money.

He denied................................................................................................................. .

Part 2: For each question, complete the second sentence so that it has the closest
meaning to the first one, using the word in capitals at the end of the
sentence. DO NOT CHANGE THIS WORD. You must use between TWO and
EIGHT words, including the word given. (5 points)

1. Louise should have been given more time to complete her thesis. INSUFFICIENT

Louise was given ................................................................................................... thesis.

2. It doesn’t look as though John wants to buy that house after all. DECIDED

John seems to have .............................................................. buying that house after all.

3. I will see to it that the goods are delivered immediately. DELIVERY

I will arrange for ........................................................................................ the goods.

4. Marcia was the only one who refused to come. APART

Everyone ............................................................................................................ Marcia.

5. My salary never lasts beyond the end of the month. SHORT

I .................................................................................................... the end of the month.

Part 3: Within from 200 to 250 words, write a composition about the following topic. (15 points)
How do movies influence the young generation in Vietnam nowadays?
Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.























































------------ THE END ------------

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