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Katie Posh runs an upscale nail salon.

The service process includes five activities that are

conducted in the sequence described below. (The time required for each activity is shown in

Activity 1: welcome a guest (1 minute)

Activity 2: Clip and file nails (3 minutes)

Activity 3: Paint (5 minutes)

Activity 4: Dry (10 minutes)

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Activity 5: Check out the customer (4 minutes)

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Three servers (S1, S2, and S3) offer the services in a worker-paced line. The assignment of tasks
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to servers is the following: S1 does Activity 1; S2 does activities 2 and 3; S3 does activities 4 and
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5. The drying process does not require server 3’s constant attention; she/he needs to only
escort the customer to the salon’s drying chair (equipped with fans for drying). The time to do

this is negligible. There exists only one drying chair in the salon.
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Question 1: assuming that the customers arrive at a rate of 7 customers per hour, what is the
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implied utilization rate of server 1?

Round your answer to the nearest whole number and ignore the percentage sign. For example,
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if your answer is 0.45 or 45%, fill in 45; if your answer is 0.76 or 76%, fill in 76.
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Answer 12

Correct Feedback
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Demand rate is 7customer per hour. Capacity is 60mins/1 min = 60 customers per hour.

Implied utilization rate = 7/60= 11.7% = 12 %

Question 2:

Based on the same setting in question 1, what is the implied utilization rate for server 2?

Round your answer to the nearest whole number and ignore the percentage sign. For example,
if your answer is 0.45 or 45%, fill in 45; if your answer is 0.76 or 76%, fill in 76.
Answer 93

Correct Feedback

Demand rate is 7 customer per hour. Capacity is 60mins/(3+5) min = 7.5 customers per hour.

Implied utilization rate = 7/7.5= 93.3% = 93%

Question 3:

Based on same information, what is the implied utilization rate for server 3?

Round your answer to the nearest whole number and ignore the percentage sign. For example,

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if your answer is 0.45 or 45%, fill in 45; if your answer is 0.76 or 76%, fill in 76.

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Answer 47

Correct Feedback
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Demand rate is 7 customer per hour. Capacity is 60mins/4 min = 15 customers per hour.

Implied utilization rate = 7/15 = 47%

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Question 4:

Based on the same information, what is the implied utilization rate for the dryer?
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Round your answer to the nearest whole number and ignore the percentage sign. For example,
if your answer is 0.45 or 45%, fill in 45; if your answer is 0.76 or 76%, fill in 76.
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Answer 117

Correct Feedback

Demand rate is 7 customer per hour. Capacity is 60mins/10 min = 6 customers per hour.

Implied utilization rate = 7/6 = 117%

Question 5:

What is the actual flow rate of this process when demand rate is 7 customers per hour?
Round the answer to the nearest whole number. For example, if your answer is 2543.65, round
to 2544; if you answer is 2543.12, round to 2543.

Answer 6

Correct Feedback

flow rate = minimum {input, demand, capacity}

As input (materials, supplies) is not a concern and not mentioned here. We only need to
consider the minimum of demand rate (7 customers per hour) and capacity.

Capacity is determined by the resource with the highest implied utilization rate, which is dryer
in this case (117%), and dryer's capacity determines the process capacity. Therefore, process

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capacity = 6 per hour.

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Flow rate = minimum {demand, capacity}=min{6,7}=6 customers per hour.

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Question 6:

The manager suggests that a new employee should be hired to help server 3, what will be the

new process flow rate if demand rate stays at 7 customers per hour?
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Round the answer to the nearest whole number. For example, if your answer is 2543.65, round
to 2544; if you answer is 2543.12, round to 2543.
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Answer 6
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Correct Feedback

After getting a new employee to help server 3, the implied utilization rate for server 3 step is 23%
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(60mins/4 mins *2 servers = 30 customer per hour capacity, demand is 7 customers per hour,

therefore, implied utilization rate = 7/30 = 23%). This does not help to improve the process
capacity as the process still has bottleneck resource as dryer with 117% implied utilization rate.
So, flow rate = minimum {demand, capacity}={7,6}=6.

Question 7:

Instead of hiring a new employee, you suggest that the manager should purchase a new dryer
(so you have two dryers), what will be the new flow rate with an additional dryer (still assuming
7 customer per hour demand rate)?
Round the answer to the nearest whole number. For example, if your answer is 2543.65, round
to 2544; if you answer is 2543.12, round to 2543.

Answer 7

Correct Feedback

When you have two dryers, your dryer's implied utilization rate reduces to 58%. Your process
capacity becomes 7.5 customers per hour which is limited by server 2.

flow rate =.minimum {demand, capacity} = minimum {7, 7.5} = 7

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