Engleski Jezik 4: Kolokvijum

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© Kristina Pantelić
1. A kind of humor often used in advertising where a sentence has a double meaning.
2. A way of paying for expensive goods over a period time.

hire purchase
3. We will miss the ________ for this project unless we are careful.

4. To delay an event until a later date.

5. A way of getting your goods to the end consumer: it could be a supermarket.

distribution channel
6. Another way to say to look after.

to take care of
7. A large business with branches in different countries or continents is called __________ .

multinational corporation
8. The company structure is extremely ___________ : anyone can rise to the top, from secretary
to the manager.

9. You are not allowed to smoke on the __________ .

10. This restaurant is rather ___________ ; why don’t we try the other one?

11. Advertising which relies on making a product visible is _____________ .

product placement
12. ___________ means to expect that an unplanned event will happen.

13. Regular payments as part of the contract for hire purchase.

14. A market suffers from _____________ when it becomes so full that it can’t grow any longer.

15. When I’m on my own in my little ______________ , I feel quite isolated.

16. That proved to be extremly _______________ against parasites.

17. When business is _____________, it grows fast and it’s a good time to make money.

18. If you _____________ the prices too high, people simply won’t be interested.

19. Consultative bosses are afraid of making solo decisions and prefer to share the ___________
of power.

20. How important for a negotiator is it to be ____________ ?

21. The authorities have enough evidence to ____________ both of them.

22. When he heard how high the price that we agreed to was he lost his _________ .

23. His cunning plan backfired and he was given _____________ .

the sack
24. She’s a real ____________ ; she’ll probably be running the firm in a couple of years.

high flyer
25. The country is keen to encourage investment and has promised to ________ taxes for the first
five years of the project.

26. The world’s container shipping fleet ____________ in the 90s and it now accounts for more
than half of all cargo ships.

27. _____________ Mr Smith I’d like to welcome you to our factory.

on behalf of
28. __________ means short, memorable and to the point.

29. I’m coming to Belgrade – could you ___________ for a couple of nights?

put me up
30. A positive attitude is essential for ______________ .

31. The voice of an actor which you hear in an advertisement.

voice over
32. ___________ means to not have enough money to pay debts.

to be insolvent
33. A healthy company is able to meet its liabillities with these.

34. You should never ___________ to tomorrow something you can do today.

put off
35. Another way to say that something has increased dramatically.

to take off
36. An enterprise where companies work in partnership.

joint venture
37. The management structure here is really ______________ . People have very little freedom to
act on their own intiative.

38. This market shows ____________ . It’s an opportunity we can’t miss.

outstanding potential
39. In theory, publishing aims to add _____________ to ink and paper.

40. ______________ is a sentence like a slogan, used in advertising.

41. The person who writes the text for advertisements.

42. You’ll have to be quick if you want to talk to Mathew. He ____________ .

is just leaving
43. The stuff are completely ___________ from taking home confidental documents.

44. What risks would the company ___________ if the drug caused adverse reactions?

45. They were prosecuted for organizing a price-fixing __________ and cheating customers.

46. She doesn’t __________ and lets you do your job in your own way.

47. We were satisfied with the ___________ of the negotiations.

48. The shop assistant was so rude that James lost his ________ and started shouting.

49. I’d like to thank everyone who worked on the launch. It ____________ .

went like clockwork

50. _________ means searching for.

scouting for
51. The Internet lets people track their ___________ more easily.

52. Two ____________ trains ran into each other; one was carrying bricks, the other coal.

53. ______________ - lacking seriousness for an important or serious matter.

54. It’s time to make a decision! Which design should we ___________ ?

go for
55. A stage in your career which may not be exactly what you want to do but which is a step in a
right direction is a ______________ .

stepping stone
56. A section of a market representing a certain type of consumer.

57. The fixed costs that any business has to pay.

58. The very late date by which a task must be completed.

59. Money you must pay to someone.

financial commitment
60. Another way to say to replace someone in a certain position within a company.

to take over from

61. A place where goods are manufactured is called _______________ .

production facility
62. He was an extremely _____________ boss. He made the decisions and expected everyone else
to follow them without question.

63. There’s nothing we can do about our fixed costs, but could we cut our _________ ones, I

64. ____________ is a long-term loan which is used to buy a home.

65. Large electrical goods for the home, such as washing-machines and refrigerations are
__________ .

66. The spending money you have after you have paid for life’s basic necessities is __________ .

disposable income
67. During a _____________ , economic activity is severely depressed.

68. The car _____________ a suprisingly good price at the auction.

69. Sometimes you have to make a small ____________ to show you good will.

70. After hours of discussion we finally managed to ___________ our differences.

71. We can reach a _____________ if both sides are willing to give and take.

72. A dynamic and amibitious person who may have a bright and successful future is a
____________ .

high flyer
73. ____________ means lively and busy.

74. The shipping industry is booming, _____________ by solid economic growth.

75. The CEO has been arrested for ____________ .

76. ________________ means discouragingly difficult or challenging.

77. It’s natural for people to leave the company after couple of years. You can’t expect them to
__________ forever.

hold onto
78. An advertising strategy with long-term aims.

79. A long-term loan to buy a house or business.

80. We should finish this task without further ____________ .

81. Give some of your own responsibilities to someone else.

82. Place where goods are manufactured.

production facility
83. Another way to say to participate.

to take part in
84. We really need to attract more customers. Our __________ is simply too narrow.

consumer base
85. I did everything I could to make our business relationship friendlier, but nothing worked. I
suppose they must prefer to keep the relationship _____________ .

86. BMW’s takeover of Rover proved to be a __________ mistake.

87. Even some popular brands are ____________ to build loyality among teens nowadays.

88. Another word for an advertisement.

89. A ___________ is a flat-bottomed boat often used on canals and rivers.

90. In some cultures the thumbs-up sign is considered _____________ .

91. Some of the older stuff can be quite ____________ !

92. Why wasn’t that pill a commercially _____________ product?

93. When there is a _____________ of something, production greatly exceeds demand.

94. He knows everybody will buy his goods, so he is able to _____________ the prices.

95. He will do anything to avoid a _____________ .

96. You can’t expect to ____________ the contract so easily as that.

get out of
97. Nothing is ever fixed: everything is _______________ .

98. We are currently _____________ to take over our main competitor.

99. Scientists have made a _____________ in the quest for a cure.

100. No ships arrive at the city ____________ anymore. The area has been converted into a
new business centre.

101. In the old days, a ship’s _________ could easily be damaged in bad weather.

102. ___________ in a collection of examples of work or achievements.

103. The plane __________ 3 hours late.

took off
104. Opposite of temporary is ___________ .

105. Another word for bankrupt.

106. Why don’t we _________ the meeting for a later date?

107. We should consider a _________ with a local partner as a way of entering the market.

joint venture
108. Even though this job is poorly paid it is ____________ in the other ways.

109. A ____________ is an object used by actors in a film or play.

110. Money entering and leaving a business on a regular basis.

cash flow
111. ____________ are nationals of a country who live and work overseas.


112. I used to ____________ coming into work but the old team spirit has disappeared.

look forward to
113. We need to sell 10,000 copies to cover the costs and ______________ .

114. It’s considered unfair for competing shopkeepers to ____________ their prices.

115. Don’t bother laissez-faire bosses with ____________ .

116. I found his reasons extremely ___________ .

117. She managed to ___________ the contract even though he wanted to sign it.

talk him out of

118. We will seriously consider any concrete _____________ you make.

119. Singh introduced him to wealthy businesspeople and ______________ .

120. How dishonest is it for candidates to _____________ on a CV?

121. She borrowed 8,000$ to complete her studies and it took her two years to
____________ .

pay off
122. Someone you owe money to.

123. To close a company.

to wind up a company
124. These are creative workers and we need to give them more space for ___________ .

125. _____________ is a background sound that is so constant you don’t notice it.

white noise
126. You could get a better feel for the client and build up more of a ____________ .

127. When is the professor going to his _____________ ?

128. He ____________ a high price to repair my car.


129. Those were hard negotiations but we finally managed to ___________ on the price!

beat them down

130. They have both been arrested on suspicion of _____________ .

insider trading
131. Many firms suffer ___________ a lack of competitiveness.

132. A ____________ is simply another word for a ship or large boat.

133. Your account is still _____________ . Please pay within the next five working days.

134. _____________ is an enterprise where companies work in partnership.

joint venture
135. Another way to refer to a spread of prices.

price range
136. Despite its success in the West, L’Oreal is facing cultural _____________ in China.


137. How could the launch of the drug _____________ the pharmaceutical industry in the
longer term?

138. She said she would ____________ the price if I found it cheaper elsewhere.

139. If you ____________ with me for one moment, I’ll see what I can do.

140. It was a tough negotiation but eventually we reached a _____________ .

141. A ___________ groundwork is required when a brand wants to enter a new country.

142. We sent a ___________ of components by sea three months ago but it still has not

143. When a large number of educated and talented people emigrate a country is called a
____________ .

brain drain
144. ______________ is something unsual and fun.

145. Something which is difficult but satisfying is _______________ .

146. A well-known and easily recognizable make of product.

147. Construction work is already six week behind _______________ .

148. Another word for timetable.

149. The vase we bought at the auction turned to be a ______________ imitation.

150. ________________ is a term that refers to an ordinary man in the street.

Joe Average
151. Another term for daring is ________________ .

152. Financially I find it quite hard to make ends ______________ these days.

153. I can only apologize for any ________________ you’ve suffered.

154. I had to take the ______________ because their representatives were so quiet.

155. Second-hand cars are shipped in order to be sold in Europe where they ____________
twice the price.

156. You will never get a promotion if you always _______________ your achievements.

157. I never expected to retire as a CEO. I can’t belive how my career ___________ so well.

ended up
158. To find promising new recruits by temping them away from other companies means to
______________ .

159. A memorable phrase which is used to advertise a product.

160. Please be punctual. I would like the meeting to start _______________ .

161. The future prospects for the business and financial world.

economic outlook
162. Another way to say to happen or to be held.

to take place
163. You’ll be working with a different _______________ of people this time next month.

164. We have been searching for a replacement for Mrs Thomas but we are finding it
difficult to find a __________________ successor.

165. Removing something by passing it through special equipment is called ___________ .

filtering out
166. There is never any point in having a ________________ with a passenger.

167. If something worked according to plan, it ________________ .

went like clockwork

168. There must have been a ___________ in communication. I never got your message.

169. They lifted the ____________ from the hold with a crane.

170. Something ___________ deserves the time and effort spent on it.

171. To satisfy your financial responsibilities.

to meet your leabilities

172. Showing exceptional opportunity for development in the future.

outstanding potential

173. Another way to say employ.

to take on
174. We need to build another __________ to cope with the increased demand.

production facility
175. To completely fill a market so it cannot absorb any more of the given product.

176. Another way to refer to a battle between retailers who reduce the price.

price war
177. How is your _____________ project going?

178. Essential means _____________ .

179. The company has an anti-smoking ________________ .

180. If we ____________ the price too high, nobody will buy the product.

181. Most bosses ___________ personal ambition above all else.

strive for
182. These files are in a terrible mess. Please, ask Martin to ______________ .

sort them out

183. Another way to say to use the occasion to do something.

to take the opportunity

184. It was an old-fashioned, _____________ firm, where the boss decided what was best
for everybody.


185. I’d hate to work somewhere where everything depended on the wishes and
______________ of one person.

186. The ____________ between the two rival companies should be in the mutual interest
of both.

187. Powerful ______________ load and unload the ships.

188. The buildings or offices from where you operate your business.

189. A limited number of top stores allowed to stock your goods.

exclusive outlet
190. Another way to say to start to practice.

to take up
191. The ____________ is poor. There is high inflation and fear of a recession.

economic outlook
192. I find my personal organizer absolutely ________________ ; I’d be lost without it.

193. If something had the opposite effect to the one intended, it ____________ .

194. An important development which usually comes after a period of difficulty is called
____________ .

195. To use time unproductively.

to puttime
waste off
196. The management training weekend was a completely _____________ exercise; it
didn’t seem to have any aims at all.

197. After paying for food and rent, low-income earners have very little ___________ for

disposable income
198. A collapse or failure which prevents further progress is called _____________ .

199. Today streets are ____________ with cars! I’ll be late for the meeting.

200. Hi darling! I’m going to be late for dinner, I have to ______________ in the office to
meet a customer.

stay on
201. She begins each day by opening the post and checking her email. It is always the same
_______________ .

202. We ___________ at the Marriott Hotel. We’ll be there until Friday.

are staying
203. The industry watchdog accused the airline of ______________ pricing over the
Christmas period.

204. The Union has made an important ______________ on overtime pay.

205. The money going out of the company.

206. Select the most important or urgent tasks to do first.

207. Sometimes _____________ of the sales staff is very low.

208. The problem with _____________ the market is you can upset the early adopters who
paid the top price.

209. Bureaucratic bosses _______________ ability to take risks.

210. The painting is ____________ . Nobody can put a value on it.

211. The overall impression a product created in the minds of consumers.

212. How could the __________ of the drug affect the pharmaceutical industry in the
longer term?

213. What risks would the company face if the drug caused unexpected __________

214. The problem with skimming the market is you can upset the ____________ who paid
the top price.

early adopters
215. Some people have contacts who can _____________ for them at work.
pull strings
216. Let’s ____________ our jackets, it’s too hot in here!

take off
217. To introduce a new product into the market through advertising and promotion.

218. To expect that an unplanned event will happen.

219. Another way to say to exploit.

to take advantage of

220. The future prospects for the business and financial world is called ______________ .

economic outlook
221. My parents think that one day I will _____________ as an assisstant in their business.

end up
222. I don’t think a quality item should ______________ so quickly.

wear out
223. Nanjing road was ____________ with bicycles when Vuitton opened their first store

224. _____________ is a large thick piece cut from a larger piece.

What someone famous does when they publicly approve a particular product. endorse
Area with tax advantages or incentives for new enterprises. economic development zone
development zone to attract foreign investitors to the region.
The government has created a ____________________
distibution channel is far too complicated. We should consider appointing a wholesaler.
The _____________________
This firm is extremely __________________ because each level has its specific powers and responsibilities.
egalitarian but in the end it's him who makes the decisions.
He pretends to be ____________,
authoritarian and he expected complete obedience from his staff.
My old boss was very __________________
conservative culture where staff must wear a suit and a time.
The company has still got a very ________________
Another way to refer to a greatly reduced price. cut price
Another way to refer to the price the seller wants in a negotiation. asking price
Another way to refer to a spread of prices. price range
Another way to refer to the standard agreed price suggestion by the producer. retail price
Their new portable copier ___________ at just $300.
Prices keep going up - _______________ is now running at 12%.
fetched a surprisingly good price at the auction.
That old book collection __________
Opposite to variable costs. fixed costs
Nursing is poorly paid, but is a socially ___________________ job.

Kolokvijum 2

© Kristina Pantelić

Your advertising plan sounds (sound) great.

High wages generally cause (cause) inflation.

I don’t know (not know) what these survey results mean.

I don’t know what these survey results mean (mean).

Lucy believes (believe) that her service can be a much better use of an advertising budget than
unfocused advertising.

How do you find (find) new employees at your company?

They often take (take) on extra staff at Christmas.

The factory produces (produce) circuit boards.

I usually leave (leave) the office at half past five.

What do you think (think) about hiring a management consultant to help us with the company strategy?

Marisa usually works in London, but she is working (work) in Ohio for a few months.

Peter is based at the London office, but he is helping (help) us out here for a few months.

Sorry Mr Clark can’t see you at the moment, he is talking (talk) to a customer.

Workers all over the world are retiring (retire) later in life.

I am writing (write) the report at the moment and it should be ready tomorrow.

Why is there such a long delay? What is happening (happen)?

These days we are selling (sell) more and more of our products to Asia.

Look at this report! They are selling (sell) the company stocks with 25% off!

I am looking (look) at your contact details on the screen right now.

The production line isn’t working (not work) at the moment.

They aren’t being (not be) very flexible in this negotiation.

Sorry I can’t deal with that now, I am looking (look) for the invoice details on the computer.

I am dealing (deal) with Andrew’s clients while he’s on vacation.

Who are you going (go) to the Trade Fair with this year?

What are you doing (do)? – I’m looking for a document I saved.

Can you call back? I am talking (talk) with a client.

We are staying (stay) at the Marriott Hotel. We’ll be there until Friday.

You’ll have to be quick if you want to talk to Mathew. He is just leaving (leave).

This product isn’t selling (not sell) – we’ll have to put it on special offer.

Internet fraud and cybercrime are increasing (increase) all over the world.

She has worked (work) with some major clients during her career.

How many times have you visited (visit) the Brazilian market?

They have been (be) in business for ten years.

Mathew has travelled (travel) all over the world.

The new model doesn’t look the same. They have changed (change) the shape of the body.

Have you finished (finish) that report yet?

They have taken (take) away six of our most important customers so far.

We have lost (lost) the marker share. There’s nothing we can do now.

I think I have set (set) up the spreadsheet incorrectly – I hope I don’t have to enter all the data again.

Have you spoken (speak) to Marisa already?

Are you sure it isn’t working? Have you tried (try) restarting it?

I have never seen (see) such a boring presentation in my life.

We have already seen (see) a lot of money on this project.

Their shares have gone (go) up by 5% since the merger.

Have you finished (finish) the report yet?

The goods will be with you soon. They have already left (leave) our warehouse.

We have known (know) each other for more than twenty years.

She has had (have) no time to deal with this matter yet.

He has been (be) in a meeting since nine.

I haven’t spoken (speak) to the managing director but I’m sure he’ll agree.

We have been looking (look) for a replacement for some time.

We have been losing (lose) market share lately.

They have been interviewing (interview) new copywriters all morning.

She looks exhausted. How long has she been writing (write) the report?

I’m so tired. I have been working (work) hard all day.

I have been trying (try) to send this fax all day, but each time I try it won’t go through.

We have been exporting (export) to the USA for years.

He has been looking (look) for some files in the basement.

Listen! I have been looking (look) at the contract in detail, and I am worried about it.

She is furious! She has been waiting (wait) for him for ages.

I checked (check) the sales figures very carefully yesterday.

We discussed (discuss) the report last week and agreed that direct marketing was a valuable strategy.

The last time something like this happened she called (call) a press conference immediately.

The IT network crashed (crash) last week because of a virus.

Last month we opened (open) a new office in London.

Something extremely strange happened (happen) yesterday while we were preparing the cash budget.

They closed (close) last year.

Sales soared (soar) to 3% in 2013.

Did you get (get) the email I sent you yesterday.

Last year our team went (go) to a sales conference in Munich and gave a presentation.

They were preparing (prepare) the accounts when the computer crashed.

While we were packing (pack) the boxes, the secretaries were on the lunch break.

We were having (have) a meeting when we heard an explosion.

He received an important phone call while he was writing (write) his report.

During the 1980s, many of the older industries were closing (close) down.

At that time, we were coming (come) of recession and things were improving.

I was waiting (wait) in the departure lounge for more than two hours yesterday morning.

I was trying (try) to call you last night but my battery died.

While we were developing (develop) the software, we carried out a variety of simulations.

While they were asking (ask) me questions in the interview, I suddenly had a panic attack.

While I was working (work) at my desk this morning, I received a strange phone call.

I came into this company as it was recovering (recover) from a recession of the early 1990s.

I suddenly found the pdf file I was looking (look) for.

Everyone was waiting (wait) for the chief executive, when he called to say that he was stuck in traffic

We never got the chance to discover her side of the story. While we were investigating (investigate)
the incident, she resigned from the company.

Lisa was explaining (explain) the proposals when Alex suddenly interrupted her.

While I was negotiating (negotiate) with them, our legal department decided to change the terms and
conditions of the contract.

While we were marketing (market) the product, our main distributor went bust.

Alex lost his temper with Mathew while they were discussing (discuss) the quality problems in the

When he phoned, I had already left (leave) the office.

I had hoped (hope) to send him a letter to congratulate him on his promotion, but I didn’t manage it.

When I got to their office, I realized I had left (leave) all my papers behind.

Mathew was sure they hadn’t received (receive) the invoice, but he checked one more time.

When we arrived the meeting had already started (start).

After we had eaten (eat) we continued the negotiations.

I had just started (start) my presentation when the fire alarm rang.

It was Friday lunchtime and I still hadn’t finished (not finish) the report.

After she had made (make) a few notes, she started writing the introduction for the Annual report.

I was surprised to find that she had already signed (sign) the contract without showing it to the legal
department first.

She was very tired. She had been typing (type) letters all day.

When I first met Leila, she had been working (work) for The Times for 15 years.

Her eyes were red. It was obvious she had been crying (cry).

Leila was annoyed. Mathew had been phoning (phone) her every night for a whole week.

When I got to the office, I found that they had been revising (revise) the contract one again.

She had been working (work) in the London office for almost seven years before her boss decided to
promote her.

We had been waiting (wait) for three hours when they finally called out flight.

I had been working (work) on the project for two months before they decided to cancel it.

We hadn’t been doing (not do) enough quality checks, and the number of defects was too high.

Had you been working (work) long on the project before they cancelled it?

Over the next decade there will be (be) a big increase in the use of nuclear power.

I think we will open (open) an office in Barcelona next year.

He will probably agree (agree) with you.

I will give (give) you my full support in the meeting I promise.

I think I won’t join (not join) you for a drink after work.

Next year it will be (be) the company’s centenary year.

In the future, web conferences will probably replace (probably replace) many international meetings.

Would you mind waiting for a moment? I won’t be (be) long I promise.

In the future the companies will have to (have) search the world for the best intellectual capital.

I will wait (wait) for you outside.

I will have (have) a glass of wine, please.

Great idea! I will do (do) it tomorrow.

Do you need some more paper? I will get (get) some.

Wait for me! I will be (be) ready in a minute.

That looks very heavy! I will help (help) you.

Sorry about the confusion. I will look (look) into it right away.

The managing director hasn’t arrived yet. I will call (call) him right away.

The phone is ringing! I will answer (answer) it.

We have received a lot of complaints lately. – I will deal (deal) with them right away.

Just look at these sales figures.We are going to make (make) a loss this year.

There are rumours that the electricians’ union is going to go (go) on strike.

Just look at this traffic! We are going to be (be) late.

We have just heard that Marisa is going to have (have) a baby.

He is furious about his tiny pay rise! I’m sure he is going to resign (resign).

He has just called to say he got stuck in the traffic. He is going to be (be) late.

This taxi driver is terrible! We are going to be (be) late for the meeting.

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain (rain).

Look out! It is going to fall (fall).

Judging by these figures, we are going to make (make) a small loss this year.

I am going to be (be) an accountant when I grow up.

We are going to expand (expand) our overseas operation next year.

Have you heard the news! BHP Billiton is going to buy (buy) Rio Tinto.

We are going to test (test) the prototype sometime next week.

The ECB is going to monitor (monitor) inflation closely.

I am going to email (email) her this afternoon for some invoice details.

We are going to launch (launch) the new model at the Frankfurt Motor Show.

I have been thinking and I have made a decision. I am going to study (study) Arabic in Qatar.

After some thinking I have made a decision. I am going to do (do) my MBA in France.

I am going to go (go) on a long holiday as soon I get a chance.

I will be working (work) on the annual report when she arrives tonight.

At midnight tonight, we will still be driving (drive) through the desert.

In March we will be laying (lay) the runways.

This time next week we will be working (work) around the clock.

Don’t worry! I will be waiting (wait) for you at the airport.

This time tomorrow my plane will be touching down (touch down) at Dulles Airport.

We will be holding (hold) a meeting soon, so we can make a decision then.

Tomorrow I will be interviewing (interview) candidates all morning.

This time next year I will be doing (do) my part-time MBA.

Will you be using (use) the conference room next Tuesday morning?

By next November, I will have received (receive) my promotion.

By January we will have finished (finish) the control tower.

By this time next year he will have left (leave) the company.

By June we will have had (have) our millionth client.

By this time next year I will have been (be) promoted to the Board.

By the time we prepare our proposal they will have found (find) another supplier.

By the end of the year we will have sold (sell) around 20,000 units.

By the time our supplier ships this order we will have run out (run out) of inventory in the warehouse.

By the time the legal documents are ready, the deadline for the proposal will have passed (pass).

By the time I leave the office today, I will have been (be) here for twelve hours.

I think that we will have finished (finish) the project by the end of the year.

This traffic is terrible! They will have finished (finish) the meeting by the time we get to the office.

Hurry up! The concert will have started (start) by the time we arrive.

What will you have learned (learn) by the end of the course?

Will you have written (write) the report by 5 o’clock?

I will have forgotten (forgot) all these rules by tomorrow.

They will have done (do) all the work by the time we arrive.

The plane will have landed (land) by the time we get to the airport.

We will have learnt (learn) Business English well by the end of this term.

I will have read (read) the annual report by the end of this week.

What time does (do) the train to Oxford leave (leave)?

The film starts (start) at quarter to nine.

When does (do) the documentary finish (finish)?

What time do (do) we have (have) the quality test next week?

According to the timetable the plane arrives (arrive) in London at 11.30.

The meeting starts (start) in five minutes.

The last train for Manchester leaves (leave) at 7.30.

The festival ends (end) next Sunday.

Which day does (do) the exhibition open (open)?

The session on small businesses begins (begin) at nine o’clock.

Marisa is staying (stay) in with us on Friday.

I am seeing (see) the manager tomorrow. His secretary has already made an appointment.

She is going (go) to the theatre this evening.

I am meeting (meet) some friends after work. Everything is set.

She is travelling (travel) to York at the weekend. She has her ticket.

We are eating (eat) in a restaurant tonight. I have booked a table.

When are you starting (start) your new job? I have heard about the contract.

I am seeing (see) my dentist next Monday.

The company is giving (give) everybody a bonus for Christmas this year. They have already decided.

He is going (go) on a business trip next week. His secretary has already made all the reservations.

Your advertising plan sounds (sound) great.

High wages generally cause (cause) inflation.

I don’t know (not know) what these survey results mean.

I don’t know what these survey results mean (mean).

Lucy believes (believe) that her service can be a much better use of an advertising budget than
unfocused advertising.

How do you find (find) new employees at your company?

They often take (take) on extra staff at Christmas.

The factory produces (produce) circuit boards.

I usually leave (leave) the office at half past five.

What do you think (think) about hiring a management consultant to help us with the company strategy?

Marisa usually works in London, but she is working (work) in Ohio for a few months.

Peter is based at the London office, but he is helping (help) us out here for a few months.

Sorry Mr Clark can’t see you at the moment, he is talking (talk) to a customer.

Workers all over the world are retiring (retire) later in life.

I am writing (write) the report at the moment and it should be ready tomorrow.

Why is there such a long delay? What is happening (happen)?

These days we are selling (sell) more and more of our products to Asia.

Look at this report! They are selling (sell) the company stocks with 25% off!

I am looking (look) at your contact details on the screen right now.

The production line isn’t working (not work) at the moment.

They aren’t being (not be) very flexible in this negotiation.

Sorry I can’t deal with that now, I am looking (look) for the invoice details on the computer.

I am dealing (deal) with Andrew’s clients while he’s on vacation.

Who are you going (go) to the Trade Fair with this year?

What are you doing (do)? – I’m looking for a document I saved.

Can you call back? I am talking (talk) with a client.

We are staying (stay) at the Marriott Hotel. We’ll be there until Friday.

You’ll have to be quick if you want to talk to Mathew. He is just leaving (leave).

This product isn’t selling (not sell) – we’ll have to put it on special offer.

Internet fraud and cybercrime are increasing (increase) all over the world.

She has worked (work) with some major clients during her career.

How many times have you visited (visit) the Brazilian market?

They have been (be) in business for ten years.

Mathew has travelled (travel) all over the world.

The new model doesn’t look the same. They have changed (change) the shape of the body.

Have you finished (finish) that report yet?

They have taken (take) away six of our most important customers so far.

We have lost (lost) the marker share. There’s nothing we can do now.

I think I have set (set) up the spreadsheet incorrectly – I hope I don’t have to enter all the data again.

Have you spoken (speak) to Marisa already?

Are you sure it isn’t working? Have you tried (try) restarting it?

I have never seen (see) such a boring presentation in my life.

We have already seen (see) a lot of money on this project.

Their shares have gone (go) up by 5% since the merger.

Have you finished (finish) the report yet?

The goods will be with you soon. They have already left (leave) our warehouse.

We have known (know) each other for more than twenty years.

She has had (have) no time to deal with this matter yet.

He has been (be) in a meeting since nine.

I haven’t spoken (speak) to the managing director but I’m sure he’ll agree.

We have been looking (look) for a replacement for some time.

We have been losing (lose) market share lately.

They have been interviewing (interview) new copywriters all morning.

She looks exhausted. How long has she been writing (write) the report?

I’m so tired. I have been working (work) hard all day.

I have been trying (try) to send this fax all day, but each time I try it won’t go through.

We have been exporting (export) to the USA for years.

He has been looking (look) for some files in the basement.

Listen! I have been looking (look) at the contract in detail, and I am worried about it.

She is furious! She has been waiting (wait) for him for ages.

I checked (check) the sales figures very carefully yesterday.

We discussed (discuss) the report last week and agreed that direct marketing was a valuable strategy.

The last time something like this happened she called (call) a press conference immediately.

The IT network crashed (crash) last week because of a virus.

Last month we opened (open) a new office in London.

Something extremely strange happened (happen) yesterday while we were preparing the cash budget.

They closed (close) last year.

Sales soared (soar) to 3% in 2013.

Did you get (get) the email I sent you yesterday.

Last year our team went (go) to a sales conference in Munich and gave a presentation.

They were preparing (prepare) the accounts when the computer crashed.

While we were packing (pack) the boxes, the secretaries were on the lunch break.

We were having (have) a meeting when we heard an explosion.

He received an important phone call while he was writing (write) his report.

During the 1980s, many of the older industries were closing (close) down.

At that time, we were coming (come) of recession and things were improving.

I was waiting (wait) in the departure lounge for more than two hours yesterday morning.

I was trying (try) to call you last night but my battery died.

While we were developing (develop) the software, we carried out a variety of simulations.

While they were asking (ask) me questions in the interview, I suddenly had a panic attack.

While I was working (work) at my desk this morning, I received a strange phone call.

I came into this company as it was recovering (recover) from a recession of the early 1990s.

I suddenly found the pdf file I was looking (look) for.

Everyone was waiting (wait) for the chief executive, when he called to say that he was stuck in traffic

We never got the chance to discover her side of the story. While we were investigating (investigate)
the incident, she resigned from the company.

Lisa was explaining (explain) the proposals when Alex suddenly interrupted her.

While I was negotiating (negotiate) with them, our legal department decided to change the terms and
conditions of the contract.

While we were marketing (market) the product, our main distributor went bust.

Alex lost his temper with Mathew while they were discussing (discuss) the quality problems in the

When he phoned, I had already left (leave) the office.

I had hoped (hope) to send him a letter to congratulate him on his promotion, but I didn’t manage it.

When I got to their office, I realized I had left (leave) all my papers behind.

Mathew was sure they hadn’t received (receive) the invoice, but he checked one more time.

When we arrived the meeting had already started (start).

After we had eaten (eat) we continued the negotiations.

I had just started (start) my presentation when the fire alarm rang.

It was Friday lunchtime and I still hadn’t finished (not finish) the report.

After she had made (make) a few notes, she started writing the introduction for the Annual report.

I was surprised to find that she had already signed (sign) the contract without showing it to the legal
department first.

She was very tired. She had been typing (type) letters all day.

When I first met Leila, she had been working (work) for The Times for 15 years.

Her eyes were red. It was obvious she had been crying (cry).

Leila was annoyed. Mathew had been phoning (phone) her every night for a whole week.

When I got to the office, I found that they had been revising (revise) the contract one again.

She had been working (work) in the London office for almost seven years before her boss decided to
promote her.

We had been waiting (wait) for three hours when they finally called out flight.

I had been working (work) on the project for two months before they decided to cancel it.

We hadn’t been doing (not do) enough quality checks, and the number of defects was too high.

Had you been working (work) long on the project before they cancelled it?

Over the next decade there will be (be) a big increase in the use of nuclear power.

I think we will open (open) an office in Barcelona next year.

He will probably agree (agree) with you.

I will give (give) you my full support in the meeting I promise.

I think I won’t join (not join) you for a drink after work.

Next year it will be (be) the company’s centenary year.

In the future, web conferences will probably replace (probably replace) many international meetings.

Would you mind waiting for a moment? I won’t be (be) long I promise.

In the future the companies will have to (have) search the world for the best intellectual capital.

I will wait (wait) for you outside.

I will have (have) a glass of wine, please.

Great idea! I will do (do) it tomorrow.

Do you need some more paper? I will get (get) some.

Wait for me! I will be (be) ready in a minute.

That looks very heavy! I will help (help) you.

Sorry about the confusion. I will look (look) into it right away.

The managing director hasn’t arrived yet. I will call (call) him right away.

The phone is ringing! I will answer (answer) it.

We have received a lot of complaints lately. – I will deal (deal) with them right away.

Just look at these sales figures.We are going to make (make) a loss this year.

There are rumours that the electricians’ union is going to go (go) on strike.

Just look at this traffic! We are going to be (be) late.

We have just heard that Marisa is going to have (have) a baby.

He is furious about his tiny pay rise! I’m sure he is going to resign (resign).

He has just called to say he got stuck in the traffic. He is going to be (be) late.

This taxi driver is terrible! We are going to be (be) late for the meeting.

Look at those clouds! It is going to rain (rain).

Look out! It is going to fall (fall).

Judging by these figures, we are going to make (make) a small loss this year.

I am going to be (be) an accountant when I grow up.

We are going to expand (expand) our overseas operation next year.

Have you heard the news! BHP Billiton is going to buy (buy) Rio Tinto.

We are going to test (test) the prototype sometime next week.

The ECB is going to monitor (monitor) inflation closely.

I am going to email (email) her this afternoon for some invoice details.

We are going to launch (launch) the new model at the Frankfurt Motor Show.

I have been thinking and I have made a decision. I am going to study (study) Arabic in Qatar.

After some thinking I have made a decision. I am going to do (do) my MBA in France.

I am going to go (go) on a long holiday as soon I get a chance.

I will be working (work) on the annual report when she arrives tonight.

At midnight tonight, we will still be driving (drive) through the desert.

In March we will be laying (lay) the runways.

This time next week we will be working (work) around the clock.

Don’t worry! I will be waiting (wait) for you at the airport.

This time tomorrow my plane will be touching down (touch down) at Dulles Airport.

We will be holding (hold) a meeting soon, so we can make a decision then.

Tomorrow I will be interviewing (interview) candidates all morning.

This time next year I will be doing (do) my part-time MBA.

Will you be using (use) the conference room next Tuesday morning?

By next November, I will have received (receive) my promotion.

By January we will have finished (finish) the control tower.

By this time next year he will have left (leave) the company.

By June we will have had (have) our millionth client.

By this time next year I will have been (be) promoted to the Board.

By the time we prepare our proposal they will have found (find) another supplier.

By the end of the year we will have sold (sell) around 20,000 units.

By the time our supplier ships this order we will have run out (run out) of inventory in the warehouse.

By the time the legal documents are ready, the deadline for the proposal will have passed (pass).

By the time I leave the office today, I will have been (be) here for twelve hours.

I think that we will have finished (finish) the project by the end of the year.

This traffic is terrible! They will have finished (finish) the meeting by the time we get to the office.

Hurry up! The concert will have started (start) by the time we arrive.

What will you have learned (learn) by the end of the course?

Will you have written (write) the report by 5 o’clock?

I will have forgotten (forgot) all these rules by tomorrow.

They will have done (do) all the work by the time we arrive.

The plane will have landed (land) by the time we get to the airport.

We will have learnt (learn) Business English well by the end of this term.

I will have read (read) the annual report by the end of this week.

What time does (do) the train to Oxford leave (leave)?

The film starts (start) at quarter to nine.

When does (do) the documentary finish (finish)?

What time do (do) we have (have) the quality test next week?

According to the timetable the plane arrives (arrive) in London at 11.30.

The meeting starts (start) in five minutes.

The last train for Manchester leaves (leave) at 7.30.

The festival ends (end) next Sunday.

Which day does (do) the exhibition open (open)?

The session on small businesses begins (begin) at nine o’clock.

Marisa is staying (stay) in with us on Friday.

I am seeing (see) the manager tomorrow. His secretary has already made an appointment.

She is going (go) to the theatre this evening.

I am meeting (meet) some friends after work. Everything is set.

She is travelling (travel) to York at the weekend. She has her ticket.

We are eating (eat) in a restaurant tonight. I have booked a table.

When are you starting (start) your new job? I have heard about the contract.

I am seeing (see) my dentist next Monday.

The company is giving (give) everybody a bonus for Christmas this year. They have already decided.

He is going (go) on a business trip next week. His secretary has already made all the reservations.

They are building (build) a new power station at the moment.

When I was buying the stamps somebody called (call) my name.

What time did Kevin come (Kevin/come)? –An hour ago.

I didn’t go (not go) to the cinema last night. I was too tired.

Carol invited us to the party but we didn’t go (not go). We had other things to do.

I saw Bridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she didn’t see (not see) me.

Where do your parents live (your parents/live)? –In a village near London. They have always lived

She speaks English but she doesn’t speak (not speak) French.

Jeff is from London. He has been living (live) there all his life.

My favourite country is Canada. I have been (be) there four times.

I never eat (never eat) bananas.

How long have you been studying (you/study) Photography? –For one year.

Where are you going on holiday? –I don’t know. We haven’t decided (not decide) yet.

Who invented (invent) the washing machine?

Where’s Jill? She is having (have) lunch at the moment.

(Terry/work) Is Terry working? –No, he is on holiday.

Somebody stole (steal) my sunglasses at the swimming pool last week.

(She wear) Was she wearing the nice jacket when you saw her?

Where were (be) you yesterday?

As you can see, I have already become (already/become) a real London fan.

Jenny was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived.

Jim is on holiday. He has gone (go) to Italy.

Would you like something to eat? No thanks. I have just had (just/have) lunch.

It was so warm, so I took off (take off) my coat.

I saw Tom yesterday, but I haven’t seen (not see) him today.

This is the first time I have driven (drive) a car.

I promise I won’t tell (not tell) anyone.

Do you often go on holiday? –No, I haven’t had (not have) it for five years.

Can you give Tim this book? –Sure, I will give (give) it to him when I see him this afternoon.

How long have you been learning (learn) English?

Was Tom there when you arrived? –No he has already left (already/leave).


English is spoken (speak) in many countries.

The post is delivered (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning.

How often are the Olympic games held? (hold)

How is your name spelled? (spell)

My salary is paid (pay) every month.

These cars aren’t made (not make) in Japan.

The name of the people who committed the crime isn’t known (not know).

His travel expenses aren’t paid (not pay) by his company.

My car was repaired (repair) last week.

This song wasn’t written (not write) by John Lennon.

The film was made (make) ten years ago.

When tennis was invented? (invent)

The car wasn’t damaged (not damaged) in the accident.

The original building was pulled (pull) down in 1965.

Where this pot was made? (make)

When this bridge was built? (build)

Fiat was started (started/was started) by a group of Italian businessmen in 1899. In 1903, Fiat produced
(produced/was produced) 132 cars. Some of these cars were exported (exported/were exported) by the
company to the United States and Britain. In 1920, Fiat started (started/was started) making cars at a
new factory at Lingotto, near Turin. There was a track on the roof where the cars were tested
(tested/were tested) by technicains. In 1936, Fiat launched the Fiat 500. This car was called (called/was
called) the Topolino – the Italian name for Mickey Mouse. The company grew, and in 1963 Fiat
exported (exported/was exported) more than 300,000 vehnicles. Today, Fiat is based in Turin, and its
cars are sold (sold/are sold) all over the world.

We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office. (Tickets for all shows/sell/at the Box Office)

Tickets for all shows are sold at the Box Office.

Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. (The electric light bulb/invent/by Thomas Edison)

The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.

Someone painted the office last week. (The office/paint/last week)

The office was painted last week.

Several people saw the accident. (The accident/see/by several people)

The accident was seen by several people.

Where do they make these video recorders? (Where/these video recorders/make)

Where are these video recorders made?

Someone built this house 200 years ago.

The house was built 200 years ago.

A thief stole my purse.

My purse was stolen.

The police will arrest the robbers.

The robbers will be arrested.

They produce cars in this factory.

Cars are produced in this factory.

They serve breakfast at eight o’clock every day.

Breakfast is served at eight o’clock every day.

People throw away tones of rubbish every day.

Tones of rubbish are thrown away every day.

They make coffee in Brazil.

Coffee is made in Brazil.

Someone stole Jim’s bike last night.

Jim’s bike was stolen last night.

They will build a new bridge next year.

A new bridge will be built next year.

Brian Brody directed The Ultimate Space Adventure.

The Ultimate Space Adventure was directed by Brian Brody.

Pierre Mattie will design her costume.

Her costume will be designed by Pierre Mattie.

Someone found my wallet.

My wallet was found.

One of the students broke the window.

The window was broken by one of the students.

They will deliver my computer on Monday.

My computer will be delivered on Monday.

Mary invited Paul to her birthday party.

Paul was invited to the Mary’s birthday party.

British astronomers discovered a new planet.

A new planet was discovered by British astronomers.

Paper is made from wood.

Is paper made from wood?

The telephone was invented by Mr. Bell.

Was the telephone invented by Mr. Bell?

This picture was painted by Peter.

Was this pricture painted by Peter?

The thieves will be arrested by the police.

Will the thieves be arrested by the police?

Champagne is made in France.

Is champagne made in France?

The letters will be sent next week.

Will the letters be sent next week?

The animals are fed three times a day.

Are the animalas fed three times a day?

This article was written by Stanley.

Was this article written by Stanley?

CDs are made of plastic.

Are CDs made of plastic?

The party was organized by Paul.

Was the party organized by Paul?

The toothbrush / invent / in the 15th century.

The toothbrush was invented in the 15th century.

The first public basketball game / play / in 1892.

The first public basketball game was played in 1892.

The first eyeglasses / wear / in the 1200s.

The first eyeglasses were worn in the 1200s.

The first bicycle / ride in 1791.

The first bicycle was ridden in 1791.

The first hot dog / eat / in the 1860s.

The first hot dog was eaten in the 1860s.

The first CDs / sell / in the 1980s.

The first CDs were sold in the 1980s.

The first electric guitar / play / in 1923.

The first electric guitar was played in 1923.

The first computer mouse / use / 1964.

The first computer mouse was used in 1964.

This programme is watched (watch) by millions of people.

Paper is made (make) from wood.

Hundreds of people are killed (kill) in accidents every year.

London is visited (visit) by thousands of tourists every year.

The biology class is taught (teach) by MrGreen.

English is spoken (speak) all over the world.

Lunch is served (serve) at twelve o’clock.

Books are written (write) by authors.

Two man were seen (see) breaking into a house in my street last night. The police was called (call)
and they arrived very quickly. One man were caught (catch) immediately. The other escaped, but he
was found (find) very soon. Both men were taken (take) to the police station where they were

questioned (question) separately by a police officer. The two men were charged (charge) with

Somebody has stolen a bus from outside the school. Some children saw the thief. The police are
searching for the bus now. They will use the children’s descriptions to catch the thief.

A bus has been stolen from outside the school. The thief was seen by some children. The bus is being
searched by the police. The children’s descriptions will be used to catch the thief.

Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night. They reported it to the police. The army
sent a helicopter to look at it more closer. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both men in
it. People have given photographs of the UFO to the police. Experts are look at them now.

A UFO was seen in the sky above London last night. It was reported to the police. A helicopter was
sent to look at it more closer by the army. The helicopter was shot down by the UFO and both man
were killed in it. The photographs of the UFO have been given to the police. They are being looked
at now.

He gave me a present.

A present was given to me.

I was given a present.

The waiter will bring us the bill.

The bill will be brought to us by the waiter.

We will be brought the bill by the waiter.

Her mother bought Mary some sweets.

Some sweets were bought to Mary by her mom.

Mary was bought some sweets by her mom.

Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car.

A second-hand car was sold to Ted by Bob.

Ted has been sold a second-hand car by Bob.

Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.

A letter is going to be send to Tom by Larry.

Tom is going to be sent a letter by Larry.

Someone is helping her with the housework.

She is being helped with the housework.

The mail-order company sent Mrs. Green a parcel.

A parcel was sent to Mrs. Green by the mail-order company.

My friend sent me an invitation.

An invitation was sent to me by my friend.

The secretary has given Mrs. Jones some letters.

Some letters has been given to Mrs. Jones by the secretary.

The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.

A ticket for illegal parking had already been given to him by the traffic warden.

John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

That beautiful ring was given to Elizabeth by John.

Her students have sent her flowers.

Flowers have been sent to her by her students.

He must give the message to the right person.

The message must be given to the right person.

We teach our students English and French.

Our student are taught English and French.

Someone bought flowers for the bride.

Flowers for the bride were bought.

They showed the tourists the sights of Athens.

The sights od Athens were shown the tourists.

They pay her an excellent salary.

An excellent salary is paid to her.

They paid the artist $1,000 for his painting.

His painting was paid $1,000.

They sell oysters in the shop next door.

Oysters are sold in the shop next door.

They haven’t delivered the food yet.

The food hasn’t been delivered yet.

Shakespeare wrote King Lear.

Kind Lear was written by Shakespeare.

They have to answer the questions on this sheet.

The questions on this sheet have to be answered.

Has anybody put the cases upstairs?

Have the cases been put upstairs?

Someone should take this rubbish away.

This rubbish should be taken away.

They’ll ask you a lot of questions.

You will be asked a lot of questions by them.

Someone’s going to send her some flowers.

Some flowers are going to be sent to her.

She is going to be sent some flowers.

They didn’t pay me much for that job.

I wasn’t paid much for that job.

Have they offered him a better job?

Has he been offered a better job?

They told us a secret.

A secret was told to us.

Would they lend me their car?

Would their car be lent to me?

People should send their complaints to the head office.

People’s complaints should be sent to the head office.

They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.

The meeting had to be postponed because od illness.

They are going to hold next year’s congress in San Francisco.

Next year’s congress going to be held in San Francisco by them.

The bill includes service.

Service is included.

People don’t use this road very often.

This road isn’t used very often.

They cancelled all the flights because of fog.

All the flights were cancelled because of fog.

Somebody accused me of stealing the money.

I was accused of stealing money.

They are building a new ring-road round the city.

A new ring road is being built round the city.

I didn’t realize that someone was recording our conversation.

I didn’t realize that our conversation was being recorded.

They have changed the date of the meeting.

The date of the meeting has been changed.

Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street.

I was told by Brian that he had been attacked and roobed in the street.

You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.

The wine should be opened about three hours before it is used.

Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.

My shoes had been cleaned and my suit brushed.

We use this room only on special occasions.

This room is used only on special occasions.

In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles.

In some districts pigs are used to find truffles.

They have offered Sarah a very good job.

Sarah has been offered a very good job.

The estate agent showed the house to the young people.

The house was shown to the young people by the estate agent.

We will pay the gardener a lot of money.

The gardener will be paid a lot of money.

Someone is going to repair the roof next week.

The roof is going to be repaired next week.

They can’t find Joanna.

Joanna can’t be found.

They should decorate the room with flowers.

The room should be decorated with flowers.

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient temple.

An ancient temple has been discovered by archaeologists.

We will put all these things into boxes.

All these thing will be put into boxes.

The firefighters rescued the teenagers from the burning building.

The teenagers were rescued from the burning building by the firefighters.

The youngest student in the class has written the best composition.

The best composition has been written by the youngest student in the class.

The children send me messages every day.

Messages are sent to me every day by the children.

The villagers gave the travellers food and water.

The travellers were given food and water by the villagers.

A very talented young girl wrote the story.

The story was written by a very talented young girl.

They are going to finish the new road in a few days.

The now road is going to be finished in a few days.

They cancelled the match because of the rain.

The match was cancelled because of the rain.

You must not cross this line.

The line must not be crossed.

They had picked the oranges before the storm.

The oranges had been picked before the storm.

Professor Smith should write the book.

The book would be written by professor smith.

Mr. Elliot will pay the workers.

The workers will be payed by Mr. Elliot.

Two men were following Tom.

Tom was being followed by two men.

Millions of people use the Internet every day.

The Internet is used every day by millions of people.

They gave Bob a CD player for his birthday.

A CD player was given Bob for his birthday.

The prime minister will give a medal to the winners.

A medal will be given to the winners by the prime minister.

She is telling the children a story.

A story is being told the children.

They’ve offered Sally a job.

A job has been offered Sally.

Poisonous chemicals have polluted the river.

The river has been polluted by poisonous chemicals.

Doctor Simms is examining her.

She is being examined by doctor Simms.

You must stop him now.

He must be stopped now.

Someone gave them free tickets for the concert.

Free tickets for the concert were given to them.

Someone had deleted the file.

The file had been deleted.

We are doing everything to speed up your order.

Everything is being done to speed up your order.

We have processed your request for a letter or credit.

Your request for a letter or credit has been processed.

Someone stole the goods while they were in transit.

The goods were stolen while they were in transit.

I use a freight forwarder to deal with my exports.

My exports are dealt with by a freigh forwarder.

They lifted the cargo from the hold with a crane.

Cargo was lifted from the hold with a crane.

Someone should find a way of making it more efficient.

A way of making it more efficient should be found.

Oh no! My wallet has been stolen (steal).

The new Science Park was opened (open) by the mayor.

The goods are then transported (then transport) to our central warehouse 80 km away.

Something should be done (should do) about this problem right away.

We are exporting more and more of our goods to South East Asia.

More and more of our goods are being exported to South East Asia.

They’ll have finished the paperwork by this evening.

The paperwork will have been finished by this evening.

Before we supplied the goods, someone should have checked their bank references.

Their bank references should have been checked before we supplied the goods.

Officials from Customs examined the container’s contents.

The container’s contenct were examined by officials from Customs.

With the Internet you can track your consignment every kilometre of the way.

With the Internet, you consignment can be tracked every kilometre of the way.

Do they give their horses hay every day?

Are their horses given hay every day?

Has she made coffee?

Has coffee been made?

Did you open the bottle?

Was the bottle opened?

Do they often water the flowers?

Are the flowers often watered?

Have you prepared everything?

Has everything been prepared?

Did she invite them?

Were they invited?

Does she clean the room every day?

Is the room cleaned every day?

Has he translated the letter?

Has the letter been translated?

Did you hide the present?

Was the present hidden?

Has he stolen the money?

Has the money been stolen?

Did she find the solution?

Was the solution found?

Do you often send letters?

Are letters often sent?

Do they make cheese from milk?

Is cheese made from milk?

Did you leave the children in the street?

Were the children left in the street?

Have you closed the windows?

Have the windows been closed?

When did you find the book?

When was the book found?

How did you open the door?

How was the door opened?

What have you given to him?

What has he been given?

Where did they throw the ball?

Where was the ball thrown?

When do they celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

Why did he close the window?

Why was the window closed?

What do you use for this cake?

What is used for this cake?

How did they build the bridge?

How was the bridge built?

What have you hidden?

What have has been hidden?

Where does she wash the dishes?

Where are the dishes washed?

He wrote the message on the wall.

The message was written on the wall.

They have just found the book.

The book has just been found.

They took the baby to the doctor’s yesterday.

The baby was taken to the doctor’s yesterday.

They control everything from this room.

Everything is controled from this room.

I have torn all the letters.

All the letters have been torn.

I forgive everything to you.

Everything is forgiven to you.

They punished him for stealing food.

He was punished for stealing food.

They give him instructions every day.

Instructions are given to him every day.

They serve good food in this reastaurant.

Good food is served in this restaurant.

I have woken him up.

He has been woken up.

They have sent the invitations for the party.

The invitations have been sent for the party.

His friend took him to Kopaonik last week,

He was taken to Kopaonik last week.

They speak English here.

English is spoken here.

If you ask him, he will take (take) you to the airport.

The view was wonderful. If I had had (have) a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

You know that I can’t afford this ring. If I earned more, I would buy (buy) you the whole world.

It’s a pity I didn’t go to Spain last summer. If I had gone there, I would have had (have) a chance to
use my Spanish.

If I were you, I would take (take) your neighbour to court.

The mayor opened the new science park.

The new science park was opened by the mayor.

They transport the goods to our central warehouse 80 km away.

The goods were transported to our central warehouse 80 km away.

Before we supplied the goods, someone should have checked their bank references.

Their bank references should have been checked before we supplied the goods.

They’ll have finished the paperwork by this evening.

The paperwork should have been finished by this evening.

We should do something about this problem right away.

Something will have been finished about this problem right away.

Did you leave the children in the street?

Were the children left in the street?

Larry is going to send a letter to Tom.

A letter is going to be sent to Tom by Larry.

Someone should find a way of making it more efficent.

A way of making it more efficent should be found.

They have sent the invitations for the party.

The invitations for the party have been sent.

How did they build the bridge?

How was the bridge built?

What have you hidden?

What have been hidden?

Has he stolen the money?

Has the money been stolen?

We are expecting more and more of our goods to the South East Asia.

More and more of our goods are being expecting to the South East Asia.

Oh no! Somebody has stolen my wallet!

My wallet has been stolen.

Port officials made our ship wait three weeks for permission to dock.

Our ship was made wait three weeks for permission to dock by port officials.

With the Internet you can track your consigment every kilometer of the way.

Your consigment can be tracked every kilometer of the way with the Internet.

Officials from Customs examined the container’s content.

The container’s content was examined from Customs by officials.


That is the man who helped me when I fell down in the street.

Is that your car? No, mine is the one which is parked just opposite the bank.

That is the woman who complained about the room service.

This is the park where we first met. Do you remember?

So, James is the man whose son came on the school trip with us? I didn’t know.

If you have any question, ask the girl who is standing at the desk. She’ll help you.

They had to put away the dog which bit the boy. It was too dangerous.

I’m looking for a person whose surname begins with a “k”.

Do you still go to that pub where we used to go as students?

The heating is not working. Do you know anyone who can fix it?

A hotel is a place where people stay when they’re on holiday.

What’s the name of the woman who live in that house?

What do you call someone who writes computer programs?

A waiter is a person whose job is to serve customers in a restaurant.

Is that the shop where you bought your new laptop?

He’s the man whose son plays football for Manchester Utd.

Hal didn’t get the job which he applied for.

This is the man who built our house.

There is the bridge which we have to cross.

The girl who lives next door is very nice.

The bus that takes you to the station should be here any minute.

This is the dog that barks every night.

A castle is a place where a king or queen lives.

An actress is a woman who plays in films or theatre plays.

This is the girl whose mother is from Canada.

This is the time of the year when many people suffer from hayfever.

The flowers that grow in the garden are beautiful.

The woman who is sitting at the desk is Mr Winter’s secretary.

Jane, whose mother is a pshysician, is very good at biology.

She didn’t see the snake which was lying on the ground.

Do you know the shop where Andrew picked me up?

I’ve borrowed the book which you recommended.

The man who you seen in the street is my new neighbour.

Would you recognize the person who stopped you?

I’ve brought something that would interest you.

We saw someone who looks like you.

The picture which she has just finished is unique.

She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete).

She worked for a man who used to be an athlete.

They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby).

They called a lawyer who lived nearby.

I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia).

I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia.

The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly).

The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly.

We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father).

We broke the computer which belonged to my father.

I dropped a glass (the glass was new).

I dropped a glass which was new.

She loves books (the books have happy endings).

She loves books which have happy endings.

They live in a city (the city is in the north of England).

They live in a city which is in the north of England.

The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper).

The man who is wearing a blue jumper is in the garden.

The girl works in a bank (the girl is from India).

The girl who is from India works in a bank.

My sister has three children (my sister lives in Australia).

My sister who lives in Australia has three children.

The waiter was rude (the waiter was wearing a blue shirt).

The waiter who was wearing a blue shirt was rude.

The money is in the kitchen (the money belongs to John).

The money which belongs to John is in the kitchen.

The table got broken (the table was my grandmother’s).

The table which was my grandmother’s got broken.

The television was stolen (the television was bought 20 years ago).

The television which was bought 20 years ago was stolen.

The fruit is on the table (the fruit isn’t fresh)

The fruit which is on the table isn’t fresh.

They found the money (I dropped the money).

They found the money which I dropped.

I broke the plate (the plate was a wedding present).

I broke the plate which was a wedding present.

The police arrested the man (I saw the man steal a handbag).

The police arrested the man who I saw stealing a handbag.

The Queen fired the chef (we had met the chef).

The Queen fired the chef who we had met.

She wrote to her friend (her friend lives in Vietnam).

She wrote to her friend who lives in Vietnam.

Jill ate the sandwich (the sandwich had tomato and cheese inside).

Jill ate the sandwich that had tomato and cheese inside.

His friend lives in Scotland (his friend is a lawyer).

His friend, who is a lawyer, lives in Scotland.

We called the secretary (I went to school with the secretary).

We called the secretary who I went to school.

The CD is in my bag (the CD has Spanish music).

The CD, which is in my bag, have Spanish music.

The book is very interesting (the book is about Japanese culture).

The book that is about Japanese culture is very interesting.

The bag was stolen (I bought the bag yesterday).

The bag which I bought yesterday was stolen.

He likes films (the films come from Asia).

He likes films that come from Asia.

My nephew broke the plate (I received the plate as a present).

My nephew broke the plate which I received as a present.

The chocolate was very old (we bought the chocolate last week).

The chocolate which we bought last week was very old.

She’s a nice old lady. Her parents were born in New York.

She’s a nice old lady whose parents were born in New York.

Did you pick up the keys? They were on the table.

Did you pick up the keys which were on the table?

A man brought in a small girl. Her hand had been cut flying glass.

A man brought in a small girl whose hand had been cut flying glass.

Cathy Freeman was an aborgine athlete. She lit the Olympic flame in Sidney.

Cathy Freeman was an aborgine athlete who lit the Olympic flame in Sidney.

Mayka is a Spanish woman. Her husband is Egyptian.

Mayka, whose husband is Egyptian, is a Spanish woman.

Anabel looks stunning in that black dress. She bought it in the sales.

Anabel looks stunning in that black dress which she bought in the sales.

She slept in a hotel. It was very comfortable.

She slept in a hotel which was very comfortable.

Tom had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop.

Tom, who was tired and wanted to stop, had been driving all day.

The house has been for sale since last February. The house is very expensive.

The house, which is very expensive, has been for sale since last February.

Susan Rose has just won $100.000. Susan Rose’s brother Paul works in my office.

Susan Rose, whose brother Paul works in my office, has just won $100.000.

I went to Munich. I had always wanted to visit Munich.

I went to Munich which I always wanted to visit.

A cup is an object. We drink out of it.

A cup is an object which we drink out of it.

Mrs Freeman’s dog is mad. It bit a young girl yesterday.

Mrs Freeman’s dog is mad which bit a young girl yesterday.

They rowed across the Atlantic. This had never been done before.

They rowed across the Atlantic which had never been done before.

The doctor came by. We didn’t know him.

We didn’t know the doctor who came by.

She was dancing with a student. He had a slight limp.

She was dancing with a student who had a slight limp.

Mike speaks French very well. Mike’s mother comes from Paris.

Mike, whose mother comes from Paris, speaks French very well.

Last summer we went to Whitby. We stayed at the Queen’s Hotel in Whitby.

Last summer we went to Whitby where we stayed at the Queen’s Hotel.

My uncle Peter is coming to see me next week. My uncle Peter lives in Scotland.

My uncle Peter, who lives in Scotland, is coming to see me next week.

I am looking after some children. They are terribly spoilt.

I am looking after some children who are terribly spoilt.

That’s the girl. She spoke to me yesterday.

That’s the girl who spoke to me yesterday.

The men smoked forty cigarettes a day. He died of heart attack.

The men who smoked forty cigarettes a day died of heart attack.

The car was stolen. It was BMW.

The car which was stolen was BMW.

I rent a house. It is very small.

I rent a house which is very small.

We stayed in a hotel. The hotel was very expensive.

We stayed in a hotel which was very expensive.

The businessman was very rich. I saw him last night.

The businessman who I saw last night was very rich.

That’s the building. I work there.

That’s the building where I work.

That’s the boy. His mother works in the post office.

That’s the boy which mother works in the post office.

That’s the dog. Its owner is French.

That’s the dog which owner is French.

What’s the name of the book? You want me to read it?

What’s the name of the book which you want me to read?

Georgina works for a company. The company imports garden furniture.

Georgina works for a company which imports garden furniture.

Završni rad

© Kristina Pantelić

Jane / eat / too much chocolate / she / get / sick

If Jane eats too much chocolate she gets sick.

You / not / eat / you / die

If you don’t eat you die.

You / heat / ice / it / melts

If you heat ice it melts.

If you leave (leave) you job, you would travel (travel) around the world.

If you were (be) nicer to him, he would lend (lend) you the money.

He crashed his car because he fell asleep while driving. If he hadn’t fallen (fall) asleep while driving
he wouldn’t have crashed (crash) his car.

I lost my job because I was late for work. I wouldn’t have lost (loose) my job if I hadn’t been (be) late
for work.

We couldn’t go to the concert because we didn’t have enough money. If we had had (have) enough
money we would have gone (go) to the concert.

“Keep to the left.”

The police officer told the cyclist to keep to the left.

“Please don’t smoke in this area.”

The waitress asked them not to smoke in that area.

“Sit down and be quiet.”

The teacher told the class to sit down and to be quiet.

“Don’t forget to post the letter.”

Jane told her boyfriend not to forget to post the letter.

“Don’t talk during the exam.”

The examiner told us not to talk during the exam.

“Please switch off your mobile phone.”

The air hostess asked him to switch off his mobile phone.

“Put down your gun, Paul.”

The police officer ordered Paul to put down his gun.

“I think you should have a holiday, Kate.”

He advised Kate to have a holiday.

“Don’t touch that electric wire, John!”

Mum warned John not to touch that electric wire.

“Don’t shout at me.”

She told him not to shout at her.

“Will the flight be delayed?”

Jill wanted to know if the flight would be delayed.

“Will I pass my exam?”

Mark wondered if he would pass his exam.

“Did you remember the invitations?”

Sue asked me if I had remembered the invitations.

“Can I borrow your bike?”

She wondered if she could borrow my bike.

“Are they French or Canadian?”

Charlie asked if they were French or Canadian?

“Has Sarah ever been to Siena?”

He wanted to know if Sarah had ever been to Siena.

“Do you like fried eggs?”

Anne asked David if he liked fried eggs.

“Have you fed the cat yet, Philip?”

Leticia asked Philip if he had fed the cat yet.

“Does she know your brother?”

David wanted to know if she knew my brother.

“Did you go to Lisbon last year?”

Luis asked Paul if he went to Lisbon the previous year.

“She goes out with her friends every night.”

Sue’s father said that she went out with her friends every night.

“I bought the tickets yesterday.”

She said that she had bought the tickets the day before.

“They’re going to Florida next week.”

Tim told me that they were going to Florida the following week.

“He won’t be in the office tomorrow.”

The secretary said that he wouldn’t be in the office the following day.

“Jenny has passed her driving test.”

Jenny’s brother told me that she had passed her driving test.

“I’m studying French and Spanish.”

She said that she was studying French and Spanish.

“I was waiting for the bus when he arrived.”

Sally told me that she had been waiting for the bus when he had arrived.

“I’d never been there before.”

Tom said that he had never been there before.

“I didn’t go to the party.”

Lucas told me that he hadn’t gone to the party.

“I visited my parents last weekend.”

She told me that she had visited her parents the previous weekend.

“You can stop taking these pills.”

The doctor explained that I could stop taking these pills.

“Carl might come to the football match this afternoon.”

He told me that Carl might come to the football match that afternoon.

“You should ask him out.”

She said that I should ask him out.

“You must finish your essays tomorrow.”

The teacher told us that we had to finish our essays the following day.

“I can’t drive a truck.”

Jim said that he couldn’t drive a truck.

“He could read when he was three.”

She said that he could read when he was three.

“They would help if they could.”

She said that they would help if they could.

“I can help you tomorrow.”

She said that she could help me the following day.

“We must finish this now.”

Sarah told them that they had to finish this then.

“You can take the tests home.”

The teacher said that we could take the test home.

“Where have you been all night?”

My parents wanted to know where I had been all night.

“How long have you been learning German?”

Karl wondered how long I have been learning German.

“Where are you?”

He wanted to know where I was.

“What should I do?”

She asked me what I should do.

“Where do bears live?”

George asked where bears lived.

“What has daddy made for dinner?”

Simon wanted to know what daddy had made for dinner.

“Who won the match?”

Monica asked who had won the match.

“Where are the toilets?”

A man asked me where the toilets were.

“Who wants some more yoghurt ice cream?”

Mum asked who wanted some more yoghurt ice cream.

“How much does it cost?”

Carlos wanted to know how much it cost.


How much you would you have paid (pay), Martin, if you had been (been) at yesterday’s meeting?

If we sign (sign) now, she will give (give) us a 25% discount. Let’s do it before she changes her mind.

What would you say (say) if I paid (pay) you some buyer’s commission as an incentive?

Unless they agree (agree) to an extra thirty days credit, I won’t go ahead (not go ahead) with the order.

If you pay (pay) by credit card, you have to (have to) spend more than 5 pounds.

I will accept (accept) the delivery as long as you replace (replace) the damaged goods.

We have lost the good customer. They would have renewed (renew) the contract if we hadn’t been
(not be) so greedy.

If you hadn’t agreed (not agree) to their ridiculous conditions, we wouldn’t be (not be) in this awful
situation now.

If you ask him, he will take you to the airport.

The view was wonderful. If I had had a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

You know that I can’t afford this ring. If I earned more, I would buy you the whole world.

It’s a pity I didn’t go to Spain last summer. If I had gone there, I would have had a chance to use my

If I were you, I would take your neighbour to court.

If you heat the water to 100C, it boils.

If you boil the water, it evaporates.

If you don’t water the flowers, they die.

If you eat too much, you get fat.

If you put sugar in tea, it dissolves.

If the weather is good tomorrow, we will go for a picnic.

If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

If they invite us, we will go to the party.

If my mother isn’t tired, she will make a cake.

If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the park.

If you don’t listen to the teacher, you won’t understand the lesson.

If Nancy gets good marks, her dad will buy a new computer for her.

If Mike doesn’t do his homework, his teacher will be angry with him.

They bought the winning ticket so they’re absolutely delighted.

If they hadn’t boughted the winning ticket they wouldn’t be absolutely delighted.

Her big brother broke her doll so she’s very upset.

If her big brother hadn’t broke her doll she wouldn’t be upset.

She’s feeling bitterly disappointed because her team didn’t win the match.

If her team had won the match she wouldn’t be bitterly disappointed.

His mother is absolutely furious because he’s broken the vase.

If he hadn’t broken the vase his mother wouldn’t be absolutely furious.

Father Christmas didn’t forget to bring her presents so she’s absolutely thrilled.

If Father Christmas had forgotten to bring her presents, she wouldn’t be absolutely thrilled.

If I went to Antarctica, I’d take photos of penguins. (II)

If Shakespeare had had a laptop, he would have written poems on it. (III)

I’d buy you a coffee if I hadn’t lost my wallet yesterday. (mixed)

All the Titanic’s passengers would have been saved if there had been enough lifeboats. (III)

I’d feel terribly nervous if I ever met the Queen. (II)

I’d phone her if I hadn’t lost my mobile. (mixed)

If I hadn’t drunk (not drink) too much beer last night, I wouldn’t have (not have) a hangover this
morning. (mixed conditional)

If I had had (have) the same determination, I would be (be) as rich and famous. (mixed conditional)

If you hadn’t agreed (not agree) to their ridiculous conditions, we wouldn’t be (not be) in this awful
situation now. (mixed conditional)

We wouldn’t have (not have) their order, if we hadn’t given (not give) the discount. (mixed

If we had got (get) the contract, we wouldn’t be (not be) in such a terrible mess now. (mixed

If her big brother hadn’t broken (not break) her doll, she wouldn’t be (not be) so upset. (mixed

I would buy (buy) you a coffee if I hadn’t lost (not lose) my wallet yesterday. (mixed conditional)

I wouldn’t need (not need) to take this class, if I had studied (study) harder. (mixed conditional)

If I had finished (finish) my homework, my teacher wouldn’t be (not be) angry. (mixed conditional)

She wouldn’t be (not be) feeling bitterly disappointed, if her team had won (win) the match. (mixed

You have to be (have to/be) very subtle, if you bring up (bring up) business at all. (zero conditional)

If children don’t eat (not eat) well, they aren’t (not be) healthy. (zero conditional)

If you pay (pay) by credit card, you have to (have to) spend more than $5. (zero conditional)

In this company employees have to (have to) ask their boss for permission, if they want (want) to leave
early. (zero conditional)

If people eat (eat) too many sweets, they get (get) fat. (zero conditional)

Negotiations generally work (work) better if they are (be) conducted in less formal surroundings. (zero

If my husband cooks (cook), he always burns (burn) the food. (zero conditional)

If you mix (mix) water and electricity, you get (get) a shock. (zero conditional)

John always gets (get) annoyed, if I speak (speak) to him. (zero conditional)

If you press (press) this button, the computer comes on (come on). (zero conditional)

She will help (help) you, if she has (have) more time tomorrow. (first conditional)

If the weather is (be) fine, we will go (go) to the beach. (first conditional)

I will see (see) you at the same time next week, unless I hear (hear) from you. (first conditional)

If they pull out (pull out) of the negotiations, we just have to (just/have to) accept it. (first conditional)

I will accept (accept) the delivery as long as you replace (replace) the damaged goods. (first

Unless they agree (agree) to an extra thirty days’ credit, I won’t go (not go) ahead with the order. (first

If you press (press) the issue, you will find (find) that most people don’t want to spend their time
haggling with the other side. (first conditional)

If we sign (sign) now, she will give (give) us a 25% discount. let’s do it before she changes her mind.
(first conditional)

We won’t play (not play) tennis tomorrow, if it rains (rain). (first conditional)

If it isn’t (not be) hot tomorrow, we won’t go (not go) to the beach. (first conditional)

If you paid (pay) cash, I could work out (can/work out) a discount. (second conditional)

What would you say (you/say) if I paid (pay) you some buyer’s commission as an incentive? (second

I would feel (feel) terribly nervous if I ever met (meet) the queen. (second conditional)

If she looked (look) smarter it would help (help) her get a better job. (second conditional)

If I were you (be) you, I wouldn’t accept (not accept) his offer. (second conditional)

There’s no doubt about it, if I ran (run) the company, I would make (make) a lot of changes. But I’m
just a messenger boy. (second conditional)

If you didn’t have (not have) your sales receipt, the store wouldn’t give (not give) you your money
back. (second conditional)

I wish we’d checked his bank references before. If we had (have), we wouldn’t still be (still/not be)
chasing him for payment. (second conditional)

So what would you say (you/say) if, for instance, we contributed (contribute) to your expenses?
(second conditional)

Betty would go (go) to the party if her baby wasn’t sick (not be) sick. (second conditional)

If I hadn’t spent (not spend) so much money, I could have gone (can/go) shopping. (third conditional)

If Sally hadn’t been (not be) in such a hurry, she wouldn’t have forgotten (not forget) her briefcase.
(third conditional)

It’s the shame you weren’t at the meeting. If you had gone (go) to it, things may have worked out
(may/work out) differently. (third conditional)

If she had acted (act) more reasonably we could have found (can/find) a compromise which suited
everybody. (third conditional)

If we hadn’t been (not be) so suspicious, we would have sign (sign) the contract last week. (third

I wouldn’t have stayed (not stay) at that hotel if you hadn’t recommended (not recommend). (third

We have lost a good customer. They had renewded (renew) the contract if we hadn’t been (not be) so
greedy. (third conditional)

How much would you have paid (you/pay), Martin, if you had been (be) at yesterday’s meeting? (third

Jane didn’t understand the homework. If she had listened (listen) to the teacher’s instructions, she
would have known (know) what to do. (third conditional)

I didn’t know that Dave was in the hospital last week. If I had known (know), I would have visited
(visit) him. (third conditional)


This test is (easy) easier than the test we had last month.

Who are (popular) the most popular actor and actress in your country?

Our Math teacher is (good) the best Maths teacher in the world!

Mark is (tall) taller than Jake but Jake is older.

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I’ll put on the most beautiful dress I have.

Studying on the Internet is (exciting) more exciting than studying from books.

Is English (much) the most spoken language in the world? –No, it’s not. It’s Mandarin.

You’re on a diet. Put (little) less sugar in your tea!

Little Tommy is (bad) the worst kid in the street. He fights other kids all the time!

That’s not enough. If you want to make a good cake, you have to put (much) more sugar.

Our father arrived home later than the rest of the family. (late)

My sister sang more beautifully than Amanda did. (beautifully)

Your husband, Ken, writes the best of all. (well)

Mrs. Henderson speaks more clearly than Mrs. Alarcon. (clearly)

Mother prepares turkey better than Father does. (well)

Alexander and Peter work the hardest of all the boys. (hard)

He checked his answers more carefully than she did. (carefully)

Angelica speaks Spanish the most correctly of all the students. (correctly)

Percy talks more frequently than Jennifer. (frequently)

She danced the most gracefully of all. (gracefully)

Sam has all As. He is (smart) the smartest child in our class.

Grandma is the oldest person in our family. She is (old) older than grandpa.

His first book is (interesting) the most interesting of all his books.

She was on a diet for 3 months and now she look much thinner.

“Harry Potter”, part one was (good) better than “Harry Potter”, part 2.

Learning German is (difficult) more difficult than learning English.

Tim got a C in his English test and when he did the test again he got a worse (bad) mark – an F!

The street where I live now is much (noisy) noisier than the street where I lived last year.

Handball is (dangerous) more dangerous than volleyball or basketball.

Martin is (little) the least polite person I know.

Our Maths teacher is (good) the best Maths teacherin the world!

This math test was harder than the last one. (hard)

I did my homework faster than my brother. (fast)

He arrived earlier than expected. (early)

We walked more slowly than the rest of the people. (slowly)

They called us later in the afternoon. (late)

My mother and my sister talked more loudly the other guests. (loudly)

Jim threw the ball further than Peter. (far)

We answered all the questions better than the other students. (well)

Our new teacher explains the exercises worse than our old teacher. (badly)

The new mechanic checked the car more thoroughly than the old mechanic. (thoroughly)

The book was (boring) more boring than the film.

Mark is (good) better at English than at Maths.

Can you help me with these bags, please? They are (heavy) heavier than I thought.

Ferarri is (fast) faster than any car.

You are (funny) the funniest person I know!

It’s (hot) hotter today than it was yesterday.

You must study (much) more if you want to have better marks.

A giraffe is the animal with (long) the longest neck.

Which city has higher (high) population? Mexico city, Beijing or Tokyo?

Which country is larger (large) – Canada or Brazil?


The best place to buy luxury items is a famous department store like / Harrods.

After the product recall the company acquired a terrible reputation for / unreliability.

My father always said that / fashion was a waste of / time.

The new Mini is popular with the over-sixties.

Was the the meeting you went to yesterday a success?

The new product is a small hand-held device for the businessman in a hurry.

It’s an amazing opportunity. In fact, it’s the best we’ve ever had.

The launch was a total disaster. The public didn’t like the advertising campaign at all.

The first time she went to the Swiss branch she met the Managing Director.

It takes a long time to build a reputation, but you can lose it through a single mistake.

Rome is the capital of Italy.

My mum works in a bank. the bank is very near our house.

Where are my sisters? –They are playing in the park at theend of our street.

Dad is watching TV in the living room.

There is a bike in the garden.

Don’t look at the Sun!

We have a new Maths teacher. The old teacher is ill at the moment.

Can we talk to the captain of the ship, please?

The tall boy with dark hair and blue eyes is my brother.

My cousin Adam is a student of French.

There is a cake in the fridge. The cake is for my brother’s birthday.

Is Madrid the capital of Spain?

Have you got a rubber? –Yes, here you are.

Close the window behind you, please.

My dad is a dentist.

Julia is a teacher in a primary school.

Who is the president of the United States?

The man in this photo is my uncle Sam.

There is a present on the coffee table in the living room.

Where are you staying? –We are staying in a hotel.

My grandfather is a farmer.

There is a ruler on my desk. The ruler is Mark’s.

The Earth goes round the sun.

Mum is in the kitchen – she is cooking lunch.

My aunt works in a supermarket. The supermarket is opposite my school.

Have you got a cat? –Yes, I have.

Mark is doing homework in the bedroom.

His dad is a doctor and his mum is a nurse.

Look at the moon!

Teacher: Copy from the board, please!

The girls in this photo are my cousins.

Susan wants to be an actress.

Mr Blue is the manager of this hotel.

Do you live in a flat? –Yes, I do. It is not big but it’s very nice.

She is wearing a dress. The dress is beautiful.

It takes a long time to build a reputation.

Was the meeting you went to yesterday a success?

By the end of the tour, my feet were killing me. We had walked nearlt eight kilometres!

It was an experience which still stay with me for ever.

The French they speak in Quebec is quite hard to understand.

/ time flies like an arrow.

The course leader organized a trip to / Germany.

There were / lots of visitors and the route we had to follow was strictly laid out.

I am really scared of / public speaking.

Her office was full of / old heavy furniture.

They say that she has / money problem.

She comes from / Russia.

One day out was to a factory which made / agricultural equipment.

My father always say that / fashion was a waste of time.

The best place to buy luxury items is a famous department store like / Harrods.


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