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Guidelines For Mock Test

1 .The test will be available only for the specified duration of time.
STD 6, 7 and 8 --- 08:00 am to 08:40 am 1st Test.
09:00 am to 09:40 am 2nd Test.
STD 9,10 and 12 -- 08:00 am to 08:50 am 1st Test.
09:00 am to 09:50 am 2nd Test.
2. MCQ ( Multiple choice questions) will be given. The marks distribution will be
mentioned in the question paper.

3. There will be no negative marking.

4. Use of rough paper is allowed.
5. Submit your test only after due consideration before the final time expires.
6. Each student can submit only once.
7. Try attempting all questions.
8. Be honest to yourself while attending the test.
9. This mock test will be conducted through google forms. The link will be shared
with the students through e-Care pro app.

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