Mia Talih - Final Draft

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Nadine Zeidan Talih was born on the 21st of September 1978 in Beirut,Lebanon.

However, she grew up in Dubai,United Arab Emirates. Nadine’s parents fled Lebanon due to the

ongoing civil war. She has two sisters,Carine and Claudine.They are twins. She is six years older

than them. Nadine’s father Yehia was a successful businessman,owning a coffee roastery (Mills

Nova Brasilia) and a supermarket. Her mother Amal worked in the banking industry for 30

years. Nadine studied at the International School of Choueifat (nowadays called SABIS) where

she earned her High School Diploma. She then went on to earn her Bachelor degree in

Economics from the American University of Beirut(AUB).

As a child, Nadine was doted on by her parents for she was an only child until six. ”I was

my father’s pride and joy and my mother’s best achievement and I always felt loved and that

gave me confidence”(Nadine Talih). Nadine was more of a young mother to her sisters. She

would always try to protect them,give them advice and tell them what to do. She says “They

didn't always appreciate my bossiness”(Nadine Talih). They were constantly up to no good in

her room. They enjoyed sneaking into her bedroom and playing with her toys and clothes while

she was out.

One of her fondest childhood memories was “Every year at Christmas, my parents would

throw a lavish and extravagant party. They would invite all our friends and family. Santa Claus

would visit with bags of toys for all the children. The grown ups and children would dance the

night away. I would wear my fanciest clothes and would get so excited, I would not be able to

sleep the night before”(Nadine Talih). ​Nadine is generally a motivated person. She likes to get

things done and doesn't like procrastination. Her family is her driving force. Nadine learnt at a

young age that women need to be independent and to always rely on themselves. Nadine says”I
like to be an inspiring role model to my children and to instill in them a strong work ethic from a

young age”(Nadine Talih)​.

As time went by, her parents' relationship deteriorated causing much tension and

unhappiness in her home. One of the biggest challenges she had to overcome when she was

younger was growing up in a household where her parents could not agree on anything. This

created a negative atmosphere at home and caused much sadness to her and her siblings. Nadine

escaped this reality by spending many hours alone in her room and focusing on her education.

Reading enriched Nadine’s imagination,distracted her and was a great escape from the

unhappiness she felt. She says“My parents separated while I was studying abroad at university. It

was a relief having them both living separate lives and being much happier on their own.Our

home became peaceful at last”(Nadine Talih).

Nadine studied classical ballet and piano when she was younger in addition to tap dance.

She never really enjoyed piano much but her mother insisted on her taking classes. She worked

hard to become a good pianist but she didn't have a musical ear. She also had a terrible voice and

would always sing off key. For instance, “My children still ask me not to sing out loud”(Nadine


As a young girl, growing up in the U.A.E., Nadine was exposed to many different

cultures as it was a melting pot of nationalities. She had friends from Korea, Enlgand, Ireland,

Egypt, Palestine, Iran,Iraq and the list goes on...“Life was simple back then.The U.A.E was an

underdeveloped desert.I went to a fancy private international school where I made friends from

all over the world. I grew up being accepting of other people and their cultures,of embracing

differences and of being respectful to all”(Nadine Talih).

Nadine met her best friend Zein in kindergarten. Zein was a vivacious and bubbly child in

contrast to Nadine's more serious and quieter self. Zein was very friendly,warm and caring on the

other hand Nadine was more studious and mature.They complemented each other and always

had a great time together. They both considered one another family”Zein’s family treated me as

one of their own. I always felt safe and happy in her home”(Nadine Talih). Nadine and Zein have

managed to maintain their friendship for the last thirty nine years.Oceans and continents could

not stand in the way of their friendship.

Thankfully, Nadine was never bullied as a child,however, some girls were mean to her

and tried to exclude her from groups or activities. Sometimes people would make fun of the way

she ran. She hated sports. She felt hurt and ignored at times. As Nadine got older, she became

stronger and people’s opinions mattered less to her. Nadine realized she had the power to make

herself happy and only she could do that.

Nadine always had confidence in her abilities and in herself. She was hardworking and

resilient which helped her a lot as an adult. She is a loyal friend and a trustworthy confidant. She

is passionate about the people that she loves and is always willing to help them.​“One of my

biggest accomplishments was my education. I skipped a grade in school and went to university at

the age of sixteen and graduated with honors at the age of twenty. I was an area manager in my

company at the age of twenty four and a regional director by the age of twenty eight"(Nadine

Nadine is very meticulous and organized which aided her in her career,education and at

home. She is logical and rational and never shies away from a challenge. Nadine gives every task

her all and always strives to be her best. At times,she tends to be stubborn,sensitive and

somewhat defensive.”These traits,if not curbed,can work against you and not let you reach your

full potential. One should always listen to other people's points of view and keep an open

mind”(Nadine Talih).

After graduating from AUB, Nadine went back to Dubai and started working for an

Austrian company that made cochlear implants. Nadine’s Austrian boss, Rainer was a great

influence on her life. Rainer and his wife Brigitte came into her life when she had just graduated

from university. She met them in her first interview and at the end of it, they gave her the keys to

the office. Nadine recalls when she first met the couple;”They interviewed me for my first job

which I stayed in for twelve years”(Nadine Talih). She was the daughter that they never had as

they could not have children of their own.They were her family in the office and outside. Rainer

was a great father figure and a wonderful boss. He was full of life, great advice and never took

anything in life very seriously. He enjoyed Lebanese food (that Nadine always shared with him)

and a good adventure. Rainer and Brigitte were by her side through many life changing

events(engagement,marriage and children). She is still in touch with the retired couple till today.

During the last semester at AUB, Nadine met her future husband Farid. He was a second

year medical student. They had a friend in common who introduced them.What attracted her to

him,other than his good looks, was his calm personality,kindness and intelligence. He would

always impress her with his intellectual knowledge and fun and loving personality. Nadine

recalls their first encounter”When I met him, he was a second year medical student. I found his
choice of specialty (psychiatry) very interesting. He genuinely had a happy-go-lucky personality

which calmed my more anxious and nervous self”(Nadine Talih).

After five years of dating, Nadine and Farid got married and they moved to Cleveland,

Ohio. Farid was accepted to do his residency program at the Cleveland Clinic. A major challenge

that Nadine needed to overcome was moving from a desert oasis (Dubai) to the cold, dreary

midwest in the U.S. after she married her husband. She went from being surrounded by friends

and family to having no one but herself and her husband who spent many hours in the hospital

leaving her all alone. “The weather in Cleveland was very harsh and my life changed

drastically”(Nadine Talih). After a few months,she got accustomed to the new pace of life and

with the passing of the years,she made many friends and great memories. She adds,”Four years

after arriving in Cleveland, my daughter was born. She filled my life with joy and happiness.

Two years after her birth, my son was born and our family was complete”(Nadine Talih).

As Nadine got older,she became immune to many disturbances ​that made her younger

self stressed and worried. She has concentrated her time and efforts on raising her children and

on their family life. Nadine reminds herself during difficult times to try to keep an open mind

about circumstances that are out of her control. She is more appreciative of the important things

in life and she doesnt let the small petty details get to her. She always reminds herself during

difficult times“ don’t sweat the small stuff ”​(Nadine Talih)​.

The Covid-19 pandmeic has been stressful for Nadine since she is a mother and the wife

of a doctor. It is sometimes hard to stay positive during these difficult times but the most

important thing in life is health and safety. Nadine always tries to remind herself”This is a

transient ​occurrence and I'm fortunate to have a comfortable home and the means to keep my

family healthy and safe”(Nadine Talih). These difficult times can be challenging especially since

her kids routines changed during this pandemic. Nadine has tried to maintain strict routines for

her children when it comes to their home learning. She tries to keep them mentally and

physically engaged by playing board games,card games,watching family movies together,

sharing stories etc…

Being cooped up in the house has been mentally challenging for Nadine and her family.

Her children have adjusted well to the new situation mainly due to the fact that their days are

filled with home learning. Some days are harder than others.”We all miss being out in the

sunshine and seeing our family and friends”(Nadine Talih). Despite all that, she tries to keep an

optimistic mindset and remind herself of all her blessings and of what matters the most; the

health and safety of her whole family.

“Every parent’s dream is to raise children who are better versions of themselves. I try my

best to give my children all the love and support they need to become happy and balanced

adults.I wish my children health,happiness and love. I hope they learn to be kind empathetic

humans. I pray that they always exercise good judgement and make good choices. I love them

and will always be proud of them no matter where life leads them”(Nadine Talih).

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