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Ministry of higher education and scientific research

University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
Computer Networks

IoT Applications

Reported by

Mohammed Jawad Kamil

Supervised by

Dr. Khalida Shaban

Date: July 3, 2020

The phrase Internet of Things (IoT) heralds a vision of the future Internet where connecting
physical things, from banknotes to bicycles, through a network will let them take an active part
in the Internet, exchanging information about themselves and their surroundings. This will give
immediate access to information about the physical world and the objects in it—leading to
innovative services and increase in efficiency and productivity. This paper studies the state-of-
the-art of IoT and presents the key technological drivers, potential applications, challenges and
future research areas in the domain of IoT.

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and
the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-
computer interaction. A thing in the internet of things can be a person with a heart monitor
implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, an automobile that has built-in sensors to
alert the driver when tire pressure is low or any other natural or man-made object that can be
assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and is able to transfer data over a network.
Increasingly, organizations in a variety of industries are using IoT to operate more efficiently,
better understand customers to deliver enhanced customer service, improve decision-making and
increase the value of the business.

IoT fields:
There are numerous real-world applications of the internet of things, ranging from
consumer IoT and enterprise IoT to manufacturing and industrial IoT (IIoT). IoT applications
span numerous verticals, including automotive, telecom and energy.
In the consumer segment, for example, smart homes that are equipped with smart thermostats,
smart appliances and connected heating, lighting and electronic devices can be controlled
remotely via computers and smartphones.
Wearable devices with sensors and software can collect and analyze user data, sending messages
to other technologies about the users with the aim of making users' lives easier and more
comfortable. Wearable devices are also used for public safety -- for example, improving first
responders' response times during emergencies by providing optimized routes to a location or by
tracking construction workers' or firefighters' vital signs at life-threatening sites.
In healthcare, IoT offers many benefits, including the ability to monitor patients more closely
using an analysis of the data that's generated. Hospitals often use IoT systems to complete tasks
such as inventory management for both pharmaceuticals and medical instruments.
Smart buildings can, for instance, reduce energy costs using sensors that detect how many
occupants are in a room. The temperature can adjust automatically -- for example, turning the air

conditioner on if sensors detect a conference room is full or turning the heat down if everyone in
the office has gone home.
In agriculture, IoT-based smart farming systems can help monitor, for instance, light,
temperature, humidity and soil moisture of crop fields using connected sensors. IoT is also
instrumental in automating irrigation systems.
In a smart city, IoT sensors and deployments, such as smart streetlights and smart meters, can
help alleviate traffic, conserve energy, monitor and address environmental concerns, and
improve sanitation.

IoT Tools and Techniques:

1. Kinoma
Marvell Semiconductor’s Kinoma is a hardware prototyping development suite consisting, in
fact, of three different projects: Kimona Studio is a development environment that unites the
Kinoma Create tool and the Kinoma Platform Runtime to design Internet-connected smart device
applications. Create is a JavaScript-powered construction tool that has everything required for
designing and prototyping small-scale IoT tools and applications. Its application range
encompasses light connectors, temperature sensors, actuators and others. Kimona Connect is a
free application that runs on iOS and Android and provides easy-to-set-up data flows between
smartphones and tablets with Internet of Things-enabled devices.
2. Node-RED
Envisioned as an IoT tool, Node-RED is a programming platform for intuitive and
straightforward integration between various APIs, smart devices, and online services. To put it in
other words, Node-RED is a flow-based development engine that groups together various visual
flows using simple and intuitive editing services accessible from a web browser. Used to create
JavaScript functions, it stores the created flows in the open-standard and widely used JSON file
format which makes it possible to easily re-use or share them freely.
3. Arduino
Similarly to Kinoma, Arduino is an open-source user-friendly hardware and software prototyping
platform. Dedicated for making small single-board computers able to sense and exercise control
over the physical world (at least to some extent), Arduino employs a set of hardware software
specifications applied to interactive electronics which includes, among others, the Arduino
programming language and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
4. Device Hive
Hailed to be one of the most popular IoT-based application development platforms, Device Hive
is a machine-to-machine (M2M) communication framework providing IoT tools for smart device
communication and management. It offers a cloud-based API that enables remote control while
eliminating the need for additional network configuration. Device Hive comes with a plethora of
helpful online resources, such as management protocols, libraries, and portals to be used free of

charge to customize and integrate your solutions. Its main areas of application include, but are
not limited to, smart home technology, security, industrial automation, and sensor-based
5. BeagleBoard
BeagleBoard is a Texas Instruments single-board computer that can be either Android- or Linux-
based and is well-known for its low power requirements that make it an obvious choice
especially for resource-constrained IoT devices. Designed initially as an educational tool for
developing open-source software, it has also become a commercial solution sold under the name
RIOT focuses on low-power memory-constrained smart devices to bring a solution that supports
32-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit microcontroller architectures. Functioning as an alternative to Linux,
RIOT is a microkernel operating system supporting multiple chip architectures that supports
6LoWPAN, IPv6, RPL, and UDP. Providing very minimal processing, power, and memory
usage, this open-source IoT tool is best suited to systems of low-power microcontrollers and
networks of small sensors.
7. DeviceHub
Considered to be one of the most crucial open-source IoT tools, offers a cloud
solution for tracking, monitoring and controlling devices. The data it collects is accessible
directly from the webpage and in real time, therefore its most popular use cases include the ones
in which instant and unobstructed access to data is of highest priority: ranging from health care
monitoring, through vehicle and movable asset location, to gathering weather telemetry data, etc.
8. OpenRemote
OpenRemote is a protocol-agnostic middleware project that focuses on home automation, smart
building, asset management, smart city automation, and healthcare. Aimed at overcoming the
integration challenges, it binds together the protocols and solutions used across the Internet of
Things and operates on off-the-shelf hardware. OpenRemote offers interfaces available for iOS,
Android, and web-browser-based devices. Of course, all of this is freely available as
OpenRemote is listed as one of the open-source IoT tools with unlimited distribution. An
interesting recent use case concerning OpenRemote involves a crowd management system that
utilised sensors located in the streets of Eindhoven to monitor the number of passers-by, measure
city sound levels, with street lighting acting as actuators. The devices, sensors and subsystems
controlled via a local hub were integrated with data visualization software to view crowd
management statistics using a convenient dashboard designed for mobile devices.
9. The Thing System
The Thing System is a set of software components and network protocols promising to discover
and get together all the Internet-connected home-based gear to offer its users full control over
their smart assets. The list of supported smart devices is impressively long and includes, among

others, air conditioners, LED bulbs, Nest thermostats, Google Chromecast, IoT-enabled locks
and many, many more.
10. Anjay
Anjay is a Software Development Kit (SDK) developed by AVSystem that leverages the
Lightweight M2M protocol to offer probably the most complete LwM2M library to be found in
the industry to date, acting de facto as a global reference implementation for IoT tools providers
as well as device manufacturers. Anjay is designed to integrate seamlessly with resource-
constrained devices while offering minimal RAM, Flash and CPU usage. As a fully open-source
solution, the Anjay software and documentation is freely available on GitHub. To those in need
for a more commercial approach, AVSystem provides vast support for Anjay together with
access to a test server of their Coiote IoT Device Management platform, additional APIs and
SMS binding. According to the company, Anjay’s contribution to developing and maintaining
IoT standards will be a significant step towards the global adaptation of the LwM2M protocol
across the industry, and will help to bridge the two major gaps that haunt the presence and the
future of the Internet of Things: security and interoperability. In a world that needs multi-million
device deployments to make our lives smarter, standards-based implementations are key for
manufacturers, service providers and end customers alike.

IoT Advantages:
 Ability to access information from anywhere at any time on any device.
 Improved communication between connected electronic devices.
 Transferring data packets over a connected network saving time and money.
 Automating tasks helping to improve the quality of a business's services and reducing the
need for human intervention.

IoT Disadvantages:
 As the number of connected devices increases and more information is shared between
devices, the potential that a hacker could steal confidential information also increases.
 Enterprises may eventually have to deal with massive numbers -- maybe even millions --
of IoT devices, and collecting and managing the data from all those devices will be
 If there's a bug in the system, it's likely that every connected device will become
 Since there's no international standard of compatibility for IoT, it's difficult for devices
from different manufacturers to communicate with each other.

There are numerous real-world applications of the internet of things, ranging from
consumer IoT and enterprise IoT to manufacturing and industrial IoT (IIoT). IoT applications
span numerous verticals, including automotive, telecom and energy. Wearable devices with
sensors and software can collect and analyze user data, sending messages to other technologies
about the users with the aim of making users' lives easier and more comfortable. The internet of
things connects billions of devices to the internet and involves the use of billions of data points,
all of which need to be secured. Due to its expanded attack surface, IoT security and IoT privacy
are cited as major concerns.

1. "Introduction To Iot Using The Raspberry Pi". Codemag.Com, 2020,
2. New, Joshua et al. "Why Countries Need National Strategies For The Internet Of
Things". Center For Data Innovation, 2020,
3. Chalimov, Alexey. "6 Cool Examples Of Internet Of Things Applications And
How To Develop One". Eastern Peak - Technology Consulting & Development
Company, 2020,
4. Ranger, Steve. "What Is The Iot? Everything You Need To Know About The
Internet Of Things Right Now | Zdnet". Zdnet, 2020,

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