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Proceedings of PVP2006-ICPVT-11

2006 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference

July 23-27, 2006,Proceedings
Vancoucer, of
BC, Canada
July 23-27, 2006, Vancouver, Bc, Canda



Sebastian Schindler∗
TUV Austria
Krugerstrasse 16
A-1015 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT γ p Partial safety factor for the pressure.

The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the γR Partial safety factor for the material.
two well known Design by Analysis methods for unfired pres- Pm Primary membrane stress.
sure vessels: the stress categorisation method (as given e.g. in Pl Primary local membrane stress.
the 2004 ASME B&BV Code Section VIII Division 2 [1], and Pb Primary bending stress.
EN 13445-3 Annex C [2]) and the new Direct Route (using Q Secondary stress.
elastic-plastic finite-element analysis) as given in EN 13445-3 PGPD Allowable pressure according to the design check against
Annex B [2]. A comparison of results is given for examples of global plastic deformation.
various degree of difficulty to show the principal ideas and the PPD Allowable pressure according to the design check against
applicability of the two approaches: a dished end with a nozzle in progressive plastic deformation.
the knuckle region, a cylindrical shell to flat end connection and PAP Allowable pressure according to the design check against
a rather complex header of an air cooler with rectangular cross progressive plastic deformation in case of alternating plas-
section. As shown by the considered examples, the Direct Route ticity.
method gives unique solutions (which is not always the case for PSD Shakedown limit pressure.
stress categorisation) and can be advantageous in some cases, but
PCAT Allowable pressure according to the stress categorisation
requires a more time consuming analysis. The questionable de-
sign limits given by the 3f-criterion of the stress categorisation
method can be avoided by usage of the progressive plastic defor-
mation design check of the Direct Route if the required number
of action cycles is low. INTRODUCTION
In the following a short description and a comparison be-
tween the principles of the two possible Design by Analysis
NOMENCLATURE methods is given. The principles of the stress categorisation route
E Modulus of elasticity. are basically the same in ASME VIII Division 2 and EN 13445-
ν Poisson ratio. 3, and therefore the EN 13445-3 Annex C is used, because of
fd Design stress. the better comparability to the direct route given in EN 13445-3
R p1.0 1.0% proof stress. Annex B. For both Design-by-Analysis methods Finite Element
R p0.2 0.2% proof stress. Analyses are used today as a common practice. In dependence
T Design temperature. of the geometry of the investigated vessel or structure different
types of Finite Element models are used, based on shell elements,
or 2- or 3-dimensional volume elements. All these types of Fi-
∗ Address all correspondence to this author.

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nite Element models can be used with both Design by Analysis design check (F-DC) and the static equilibrium design check
methods, offering different advantages and disadvantages. Es- (SE-DC). Only the first three are discussed here.
pecially shell elements are often used for models of thin-walled For the GPD-DC a linear-elastic ideal-plastic constitutive
pressure vessels. Building a Finite Element model with shell el- law, based on Tresca’s yield criterion has to be used. Unfortu-
ements is usually quite simple and leads to less time consuming nately Tresca’s flow rule is not implemented in most Finite El-
calculations than a model with 3-dimensional volume elements, ement programs, and therefore√Mises yield criterion has to be
but with less accuracy especially in corners and other geometry used with a reduction factor of 3/2 applied on the design yield
discontinuities. Both Design-by-Analysis routes require an addi- stress. See [3] for details. Partial safety factors for the yield
tional fatigue analysis, in any case according to the Direct Route, stress and for the loads have to be considered. These factors are
or if a number of load cycles greater than 500 according to An- given in the EN 13445-3 Annex B in dependence of the types
nex C of EN 13445-3 [2] or 1000 according to ASME VIII Di- of load cases (e.g. normal operating or test load cases). The de-
vision 2 [1] (see Article AD-160 for details) has to be reached. sign limit load is reached if either the structure shows non-limited
Because of its different problems, this fatigue design check is not global plastic deformation (shown by a no more convergent solu-
considered in this comparison. tion of the FE-model) or the maximal principal structural strain
has reached a value of 5%.
For the PD-DC also a linear-elastic ideal-plastic constitu-
The Stress Categorisation Route tive law, but
√ with Mises yield condition (without considering the
The design according to the stress categorisation method factor of 3/2) and all partial safety factors equal to 1 has to
is based on an analysis with a linear, fully elastic constitutive be considered. The PD-DC can be performed by using Melans
law. The calculated stresses have to be categorised in the fol- shakedown theorem. The problem is to find an appropriate self-
lowing categories: Primary membrane stress (Pm ), local pri- equilibrating stress field, which is not always simple. If the struc-
mary membrane stress (Pl ), primary bending stress (Pb ) and sec- ture does not shake down to linear elastic behaviour further inves-
ondary stress (Q). Peak stresses are taken into account solely tigation, such as a cyclic analysis is required. This additional cal-
in the fatigue check, but not in the checks discussed here. Af- culation shows if the structure shakes down to alternating plastic-
ter this categorisation the stresses are compared with the respec- ity or if progressive deformation (ratcheting) occurs. If progres-
tive allowable values in the following way: Pm ≤ f , Pl ≤ 1.5 · f , sive deformation occurs the admissible number of cycles can be
Pm,l + Pb ≤ 1.5 · f and Pm,l + Q ≤ 3 · f . The definition of primary calculated by extrapolating the maximum principal strain to the
and secondary stress is given in EN 13445-3 Annex C as follows: 5% limit. If the structure shakes down to alternating plasticity,
fatigue will be the determining failure mode, and the F-DC is the
Primary stress: stress, which satisfies the laws of
relevant check. For a more detailed description of the PD-DC
equilibrium of applied loads (pressure, forces and mo-
see [2–4].
The stability design check can be performed by a geometric
Secondary stress: stress, developed by constraints
non-linear buckling analysis with consideration of the maximum
due to geometric discontinuities, by the use of materials
allowable initial deformation and the 5% strain limit. See [2, 3]
of different elastic modulii under external loads, or by
for a more detailed description of this design check.
constraints due to differential thermal expansions.

The categorisation is, in principle, not unique. For guidance, for

some typical geometries the kind of stresses that occur are given EXAMPLE 1: TORISPHERICAL HEAD WITH NOZZLE IN
in tables in the Standard, but nevertheless this step is the most KNUCKLE REGION
difficult one in the whole analysis and very often not straightfor- The geometry of example 1 is shown in Fig. 1. The structure
ward. is modelled with the nozzle closed by a flat end, to apply the
If significant compressive stresses occur, additional stability force caused by the internal pressure and to prevent warping and
design checks according to the corresponding Standard or Code ovalisation of the upper end. The flat end itself is not part of
are required. the investigation. Due to the large diameter-to-wall thickness
ratio of the structure 8-node shell elements have been used. To
reduce the calculation time only one half of the geometry has
The Direct Route according to EN 13445-3 Annex B been modelled, as can be seen in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
The admissibility check according to the Direct Route, or Material: EN 10028-7; X6CrNiMoTi17-2-2 (1.4571)
structures operating below the creep regime, is based on five de- Design temperature: T = 180◦C
sign checks: Design check against global plastic deformation 1.0% proof stress: R p1.0,180◦C = 200 MPa
(GPD-DC), Design check against progressive plastic deforma- Modulus of elasticity: E = 183.6 GPa
tion (PD-DC), the stability design check (SD-DC), the fatigue

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Figure 1. Geometry Example 1


Figure 3. Example 1: Stress Categorisation: membrane stresses at

σ3 1 MPa internal pressure


cycles 9–20


S2pl S2el

Figure 2. Example 1: Deviatoric map, PD-DC.

Direct Route
Figure 4. Example 1: Stress Categorisation: membrane plus bending
GPD-DC: The check was carried out using Mises yield con-
stresses at 1 MPa internal pressure
dition with reduced design yield stress. The design√ material
strength parameter is given by: RMd = R p1.0,180◦C · ( 3/2)/γR =
138.5 MPa, with partial safety factor for the material γR = 1.25 to the limit of 5% gave a maximum allowable cycle number of
according to EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-2. The Finite El- 1440. But a further (more time consuming) cyclic analysis up
ement Analysis showed that the maximum absolute value of the to 20 full cycles showed that the structure shakes down to alter-
principal structural strain reached the 5% limit at a pressure of nating plasticity after approximately 10 cycles. Figure 2 shows
0.451 MPa. According to EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-1 the stress path in a deviatoric map [5] of the critical node, with
the partial safety factor for pressure (without natural limit) γP the typical trajectory for alternating plasticity which is symmet-
is 1.2. Therefore, the maximum allowable pressure according to ric with regard to the origin [6]. Therefore a fatigue analysis has
the GPD design check is PGPD = 0.451/γP = 0.375 MPa. to be performed to obtain the allowable number of cycles. There-
PD-DC: A detailed analysis, using Melan’s shakedown the- fore, PAP = 0.375 MPa results.
orem with RMd = 200 MPa and all partial safety factors equal For more details of the GDP- and PD-DC see [3, 4].
to 1 according to EN 13445-3 Annex B, rendered a shakedown
limit pressure of PSD = 0.289 MPa. Since the limit pressure ac-
cording to the GPD-check is larger than the one resulting from Stress Categorisation Route
the PD-check further investigation of the cyclic behaviour of the The design stress according to EN 13445-3 Clause 6 is given
structure, with a pressure cycling between a minimum value of by fd,180◦C = 133.3 MPa for an austenitic material with a rup-
0 MPa and a maximum value of 0.375 MPa was performed. In ture elongation larger 35%. The evaluation of the membrane and
the first step 4 full action cycles were calculated. An extrapo- membrane plus bending stresses can be performed very easily
lation of the maximum principle strain of the determining node with shell elements. Stresses results in the middle plane of the

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Table 1. Example 1: Results of stress categorisation, stresses at 1 MPa
internal pressure. Stresses and pressure in MPa

Part Stress All. stress All. pres.

Cylindrical shell* Pm = 16.7 fd,180◦C 8.00

Nozzle* Pm = 19.0 fd,180◦C 7.03
Crown Pm = 115.1 fd,180◦C 1.16

Pm + Pb = 222.9 1.5 · fd,180◦C 0.897

Knuckle region Pl = 301.5 1.5 · fd,180◦C 0.663
Figure 5. Geometry Example 2
Pl + Q = 461.1 3 · fd,180◦C 0.867
Nozzle connection Pl = 663.0 1.5 · fd,180◦C 0.302

Pl + Q = 1389 3 · fd,180◦C 0.288

* Undisturbed

shell are membrane ones, in top and bottom plane membrane

plus bending stresses. Figure 3 shows the membrane stress at a
pressure of 1 MPa, Figure 4 shows the membrane- plus bending-
stress at the inside shell surface where the maximum stress oc-
curred. Table 1 shows the results for the different parts of the
structure. Determining for the limit pressure is the 3f-criterion at
the connection of the nozzle to the knuckle. PCAT = 0.288 MPa.
Figure 6. Example 2: GPD-DC: maximum principle strain.


The geometry of example 2 is shown in Fig. 5. Due to the pressure has been interpolated between the two related load
the symmetry of the structure, it was modelled by using 2- steps. According to EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-1 the par-
dimensional 4-node axi-symmetric solid elements. tial safety factor for pressure (without natural limit) γP is 1.2.
Therefore, the maximum pressure according to the GPD-DC
Material: EN 10028-2; P265GH is PGPD = 14.85/γP = 12.38 MPa. Figure 6 shows the maxi-
Design temperature: T = 20◦C mum principal strains at the last load step before the 5% limit
Modulus of elasticity: E = 212 GPa is reached.
Cylindrical shell: 0.2% proof stress: R p0.2,Cyl = 255 MPa PD-DC: A simple way to check whether the limit pres-
Flat end: 0.2% proof stress: R p0.2,End = 245 MPa sure obtained in the GPD-DC is also admissible in the design
check against progressive deformation is given in the follow-
ing: According to EN 13445-3 Annex B a linear-elastic ideal-
Direct Route plastic analysis with Mises yield condition (RMd,Cyl = 255 MPa,
GPD-DC: The check was carried out using Mises yield con- RMd,End = 245 MPa) and all partial safety factors for material
dition with reduced design yield stress. The design√ material and actions equal to 1 has to be used. If the stresses remain inside
strength parameters are given by: RM√ d,Cyl = R p02,Cyl · ( 3/2)/γR = the yield surface at the end of one complete cycle of loading and
176.7 MPa and RMd,End = R p02,End · ( 3/2)/γR = 169.7 MPa, with unloading, the structure has shaken down to linear-elastic behav-
partial safety factor for the material γR = 1.25 according to iour. Figure 7 shows the compatibility ratio, the Mises equivalent
EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-2. The FE-Analysis showed stress divided by the design material strength, at the end of one
that the maximum allowable principal strain (εmax = 5%) was pressure cycle between a minimum value of 0 MPa and a max-
reached in the fillet radius at a pressure of 14.85 MPa. To ob- imum value of 12.38 MPa. Since the ratio is smaller than 1 for
tain the pressure for which the 5% strain is exactly reached, the whole structure, the principle is fulfilled and for the applied

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Figure 7. Example 2: PD-DC: compatibility ratio after unloading. Figure 8. Example 2: Stress categorisation: Tresca equivalent stress.

pressure the structure has shaken down to linear-elastic behav-

iour. Therefore, PPD = 12.38 MPa results.

Stress Categorisation Route

The design stress according to EN 13445-3 Clause 6 is
given by fd,Cyl = 170.0 MPa for the cylindrical shell and f d,End =
163.3 MPa for the flat end, both for ferritic material.
In case of solid elements the membrane and bending stresses
have to be calculated in the considered cross-section. In the used
Finite Element software ANSYS, this can be done by an imple-
mented command for a previously defined path (e.g. a cross- Figure 9. Geometry Example 3
section). In Figure 8 the Tresca equivalent stress for linear-elastic
material is shown for an internal pressure equal to 1.6 MPa. The If, on the other hand, the bending stress at the connection is
largest stresses result in the fillet radius connection to the cylin- treated as primary, the bending stress at the connection is gov-
der and a path (1-1) is defined in this section as shown in the erning: With the maximum bending stress at the connection, path
figure. For the categorisation of the bending stress in the flat end 1-1 of Fig. 8, given by 45.58 MPa, one obtains
at the connection to the cylindrical shell it is necessary to check
if the bending moment at the edge is required to maintain the
bending stress in the center region within the prescribed limits. 1.5 · 163.3 · 1.6
Pm + Pb ≤ 1.5 · fd,End ⇒ PCAT 2 = = 8.6 MPa.
See [1] Appendix 4 Table 4-120.1, and [2] Appendix C Table C- 45.58
2. For that purpose the maximum stress in the simply supported Therefore, the bending stress at the connection to the shell has to
flat plate at the same load, with R = 210.75 mm and h = 43 mm be categorised as primary bending stress Pb and this leads to the
is calculated: allowable pressure: PCAT = 8.6 MPa

6 (3 + ν) p · R2
σ plate (p = 1.6 MPa) = ± = ±47.6 MPa. (1)
The geometry of the air cooler header with rectangular cross
If the bending stress at the connection is treated as secondary, section is shown in Fig. 9. Neglecting the beneficial influence of
then the bending stress calculated above, in the center of the sim- the end plates and also the influence of nozzles in the short side
ply supported plate is governing the maximum allowable pres- of the frame, only a slice of the middle portion has been mod-
sure: elled as shown in the side view in Fig. 9. The tubes are modelled
to include the stiffening influence on the tube side plate, but their
1.5 · 163.3 · 1.6 admissibility according to the design checks is not further inves-
Pm + Pb ≤ 1.5 · fd,End ⇒ PCAT 1 = = 8.2 MPa. tigated in this paper. It has to be checked whether the required
(2) maximum pressure of 7.2 MPa at a temperature of T=120°C is

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Strain (%)

0 4.32 8.64
Pressure (MPa)

Figure 10. Example 3: GPD-DC, maximum princ. Strain

Figure 11. Example 3: PD-DC: equivalent stress after unloading

admissible. No thermal stresses are considered. According to
EN 13445-3 Annex B the modulus of elasticity may be calcu-
lated at a temperature equal to trE = 0.25tmin + 0.75tmax, where
tmax = 120◦C and tmin = 20◦C are the highest and lowest calcula-
tion temperatures at each point during whole action cycle. This
gives trE = 95◦C.
Material frame plates: EN 10028-3; P355NL1
Design temperature: T = 120◦C
Modulus of elasticity at trE : E = 206 GPa
0.2% proof stress at T : R p0.2,plate = 296 MPa

Material tubes: EN 10216-4; P215

Design temperature: T = 120◦C
Modulus of elasticity at trE : E = 206 GPa
0.2% proof stress at T : R p0.2,tube = 182 MPa1
Figure 12. Example 3: Stress categorisation: Tresca equvalent stress

Direct Route
GPD-DC: The check was carried out using Mises yield tial safety factors equal to 1 and Mises yield condition has been
condition with reduced design yield stress. The design mate- calculated. According to EN 13445-3 Annex B Section 8.3.4

strength parameters are given by: RMd,plate = √R p02,plate · for the design material parameter RMd the value of the 0.2% -
( 3/2)/γR = 205.1 MPa and RMd,tube = R p02,tube · ( 3/2)/γR =
proof stress (for ferritic material) at a temperature equal trE =
126.1 MPa, with partial safety factor for the material γR = 1.25 0.25tmin + 0.75tmax = 95◦C may be used. Figure 11 shows the
according to EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-2. Figure 10 shows Mises equivalent stress of the plates (tubes unselected) after un-
the maximum absolute value of the principal strain in the critical loading. It can be seen that all stresses are lower than the yield
node, located in the center bore of the plug plate on the outer sur- strength (R p0.2,plate,95◦C = 307 MPa). Therefore, the plates have
face. The maximum principal strain is below the 5% limit with a shaken down to linear-elastic behaviour and the principle is ful-
value of εmax = 1.2% at a pressure of 7.2·γ p = 8.64 MPa, consid- filled. There follows: PPD = 7.2 MPa.
ering the partial safety factor for the pressure γ p = 1.2 according
to EN 13445-3 Annex B Table B.8-1, and therefore, the pressure
of PGPD = 7.2 MPa is allowable. Stress Categorisation Route
PD-DC: To check the admissibility against progressive plas- The design stress according to EN 13445-3 Clause 6 is given
tic deformation one full pressure cycle between a minimum by fd,plate = 197.3 MPa for the Plates.
value of 0 MPa and a maximum value of 7.2 MPa with all par- The determining cross-section of the structure is the center bore
section in the plug plate, as can be seen in Fig.12 where the
Tresca equivalent stress at a pressure of 1 MPa is shown. As
1 For the tube material hot tensile properties are not given in the material stan-
prescribed in EN 13445-3 Annex C the stress linearization has
dard. An interpolated value has been chosen, with interpolation between the to be performed with the mean values over the ligament width.
values for EN 10216-2: P195GH and P235GH

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60 Table 2. Result summary

Stress (MPa)

40 Ex. GPD-DC PD-DC Stress cat.

Pm + Pb
30 1 PGPD = 0.375 MPa PAP = 0.375 MPa PCAT = 0.288 MPa
20 (PSD = 0.289 MPa)
10 2 PGPD = 12.38 MPa PPD = 12.38 MPa PCAT = 8.6 MPa
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 PGPD = 7.2 MPa PPD = 7.2 MPa PCAT = 4.97 MPa
Distance (mm)

Figure 13. Example 3: Stress categorisation: membrane (dashed line) simple and needs often further investigation or lots of practice,
and membrane plus bending (solid line) equivalent stresses and could easily lead to misinterpretation.
In comparison the direct route gives a more suitable, adapted
tool with a much larger and better output of information. The
This is a very time consuming procedure, because it is not imple- need of a plastic solution results in a larger calculation time, but
mented in the standard Finite Element software and the averaging with modern computer hardware this argument does not count
and linearization has to be performed by hand or a mathemat- any more. The design check against gross plastic deformation
ical software. First, for the single stress components the mean is quite simple and straightforward in most cases. The check
value over the ligament width has to be calculated for a number against progressive plastic deformation is the more complicated
of points over the plate thickness. Then the mean values of the one, but there are some good guidelines given nowadays with
stress components have to be linearised over the plate thickness, lots of examples [3–5,7]. Especially if thermal stresses occur this
and with these values the equivalent stress of the membrane and design check gives unique solutions and lots of information about
bending stress can be calculated. Figure 13 shows, for a pressure the behaviour of the structure, useful for design improvements
of 1 MPa, the membrane and membrane plus bending stresses in and specification of dedicated in-service inspection intervals.
the considered cross section over the thickness oft the plate, mea-
sured from the outer surface, calculated in this way. The maxi-
mum of the membrane plus bending stress occurs at the outer sur- REFERENCES
face. The bending stress has to be categorised as primary bending [1] ASME, 2004. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Section VIII,
stress, and this gives Pm = 6.5 MPa and Pm + Pb = 59.6 MPa. Division 2: Alterntive Rules. ASME, New York.
Therefore: [2] CEN, 2002. EN 13445-3, European Standard for Unfired
Pressure Vessels. European Committee for Standardization.
1.5 · 197.3 [3] N. Taylor, e., 1999. The design-by-analysis manual. Tech.
Pm + Pb ≤ 1.5 · fd,End ⇒ PCAT = = 4.97 MPa (4)
59.6 Rep. EUR 19020 EN, European Commission Joint Research
Centre, Petten - The Nederlands.
All other cross-sections give much lower stress values, and are [4] Preiss, R., “Design by Analysis: The Racheting Check in
therefore not determining. EN 13445-3 Annex B”. J.L. Zeman, ed., ICPVT-10 Vienna,
[5] Zeman, J.L., Preiss, R. “The deviatoric map - a simple tool
in design by analysis.”. Int. J. Pres. Ves. & Piping, 76 (1999),
pp. 339–334.
The considered examples show that for simple geometries
[6] Zeman, J.L. “The european approach to design by analysis”.
the stress categorisation route is a quite easy to apply tool, es-
Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes and Standards, ASME
pecially if the structure has been modelled using shell elements.
PVP 439, 2002.
Additionally a Finite Element software supporting elastic mate-
[7] Zeman, J.L., et. al., 2006. Pressure Vessel Design: The Di-
rial only is required. Nevertheless the stress categorisation route
rect Route. Elsevier.
gives much lower allowable loads for the considered examples
compared to the ones calculated according to the direct route. Ta-
ble 2 shows the result summary of the investigated examples. As
soon as the geometry of a structure gets more complex, the stress
categorisation becomes much more time consuming. The way in
which categories the stresses have to be classified is not always

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