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01 Centre Candidate

Number Number








minutes reading time


A Listening Comprehension 10
B Reading Comprehension 1 10
C Reading Comprehension 2 24
D Fill in blank spaces 10
E Grammar 40
F Written Composition 20



1. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so.

2. Write both your Centre Number and Candidate Number in the box
provided at the top right corner of this page.
3. Before you answer the questions, read through the instructions carefully.
4. Write all your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.



Read the following questions carefully, and circle the letter of the most
correct answer either A, B, C or D. These questions are worth one mark

1. The class teacher gave an assignment to her ____________.

A. kindergarten children
B. standard one pupils
C. preparatory pupils
D. form one students

2. The assignment was to draw a picture

A. of something they were thankful for.

B. on any interesting subject they know.
C. about their class teacher’s loving hands.
D. for their dear parents and grandparents.

3. Most of the pupils drew pictures about the land, ocean, garden produces,
fish and shell fish, animals and birds but Douglas drew _____________.

A. his mother’s hands

B. his friend’s hand
C. the teacher’s hand
D. the teacher’s hands.

4. Douglas was so thankful for a hand,

A. a hand that belongs to a caring police man.

B. a hand of a gardener that cultivates the land.
C. the loving and caring hand of God who feeds us.
D. nothing else but just an empty outstretched hand.

5. This hand meant much to Douglas because it was the hand that

A. wiped away his tears when he cried

B. punished him when he did something wrong
C. was always there for him when he needed it
D. kept reminding him of his misery and pain.

6. Douglas’ abstract picture caught his classmates’ imaginations because

A. it was just different and unique.

B. their pictures make more sense.
C. the picture has a lot of meaning.
D. it was very colourful and real.

7. _____________ told the teacher that it was her hand.

A. The children
B. Douglas
C. The teacher
D. Her son

8. She recalled the times she had taken his hand, walked with him here or
there and

A. laughed together.
B. cried together.
C. ate together.
D. did things together.

9. The teacher brushed aside some tears because she realised that she

A. felt sorry for Douglas.

B. meant so much to Douglas.
C. mistreated Douglas many times.
D. refused to think about Douglas.

10. The author wants us to know that

A. we must always be thankful for our daily experiences.

B. there are many Douglases who must be reached out to.
C. life is full of many people who are miserable and sad.
D. not all hands are caring and protecting as teachers’ hands.

Total mark for List.Compre Q1-Q10.



Read the passage below and answer the questions in the spaces provided
after the reading.

There lived two brothers who had a rift after forty years of friendship and sharing.
It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference.
Finally, it turned into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence.
One morning, there was a knock on John's door. He opened it to find a man with
a carpenter's toolbox. "I'm looking for a few days work," he said. Could I help
“Yes!” said the older brother. "I do have a job for you. Look across the creek at
that farm. That's my neighbor. In fact, he’s my younger brother. Last week there
was a nice green lawn between us. He took his bulldozer and diverted the river
course this way and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done
this to separate us, but I'll go tougher than him. See that pile of posts? I want
you to build me a high wall so that I don't see his place or his face anymore."
The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and the
hole-digger and I'll do a job that satisfies you." The older brother had to go to
work so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he went off for
the day. The carpenter worked hard all day measuring, sawing, nailing.
About sunset when John returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. John’s
eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. There was no wall there at all. It was a
bridge - a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of
work and his neighbour - his younger brother, was coming across, his hand
"You’re quite a brother to build this bridge after all I've said and done." The two
brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking
each other's hand. Then they turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his
"No, wait! Stay a few more days. I've a lot of other projects for you," said the
older brother.
"I'd love to stay on," the carpenter said, "but, I have many more bridges to build."

Circle the letter of the most correct answer either A, B, C or D.
These questions are worth one mark each.

11. The two brothers were once good friends for ______________.

A. forty years
B. a few days
C. weeks
D. months

12. A carpenter knocked at the ______ brother’s door whose name was John.

A. younger
B. older
C. eldest
D. youngest

13. The carpenter carried with him his toolbox so that he could

A. build houses for a few days

B. make use of his qualification
C. practise making furniture
D. help with any job for a few days.

14. The neighbour who lived on the other side of the creek was actually the

A. older brother’s friend

B. younger brother himself
C. younger brother’s friend
D. older brother himself.

15. The angered brother told the carpenter that he wanted a very high wall so
that he could

A. go tougher than his enemy

B. then be in a world of his own
C. peep over the wall and spy
D. make people angry and hurt.

16. The carpenter understood the situation and

A. built a very high fence

B. dug a deep and wide drain
C. built a bridge across the creek
D. covered the creek with much soil.

17. John’s reaction, ‘…eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped’ meant he was

A. unhappy
B. very cross
C. surprised
D. doubtful

18. His younger brother’s reaction as expressed in ‘…was coming across, his
hand outstretched’ showed that he was truly __________.

A. sorry
B. forgiving
C. happy
D. sad

19. The carpenter had really done ________________.

A. a big mistake
B. a satisfying job
C. much harm
D. his best

20. The carpenter said, ‘…I have many more bridges to build’ meant he

A. loved building relationships.

B. specialises in bridge building.
C. hated people who spy on others.
D. wanted to make plenty money.

Total mark for Read.Compre.1- Q11-Q20



Read the passage below and answer the questions in the spaces provided
after the reading.

The Hours That Count in My Life

Time is very important in our lives. It organizes our everyday seconds, minutes and
hours. However, time never had any importance in my life until I received a watch
from my father after a delay that taught me a big lesson. This watch organized my
life and made me more responsible.

It came from Singapore and sold in a Chinese shop in a gray box. It weighs eight
ounces. It is round in the centre with two silver bands that go around my wrist. And
all of it is made of silver. This very special silver object tells me a lot about the
importance of time in my life.

I received this gift on a gray-sky day. Next day was a public holiday and each
member of my family had something to do. I was the only one free to run this errand.
I had to go to the Electricity utility to pay cash power before the holiday. Early next
morning too, Uruquay and Holland will be playing their semi final match. However, I
was late because I went for my routined exercise and friendly match down at the
soccer field. Later on that very day, around 4 pm, I remembered the cash power I
had to get from the utility, but I was very late. The office closes at half past three.
My thoughts ran wild as I thought hard about how my family members will react to
this greatest inconvenience. I thought about the house remaining dark for two nights
and worst still, my family members will not be watching the semi final world cup
matches in the morning, my heart sank. I couldn’t face my parents, brothers and

I got home at 4:30 pm and spilled the bad news. My father’s face turned bitter at
once. My mother murmured quietly beneath her breath as she registered her
disappointment. I felt ashamed of myself at that moment. After I apologized to my
angry father, he asked me to sit next to him. Then he handed me this watch which
was a gift from him and asked me, "Son, did you have fun with your friends and
soccer team today?" I answered, "Yes father, and I'm sorry about not getting the
cash power for us." He said, "What you did was not very nice and you should be
sorry for your actions." I was ashamed and said, "Father I'll never do it again. I
promise." He said, "I hope today you learned something important, and this watch
will be a reminder for you always." He told me to take the watch and use it as an
organizer of my life.

I learned a very important lesson from my father: to respect time and never be late to
do something. This watch is important to me, not because of its price, but because
of the lesson that I learned from it.

Write the answers to these questions clearly and in full sentences. The
marks allocated are written in the brackets.

21. What does time do in our lives? (1 mark)


22. What will the watch be to the writer? (1 mark)


23. What 3 things tell you where the watch came from? (3 marks)


24. Describe the watch. There are 3 features about it. (3 marks)


25. Describe four things that have distracted the writer from his errand as
stated in paragraph 3. (4 marks)


26. How did his father react to what his son did? State four things.
(4 marks)


27. What did he learn from the incident? (2 marks)


28. Why did the writer say that the watch was important to him? (2 marks)


29. How do you know that the writer was truly sorry for what he did? (2 marks)


30. Why do you think the title is a suitable one? Explain briefly. (2 marks)


Total mark for Read.Compre. 2- Q21-Q30



Each numbered space stands for a missing word. Read through carefully
first, and then choose the most suitable word from the list of words below.
Write the words in the correct spaces provided on page 11. Each item is
worth half a mark.


Health is wealth. Those who have understood its importance will ____31____ to
keep themselves healthy. Apart from a ____32____ diet, sports are necessary
to keeping us ____33____ and fit. If we do not play ____34____, our bodies will
not develop. Our ____35____ become weak. We may become targets
____36____ many of the diseases. Sports are necessary for maintaining
____37____ health and physical fitness. Sports also produce ____38___
qualities in us. Involving oneself in competitive ____39____ will create healthy
competition. Taking up captainship ____40____ games will produce leadership
qualities. Playing as a ____41____ will encourage co-operation among the
players. We ____42____ feel that, if we spend our time in ____43____, then we
will not study well? Our ____44____ will be affected. Here is a ____45____.
Study in the morning as the mind is ____46____. After you return home from
school, play for ____47____ one to two hours as the mind is ____48____. Then
you can study again. So friends, ____49____ remember the proverb, “All study
and ____50____ play makes Jack a dull boy.”


always fresh for our

playing no bodies regularly
may studies tired balanced
sports team solution about
try healthy in good

31. _________________________ 41. _________________________

32. _________________________ 42. _________________________

33. _________________________ 43. _________________________

34. _________________________ 44. _________________________

35. _________________________ 45. _________________________

36. _________________________ 46. _________________________

37. _________________________ 47. _________________________

38. _________________________ 48. _________________________

39. _________________________ 49. _________________________

40. _________________________ 50. _________________________

Total mark for Q.4 – Fill-in-Blanks



PART I: (5 marks)

Circle the letter of the most correct answer either A, B, C or D.

Each item is worth one mark.

51. One of my teeth is ________________.

A. lose
B. lost
C. loss
D. loose

52. Can you ________________ me one of your pencils, please?

A. borrow
B. loan
C. lend
D. owe

53. You must ________________ the book you borrowed from the library.

A. return
B. return back
C. return to
D. return for

54. It is important that all the ________________ are counted.

A. votings
B. votes
C. vote
D. voters

55. When I told her she won the first prize, she looked at me in total

A. achievement
B. disappointment
C. amazement
D. atonement

PART II: (5 marks)

Choose the correct reflexive pronoun from the bracket and write your
answer in the space provided. Each item is worth one mark.

(myself, yourself, itself, themselves, herself, himself, yourselves,


56. Robert painted the picture that won_________________ much admiration.

57. We shared the meal with orphans who have not had any proper meal
_____________ for days.

58. I wrote this poem with the kind assistance of my girlfriend ____________.

59. Tom made a sudden announcement to see the angry girls ____________.

60. Life is too short and therefore, we need to enjoy it __________________.

PART III: (5 marks)

Choose the correct verb in the bracket. Write the answers only. Each item
is worth one mark.

61. The news about elections __________________ not good. (is, are)

62. Some of the votes _________________ to have been miscounted.

(seem, seems)

63. Anyone selected into the school _________________ to be willing to

leave home. (has, have)

64. Messi, together with his teammates, _________________ very well.

(play, plays)

65. He seems to forget that there __________________ things to be done

before he can leave school. (are, is)

PART IV: (10 marks)

The sentence below is written in the simple present tense. Change the
sentence into the other five tenses listed below.
Each item is worth 2 marks.

Simple Present tense:

The gardener grows a rare rose.

66. Past tense:


67. Past perfect tense:


68. Past continuous tense:


69. Present continuous tense:


70. Future perfect tense:


PART V: (10 marks)

Select the correct preposition from the list below and write it in the space
provided. Each item is worth one mark.

in into of about with

on up for to by

71. We are looking forward _______________ having a long holiday.

72. She always dreams _______________ living on an island alone.

73. Andrew apologised _______________ what he did.

74. The sisters insisted _______________ going to the night club.

75. The committee is _______________ favour of the idea.

76. Mary will look ______________ the matter further.

77. The sum did not add _____________.

78. The gift consisted _____________ many expensive things.

79. He was reported _____________ a witness who saw everything.

80. Harry is happy _____________ the arrangement.

PART VI: (5 marks)

Write the correct adjective on the lines provided.

Each item is worth one mark.

For example: Dick is the _________ of the three brothers (tall, taller,

Answer: Dick is the tallest of the three brothers.

81. Alice is a happy girl although her sister is ________. (happy, happier,


82. Nowadays, goods in the shops are ___________ than before.

(expensive, more expensive, most expensive)


83. Solomon Islands is one of the ____________ countries in the world.

(friendly, friendlier, friendliest)


84. Steven had performed ____________ in his exam compared to last year.
(well, better, best)


85. Life is _____________ when you’re around. (exciting, more exciting, most


Total mark for Q.5 Grammar & Vocab.


Choose only ONE of the essay topics below and write your essay on the
lines provided on the next page. Your essay must be approximately 200
words in length. Remember to make a plan or an outline of your ideas
before you proceed on with your essay writing.

86. Write on any ONE of these narrative topics. The headings or titles have
been provided for you. Tell your reader about what you saw during the
event or the trip you chose to write about.


a) The Celebration and the Unexpected Guests.


b) The Holiday and the Unexpected Trip.

(This page is reserved for planning of the writing only)

TOPIC: _________________________________________________________


____________________________ Total mark for Q.6. Writing Skills



1 10

2 10

3 24

4 10

5 40

6 20


Marker’s Initial


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