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Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

B Title of the Football Team … Ultimate Football Team

Note: headings Bold 14 points, Body Text 12 max … all Calibri

In task 1 my manger has told me to explain two spreadsheets which have made notes in a
PowerPoint about Club’s Season Tickets Holders. My manage CSTH is to create a solution tickets
application and to get rid of the paper based system convert into an electronic system.
My manger has told me information is sensitive and whether secured when sharing it. You need to
work with the data e.g. add, delete, amendments like sharing in data which are members recorded.

Client requirements
Clients- the people who are in a football club

User friendly- ease of use: Navigation (Hyperlinks, Tabs)

Calculations: working out formulas or functions that are embedded

Data entry: DDL error free/control is a limited of options choose from

Direct entry: K/B (keyboard)

Marcos: Buttons have hyperlinks in a data results

I have changed the data input into graphical output for e.g. Bar chart, Pie chart, etc.

Datasheet diagram


Main Menu

Ticekt Holders Summary of Season-ticket

Details Charts
Information type details Expl
ain your diagram. Draw your diagram.

This diagram is has the Ultimate Football Team from Excel which I created to show users on how to
organised there tabs which have hyperlinks from one page to another put their information on these
tabs make it easier sort it out in a spreadsheet.

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2
Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

This is the table design of the Ticket Holder Details table:

Ticket-Holder Details
Field name Range of Values Sample Data Validation/Other
Mr, Miss, Ms, Doc, Mr( what a user expects
Title DDL
Mrs, + to see)
User input (a-z of
First Name Murdock N/A
Open data entry, key
Surname entry (a-z of Jones, Michael N/A
1st line address House rd/st 56 St Andrews -
Area a-z characters Alum Rock -
Where a person
Requested choose for their
Zone 1, zone 2, etc., DDL
Seating Area seating (DDL 12
Lowest price is £15 or
How much did you
£ of ticket Highest price £120 for a DDL + VLOOKUP
buy for your ticket
Column indicating if
application successful Successful or
Ticket code 4270
or not (shorten)- Unsuccessful
Digits 4-6
Where a person
Allocated Seating choose to relocate
Zone 1, Zone 2, etc. DDL
Area their seating (DDL 12
entries) - shorten
30th December 2019 2
Expiry Date of the When did you buy the
weeks to decide when Short date
Ticket ticket before it expires
DDL= Drop Down List

This is the table design for the Summary table:

To show Explanation
Applications Accepted In order to find out the number of applications accepted I’ll be using
and processed.(yes) the COUNTIF function with “Yes” as the function’s criteria. The
function will enable me to summarize the information and display it
into an easier format in order to show how many applications the club
has accepted.
Rejected (no) - I’ll be using the COUNTIF function with “No” as the function criteria.
Unsuccessful The function able to summarize the information and display it into

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2
Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

easier format to show how many applications the club has

Money made from This will have a SUMIF function to find out money made from app. The
successful app? function will display the price of the app that has been made to be
successful app.
Money less from This will have a SUMIF function to find out money is less from the app.
unsuccessful app? The function will display it in a format how many applications have
made less money in unsuccessful app.
Making a profit or loss? I will have an IF statement to find out applications is profit or loss. This
function will display it to showing us is a profit or loss for application
in a unsuccessful app.
Gender Females? I’ll be using COUNTIF function to find out how many applications for a
“Females” as the function criteria. The function will be summarize the
information and display it into easier format to show how many
applications for the club has Females.
How many OAPs? I’ll be using COUNTIF function to find out how many applications for a
“OAPs” as the function criteria. The function will be summarize the
information and display it into easier format to show how many
applications for the club has OAPs.
Under 18s? I’ll be using COUNTIF function to find out how many applications for a
“18s” as the function criteria. The function will be summarize the
information and display it into easier format to show how many
applications for the club has under 18s.
Apps. = Applications

This is the table design for the Season Ticket Details tables:

Season Ticket Details

Field Name Range of values Sample data Validation/ Other
For each zone: Child, Dropdown List that has
Zones Zones 1 - 4 Adult Con: OAP, Con: these options

Zones 1 - 4 £500 DDL + VLOOKUP

The Zone Prices
Drop down list will
Mr, Miss, Ms, Doc, Mrs,
Title Mr(user can see it) have titles with names
on it
Application. Successful or DDL that is successful
Yes or NO
Successful Unsuccessful or unsuccessful
App. = Application … Succ. = Successful

Input and output data descriptions

Say how data is displayed, e.g. Table or some chart; give brief explanation.
Tables, charts, & macros used.

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2
Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

Tables: This will help you set out your data where put in your information about Ticket
Holders Details which makes it easier to carry variety of options including sorting data, filter
data, adding column and etc.

Charts: This can help with your Ticket Holders Details whether want to choose different
charts for e.g if you want to know about the zones prices then use a scatter graph workout
the prices of each zones where it will display the data with Zone and the Price.

Marcos: Is an action or set of actions that you can use automate task which you can record
it in visual basic for applications and have hyperlinks which you can go to different pages are

List your restrictions with a very brief explanation for each
You need around 6 here.
 Do not smoke in the area: You cannot smoke or other products in any part of
the building owned by the company for safety hazards.
 Do not steal any property: If you steal any items or valuables then you will be
reported to the police for your actions of stealing from a person.
 Do not have food or drinks: If a person eats or drinks next to computer then it
will get damaged and you will have to pay for fixing the computer.
 Do not have mobile phones: Person will have mobiles on them where it will
distract you when working or loss focus on your study basis.
 Do not litter in the area: You cannot leave any rubbish in the floor causes
problems with state of mess makes and stinks the area.
 Do not cause accidents: The person will cause accident if push someone in the
stairs where fall beneath the floor which results injuries of themselves.

Football Pitch Diagram – this is on the next page in this documentation

Data validation – It shows error message the tickets price is min value and max value but
out of the range is an error and this will have options to choose from is a much faster way to
help you in Excel for your ticket holders details.

Cell referencing: It is range of cells can be used in formula and find values or data you
want to calculate where it contains data in different areas of the worksheet for e.g. D7
refers intersection of D column and row 7 so on.

Macros: Is an action or set of actions that you can use automate task which you can record
it in visual basic for applications and have hyperlinks which you can go to different pages are

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2
Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

Navigation: This shows us to moving spreadsheets one page to another in Excel which has
hyperlinks when moving different pages where it has Tabs or Buttons.

Cell formatting: You can change the format of the cell number appearances for e.g. cells
changing into alignment, font style, fill options and protection but without changing the
number itself.

Functions: It is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a

particular order which includes the functions that can be used to find SUM or AVERAGE
value for a range of cells

Give a list of all the functions used here with a brief explanation of what each one does.

 IF Statement: The IF statement has a logical test showing us between the value
telling us whether the comparison has giving us a TRUE or doesn’t give the
comparison then it is a FALSE for e.g. =IF (F3<G3, F2, G2) answer is no.
 SUMIF: This adds up the numbers with the range of cells in total to get your answer
given the condition or criteria which is more faster way to workout calculations in
Excel that function is =SUMIF(range, criteria, sum range).
 COUNTIF: This counts the cells that meets to give the criteria that can be used for
dates, numbers, and text that will match the criteria will the number representing
the cells when counted using =COUNTIF(range, criteria).
 SUM: It adds up the numbers in a range of cells implies us to have combinations.
 AVERAGE: This provides us to add the numbers in total then divide by the number of
values supplied when calculated where it is categorized as a statistical function.
 Max: The number has the maximum value is biggest from the numbers provided.
 Min: The number has the minimum value is the smallest from the numbers

Formulae: Is an expression which calculates the value of the cell containing you want to
use in your formula for e.g. =SUM (B2, A7, E5) refers to the data in two or more contiguous
cells as a cell reference like B2:A7:E5 of the sum range.
Alternative designs
Whether your manager doesn’t like your design of the table Ticket Holder Details where you
can create a new a copy with better improvements and performance giving you new ideas
about design you’re making much easier to show with good presentation for others to see
your work.
Why alternative designs have been rejected
If a member doesn’t like the design then will have to make changes whereas the manager
will reject the design whether it needs to be improve with the features but also cover needs

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2
Name: Yusuf Chowdhury ID: S45452411 Unit 9/Assignment/2019

to be process that others will have different suggests about the alternative design which
lose time to creating Ultimate Football Team.

Justifying the final design decisions

I think need to improve on design by bringing up new ideas to make more interesting and
better so that manager can think it is good design also check if there’s any errors between
my Ticket Holders Details table so that I fix my mistakes.
Constraints: This mean that you have any threats or restrictions with thought of others
action whether of being restricted of your bounds if you are feeling embarrassed to
accomplish something would achieve.

BTEC 1st Ext Cert in Information Technology – Level 2-Assignment Task 2

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