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Discuss the purpose of particle size analysis in the pharmaceutical industry.

Particle size is the critical parameter that influence in the production of medicine. Therefore,
by conducting particle size analysis, we will obtain quantitave data on the mean size, particle
size distribution (PSD) and particle shape of the compound that will be used in the
pharmaceutical formulation.

Mean size is the average size of the collection particles. It is imposibble to gain the exact
number of the size particle, hence mean size is used to represent the size of particles. It can
only be measure once the upper and lower limit is known beside complete distribution. Mean
size can be define as diameter, surface area, volume or mass of particle. The mean, median
and mode measures the central tendency of the particles population. Particle size
distribution is the percentage of the particles within a certain size range. It indicates the
powder uniformity. Particle size distribution can be expressed as frequency distribution and
cumulative frequency distribution.

Besides, particle size analysis is important to assure the quality of the final dosage forms
and drug delivery system. This implies to the powder,

Means can be related to the

diameter, sur ace area, volume or mass o a particle
size, particle size distribution, and particle shapeMany industries can use particle size
analysis methods to discover properties about materials they are working with. This allows
them to manipulate the materials, manufacturing conditions, or product to achieve a better,
safer, or more cost-efficient product. Pharmaceutical industry, petroleum industry, building
and decorating industry, water treatment industry are some of the industries that benefit from

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