CPB 20004-Engineering Technologist in Society Assignment 1 (Individual) : Codes of Engineering Ethics - 1

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CPB 20004- Engineering Technologist in Society

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Industry of engineering result might involve factors such workplace hazard and safety of
people. The factors cause risks increased and thus the engineering organizations construct these
codes of ethics so that it can help engineers follow and practice the codes. Some of organizations
for example NSPE, IEEE, ASCE and ABET issue a few of codes and their basic principles of the
codes are similar which are responsibility, preventing risks and importance of efficiency. In
addition, engineers need to use their expertise and knowledge for the improvement of people
necessity and the environment, be truthful and unbiased and providing with loyalty with the
people, their employers and customer, strive to enhance the efficiency and reputation of the
engineering career and support the technical public of their ethics and professional. For an
overview, engineers should give most priority to the health, security and necessity of the people
in the implementation of their professional obligation, perform carry out services only in the
region of their efficiency, release public notice only in an objective and honest manner, act in
professional ways for each employer or customer as loyal trustees or agents and shall stay away
from interest or conflicts, establish their professional status on the merit of their services and
shall not compete unjust with others, act in such a way as to endorse and increase the honor,
honesty and prestige of the profession and persist their professional development throughout
their profession and should provide chance for the professional development of those engineers
under their control.
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1. To study the codes of engineering ethics.

2. To determine the importance of codes of engineering ethics to engineers.
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a) Definition of Engineering Ethics

i. Engineering

The creative and practical application of science, mathematics and practical knowledge to
settle problems. Engineering technologies upgrade the ways that people around the world
work, communicate, move, in good health and entertain ourselves by innovate, improve
and maintain new machines, systems and organizations.

ii. Ethics

The moral codes of practice, values, system of moral principles, by which we are
expected to live or practice a profession, rules of conduct and character and the science of
the morally right. Ethics contains of system, moral values, principles and guideline which
its function is to conduct judgments. Two sources of ethics are primary source (family,
friends and religion) and secondary source (formal education and training).

iii. Engineering Ethics

A set of scientific discipline that applies to the profession of engineering formal code
combines with personal morality. It is combination of ethics and moral principles system
applicable to the practice of engineering and it investigates and sets the duties by
engineers to public, clients and profession.

As an engineering student, we need to learn code of ethics and so that when we jump to
the real work environment soon as a real engineer, we are able to display the top
standards of truthful and integrity and become more responsible by committing our duties
that needs adherence.
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1. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)

Engineers should be leaded in all their relations by the top standards of truthful and
integrity where engineers cannot change the facts and have to admit their mistakes and they also
can not make any outside employment that would interfere with the integrity, their duties and
responsibilities. Next, engineers should at every time strive to serve the people interest where
they need to constantly strive to increase knowledge and appreciation of the people and is always
looking to improve and looking for opportunities to participate in civic relations in the interest of
society. Engineers should prevent all practices or conducts that defraud the public. It means that
engineers can not deceptive about their qualifications and skills. They also should not exaggerate
their duties and responsibilities and give a misrepresent tasks, employers and organizations
related to them. Engineers should not expose without agreement, private information regarding
the technical processes or business affairs of any former or present customers or employers or
public organizations on which they serve where they can not arrange a new job without the
employer's consent, interested parties or qualified engineers and they also can not participate in
the project without the consent of all parties concerned. Engineers should not be affected in their
professional responsibility by conflicting interest where they can not accept the consideration or
other financial resources and can not receive an allowance or commission directly or indirectly
from any other engineers or customers.

Engineers should not try to gain profession or improvement or professional engagement

by dishonest criticizing other engineers or by other questionable or inappropriate methods which
they can not take the opportunity to ask for and receive a commission and only salaried engineers
can only accept part-time work in the field of engineering and they can not use the equipment
without the permission of the employer and the company. Engineers should not try to harm,
falsely or bad intention, directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, practice, prospect or
profession of other engineers where private engineers must not check the work of another
engineer for the same client without the permission or knowledge engineer while government
engineers can review the work of other engineers when required by their duties. Engineers
should receive personal duty for their professional activities, supplied, nonetheless that engineers
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may look for compensation for services emerge of their practice for other than poor carelessness
where the engineer's interests cannot or else be defended.

Engineers should give compliment for engineering work to the person to whom
compliment is due and would notice the proprietary interests of others which they should
mentioned the individuals involved in the writing and design and they can not replicate property
or designs supplied by the customer.

2. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Their principles are they use their expertise and knowledge for the improvement of people
necessity and the environment, be truthful and unbiased and providing with loyalty with the
people, their employers and customer, strive to enhance the efficiency and reputation of the
engineering career and support the technical public of their ethics and professional.

Engineers should give most priority to the health, security and necessity of the people and
should strive to obey with the fundamental of everlasting development in the implementation of
their professional obligation where they should recognize that the safety, health, lives and
welfare of the people in the performance of their professional responsibilities and should notify
employers and customers of likely effects and inform the situation. Engineers should perform
carry out services only in the region of their efficiency which they can only accept tasks based on
the qualifications and skills they learn and their service is limited to only those project phases.
Engineers should release public notice only in an objective and honest manner. This is means
they need to produce professional issues and report accurate and objective and they can not issue
criticism and the fact that paid to others unless they state on whose behalf the statement is made.

Engineers should act in professional ways for each employer or customer as loyal trustees or
agents and should stay away from interest or conflicts which they must keep a trust and
professional in their work and can not request or receive rewards directly or indirectly from any
party related with their work. Engineers should establish their professional status on the merit of
their services and should not compete unjust with others. This is means they have revealed
potential interest in improving the quality of their services and they also can not give, ask and
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receive other financial resources related directly or indirectly to their works. Engineers should
act in such a way as to endorse and increase the honor, honesty and prestige of the engineering
profession and should act with zero-compromise for bribery, cheating and corruption. Engineers
should persist their professional development throughout their profession and should provide
chance for the professional development of those engineers under their control.

3. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

Their principles are they use their expertise and knowledge for the improvement of people
necessity, be truthful and unbiased and providing with loyalty with the people, their employers
and customer, strive to enhance the efficiency and reputation of the engineering career and
support the technical public of their ethics and professional.

Engineers should give most priority to the health, security and necessity of the people in the
implementation of their professional obligation where they should recognize that the safety,
health, lives and welfare of the people in the performance of their professional responsibilities
and should notify employers and customers of likely effects and inform the situation. Engineers
should perform carry out services only in the region of their efficiency which they can only
accept tasks based on the qualifications and skills they learn and their service is limited to only
those project phases. Engineers should release public notice only in an objective and honest
manner such as they need to produce professional issues and report accurate and objective and
they can not issue criticism and the fact that paid to others unless they state on whose behalf the
statement is made.

Engineers should act in professional ways for each employer or customer as loyal trustees or
agents and should stay away from interest or conflicts likes they must keep a trust and
professional in their work and can not request or receive rewards directly or indirectly from any
party related with their work. Engineers should establish their professional status on the merit of
their services and should not compete unjust with others. This is means they have revealed
potential interest in improving the quality of their services and they also can not give, ask and
receive other financial resources related directly or indirectly to their works. Engineers should
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Assignment 1 (individual): Codes of Engineering Ethics Page |7

act in such a way as to endorse and increase the honor, honesty and prestige of the profession.
Engineers should persist their professional development throughout their profession and should
provide chance for the professional development of those engineers under their control.


In a nutshell, engineers need to use their expertise and knowledge for the improvement of
people necessity and the environment, be truthful and unbiased and providing with loyalty with
the people, their employers and customer, strive to enhance the efficiency and reputation of the
engineering career and support the technical public of their ethics and professional. The code that
is issued by these organizations has function which is to enhance the profession's profile and
persistency and quality. It is also act as a guidance which gives a motivation and increase
awareness of issues. In addition, it highlights and emphasizes the duty of engineers to people.
The codes state the commitment to ethical behavior and it give moral, legal support and guidance
to make engineers and public aware about of the manner and rules in engineering society.
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1. Alasdair, S. G., & Pamela, A. V. (2003). The Engineer’s Responsibility to Society,

Pacific Grove Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
2. Charles, E. H. (2005). Engineering Ethics – Concepts & Cases, 3rd ed., Wadsworth
Cengage Learning.
3. Mike, W. M., & Roland, S. (2005). Ethics in Engineering, 4th ed., McGraw Hill.
4. Wikipedia. (2001). Engineering. Retrieved from
5. Wikipedia. (2006). Engineering Ethics. Retrieved from
6. Wikipedia. (2001). Ethics. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics
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