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Barter = direct exchange of goods

with no money & no 3rd party

involved Occurs in international transactions
where potential customers lacks
Compensation deals - seller agrees
to take some % in cash & rest in sufficient hard currency to pay for
FOB Origin pricing - manufacturer
goods purchases places the goods "free" on board a
trsnporation carrier - each customer
Buy back Arrangement - seller picks up its own costs
offers a plant etc to a customer &
agrees to accept as partial payment
Freight Absorption pricing - seller
of product manufactured. Low price strategy (penetration
Add a std markup to the cost of Countertrade picks up all freight costs
the product - Cost plus or markup Offsets - seller is compensated in strategy) to w in new customers &
Product market is in intro or growth
pricing cash but agrees to spend a Uniform delivered pricing - capture market share
stage of life cycle
substantial amount of that cash with Global adjustments average of freight costs allocated
Risk of low price strategy = If market
Trade discounts the customer across customers - cool for distance
Doesn't consider price sensitivity conditions change, future profits may Low prices may discourage potential
customers but locals pay more not be realised
/ assumes level of sales before Quantity Discounts
competitors from entering market
price is set Zone pricing - falls betw een FOB &
Uniform pricing - divides country into Production & distribution costs per
Unit cost = Variable cost + (Fixed 6. Set a price level zones unit are likely to fall substabntialy
Cash discounts
cost / expected unit sales) with increasing volume
Discounts and allowances
1. Maximise sales growth &
Markup price = Unit cost / (1- Allowances penetration Conditions where most appropriate:
The firm's costs are low compared to
desired per cent markup on retail) competitors
Rate of return / Target return Price off Promotions
pricing - more sophisticated than Target customers are sensitive to
markup pricing in that it brings price
the cost of capital tied up in
producing & distributing the Coupons, rebates & refunds Competition orientated Product market is in growth or
Cost orientated pricing maturity stage of life cycle
product into the equation
When form has strong competitve
Target Return Price = Unit cost + position based on superior product
(Desired % return x Capital Prices adjusted seasonally
quality or customer service
invested / Unit sales) Time pricing 2. Maintain quality of service asks Premium price: needs revenue
Breakeven Volume = Fixed cost / Priced diff at various locations differentiation for R&D & advertising costs to
Differential Pricing (Discriminatory
Price - variable ciost Pricing) maintain position & Customers are
Location pricing
wiling to pay for more superior
Go ingrate / Competitive parity - Conditions where most appropriate
try to maintain prices equal to those Firm is Pursuing defender strategy
Customer segment pricing
of major competitor

Most efficient firm in the industry & Risk = there are limits to what
Charge diff prices according to
marketing expertise customers are willing to pay
market segment e.g student / senior
Price leader
rates e.g Businessman flying Business for
Discount / Premium price policies better service even though
Competition orientated
- reflect differences in positioning overpriced
strategies e.g Ryan air Should reflect what the firm
hopes to acomplish with the Product market is in Intro or early
Buyers request a formal bid with no 1. Set Strategic pricing objectives product in its target market. growth stage of life cycle
later opp to change e.g gvt 5. Select a method for calculating
price Price is set very high to appeal to
Set bid price using an expected Sealed bidding most price insensitive customer
value model - E(X) = P(X)Z(X) A process for making Pricing segment.
Decisions Small market as large market attracts
Internet will make sealed bidding
obselete Reverse engineering to analyse
Firm has limited capacity
1. Indutrial engineering methods
Conditions where most appropriate
Firm is Pursuing Prospector strategy
2. Overall estimates of customer
value 3. Maximise current profit
Methods for estimating perceived 4. Analysing competitors costs Product market is in late maturity or
3. Decomposition Approaches customer value: Demand or customer orientated and prices decline phase of life cycle

4. Compositional approach Module 12 Seeks to maximise short term profits

before demand disaapears
5. Importance ratings
Assessing customer value by High price to maintain margins &
assessing Value in use Pricing Decisions profits whilst reducing internal
Read page12/19 processes/costs
Fixed costs & variable costs
Harvesting Product is cash cow funding growth
in other product markets
Customers expect a Customary price for
Conditions w here most appropriate
some products e.g candy bars Measuring costs using Activity Firm is Pursuing Deferentiated
based costing systems 3. Estimating costs defender strategy
Price lining - selling all products in a Other Perceptual Pricing issues
category at one price level - each price
Economies of scale Product market is in growth or
line represents a diff quality
4. Survival maturity stage of life cycle
Odd pricing = e.g R29.95 better thsn R30 Cost - Volume realtionships
Psychological pricing - Customers use Customers are less price sensitive Experience curve
price as an indication of quality Weak competitive position
w hen they perceive the product to
provide unique benefits - no
substitutes Conditions w here most appropriate Needs to buy time to make
Promotional pricing - familiar sale Unique value add effect adjustments
Customers are less price sensitive Buyers perceptions &
reduced price on product for limited time preferences
w hen they perceive the product to Low price to attract enough demand -
offer high quality & prestige enough to cover variable costs and
Price-quality effect
contribute to fixed costs
Customers are less price sensitive 2. estimating demand and
when they perceive the product to Perceived value 5. Social Objectives
offer high quality & prestige Firm is not for profit org
Substitute-awareness effect The higher the price the less
Customers are less price sensitive Demand Curve people want to buy Costs are subsidised by tax revenues
when it is difficult to compare Conditions where most appropriate and contributions
objectively the quality of alternative
Buyers awareness of & attitude factors affecting customers price Typical demand curve has
brands Difficult comparison effect One or more sements need the
towards alternatives sensitivity negative or downward curve
product or serbvice but are unwilling
Customers are less price sensitive
/ unable to pay for it
w hen the the purchase is necessary
Sunk-investment effect Elastic
to gain full benefit from assets
previously bought Set low price - perhaps below total
E = % change in quantity demand / cost
% change in price Inelastic

Customers are less price sensitive Price elasticity of demand

when their expenditure is a relatively Unitary
low portion of total income Total-expenditure effect

Customers are less price sensitive

when their expenditure is a relatively
small preportion of end product End-benefit effect Buyers ability to pay
(indutrial buyers)

Customers are less price sensitive Shared-cost effect

when part of the cost is borne by
another party
Inventory effect
Customers are less price sensitive
w hen they cannot store large
quantities as a hedge against future
price increases

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